Summer's Current: Chapters 7-8

I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. That was when I realized there was more of me than I had observed!
As Grub lifted me to a full standing position, I could feel him at my back. It was then I realized there was more of him than expected, also!
“Is that what I think it is, Grunfuller Lokust?” I asked timidly as my cheeks went aflame.
“Sorry, buddy, but you wouldn’t blame me if you saw what I do right now!”
“And just WHAT do you see, Grunfuller?” I growled.
“Ummmm. We have to get back to your place, Chance! You can find out then. Come on!” He said as he began to pull me toward the compartment door.
If he hadn’t been holding tight, I might have fallen and sprained an ankle or even broken one when I tripped out of my standard issue work boots!
“Leave them! We have to get you out of here!”


Chapter 7

After tripping several times and nearly falling face first several more, I finally managed to get my ‘sea legs’ and walk on my own, albeit unsteadily.
Ultimately failing to unlock my door by using the standard voice and body recognition, I manually entered my passcode into the door’s security controller.
“I guess I’ve really changed a lot, huh?”
“You haven’t seen the half of it, sweetheart!”
“Spare me the cute pleasantries, Grunfuller! I’ll be right back.”
Entering my bathroom, I gasped at seeing the reflected image in the over sink mirror!
As I gulped, she gulped. As I touched the soft, smooth cheek, she touched her cheek.
This creature I saw in my mirror mimicked me with every gesture, motion, facial expression, or even the slightest twinge I made. The image had long black hair, almost straight with a soft, natural, wave to it. This face was softer with higher cheekbones and had large, green eyes that pierced even my own soul.
In many ways I could see mom’s features. I recognized some of my father’s attributes as well, but mostly I looked like the sister I never had. I gawked for a few more minutes as I took in my new features, trying to memorize them for the next time I’d look at my reflection.
But this is what I looked like now. And Grub was right. I couldn’t blame him for the reaction I’d felt when he had helped me up!
Mom had said there would be changes- that nothing would ever be the same. I just didn’t understand how far those ‘changes’ would or could go!
“I need something that will fit me.” I told Grub as I re-entered my living area. My eyes briefly glanced to the trunk containing mom’s clothing.
“All kidding aside, that stuff might fit you now, buddy. Sorry, just trying to help.” Apparently, Grub had followed my eyes.
I wonder if that old sea chest will open now that you achieved your ‘threshold.’” He asked.
“We still have no key, Grunfuller; no way to open it otherwise. It might as well require magic.” I scoffed.
Magic… What happened to me could easily be seen as magic by primitive cultures.
Thinking about my Current sense, I blinked my eyes and was rewarded by the sight of streams of the orange Current running through the walls, deck, and ceiling around me. Looking toward the sea chest, I noticed small spots of the same orange Current highlighting each latch’s keyhole.
“Could you open for me, please?” I asked aloud. I had no idea why I even said it.
The locks clicked and both latches sprung open as if excited to do so.
I was mesmerized and also shocked that I could do such a feat.
“How did you do that?” Grub asked in shock.
I simply shrugged, not exactly sure myself.
What met our eyes in the newly opened chest really didn’t surprise me.
“More Clothes? What is it with your mom and tons of clothes buddy?”
Of course. More clothes…
But something about them caught my attention and I reached in to pull out a circular, black mass of neatly folded, stiff, material. It’s flat, wide base measured about two and a half feet in diameter and had a conical center that rose up to a point of about the same length as the thing’s diameter. As I straightened, fluffed, and smoothed the long packed hat, I noted that the point would not stay erect and continually sagged about six inches from the point. Was it made to do that?
Setting that aside, I retrieved the next item in the neatly stacked pile.
It was also made of black cloth, only this garment was silky, but thick and decorated with intricate orange lace. It had strong looking black laces woven up through a series of eyelets on one side and cups built into the other.
“Looks like mom had a bit of a wild streak, buddy! That’s one fancy corset.”
“And how would you know what a corset is, Grunfuller?” I questioned suspiciously.
“Hey, I’ve been around! I’m not the goody-goody you are. I think that’s a ‘bustier’ though.”
I nodded with a curt smile just to humor him and picked up a white shirt made of a similar silken material as the bustier but much thinner.
“What is all this?” I asked after I pulled out a short, black skirt and looked at it at arm’s length.
Lifting that skirt revealed a pair of neatly folded, silky, orange women’s panties, something I suspected to be an orange, suspender belt, and a pair of orange and white striped stockings also neatly folded, sitting atop a pair of black, leather, very high-heeled, knee-length boots!
“Woah! Very kinky, buddy! You going to model that outfit for me? In private, maybe?”
“That is enough, Grunfuller Lokust! I will not have you insinuating things like that around Chance!” Mom’s voice warned.
We both jumped!
I turned to see her hologram had reappeared.
“But how? How can you be here when the DataTab self-destructed, Mom?”
“Put the armor on, Chance. It will protect you from the Hoblins. Grunfuller? There is a set for you in there also. Now, get over your chauvinistic embarrassment quickly, and put the outfits on, both of you! You have much to do.”
Grub laughed outright.
“You want me to put that get-up on? Really? What kind of guy do you think I am?”
“I think you are exactly the ‘guy’ that will do or wear whatever it takes to rescue friends and crewmates, Grunfuller Lokust. Chance? Welcome to the Corps, honey. Now both of you… get suited up to kick some Hoblin ass!”
“You want me to wear this?” My voice squeaked as I held the corset at arm’s length.”
“To be quite honest, you will look better in it than Grunfuller, honey. Plus, you’re going to need the support now. Trust me on that.”
“You called it ‘armor’. Why? What kind of protection could this possibly provide us, mom?” I asked as I regarded the black skirt questioningly.
“I’ll brief you about your new capabilities while we suit you up.”
“Tell me the truth about Hopewell Summers, mom. I think we deserve to know.”
“Grunfuller? You stay out here and get changed. Chance? Follow me.”
Mom’s hologram led me into my sleep quarters. I was amazed the door even opened for it.
Once the door was closed, mom started our private briefing.
“Please get out of those ill-fitting clothes, honey. So, back in the late twenty-first century, space travel was in its very early years and humans were on the threshold of venturing outside Earth’s solar system for the very first time. Hopewell Summers was selected to be one of those people. He was chosen to command and pilot his craft past the Kuiper Belt and out of Sol’s Ort cloud. The mission was considered the pinnacle of Human technology and exploration. Hopewell and his crew launched from a place called Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Center. The civvies too, Chance. Thank you.”
“Pull on your panties then put on the blouse. Leave the top three buttons undone, and remember that the fasteners on women’s clothes are opposite of men’s, Honey. Anyway, six ‘Astronauts’ blasted off into the cosmos for their sixty month trip past the outer reaches of Earth’s system in a craft unproven for deep space travel, AND with a newly invented, untried, theoretical, propulsion system.”
“The mission proved more successful than anyone expected as they reached Sol’s outer border in three month’s time. A problem arose as Hopewell tried to slow the craft down so they could head back and report their success, however. In those days standard radio was the only means of communication and from their position in deep space it would take several months to reach Earth. Next come the stockings, Chance.”
“Think you can pull the stocking on without laddering them, honey?”

“I’ll manage.”
“Good. After the stockings, the garter belt goes on. Thread the straps under your panties. You’ll thank me later. Next, clip your stockings to hold them up. Where was I?”
“What happened? What did Hopewell’s crew find?”
“Oh. Thank you. Well, the propulsion system proved so efficient the crew found themselves entering the nearest system. They were well into the system’s inner planets before Hopewell could finally slow their craft enough to turn it and fire the retros, but not before they were detected by that system’s inhabitants. Now the skirt, honey. Zipper goes in the back. The belt buckles in front and should hang loose off your left hip.”
“I look ridiculous!”
“Actually, you look delectable, Chance. Any guy in his right mind is going to eat you up. Sit down, unzip the boots, and pull them on.”
“How in the world am I going to stand in these things, mom? They have to be four or five inches high!”
“You’ll do fine, honey. So…Hopewell and his crew were escorted aboard one of the Lynxin cruisers that intercepted…”

“Wait! Our ancestor made first contact with the Lynxin?”
“Why would you find that so strange, Chance? Didn’t you know the Lynxin have been our allies for over a thousand years? What do they teach you kids today?”
“Anyway, after proving to the Lynxin they meant no harm and had accidentally crossed into their system, Hopewell and his crew were accepted as a friendly subspecies. The Lynxin also offered to modify Hopewell’s spacecraft with their retro-thruster technology in exchange for the design specifications on the Earthling’s much more efficient ‘Ion Propulsion Drive’ to enable them to get home to Earth.”
“Now the hat, honey. The droop on the top points off to your two o’clock. No proper Current Mage would be caught dead without her hat being positioned correctly!”

“Current Mage? But I thought they were long gone…passed to myth centuries ago.”
“Not all of us, honey. Some of us just kept out of the spotlight. Out of sight, out of mind as they used to say? So, back to the briefing…While they were visiting and learning about the Lynxin, Hopewell and three of his crew began to experience strange visions. Visions in which they saw orange streams of energy flowing to, through, and around everything on the planet.”
“The Current?”
“The Current, Chance. The Lynxin, once realizing that humans were very sensitive to Current, taught them to respect and use it as an alternative form of power- as they had for centuries already. As you know, it’s a very potent form of power! Hopewell was the first person- Lynxin or human- to realize that Current was alive and tried to reason with it as if a sentient being- which it is. The other three decided to just use the Current to their advantage. To force it to do they’re will. To enslave it, honey!”
“By the time their ship was modified, the other three astronauts could manipulate Current to a fair degree, but only Hopewell could perform wondrous things. Magical things. The likes of which Merlin was said to have performed way back in Camelot.”

“What’s Camelot? Who’s Merlin?”
“Don’t forget the bustier, honey. You’ll need that to keep your new ‘assets’ under control. No. That will never work. Try standing up, honey. Once hooked, it will automatically tighten up. And Merlin was considered a ‘wizard’. It was said he could perform fantastic things using magic. And, as we all know, magic is something primitive people call everything they don’t understand. My theory is he was one of us Current Mages.”
It took a moment to catch my breath and to re-balance myself on the stilts I had on once the corset did its thing, but through trial and error, I finally found my center.
“Oh, you look wonderful, honey! Now, let’s go out and see how Grunfuller is faring, shall we?”
I couldn’t help but laugh! There stood Grub in an outfit matching mine. He looked extremely uncomfortable and not happy at all. Just as one would assume a guy in a skirt, bustier, high-heeled boots, and wide brimmed, pointy hat might look.
He inhaled sharply and his breath caught as he saw me, though.
“Why haven’t YOU ever been in my dreams?” He finally gasped. I could feel him undressing me with his stare and I unconsciously felt myself blush.
“Give it a rest, Grunfuller. In a moment you won’t be thinking of her in that way. Oh. The floppy point goes to your ten o’clock, dear. Chance? I’d like you to take his hands and ask the Current within you to reform Grunfuller into your assistant.”
“Wait! Reform? Into her assistant?”
“Just relax! It’s temporary and will last only as long as there is danger around you, dear. Chance? Are you ready to begin? If so, take Lokust’s hands.”
“Wait. Who’s ‘Lokust’?” Grunfuller demanded.
“Why, YOU, silly! Do you think a man’s name would sound appropriate when referring to a young woman?”
“A young woman?” Grub gasped as I finally understood and began concentrating on the Current coursing through me.
I did as mom suggested and asked that Grub become my assistant in fighting the Hoblin.
“Why do I have to become a girl? Can’t I just kill them while I’m male? What was that?
“Wonderful, Chance! You’ve taken your first step to learning the Summers’ craft. And Lokust hardly felt a thing!”
“What do you mean I hardly…why do I sound so strange?” Grub cleared her throat as I smiled broadly at my accomplishment. “I…I sound like a girl!” She declared before stomping awkwardly into my bathroom.
I casually strutted over and leaned against the doorframe with my arms folded under my breasts to watch.
“You look an awful lot like a girl too, buddy. Hey. Thanks for agreeing to help me with the Hoblins.”
Lokust was a blond. Maybe a little shorter than I was, and had a little more going on up top than me. She filled out her outfit very well, though.
“This can’t be possible!” Lokust declared, as she took in her features in the same mirror I had earlier. She turned toward me and glared.
“You turned me into a girl! How could you turn me into a girl, Chance? Is this in retaliation for what happened that time on Degaba?”
Mom’s hologram began laughing uncontrollably!
“Oh! Oh, that is rich! To think Lucas actually got one right! Oh, if he were only here to hear this for himself!”
“Who is ‘Lucas’, mom?” I asked innocently.
“Never mind that now, girls. You have to get going if you want to rescue your friends. With every hour they spend possessed, they are that much closer to not returning to who they were. One more thing, Chance. In the chest are more lockets. They function in a similar way as yours. Give one to Lokust. It will help her utilize her Current to assist you. Lokust? Welcome to the Corps, dear. Now get going girls!”
Walking back into my sleeping quarters, I retrieved six of the rerouters I had carried on my work belt and used against the Hoblins. I gave three to Gru…Lokust and pushed three into the wide buckle, belt that accessorized our outfits. I also helped Lokust put on her locket. As with mine, the clasp disappeared once connected and became a solid chain. She wouldn’t be getting it off anytime soon without cutting.
“Let’s get going. Every second we waste we risk losing Dell and Sinae forever.” I prodded Lokust, hoping to pull her away from the mirror.
“Let’s go! You can play later, buddy!” I demanded as I pulled her, stumbling, out into the passage.
“My ankles hurt.” Lokust complained after about five minutes.
“And I suppose your boobs are sore too?”
“How’d you know?”
“I’m not going to answer that. Let’s just find Dell and Sinae.”
“Where are they?” I asked after several minutes of carefully searching the passageways throughout this section. We had headed directly to Sinae’s section hoping it was habit for her and if so, that habit had carried over somehow.
“Why don’t you ask the Current, buddy? Your mom said it was alive and from what she said it sounds like it’s sentient too.” Lokust suggested in a slightly snarky tone.
Focusing on the Current, I did just that.
“Two passages over, on the other side of the section. Thanks. I would never have thought of doing that, Lokust.”
“I’d much rather be called ‘Grub’ than ‘Lokust’.” She mumbled defensively.
“But Lokust, you’ve emerged from your cocoon and are soo much prettier in this form.” I teased.
“Screw you, Summers!” She groused.
“Like to see you try it now, buddy.” I laughed.
Lokust stopped and reached between her legs.
“Oh God,” she squeaked, “I forgot to chec…it’s…it’s gone!”
“Nice of you to finally notice, buddy. Let’s keep moving.”
Turning down an intersecting passageway, we met our first challenge. Four Hoblins were patrolling when they sighted us and immediately engaged. Dodging the blue, energy bolts those with weapons fired at us was easier than before my ‘threshold’ and we advanced aggressively.
Dispatching them was easier than expected and I noticed my absorption rate had increased dramatically. Lokust had done exceptionally well, too.
“Wow! Is that what it feels like for you, buddy?” She asked. Her eyes were wide in amazement.
“What, the surge of power flowing into your body as you absorb an opponent’s Current or your boobs trying to bounce out of your bustier when running and attacking.”
“Um… both?” She blushed.
“Let’s keep looking.” I suggested, rolling my eyes at her.
After several more skirmishes, we found ourselves entering one of the Mare’s large storage bays. This one had been emptied at our last port of call and had contained severely needed disaster recovery equipment and supplies, so it was now fairly free of obstructions.
“There they are; back corner, just sitting on the container.” I pointed so Lokust could see for herself.
“What’s the plan, Chance?”
“Somehow, we need to get close enough so I can try to restore them; a diversion, maybe?”
“Good idea, but I’m feeling the direct approach, buddy. Attack pattern: Sinae. Go straight on in and take out the collateral as necessary.”
“Pretty bold. What if it doesn’t feel like playing?”
“Oh, it’ll work, Chance. I’ll turn on the ol’ Grunfuller charm and I’ll have it eating out of my hand in seconds!” My partner boasted confidently.
“I would certainly believe that if…IF Grunfuller was here, Lokust! I don’t believe Dell or Sinae are into girls. You?”
“Shit! Forgot about that.” She said looking to the deck a moment.”Oh well. Same plan, but I’ll have to improvise. Ready, buddy?”
I nodded and we sheathed our rerouters then began to walk, bold as brass, toward our merged friends… thing…creature.
“Hey, could you direct two fellow girls to the nearest lavatory? We’ve been walking these halls for hours and, like, I’m afraid we both need to tinkle.” Lokust called out in the sweetest, girliest voice imaginable.
That was her idea of improvising? We’re both dead!
The creature that was our two friends simply ignored us and continued to sit and, from the look of it, brood.
“Helloooo. Are you deaf or something? I asked if you knew where the nearest toilet is! We have to pee really bad!”
She got no reaction from the huge beast.
“Great improv, buddy! You got them right where we want them.” I teased flatly. “Let me try something. Something that I consider to be more of a direct approach.”
Taking out one of my rerouters, I held it like a pointer towards our target. I didn’t want to kill it, just get its attention, so aimed slightly off to the side. Concentrating, I asked my Current to honor me with the result I imagined.
A blue bolt of Current sprang forth from my ‘wand’ and impacted the deck three feet to the right of the languishing beast.
“That was a little more direct than I expected, buddy! You certainly got its attention! Now what?” Lokust retorted as the beast jumped up, stared at us then started for us. It didn’t seem to be in any hurry.
“Let’s flank it. You take the right, I’ll hit from the left.” I suggested.
“Copy that.”
“Slowly, Lokust, slowly. Wait for it to make the first move.” I added.
Just to keep its attention, I fired another shot of Current to the deck on its right again. That elicited a somewhat familiar, though strained, growl from the creature.
A blue bolt struck about a foot in front of the creature. It stopped to locate the origination.
“Hey, what do ya know? I can do that too, Chance!” Lokust said excitedly thus revealing her position.
The merged creature stopped and looked at me in something resembling pained confusion then let out another fearsome, sickening, growl. Could one of them still be cognizant?
“Sinae? Dell? Are either of you two in there?” I asked in a loud voice just to see if my hunch was correct.
Again the creature stopped and seemed to regard me; confused, surprised, and conflicted at the same time.
“It’s me. Chance.” I said pointing to myself.
“Look, I know I don’t look like the Chance you both knew, but I’m in here and I’m trying to reverse what was done to you. Please. Let us help.”
“Hey, girls! It’s me, Grunfuller. Look, I know I don’t look like myself right now either, but Chance and I are here to save you. Now how about you just take a seat and relax while we…”
The beast instantly leapt for Lokust. I fired off another shot, this time placing it between my partner and her attacker’s feet.
Instead of stopping it sidestepped the blast and continued toward Lokust. She readied her rerouter.
I fired a series of four shots between the beast and my friend in an attempt to stop it. It only seemed to slow down slightly so I hurried into the anticipated fray.
Lokust was doing a fair job of eluding the beast’s flailing blows but took a few hits from the beast’s faster right arm. That gave me the idea to attack on its left side.
As I approached I prayed that I could reverse whatever process the Hoblins had used on my friends. I had no love of killing them or any other transmuted crewmember if I could help it.
The beast wheeled around at the last second and made serious contact with my side, sending me skidding across the deck several dozen feet. Except for the surprise and some embarrassment for not seeing that one coming, I didn’t feel any broken ribs. In fact, I barely felt the hit. Maybe mom was right about this outfit being some kind of armor! So, after picking myself up and straightening my skirt, I re-engaged.
This time I managed to sink my rerouter into the beast’s left haunch.
The howl that emanated from it made me want to puke!
Now that I had made contact, I set to draining its Current, but hopefully in a way that wouldn’t hurt my friends. Because the wounded creature was flailing wildly, I wrapped my arms and legs around its spindly, distorted, and misshapen leg.
“YEEHAW! Ride ‘em Cowboy!” Lokust shouted as I continued to drain Current. A sudden blue flash blinded me as I continued to hold on, but somehow I found myself thrown free and sitting on my butt several feet away.
When my sight came back, I noticed four bodies lying sprawled on the deck. Two were men and two were women. One of the women had fur and tasseled ears!
“Sinae! Dell!” I shouted. As if that would automatically wake them up!
I hurried over and stopped next to Dell while Lokust had slid to a stop by Sinae.
“Hey! Simon was one of that thing too, Chance! Chief Conti as well!”
“Make sure they all have a pulse.”
“Copy that.” Lokust replied as she reached for and felt Conti’s neck for a pulse.
“Conti and Redman are alive, Chance. I’ll check SinAAKKK!”
I noticed the Lynxin’s large hand firmly around my partner’s neck.
“Sinae! Quit playing with your food!” I shouted with a smile on my face. “Didn’t your parents teach you better than that?”
Locust reached for and easily pried the hybrid’s fingers apart, and moved back from the confused Section Chief while holding her strong wrist at arm’s length.
Sinae regarded the unknown girl and her apparent strength for a moment, her ears twitching excitedly.
“What are you? Who are you? You smell familiar, but I don’t recognize you.”
“Hey! I didn’t know she could form full sentences, Chance?” Lokust said as she looked over at me.
Sinae had reached for Lokust’s neck with her other hand and squeezed.
“Answer my question!”
“Sinae, stop squeezing Grunfuller’s neck. You’ll never hear the end of it if you leave a mark, and she already bitches way too much in this form as it is!” I advised our Spec-Ops trained friend.
“You speak like Chance Summers, but you smell of vanilla and citrus. What are you? Who are you both?” She looked back at Lokust.
“Release our friend and we’ll talk, otherwise I’ll have to stun you and I’d rather not do that to one of my best friends. Mom’s hologram would never let me forget it.” I warned.
Sinae’s head shot around towards me and instantly released Lokust from her tight grip.
“Chance? Is that really you? What happened?”
“First we need to evacuate this compartment before we receive company. I’m sure our friends heard our little confrontation. Are you capable of walking?
“I fell drained, but I’ll push myself. What about the others?”
“I’ll get the guys, Chance, you grab Dell and help Kitty back to your place.” Lokust suggested as she carefully picked up and positioned Simon then Conti over her shoulders.
Sinae’s eyes almost popped out of her head!
“Come on then. Let’s get out of here.” I said having already placed Dell over my left shoulder. I walked over and helped Sinae up with my right hand.

Chapter 8

“I put Dell into bed. She seems to be just sleeping, hopefully nothing more serious. How are you doing, Sinae?” I asked as I exited my sleeping quarters. Lokust had placed the two guys on my living area floor against the wall opposite the entrance door. Both were still unconscious.
“How did this happen, Chance? How can you be female now?”
“Apparently, this is what mom meant by ‘threshold’.”
Those exotic eyes of hers scanned me from head to toe several times, while her nose seemed to be working overtime.
“You look very much like your mother.”
“Thanks. This is the last thing I ever expected the term ‘threshold’ to represent, but it allowed us to rescue you, Dell, Simon, and Conti. I only hope we can do the same for the rest of the crew.”
“You will need help.”
“Mom said as much. She also pointed out that our outfits,” I motioned to what Lokust and I were wearing, “are some kind of armor. It took your blow and I hardly felt a thing.”
The six-foot Lynxin slumped, her gaze set toward the deck.
“Did I…we hurt anyone else?”
“Not that we know of, but it broke my heart to see you and Dell get transformed then merge. I am really, really glad we got you all back.”
“I wish to help reclaim the ship, Chance Summers.” Sinae volunteered.
“Then you’ll need your own ‘protective’ outfit.” I said as I walked over to the sea chest and picked up one of the extra outfits it contained.
“You can change in the bathroom. I’m going to check on Dell.”
Sinae appraised the clothing, walked into my bathroom, and closed the door.
Dell rolled onto her side as I entered. I watched in silence as she started to move and moan simultaneously.
“Everything is going to be okay now, Dell. You’re safe in my quarters. Sinae, Simon, and Conti are here too.”
Dell rubbed her face a few times then tried to focus on me.
“Who are you? Who’s quarters am I in?” She asked in a groggy, almost drunken, stupor.
“I’m Chance Summers and you are in my quarters. Grunfuller, I mean Lokust and I, were able to reverse what the Hoblins did to you. We brought you all back here to recover.” I explained slowly.
She bolted upright and stared at me intensely!
“You aren’t Chance! Chance is a man!”
She paused and appraised me quietly for a few seconds.
“What in the worlds are you wearing?”
“Mom calls it ‘protective armor’. It looks like a racy old party costume, to me.” I blushed.
“Your mom calls it…Chance?”
“In the flesh…well, slightly different flesh than before… Look, I’ll explain everything in a few. Right now, are you hurt anywhere?”
“Not hurt, per say, just extremely tired, like I just did calisthenics on a high gravity planet. Is Sinae okay?”
“Yes. She’s getting ‘suited up’ as we speak.”
“Suited up?”
“Mom was thoughtful enough to provide more of these outfits. I’m thinking to form a team?” I told her as I motioned down my body.
And once ‘suited up’ then what?” She asked as her eyes narrowed.
“Then I guess we go kick some Hoblin ass.” I smiled.
“I’m in! No sense arguing it, Chance! I’m. In.”
“I thought you might say that, here. I saved this just for you.”
With a snap of my fingers a fourth outfit appeared on the bed.”
“Suit up and find out. As mom would say, ‘Welcome to the Corps’, Dell.” I smiled as I turned to walk out.
“Oh. Mom says the bustier goes on the outside, by the way. Come out when you’re ready. Lokust and I will be waiting.”
“Who’s ‘Lokust’?”
“Grunfuller.” I replied as my bedroom door closed.
“How’s Dell?” Lokust asked after my sleeping quarter’s door closed.
“She’s in.” I smiled.
“Wow! I like the odds. Four against what…ten thousand? It’s doable.”
“How are Simon and Conti?”
“Still out. I guess guys can’t take the strain of trans…for…may…shun?” Grub…or Locust answered then realized what she was saying.
“Did that just come out of MY mouth? Buddy? You need to change me back! Quickly! I’m starting to think like a girl!” Lokust cried.
“Mom said you would turn back when the danger is over, Lokust. Quit your complaining.”
“I think she looks cute, Chance. I overheard. Is there some way you can keep her in this form? Maybe permanently?” Sinae laughed as she stepped out of the bathroom carefully.
“We would be doing exactly what the Hoblins did to you, so no. Grunfuller will return after the Mare has been returned to our control and the invading Hoblins dealt with.”
“A real shame. I know a guy that would love to meet a girl like Lokust here.”
“You’re a very sick and cruel Kitty, you know that, right?” Lokust glared darkly at our tall, Lynxin friend.
“You look very nice, Sinae.” I complimented.
“I have only one complaint. My ears feel cramped inside this strange hat.”
“Somehow I don’t think that should be a problem once I activate you. How does the rest of it feel?
“It fits purrrfectly. Thank you, Chance. Though, this fabric…I’ve never felt anything so soft…so smooth…Wait. Did you say your mother referred to it as protective armor?”
“Her words, not mine. Why?” I answered but looked at her in confusion.
“Lynxin legend speaks of a species of Arachnid that produced silk that had all these properties: Smooth, comfortable, soft, and incredibly durable! This can’t be that though as the Weaver species died out almost a thousand years ago. And, as far as I know, no synthetic substitute has ever been produced to rival it. So that means…”
“Your uniforms are over a thousand years old. You are correct Kitty Sinae of FeLane.” Mom’s hologram interrupted to complete Sinae’s statement.
“Uniforms? These look more like adult masque costumes the FeLane High Courts of old would require for festivals.”
“Again, very intuitive, dear. They were patterned after those very costumes, just with a few necessary modifications.”
“The Weavers’ silk.”
“And a few not so obvious modifications which you will become aware of in the coming confrontations.”
“What are you really, Mrs. Summers? What is…what is Chance…really?”
“Let’s hold all questions until the fourth member of your team comes in, ladies. The full briefing will start then.”
“Chance? Could you help me lace…this…thing…Sinae? You look fabulous!” Dell asked as she came out of my Sleep quarters holding her bustier loosely around her middle. She stared first at me, then Sinae, then at Lokust.
“Why are we all dressed up for Halloween? I thought the ship was under attack?”
“Chance. Help your teammate with her foundation. Dell, honey, as soon as you get put together, I’ll start the briefing. Oh, the bustier tightens itself, honey.”
“What briefing? Who are you?” Dell asked and pointed to Lokust.
“Grunfuller offered to help, too, Dell.” I said.
“But you’re a girl!”
“Yeah! Tell Chance that. She’s the one that changed me into this.” Lokust complained.
Dell turned to look at me in confusion, and fear.
“You? You changed him into…into a…a her? What are you, Chance Summers?”
“THAT IS ENOUGH! This briefing will now proceed!” Mom’s hologram shouted.
“To start off. I want to thank you all for volunteering to help Chance in her service to the species. I am not afraid to inform you that this, your unit, will see its fair share of action and if any of you feel you cannot handle it, please tell me now, BEFORE your lockets are placed.”
“Oh. Sure. Now you give me the out.” Lokust snarked. “Does the word ‘trapped’ mean anything to you, lady?”
“Stop complaining, Lokust! You won’t PMS for another three weeks yet.”
“WHAT? Oh, God, I’m doomed. Kill me now, Chance!”
“Are you sure she is a trusted friend, honey? Libra didn’t complain this much and she was royalty!”
“You knew my great ancestor?” Sinae gasped.
“Mom? You want to explain how you could possibly know this Libra person? You’ve never been to FeLane as far as I know.”
“I was just getting to that if Miss Lokust would stop complaining and interrupting this briefing!”
“Chance, Libra was the name of our High Queen on FeLane one millennia ago.” Sinae informed me…us.
“Let’s start with introductions, shall we? Chance? You already know Dell, Sinae, and Lokust.” Mom paused.
“United States Marine Corps, Major Hopewell Freeman Summers at your service, ladies.”
The room fell silent after the deafening sound of air being sucked quickly into our lungs. It remained deathly quiet for several minutes while mom’s hologram calmly appraised each of us repeatedly.
“Well. That went better than calculated! I had thought at least one of you- Lokust- would have lost consciousness. Yes. I was THAT old, Chance. Age never stopped me from trying to have you though! I will never forget the day you were born! So perfect, So…mine!”
Mom’s hologram wiped her eyes.
“Moving on. As to what I was and the four of you are. Well, that’s a little complicated. I guess the modern term, ‘Current Mage’, just about covers it, but I’ll just use the old terms for my convenience. When deployed in the field- in public- we’ll refer to each other as ‘Ladies’ and the team as ‘The Coven’. So, ‘Lady Chance’ is a member of the ‘Coven’. Got it? Okay. Good. Continuing. Each of you now wears the specially designed and manufactured, officially sanctioned, ‘T.M.’, custom tailored, ‘uniform’ of the Witch Corps. An officially sanctioned United States Marine Corps Blacker than Black, Spec-Ops group formed ten years after we returned to Earth.”
Mom’s hologram paused to let that sink in a while.
“So on to our historic background. Way back, when I first visited FeLane, my crew and I found we could ‘feel’ Current flowing all over, through, and around Sinae’s homeworld. Libra allowed us to study the phenomena- to learn about it. She also taught us how to honor it and ask it to do things for us, but never to demand from it!” Mom looked to Dell and Sinae- her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Girls. At this time I would like you to take one of Chance’s hands in yours. All accept you, Lokust. You already know what is to happen.”
“What will happen, Chance? Are you going to turn us into guys? Like you turned Grunfuller into a girl?” Dell sniped in fear.
“My daughter is not going to change your gender, ladies. She is just going to ask her Current to help you help HER fight the Hoblins. And to do that the Current must ‘optimize’ each of you. Like it has Lokust.”
“Optimize? How so?” Sinae questioned.
“In order to maximize Current retention and usage, several parameters must be met. First the body must be modified to accept Current as I have stated previously. Second. In order for maximum Current storage and retention, the body must be female. For some unknown reason females of the species are able to retain and actually use Current much more efficiently than our male counterparts.”
“Next the body must be strengthened for battle. I’m sure you have already experienced Lokust’s enhanced strength, Sinae?”

Our friend nodded uncomfortably in acknowledgement. She was one of the strongest women on the Mare and Lokust, a perky looking, blond of five-eight, with no visible muscle tone at all, had bested her. Easily.
“Last, the governor must be fitted to the wearer to facilitate efficient use of Current and to limit and cleanse the inrushing tainted Current when draining away Hoblins. That is why Chance had to transform you into a ‘girl’, Grunfuller! It was for your own safety and health.”
“So, our lockets are this governor, mom?” I asked just to make it clear.
The hologram nodded.
“So. Chance will now optomize you both. I am told it is an amazing feeling. Enjoy, ladies.”
Retaking Sinae’s hand, I began to concentrate- to ask my Current to let my two friends help me save the Mare and her crew.
“Wow! That was amazing, buddy!” Lokust gasped excitedly after a moment.
“What is taking so long, Chance?” Sinae asked impatiently.
“Yes, Chance. I thought we were supposed to feel something? When are you going to… um… optimize us?” Dell inquired impatiently.
“That’s incredible, honey! I’ve never been able to power up my assistants without them feeling ‘something’. Wonderful!”
Opening my eyes to look at what I’d done, I was mesmerized!
“What did she do? I didn’t feel a thing.” Dell questioned as she appraised Sinae. Her eyes went wide
“Woah! Your tail!”
“What about my tail, Dell? I thought we talked this out already. I’m over it. It’s a non-issue.”
“It’s long, and…”
“It’s WHAT?” Sinae began chasing her newly lengthened tail around trying to get a look.
“Hang on a minute.” I ordered as I stopped her and gently grasped the elusive appendage. Carefully, I pulled it around so she could see it.
“By the way, your ears look so pretty the way they stick out of your hat.” I complimented.
“What? Oh my stars! My tail! It’s back!”
Sinae looked on the verge of tears.
“A tail befitting the true heir to the throne of FeLane, wouldn’t you say, Princess Kitty? I must say that, when I first retrieved your HIGHLY classified and encrypted file, I didn’t see the connection. That is until I simulated Libra’s unique, longer tail. You look very much like her, Sinae. Very much like her, indeed. The long, flowing, orange/tan tresses also add to that likeness. Welcome to the Corps, Lady Kitty Sinae, Princess of FeLane.”
“You’re a princess, Kitty? And…and ‘Kitty’ is your real first name? I thought your last name was Ackktt?” Lokust asked in complete surprise.
Our six-foot, Lynxin friend- now with her new three-foot tail, growled menacingly. Sinae’s left hand grabbed Lokust’s loose blouse while her right hand came up close to Lokust’s face and her pointer claw shot out with an audible ‘SHHHING’.
She looked startled by that for an instant, but quickly composed herself.
Dell laughed. “She had a hairball at the time.”
“I had a cold at the time,” the Lynxin corrected, glaring at Dell a moment before returning her glare to Lokust, “and if you ever…EVER let that get out, I will personally gut you! Copy?”
Lokust withered; her eyes wide in fright. “Copy.”
“Hey! Not to ruin good entertainment, but how do I look? Am I any different? Do I have a tail, too?” Dell interrupted feeling left out.
“No dear, no tail, but you have had some work done.” Mom smiled. “It seems the Greek Gods of old have smiled on their daughter and granted you beauty befitting your station, Artemis Dell, Goddess of the Hunt.”
“Who’s ‘Artemis’?” Dell asked in confusion.
“You are, dear! You are now the truest representation of Greek sculpture given life. Welcome to the Corps, Lady Artemis Dell, Goddess of the Hunt.” Mom told our stunningly beautiful, bronze-skinned, brunette. Dell’s hair was now much longer and woven into a single, thick braid that hung to her amazing new ass. She also seemed a bit taller than her normal five-six.
“Great. Everyone gets a pretty name except me. I’m just lowly Lokust Grunfuller of Grub.”
“If that is how you wish others refer to you, but I much prefer ‘Lady Lokust Grunfuller, Mage of the Four Winds. I think it suits the new you much better, dear.”
“You weren’t around when we provided emergency efforts on Devlin Four! Boy did those rations do a number on his gut! I can tell you he was a ‘Mage’ of many more winds than four on that mission.” I horn-dogged.
“I actually heard about that one! It was the mission where you were confined to your quarters or the planetary government threatened to sue the Galactic Council for planet-wide atmospheric destabilization, right?” Dell teased with a devious smile.
“Oh. You guys are Just. SO. Funny.”
“Ladies? Can we please get this briefing back on the rails? Time is of the essence.”
“Of course, Major, please continue your briefing of our ‘royal’ selves.” I replied regally.
“As you were growing up, I never once imagined you to be this much of a wise-ass, Chance. So, where was I?”
“History of the Witch Corps 101, Major Summers.” Lokust replied.
“Now you, M’lady, have always been a wise-ass! Anywho, getting back to Ancient History. Queen Libra stressed the idea of Current being alive and sentient then urged us, and ultimately our species, to respect it. She said that failure to do so would produce grave, disastrous, and unforeseen consequences. I’m sorry to say that she was completely correct.”
“Charles, Chantell Denison, and I seemed to be the only sensible ones of our crew. We each went out of our way to show respect for the new -to us- powerful energy source. Our three fellow astronauts disagreed. What their names were, I no longer wish to recall because after what had happened, the calamity that enveloped them, a name or names no longer applied.”

Mom’s hologram paused a moment as she audibly sighed.
“They demanded complete control of their own stored Current and set about acquiring more. They then sought out Earth’s indigenous Current and tried to enslave it, greed and wealth being their driving motives. As they gathered more and more Current, rationalizing that they could sell it for a massive profit, their personalities started to degrade and twist. They began seeing themselves as Demi-Gods or even full-fledged Gods.”
We were now listening with unwavering attention.
“It all came crashing down on them when they began to see each other as rivals. It really does not matter which decided to expunge the others at this point in time, but from what Charles, Chantell, and I could theorize, their Current thought enough was enough. But ‘it’ could not escape or purge the greed, selfishness, egotistic, controlling, and murderous emotions all species hold. Their Current, the vast reservoirs stored within each one of our former crewmates, began to ‘taint’- to twist and corrupt as much or more than their ‘owners’. The two stronger decided to ‘absorb’ the weaker third’s Current. I’m sure you all are familiar with the blue plasmatic ball that engulfs it’s victims upon conscription?”
Sinae and Dell instantly sought out my shoulders and began crying openly. The feeling, at first, felt awkward but was quickly replaced by a genuine feeling of fulfillment knowing I was helping provide some comfort to my friends.
Mom’s holographic face saddened and paused silently a minute or two before continuing.
“I am truly sorry you both experienced that. When Chance alerted me to your conscription, my heart fell to pieces and if not for her staunch resolve… A similar plasma ball engulfed all three of our former crewmates and when it faded, two grotesques, sickly, gray-skinned, horribly disfigured, and twisted, Hobgoblins stood, hunched over in excruciating pain and dazed. Before anyone could approach, they recovered and simply disappeared. Over the ensuing years and centuries Charles, Chantell, and I did our best to track and ‘purify’ their minions. We’ve never found those two original Hobgoblins though.”
“Um…I’m confused. How did you determine that females were superior to males regarding Current, and how did you become Chances mother. I presume ‘Hopewell’ was a man’s name?” Dell asked.
“I think I might have that one figured out already, Dell.” Lokust dramatically drew her fingers down her sides.
“What? You think that I transfigured myself into female form, Lokust? It was as far away from that as you can get. It was an accident!” Mom’s hologram glared at my transformed work partner.
“While still on FeLane, Libra was interested in testing our limits. No one else on the planet at that time seemed capable of such manipulation of Current. She asked me to volunteer to test our storage capacity. Before the testing commenced, I was given what appeared to be a locket- actually a modified thrust percentage gauge from an old spacecraft- to wear. I was told that it would monitor the amount of Current absorbed and held inside me.”
“Current was carefully presented to me in ‘puddles’ of a calculated displacement. I was to either absorb or refuse it based on how I felt. The project took several days and during that time I began to notice slight changes. Mostly in my personality and sexual preferences.”
“On day four, my ‘gauge’ read ‘full’. Libra told me that she was satisfied with the outcome of the experiment, but I was still curious as to my actual limit and so, talked Libra into continuing the experiment. On day five, a supply conduit ruptured and threatened the scientists and Libra, who insisted on attending the testing that day! I began absorbing it as best and as fast as I could even though the pain became unbearable. I remember begging for my Current to help me survive the overload I felt might kill me so that I could save everyone around me. That was when I reached my ‘threshold’! It was the very first time anyone had ever seen someone enveloped in blue plasma. When the blinding light finally faded, I was like you see me. Libra ordered all records and research from the experiment destroyed and imposed a permanent gag order to everyone involved.”
“NASA was in a quandary as to what to do when we landed at Canaveral’s runway. I mean, no astronaut had ever ‘mutated’ while on a space mission before. I was glad that Libra made us carry her diplomatic message of welcome and cooperation back home with us. She claimed full responsibility for my ‘accident.”

I stood there stunned. I had inadvertently done something similar when the Hoblins had tried to trans…‘transconfigure(?)’ me and Grub!
Was that what my dream image of mom meant by ‘I proved myself a true Summers’?
“Chance? Buddy, are you okay?”
“From the look on her face I’d say my daughter did the same thing I just described.”
“So now what? I live as long as you, mom? I live while everyone around me grows old and dies? What kind of life is that?” I cried, tears flowing down my face.
“I don’t want to live forever.” I sobbed.
“I didn’t either, honey, but it isn’t so bad…”
“That is cold, Mrs. Summers! Really cold!” Grub…Lokust scolded as she came over and pulled me to her shoulder.
“What I meant was that it really isn’t so bad when you have friends to share the time with, ladies. Charles and I shared a lot of good times in our fourteen hundred years together. If Chantell’s shuttle hadn’t crashed on approach ten years ago, you could have asked her yourself.”
“Are you trying to say that, because we volunteered to help Chance, we’ll live just as long as she does?” Sinae choked in disbelief- her ears twitching wildly.
“I don’t want to be a girl for that long, though!” Lokust moaned.
“Is she putting me on? Was Grunfuller ever that blond, Chance?” I noticed Sinae and Dell nodding comically. Mom’s hologram seemed to roll her eyes.
“RE-cap! Lokust not turn back to man until danger… current mission over, THEN Lokust turn back to Grunfuller. Grunfuller only turn into Lokust when Chance need Lokust. Is that simple enough to understand, dearie?”
“I think so?” Lokust answered shyly.
“Lord in Heaven! The kids these days!” Mom’s hologram groaned in protest.
“Getting back on track. Well after my accident and after the Hobgoblins or Hoblins came into existence, the newly incorporated Witch Corps was back on FeLane where Libra’s scientists researched and developed the lockets you now wear. They not only indicate your Current reservoir level, they also limit your absorption and dissemination rates while cleansing the incoming Current of all the overlaid corruption or ‘taint’. Your Weaver-based clothing can withstand even YOUR newly modified claws, Princess Kitty.”
Mom’s hologram actually stuck her tongue out at the Lynxin.
“What happens when WE reach our ‘threshold’?” Sinae asked, ignoring mom’s jab.
“Once activated there is no longer a threshold, ladies.”
“I knew it! I’m going to end up in some seedy spaceport one hundred pounds overweight with seventy-five screamin’ kids all wanting to suckle mommy’s tits!” Lokust cried in resignation.
Dell, Sinae, and I all stared at our friend and compatriot in shocked disbelief. Did she even realize how she was acting or sounding?
“Current induced hormonal overload, girls. She’ll be over it after the adrenaline rush of kicking more Hobgoblin ass. Which is what you four should be doing instead of listening to some deceased old crone reminisce about ancient history. Now get out there and make the Corps proud, ladies!”
Mom’s hologram disappeared.
“I guess the briefing’s over. Let’s go to our shop compartment to gear up.” I said as I took two of my rerouters in hand. I asked my Current to redesign the rerouters to better compliment my outfit. They instantly morphed into magic wands befitting the ‘Witch’ I had become.
“Nice trick, Chance. I hope you intend on sharing it with the Coven.” Dell smiled devilishly.
“It’s easy. Just ask your Current to change whatever you choose into something that you can use against the Hoblins.” I advised as I stuck my main wand into my belt on the left then lifted the side of my skirt and stuck the other into the top of my right stocking.
“That’s my backup.” I said smoothing my skirt again.
“Wow! I guess I’m ahead of the curve on that.” Lokust giggled as she produced her wand from out of her blouse’s left sleeve.
“I figured this out back in the storage bay. When we came to rescue you.” She added while twirling it between her fingers several times as she looked at Dell and ‘Kitty’.
“M’ladies’,” I started, but couldn’t help giggling, “Our enemies await us and grow thirsty for confrontation. Shall we make haste?”
Reaching our shop without being discovered, I promptly handed out our supply of rerouters.
Sinae wasted no time and transformed her allotment into a wand and a healthy supply of throwing stars, ‘shurikens’ I think they were called. She took one of our utility belts in hand. It morphed into a bandoleer with several pouches to hold her new weapons of choice.
Dell changed a rerouter into the requisite wand, another into a very ornate and strong looking, recurve hunting bow. A dozen other rerouters became its accompanying arrows. A utility belt became her quiver.
I was impressed with my friends’ choices of weapons. I hoped they knew how to use them. Something…some feeling deep inside me knew they did AND with lethal effectiveness!
“Everyone ready then?” I asked as I saw Lokust looking at our shunt assortment in deep thought. Picking one of the longest ones, it became a leather whip complete with a tasseled end. She recoiled and snapped it at the wall once. Sparks shot from the impact point. Casting it back and forth a few times she changed its course and caused it to quickly wrap itself around her waist a few turns then behind and over her right shoulder before tucking its tasseled end back into itself at her waist.
It was the most amazing thing I‘d ever seen! The speed in which she did it also surprised me.
“Bitch!” Dell accused jealously as she shouldered her bow.
“Now I’m ready.” Lokust smiled happily.
Sinae snarled fiercely as she nodded to me.
“Okay, Let’s kick some Hoblin ass and take back the Mare!”

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