Drew's Northumbrian Friend Chapter 3

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Drew's Northumbrian Friends
by Sharp

(A Gaby fanfic based upon the characters created by Maddy Bell)

Chapter 3 Howard & Henry

Gaby. "We are here for the rest of the day & would like you to accompany us."

Jolene. "We will come with you although it is getting near lunch."

Gaby. "Do all the others know that we are eating at the Royal on the Royal Crescent?"

Baby. "They all do now Including Howard & Henrys sisters."

Jolene. "The disabled girls are they also your companions."

Gaby. "Not yet but one day they & their brothers will also be."

Jolene. "That maybe sooner than you expects. If the boys happen to put the cloaks on then the spell will make them healthy females. The three girls should shortly start to feel feelings in their toes very soon."

Gaby. Was pushing her friend Hope about. "Gaby will you do me a favour can you model this cloak for me."

Gaby put the cloak on & twirled around for her friend. "I will have to get one of these."

"You can share mine with me if you want Gaby. Gaby something strange is happening I felt a tingle in my toes."

Gaby. "Could you be getting your mobility back?"

"Gaby please stand in front of me." Gaby watched as her friend took a few steps unaided. "Gaby I am walking again. Dad is in for a big surprise when he collects me again."

Gaby. "He sure will be as after two weeks you should be able to walk quite a distance.”
Gaby met up with Henry & Howard & their sisters. "We are heading for the Royal & intend to use the sea lift to get us up there."

Howard. "Gaby our sisters are complaining about pain in their toes."

Gaby. "Have they tried to walk yet?"

Henry. That is not possible they are both paralysed from the waist down."

Gaby held her hands out, "Do either of you want to try & walk towards me."

“Gaby I think it is the cloak as after I put it on all my aches & pains vanished."

Henry put on one of his sister’s cloaks, "I do not feel any different."

The Sister. "Henrietta can I have my cloak back please as it is rather cold here."

Howard. "Well my Arthritis is playing up so I will give it a chance."

"Honour has it helped your Arthritis?"

"Sorry I was thinking about our new jobs. I better give you your cloak back. I think I will have to get one of those for myself as my joints are no longer bothering me."

"Gaby we are both worried about our sisters if we have to go away on tour with you."

Gaby. Turned to her friend Hope. "Do you want to try again & show them?" She got out of the chair & walked a bit further this time before she tired out.

This got the attention of the two girls who said, "Honour & Henrietta if Hope can do it then so can we." They both tried & managed to walk ten paces. "We can walk."

Honour. "If this cloak is healing you then you will soon have no need of the wheelchair or us."
"Silly." said Henrietta we will always need you. Who do we tell all our secrets to & who knows us as well as themselves. Who has washed & dressed us for years without complaint."

Gaby. "If we all practice together then by the time you are due to leave here they should be walking correctly."

Henrietta, "You do not know do you Gaby? Our sisters both got jobs as receptionists at the Royal Hotel & also they have to plan the venue for the teams & the transport. Also we have both been offered jobs driving for the same company. We where wondering if we should accept the job offer, as it might mean us being separated from our sisters, & they would not like that."

Gaby. "Why not take them as your co.-driver on the longer trips."

Honour. “Actually that might work if they are allowed to pass their tests. Gaby do you think these cloaks are magical or have the girls had some sort of miraculous cure?"

Unlike the other two Gaby still had a full set of memories from when she was Drew. At the Hotel she sought her mum & aunt out. "Mum was it me that changed Howard & Henry to Honour & Henrietta?”

Jenny. "Gabriel they have no knowledge of their former lives & think they where always girls. Julie come here with your other half."

Julie. “Yes mum. You did not kiss any of them did you Drew?"

Gaby. "The brothers & sisters no, but my friend Hope back in Sheffield yes. Nobody told me I had not to then."

Jenny. "We realised that some time ago that is why she is in a different hotel to the others."

Nena. “Gaby I will answer some of your questions. All three of your friends will get gradually get better & will not need the wheelchair soon. History is been rewrote for those four as we speak. In case you are wondering I did not put a spell on any of them."

Gaby. "But they changed & do not remember."
Nena. "Gaby the cloaks all have herbs sewn inside them. The herbs are designed to make the wearer beautiful & healthy. I take it the boys both put on the cloaks for their sisters."

Gaby. "I did also, but I remember being Drew."

“Gaby. It is the same with me I remember being Chris although that is in the past." Nena are companions allowed to have companions?"

Nena. “Gaby Like you these days I have extra bed mates other than Julia my wife?"

Gaby. "I am not being greedy it is that I feel safe when they are with me."

“Gaby Yes I know the feeling & Julia never leave my side. Cousin I have something else to ask can you fix it so my friend gets a similar job to Howard's & Henry's sisters."

Gaby "Yes I think something can be arranged."

"While I remember I have something for you Gaby."

Gaby looked at the cloak. "It is beautiful is it like the others."

“ Gaby No harm will come to you if you wear it in fact those scars will all vanish providing you keep wearing it."

Gaby. "So I have to remember not to put it on a male. But there will be no problem if it is placed on a female."

Nena. "Basically yes although, there may be times when you & the others will need to place it on a male."

Nena kissed Gaby, "Do you mind if I call you Gaby as I am not into this Empress stuff."

Maddy giggled, "Do not let Uncle Neptune hear that or he would blow a fuse."

“Gaby is OK with me but in the great hall it will still have to be Empress Gabriel.”

"ER Cousin Gaby there is something else I have wondered after meeting you. All these babies where did they come from if we can not go with men."

Maddy. "Actually you could go with men & would almost certainly become pregnant immediately. The man would however no longer be a male & would be as fertile as you or me."

Nena breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you might have said, "Oh I wave my wand in the air & they all became pregnant. So I am as fertile as Julia & could get pregnant if I wished. Not that I am thinking about it yet.”

“Maddy & I have the team to consider before we even think about a family of our own.”

“Gaby What about your other two friends?"

"Well we are all sharing the same bed & we are enjoying it. If anyone of us had a baby I am sure the others would mother it also. You know both Maddy & I are still both Virgins. Yes we slept together, but we never did any thing other than cuddle up to each other, & now I am not ever likely to give her a child if she ever wants one. At least I can concentrate on my cycling now. I no longer have to worry about whether people think I am a Boy or Girl I me."

“Gaby it might be a good idea to take your friend to the Pool with Maddy & Brittany & ask for Ariel to help your friend swim in the water."

Gaby went & did as was suggested. Ariel said, "Nena told you to ask for me did she?"

Gaby & Brittany got their friend into the hoist & lowered her into the water. Lorelei joined the group. Ariel. "Gaby. I want you to swim to the centre & pretend to be drowning. Now you young lady have to save your friend who is in difficulty. She will drown unless you get to her & bring her back here."

"I can not swim the feeling is only just coming back in my legs."
Ariel. "I see no legs only a tail now go and get that girl.” Hope brought Gaby back unaided.

"Ariel can we repeat that again with Maddy & Brittany my legs seam to be getting stronger as I swim.”

Amazonian came to the pool. "Ariel who is the new mermaid?"

Ariel "She is Hope, Gaby’s friend & came here on instructions of Nena. She was paralysed & the feeling is returning. "Nena thought treatment from me might help her."

Amazonian. "Hi Hope I was wondering if you would like to race me as I have nobody to race today."

Maddy "If the lanes can be roped off then we can all race you. How about two lengths Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly & Freestyle. The winner stands us all a meal at the Fish pan on the sea front."

Amazonian. "Ariel it looks like it will be or you paying for the meal."

Ariel smiled Ariel & Lorelei tied the first race then Gaby & Maddy tied the second. Brittany won the third race & the fourth race was a tie between Amazonian & the disabled girl. As they returned to the side of the pool they noticed there was quite an audience.

Ariel. "Mum, dad you where not supposed to see this race."

Neptune held out his arms. "Come here child, what is your name?"

"I have several names sir. The one though I like the best is Hope."

Gaby was helped out of the pool. “Do not worry about getting me wet come & sit on my knee & answer honestly some questions. Do you realise you have just beaten two of my daughters & tied with a third. Now child who are your parents?"

"Dad is in the Special Forces unit. He has to get a carer in for me when he has to go away. I was only allowed here because Gaby was going to be here with her mother to help look after me."
"So Gaby you are the one I was hearing about."

"Please sit down before I answer that, are you Galadrial's brother?"

He chuckled. "Yes or at least I was the last time I saw her."

"In that case uncle the sea witch is fine is & she spends most of the time with my sister Julie as they look like twins.”

Neptune. "What of your mother Hope where is she?"

“Mum vanished of the face of the earth. I was only a baby & the aircraft carrying me Mum & several others went down in the pacific. From what the other survivors said, "Mum survived the crash & rescued most of those who where saved. Apparently she went looking for others & was never seen again. Since that day until today when I was given the cloak my legs have been paralysed."

Amazonians face went white when she heard this story. Neptune notices also. As Neptune was talking to her Hope said, "Ouch something stung me on my wrist."

Neptune. "Let me look I will get the sting out. Nessie what do you make of this sting."

Nessie & Lindi looked & Lindi spoke, "To us it looks like Gabriel has another playmate."

Neptune. "By any chance Hope have you agreed to work for Gabriel?"

Hope. "Nena did say that she would find me something, but it did not really matter as I am a companion of Gaby along with Brittany & Maddy.”

Neptune. “What would you say if I told you that your grand mother was in front of you & I am your grand father? Also your mother survived, but she received a bang on her head & it made her forget who she was. Hope I also realise what happened to you. The shock of the crash paralysed your legs. It also prevented your natural ability."

Lindi. "I take it you recently just had your first period."
Hope nodded her head. “The increase in the hormone levels would start to re-establish your abilities. This combined with the healing properties of the cloak mean that you are now like your mother was before you."

Hope. "Am I allowed to still be friends with Gaby & Nena & Brittany?"

Neptune. "I take it you like all of them."

"Grandpa am I also allowed to still race Amazon & your other daughters as we where racing to see who paid for a meal for the group of us. We all have won a race each.”

Gaby winked at Brittany & Maddy. "Well I for one are giving up it is going to be between these four unless there are more takers.”

Lindi. "Winner pays at the fish dish that is the deal." Lindi & Nessie got in along with some others.

Nessie. "Neptune will you adjudicate."

“Right girls ten miles at your fastest speed."

Amazonian. "Come on Hope I know you can do it just keep up with me & we will beat them all."

Hope. "OK mum we will beat my aunts & cousins."

Amazonian. "When did you realise?"

“When I was telling the story & your face went as white as a ghost & Grandpa spotted it also, but he was waiting for you to tell him."

Amazonian . "You realise I can never go back to your dad if I did it could be dangerous for him. Also he thinks I am dead so short of saying I am a long lost aunt of yours I can not see him."

The race started & Amazonian & Hope took the lead the two of them kept jockeying for first position."

Ariel. "Mum it looks like one of those two is going to win."
Amazonian. “Hope do not worry about paying grandpa will cover the cost for you." Hope eventually won by a finger with Amazonian coming in second & Ariel third.

Neptune. "Now young lady I think it is time your mother acknowledge you & correctly presents my grand daughter to me."

Amazonian stepped forward. "Father this is my daughter Hope and she is a companion of Gaby our Empress ."

"Princess Hope of the sea step forward. For a long time I have been deprived of your company. I hope I will see more of you in the future. Take this necklace as a present from me."

"Empress Gabriel you bear my sisters name with pride will you Maddy & Brittany accept these gifts off me? In future will all three of you call me Uncle or the Old Man. Now as Judge I have decided to alter the rule slightly & I will be paying although I will have a few more guests than you envisaged. Apparently my other grand daughters think that Hope should sit with them & me at the table."

Lyris & Lysandra came in with a group of young girls. Lysandra "We are looking for Hope. You get to sit with us & Grandpa on our table."

Lyris "As I am in charge with Lysandra of the junior mermaids. You will get to swim & dance with us."

Hope. "But I can not dance."

Lysandra. "That is why we are here to teach you we all know all about you. Did Gaby ask Nena if she could find you a job?"

"Well we have come to offer you one. A daily routine with us of Swimming, Dancing & Cycling & your legs will have strengthened up in no time."

Hope looked across at Gaby & said, "I will do it if Gaby is included.”

Jenny cracked out laughing. "Gaby it will actually be good practise for the team & I propose you all do it."

Lysandra. "Well have the pearls got more recruits then?"

Brittany. "Can cheer leading be included?"

Lysandra. "I do not see why not as it is a form of dance."

Gaby "Ok we will train with you, but when I am cycling with the team we want your support."

Lysandra looked at Brittany & winked. "Gaby I promise we will all be there to support you in the races.”

Hope. "Ladies please can I speak. For years I have lived with my father & gone to a special school. Although I was with other children at school they where all disabled in some way. Yes I made a couple of friends there. I love Cycling & persuaded father to take me to some races. While there I met Gaby. Gaby when she realised she only lived a short distance away became my friend."

"It was nice to have somebody normal to talk to who was my own age." This weekend has been full of surprised for me. I discover my friends are here with me then my legs start to recover. I then find I have an entire family I knew nothing about. Logically I should have realised mum might have sisters & there would be her parents. I never gave it a thought they might be looking for me."

“Neither did I realise that I might have Half sisters or that my mum was alive & well. This has come as rather a shock to me. Other than dad, Gaby & Maddy are the only others I confided in. I was worried about coming here without dad. Now I realise that some of you knew who I was. That is why I was put up in a different hotel to the rest of the group of disabled kids."

“Once I realised Gaby was going to be here I knew everything would be ok. I was very nervous at been left on my own with a group of strangers. I wish to thank the Apollonaris group for making the special bikes for all the children. I enjoyed the ride through town with Gabby & I know all the other disabled kids also enjoyed the thrill. The main surprise was when my toes started to tingle & the feeling returned. Mum you are wrong about dad though he never stopped loving you & always talked to me as if you where there. He has always told me you would return to him one day."
Neptune. "Hope I think you will have to introduce me to your father."

Hope. "At the moment he is on special operations & I do not know where that is. He is due to return home the Friday before this holiday is over."

Neptune "Gabriel have you your full quota of service personnel?"

Gaby. "Hope how would you like to come with me a minute. Now I need to ask you a few questions & I will type the answers in to the computer." Fathers name, Rank, Service number & unit. Your current address & school attended any other relatives. Doctor & any girl friends your dad may have."

Hope. "My other carer is dad’s sister my aunt & she is single & has gone on holiday to Rhodes while I am here. I have a picture of aunt somewhere. Look this is aunt."

Gaby. "Grandpa Snow would you & your partners go and retrieve somebody from Rhodes for me this is a picture of them & the address where they are staying. Granny she is not to be harmed. She has done nothing wrong. I need her here though. Hope your aunt will be with us soon. Now to your grandparents."

"Sorry I never saw dad’s family & have only dad & Aunt until today."

Gaby. "Daisy can you go to this address & do what is needed."

Lyris looked at the computer. "Have you logged into the transfer section yet?" Gaby pressed the button.

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