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As planned, my Coven sisters preceded me down our ramp then fanned out to either side of it. Lyra and Kitty were the last to exit ahead of me. Cmdr. Serangetti offered his arm before we stepped through the hatch and escorted me down the ramp.
Our gathered- all male- welcoming committee seemed well past impressed, as indicated by the open mouths and dangling tongues.
“Introducing High Priestess, Lady Chance Summers. Ships-mistress of EFMC Pegasus.” Cmdr. Serangetti announced.
“Lady Chance, Welcome to New Sri Lanka. I am Able Castor, Mayor of New Sri Lanka and Eden Defense’s High Commander.” A tall, well-groomed, clean-cut man in crisp, clean, black jeans and brown, short-sleeved, button down, cotton shirt welcomed politely. Though quite courteous, his eyes seemed to be undressing me as well as my Coven sisters. I felt a tinge of jealousy that Aunt Cora and Simone drew the lion’s share of hungry stares for some reason.
I gave him a slight head bow.
“Thank you for permitting us to visit your society, sir. I will request our passengers disembark after our formalities here have concluded.” I informed him.
“That is acceptable, High Priestess. Though, if you must know, we are not usually this strict on formalities here. The City is yours to explore, Ladies of EFMC Pegasus.” The handsome man admitted. “Actually, that’s about as formal as we get around here, ma’am.” He grinned mischieviously.
“Point taken, Mr. Castor, though I would politely request the replacement of yours and your entourage’s tongues if we are to remain cordial.”
He looked horrified. Then looked around at the others.
“Guys! Yooo! Nix the Wolf Pack mentality! These gals is refined…and our guests!”
“And we can probably end you all with a sideways glance, Hunk-meister.” Chantell added quietly with an evil smile and seductive whisper.
“High Priestess, I propose meeting the secondary and/or alternate guardians before proceeding.” Aunt Cora suggested. The tone she used didn’t go unnoticed by me.
“Excellent suggestion, Lady Cora. Mr. Castor, perhaps you could arrange the suggested meeting? We shall await your communication onboard Pegasus.”
“An appropriate security precaution, though I can assure you the children will be well accepted by their new guardians, High Priestess.”
“Mr. Castor, I look forward to our next meeting. Until then?”
Castor bowed his head ever so slightly.
We all filed back up the ramp and secured the hatch. Everyone followed me back to the bridge.
“Okay, am I the only one whose ‘Bullshit’ meter flew off the scale?” Chantell asked in her own, unique way.
“I too felt a disturbance in the force, M’lady.” I said as I turned to exit the bridge again, Savanna and her car seat again in hand. “Unfortunately, it isn’t ‘bull’ shit I’m smelling.”
“How the hell she keep doing that, Hopewell?” Chantell asked just as the Bridge door closed behind me.
“Oh mighty oracle, please grant that I may attend and converse thee.” Dell’s voice asked sarcastically from behind to awaken me.
Once again I had sought refuge up in the Observation lounge, Savanna by my side.
“Honestly, Dell? Out of everyone onboard, I had hoped you and Sinae could stay somewhat serious.” I responded before opening my eyes.
“I assure you that I am quite serious and have been for countless millennia, Chance Summers.”
“God, here we go.” I said as I began to lean forward and turn toward her voice. “So what manner of bull has mom and Chantell put you up…to?”
There behind me was Dell. Dressed in a beautiful white toga style gown with gold accents, a golden braided rope belt, and golden, strapped sandals. Oh, and she had an ornate golden bow and a golden quiver full of arrows on her back.
“Aw, shit.” I cursed as I hurried off my seat and fell to my knees before the real Huntress- Artemis, herself.
Her laughter was light and heartfelt.
“Oh, get up you silly girl! We, you and I, are more alike than you think, Chance Summers, Lady of Two Realms.”
“Um…we are?” I squeaked as I stood, checking on Savanna while doing so.
“Have you not visited the Current, as your species call it?”
“Well, yes, but…”
“I too, have dual citizenship, M’lady. Though not in the Current.”
“Um…okaaaay? Give me a moment to get Dell up here. I’m sure she has a multitude of questions to ask.”
“Please don’t, Chance. I only came to offer you a quick visit to Olympus. Dell wouldn’t understand my arrival here, nor would she even see me.”
“My people have the ability to project ourselves to groups or even a single individual, like I’m doing now. Like you can do if you so wish it, M’lady.
Artemis smiled brightly.
“Because I wish it, Chance Summers. Because I wish to get my point across and thought this the best way to undertake it.”
Savanna began gurgling and…waving? At Artemis!
“I know! How sweet that you thought to remind me, little one.”
Savanna gurgled more.
“Yes. She is impressive, isn’t she? I wish all my nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins could be more like her.”
Savanna gurgled yet again.
“I think you were right in choosing her to take care of you on this plane of existence, M’lady.”
“You…you can understand her?”
“I can understand her thoughts, as can the young Lynxin, Chance. As can you, if you so wish it. Didn’t you know that?”
I shook my head but didn’t say a word.
My baby gurgled once more.
“Yes, she is quite humble and you should learn from her, but right now she is about to lose herself to the dream realm, so let us get back on track, shall we?”
Savanna waved her chubby little hand.
“Thank you, M’lady. Now Lady Chance, would you care to visit Olympus or not? I will not take offense if you choose not to accept. I only mean to offer you my hospitality while I have the means of giving it.”
“Would I be able to bring Savanna along?”
“Alas, no. M’lady. Being also of dual citizenship makes her a candidate, but your daughter is far too young to survive or comprehend a trip to our Realm. No worries though, to this realm you will only be gone for a dozen of your seconds at most. Now, M’lady, shall we go where few mortals have gone before?”
She giggled as I rolled my eyes.
“Yes, I got that one from your mother.” She said as she offered her hand.
“So I just click my heels together three times while reciting: ‘There’s no place like Olympus’?”
“I must admit, M’lady, it vexes even me how you reference sayings and catchphrases from your mother’s original era so effortlessly. Is there perchance some psychic bond between you both?”
My eyes widened as I beheld the quintessential mountain topped by a vast and dominating Parthenon. We were standing on the edge of a vast meadow stretching at least a mile in three directions.
“Oh come now! This surprises you? Lady Chance Summers, Lady of Two Realms?”
“Its…its beautiful!”
“Why thank you, M’lady. We try to keep Olympus well maintained. Please come this way and we can talk while walking to our destination.”
“Are we…are we going up there?” I hesitantly pointed to the mountain.
“Way up there? Heavens no, Chance. The Parthenon is only used as an icon these days. We haven’t used it in ages though. The species of this galaxy are far too advanced for our collective tastes.”
“Yo, Artie! Who’s the new babe?” A male voice called from off to our right. He was sprinting toward us and stopped a few feet away.
“Are you getting that forgetful, Ari? Don’t you recognize your daughter Nike?”
My mouth dropped wide and I started to imitate a Canzian water breather!
“Come on, Di! I’d know my own daughter and this babe don’t come close. Yeah, she’s good lookin’ an’ all, but this ain’t my Keke.”
“And you don’t look like the blood-thirsty Aries anymore, so how do I know its you? I still look like me, don’t I?”
“I’m me, Di. Knock it off with the head games.
So who is she?” ‘Ari’ motioned back to me. “I mean, really.”
“Lady Chance is High Priestess to a Coven of women in the mortal realm. She IS the reincarnation of your daughter Nike. And a damned powerful witch in her own right! She also works with my greatest granddaughter, Dell, who happens to take after me to a ‘T’- abilities and all.
“Well whoever you are,” Ari took my hand and kissed it gently. “Welcome to Olympus and enjoy your visit.”
“Ari, Chance is of many realms.”
“Really? Then I am doubly honored to make your acquaintance, M’lady. Welcome to Olympus and enjoy your stay if you so wish it. Good day, ladies.”
“So…why am I here again? Was it to learn I am the rebirth of Aries’ daughter Nike, Goddess of Victory?” I asked carefully.”
“Well that, but there is another reason to visit, Lady Chance. And don’t worry about Ari. He’s knocked up so many women over the years, he couldn’t possibly recognize all his kids!”
“That’s…reassuring…I think.”
“Come along, now. Our time together grows short.” She said as she took my hand again and pulled me toward the mountain.
“I thought you said we weren’t going up the mountain?”
“Silly girl, not up, under… under the mountain. Our brother has forged something for you and my granddaughter.”
“Hephaestus is the premiere artiste when it comes to jewelry, Chance. When word reached me that the Witch Corps had started recruiting again, I was overjoyed! You should know that we- Charli, Chantell, and your mother shared some very memorable times together. Our adventures have been some of the major highlights in my life. Oh, and tell ol’ Hope I grew bored with those abominations and let the big nasty win. It wasn’t then and is not now my lot to destroy the Hobgoblins. That must be accomplished by your collective species alone. Ah, here we are. Follow me and be careful, the walls of the passage might be hot.”
Artemis guided me into the cave-like passage and deep under the mountain. It began to get very warm. After a few minutes we arrived at what could only be described as a huge forge.
“Artie! Chance! I’ve been expecting you two.”
“Hey, Hephus! Are they ready?”
“They just cooled enough to touch. Here, have a look.”
The huge, middle-aged, bearded man gingerly reached over to some items on a nearby worktable.
“These are yours, M’lady.” He said handing me the most beautiful, delicate looking earrings I had ever seen. Each earring was made of what looked like Platinum and held a brilliant blue-green gem in its center. I was at a loss for words!
“Hephus, these are for pierced ears, Chance hasn’t found the time for that ritual as of yet.”
“Well, I am of the firm belief that pierced ears are more fashionable and also announce a certain bit of courage on behalf of the wearer. Perhaps you can help Lady Chance in that regard, Artie?”
“Only if Chance agrees, Hephus. Would you like me to pierce your ears, sister? It shouldn’t hurt in the least.”
The earrings were very beautiful. Best of all I was in Olympus and Artemis, the actual Huntress offered to pierce my ears so that I could wear a pair made by Hephaestus, himself!
“Of course. Who am I to refuse any gifts from the Gods and Goddess’ of Olympus .” I giggled nervously. “By the way, just send the bill to Major Hopewell Summers.”
“HO! That’s the spirit, M’lady!” Hephus boomed gregariously.
“Now hold still, M’lady. I haven’t done this in years.” Artemis giggled and placed a thumb and finger on both ears. “That looks about right.”
I felt a mild sting in both earlobes
“There, all done. How did that feel, M’lady?”
“Would it be too much trouble to add a hole to each side?” I asked, as I suddenly felt adventurous.
“I like your thinking. If one pair of holes shows courage, two pairs show determination. Well met, M’lady.” Artemis said approvingly.
“I’ll allow you to install the trinkets yourself, Lady Chance.” The big, burly man told me gently as he handed me my pair.
A tingle ran through my body after securing the back to the second earring.
“Um…what just happened? I felt a strange tingle run through me.”
“I told you, didn’t I?” Artemis punched big, burly Hephus in the arm.
“Aye, you did, Artie. The gems only initialize when the proper genetic strand is recognized. Indeed, she is Keke returned to flesh.”
“Ha! Take that Ari of Zeus!”
“What are these earrings actually for, Lady Artemis? Sir Hephaestus?” I asked in confusion.
“The gems, when paired, grant the wearer- if of the Olympus stock- certain gifts. These gifts can only be enabled by one possessing the genes donated by Father Zeus to his progeny, their progeny, and so on.” Hephus smiled to me and I felt instantly warmed and safe. “You, M’lady Chance, felt the gems initialize. Therefore, Artie has been vindicated in her belief that you are the newest representation of Nike- daughter of Aries, but OUR sister in all matters that count. Now, let me tell you some of the things these little babies can do…”
After a somewhat lengthy tutorial, Hephus reached for a wooden box of about ten by ten by two inches. The hinged box itself was beautifully stained and finished in a rich earth tone in the way of finely crafted furniture.
“Lady Chance. In making your trinkets, I also took the liberty of fabricating several more for your Coven sisters.”
Opening the box, he revealed eight pairs of distinctly individual earrings. All had a single gemstone mounted to each.
“When presenting them, allow the individual to select the correct pair. The gems are matched for each of your sisters genetically and will only activate when worn by the owner. Now,” he picked up a smaller box and handed it to me. “Lady Artemis had me create these for her granddaughter specifically. You may look if you wish.”
Inside the small decorative, strained and finished box was a pair of earrings and two things that looked like bracelets.
“Dell is going to absolutely love these, M’lady! On behalf of Lady Artemis Dell, I thank you Sir Hephaestus!”
“Now, about those unfilled holes.” Artemis said with a smile as she touched my earlobes again. “These are my gift to you, Chance Summers. They are a gift to symbolize our family relationship to Father Zeus.”
Again I felt a slight tingle in my body.
“Wear them at all times for added protection. But, above all, listen carefully to them; they will never lie to you, Lady Chance, Lady of Many Realms, High Priestess of Witch Corps, Granddaughter of Father Zeus. Come now, our time grows short and we would not want little Savanna to worry.”
“Thanks again for the exquisite jewelry, Sir Hephaestus! I shall treasure it all my life.”
“You are most welcome, M’lady. Stop by any time. We’ll talk over tea and I may just ravish you with more trinkets you have inspired me to create. Fare thee well, Lady Chance Summers.”
On impulse I approached the burly man, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him gently on his cheek- well actually his gruff beard, but he blushed all the same. I then followed Artemis out of the mountain.
“Artie? Is that who I think it is?” A woman’s voice shouted shrilly from not far off. A young looking woman ran up to us and began looking me over intently.
“You did it! After all this time, you finally found our sister! I never thought you would do it, but here she is and I guess I owe you an apology. So here it is. Please forgive me for doubting the Huntress of the forests,” The woman prattled.
“Demi, Lady Chance Summers of the Witch Corps. Lady Chance, our sister, Demeter, or Demi in these modern times.
“Very nice to meet you, M’lady. I’m very sorry I can’t stop to chat further, but Lady Artemis claims I am running out of time in this realm. Plus, I feel I must return to care for my daughter. I can feel her pull increasing as time goes on.”
“Oh, okay! Well, stop by if you’re ever in Olympus again. I’ve got some epic stories to relate to you.”
“It would be an honor, M’lady.” I replied with a bow of my head.
“Oh no you don’t! Come here, sister!” She said taking me by surprise and pulling me into a tight hug then kissing me on both cheeks.
“As you can see, Demi is a hugger, but we love her despite her quirks.”
“Oh hush! Don’t you have some mortals to smote or something?”
“The word is ‘smite’ and you know father is the only one that can legally do that! Say goodbye, Demi.”
“Goodbye, Demi.” She and I chorused, to Artemis’ chagrin. Lady Demeter hurried away in the direction she had been heading previously- a small DataTab appearing in her hands.
“You are every bit your mother, Chance Summers.”
“Here or in my realm?” I asked innocently.
“Here, don’t forget these or Hephus will never let me live it down.” She handed me the large box and made sure I had Dell’s box along with it.
“Thank you, M’lady. Until we meet again?” I asked before I found myself standing next to Savanna’s car seat. I was still holding both boxes in my hands, too.
“Hi, sweetie, did you miss me?” I asked my daughter. She had a wondrous, curious look in her fully opened eyes and her mouth was slightly open in a tiny ‘O’, which quickly became a closed-lipped smile.
Though just a ‘gurgle’, I somehow felt she was very glad to see me back safe. Another gurgle and I felt she wanted her crib, but only after I changed her damp diaper.
“Oh, there you are. Castor called and said that the kids’ guardians will arrive on the morning transport. He asked if you’d be available for dinner tonight. I told him that you were with Savanna and that I’d pass along the invite. Nice earrings by the way. I especially like the little lightning bolts…in the…second…holes? Chance? What the hell, buddy? You didn’t have earrings an hour ago!” Lokust gasped in surprise as she approached and touched them lightly. “When did you get your ears pierced, anyway?”
Instead of answering, I retrieved the large wooden box from atop my dresser and opened it.
“Here, pick one pair of earrings, buddy. I was instructed to offer our Coven sisters one pair each.”
“Oooooh. Those look really cute! Can I pick them, buddy? You don’t mind?”
“If those are the ones that catch your eye, they’re yours.” I told her with a smile.
“Now if I just had pierced ears.” She sighed.
“I’d suggest asking Dell to pierce your ears. I think she can do it pain-free. In fact, let’s call everyone up to the Observation Lounge so everyone can pick their pair.” I said as I checked on Savanna, who was sound asleep in her crib.
“I asked Cmdr. Serangetti to watch after the children, High Priestess. What is this meeting all about?” Sandra asked as she and Lyra stepped off the elevator. They were the first to arrive. She stopped to look out at the stars overhead and the lights of New Sri Lanka. I had asked Pegasus to make the ceiling transparent earlier.
Lyra hurried over and immediately made a fuss over my new jewelry.
“Ooooh, pretty earrings, My Lady!”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over that…and what a view, too.” Sandra whispered as she claimed a chair and reclined in it. “Gods, these are so comfortable.”
“I set exterior security to full stun in order to keep those buzzards’ paws off, Chance.” Chantell informed as she and Kitty were next to step from the lift. “Nice view. Too bad the amount of bullshit I’m sensing from the locals muddies it.”
“It’s a shame I feel the same way- that our hosts have more ‘skeletons’?” Kitty looked to Chantell for confirmation, which she nodded, “in their closets than meet the eye. Nice earrings.”
Kitty’s eyes narrowed. Her ears twitched several times, but she remained quiet. Chantell also looked closer with narrowed eyes. She gave me a Cheshire grin.
Mom, Charli, Dell, Cora, and Simone were the last of our Coven to arrive.
“Why the Coven meeting now, honey?” Mom asked but stopped and stared at me- at my ears specifically. Charli, likewise, stopped and stared. Dell stopped and stared at both of them staring at me with a somewhat haunted look to her face. Simone just looked at us all in confusion, but Aunt Cora looked absolutely terror-stricken.
“Chance? I just got this really weird feeling. Like I’m being watched? You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” Dell asked as her eyes scanned around the compartment cautiously- critically.
“She was here, wasn’t she, honey?” Mom asked cryptically. I slipped a slight smile.
“Fuuuu…!” Charli began.
“Language, Charlene! Remember our little sister.” Mom censored quickly.
“Who was here?” Dell asked quickly.
“Is she still here is what I want to know.” Cora asked. “I said I was sorry! I didn’t mean to laugh!” She said to the compartment in general, fear still in her eyes.
“Aunt Cora? What’s going on? You look like you saw a ghost?” Simone questioned.
“WHO WAS HERE?!” Dell shouted in anger and I swear the lighting dimmed.
‘Tell her, Chance.’ A faint voice told me.
“Artemis.” I said.
“What. I want to know who was here? How’d they get past our security?” Dell demanded.
“Artemis was here. She allowed me to visit Olympus.” I said with a hard swallow.
“Yes, I’m here…WHAT?! The REAL Artemis was here? Great grandmother was here? When, Chance? Why didn’t she visit me?”
“She claimed you wouldn’t understand, and that you wouldn’t be able to see her anyway. I wanted to call you up, but she told me not to. She did make me promise to give this to you.” I said as I picked up the small box from the small bookshelf next to where I was standing. She took it carefully and looked it over several times.
“It’s a jewelry box. Open it.”
Carefully, as if it would explode, Dell opened her box and peeked in. Assured it was not booby trapped, she opened it fully to reveal the earrings and pair of bracelets. Her mouth dropped open and tears filled her eyes instantly!
“Oh my God! How did you get these, Chance? How?”
“I told you. Artemis wanted me to give them to you. Hephus created them especially for you- at least that’s what he told me.”
“Who’s ‘Hephus’, Chance?” Lokust inquired.
“Hephaestus. I’m pretty sure he made them and the rest of the earrings I’m about to offer all of you.”
“So she really took you to Olympus.” Mom stated calmly. “I take it Artie also had ‘Hephus’ make these for you too?” She asked as she touched the double piercing on my right ear.
“Only the lower pair, Mom. She gave me the top pair.”
I think Lady Chance looks amazing wearing them, Lady Hope!” Lyra added excitedly.
“Speaking of piercings. Hey, Dell? I was wondering if you could pierce my ears. Chance said to ask you after I picked mine out…that you would be able to do it without pain.” Lokust asked.
“I never…I don’t know if…wait! Did Great grandmother pierce your ears, Chance?” Dell stuttered before catching herself.
“I thought it would hurt, but all I felt was a mild sting- both times.”
“And how did Great grandmother perform the piercing, Chance?”
“She placed my lobes between her thumbs and forefingers and I guess asked her Current to make a hole.”
“It’s as easy as that?” She asked to herself.
Our Artemis motioned for Lokust to step closer and gently touched her earlobes, making sure to position her thumbs and forefingers equally then closed her eyes. Lokust flinched only slightly. Dell lowered her hands and examined her work.
“Wow. It really worked. I guess I should do mine, if I want to wear Great-grandmother’s gifts.”
“I thought you had your ears pierced already, Dell?” I asked.
“I did, but I think my activation healed them. You want to guide me so they’re straight, Chance?”
As happened with me, the second Dell fixed the second earring, she shuddered.
“Woah! That was the strangest feeling I think I’ve ever had- even stranger than absorbing Hoblins.”
“That was probably the earrings determining your genetic heritage then activating. Mine did the same thing. So why the surprised look when you opened the box?”
“I haven’t seen this jewelry in years, Chance. They were my grandmother’s and we never found them after she died. So, you can imagine the emotions that ran through me the moment I saw the Golden Bow earrings and the gold chain bracelets with arrow charms… in a box that you said came from the real Olympus. Thank you, High Priestess!” Dell explained wrapping her arms around me tightly.
“So…this weird feeling you both had when you put in your earrings…did Artemis happen to tell you what it meant, honey?” Charli asked.
“She said that…” Did I really want to tell them what it meant and risk disappointing some of my sisters should they not feel anything? No. I decided to be cryptic just like mom. “I shouldn’t say in a group like this, but individually.” I smiled.
Charli and Mom narrowed their eyes to me.
“Okay. Now, about these earrings we’re to get?” Mom inquired, dismissing my previous mysterious answer.
Lifting the larger box from the table, I opened it and turned to Sinae.
“Take your pick, but take only one pair.” I instructed.
Her eyes immediately snapped to a single pair on the front right side.
“I’ve never seen gems like this before. May I take this pair, Chance?” She asked pointing to the pair that drew her attention.
“They’re yours, my sister.” I said as she gingerly took them from the box, took the backs off and raised one to her left ear. She winced as she drove the post through her virgin flesh then repeated the process on her right ear.
She shuddered only slightly and seemed to look around the Observation Lounge a moment.
“It is Lynxin tradition to install one’s own ear decorations. It is considered a show of courage and determination. I thank you, High Priestess.”
She too embraced me warmly.
“Simone? You’re next.” I said stepping over to her and holding the box open for her to make her selection.
“I like these.” She pointed to the rear left. “They seem to call to me…”
“Then they are yours, sister.”
“Dell? Could you do the honors?” Simone asked as she stepped over to her. While Dell took care of Simone, I took a step to my left.
“Pick your poison, Aunt Chantell.” I giggled.
Immediately choosing a pair, she proceeded to remove her present star earrings and inserted her new ones. She jumped as she placed the second backing and stared at me in surprise.
The same thing happened when dad…Charli secured her new studs. I wasn’t even going to ask why she had her ears pierced already.
“Aunt Cora?”
“But I’m not an active member, High Priestess. I cannot accept such undeserved gifts.”
“You and your ‘Ladies’ get over here and pick a set, majesty!” I ordered then smiled.
Her eyes locked on a pair and she cautiously pulled them from the box. She too removed her lowermost hoops and replaced them with the new single gem studs. She let out a very unrefined ‘Eeep’ when secured, then stared at me in wonder before I looked to mom.
“Mom?” I offered the box toward her.
As with all my Coven sisters so far, Mom’s eyes targeted a single pair. I nodded to her to take them. She shook ever so slightly when she finished placing her new studs and stared at me intently.
Lastly I turned toward our remaining two sisters.
“Oh, no, I…I couldn’t. I opted out, remember?”
I motioned the box closer and her eyes darted to one of the pairs in the middle.
“First and only chance, M’lady. Not everyone is offered jewels from the Gods of Olympus, and I’m specifically offering these to you.” I urged and nudged the box closer to her. Sandra relented and took the pair then walked silently over to Dell.
By this time Lyra was almost in tears, her eyes wide and pleading, her lower lip extended in a pathetic pout- thinking she was being left out.
“My Lady, I have not forgotten you at all. Please choose only one pair.” I finally offered as I bent down to her.
“Oooh! They’re all so pretty, My Lady! Must I choose just one?” She said as she scanned the jewelry remaining in the box.
“Just one, M’lady. That was the agreement Artemis specified.”
Her eyes looked up to the box’s lid and grew bigger. “Then can I have that pair of funny looking ponies?”
Ponies? I turned the box around and noticed a pair of platinum unicorn earrings stuck dead center in the lid. The visible eye of each fabled horse was the same gem the other earrings contained.
This particular pair hadn’t been there when I left Olympus, I swear!
“Of course, M’lady. I suggest your cousin assist in their installation, though. I believe it acceptable for relatives to assist.”
“Okay. Thank you, High Priestess.” She said as she ran over to Sinae.
Moments later, the young Lynxin growled out in pain, sounding more like a hurt house cat.
“Are you alright, My Lady? I asked in concern as I saw Lyra holding her right ear. A huge smile formed on her face.
“I’m ready for the other one, Lady Kitty.” She said excitedly.
Her second insertion went much better and Lyra’s smile threatened to split her face in two.
“How do they look?” She asked while feeling her ears curiously.
“See for yourself, Lady Lyra.” I said as I conjured a full-length mirror off to our left.
Something caught my eye and when I turned to look, Artemis- the original Artemis- was standing there.
Dell must have seen her too as she was already kneeling on the deck with her head bowed.
“About time you decided to pop back in, Artie!” Chantell declared in annoyance. “What’s it been? One…three hundred years?”
“Who…?” Lokust asked before her mouth dropped open.
I noticed our two Lynxins’ fur all puffed up and tried furiously to stop myself from giggling.
I failed miserably. So did Mom, Chantell, Aunt Cora, Charli, AND Artemis.
“I’ve always thought Lynxins far too high-strung. They do add a certain…humor…though.” She teased in a haughty tone.
“She’s one of my best friends, Lady Artemis, as are all the people in this room.” I told the Goddess of the Hunt sincerely.
“So I am included in that declaration, as I am also here?” She smiled impishly.
“You are, but I do request professionalism in this Coven.”
Artemis bowed at the waist. “I am honored and will abide, High Priestess.”
“What?” Dell gasped as she looked up. “I don’t understand. The Goddess of the Hunt should bow to no one but Zeus.”
“That is very true, sister, but one so honored by Father Zeus deserves like tribute.” She nodded to me. “And why do you prostrate yourself before me, Lady Artemis Dell, Huntress of the Witch Corps? Never should my flesh and blood ever knee before me, so get off the floor, sister.” The Goddess smiled and reached down offering Dell her hand.
“So the jewelry helps bridge our two realms?” Mom asked.
“Ever the scientist, Hope Summers.” Artemis smiled pleasantly. “Of course, you are absolutely right.” Her eyes actually sparkled a few times before pausing; her expression turned serious.
“But more importantly, long ago, I vowed to all of Olympus to find our long lost sister. Now that I’ve found her, I wish to remain in contact to watch and advise her so she will not retreat to yet another realm. I don’t think I could bear the intensity or duration of another prolonged search.” She quickly wiped away her tears then looked straight at me with an intensity that made me shudder.
“The jewels forged under Mt. Olympus have been tuned to your individual genetics; honored arrays that are kept on file in Olympus. The earrings test and confirm these arrays and if matched, complete the realm- some call it rainbow- bridge connection. Some citizens though, are naturally adept at completing the bridge on their own. Eons ago we dubbed those with this talent: ‘of many realms’. I am one of those able to naturally bridge the realms. My niece, Keke, can also bridge realms easily,” Artemis paused while still eyeing me intensely. “I thank Father Zeus that I have finally found you, dear Nike!”
“You gotta be shittin’ me?!” Mom cried out. “My daughter? The Goddess of Victory?! Who’s that make me then?”
“Why, her mother, of course.” Artemis deadpanned with a flat expression.
Mom thought a second. “Yeah, I guess I deserved that. So what’s the angle, Artie? How may we entertain the Gods of Old today?” She asked sarcastically. I was beginning to think there was quite a bit of history between these two.
“As I explained, I wish to keep in touch with my niece. Keke disappeared from us once, many eons ago. I wish not go through that again.” Artemis again regarded me. “Even if it is her reincarnate! Hope Summers,” Artemis turned back to mom. “Had I known at the time of our alliance in this realm, you would bring Nike back to us…”
The Goddess stopped talking and wrapped her arms around my mother. Mom’s eyes bulged at the sheer lunacy that a God would actually embrace a mortal in thanks.
Lightning streaked through the sky over our heads to light the cloud tops.
“Oh, give it a rest, father! I have completed my labor- my self-imposed quest! You can’t have everything go your way after all!” Artemis rebelled as she pulled back and stared angrily to the heavens.
A handsome, bearded man in his thirties appeared toward the rear of the Observation Lounge in a white toga with golden, lightning bolt trim. He had a laurel wreath of all things, atop his head.
“I will allow such treason only once in a great while, daughter! As it is, I was just trying to warn you and the Stygian of the deceitful intentions I feel over-running this planetary body. I merely wish you caution and wisdom to whomever you interact with here, Lady Chance of Many Realms, newest incarnation of the honored Nike of Olympus, High Priestess of the Stygian order.”
“Hey, Allfather. When ya decide to shave off a few thou?” Chantell greeted our newest guest with a smile.
“Do you really care, irreverent speck of mortal annoyance?” He growled.
Was there anyone my aunt actually respected?
“Yeah, I missed you too, old man.” She said as she casually walked over and gave him a noisy smooch on the cheek.
“Hoooooooly…” Lokust began to swear only to think better of her response.
Dell was again on her knees!
“Artemis Dell, Huntress of the Stygian order and newest holder of my daughter’s array, why are you on the ground again? Has no one taught you the proper greeting between valid citizens of Olympus?”
“The gems, dear one. Have you not been told of the significance of the gems? That they are keyed to the arrays of Olympians?”
“I’ll be a son-of-a…”
“Zip it, Shan!” Zeus glared to my aunt. “It shouldn’t be a surprise to any of you! Not everyone has the ability to sense ‘Lifeforce’ like the Stygian order, and people of the same talents tend to find each other despite all attempts at distribution, after all.”
“Eeeeeeh…so what’s up, Zeus?” Mom cracked wise in a weird voice while miming chewing on something.
“I just wished to pass along my concerns about your present location…”
“And? Come on, Zeusie, dare’s gotta be more den dat! Dare gotta be some Olympian catch; some deadly quest or morbid assignment youse wish us ta fulfill.” Mom interrupted with narrowed eyes using the same strange voice.
“You wound me, Lady Hope!” Zeus responded holding his hand to his right pec.
With a wounded expression he regarded all of us for a moment.
“You are exactly correct though. I do have ulterior motive. It has been several thousand of your years since visiting your realm and I thought now, with the completion of my daughter’s labor, was the perfect time to observe and visit with my ‘Valkyries’.
“So now we’ve jumped to Norse myth, ‘Oden’?” Mom countered.
Zeus smiled teasingly.
“As you may suspect, we have multitudes of names from multitudes of cultures around the multitudes of galaxies. Whether the Witch Corps is called Valkyries, Keres, Tenebrae, Furies, Erinyes, Morrigan, or Shield/Shrine Maidens by the species matters not.”
“Is that what we are?! Tenebrae?! The Eaters of the Dead?!” Sandra gasped as she stared at me then Zeus in disbelief. She looked horrified!
This was all spiraling out of control quicker than I could handle; matter of fact, I felt completely overwhelmed by Artemis appearing; my recent ‘visit’ to Olympus; learning I was the genetic equivalent of the Goddess Nike; Zeus, himself appearing… actually, everything to this point, and I suddenly felt angered. I needed to quell things immediately!
“Look! Up until a few hours ago, I had no idea I was even known by the Olympians! Then, this woman”, I pointed to the Goddess, “appears to me wanting to take me there. Next thing I know, I’m holding jewelry made by Hephaestus, God of the Forge, and Demeter, herself, is calling me ‘sister’ and ‘Keke’- which, I find out is their nickname for the Goddess of Victory, Nike! So don’t look at me in that tone, Sandra Anderson! Until that point, I thought I was just carrying on the Summers family legacy!” I explained in anger.
Was my voice ‘echoing’ throughout the Observation Lounge?
I also noticed that my Coven sisters- even Artemis and Zeus- had taken a few steps back from me.
“By Chronos’ demise! Is it possible?” Zeus whispered.
“And now even the mighty Zeus has a look of disbelief!” I complained as I quickly raised my arms in defeat, turned away, and looked out at the far, planetary horizon in an attempt to center my emotions while repeatedly wiping my weeping eyes.
“I’m no one special,” I continued, still staring to the horizon, tears flowing freely down my cheeks! “I’m just Chance Summers, Specialist First Class. I didn’t ask for any of this- all the attention…all the fame…all the titles…I didn’t ask to reach my threshold! Sure, I’m very happy I have my parents and aunt back. And I’m extremely thankful that I still have my friends! I’m also glad I could help clean the Hoblin scourge from the Mare, but in the end, I’m just. Chance. Summers.”
I glanced back when a large, warm, hand gently touched my shoulder.
“Lady Chance, your humility is your strongest trait, well founded, and admirable, but I must disagree with you in regard to your importance. Though I agree with Aries that you look nothing like his daughter, Nike, you do embody the character and morality of the woman I bestowed honor on all those years ago. No, you didn’t ask for your life to take the turns it has, not even the Fates would venture to predict your future, but even you must know you are FAR from ‘Just Chance Summers’, M’lady.”
“Chance? I’m very sorry for that reaction. I greedily thought I had experienced my share of trauma- that unspeakable horror of you killing…I woke to. I failed to realize how much more you and the Coven have actually witnessed…how much more terror…the atrocities…the death… please forgive me, Chance?” Sandra said from beside me.
“Buddy? I can honestly say I sorta know how you feel. It is frightening how fast I acclimated to this form…version of me. It’s just as frightening to find myself accepting this freely, and I’m not embarrassed to admit that I cried myself to sleep more than a few times over the first few nights. So yeah, its overwhelming, but we can get through this…together, Chance. High Priestess, Lady Chance, Chance, or even just ‘buddy’, you’re still the same person I call my best friend…my partner. Hell, when I first set eyes on you just after your threshold, I thought you WERE a Goddess, now…well…I guess it’s just official.” Lokust confided, taking my hands in hers.
“Ummm…Wasn’t this the part where Ari brought about the huge fireworks display over the Parthenon?” Artemis asked Zeus quietly.
“It was also the exact moment Nike reached her psychological limit and vanished, now hush daughter! This is not the time for such humor.”
“I’m surprised you have so little compassion, Grandmother!” Dell reprimanded. “Chance has gone through so many changes over the last month. She had just begun accepting her parents’ untimely death then everything began hitting her at once…I’m amazed she’s still sane!”
“Bridge to Lady Chance.” Cmdr. Serangetti’s voice called from overhead. Zeus nodded as if expecting the page.
“Go ahead, Commander.”
“My Lady. Sensors have picked up a large group heading toward Pegasus. Several pieces of heavy machinery follow. Those are registering as industrial particle drills used for mining. I’m not going to presuppose their intended usage.”
“The lead group in thirty minutes, My Lady.”
“I’ll take care of it, Commander. Chance out.”
“With all due respect, High Priestess, WE will take care of it!” Lokust corrected as she gently took my arm to stop me. “Pegasus is a member of this Coven and the Coven will protect her. All nine of us.”
“You knew about this, Father?” Artemis glared to Zeus.
“If you mean the reemergence of the nine Furies? Yes. Let us see how they handle this situation.”
“What is it with you and ‘Tests’? God you are such an asshole!” Mom exclaimed as she glared at Zeus angrily.
“You and you.” I said pointing to our two visiting deities. “Get down to the Bridge. You’re both taking orders from Commander Serangetti.”
I picked up Savanna, in her car seat and handed her to Artemis. She accepted with a huge smile.
“I shall do no such thing!” Zeus rebelled angrily.
“I said,” I repeated growing more upset by his ‘superior’ tone. “Get down. To. The Bridge. And do whatever Serangetti says!”
I noticed Savanna burp ever so slightly.
The God’s eyes opened wider than I had seen up to this point.
“Well…since you asked… so nicely…” He surrendered as he and Artemis headed for the elevator.
“Did she just fully manifest us into this realm, daughter?” Zeus asked quietly just before the door slid closed.
I didn’t hear the reply.
“Chance to Bridge. I have two reserve members of the Corps heading your way to help. They are under your command. The rest of us are heading out to protect Pegasus. Please monitor us and prep for emergency departure if needed. Chance out. Let’s go, ladies.”
Pegasus Bridge:
“Ah, Lady Artemis. I’m surprised you didn’t accompany the others outside.” Kimbou Serangetti greeted the first of two people to enter the Bridge. He stopped to regard the tall, bearded man following her.
“The High Priestess has ordered us to assist, Commander. What would you have us do?” Artemis asked as she placed the child seat down tenderly. Her intonation was off and immediately made him suspicious.
“I’ll need you on the weapons to provide cover fire should it become necessary. Sir? What talents do you possess?”
“Why, I can do anything, for I am Zeus!”
“Nice to meet you, Sir Zeus. Still, what is your forte?”
“I am all-knowing! Therefore I can do anything.”
“So you are well versed in Trans-dimensional, UltraAU propulsion systems?”
Artemis began to snicker quietly.
“What is a Trans-dimensional, UltraAU…?”
“Sit at that panel over there and read the online manual, sir. It should explain everything. Artemis? Why aren’t you at the weapons console preparing the particle cannons?” He asked before raising his hand to stop a reply as nine Coven sisters appeared outside in presentation formation and instantly change into their Corps uniforms. He recognized Lady Artemis next to Prin…Lady Kitty.
“Who are you two?”
New Sri Lankan Plain:
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but did Zeus call us his nine ‘Furies’?” Lokust asked as I accessed the hatch control to open it and extend the ramp.
“Why? Don’t you think it fits, buddy?” I asked. “In concept, we did eat the dead and, when able, spit them… resurrected them?” I looked to Sandra, sternly.
“I’m just saying, buddy.”
Everyone remained quiet as we left Pegasus and formed up in a line.
“Uniforms, everyone.” I ordered. “And just so you know, Sandra, I never deactivated you. I felt your role in the Corps had yet to develop. If you still feel unable to help, I suggest you think about what kind of life those eight children would have here. From my research, Eden started out as a penal colony- a prison world. Over the last three hundred years, Eden has rehabilitated itself into a free society able to govern itself as it wishes while still acting as a correctional institution. What I believe we are seeing here is a breakdown of that government. I also believe those ‘escaping prisoners’ were the remnants of Eden’s legitimate government.”
“That would explain the desperate act of destroying the pods, Chance.” Lokust agreed.
“Kinda like Australia started out. I get it. Botany Bay, Major?” Chantell added.
“I get the irony, Shan. So how are we going to handle this, honey?”
“First, I need to know if Sandra is all in. By that I mean she isn’t going to just stand here and make herself a target. We need you, Sandra Anderson! We need your talents and your wand! So…will you stand with us or do you want to retreat to Pegasus. I’m sure Cmdr. Serangetti could use your assistance. I’m not too sure how the Olympians will react to our Bridge controls.”
“High Priestess, with all due respect, I am wearing the uniform of my own free will. I have never, nor ever, run from a fight in my life! I’m with you all the way, M’lady.”
“Welcome back to the Corps, Lady Sandra. What I need for you to do is, on my order, project those wonderful blue plasma balls, as big as you can make them- up and over our unwelcome guests. If I’m right, a small number of them will cower and withdraw. After that do what you feel you must in order to protect Pegasus. That is their objective.”
“As you wish, M’lady.”
“What about me, My Lady? What is it you wish of me?” Lyra asked as maturely as I’d ever heard.
I leaned out to look at her. “I think you’ll know what is required when the time is at hand, My Lady. You have the natural talent. Just resist the temptation to kill. I do not want you to feel that burden at such a young age, for it never leaves you and taints your innocence forever.”
“As you wish, High Priestess.” Lyra nodded her understanding.
“Lady Charli, try to tap into the automation of those drilling rigs. They pose the greatest threat to Pegasus- not that she can’t hold her own. I’m not sure how up to date Artemis is with weapons control.”
“We hold this line. Chantell and Lokust, I might need you to go airborne and keep those drills busy if Charli has problems. Huntress and Kitty, watch our flanks. Mom and I will negotiate.” I looked to mom beside me. “You don’t mind if I ‘negotiate’ right?”
“What? Oh. Sure, sure.” Mom nodded as she smiled deviously.
“Did she just quote…?” Chantell asked before stopping abruptly. Her eyes shifted to the oncoming front. “Looks like the party’s about to start.”
“Everyone save your wands.” I advised. I didn’t want us to show our hand quite yet.
“Well now! I didn’t think we’d be droppin’ in on no costume party!” Able Castor grinned as he motioned for his army to stop.
“Now if ya all just step the side, we’ll start claimin’ our prized acquisition an then start the party off right.”
“So…how long have you been mayor of this city, Mr. Castor?” I asked calmly.
“Whether its been three years or three days, what’s it matter, my…lady?”
“Three days would explain your ignorance as to our registry number and affiliation. I must ask…do you have any idea what the initials: E.F.M.C. refers to.”
“Um, every female’s my concubine?” Castor sneered.
“Hardly” I hrrmphed with an impish smile. “More like…Earth Force Marine Corps, Mr. Castor. I take it you’ve never heard of us. It’s a shame, really. All this could have been averted had you actually paid attention in your instructional years.”
“I like my meaning better, Miss Hoity-toity, High an’ Mighty Priestess.”
“I have another question for you and you’re soon to be smaller group of mercenaries. Do you recognize our, as you call them, costumes?”
“Enough with the questions and games! Hand over the ship and we can begin to have our ways with you wenches.”
I screwed up my face into a wince. “Oh you were just sooo close too!” I said as my expression instantly became serious. “Not ‘Wenches’ Mr. Castor. Witches! Some would call us ‘Current Mages’ nowadays.”
I could hear several gasps from the large militia gathered before us. Apparently some in the crowd had heard of us.
“Wenches, witches. They’re all the same kneelin’ before ‘n servicin’ me! Move aside and we’ll get back to you, babe.”
“You will not address the High Priestess that way, Mayor Castor!” Lyra declared from down our line.
“Aw lookie there boys the kitten wants us to pay the proper respects to her High-assed Priestess! Show ‘er ‘er place, Hinkle.” Castor mocked our little sister.
Lyra hissed angrily as a husky, filthy man closed on her. In the blink of an eye Lyra had pulled and waved her wand. ‘Hinkle’ was now wearing a pink tutu with a white leotard and pink ballet flats instead of his grimy overalls and dilapidated boots.
Laughter filled Castor’s ranks as the imposing man turned and ran back into the crowd in embarrassment.
“Nice trick. We all know’d him swishy anyways. Now move aside, Priestess.”
“We won’t do that, Mr. Castor. You see, Lady Lyra is the youngest and least experienced of us and I’m afraid she’s gone very light on your comrade. We, however,” I motioned down our rank. “Will not go so lightly. WANDS!” I shouted as I manifested my own.
Seven wands now pointed at the thousand or so opponents.
Mom and Chantell had instead each calmly pulled their pistols and proceeded to check and, if necessary, load any empty chambers.
“Think we’ll have enough ammo, Lady Hope?” Chantell asked loudly.
“Well if I get a good line, I might top my record of ten kills with one bullet, so…oh yeah, we’ll have enough!”
“Frogs or toads, Lady Charli?” Lokust asked as she got into the act.
“I tend to do better with Bunnies and Duckies, Lady Lokust.” Charli giggled as Mom and my aunt stared at her with whimsy grins.
“Shelf paper…who knew?” Charli shrugged comically to them.
“Lady Kitty? What’s your opinion?” I asked.
“I’d say toads because the ground is so dry.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I’ve just finished development on my newest arrows. I can guarantee several dozen kills in a single shot.” Dell replied as she produced an arrow from her quiver and cradled it in her hands reverently. It had a very nasty looking tip on it and was pulsing with a dim blue glow.
“Lady Sandra?”
“I would recommend snails, High Priestess. The galley is running low on Escargot.”
Our Coven, as a whole, made a disgusted face as we looked to her.
“You asked.” She countered. “Just being practical here.”
“Understood.” I giggled.
“Oh, will you all just shut it an’ step aside so’s we can claim this pertie ship as ours an’ get off this rock?” Castor groaned, not seeming impressed or daunted by our nonchalant conversation.
“No.” I answered casually.
“Shame. We woulda showed you a good time. Fire them drills up boys. Isolate the girls from our plunder.”
“Really?” Chantell chuckled. “Tell me you didn’t just use the word ‘plunder’ in a modern sentence. Who are you? Jack Sparrow?”
“Let’s see if they ‘knows’ how ta swim, me hardies!” I suggested in a low, raspy voice.
“Oh Lordy! Now see whats ye done?” Mom moaned in resignation.
Several rows of men just dropped out of sight behind Castor’s first two lines and water was heard splashing along with cries for help.
“I’d wager that were the first bath theys had in a while.” Sandra tittered getting into the act.
“Fire the drills!” Castor shouted.
Nothing happened.
“We’re waiting, Mr. Castor.” I said in a pastoral calm.
Mom conjured something that looked like a plasma pistol but when she pulled the trigger the head of the appliance spun around at a moderate speed.
“Here, honey. This drill works. You want this one instead?” She said as it hovered over to our surprised opponent.
He accepted it, squeezed the trigger to make the chuck spin then threw the ancient drill to the ground. It vanished after a moment.
“I want the ends closed NOW!” Castor demanded to nobody. He must have had a comm. device in his ear. That had to be disabled. Apparently Charli thought the same thing as Castor’s hand hurriedly went to his right ear and pulled out a very small device and threw it to the ground. Music of some type was blaring from it so loudly we could actually hear it across the distance between us!
“Aw. ‘The girl from Eepa-Neepa’! My favorite elevator music. You remembered! You’re so thoughtful, Lady Charli. Thank you.” Mom mock swooned.
“Get them!” Castor hissed as he pointed to us angrily.
“Huh uh! I haven’t drawn my line in the sand, yet.” I said as I pointed my wand to the dried, wasted ground between us and Castor’s front line. A line of red-hot, molten earth about a foot wide appeared. It ran the distance around the perimeter of our Pegasus.
“Ok, I’m ready now. Cross it if you dare, sir.”
Pegasus Bridge:
“So you claim to be the actual Diana, Goddess of the Hunt?” Serangetti asked, trying to comprehend how two ancient Gods could be here, on the Bridge, with him.
“Let me try something, commander. Lady Hope once asked me to assist Witch Corps on several missions. Unless the new High Priestess has blocked that ability too, I should be able to call forth my official uniform.” Artemis suggested. She began to concentrate and suddenly she was dressed in skirt, stockings, blouse, boots, hat, and bustier.
“The uniform looks good on you, daughter.” Zeus complimented from the engineering console.
“Think you can start the propulsion system yet, Sir Zeus?”
“If he can’t, I certainly can, Commander.” Pegasus’ A.I. reported confidently.
“Pegasus?” He had forgotten about the sentient AI. “Is it possible to hear the conversations going on out there?” Serangetti asked in curiosity.
“Of course. Enabling Comm group audio.”
“I said, FIRE THE DRILLS!” They heard Castor demand.
“We’re waiting, Mr. Castor.” Said Lady Chance.
“Here, honey. This drill works. You want this one instead?” Taunted Lady Hope.
“I want the ends closed NOW!” An angered Castor demanded before reaching to his ear.
“Aw. ‘The girl from Eepa-Neepa’! My favorite elevator music. You remembered! You’re so thoughtful, Lady Charli. Thank you.” Lady Hope mocked.
“Get them!” Castor shouted.
“Huh uh! I haven’t drawn my line in the sand, yet.” Lady Chance countered as a red line formed on the ground in front of her and shot around and out of sight.
“Ok, I’m ready now. Cross it if you dare, sir.” Lady Chance taunted teasingly.
“They’re just playing with them! Why won’t they take this seriously?” Serangetti asked in confusion.
“Because it is so absurd, Commander! The Furies…I mean the Witch Corps, can whip these mortals with their little fingers, while blindfolded- while actually asleep. Since they have taken on much more dangerous beings, there simply is no challenge here. This could never be a fair fight.” Artemis replied.
“Commander, I’m sensing a hemispherical protective shield established around us. From the readings it is quite formidable.” Pegasus’ A.I. reported.
“As before, Keke takes command to assure others are not harmed.” Zeus nodded his head. “I believe I am able to enable propulsion on your command, sir. If needed.”
Serangetti nodded to him.
“How are the weapons, Lady Artemis?”
“Cannons are loaded and several key targets have been recognized as defensive suggestions, Commander.”
“Mr. Castor, you may try to take our ship away from us, but you stand no hope of gaining even a footfall beyond our line. I would suggest you dismiss this inevitable folly and accept the Galactic Council’s ruling on unlawful planetary domination. Otherwise, there may not be a planet left to dominate. Are we clear, ‘Mr. Mayor’?”
“See, that’s where you bimbos is wrong. We out number you and have the advantage of nothing to lose.”
“Really? So at this point, I suppose there is no mutually cooperative negotiation that can solve this very lopsided dispute?”
“We want our ship, and we wants it now, babe. Step aside.”
Lady Chance laughed. “Nope. Not going to happen. We still outnumber you, Mr. Castor. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.”
“I must say this incarnation of Keke has the brass. Wouldn’t you agree, father?” Artemis said as they continued to listen.
“Brass and cockiness are tenuous traits, daughter. Wisdom is required to control either, though Lady Chance seems to know that intrinsically.”
“Pegasus? How are the children doing?” Serangetti inquired.
“Shy of having to rebuild the Multipurpose room…again, they are unaware of the events outside my hull.”
“Thank yo… What in Libra’s name is my daughter doing?” Serangetti choked out as he stared at the Witch Corps’s line.
“Hey, High Priestess? We have several hundred men approaching from our left. Is this one of those times you said I’d know what to do?”
“You are clear to engage, Lady Lyra, but still go easy on them.”
“WHAT? She’s willingly putting my kitten in danger?!” Serangetti shouted out as he watched his six-year-old pull her wand again and point it at the advancing invaders.
Instantly, the offending group was dressed in furry, oversized, blue teddy bear costumes and began stumbling and falling into each other. The kitten’s laughter could be heard loud and clear.
“Well met, My Lady!” Lady Chance praised.
“I concure! Well met, Lady Lyra.” Artemis said then watched the young Lynxin eagerly wave back to the ship. She turned to Serangetti. “You have a very resourceful offspring there, Commander.” Artemis gave him a bright smile.
“She shouldn’t be out there in the first place, My Lady! She is but six standard years of age.”
“I wouldn’t dare try to stop her, sir. She has the drive of a true Valkyrie and seems quite capable of handling herself so far.”
“So far, yes, but what if things become serious?”
“Our High Priestess will let no harm come to the Kitten, Commander! The Fates have seen no blood spilled this day.”
“I thought you just said the Fates could not- would not- predict anything for Chance, father?” Artemis frowned.
“Though somehow bound to this realm by our High Priestess, I still have my contacts, daughter.” Zeus answered.
“How did she bind us here, father?”
“I’m afraid this version of our beloved Nike has evolved. I am no closer to determining what spell or other binding magic she has used. It seems beyond me…beyond us at the moment.”
“Are you saying that Lady Chance may be more powerful than even you, Sir Zeus.” Serangetti asked for clarification.
The Greek God of Gods blushed deeply.
“In Lady Chantell’s vernacular, I would not ‘piss her off’, Commander.” He admitted.
“But we are of many worlds, father…”
“And yet neither of us has been able to break whatever enchantment has been placed upon us.”
“Something is happening!” Artemis announced suddenly and pointed out to the confrontation.
“Pass the word to have the drills advance! Best possible speed!” Castor ordered.
Within a minute the huge machines started moving…
“I take it you were successful in hacking their controls, Lady Charli?”
“It didn’t take much. Nothing in the way of security protocols exist in their AI’s. They probably stole them too.”
“I don’t know how you are doin’ that, but stop right now before we have to hurt you!”
“Funny. I was about to give YOU the same ultimatum- only without the ‘how you do it’ part. We already know how we do it.”
“Enough of this! They’re all yours, boys!”
“I can’t believe those people are stupid enough to think they could just rush them!” Artemis said, shaking her head in disbelief as she watched the first wave of dissidents’ crash headlong into the invisible barrier.
“Garfield has nothing on these morons.”
“Convicted criminals, Lady Hope, remember?”
“How could I forget! Next they’ll start firing plasma weapons, Shan.”
Several blue explosions hit then ricocheted off the unseen shield.
“So many people enlisted by the aspirations of one or two men. Why would so many follow blindly?”
“Maybe the legitimate government left them no other options, Lady Lokust.”
“So if there were fewer followers, this siege might lose momentum, Lady Chance?”
“It is a possibility, Lady Lokust. What would you propose?”
“What just happened?” Kimbou Serangetti choked as he witnessed several hundred insurgents simply disappear. “Did she just…”
“I sensed no decrease in the life energies of this planet, Commander. Apparently, Lady Lokust simply ‘relocated’ some of Castor’s forces to the other side of Eden. It will take them several days to return.” Artemis reasoned.
“Before you ask, Lady Chance, I redistributed some of the combatants to the other side of Eden. Now maybe Mr. Castor will reassess his chances of success.”
“So, you HAVE been paying attention. I commend you on your ingenuity, Lady Lokust.”
“Thank you, High Priestess. I hope my effort resulted in no casualties.”
“Castor! You might want to look around. Several legions have deserted your cause. Shouldn’t you rethink this failing coup?”
“She has more patience than even I could muster, daughter. By now they all would have been standing in wait at the entrance to Tartaris.” Zeus remarked as Pegasus’ Bridge crew continued to watch the scene unfold.
“I applaud them for their morality and control during this situation, Father.” Artemis smiled proudly.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, Lady Artemis.”
“Lady Chance, as you heard, Father Zeus grows impatient. Might we end this confrontation sooner than later?”
“Mr. Castor must see the error in his belief of success, or his greed will be his undoing, M’lady.”
“I’m thinking Lady Artemis may be right, Buddy. Maybe we should enlighten him?”
“Lady Sandra? Could you ‘enlighten’ these citizens to their futile effort? Two overhead should catch their attention.”
“What is she telling Lady Sandra to do? I thought the idea was to disrupt without destruction?”
“I don’t think those core ideals have changed, Commander.” Artemis clarified as two huge, blue balls of plasma erupted from Lady Sandra’s wand. They quickly gained altitude in an arcing trajectory then exploded into two brilliant flares that lit the twilight like twin Suns.
“Many of the aggressors are falling back! Soon his forces will number only in the hundreds.” Serangetti said remaining hopeful that even more would retreat.
“Such power from one so new to the Coven! I’m wondering about the magic involved finding such talented individuals.”
“Father, you said it yourself: People of like talents seen to find each other. No matter what amount of chaos involved. Olympians will always attract Olympians.” Artemis explained, Mostly for the Lynxin’s benefit.
“So they are all Goddesses?” Serangetti gasped in surprise zeroing in on his six-year-old standing valiantly next to her cousin, outside.
“Genetically, all species are considered ‘Olympian’, Commander. Strength of character, mind, AND body are the discerning factors; for without one or the other, the individual is weak, over confident, and reckless.” Artemis continued.
“Lady Artemis, could you please check on Savanna for me?”
“Right away, Lady Chance.” Artemis answered. “If you’ll excuse me gentlemen?” She said turning for the child and car seat.
New Sri Lankan Plain:
“Look, Castor, we could stand here all night if needed. I can assure you you’ll never set foot on Pegasus. Why not give up now and go home to your wife and children?” I said after having the feeling Savanna needed me.
“There are few women here, Miss High ‘n Mighty. No women to use, no kids to abuse- none that stay alive long. The real stuck-up bitches took their kids and joined the Galactic’s to get off this rock. That’s why we intend to have our ways with you and yer shiny ship.”
“Artemis to Lady Chance.”
“Hold that thought, Mr. Castor.” I said as I held up my finger. “How’s Savanna, M’lady?”
“Princess Savanna has been cleaned and changed, but requires that which only you can give, High Priestess. I cannot get her to calm.”
Artemis sounded stressed. According to the myths Dell had told of her ancient homeland, Artemis was depicted as virginal.
That contradicted the fact that Artemis was supposed to be Dell’s greatest gram!
“I’ll be right in, M’lady. Chance out.” I said knowing I was wasting my time with these people- this man in particular as he stared like a hungry coyote.
I glared back at the heathen standing menacingly, mere feet from me. The man, Castor, seemed to flinch involuntarily.
This insipid exchange of rhetoric was keeping me from my motherly duties!
Motherly duties…
That was it!
“So! Is that what this is actually about, Mr. Castor? You wish to dominate and abuse that which eludes you? You wish more females to be present on Eden? You wish to have children to abuse? I wonder how your thinking would change if your wishes became fact?”
I began concentrating- on him and all the followers of Castor standing imposingly before me.
Pegasus Bridge:
“So what did I miss?” Artemis asked as she re-entered the Bridge holding a very cranky baby. She seemed agitated and far outside her comfort zone.
“I think the infant has just caused a summit, daughter. I feel something immense building…something the likes of which I thought impossible for the species.” Zeus answered with a frightened expression.
“I feel it too, father! What is our High Priestess conjuring that would require such collection of magic?”
“What are you two talking about, and what is going on out there?” Cmdr. Serangetti asked in alarm. For some strange reason he felt his fur standing stiff and the feeling of tiny insectoids crawling and biting at his skin.
New Sri Lankan Plain:
“So be it, MISTER Castor! You shall think things over tonight and politely convene a meeting to discuss your decision at an hour past midday tomorrow. Until then, Mayor of New Sri Lanka.” I declared as I clapped my hands loudly in front of me.
The remaining force of five or six hundred men gathered before me, disappeared.
Pegasus Bridge:
“By Libra, what just happened?! Did she just,” Serangetti choked in disbelief, “are they all…?”
“The balance of lifeforce on this world has not decreased, but increased slightly, though I fail to see how that is possible.” Artemis reported- awe showing on her otherwise neutral face.
“Away team is secure and we’re heading back inside, Cmdr. Serangetti.”
New Sri Lankan Plain:
“So, what happened to them, Buddy?” Lokust asked in surprise and confusion. I had turned and started back to Pegasus. “I felt this massive buildup of Current in you. It made my skin crawl.”
“I’d like to know the answer to that as well, Chance. It felt like I had been re-infected with insectoid pests!” Sinae inquired.
“You didn’t blast them all to smithereens, did you?” Chantell hurried to my side and tried to stop me.
“No! I did nothing of the kind, M’ladies.” I answered quickly without stopping.
“Then what happened to all of them, High Priestess?” Lyra asked as she floated past me at eye level then lowered herself to block my advance. “You told us not to kill, didn’t you?”
I stopped at the base of our boarding ramp.
“I merely granted Castor’s wishes, My Lady.” I told the young Lynxin calmly. “I assure you no one has been injured or deleted, and we shall see how the opinions of our aggressors have changed tomorrow. Now, let’s get inside and get some much needed rest.” I explained further. Savanna needed fed and I felt very fatigued from my last action.
“Well good morning, sweetie.” I said as I lifted Savanna to my shoulder. As was becoming a normal morning routine, she needed changed. Though insistent to be fed, I maintained the order of rituals.
Lokust began to stir in the bed we had shared last night. Artemis was still sound asleep in the other, and looked in no hurry to wake.
“How’s she do it? I mean; do Goddess’ even need to sleep?”
“Maybe your bed is to her liking, Buddy. She might decide to take it back with her, who knows?”
“I could never sleep like that. I think I was up every time Savanna squirmed or…”
“Grunfuller slept through everything, Buddy! Don’t embarrass yourself by thinking otherwise. Let’s get dressed and head up to Observation.”
“What about the Galley? I’m starved.”
“I’m pretty sure Pegasus hasn’t finished repairing all the damage yet.”
“It seems while we were trying to stop an assault, the children wrought down death and destruction of their own.”
I nodded.
“How goes the warzone, Sandra?” I asked as a much disheveled, very tired looking, Cassandra Anderson emerged from the elevator.
“Pegasus will live to fight another day. Me? I’m not so sure. I could probably sleep for three weeks straight. Are you sure you got all the tainted Current out of those little demo…children?”
“I thought you were trained in caring for them? Isn’t controlling them…teaching them to behave- part of that training?”
“You know what? You can kiss it wildly, High Priestess!” Sandra exclaimed in irritation.
I laughed quietly so as not to wake my baby.
“You try getting any sleep with those…those demon-spawn lurking in wait to pounce on you! Just wait until Savanna comes of age! I want to see how you handle things then!”
I conjured a steaming cup of coffee in my grasp.
“Here. Someone needs their morning cup of ‘Joe’.
Sandra accepted it with a tense smile, tasted it and retreated to a nearby lounge chair.
“Domo, High Priestess.”
“Chance. My name is Chance, Sandra. How do you keep forgetting that?”
She took another sip as Lokust and I watched her tired face brighten.
“So what has become of Castor and his followers, Chance?” She asked after a few more sips.
“I’m sure they have new perspective on our resolve to protect what is ours.”
“And that means….what?”
“It means, the mayor and all those who continued to follow him will see things differently now, and we will see what happens today after midday, Lady Sandra.” I answered somewhat tersely.
“Fine! Be all mysterious!” She said, looking away from us and pointing her nose in the air smugly. Lokust and I laughed softly at her antic.
“Seriously though…You say they’ll see things differently today. You didn’t activate them, did you? That would be bad, right?”
“I didn’t activate them…and it would be very bad if I had.” I considered that a moment. “Though it would make for a more balanced confrontation.”
“Well I, for one, am relieved things are about to change on this planet. This is no place for young men and women to grow up. I was debating on arguing the logic of releasing those eight to their supposed guardians care here on Eden. I see now that there was reason they left.”
“Depending on how things work out in six hours we might have to find foster homes for th…”
“No! No foster homes! I went through that system and wish it on no one else, Chance! I’d just assume take them myself. At least they would learn what is right from wrong instead of how to pinch a mining drill or spacecraft.”
“I thought you said your father was an accident investigator?” Lokust asked in confusion.
“I was one of the lucky ones that found a secure, caring family at eight years of age. The last foster home however, taught me the perils and negative possibilities.”
“Bridge, Lady Chance. We’ve just received an automated invitation to a meeting scheduled for 14:30 today. We have also been offered landing permit to the accompanying landing area adjacent to the meeting hall. A reply is requested.” Dell’s voice…maybe Artemis’ voice reported.
“Send confirmation for thirteen adults and forty adolescents. Prepare Pegasus for flight. Chance out.”
Several men greeted us as we stepped from the ramp onto the landing port’s deck. They appeared frightened and very cautious as they nervously escorted us into then seated us in a large meeting hall.
“Quite the turn around, M’lady. I must say I am pleasantly surprised by it.”
“They only needed confirmation of our intentions, Grandfather Zeus.” I answered.
“My lady? What if this all begins to unravel? Where and how do we evacuate the children in our charge?”
“Relax, commander. I’m sure they will be more accommodating during this meeting.” I smiled as I cradled Savanna in my arms and rocked her gently.
Aunt Cora and Sandra were in uniform and kept a critical eye on all forty of our young charges- not one of them daring to get the least bit out of line so far.
“Lady Chance? Are you sure it was wise to bring Savanna with us?” Lyra asked from between Sinae and her father.
“Everything will be fine, Lady Lyra.” I smiled. “And if something should develop…” I winked as I left that statement hang.
A group of twenty disheveled and poorly dressed women entered the room quietly. They all looked to be in the later stages of pregnancy and very uncomfortable.
I motioned for our contingent to courteously stand while waiting for them to be seated. It took a rather long time though, as they struggled to awkwardly seat themselves. All of them looked ashamed and blushed deeply in embarrassment.
“Good Midday, ‘Mayor’ Castor. I see you have been granted the wishes made on the field of confrontation last evening. Have you had any change of heart or attitude this afternoon as to your need for our ship?” I said to the woman that seemed to be the leader. She looked about ready to go into labor.
“How did you do this? Over five hundred and forty of my men are now…” She looked down to the table with even more embarrassment. “Expecting. Please return us to what we were before, High Priestess.” She pleaded.
“I can’t do that, Miss Castor. I will not jeopardize the new lives you all carry within you. I’m afraid this is who you are now- just lowly women- playthings for the men of this planet- nothing more than toys to be abused and subjugated as the men of this world please. In just a short time they will also have offspring to abuse to their liking and twist to their will. This IS what you wanted, right? More women and children for Eden?”
“No! This isn’t what I wanted! What we wanted… Turn us back! Now!” Castor cried as tears streaked her face.
“And what would you have me do with the unborn? Remove them from existence? Allow them no chance to live?”
“I want this…this…this thing out of me! I’m a man, dammit! Havin’ kids is women’s work!”
Savanna ‘gurgled’ and waved her chubby, little right arm. She flexed her tiny fingers.
“I won’t let that happen, sweetie. They’ll all come around. It just takes time for their minds to adjust, but we can help them with that, right?”
My daughter ‘gurgled’ again and smiled for a moment.
“I’m glad too! Shall we?” I smiled to her while gently caressing her cheek with the back of my finger.
Lokust, Mom, Charli, and Chantell were staring at me intently.
Ignoring them, I floated up out of my chair and flew the short distance to the Mayor then landed softly. Savanna remained quiet, but her eyes stayed amazingly observant. Castor’s eyes, as well as the other non-Coven eyes in the hall, remained locked on me in fear.
“Let’s see now,” I said as I examined the ‘Mayor’ with my gaze. “Yes. Tomorrow you shall have what you desire; only it won’t be quite what you want, will it, Miss Castor?” I said with a mixed sneer/smile.
Her eyes widened instantly.
“No! That can’t happen! I’m a man! A male! I can’t have a kid!” Castor cried, her hands absentmindedly rubbing her huge, distended belly.
“Keep tellin’ yerself that, sweetie!” Mom giggled. “It only hurts while you’re in labor…whiiiich varies widely among mothers. Anywhere between ten minutes to two or three days I believe.
“And usually within six months you can go and start it all over again. If the timing is right, that is.” Charli added.
“NO! I don’t want that!” Castor exclaimed in tears.
“Then you and your cabinet have policy to make, Miss Mayor- policies that protect women and children; policies that punish men for what they could do to women…to you, Miss Castor.” I stopped long enough to lean down and stare intently into her eyes.
“There, that’s better.”
“What did you just do?”
“I just gave you a compulsion, Miss Castor, a compulsion to make you want to care and nurture your baby when it’s born. Your new compulsion also makes you want to find a loving partner and raise a family. All the things a woman- like you- wants out of life.”
“You can’t do that! This isn’t right!”
“For you or the baby?” I asked calmly.
“For both of usssssoh Gods, no!” Her eyes widened. “You actually did it! I am soo fucked!” Castor cried as she covered her mouth in shock.
“Now, as for the eight children we have transported here to Eden. I assume their guardians are here and in attendance?” I asked, wasting no time.
“The kids…” Castor began to answer but instead her expression softened while she absentmindedly continued to rub her belly, caught herself then looked to me in fear. “They have no…guardians here. They were trying to escape in the ship you blew up.”
“WE did no such thing, Miss Castor! The occupants were so intent on eluding you, they fired on us thinking we were in league with your coup, but when that failed, they caused a Current breach that destroyed the ship. That speaks volumes for the stability of this society AND your government!”
“All we wanted was equal rights. We wanted what they had.”
“And what DID they have that you didn’t, Miss Castor?”
“They could get off this rock if they wanted to!” She hissed angrily, her mood changing instantly.
She actually seemed surprised by the sudden change of mood before her face again softened.
“And the majority of you couldn’t?” I asked. “You couldn’t apply for visas for travel to other systems; petition your government for legislation that could change your quality of life; use the legal system I know was in place before the Galactic Council would even grant Eden membership, the way it was intended? Tell me, Miss Castor, did you exhaust all legal avenues before inciting your coup d'état or did you simply bypass those methods in favor of brute force?”
She remained quiet, as she looked though her tears to the other nineteen expectant members of her cabinet in shame, her hands still idly rubbing her belly.
“We demonstrated on the Parliamentary steps for more rights and better treatment! It all fell on deaf ears.” She finally stated.
“Really?” Charli asked in mock surprise. “So you all were paroled then? Freed men that had fully paid their debt to society? Because, according to your planetary archives, Able Castor is serving a life sentence with no option for parole. Many of your ‘cabinet’ have similar decisions against them.” Charli paused a moment. “You do understand that while convicted and sentenced, you forfeit many of your rights. That is why we call it punishment, dear woman.”
Castor began crying outright.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered in embarrassment then suddenly looked stunned.
“Not only am I crying like a female, I think I’ve just peed myself. If you all will excuse me, please?” She cried despondently. Carefully standing she screamed out in agony and doubled over onto the floor.
“I’d call a doctor, ladies, unless you want her to give birth on the floor right here.” I suggested as I looked down to my daughter, still quietly observing from my arms. She hadn’t fussed one bit through this whole altercation.
Kitty and Simone hurried over to help her off the floor while two men hurried over to us.
“I take it you two are proficient in maternal care, both pre and post natal?” I asked to make sure she got the proper treatment.
“I was a surgeon before my conviction, ma’am.”
“Dr. Milton Douglas Seivers. Convicted on ten counts of unintentional manslaughter. Serving twenty years. Specialty: Reconstructive Epidural Surgery.” Charli recited as if reading his file.
The man looked appalled by her briefing.
“Don’t look surprised, doctor. Lady Charli is our Intelligence Officer. I’m sure she could go on and on about your professional and private life if she deemed it necessary. I believe Miss Castor to be expecting twins. I’d get her to the local medical facility as soon as possible. Say…” I looked to the woman who was obviously having her second contraction. “Within the next fifteen minutes? In the meantime, we shouldn’t waste the hospitality of our generous hosts. Shall we continue negotiations while feasting on this delicious banquet?”
“You cold-hearted bitch! She just went into labor and you show no compassion or warmth for her condition? You, with your own child! Are you even human?!” A brown-haired woman at about six months rambled over and got right in my face as the two ‘medics’ helped Castor from the room. She was Castor’s right hand man…woman. Savanna began to fuss.
“Gaston Flinch. Convicted on eighteen counts of deliberate arson, nine counts of homicide by incineration, twenty counts of aggravated assault, five counts of resisting law enforcement representatives, oh, and one count of dereliction of spousal duties. Stellar record you have going there, MISS Flinch.” Charli reported almost clinically.
“Thank you, Lady Charli. Now, to answer your accusations; yes, I am a member of the species. I am far from ‘cold-hearted, and I do feel Miss Castor is in good hands. Next. If you do not back away from me and my daughter, I will see to it that the only fire you crave is that of a ‘burning desire’ to service men, as many and as often as you can. Have I made myself clear, Miss Flinch?”
She backed away immediately, staring at my eyes in fear while doing so.
“Would anyone else care to question my genetic makeup?” I asked the assemblage as I gently rocked Savanna in my arms to calm her. “Now. Let’s get back to what the new administration needs to accomplish before all its members must take maternity leave.”
“I can’t believe you made them all pregnant! How in the world did you come up with that, buddy?” Lokust asked as I changed Savanna. We had concluded lunch and negotiations with the new Eden government and had returned to Pegasus moments ago.
“I noticed that everything had a strong sexual innuendo last night and Castor’s frustration with our defiance seemed excessive. I was happy with us just toying with him…frustrating him even more until Savanna woke and needed fed. Nothing is more important than her. Castor will understand that concept in another few hours, and no, I actually didn’t place a compulsion on her so relax.”
“Okay, I get that, but knocking them all up? All six hundred of ‘em? A bit excessive wouldn’t you say?”
“What do you think the odds would be that just one member of Mare’s crew would be pregnant, buddy? Out of ten thousand people- half of them women?” I asked and paused to let her think on that. “Before we left Mare, I asked my Current to find and assemble what they could of all the unfortunate terminations resulting from conscriptions. At least now they have a chance at being born…of living.”
“You’re getting to be very frightening, buddy! I’m starting to worry about what you might do if somebody really provokes you.”
“You do understand that any one of us could have easily dispatched them all, right? Even Lyra, had she felt threatened. I felt we needed to show them that some people…some species should never be antagonized. They needed to be reminded that their actions had definite consequences.”
“‘Consequences’ is an understatement, buddy! The only consequences from all this is the rise in births here on Eden. And I’m not sure if your solution would have been the one I’d choose. It seems a bit harsh- maybe a bit reckless too. I mean… we don’t know how they’ll all react to their new situations.”
I smiled back at her as I lifted my daughter to my shoulder and considered my partner a moment.
“Tell me truthfully. Do you think you are the same old Grunfuller Lokust in either of your forms, Lokust? Do you feel the same way in any given situation in this form versus your male form?”
She thought on that for a moment before blushing.
“I…I guess… maybe? Your point?”
“At our meeting, did Castor still seem all full of ‘piss and vinegar’, as Chantell would say?”
“Well…no, but you did transform him into a woman on the cusp of delivering twins. That would humble anybody! Trust me; changing sexes has that effect on a guy’s ego.”
“And I didn’t know that already, buddy?” I asked as I sat down and bared my left breast for Savanna. She wasted no time.
Lokust regarded me with an expression of longing before breaking visual contact. She rubbed her face with both hands and sighed audibly.
“Sorry, buddy. I completely forgot about you hitting threshold. Since then though, you’ve just seemed so…natural…I mean; you took to Savanna like her real mother! I see absolutely no remnants of the male Chance save for the verbal intonations, inflection, and smart-assed-ness.”
“I don’t think that’s a word, buddy.” I giggled, “but I do appreciate your candor. I’ve noticed the subtle changes in my personality, too.”
“I wouldn’t call them subtle, Chance! You are more like your mother now. Before, you played everything cautious and comfortable. Now, you seem unfazed by even yesterday’s rebellion. That first day the Hoblins invaded? Especially when Dell and Sinae were conscripted, you were barely able to function- barely able to handle the loss of our friends. After that and your threshold… ever since, you take chances…meet every challenge head on. Even your demeanor has changed somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, your humility and kindness…the old Chance’s high moral standards still remain…I think they’ve even expanded slightly…and your confidence…I’ve never seen you so sure of your abilities…of yourself. I believe you’ve become the best possible instance of yourself and I’m very proud to be your friend and Coven sister.”
Carefully, I detached Savanna from my breast and gently laid the confused baby down in her crib. I then rushed Lokust and wrapped my arms around her as tears filled my eyes.
“That had to be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Where did all that come from?” I sniffed.
“Hey, I’m not just any dumb blonde!” She smiled then looked confused for a moment. “Wait, that didn’t come out right, did it?”
“I think it came out fine, Lokust Grunfuller.” I giggled while sniffing back my tears.
Savanna proved to be very impatient, crying angrily to let me know we had interrupted her supper.
As before, Lokust stared with envy as my daughter greedily latched back onto my offered nipple.
“Would you like to try it? Just ask your Current to help you feed the baby. That’s how I did it.”
“What? No. Someday, maybe, but I’ll let you finish. I wouldn’t want her getting confused.” Lokust politely deferred. “Besides, now that the danger is over I can change back.”
“Your choice, buddy. You have the power within you.”
“Yeah…about that. I still can’t believe I relocated all those guys… I guess I’m still learning.”
“As are we all, buddy.” I smiled peacefully.
“About the ‘still learning’ part. I overheard Zeus complaining that you locked him and the real Artemis in our…realm. How did you do that? I mean…to be able to trap a God- not to mention two Gods…wow!”
“It’s not as hard as you would think, buddy. They just have to believe that you trapped them.” I whispered. “I just dosed them both with a bit of Current that I asked to mimic a random number generator. It’s constantly generating two-thousand-forty-eight byte random numbers then dividing them by the square root of pi before multiplying by forty-two.”
“Interesting. But why forty-two?”
“It’s the answer to the universe and everything.” I deadpanned and received only a look of confusion. “Mom, Charli, and Chantell would’ve gotten it.” I added in a stage whisper.
“Oh, okay. So it’s just computing numbers and that’s been enough to keep them guessing about what kind of hex you used on them? I thought they were more evolved than us?”
“That has been said about us, M’lady.” Artemis said with a pleasant smile as she passed effortlessly through our closed and locked door. “But that does not make us immune to deception. We enjoy slight-of-hand and illusion just as much as you. Remember, we shared ‘theatre’ with your ancestors.”
“So I take it you and Zeus will be leaving?” I asked sadly.
“No, I’m just tired and decided to come to bed. When I found the door secured, I decided to use my ‘magic’. Don’t tell Father Zeus though. He still thinks your ‘spell’ is holding us here.” She giggled politely.
“So you knew Chance was pulling a fast one?” Lokust asked in astonishment.
“Not at first I didn’t, but then I looked closer at the ‘enchantment’ and found it to be an arithmetical calculation. A somewhat complex calculation, too! Soooo…I decided that my old man should work it through, himself. He’s never been good at anything other than ‘multiplication’.” She winked.
“This will knock his ego down a few pegs and hopefully pull his head out of the clouds for awhile. He hasn’t been duped like this in eons. I mean…who am I to spoil the fun, right? Thank you, Keke.” She continued as her uniform changed into an all-too-see-thru, pale blue nightgown.
“Ah yes, the Goddess of Victory places another feather in her pointy hat.” Lokust giggled quietly, unaffected by our guest’s change or choice of sleepwear.
“Laugh all you like, Shina. Don’t forget that the gem correlated your genetics too. You might not have heard of her, but you are the code match to Shinatobe, Eastern Goddess of the Winds.”
“So, if we are wearing the jewelry, we’re genetically Olympian? Cool!” Lokust glibbed. “And Mother said I’d never amount to anything important.” She whispered.
“If the gem found any discrepancy the jewelry would not have caught your attention, M’lady. Only Olympians are attracted to the stone. And once accepted the jewelry cannot be removed- thus limiting theft.”
Lokust’s face paled.
“Let’s say…theoretically? That the person wearing said jewelry was to change…um…physically…genetically. What would happen?” She asked cautiously.
“Well,” Artemis thought a moment. “I suppose that person would die a monstrous, horrifying death; melting into oblivion while remaining conscious the whole time. Why?” She answered neutrally.
Lokust gulped loudly as she looked around nervously.
“Oh, you are sooo gullible!” The Goddess laughed animatedly. “Yours, Charlene’s, and Simone’s special situations will not result in any dark repercussions, dear sister! The Olympian gene sequence is resident in the twelfth order of your array- what the species call chromosomes. So, male or female, it does not matter. Rest assured you are safe. And you can remove the jewelry if you want, but I pity the thief that attempts to liberate them from you without permission.”
“Well, I’m feeling very tired. Good night, sisters. Good night, little one.” Artemis said as she leaned close and kissed Savanna’s tiny forehead then climbed into her borrowed bed and pulled up the sheets.
Lightning flashed angrily in the skies above us.
“Boy, I thought Zeus would have a better sense of humor. I hope he doesn’t try to punish Artemis. She did laugh a little too long when he found out.”
“They’ll be alright, buddy. I think he’s just embarrassed I got the better of him. He probably isn’t used to being the subject of a rouse.”
“So some form of retaliation is forthcoming?” Lokust questioned as her eyes darted around the Bridge.
“Lady Sandra, everyone set back there?” I asked as my Coven sisters finished their preflight’s.
“Lady Cora and I have all the little…darlings…strapped in, High Priestess.”
There was a certain ‘glee’ to her answer.
“Thank you. Please report to the Bridge, Lady Sandra.”
“As you wish, High Priestess. <Hey! Why do I have to stay…> Lady Sandra out.”
“You know Cora’s gonna be pissed, right, Chance?” Chantell laughed evilly.
“She had her stint, now its Sandra’s turn on the Bridge Crew.”
“You wanted to see me, Chance?” Sandra asked as she entered.
“Take a seat and strap in, M’lady.”
“High Priestess, New Sri Lanka Air Control has approved our departure.” Dell announced.
“Everyone ready?” I asked as I looked around. Receiving nods from everyone, I rechecked Savanna’s seat restraints, and nodded to Mom.
“Hit it, Major. Let’s break some windows!”
The stars instantly surrounded us and I looked back to see how Sandra had handled things. Her smile was priceless.
“Eden system boundry, High Priestess.” Mom announced calmly.
“Set course for our next destination, Major.”
“Aye, M’lady!”

If you liked this post, you can leave a comment and/or a kudos!
Click the Thumbs Up! button below to leave the author a kudos:
And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
This was a fantastic ending
This was a fantastic ending to what appears to be book 1 of Chances story. Thank you for writing! This was a joy to read.
“It’s the answer to the universe and everything.”
Character 42 in the ASCII table is the asterisk character "*", which is used to match whatever you want in a search string. Which means that the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" is whatever you want it to be.
Thanks for the chapters.
basically the universal variable
And the wonderful part of that is
that Douglas Adams had no idea that it was so.
According to Douglas Adams himself:
The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do'. I typed it out. End of story.
Summer's Current
A great well-written story filled with action, humor, heroics and love. I picked it up and couldn't stop reading till I finished.
This was a great story I especially liked the punishment she inflicted. I also really liked the Olympian part. I’m confused which ones are the furies there are 10 of them.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Yeah.. What ^ she said!!
Not always wise to wish for something
Those men wanted off planet, basically wanting to break out of prison. But got something unexpected.
Sometimes it's wise not to make desires known, because, as those men found out, the one who interprets the want might have other ideas of what's needed.
This is a very captivating story, one worthy of the second part.
Others have feelings too.