Drew's Northumbrian Friend Chapter 2

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Drew's Northumbrian Friends.
By Sharp

A Gabyverse Fan-Fiction.
Chapter 2 Drew, Hope & Jolene

In the bedroom Brittany & the disabled girl Hope where waiting. The disabled girl had dropped off to sleep & only Brittany was awake when Gaby & Mad entered. Gaby & Maddy could here Brittany talk but not see her lips move.

Brittany, "She is asleep so rather than disturb her I thought I would use the mind transfer on you both."

Gaby. "Brittany it is great to see you & we are glad you joined us be we need to sleep or we will not be fit to race. No sooner had Gaby & Maddy head touched the pillow than they where both fast asleep.

Brittany. "My friends I had better join you as I also have a busy day tomorrow."

Gaby was the first to awake & found arms & legs around her. The next was the disabled friend Hope. "Gaby, Dad usually take me to the toilet first thing can you help me?"

Gaby. "I have an idea if I run the bath water we could both have it together."

“Dad normally baths me but I like the idea & we can bath each other."

Maddy & Brittany awoke & came looking for them. Maddy said, "Hope we will help you out & dry you & then we can get a bath also."

The disabled girl Hope. "What is this?" looking at a suit laid out for her.

Gaby. You are riding with the team & so like us are in team colours."

"But I can not pedal."

Gaby. "The team has created a new style tandem so you can help power the bike." Brittany put on her cheerleading outfit.
Brittany. "We had all better go and get some breakfast."

In the dining room they met Nena who saw the disabled girl in the team colours. "I see you are to take part in the race today."

"I am Gaby's partner for the tandem ride. Are you going to be riding?"

Nena. “Today I am going to be watching. Some of my friends are taking the 100 seater bike with disabled children on it. We are going to collect them & ensure the course has been closed to traffic. They start at the spa & go all along the front to the Coast guard roundabout & then round the bay to the corner cafe & return to the spa. Do you think you can get your friend down to the spa OK?"

Maddy."We are a team & we will manage OK."

They made their way down using the sealift. At the bottom they found many other teams & all where taking part in the initial ride. Gaby found her new tandem.

Jenny her mother. "You Gaby & I are to lead the procession with our partners.”

Maddy noticed that each younger team rider was paired with a corresponding senior member so Maddy rode with the Vice-captain of the senior team Apollonaris. After they ride past the actual races commenced first the adult races & then the junior races. The adults had to do ten laps of the course. Gaby's mother won easy her heats. Then it was Gaby's turn to race.

Gaby noticed her cheer leading team was already in place. It appeared to have increased by one. The race was a mixed sex event. Some of the lads riding said, "Have you seen those chicks who think they are a team."

Gaby overheard them. "Well this chick is going to beat you."

"Tell you what if you beat us then we will buy you a new bike."

Gaby. "I will settle for a meal for myself & team when I win."
"Ok If you lose I get a kiss off you." Gaby shook hands with the boys. She let the lads take the lead & they where congratulating themselves when she sailed past with other team members. At first the lads could not believe the girls had passed them & then they realised they where going to have several meals to buy unless they put in a super human effort. Gab & the team put the tactics they had previously learned to use into place & the entire group swept past the boys. The boys realised they had left it too late & the girls romped home easy.

The Presentations where made at the end of the day. Gaby's Mother was first past the winning post. It was announced that the world champion had taken the title Champion of Northumbria. Then it was the turn of the junior section. The announcer said we have several extra categories." First the overall Junior Nothumbrian Champion & British Champion Gaby Bond who appears to be doing as well as her mother in fact all nine of her team mates where the first ten home."

“Gaby Bond along with her disabled team mate Hope also takes the prize for the best tandem ride. She also gets the prize for the first girl back. The junior boy’s place was tied when the Edward's brothers Howard & Henry came in 11th place they get the boys prize.”

Howard took the microphone. "Earlier today my brother & I where conceited & thought we could beat a girls team easy. "Gaby Bond you and your friends rode well & it was a pleasure to ride against such a worthy opponent. I have followed your mother’s exploits on the satellite channel. "I stand by my words though & will treat your team. I have a couple of requests though. Is it possible for my brother & I to do a lap of Honour with you & the second & third placed girls?"

Jenny took the microphone. “There has been a request that all placed competitors do a lap of honour together this has come from these young men who came 11th.”

Gaby saw her disabled friend Hope. "Come on you where also placed first."

Howard. "Can I take the other tandem please?"

Maddy "In that case I will take my normal bike.”
At the half way stage Mad could see that Howard was getting tired & shouted. “We second placers will take over from here & you & Gaby can use the normal bikes.”

When they got back both boys said, "Gaby until today we did not appreciate how hard you had to work. We both are shattered after doing only half the route on the tandem."

"As promised we will take the team for a meal. We have another request & that is can we have your autographs & that of your team."

Jenny. "Do you want mine also?"

"Yes please Mrs. Bond."

Jenny got all the girls to sign the boy’s autograph books." She handed them some tickets. “These are for the Veladrome in Manchester where we all will be competing shortly."

Jenny noticed the two boys appeared to be copping up. Jenny said, "Problems."

Howard. "We promised Gaby if she won we would take her & the team for a meal. We have realised we are financially embarrassed to say the least. We where trying to work out if we had enough for children’s portions at Macdonald’s or Wetherspoons."

Jenny "Have either of you a class one license?"

Howard "Yes we both have."

“Right then I can solve your problem. We are all going to a party & you two will drive the coaches. You are keeping your word to Gaby & also helping us out as we are short of drivers."

Howard "I am been cheeky now but do you require drivers on a regular basis?"

Jenny. "Both teams do require drivers, but also the company that employs me also has a coach company that requires drivers."
Howard. "We might be interested, but we have a couple of problems. Our parents are in a nursing home after both of them having strokes. We now are the main carers for our sisters. During the day they attend a special school & are looked after but once they return it falls on us to do everything for them. Weekends is the real bind if we cycle then we had to find somebody to look after our sisters. To be honest we could do with a couple of those tandems & then we could take them with us. They are here at the moment & some of your friends took them on the 100 seater bike."

Jenny. "So you will be staying with your sisters at the Royal Yorkshire.”

“No not exactly it was the schools that where invited not the carers. We have managed to book into a small B&B on North Marine Road called the Regal Hotel. We intend to meet up with our sisters though & take them out during the holiday."

Carol overheard the conversation & spoke to Nena. We have made a mistake & forgot about the carers."

Rebecca who was the manager said, "Mistress I will sort it out & make sure they are transferred to the correct hotel."

Howard. "These coaches are both state of the art."

Jenny, "Howard all you & your brother have to do it drive the coach with team members in to the Royal & then return here with our other special guests after taking them all to Whitby. At the Royal Yorkshire they found their sisters waiting for them.

Sandra. "Howard we are glad you both got here because we have wanted to go to the toilet for some time."

Howard picked his sister up. "You better inform me where the disabled toilet is then."

"Howard you will never go off and leave us for a long time will you?"

Howard. "Neither of us are going anywhere with you two. We may never have wives to keep us in check but we have two sisters who we both adore." "I suppose some people may think it is weird the two of us doing what is needed but we look on it as been a necessity. I promise we will be there for you although we are in a different hotel to you."

Sandra. "Not now Howard your stuff was brought from the Regal & placed in our rooms along with extra beds. We have to give you this."

Howard read the letter. "An oversight on our part meant that Carers where omitted from the invite. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As you will see the full amount you paid for the Regal has been refunded along with the transport costs you incurred."

Sandra. "We have both been offered jobs as receptionists in the hotel. We can give the customers their room keys & deal with bookings. We also have to plan & book accommodation for the two teams & their transport. Look these go with the job they will enable us to get around easier."

Howard looked at the electric wheelchairs. "If there was a tailboard lift on the coach we could take you two in your chairs.

Henry shouted, “My coach has a tail lift & the chairs will lock in place on this one.”

Howard looked at his coach. "It looks like they will both be going on your coach Henry as mine does not have the tailboard lift."

Henry. "Well this coach will take up to four disabled chairs in it." The two of them fastened their sister’s chairs in place & then went to help with the other passengers.

Henry found Gaby bringing a girl out in a wheel chair. "Oh you had better come on my coach & you can go with my sisters."

Hope. "Are Sandra & Lily your sisters? If they are then you must be either Henry or Howard their brother.”

Henry. "I am Henry & I recognise your friend who is pushing you."

“This is my friend Gaby Bond & she is British Junior champion rider."

Gaby. "I did not expect to see you driving us."

"Gaby your mother arranged it so that we could honour our wager to take you for a meal."

Sandra. "So our two macho brothers think driving you to the party lets them off their wager. If it was me I would insist the two of them dressed as maids & cooked the team a meal & served it. Gaby I bet neither of them have told you that they are both excellent cooks/chefs."

Gaby. "I will have to put it to the other girls & see what they say. We will allow today as part of the wager as you both have volunteered to drive the coaches here."

The coaches set off to their destination but Howard & Henry following instructions had to take the group on an outing first. A short while later their coaches were pulling up to the promenade in Whitby.

Howard. "We have three hours before we have to return to Scarborough. They stayed with their sisters & went onto the cobbled streets of the old Town. In the Old Market Square they found a shop specialising in Old-fashioned dresses & cloaks.

Sandra. "Those may be old fashioned but they are ideal for us." Sandra called the lady over, "How much is one & how much is three?"

The woman. “ £90 for one or  £200 for three.”

Nena had followed them into the shop & also spoke to the woman. "Do you make them all yourself or do you import them."

"I make them all my self & the materials are imported from abroad."

"So if I gave you this list you could make them all up."

The woman looked at the list. “You are kidding. Nobody ever wants so many & I have not so many made up."

Nena, "I am perfectly serious the cloaks are ideal for us."
The woman was on the phone in a flash. "My sisters are coming in to speak to you about delivery dates & costing for the consignment."

There was no mistaking the sisters as they entered the shop. "Are you the one who wants to place an order with us?"

Nena. "On behalf of my sister’s yes. In fact if your goods prove to be as good as they look then I will be back with other orders for you."

The women looked at the order. "Yes we can do it."

One of the women. "Do your three friends wish to take these cloaks as a present from us & the others will follow as soon as we get them ready."

Nena. "One of my sisters or cousins may put in an appearance as you have some other goods that interest us. Would you like me to pay now or when the order is completed?"

The lady. "Normally we would take the cash on completion." "An order this size though is going to cause us some cash flow problems unless we take part of the cash to start with."

Nena. "I trust you to deliver as promised so I will pay up front for all the goods."

Nena & the others left the shop & one of the women said, "We are going to have to summon the rest of our sisters to help with this order. They be surprised when we deliver it so quickly. It is a pity they did not want the Gold cloak one it is one of our finest pieces of work. Looks like we have more customers this idea of yours has taken off. The herbal treatments are going a bomb & so is the clothing."

Galadrial joined Maddy & Gaby in the store. Galadrial, "It looks like Nena's report was correct. Have you seen what they have made for you Gaby?"

Gaby, "I spotted it straight away."

Galadrial. The "Potions are weak but will work." They finished their exploration of the store. This is fine needle work do you do it all yourselves?"
"It is the second time I have been asked that today. I & my sisters do all the sewing."

"What about the potions & herbal treatments you are selling."

"Actually our mother makes them all & will not let us help her. It is a sort of hobby for her."

Gaby, "Is it possible for us to see where the clothes are made & also where the potions are produced?”

The woman spoke into the telephone. "Mother says we have to close the shop & bring you round as we three have to help fill an order we just received. Mum will show you round."

Maddy & Gaby noticed the lockets all three girls wore.

Gaby. "I bet you end up with lots more partners after today."

They followed the women to what appeared to be cavern under the store. "Please wait here. Mum will be along shortly."

"Hello I understand you wanted to see that these are genuine home produced goods."

Gaby. "I think I will have the golden cloak in the store."

The old lady. "Sorry that is not for sale it is a present for a friend when I find her."

Gaby. "Do you mind if I put the cloak on for a short while then?”

Gaby noticed the cloak was in the old ladies hands as she draped it on Gaby's shoulders. "Yes it is a perfect fit & then it should be child of Galadrial the Great for this was made for you alone."

Gaby, "You knew before came in."

"I may be old young lady but I am far from senile. Especially when I saw the colours for the cloaks which had all to be fully reversible. To me the order meant one thing & that was the goods would be required for a special event Like All Saints or All Hallows."

Gaby, "Your treatments are only 2* but will work." Valerie held her hand out, "I am Gabriel this is my cousin Maddy & your daughters met another of my cousins Nena previously."

"So the legend is correct the Golden Queen shall arise when the three are united as one again." The old lady looked at Galadrial. "I was never your best student. You gave me this long ago. My sewing skills are excellent, but I lack the knowledge to teach my daughters their true calling. Like wise I only passed in potions, but it make me a steady income."

"Galadrial you may look young, but I would recognise you anywhere who would not recognise their teacher."

Galadrial looked puzzled. "All my daughters are accounted for."

The old lady looked around & said, "You can all stop hiding & come & sit down here. Impressive collection here of protection agents. Ah a couple of fairies & leprechauns. That means that Oberon has met you. Interesting to see the daughters of Peter also provide protection for you."

The old lady. "You lot can stop what you are doing & come & join my friends here." They all came and sat on the floor. "A long time ago I lived with my family they all where killed when raiders attacked us. I survived & buried them as was the custom. A short while after the raiders found me & had their way with me before destroying my home & leaving me for dead. Galadrial & her sister Gabriel found me & took me home to Helen. There I was well looked after & eventually recovered."

“Galadrial treated me like a little sister & taught me potions. She never allowed me though to make full strength potions & so I still make what I was taught. One day Galadrial handed me a willow twig & said, the day you can light the eternal fire with this will be the day you fully become my sister. I tried & tried, but could never get it to light. I could read all the books & realised that my friend was in danger, but there was little I could do to help her. Galadrial I have most of your books here & the girls are called the daughters of the Empress."
Gaby smiled "Before it is destroyed, why not try once again to light the eternal fire.” The old lady did not see Valerie touch the willow wand.

The old lady went, “One, Two, Three” & the fire lit & she did the same in reverse.

Helen appeared. "I see you finally have managed to join your sisters Jolene."

Helen. "You have learnt well Jolene & Galadrial promise to you will be honoured so as from today you are my daughter & no longer the girl we found injured & dying. Also your promise to you daughters will also be honoured. Now hand the willow to Gaby so it may be destroyed."

Jolene. "Empress Gabriel it gives me Jolene daughter of Helen & Sister of Galadrial great pleasure in handing this to you."

Gaby broke the willow wand & handed Jolene a new silver one. "This will work far better than that did."

Jolene. "Empress with your Permission & under the guidance of my Sister I would like to cast my first spell in your presence."

The old lady waved the wand. "The last three cloaks that where sold at our shop the wearers shall be cured of all ailments & shall walk again. Now Empress this cloak was made for you & is fully reversible. While I could not protect my sister Galadrial this cloak will protect you from harm. It has carbon fibres sewn in so it will protect you from bullets of knives. It also has various herbs sewn into it so that the wearer is protected from all illnesses & ailments."

Galadrial. "You have learned well sister for I did not teach you this."

Jolene. "I had plenty of time to practice & discovered that if I sewed the herbs into the girls clothing they stayed healthy. They also appear not to age. Admittedly I started with the youngest & only recently finished all their clothing. I can not make them younger than the age they first started wearing the clothing. So while I may be able to make myself invincible or have a very long life. I can not make any of us younger than we currently are."

Nena. "Providing you do as you are told then you can once again look as young as Galadrial & your sisters."

Gaby waved her hand & the other sisters appeared. Jolene was in tears as she spotted Constance & Persephone. "If you are here then I know that I was correct & Gaby is truly the one. To keep my promise to the girls I would have to become your companion & then they would truly be the daughters of the Empress. I expected to be Galadrial's companion & did not expect a younger version of her."

Gaby. "Even if you became Galadrial's companion then they would still be the daughters of the Empress."

What was obviously the youngest of the sisters said, "Are you really an Empress or was mum giving us a lot of spiel. I am Sandita Mum made the cloak, but every one of us has put our heart into it. We each embroidered part of it. I did the dragons. You will find nine different ones on the cloak. They are all different colours."

"My sisters all did the different designs and that is why we would not sell it we feel that the cloak is part of us. Mum turned us into a coven, but we can not work magic. The only magic mum could work was ensure that her daughters stayed healthy & young. If they would have listen to her then mum’s husbands would all have survived. Like their fathers the sons also died. Mum then decided that she was only having daughters in future. Every time she became pregnant after that she only ever had daughters & they where all listed as such."

"Mum over time learned quite a lot about different herbs & their effects." Some of the herbs ensured all of us where well endowed at the top. If you are well endowed nobody bothers to look elsewhere. I am telling you because if we are expected to become your companions then you will expect whole girls & not part girls. As children we where all dressed the same & as we slept mum removed from some of us two growths. Our fathers never knew we where anything but girls. Mum taught us all sewing & Embroidery. She taught us all she knew about herbs & potions & what she knew about Galadrial & family. Your cousin caused quite a stir as she was recognised by the tattoo on her wrist."

"I had to call two other to confirm I had not made a mistake. The cloaks your friends got will make them better as they have herbs sewn in."

Gaby "How many of you are boys?"

"Mistress none of us are boys, but some of us have a birth defect & one day we hope to correct it."

Gaby. "If I was to ask you what you would like as a present what would it be?"

Sandita. "There are many things I could ask for. I would ask this of you. Will you take me, Mum & all my sisters as your partners & daughters? Will you ensure we all awake in the morning looking like eighteen year olds & having our periods? Will you ensure that we are all trained correctly & that our skills are put to good use? Also will there be more orders for our clothing as we need them?"

Nena chuckled, "Most of those wishes have already been granted. They should be working their way through you all as we speak."

Sandita rubbed her wrist. "I appear to have been stung."

Gaby. "No as a daughter of Jolene you bear her mark look at your wrist."

Sandita . "Excuse me for a moment I will be back shortly."

Sandita returned smiling all over her face & whispered something to some of her sisters who also vanished. They returned a short time later also smiling.

One of the girls said, "Mum as you have a wand can you use it to help us finish the order."

Jolene. "We promised we would do them by hand."

"Mother you did not say how fast you all would have to go. So the spell will be speed spell & it will expire when the job is completed unless you girls feel the need for a burst of speed. Because the spell is on us rather than the clothing it will not disintegrate if something happens to you."

The next second Gaby saw the girls working rather fast but still doing the job perfectly. 20 minutes later Jolene said, "The work is completed & we all can shower & change."

Jolene was first out of the shower. "Now Empress I can introduce each of my daughters." Sandita was the last in the line up & when she got to Gaby she kissed her.

"Mum you made us all a promise, but I am taking the initiative & asking Gaby if she will have me as her partner?"

Jolene looked at Galadrial. "Jolene she has made the request herself & has not been pressurised."

Gaby. "Jolene it would please me greatly to have you join Gilda, Persephone, Zelda & their daughters as my companions."

Jolene looked at Galadrial."Galadrial I still want to spend time with you sister."

Zelda laughed. "Guess who will be teaching you all. Although if that speed spell is still active you should catch up soon."

Gaby. "Actually I was going to place another order for the Velvet medieval dresses in these colours.”

Jolene. "Empress will tomorrow evening be soon enough for this as we have to collect new material & also the girls have each to design & make their wedding dresses as I also have."

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