Summer's Current: Summer's Past- chapters 26-28

Summer's Current 4:
Summer's Past

Witch Corps.jpg

Chapter 26

“Why did you do this, sis?” Link asked in disbelief. “What purpose does it serve to arrive here earlier than we would have?”
So. We’re here, and just after they called us? That puts us here about five hours before our original arrival.” Charli figured.
“So we can stop those two freighters before they get conscripted?” Link assumed.
Negative. According to our sensors six outbound freighters have already left orbit. They must be left for Porno, Perfessor, and Water Lily to encounter.” Charli replied sadly.
“Why?!” Aquia demanded. “We could rescue them now and not later!”
Time symantics, Aquia. If we stop them now, you wouldn’t have encountered them when we first neared the system. Christina wouldn’t have felt the need to rescue them and we wouldn’t be here five hours into the past.
“Huh?” Aquia seemed completely baffled.
“If I hadn’t stopped the Hobgoblins in those two transports when I did, I wouldn’t have back-stepped in time. Chance wouldn’t have ripped my ass to shreds, and I wouldn’t have frelled-up and back-stepped us through time again.” I tried to explain it better.
“It had to happen this way or it wouldn’t have happened at all.” I summarized.
“Oh…yeah. That didn’t help like, at all, Christina.” Aquia said sarcastically.
She explained it better than I could have, sweetie.” Charli admitted.
“Charli? We get that vector yet?” Chance asked, a little annoyed by our banter. She seemed like the only person in the room that understood what I and Charli were saying.
Course calculated and passed to the helm, High Priestess.
“Take us in, mom.”
“Aye, High Priestess.”
“Same pageantry on arrival, High Priestess?” Lokust asked Chance.
“Naw. They know who and what we are, so casual attire, dear.” Hope answered.
“Glad to hear that. I only packed the white one and the blue one for this mission. I really didn’t want to conjure up another formal gown. I’d have to conjure another full set of accessories, too.” Lokust expressed her relief.
Pegasus is in full anti-Hoblin mode, High Preistess.” Kate reported. “I tweaked the filters to reject anything other than our own body and Current parameters. Hopefully that will eliminate any ‘surprises’.”
“Then let’s go see how we can be of assistance, ladies.” Chance grinned. “And Christina? I’d rather not watch myself exiting Pegasus? You copy?”
“Yes, ma’am.” I sighed despondently. “No wishing, wondering, considering, speculating, or supposing. Got it.”
“Oh, come on, Christina. She didn’t kick your new puppy! She doesn’t want to overly ‘dazzle’ the locals. Just be on the lookout for Hoblins, so tune your ‘feelers’ for them and definitely power down your Flux Capacitor.” Hope tried to cheer me up.
“Easier said than done. I’m still not sure if I’m the one doing all this.”
“In my fourteen centuries of experience, sweetie, it’s all you- no one else.” She giggled as she motioned me toward the open Bridge door.
“Welcome, ladies of Witch Corps. It is fortuitous you being near our system at the exact moment your unit was considered for inclusion into our local dilemma.” A six-armed, six-foot tall, very handsome man greeted. He spoke quite eloquently, but my attention was drawn to his four, beautiful blue eyes.
“Governor Sceptus, so good of you to consider calling us. So, to start off, I’d like you to meet our newest Coven sisters.” Aunt Cora began introductions. “My niece, Simone, you already know. This is my other niece, Christina, and this…this is my daughter, Coraline, but she prefers ‘Link’ for some strange and unknown reason.”
“Huh?” Link choked in surprise.
“Don’t mind her, Governor, I promised her I wouldn’t use her given name, but I lied. Queen’s privilege and all that, you know.” Aunt Cora explained, but kept going.
“Over here are Aquia Anderson, Katelyn Yates, Lyra Serangetti, and Niger Greer. We are also joined on this occasion by my dearest friend and ally, Queen Kitty Sinae of FeLane and her Prime Minister, Tau Orin.”
“An honor to meet you all, ladies.” Gov. Sceptus offered five of his hands to us and we each shook one. “Kitty, it’s a real treat to see you again, and Prime Minister Tau, it is an astonishing pleasure to meet an administrator willing to work with Her Majesty.” The Governor bowed regally- his six arms each giving a flourish as he did.
“You always were a smart ass, Sceptus.” Kitty laughed.
“I’ve learned from the very best, Highness.” He smiled as he looked over to Hope and Chance.
“Figures. Anywho… Christina here, has been briefed on the ongoing problems your population is experiencing and she has proposed a theory you might consider absurd, but it also seems to explain several things. Christina?” Kitty motioned for me to explain.
“Huh? Oh…um…okay… um…Your Eminence? After hearing about your system-wide… um… epidemic, I think you might be dealing with some sort of genetic manipulation that, at present, is undetectable by the usual equipment. After referencing all available research on the subject, I believe I might be able to detect the specific genetic carrier used and possibly stop it from overrunning Tarantis. With your permission, would it be possible to harmlessly scan a sample of your population for these suspected anomalies?” I asked. I hoped I had spoken in a way that wouldn’t be rude or insensitive.
“A bit off the norm, but I can see how your mind is working, Lady Christina. By all means, you will have the cooperation of all citizens on all four of our globes.” He smiled politely, but then all four of his eyes zeroed in on me and his expression neutralized. I suddenly felt very nervous.
“Would it be too much to ask if I be the first to undergo this scan you propose? You see, I am what Ladies Hope and Chantell call a ‘control freak’. I therefore would like to know if I will not be ‘me’ soon.”
I caught myself swallowing hard, but quickly noticed a teasing smile form on his face.
Yeah, he was fracking with me. Yep! Screw with the new girl’s head. Classic tease protocol!
To show him I’d caught on, I began to concentrate on him and blinked on my Current sight.
What I saw made me gasp!
Apparently, the Tarantins were slightly different in both physiology and lifeforce…
Where had I picked up that word, ‘lifeforce’, from, I wondered. I shrugged mentally. I would debate that later.
Tarantins’ apparently had a yellowish-green… aura about them.
Sceptus though had small red dots mixed in with his pastel current.
“Lady Christina? My lady, can you hear me?” A man’s voice was calling to get my attention.
“Is she alright, Lady Chance? She just blinked and froze with a very serious expression! What can she possibly be seeing in me?” Gov. Sceptus sounded terrified.
“High Priestess, Might I have a word? In semi-private?” I asked quietly. “Please stay right where you are while I consult with Lady Chance on one matter, sir.”
“What’s up, sweetie?” Chance asked after we took a few steps and turned away from our host.
“Just a matter of clarification. Does Tarantin Current have a different color than we normally see?” I asked carefully.
“You mean like a pastel green instead of orange? Yes, why?” She answered with a giggle.
“Tell me what you see, when you look at him with your Current sight?” I suggested.
Chance turned around after blinking, observed Sceptus for a few seconds then turned back and looked at me.
“His Current looks the same as the last time we were here, Christina. What is it you see?”
“I’m seeing small dots of red Current interspersed in his normal Current. I think that is the genetic mechanism responsible for their epidemic.” I told her.
“Any idea as to how we get rid of it? Tarantis has a very big population. Four planets of over six billion people each.”
“I have an idea, but I need his and your permissions, High Priestess.” I said cautiously.
Chance nodded and she turned around.
“So, Sceptus. It seems you are infected as well. Christina was unsure how to inform you of that fact. She has suggested a treatment but is unsure of how it will affect you and therefore is dubious of success.”
“Lady Chance, I could’ve simplified matters by informing you of my affliction. I didn’t want to alarm you or your Coven.” Sceptus turned his attention to me again.
“What would you propose, Lady Christina,” he asked- his eyes and expression, nervous?
“Are you familiar with the term Current, Gov. Sceptus?” I asked.
“The energy that flows through everything? Of course. And I also know that the women of Witch Corps have a proclivity toward seeing it. Am I out of balance? Is that all this is?”
“To my eyes, your ‘energy’ is a yellowish- green, whereas Terrans are orange. As Lady Chance has explained to me that is why your subspecies readily rejects Hobgoblin conscription.” I explained.
“Yes, Lady Chance explained that on her first visit many years ago. Please continue.”
“Your ‘energy’ seems to have very small specks of red ‘energy’ mixed in with your normal energy, Governor Sceptus.
“You say I am afflicted with the taint?” Sceptus’ mouth dropped open and all four of his eyes went wide and blinked in unison.
“It would seem the case, Sceptus. Somehow, someone has found a way to diminish your immunity to the Hoblin scourge. As we speak, it is possible that a Hoblin infiltrator may be on one or both of the transports we sensed leaving the system. In that case, the crew has already been conscripted if similarly infected.” Chance answered.
“Then by all means I submit to your suggested course of treatment, Lady Christina. Just specify when, where, and how long.”
Chance looked to me and nodded.
“When and where is now, Governor, How is like this.” I said as I called my wand.
He immediately stiffened and a very horrified look befell his face! Obviously he’d seen their use before.
Holding my wand horizontally, by its center, in front of me, I blinked, and began to concentrate. As I slowly drew my wand down his body, I concentrated on purifying the small red dots of tainted Current within him.
Concentrating on my patient, I barely heard the comments of my sisters.
“By Libra! Are you seeing this? How is she doing that?” I heard Kitty’s excited voice exclaim.
“Shhhh! Let her concentrate and do her work, Sinae. We can ask how later.” Chance urged.
I paused. “How are you doing, Governor? Should I stop?”
“I have felt nothing since you began treatment, my lady. Please, continue.”
I nodded and continued my slow scan down his body. Finally reaching his feet, I gave him another quick scan and motioned for him to turn. I scanned his back and noticed more red speckles.
Another pass was needed.
After another thorough scanning, I pronounced him free- for now- of the genetic miscreants.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“I felt nothing during the whole process, Lady Christina. Are you sure it is eradicated?”
“We’ll see over the next few days.” I answered truthfully. “There may be a benign agent responsible for the red taint. The only way to know is to see if it reappears after a given period of gestation.”
“My thanks to you all the same, Lady Christina. I am as always, pleasantly mystified by the women of Witch Corps.”
“And we, equally perplexed, since Lady Christina’s induction, Sceptus.” Hope offered in return.
“A worthy addition to the Corps, this Antarran. Lady Cora, have you known of her medical prowess? Is that what prompted her membership?” Sceptus asked.
“I would say she is certainly the rare find, my dear Sceptus. One in a trillion, I’d say, and quite worth the effort.” Aunt Cora answered, looking to me lovingly. “She does the Norge Clan proud… as do all my Ladies-in-wait.” She motioned from me to Simone and Link, and the Coven as a whole.
“I quite agree, my lady!” Sceptus said then turned to address us all. “I wish to extend invitation to your Coven, Lady Chance, for dinner, in celebration of your timely arrival. Tonight at sixteen-thirty-three?”
“We shall be there, Governor Sceptus. May I ask the severity of dress?” Chance asked, smiling brightly.
“As always, semi-formal, High Priestess.” He smiled back.
“Then we must return to our beloved Pegasus to prepare, Gov. Sceptus. If you will excuse us?” Chance bowed politely and the Governor bowed in return.
Right before I turned to follow Link up the ramp, Sceptus caught my attention.
“Lady Christina? Would it be too forward of me to ask that you be seated by my side at the dinner? I have interest in your thoughts process regarding this genetic contagion you have brought to my attention.”
Was he hitting on me?
“Of course, Governor, I would be happy to discuss the specifics, but will keep it light so as not to affect our dinner appetites.”
“Wonderful! I shall see you then, my lady.” He smiled enthusiastically and politely motioned me onto the ramp.
“Christina’s got-ta booooy-friend.” Simone sang out childishly as she followed me up the ramp into the ship.
“So... What does ‘semi-formal’ mean in this day and age, Auntie?” I asked as I looked out the viewport in my quarters at the strangely beautiful ‘organic’ cityscape. “I didn’t get the chance to send a change of address card to the post office before I left Terra, so no fashion magazines as of yet.”
“Hope always called it ‘club wear’ if that helps, Sugar Plum.”
I thought about it for a moment then decided to try something.
“Like this? I said as I carefully lowered myself into the severely heeled, open-toed shoes- the sinew straps wrapping and weaving themselves up and around my ankles and calves magically.
“By all the Norges past! You look fabulous, Sugar Plum! Sceptus won’t be able to keep his hands off you tonight!” She said as she strained to look me in the eyes after inspecting me from head to toe a few times.
“That isn’t the results I’m expecting tonight, Auntie. You said ‘Club wear’ and this is what I recall that looking like.” I responded.
“Well, you hit it right on the head, Christina. Hope is going to be sooooo jealous! I can’t believe how that short, silver dress brings out your hair and eyes!”

Chapter 27

“I must say you are stunning, Lady Christina! I am hard-pressed for words at the moment.” Sceptus said as all four of his eyes zeroed in on me and only me.
He was a nice enough guy, but it was still creepy.
“Trust us, Christina; that is something he never had a problem with on previous visits.” Hope teased as she walked behind me.
“Lady Hope is quite correct with that statement.” Sceptus admitted as two of his eyes stayed locked on me and two followed Hope. “Though trust me in that it is only a temporary setback.”
“I thank you for your compliment, Gov. Sceptus.” I said with an honest smile and a bit of color in my cheeks as he graciously seated me.
“Your ear adornments? I am simply fascinated by them.” Sceptus stared at me fully, two of his eyes locked on my ‘Olympus’ earrings as he sat down. “They remind me of prehistoric drawings and ceremonial artifacts found in archeological excavations of some of our extensive cavern systems under the older cities. They are quite beautiful, though the artifacts and drawings I speak of relate back to more barbaric times in our development as a civilization.”
“Thank you, Gov. Sceptus. It has been my experience that every civilization has historical artifacts that harken back to more barbaric, harsher, and very violent times. Perhaps such artifacts and art were left to remind us all of how we developed and where we came from. Possibly to hint of what would happen should we fail to advance and instead falter?” I proposed philosophically. I had made up my mind that I would not reveal how I knew such things, as it would bring about inquiry into my actual age. I figured the ‘learned scholar’ approach was best for now.
“Such heartfelt words were never spoken by one so beautiful and wise, Lady Christina. I too, share that philosophical view.” His voice seemed emotionally influenced by my statement.
“These earrings were given to me by one of our sisters as an initiation gift. I believe them to be reproductions of an ancient Terran civilization and called… um…’dream catchers’. She explained that the ancient ‘tribes’ of Terra used them to catch evil and/or mischievous spirits before entering into their encampments…a form of mystical protection.”
Again, I didn’t reveal the whole truth of how I knew such things.
“How similar that story is to one of our own! Strange how civilizations can be at opposite ends of the galaxy and still share commonalities.” He postulated.
“I have observed that in my travels.” I said honestly. “It would suggest that some highly advanced beings or civilization had visited all our planets at one time or another.”
“I concur. How coincidental would that be?” He asked as two of his eyes slowly scanned my Coven sisters while two stayed on me.
Aside from feeling awkward from that, I also got one of my feelings. Someone or something was approaching from behind us.
Why was it always from behind?
So cliché.
“Lady Christina? Is everything satisfactory?” Sceptus asked quietly, suddenly worried. “You suddenly stopped talking, even moving.”
My sisters suddenly quieted and looked to me for an answer.
Knowing- from our very first meeting fourteen centuries ago- that Hope and Charli both knew American Sign Language, I signed that I felt a ‘presence’ behind me.
Hope signed back her acknowledgement. Chance nodded also.
That made sense- that they would teach their daughter such useful skills.
“Curious. Communication without words. What were you saying, Lady Christina?” Sceptus interrupted.
Charli signed back that she could see no one behind me so that left only one conclusion.
“We are being watched, Governor Sceptus.” I said just above a whisper. “I believe by a Hobgoblin. I suggest you ready yourself for what Witch Corp is really good at, sir.”
He froze and I thought I noticed a shiver or two rack his body.
“Those… things… they give me the quakes. I had hoped never to see one again, Lady Christina. Our medical community has even named my fear. Arachnophobia: the fear of little ugly, creepy, crawly things, unseen until they hop on you.”
I was stuck for words as I glanced at him in shock.
A six armed, two legged man with four eyes and able to spit silk out his butt…I think(?) was afraid of Hobgoblins? Here I was, at first trying to keep it together as I met several human-sized tarantuloid people, afraid of spiders. Something we Earthers called Arachnophobia. Seems that was also the Tarantin word for creepy-crawlies?
The feeling of someone coming up behind me growing stronger refocused my attention.
It felt very close now.
I signed that it felt like it was right behind me.
Hope, Charli, and Chance blinked on their Current sight.
“High Priestess? I think I left something for our host back at the ship. Charli? Would you be a dear and help me find it?” Hope said as she stood. She winked at me and smiled.
“You forgot that, Hope? I thought you had it when we left the ship?” Charli played along as she also stood.
“Gov. Sceptus. Please excuse us. The three of us will be right back.” Chance apologized as she also stood. Chance walked clockwise around the large round table and Charli and Hope walked counter clockwise.
“Well. This is a bit awkward, Governor.” I winced. I watched out my periphery as our three sisters walked around the table in opposite directions.
The thing was right behind me and I tried to resist the urge to ‘flame’ it right then and there.
“Know what, Charli? I think it can wait. I feel guilty for letting this fabulous meal get cold. High Priestess, let’s sit back down.” Hope said. I felt her lean down between Sceptus and me.
“Hold completely still, Sceptus. You too, Christina. It’s right underneath you. You might want to close your eyes, Governor.” Hope whispered.
Sceptus placed one of his hands gently on my forearm. He was quivering violently!
The blue flash lasted almost a full second and I thought our host was going to severe my arm with his sudden spastic flinch!
“Yep. Got the little nuisance. Not much to recover though. I wouldn’t look if I were you, Sceptus. We’ll take care of it for you. ” Charli declared.
I turned and looked down to see a small torso: Both legs, a partial abdomen and the lowest pair of arms. The partial body looked young- and male.
There had to be something I could do to help this poor soul!
I felt the slightest outpour of my Current and a brighter flash lit the room around us.
“Now where have we seen that before, Ladies?” Chance asked, awed.
I gulped loudly, fearing I had done the wrong thing or gotten myself in trouble once again.
“Gov. Sceptus? Can you identify our little, uninvited guest?” Chance asked. The Governor slowly turned around in his seat as a strange fugue settled on me when I turned back a second time. There was a child lying unconscious on the floor behind us. He looked to be about four feet tall and, I’d guess, in his very early teens. Somehow I felt very disconnected from everything around me.
“Reclos? I had no idea he had succumb to the illness!” Sceptus stared incredulously.
“He is unconscious, but will be fine. I have removed the infectious taint from his body.” I announced, but shook my head to snap myself out of the strange fog I felt I was in.
Sceptus was staring at me in horrified disbelief. My coven sisters were also staring, but with more color left in their faces.
“You have got to teach us that trick, Christina!” Kitty said, still stunned by what I had done.
Two of Sceptus’ eyes hung on my face and two toggled between the child lying on the floor, Charli, Hope, Chance, and me.
He ‘crossed’ himself with his top right hand!
“Creator most charitable! Do I believe my eyes or have you just bedazzled me with some skillful sleight of hand, my lady?” He gasped. His face was even paler now.
“He didn’t deserve to die in such a grotesque way, Gov. Sceptus.” I pleaded, tears forming. “I’m sorry if I blasphemed your religion. I meant only to rescue the innocent child.”
I felt tears flowing from my eyes, knowing I had really screwed the pooch this time. I would be lucky if I wasn’t burned at the stake…
…by characters almost straight out of an Edgar Rice Burrough’s novel!
Hopefully, because this was Tarantis and not Barsoom, the fire wouldn’t be so hot?
I was suddenly sitting on my bed, in my room, onboard Pegasus.
“How?” I asked the almost empty room as I valiantly tried to wipe away the flood of tears.
“How would you think, my baby girl?”
I was stunned by the voice that answered!
“Daddy? But you can’t be here! You and Mom have been gone for over fourteen hundred years!”
I continued to cry openly.
“And you now have beautiful blue hair, honey. Explain that!”
“I… I underwent Gene Replacement Therapy. It-it didn’t go as I was lead to believe… or planned.”
“Now that is impossible to believe, pumpkin!”
I looked up and saw Louis Everhardt, my dad, standing and looking down at me, smiling. Mom was suddenly standing right next to him grinning from ear to ear, but silent except for what she’d just said.
“Feel free to tag in at any time, Colleen.” Daddy smirked as he glanced over to her.
She had blue hair!
I gasped and began to see stars in my peripheral vision!
“Do you see something horrific, Christina?” Mom asked as she quickly looked behind herself.
“Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts. Think happy th-.”
“Feel free to come down from the ceiling at any time Tinkerbelle. We can’t go anywhere until you release us, so… you know… anytime?” Mom said in her patented calm tone that I remembered her always using when I was upset.
Noticing I actually was floating just below the ceiling, I cautiously and slowly lowered myself back to the bed.
“How can you both be here?” I asked.
“I don’t know the answer to that, honey. How did you bring us here?” Mom asked with an impish grin.
“I don’t know how I do any of this, mom! I don’t understand any of it!” I sobbed.
“Neither do we honey, so I can tell you that we had nothing to do with this.” Daddy said truthfully. “I can also tell you that we are glad to see you once more. Your mother and I are also very pleased with the company you chose to keep here.
“It also pleases us that you are using your heart and head, and not abusing your talents, Christina. You always wanted to be a superhero.”
“I remember, mom.” I wiped at my eyes and looked up at her. “Um, why is your hair blue like mine?”
“Well, you had to get it from one of us... Your father would look really silly if he had blue hair, now wouldn’t he?” she remarked.
I smiled at that thought.
“Ah. Now there is the smiling face I remember so well!” Mom smiled brightly. “Why, I haven’t seen you smile like that since we got you your new boobs.”
“Yeah, they’ve kinda grown on you too, princess.” Daddy laughed.
“Definitely wasteful, daddy.” I giggled as I hefted one in my hand.
“Lou? Our job here is done. We were only to raise her spirits, nothing more.” Mom reminded Daddy.
“What?” I asked loudly. “You were only supposed to raise my mood? Who put you up to this? Was it that Cool Chick from Olympus…um… Artemis?”
“Cool chick, yes. It wasn’t Artemis though, Christina. You. You told us to lighten your mood, honey.” Mom smiled proudly.
“Yessiree! The coolest, blue haired, comic-book superhero chick there ever was, Christina ‘Perfessor’ Everhardt- Our daughter, and our very own family witch. See ya later, toots!” Daddy dramatized then saluted me the way he always did when he wanted to be funny.
“Behave yourself, Christina Everhardt. Now time to wake up and re-enter reality.” Mom told me like she did any time they went away for more than a day. I was caught off guard by the last statement.
“Wake up?” I asked, confused.
“Wake up. Christina? Wake up.” Aunt Cora was leaning over me shaking my shoulder gently.
“Aunt Cora?” I asked as I pushed myself to sitting.
“Have a nice cry, Sugar Plum?”
“How did I get here? How long have I been here?” I asked while rubbing my crusty eyes.
“Roughly two hours, Christina. You have Sceptus very worried, the way you just up and popped out. He has repeatedly inquired as to your health and wellbeing. I think the guy really has a crush on you, Sugar Plum.”
“He must hate me for doing that to that kid. I didn’t know Christianity had spread this far across the galaxy. I didn’t mean to dis his religion, Aunt Cora.”
“Christianity? Child? What are you… Oh… Oh! You mean his crossing himself? Sugar Plum, he wasn’t blessing himself, he was priming his secondary heart! You scared the silk out of the poor man and he felt his primary was faltering. They can pause one heart until they feel they need it. It just needs primed before they ‘will’ it to start up.” Aunt Cora informed me with an understanding, playful smile. “I’m very surprised he didn’t start his secondary the moment he saw you walk into the dining room!”
“So he’s not pissed at me?” I asked in amazement.
“No, Sugar Plum, not at all. In fact, I’m sure he’s even more taken by you now than before- though, a word of warning? Unless you are really, really into sadism, masochism, or bestiality, I’d only try for second base. Tarantin sex organs can be very…um…destructive to Terran genitalia… but in a veeeery orgasmic way.”
“Aunt Cora!” I shouted as my face began to burn!
“Just lending my experience, Sugar Plum.” She said evenly with maybe a tiny hint of a smile.
My face burned even hotter!
“How is she, Cora?” Charli asked from my doorway.
“Christina was under the impression that she broke some archaic religious taboo, Charli.”
“The,” Charli crossed herself, “Yeah, Cora, that was one of the main religions on Terra back then. Remember when we told you about the witch trials and inquisitions? Yeah, that was Christianity. Now I understand why she lost it earlier. Christina, they don’t burn heretics or witches at the stake anymore. Sceptus was just starting his secondary heart. Hope and I thought the exact same thing the first time we were here. These guys are pretty cool though. Oh, unfortunately, they aren’t very compatible, when it comes to sexual relations.
I thought my cheeks would melt!
Charli only added insult to injury though.
“Their massages are to die for though! Their six hands can do magical things with a Terran body.” She swooned.
“Sis? You all right? She going to be alright, Aunt Cora?” Link interrupted as she rushed in and wrapped her arms around me. “I was so worried when you disappeared! Why did you do that anyway?”
“She thought she broke some religious taboo, Coraline.” Aunt Cora grinned mischievously.
Link glared at our aunt.
“First off, I have not seen nor signed any documentation declaring me your daughter! Secondly, I haven’t received documented request for adoption or name change either, Aunt Cora! I would ask that you follow your own rules in those matters!”
“Now what are you bitching about, Cora?” Hope demanded as she appeared in my doorway. She looked confused for a second then rolled her eyes.
“Now it makes better sense.” She sighed. “Looks like karma came home to roost, Cora?”
“I didn’t think I was that confrontational at that age.” Aunt Cora seemed to deflate a little.
“Oh yeah! Maybe a little worse, and with a very entitled attitude added in for good measure.” Charli verified.
“Mom? She good?” I heard Chance’s voice ask from the passageway.
“Good as it gets, honey.” Hope answered looking out my door.
“Sweetie? I think someone wants to make sure you’re okay; you up for visitors?” Charli asked with a knowing smile.
I silently motioned to the people already in my quarters and shrugged in surrender.
“Yeah, okay. Got it. Okay, Chance.”
Sceptus appeared in my doorway looking very concerned!
“My lady. Have I insulted or dishonored you in any way?” He asked solemnly.
I was flabbergasted! He thought he dis’d me?
“Huh? No, you didn’t do anything, Gov. Sceptus. Why would you even think that? It was me that thought I had insulted you by fully recovering that boy. I thought I’d broken some religious rule or canon.”
“Why would you even think that, Lady Christina? I couldn’t be more elated that you gave me back my offspring! Thank you ever so much, my lady.”
“He…he’s your son?” I asked as soon as I could reseat my jaw.
“My first-born, in fact. I am eternally indebted to you and Witch Corps, Lady Christina!”
I found myself embracing him tightly!
“How does she do that? Anybody?” He questioned sounding very surprised. I felt him cautiously wrap his arms around me in response.
“All we know is Christina is a very special witch, Sceptus. Her talents seem to still be in flux. As a result she is constantly second-guessing her abilities and remains extremely sensitive to how other people react to her.” Aunt Cora supplied the requested explanation.
“I must agree with that statement, Lady Cora. Your niece is very special indeed. But, the degree with which she dispenses her energy overshadows all but her Coven sisters. It seems flawless and precise to me.”
He looked me straight in the eyes.
“How did you know, from just the lower extremity, who the body belonged to?” He asked seriously.
“I’d say the same way she found the red taint in your body, Sceptus.” Hope answered before I could open my mouth and say something intelligent like: ‘Uuhhhm’.
“She can see what makes a person tick and quickly analyzed the code. Lady Demi has a similar talent.”
“Ah, the flightie one.” Sceptus nodded in unsurprised acknowledgement. “I guess appearances truly don’t reveal the character.”
Everyone in my room, but me, laughed at the apparent joke.
“How is he?” I asked. “Your son, Reclos?”
“He awoke thirty minutes after your unexpected departure and wanted to know what manner of transport hit him. He seems to have only slight recollection of his ordeal and conscription. After being told of his conscription and successful recovery, he would like to meet the woman responsible for it.”
I let out a loud sigh as I allowed myself to relax, knowing he was well, but I tensed a little knowing I had another possible groupie.
“High Priestess, I am very sorry for going against your wish that I suppress my talent. I understand if I am remanded to my quarters for the rest of our mission.” I said sadly to Chance. I then looked to the floor and closed my eyes waiting to hear her proclaim judgment.
“You don’t want to help these people all of a sudden? You aren’t getting out of this mission that easily, Lt. Everhardt! I expect a viable solution or at least a theoretical plan of attack to eradicate this genetic ‘bug’ you found. Is that clear, Lady Christina?”
Huh? She wasn’t pissed that I once again ignored her orders?
Or was this her way of giving me a second… fourth chance?
“Five by five and crystal, High Priestess!” I jumped to attention with a huge smile on my face!
“Gods! I haven’t heard that one in ages, Christina!” Hope laughed in amusement.
“Maybe we should allow Christina to pull herself together so she can get to her assignment?” Kitty suggested.
“Our research facilities are open for your use, my lady. Whatever you require, just request it. I pledge our system’s complete support in this very serious matter.” Sceptus offered.
“Thank you, very much, Governor Sceptus. I think at first I just need to consult with a few of my sisters. High Priestess? Would it be convenient to ask that my Antarran sisters assist me?”
“Whatever you need, sweetie. Cora, Link, Simone? Help where you can. Lokust, Kitty, Aquia, Lyra, and Greer, we need to get out there and patrol the shipping lanes as originally requested. Kate? You want to handle Launch Control?”
“Sure thing, boss.” Kate said from out in the passageway. I didn’t even know she was there.
Hope and Charli? Keep an eye on those four. Tau? I guess you should add your expertise. Kitty seems to think you’re pretty good with ‘biological functioning’.” Chance giggled.
“I guess I’ll set up in the back part of the galley.” I said as I looked to my waiting sisters.
“Girls? Let’s hit the skies.” Chance said as my room emptied out quickly.

Chapter 28

“Good hunting, Witch Corps Flight Two.” Keats wished as Aquia in Surf’s Up disappeared from sight.
“Well? Now what do we do?” She added as she looked to Charli and I.
“Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.” I laughed.
“What does that mean, exactly? I never did get that one, Hope.” Keats laughed as she shook her head.
“It dates back from fourteen to eighteen hundred years, maybe longer, Keats; when Terrans used to smoke or chew rolled up or shredded tobacco leaves almost nonstop.
“Sounds like a wonderful habit.” Keats said with a sour face.
“That wasn’t the worst. People were smoking all sorts of stuff back then- even stuff they knew would kill them, but took the risk wanting the ‘high’ it provided.”
“High. As in getting an artificial stimulation of certain senses and brain areas for a thrill.” I elaborated. “Tabacco and Marijuana were at the low end of the list that Terrans lit on fire and put in their lungs or injected into themselves in those days.”
“You Terrans must have been real idiots back in the day.” Keats concluded logically.
“Keats, no civilization is without its ghosts and demons. Charli, Chantell, and I have seen some pretty crazy shit in our travels. As have you, I’m sure.” I smiled.
“What I’ve seen pales in comparison to your experiences, Hope. I’ve only been around not quite a third as long as you three.”
“And… I’ve seen enough to know that you don’t like our newest sister very much. What gives?” I asked, tactfully.
“She just… I don’t know, she really reminds me of the Olympians… well, sorta? Christina seems different than even them, guys.”
“She’s definitely one of a kind, I’ll grant you that.” I giggled. “Though, I liked her from the first day I saw her, Keats. What about her rubs you the wrong way?”
“Its how she claims she doesn’t know how she does her magic, Hope. I don’t buy into that prolonged excuse. She has to be hiding something. She seems too ‘perfectly’ innocent.” My longtime sister explained.
“She may just be that innocent, Keats.” Charli joined the conversation. “According to my research, Christina Everhardt is exactly who she claims she is…or was. Her parents owned a small, profitable farm in Northwestern Pennsylvania. They were reported to have died in a mysterious vehicle accident fourteen months to the day before Christina’s unexpected departure from Earth. The investigation was never solved or closed. She did participate in a medical trial that was only to have used a placebo and no real ‘Gene Therapy Serum’. How she got the real stuff is a matter of speculation, though Morgana having a role to play in all our lives narrows down the suspects drastically.”
“But how can she do the things she does, Charli? It’s like she’s another Savanna- maybe even more powerful. All I know is that I get the willies every time she uses her Current.”
“I don’t think she’s using Current- not as we would know it, Keats. I think it’s something far more divine.” Charli really had my attention now!
“You think she’s an honest to goodness Olympian, Charli?” Keats and I asked at the same time.
“Think about this.” My mate proposed. “She had the ingenuity to redesign NASA’s state of the art propulsion system. She’s a wiz at mathematics and found the error in Smithe’s formula in only a few seconds, or so she claims. She starts developing Antarran physical traits immediately after her fake ‘Gene Therapy’. She also starts seeing Current and, from what she also claims, starts to manipulate it before most everybody on Earth even knew it existed.”
“And finally, she survived fourteen hundred years in an emergency pod only designed for a maximum longevity of five years. How was that possible given the prototype’s proper battery hadn’t even been received or installed?”
“Yeah. All we found when we inspected that pod was a heavily corroded, very flat, lithium hybrid multicell-type battery. There was no way that that old thing had been powering its systems for that long.”
“So what was powering that pod?” Charli wondered.
“Current?” Keats answered with a shrug. “Somehow she figured out how to use her Current to power the thing.”
“If that were the case, she would’ve had to have been floating in it, Keats. No, I think something much simpler is the answer.” Charli disagreed.
“You think that ‘gene’ stuff was more than it appeared, dear?” I asked.
“Oh yeah! Big time, Hope.” My mate nodded confidently. “I think we have ourselves a fledgling Goddess. And I’m basing that on what we saw at dinner. I know you recognized that pure white ball of light that surrounded Sceptus’ boy.”
“Yeah! It looked familiar!” Keats said shaking her pointer finger at Charli. “Nine years ago on… on Kane!”
“Demeter!” The three of us exclaimed at the same time.
“Like, you called?” A familiar voice giggled from behind me.
“Actually, we were talkin’ shit, and, well… you showed up.” I deadpanned.
“Your humor is sometimes very rude and offensive, Hope Summers. I happen to know exactly who you were talking about.” Demi said in a very serious tone.
“So was it you or Artie that played the part of Marta Green back on Earth all those eons ago?” I asked. “We’ve already identified Morgana in the part of Anna McCorkle.”
“Marta…Green? Hope, I don’t know who you are referring to.” Demi answered looking confused.
“Oh, please! I happen to know that you aren’t a natural blonde and you only act ditzy when it suits you, sister!” I attacked.
“Honestly, Hope. Artie and I were seeing to the last bunch of whacked out, computer-type nerd/escapees from the Crab Galax…Nebula, about a millenium before. That failed experiment took almost all that we had to eradicate. After that debacle, Artie and I hung around Olympus for a few dozen centuries to recoup. Well, she only hung for about seven centuries before she threw herself into finding Nike again. Can you describe this, ‘Marta Green’?”
“About five-five; slim build; short brown hair; glasses-.”
“Oh, Hades no! I would never go that mousy! I like, have standards?” Demi interrupted with a sour face.
“So if not you or Artemis, who?” Keats asked.
“You are correct in your assessment. Christina is a new… um… Olympian- a very young and inexperienced one.” Demi seemed to ignore Keats’ question entirely.
“Okay. What’s the old man got in mind for our young goddess, Demi?” I asked, seeing through her usual disregard of direct questioning. “Quest? Challenge? Tests of intelligence?”
“It is unknown at this time, Hope. Only Zeus and the Oracles know for certain, and they are extremely tight-lipped on this one.” She told us.
I believed her.
“Okay. So…let’s say she’s here for a purpose? What is our part in all this?” I asked through narrowed eyes.
“Simply keep treating her as the sister she is. Other than that, I would suggest not angering her too badly. She needs to come to several realizations and decisions before leaving or staying in this realm. Treat her with love and respect, Hope Summers.” Demi smiled mischievously. “Kate? She’s like, one of the good guys? She won’t turn you into a frog or anything?”
Demeter vanished.
“Clear as mud…as usual!” I groused as I raised my hands in protest. “I’ll be down in the galley, dear.” I said to Charli as I turned and exited the bridge.

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