Drew's Northumbrian Friend Chapter 4

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Drew's Northumbrian Friend
By Sharp (A GabyVerse fan-fiction)

Chapter 4 Charisma

Hope’s father was summoned to the commanding officers office. "I have a request for your immediate transfer."

"But sir I was supposed to be taking the guys on a special mission."

"All operations concerning you have been aborted & you entire unit is to report to base where you will all be debriefed. You understand yes sir."

He went back to his men. "We have been ordered back to Catterick Camp. I know we hardly ever go there but that are our instructions."

On the aircraft he opened his sealed orders. He read the instructions concerning himself & his men. The co-pilot came in. "By you lot are lucky the ones who replaced you where all captured, killed or injured within minutes of arriving."

Hope's father turned to his men. "Apparently we are all required back in Catterick for full medical. According to this we all have to hand our weapons & uniform in."

Snow accompanied by his partners & Hope made their way to RAF Catterick & waited for the plane to land. The co-pilot came into the cabin & said, "I do not know what you lot have been up to but there is top brass waiting for you back at camp. That is what I have been told from the tower."

"Right you lot we had best smarten ourselves up a bit if top brass are waiting for us."

As they disembarked from the plane one of the men said, "Bloody hell it is a Flight Marshall. No wonder the co-pilot said, there was top brass here."

Another said, "It looks like the entire armed forces have been turned out."

Hopes father. "I do not recognise any of the insignia though."

“Captain I recognise one of the units as I served in London with them for a short while. I thought that unit though had been recalled to Nepal to serve the king."
"So Sergeant we have at least one Gurcha unit out there."
"Sir if they have Empress of Heaven on their flags or uniforms they are Gurcha regiments."

As they all disembarked a little man came running up & said, "Before you all go any further I have to order you to place your weapons on the ground & then remove your uniform completely. There is a cloak each you are all to put on once you are completely stripped off."

A wagon drew up & each soldier put everything in a box with their name on it. "Sir somebody is going to notice that we all have some not standard uniform items in the box."

The little man. "Sorry about that, but we have to be sure none of you have bugs on their uniforms. What is yours will be returned to you shortly I can assure you of that."

The captain. "It looks like we are walking on the carpet in our bare feet." With their captain in the lead the group marched down the carpet in pairs. "Sir have you noticed they all appear to be female regiments." Snow was waiting for them as they got nearer.

"I am Flight Marshal Snow & these wanted to come & greet you."

"Sir is it true the team that took our place was wiped out."

Snow. "A rescue team managed to recover them all, all though there were a few injuries, but no fatalities." The small group saluted Flight Marshall Snow.

The general. "All of you are being transferred to General Amazon & the Empress of Heavens regiment of Hope."


As they marched down they noticed all the other units in pristine condition. "Sir have you noticed every one of them is immaculate not a blemish anywhere unlike us. We are hot sweaty & tired." A voice barked out at them.

"You there I expect my men to be immaculate like the rest. Go and take a shower & put the uniform on that has been provided."

"Yes sir."
"Then return here & be sharpest about it as the others do not want to be waiting all day."

"Yes Sir."

In the shower block they found the same little man again. He said, "I would recommend you soap each others backs & then after you are soaped up step into the shower. It will blast water at you & then dry you off." They found the experience to be rather nice. Hot air blasted them dry & then there was a click & the doors opened. In front of them was a box with their new clean dress uniform in.

"Sir a mistake has been made."

The captain. "I have the same uniform as you all so I doubt that it is a mistake."

"I initially chose you all because you all are either transvestites or Transsexuals. It looks like the army has decided we are all to be classed as females & that is why they are all female units out there to welcome us." They went outside again feeling rather self conscious in their new uniforms.

The same officer was waiting. "In future I also expect your nails, Face & hair to be immaculate like mine, but for now you are all passable."

"Yes sir."

"Follow me." The unit followed her to a small group waiting at the end. “This is General Amazon & she will be in charge of your training her second in command is Lt General Hope.”

Amazon tore into them. "You scruffy lot you all shamed me coming on parade with out doing your face, Hair or nails. I apparently have officers who need to be taught a lesson or two." They found chairs wheeled behind them & they where ordered to sit. A team of hairdressers cut dyed & styled their hair. "That is better now for your nails & face."

One of the group said "Captain you look like a real babe & I could fancy you myself."

The captain. "We all look like babes."
Amazon looked at them, "In future you will all achieve this look every day."

"Yes sir."

"Now to your assignment you have been detailed to guard a group of youngsters. You will all practise your make up until you have it perfect. The youngsters are all girls so you will at all time be dressed as females."

Hope's father, "Sir while most of the others have no family ties I have a disabled daughter to consider. I can not expect her aunt to be there for her all the time."

Amazon. "I will see what I can do for you captain. Now to meet your charges."

The Captain. "Hello Gaby what are you doing here?"

"I think sir you are the reason I am here. This is Team Goddess & I presume you are our protection & chaperones."

The sergeant came up, "Hi Gaby you are the one who took Hope out on the tandem."

Gaby. "Yes that was me."

"We understood she was on holiday with you in Scarborough."

Gaby. "She was but we went to Whitby & there was an incident that involved her."

"Come with me & bring your men." Gaby gave a chuckle." At the end of the line in a wheelchair was Hope.

"Daddy has Gaby told you yet."

"Gaby just said there was an incident & that was all."

Hope, "Recognise the cloak. I have something to show you." Hope got out of the chair & walked to her dad. I can only do short distances yet but my legs are getting stronger all the time. Aunt & I have also made some other discoveries. Did you know mum has lots of sisters & I have lots of Aunts & cousin’s?"

"Sorry Hope I never knew much about your mums family although we where going to show you to some of them when the crash occurred. I never did locate your mum’s family, but it is possible that they could have traced you. What I did know was that your mum was an excellent swimmer."

It was only then that the father noticed the uniform his daughter was wearing. He shot to attention when he noticed the badges on the uniform." Hope, "So captain daddy is you going to salute me?" He then noticed his sister also out ranked him.

Hope. "General Amazon promised me she would fix up something for me. I also have met my grand parents on mum’s side who helped me get this job. With Gaby’s help I persuaded the General here to transfer you to duties that would enable you to spend more time with me. As for your men they will all find their deepest wishes have come true. Now has it to be Captain or Daddy."

The Captain. "I think you are going to have to call me something different to Daddy when I am dressed like this."

General Amazon. "I agree what about mum?"

"Sorry sir I can not agree to that Hope has a mother I loved dearly & that would not be appropriate." General Amazon stifled a giggle.

"What about the feminine form of your name?"

The Captain thought for a moment. "I suppose I could combine part of my name & part of my late wife’s name."

Hope."So you become something like Charisma or Amsachar, Lesson, Sonles.

General Amazon, "I think Charisma is near enough & that will do for your name."

Charisma, "General may I speak with you."

General Amazon. "You may in here. But Hope also hears what is said."
"General By any chance are you related to my daughter & my late wife? You certainly remind me of my late wife although you are considerably younger than she would be if she was still with us now. I know this is silly. I have always felt my late wife was still with us. Since the day she went missing I have been totally celebrate. General I have tried my best to remain loyal to my vows. I think though I am going to be breaking them because ever since seeing you I have wanted to jump on you."

Amazon turned to Hope. "I have some official business to sort out with the Captain & it may take some time. Can you ensure the others are all sorted out?"

Hope saluted. "Yes sir."

Amazon. "Charisma I am ordering you to kiss me."

Charisma. "Sir this is one order I will enjoy."

Hope went back out side. "Sergeant I want a word with your men the others are all dismissed. I know the reason my father brought you all from every service & made you a team. For most of you it was a dream that you could still be in the forces & still dress as females. After checking all your records I find that all of you when you leave the service intended going for surgery."

"Sir Hope permission to speak. This is hard for us as we all have known you from being a baby. Yes we all did plan on surgery."

Hope. “The changes you have at the moment are only temporary, but I have a tablet for each of you & if you take decide it then it will alter your DNA & Chromosomes will change to XX." Hope handed the tablet out. "I have another question for you all. How many of you have kissed me or my aunt? If you have done so then take a pace backwards." Out of the group only two where left. “It looks like you two have been omitted. Well we better even the odds." Hope kissed the two. "I am now ordering you all to take the tablet. I cannot permit you lot to go round kissing everybody in sight can I. In future you will be restricted to only those wearing the gold badges like these. In future you may all call me Hope."

“Hope the Captain will she be ok?"

Hope, “The Captain is getting reacquainted with the General & will probably be some considerable time before they come out."
"Hope your friends we have to guard do they know about us & our fetish?"

Gaby. "We know as does your commander. I take it you all took the tablets?"

"Hope gave us no choice as she informed us anybody who had kissed her or her Aunt had to take one."

The sergeant. "We knew we would never have children of our own because of the way we where & we all looked on Hope as our surrogate daughter. Most of us have baby sat for her & washed & bathed her at some time. Even when you took her out on the tandem we where all close by in case of an emergency."

Gaby. "So I can take it none of you mind the baby sitting duties you will have to do for me & my friends including Hope. Sorry did I not mention she is team manager & although her legs are getting stronger she will still need the chair for some time to come."

Gaby. "I know you are all experts in unharmed combat. We have some special equipment for you to try on. I want you all to go and put it on immediately after having another shower & then return here." A short while later they all emerged.

The Captain. "Gaby these make us all look as if we have even more up top than ever."

Gaby. “Captain take that 303 & shoot me in my abdomen with it." The captain while protesting did as he was told." Gaby went flying back with the impact. The Captain & the others all came running up to check on Gaby. "I am wearing the same as you. As you can see with that demonstration other than a damaged dress I am ok. Sergeant Can you plunge the bayonet into my abdomen also.” The blade snapped in half. "As you can see the item you have just put on offers you considerable protection."

"Captain, Hope's & my boss has learned that there could be a kidnapped attempt on one of our teams. With that in mind the boss decided your group would be ideally suited to offer protection to them. Over the next few days you are all to improve your skills on unharmed combat & with non fire arms weapons."
One of the soldiers spoke, "Sir, Gaby may I speak. With the exception of myself the others have no family ties."

"We are family to each other. I have a sister a twin to be precise. She is also in the forces & is a pilot in the Navy."

Gaby. "Sergeant Do you have a similar confession to make?”

"Sir I have a twin brother who like me prefers women’s clothing. He is in for a shock when he discovers I am now female."

Gaby. "Is that all no? NO more skeletons?"

Just then two pilots appeared. "We where told to report here sir."

Gaby. "Good we now have everybody we can set off back."

Hope. "I have been asked to double check all your details before we get to out destination. I will be sat down, but will each of you in turn come to me in turn as there are items I have to issue you all with individually. I will start with you Charisma." Hope handed her a packet, which contained driving licence & other documentation & a bankcard. Then she was handed a bag. "These are only the basic kit but I thought you all would appreciate some makeup." Finally it was the Pilots turn.

Gaby. "You have no need of the documentation but you will need this & you might as well have some makeup like the others.

The sergeant found she was sitting next to the co-pilot & said, "I have a brother in the same unit as you perhaps you know him."

The co-pilot said, "Oh we knew of him but he is no longer in the Navy. He & his superior officer where transferred to new duties. Apparently the navy learned the superior officer had family who was transgender & transferred her to be with the same unit.”

The Sergeant looked at the co-pilot. "All I had to take was a magic pill & it will make me whole. I presume you also had the pill Sister." A similar conversation was going on with the pilot.

Gaby. "While I remember in future it is first name only & none of this Captain or sergeant crap. You all have to blend in with the teams. As you can see we have our own pilots who will transport you all where ever you need to go. But you will all be expected in the future to be able to fly any aircraft as required."

The soldier who had just been getting reacquainted with his sister said, "Gaby will I have to fly a 747 like my sister?"

Gaby. "Once you get your licence it will be what ever is required.”

"Will these two have to do the self defence course with us?"

Gaby. "We all have to do it including me."

One of the soldiers, "Gaby I have just realised who you are. At first I did not initially realise you where the same person. You are friends with my cousin Mfawney & go to the same school as her."

Gaby. "Come here & talk to me until we get to our destination. I did not realise Mfawney had any more family."

"To be honest it is a bit more complicated than me just being her cousin. Mfawny’s mother had a sister who also had a child by Mfawny’s father. I have been at the house sometimes when she visited. My mum passed on some time ago & granny Morgan brought me up. It was once in a blue moon when I saw my father. I was in the forces by the time he surfaced with his latest wife. Mfawney does not realise I am her half sister & cousin."

Gaby. "It looks like there will be six of you stopping on the coach now."

"The Captain asked me to accompany him & Hope to watch her friend race. Whilst there I realised you had brought your own support team. Imagine my surprise when I saw my sister Mfawney was one of your support team. I looked for her later, but she had vanished. But we had to get back because of our duties so I could not spend time searching for her. At least now I can honestly tell her that I am her sister."

"Gaby As you are her friend could you arrange for us both to get together. I need to have an honest heart to heart talk with my little sister. I could also do with talking with Aunt about mum."

Gaby. "I thought your mother was dead."

"Gaby it is easier to think of her as dead. For years now she has been in a coma. I tried talking to her but it makes no difference."

Inga came across. "Sorry I over heard what you was saying. I think your aunts will be very pleased to meet you."

"Sorry did you say aunts? As far as I know I only have one aunt."

Inga, "I know what I am saying because I am your grandmother & the Flight Marshal is your grandfather.”

"Now where is that daughter of mine?"

"She is well looked after & is in the Duchy Hospital in Harrogate. All my wages go to pay the medical bills, but mum is worth it."

"So you have met Mfawney then?"

"Only a couple of times when our visits coincided. Hope likes watching the cycling & the Captain was like a big brother to me."

Inga. "More like a big sister now."

"Well the four of us we would go off weekends for Hope to watch the races. To be honest I also had a thing for the captain’s sister although I never told her how much I fancied her. Still granny she would have never wanted me & the baggage I brought with me."

Inga said, "Did you never think to mention it?"

"To be honest granny I enjoyed the trips out & did not want to rock the boat."

Charisma. "Juanita as a male my sister was not interested in you, but as you are now I think she will accept you."

"Granny do I have a lot of Aunts then?"

Inga. "To be honest with you. You have quite a large family waiting to meet you back at the base. Almost there. Some of you have to stay on the coach as you will be going to another hotel. Once you have settled in which should not take long you are to make for the conference hall. There you will meet up with the children & the manager."
"As you will see you each will be given a specific child to look after." All the children are disabled in some way & it will be your job to see they have a good time. The remainder of us are going to another hotel for similar orientation.” Inga held on to her grand child. "No you stay on the coach." After the others had left Inga said, “Sorry for splitting you up but it was important to separate you all. For one thing you all are going to meet family. To those who do not already know this is my grand daughter Juanita."

“Charisma here goes to meet her sisters & I can tell you there are plenty of them. In fact everybody still on this coach is related in some way to each other. "

Juanita. "What even the captain sorry Charisma."

Inga laughed. "Well the captain unknown to him managed to take his cousin as his partner. You said He was like a big brother to you. Well he is my sister’s child & his partner is my brother’s child.”

“That makes Charisma my cousin. Oh I have just thought of something. I have been telling you that I fancied the captain’s sister something rotten & she will be your niece.”

Inga. “Ah we are finally here at our destination. Ladies will you all take everything off the coach as this is your final destination.”

Rebecca came out and said, "Inga can you & your grand daughter wait here until the others have been dealt with & then you will be shown to your rooms."

Juanita. "Granny what is this about?"

Inga. "I presume there was a problem getting your room ready for you. I habe been thinking about your mother. You will have to take me to the hospital to visit her, & I am sure her sister will want to visit her."

"Granny is you sure about that, as they fell out over the same man?"

Inga. "If your aunt knew where your mum was, she would be off like a shot to be at her bedside."

Unknown to Juanita she was been monitored by the tinys. They broadcast the findings so that others could know. Mfawney's mother went to see Gaby. "Is it true my sister is in hospital?"

Gaby. "According to the Tiny Broadcasting system it is."

“Gaby I know I am only a novice but can I take my sisters & see if we can help her."

Gaby. "I can not go but perhaps you could take Grandma Galadrial with you or failing that Titania or Tatiania."

"Actually as mum is with my Niece I was wondering if Snow would be permitted to come with us."

Gaby. "Snow I think it might be a good idea if you gave your daughter the dragon kiss. Give her this from the golden Dragon."

Snow & his daughters vanished only to reappear a few seconds later at the Duchy Hospital. Snow went to ask where his daughter was.

The duty nurse. "She is in room 26 sir, but it is family only."

Snow. "I am her father & these are her sisters so we are her family."

"Well sir she is very ill & we have no restriction on visitors. I will show you to the room, but I doubt that you will all get into it.

Mfawny’s mother looked at her sister laid there & said, "Father is they’re anything we can do to revive her."

Snow. "Show her you still love her regardless of your differences."

"Sister I am reconciled with mum who has gone looking for your child & found my niece. I have come with father & our other sisters’ to bring you home. Yes I did say, "Bring you home your child needs you sister. I am sorry we fell out over a man. I was told if you failed to respond this way then Father has been commanded to give you the dragon kiss from the golden dragon. In addition I have to point my wand at you & command you to awake in the name of the Empress. Yes you heard me. You like me have been married off to the Empress & like me are her companion now.”

A smile came across the sleeping woman. “Father before she receives the dragon kiss perhaps her sisters should give her a kiss." One by one the sisters kissed her & said their names. “Father Snow, You may kiss her & breathe the dragon breath into her."

Snow. "Daughter your niece commands me to give you this from her as she can not be here her self." As he laid the item on her the room lit up & it appeared that lightening struck the sleeping woman. "Feel the dragon breath as it enters you daughter. You are now & for all eternity one of the Empresses dragon companions."

The sleeping woman awoke. "Sister I was having the strangest dream." As she awoke she looked round the room & said "Sorry we fell out over that man & he left us both. Who are these & is this your latest man?"

Snow. "These days I am the only male in her life. As for all these others they are all your sisters."

Mfawny’s mother. "Yes this handsome chap is our father who himself has only recently recovered from a long illness. These three here are our mums."

White stepped forward. "At last I get to meet both daughters of Inga the last of the dragon maids & no 1 companion of Snow."

"Father you are not what I expected or believed you to be. When we asked mum about you. She said she had treated your injuries as best she could before she herself needed help due to her injuries. She thought you where dead. If you truly are our father then you will know what to do with this I have in the necklace around my neck." She undid the clasp and took out two fragments. "Sister there is on each for us. We both have to give Snow an item each."

White looked at the two items; "These establish your claim as Snow's Number 1 & 2 daughters. Snow took the two items off the girls & they just vanished."

Snow. "They have become part of me again."

White. "I will introduce all my daughters & then Titania & Tatiania will introduce theirs."

"I have just thought the stories my mother told us both where not exactly stories. If the stories where true then, Titania & Tatiania would be the terrible twins of Galadrial Empress of the Heavens & our cousins. We would be the first born of the white dragon lord & general of flight."

Snow. "I see Inga at least taught you our history."

"Why is mum not here herself?"

Snow. "Your mother has gone to collect your daughter Juanita & bring her home. She told us where you where & so we all have come for you." Just as she was finishing speaking the room started to glow a golden colour.

"Dad what is that?"

Titania. "It is a signal from the golden dragon to tell us we have to leave for home." As she spoke the room started to spin & the next second everybody found themselves back at the hotel.

A teenage girl ran to Tatiania & Titania & said, "Granny you got her then. Your mother will soon be here with your daughter. Sorry I have not introduced myself I am Gaby. I suppose I am your niece or even cousin."
Snow is my grandfather & Nina my Great, Great Aunt."

The woman embraced Gaby. "I think perhaps I will refer to you as my niece." "I am Zara & my twin is Zera."

Gaby. "I have put you with your sister Zera as I think you have much to discuss. Mafwney will you stay here with your mother & aunt & wait for your cousin Juanita to arrive with your granny."

Snow. "I should also stay."

Gaby. "No you take your seat as befits your station."

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