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Summer's Past

“Copy, Chance. Welcome back. How’d she do?”
“She’s not going to sleep for a week, I’m guessing. See you in a few. Chance, out.”
“So?” Lokust asked as I opened Hope and a Pair’s canopy.
To our surprise, Christina levitated out of her seat and landed clumsily on the deck!
“I think she likes it, Mikey!” I smiled as I also levitated out and down to the flight line deck.
“Hi, I’m Lokust Grunfuller. Nice to meet you, Lady Christina.” Lokust said as she offered her hand.
“Christina Everhardt. Back at ya.” Christina replied with a smile and shook her hand.
“So, how do you like the future so far?” Lokust asked,
“I’m afraid that I’m dreaming and am still stuck in the lifeboat. I’m kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop? Hey, Chance? I meant to ask about the hat and crossed brooms on your upper control surface. What’s EFMC stand for?”
“Oh. Earth Force Marine Corps. We’re the ‘dread unit Witch Corps’, Lady Christina.” Lokust answered with a devious smile.
Christina tensed and her face paled.
“What’d I say? How come it always works for you, Chance, but not for me?” She moaned.
“Forgive my significant other, Christina. Not all of us can quote the classic movie lines and be successful. Lokust meant to adapt the ‘Princess Bride’s’, ‘Dread Pirate Roberts’.
“Yeah. Didn’t I do that?”
“Not very well dear. Not well at all. Keep practicing though.” I advised.
“I’m sorry for terrifying you, Christina. I’ll just be heading back inside. I’m due at my workstation in thirty minutes anyway. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them when I get off duty- without the movie references though. Bye.”
“Are you the good guys or the bad guys, Chance?” Christina asked cautiously- concern tainting her voice.
“Oh, we’re definitely the good guys, sweetie. Mom- Maj Summers, Chantell Denison, and Charli Armstrong became the original Witch Corps when they returned to FeLane the second time. Queen Libra Sinae chartered and gave funding to them after a new group of bad guys called Hobgoblins came on scene. Witch Corps was established to fight the Hobgoblins and protect the galaxy from other evils like slavers, pirates, fanatical rulers…you know, the self-important types that want to rule the Way?” I told her.
“But I never wanted to be in the military, High Priestess! I wanted to be an Astrophysicist and study the universe.”
I sighed heavily.
“Christina? None of us are asking you to join us. We just want to help you acclimate to your new life here as best you can. We just want you to be happy here-”
“You don’t want me to freak and find a permanent way out! Just say you guys are afraid I’m going to get depressed and off myself, ma’am.”
“You’re absolutely right, Christina.” I decided to let her know some of the more important facts. “We’re afraid you might kill yourself and waste a better life than you had been living before the incident. Yes, we know of your parents’ tragic ‘accident’. But, I’ll bet this is something you didn’t know. That study wasn’t what it promised, Christina. Charli found out it was a psychological study to see how the use of placebos affected the human mind. In essence, how the human mind can be tricked into believing. How you got an actual dose of the real gene therapy serum isn’t in the records, though we do have our theories.”
“So, that’s it in a nut shell. Pardon the unintended pun. Now. Here, in this life, you more than likely are an Antarran. The blue hair and large assets are trademarks of Antarran royalty so you should never have to worry about money ever again. You are definitely a Current Mage- a natural one by what you can already do with your Current. If you want, we can instruct you on how to use it for good and not evil. Think of it as taking a self-defense course or three. We can teach you how to fly a shuttle or Broom, or even a real Witch’s broom- straw bristles and all- your choice. We strongly hope that you accept us as your friends in this time so that you’ll never be alone again. And lastly, be warned that most Current Mages live a very, very, verrrry long time. Case in point.” I pointed out Mom, Charli, Chantell, and Aunt Cora walking toward us.
“Do I lose points when things start getting weird and I do something stupid?” She asked.
“Define ‘weird’, Christina.” Dad giggled. “Around here ‘weird’ is normal.”
“Will I need to fight? Join Witch Corps?”
“Not unless you want or need to, sweetie. We just finished taking out some of the bigger bad guys, but the Way always finds something to throw at us. I think just to keep us busy.” Mom answered.
“Okay. So I don’t have to enlist, but you said I can customize the apartment you assigned me…”
“Sweetie, you have to live somewhere! Sure, you can pay rent, but try finding someone around here that can change a twenty. Money is based on credits here, not platinum, gold, silver, or even latinum. Also, Witch Corps is self-sufficient with sound, secure investments going back fourteen centuries. Honestly, we don’t need the money, honey.” Mom explained, laughing at her little rhyme at the end.
Aunt Cora stepped forward and looked up to Christina.
“My, Sugar Plum, you sure are a big one.”
“Majesty! I’m very sorry for my rude behavior earlier. I didn’t really comprehend the scope of my new reality and had no way of believing you where actual royalty. Forgive me, Queen Caroline.” Christine begged from her knees.
“Alright, which one of you told her I was royalty?”
“YOU DID!” Five of us responded.
“Oh. So I did.” Aunt Cora admitted with a shrug. “Whatever. Sugar Plum? I have two requests.”
“You would like to sample my DNA for verification. Of course, Majesty. And the second?”
“No one here calls me anything but Cora or Aunt Cora. Got it? There will be times when proper respects are required- usually when I hold court. Any other time, I’d rather you think of me as either a close friend or you’re strange ‘Aunt Cora’.”
“Emphasis on ‘strange’, girlfriend.” Chantell snickered.
“Got it.” Christina stood, stuck out her hand and grinned cheerfully.
“Hello, Aunt Cora! I am Christina Everhardt. I think I might be your long lost relative from way, way, way far away.”
“Pleased to meet you, Christina.” Aunt Cora accepted her hand, gently shook it, and smiled broadly. “And I accept the challenge. Let’s go back into the Base and get to know each other over beverages, shall we?”
“Gee, Aunt Cora, I really would like that, but I promised myself a long, hot shower. Can I reschedule? I know your time is precious so whenever is convenient for you?”
“She’s been awake for less than a day and already she’s picked up the Summers talent for bullshit!” Aunt Cora exclaimed as she smiled proudly. “Welcome to the family, Sugar Plum.”
“That’s all it took to get accepted by you?” Christina questioned in astonishment.
“Let’s see,” Aunt Cora said, as she looked Christina up slowly then down even slower, “blue hair? Check. Ladies-in-Waiting? Biiiig check! Sarcastic diplomatic attitude? That’s a check too, Sugar Plum. Yeah, you’re definitely a Norge.”
“Well, now that the homecoming is over, let the girl go have her shower, Cora! I mean; she hasn’t had one in over fourteen hundred years! I think she’s due.” Mom said holding her nose.
A self-concious Christina did a quick sniff of both armpits.
“She’s kinding, right?” She asked. I smiled.
“Of course she is. Go in and don’t worry about how much water you use. It’s all recycled anyway. The left Seashell in the shower is a body wash and moisturizer; the middle- a shampoo/conditioner that reacts and changes scent with the person; the right shell controls the temperature and volume. Enjoy.”
“Oh wow! I finally found out what the three seashells are for! It only took me fourteen hundred years to find that out.” Christina lampooned. “Now to learn the answer to life, the universe, and everything.”
“Forty-two, honey. Everyone knows that one!” Charli spoiled the set up.
“Forty-two?” Aunt Cora asked in confusion.
“Challenge accepted, Aunt Cora.” Christina laughed as she bowed courteously, turned, and hurried up the steps into Base. Meanwhile, four of us were too busy laughing at our stumped Antarran sister!
“Feeling more human, Christina?” I asked as I entered the galley about two hours later.
“Um…not really? I’d say I feel more Antarran than anything, Chance.” She corrected.
“Well, that’s something at least.” I smiled.
“You asked to see me, High Priestess?” Link Anderson asked as she entered the galley.
“Have a seat, sweetie.” I offered, motioning to the chair beside Christina.
Both women appraised each other carefully.
“Hi, I’m Link Anderson. Rumor has it that you didn’t always look like this, correct?” She introduced herself.
“Yep!” Christina answered. “I’ve changed quite a bit in the last fourteen hundred years.”
“Oh. It hasn’t been that long for me, Lady Christina. I was just activated about four weeks ago. My changes have been gradual since then. How long did it take for your hair to change color?”
“Hmmm. Well my hair started changing a few days after I got my gene therapy shot, Link. Half of my hair was blue when I got locked into the lifeboat just a little over a week later.”
Mine took almost two and a half weeks to fully change and I think these things are still growing.” Link related as she cradled her sizable breasts. "I’ve also been getting these strange cravings since becoming female. Are you dealing with those also? I just wanted to know if it was only me.”
“Cravings?” Christina asked in confusion.
“You know… Cravings, my lady?” Link repeated even more awkwardly as she also surreptitiously nodded to her lap.
Christina blushed instantly!
“Ahhhhm, not yet. I haven’t had that part of my new anatomy all that long. It wasn’t there before the incident.”
“Neither have I. Have you been curious yet?” Link dove further.
“Ummm…can we change the subject, please? Chance? Help?”
“Link, Christina lived in a time where it was considered rude to discuss such things in public. It was a very backward and rigidly structured culture compared to today. Please. Try not to embarrass Christina more than she is.”
“You set this up. Why, Chance? And what is this ‘activated’ thing she’s talking about.”
“Hey, Chance! I came as soon as I got off duty and cleaned up. What’s going on?” Simone greeted as she walked in and sat next to me.
“Hey, Christina! How they hangin’?” She greeted.
“Seriously?! ‘How… are they hangin’?” Christina groaned.
“Hey! I’m Antarran Royalty! I’m allowed to ask that.” Simone defended.
“Christina and Link were just discussing Antarran puberty. I thought you three could commiserate.”
“Answer my question; don’t side step it, Chance.” Christina strongly suggested.
I fought hard not to laugh at her tenacity.
“I was activated by Savanna four weeks ago, my lady. By activated, I mean I was changed to a female so that my Current usage would be optimized and my Current reservoir capability was also increased. Along with those benefits, my physical strength and reactions increased as well.
“She changed you into a girl? Magically?”
“It isn’t magic, Christina.” Simone interrupted. “In my case, Chance activated me to help her free this ship from an invasion. The Hoblins had overrun Mare and before I could get to safety, the bad and uglies captured me and conscripted me.”
“Wait. These things ‘conscripted’ you?”
“Yeah. It was the most terrifying, horrendously excruciating thing I’ve ever experienced. It felt like everything about me was placed into some kind of machine to be pulled and twisted and turned inside out and-.”
“I think I get the idea, ma’am.”
“Anyway, Chance and Lokust rescued us from that conscription by first purifying the tainted Current in the thing that four of us had merged into then reconstituting us to our individual, original forms. After I woke up, Chance offered to ‘activate’ me so I could help her help everyone else. Having experienced that and surviving a previous Hobgoblin invasion on my home planet where I lost family, I agreed quite quickly. I didn’t know at the time I’d look like this. Not that I mind. I feel more comfortable in this form than my previous, so I’m good.”
“Sounds like ‘magic’ to me, Simone.” Christina insisted.
“Magic is a word used to describe something we don’t understand, Christina. We,” Simone motioned to Link and I, “understand how to use our Current and how it helps us do the things we do, so it’s not magic anymore.”
“At least you had the choice, Lady Simone.” Link began. “I was reclining on my bed pleasur…never mind, you don’t need to hear the particulars…any way, I was on my bed when things suddenly didn’t ‘feel’ right. That was when I heard my siblings scream and shout in unusually high voices about being changed. That initial shock devastated me, though I too am strangely comfortable in this form.”
“So you’ve decided? That’s wonderful, Link!” Simone smiled happily.
“Between us, I had decided while returning to Base from the mission, my lady. I’m still not ready to make it official with Aunt Cora yet. I want her fixation with me being her double to subside first.
“You two do look and sound alike, Link. But, you didn’t ask to be ‘activated’?”
“No, but I understand and accept why Savanna did it, Christina. Chance and our older sisters hadn’t returned from their mission and Savanna prophesized that we were needed to perform the rescue. Like I said, I’m comfortable…I like who I am now. How about you? Do you feel comfortable in your new form, Christina?”
“I do, Link. I feel…complete. See, I grew up feeling…odd… um… different. At fourteen, I approached my parents about that feeling and after talking, they allowed me to start on ‘T’ blockers-.”
“What are ‘T’ blockers?” Link asked.
“They ‘block’ normally occurring testosterone from making you any more male. I started seeing a psychologist that specialized in gender correction procedures then started Hormone Replacement Therapy when I turned eighteen. I think fourteen was a bit late to start though, because I had already started into male puberty. In order for me to look somewhat passable, mom and…and… dad…”
Christina stopped as tears began to escape her eyes and she valiantly fought to quell their flow.
“Sorry. I lost mom and dad a year ag… right after I turned twenty. They had offered then paid for implants to help me pass as female a little easier. Right after they were gone, my educational grants and scholarships ran out because I had been obviously distraught and absentmindedly failed to renew them. Then I saw the ad asking for participants in a medical study hung on a bulletin board on the nearby Pittsburgh University campus as I walked home from one of many failed job interviews. It seemed like a way to have some sort of income since my rent was due and I basically was surviving on my nearly bankrupt meal plan. I was elated when Dr. Ramstein told me it was a study for gene therapy and that he could possibly make me whole… a genetic female.”
Christina looked across the table to me.
“After you told me the actual purpose of that study, Chance, I got to thinking and some of the puzzle came together. Since Ramstein knew the injection would be harmless, it explains why he was so surprised when I had an almost immediate reaction. That would suggest your theory of someone substituting the real deal into that syringe. Someone had to have known what it would do, and to who specifically.”
“So, like me, you basically had no say in your change, Christina?” Link summed it up, as she seemed to cheer up.
“I guess so, Link. Though, I really did want this to happen. At the time, it was mostly a fantasy for someone like me…someone that looked like a six-foot guy with average-size boobs.”
“Hey, guys. I came over as soon as I could ditch Tua. He’s been herding over me like a lonely muskvine shepherd; you that new girl ‘Christina’? Hi, I’m Kitty Sinae. Nice to meet you.” Kitty said as she hurried right past us to the Coffee Urn and poured a cup while still talking. “Ah! Finally I can indulge in the good stuff! Much better than that ‘healthy’ swill ‘my’ doctors want me to force down!”
Christina’s mouth dropped open and her eyes bulged.
Sinae turned around and stopped in her tracks.
“Okaaaay? What’d I do now? What’s with the Antarran Aphideater, Chance?”
“Aside from Kimbou, you’re the only other Lynxin she’s ever seen. Her expression reminds me of when you first noticed that your tail had grown back.” I laughed.
Sinae’s tail came to attention on her left side and its end looked up at her like it was sentient.
“Yes, I know you’re still sensitive about that. Chance was trying to be funny.” She said as her tail turned to me and ‘frowned’.
Christina’s head hit the table hard and we heard her laughing and crying at the same time.
“Oh! Oh, God! I really am in Wonderland and it’s even crazier than it was written!”
Sinae suddenly changed clothes! She was now wearing a heavy, richly embroidered, long regal gown in blood red.
“Off with her head,” she screeched and began laughing hysterically.
That only made Christina laugh and cry harder!
“Did I come to get something to eat at the wrong time, sisters?” Lyra’s voice asked as she walked into the galley and stopped with a curious look on her face.
“I would expect this regal look more from Aunt Cora than you, cousin.”
“Just entertaining the new girl, Cuz. Have you met Christina yet?” Sinae explained as her clothes reverted.
“Not out of her escape pod, no. Greetings, Lady Christina. Serangetti Lyra of Sonya and Kimbou. I am pleased you have recovered so quickly from such a long internment.”
“So you’re the Captain’s daughter?”
“I am. And have you determined how you fit into the modern Antarran social structure yet?”
“I haven’t begun to understand how I fit into any of this crazy world yet, honey! Never mind the Antarran part.
“That piece is easy. I am told you are a Current Mage like us. That one fact makes us sisters, Lady Christina.”
“Chance? Does Witch Corps have any regulations about drinking… heavily?”
“Just not while on a mission or before training, Christina.” I giggled.
“Good, would you all like to join me?” She asked as five tall silica glass bottles and five clear, silica wine glasses appeared on the table. The bottles quickly began to condense water vapor.
“I like her, Chance. Can we keep her?” Sinae smiled as she poured her untouched coffee back into the Urn and sat down with us.
“So what are we drinking to?” She asked.
“How about my arrival into the craziest, most topsy-turvy, screwed up beyond all rational thinking, most amazing future I’m imagining?!” Christina suggested.
“Hmmpf, you had me at your arrival here, kid!” Sinae laughed as the synthetic cork in her bottle popped on its own.
“Chance? You think maybe just this once?” Link asked timidly.
“I’ll vouch for ya, Sweet Pea.” Simone giggled as she poured the young Antarran half a glass from her open bottle. “After all, we can blame it on Christina.”
“I, um, I take it you aren’t twenty-one yet, Link?” Christina asked guiltily.
“Fifteen standard years, Christina.” Link shied away.
“And they’re that big already?”
“Again, Antarran physiology, Christina.” Simone laughed.
“I’m a year older than Lyra.” Link frowned.
“And you know that Lynxins mature quicker than most Terran subspecies, too, Sweet Pea.” Simone chided.
“I know it’s not fair. I was already six feet tall when I was fourteen, Link. I just didn’t look like I could kick ass then take names like her.”
Both Lyra and Kitty seemed to appraise Christina at that comment.
“I would be willing to test that statement, my lady.” Lyra said as she smirked. “Lady Greer also underestimated herself before put to the test. You too might be surprised by your talents, Lady Christina.”
“What do you mean by that?” Christina asked, narrowing her eyes.
“My body guard and steward, Lt. Niger Greer. Savanna also took it upon herself to activate him as well. When put through our defensive competition simulation, she tied Kitty and I in the rankings. Here. I have the stream.” Lyra explained as she conjured her DataTab and played the training video.
“Very good special effects. Can I see that at regular speed and before those hideous CGI’s were added?” Christina smiled wryly.
“Special effects…? CGI’s, my lady?” Lyra puzzled.
“Yeah, just her in front of the green screen before the computer generated monsters were added.”
“That’s actual footage, Christina.”
“Yer shittin’ me?!”
“Oh, hey ladies. Thought I’d grab some lun-.” Aquia greeted as she entered. Lyra jumped from her chair and in a blur, disrobed and disarmed Aquia before she even had a chance. “ch? Dammit, Lyra! I thought we had cleared things up! Why start things up again?”
“She was only proving what Christina doubted. I take full responsibility, Lady Aquia.” Sinae apologized as Aquia found herself fully clothed again. “Cousin, you went too easy on her and I saw you disarm her, now please give her back her wand.”
Christina looked very pale and frozen to her seat!
Aquia gasped then rolled her eyes.
“Sorry, my lady. Christina doubted Lady Greer’s training stream.” Lyra apologized as she handed back her wand. “Still, you do know it would be safer to dismiss your wand instead of keeping it on you?”
“It’s a deterrent to my siblings, Lyra. One never knows with them, when or where.” She explained as her eyes jumped to Link then back.
“Huh? Bad home life I assume?” Christina asked.
“Aquia is one of eight children that another of our sisters, Sandra Anderson, adopted after the Mare incident, Christina. We lost a lot of good people that day.” I told her. “Sit and have a drink with us, m’lady.”
“Hi. Aquia Anderson- ‘Water Lily’. I heard you are the woman responsible for our Brooms’ propulsion system. I’m very impressed and am honored to meet you, my lady.”
“Suck-up.” Kitty stage whispered.
Christina began laughing hysterically again.
“What’s up with her?” Aquia questioned.
“Oh! Sorry. This is all so amazing. I’m expecting a guy in an oversized top hat to come rushing in and babble something about being late-.”
“Hey guys? I just got word from the captain!” Lokust dashed in already in uniform- large pointed hat and all. “Mare just received a request for Witch Corp from Terr’lai. They claim people are disappearing mysteriously and some ugly, unknown subspecies have been seen in areas of disappearance. Sounds like a cell of Hoblins. I already have Pegasus being readied. I just need to know our crew count and Broom loadout for this mission, High Priestess.”
“Sinae to Earth’s Horizon. Tell PM Tua that I’m going on a little jaunt with the girls. Tell him not to worry, I’ll be fine. Sinae out.”
“You didn’t even give them a chance to answer, cousin?” Lyra questioned.
“Relax, he’ll be waiting for us at the Broom Closet door!” She waved her hand to dismiss Lyra’s concern.
“Chance? Who are we taking?” Lokust pushed.
“Obviously Kitty.” I said, rolling my eyes. “You, you, you, you, annnnnnd you.” I said pointing to Lyra, Simone, Aquia, Link, and lastly, Christina.”
“Me?!” Christina gasped. “Why me? I said I wasn’t keen on fighting, Chance!”
“I thought you’d just like to go along for the ride, sweetie. We’ll do the dirty work. Maybe you’d like to get acquainted with our systems?”
Christina’s eyes seemed to twinkle!
“You know the answer to that already! Sure…I’ll tag along… but only as a passive observer, got it?”
“Crystal, Sweetie. Lokust? We’ll meet in the situation room in ten. I want everything we have on the Terr’lai system. Load our seven Brooms and configure Pegasus for six staterooms. Kitty gets the presidential suite. Lyra and Greer will share one of the staterooms, Link and Aquia share the second, Christina gets one to herself and so does Simone. You and I get the ‘Captain’s’ quarters.” I said as we all stood.
Simone, Link, Lyra, Aquia, Kitty, and I changed into our uniforms instantly.
Christina just sat there, dumbfounded and stunned!
“Coming?” I asked the unmoving, novice Antarran.
“Look, these are our uniforms. Consult my mother on their design. They are more durable and protective than they look. You coming or not, Christina?”
“I’ll…Yeah, I’m game.” She said as she stood and walked around the table.
“You’ll need one of these for protection too, Sweetie.” I said as I conjured her uniform on her. She almost fell face first, not anticipating the heels.
“God! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any more humiliating! Am I wearing stockings, garters, and a corset?”
“Bustier, and you’ll thank me if you happen to get hit by a Hoblin blaster, Sweetie. Let’s go next door.”
“Hey! Lookin’ good, Perfessor!” Simone greeted as I motioned Christina to take a seat.
Greer entered the room and sat between Christina and Lyra.
Of course Christina gasped in surprise!
“Terr’lai is eight standard hours away at full transdimensional…” Lokust started the briefing as we set our attention to her.
“Let’s get going.” I said as Lokust finished our briefing.
“My lady. Forgive my late greeting and introduction. I am Lt. Niger Greer, ‘Alley Cat’. If I can be of any assistance feel free to approach me at any time.”
“Thank you, Lady Greer. Christina Everhardt. And I might just do that.” Christina accepted looking eye to eye with Greer.
“Tau! What a surprise! I didn’t expect you.” Kitty greeted her Prime Minister sarcastically. As predicted, he was waiting…pacing back and forth at the as of yet undefined Broom Closet door.
“No, I suspect not, my queen, though you did alert the bridge of, and I quote, your little ‘jaunt’. I had to order the regularly scheduled shuttle to hold on our flight line so that I would be here before your departure.” Tau answered in a stiff, very proper, and controlled tone.
“Broom Closet Control, we’re ready. Open, please.” I said trying to hold my laughter.
“HOOOOOOOly, Fuuuuuck!” Christina exclaimed at the top of her lungs!
“Honestly, kid! You’ve seen the size of Mare and Earth’s Horizon, why would you be more impressed with our Pegasus?” Kitty exclaimed.
“She’s beautiful!” Christina shrieked as she free-jumped right over the railing down onto the flight line’s deck, missing the steps entirely! She began looking Pegasus over and over. On each pass she stopped at the main emitters and screamed excitedly!
“Is that the Antarran? The one from ancient Terra?” Tau asked.
“Yeah. Doesn’t take much does it?” Lokust commented causing the Prime Minister to shake his head a few times.
“Pegasus, status?” I requested, ignoring them both.
“Current reservoirs at one hundred percent, High Priestess. I’ll be ready as soon as you can get Lady Christina onboard.”
We were all laughing at the Antarran’s exuberance.
“Perfessor! Wipe off the drool and get inside!” I shouted to get her attention.
When that failed to work, Simone hurried over, took her hand firmly, and began to forcibly pull her toward the ramp.
“Park Christina in your aux seat and let her watch the engineering preflight. Answer any of her questions.”
“Got it, High Priestess. Christina? Follow me.” Simone requested.
“Hold up a sec! Christina, stay with me a moment. I need to set you up with Pegasus’ A.I and security.”
After waiting for the bridge door to close, I began my instruction.
“This is our secure access system. It requires you to supply Current to activate it then it requires both voice and retinal authentication for admittance to the secured area. So, place your thumb here, look at this tiny window here, and say your name clearly. Got it?”
She nodded. I nodded to the scanner.
“Christina Everhardt.” She said as she did exactly what I had told her.
“Welcome, Lady Christina! You are now officially recognized by my systems as a valid member of the crew. Hope you enjoy the trip.” The Bridge door opened and we entered after I validated myself to the ship’ security.
“Christina, sit over here. This is the Engineering console. To my right is Communications. Lyra will be handling that this duty shift during the mission. To our left is Environmental. Greer has that console. However, we can emulate or migrate those system controls here by split-screening this console.”
Link was standing just ahead of the Navigation station tube.
“Back here, Lady Christina, is the Navigation tube. This station gives me full control of any system aboard Pegasus, but mostly we use it for navigation and sensors.” She explained just as the sleek transparent tube behind her became opaque and started glowing blue. Christina gasped.
“Hey! Who’s in there?” Link cried out in surprise.
“Pegasus systems initializing. Complete. Navigation and sensors are good, High Priestess. Don’t worry, Christina, I’m fine; it was a bit to get used to the first couple times I was in here though.” Dad… Charli announced.
Now how did she get-
“Environment online.” Aunt Cora reported.
I rolled my eyes. I had seen her on the flight line, but failed to note her presence when Christina and I entered the bridge.
“Communications are online and go.” Lyra confirmed.
“Weapons online, High Priestess.” Kitty reported as Aquia nodded from her Weapons Safety Panel.
“Helm is ready, High Priestess.”
“Mom? Why are you here, too? We have this one.” I growled.
“Chance, she was in my seat when I got here!” Lokust tattled in a whiny little voice.
“Oh, poor baby! I decided to come along, Chance. Someone has to watch Christina anyway, right?”
I rolled my eyes again as I took my station and started my own preflight checklist.
Damn, how did I miss that?!
“All eight Brooms report secured to pylons, tethered, and networked.” I replied, scanning my inventory display quickly as I sat down. I wondered how many more of the Coven had crashed this party.
“Lyra, Alert Broom Closet Control.”
“Pegasus, Broom Closet Control. Requesting Flight Line Decom, closet door activation, and departure vector.”
“Copy, Pegasus. Initiating Decom. Issuing departure vector. Mare Tower has also been alerted as well as Earth’s Horizon’s Tower.” Dell’s voice repeated.
“Departure Vector received. Course to Terr’lai calculated and forwarded to Helm.”
“Make it so, number one.” I giggled.
“Well I would if Major would get out of my seat, High Priestess!” Lokust whined.
“X to plus 1, High Priestess.” Mom reported.
“Um, Pegasus? Are you going to let the door open first?” Dell asked angrily.
The lights hadn’t dimmed completely.
“Mom? Am I going to have to send you to the corner? I thought we talked about this?”
“One cannon shot, Kitty, that’s all I’m askin’” Mom requested while ignoring me completely.
“Is she always this…um…full of energy, Simone?” I heard Christina ask.
“Parents! You give them candy and this is what they give you in return.” I lampooned.
“Aw, up yer’s, High Priestess!” Mom showed her middle finger to me. “Ah! Finally!” She hissed and space filled our viewscreens.
“”Deep Space Camo. ETA to Terr’lai?” I requested.
“Everything is menu driven, Christina. Just touch the controls to actuate them or choose the arrows at the top to change pages or Station Consoles.” Simone instructed.
“Terr’lai in eight standard hours, High Priestess.”
“So if I wanted to review the main emitter stats I’d do this?”
“Exactly! You’re a natural, Perfessor.”
“Thank you.” Christina and I said at the same time.
“Lokust, you have the bridge. Perfessor? Time for our tour. Follow me, please.”
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Through the looking glass
Christina has a lot to adjust to as she's landed at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
With all the new species to see and technology to learn about, she gets excited seeing the emitters. The very things she was testing with Mann became the royal JA.
It took her 1400 years but she finally was able to see for herself the success of the emitters.
Others have feelings too.