Dearly Beloved - 5: A Dresden Files Fanfic

The Dresden Files/Codex Alera is copyright Jim Butcher. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction.

Chapter Five

Sunlight crept in on silent wings, illuminating the world beyond my eyes. I could smell bacon and coffee, and my stomach rumbled.

"Wakey Wakey, eggs, and bakey." Murphy said, walking into the room with a tray.

I sighed. We were back where we belonged. I sat up in the bed, rubbing my hair.

"Some night, last night, huh?"

"Crazy," she said, placing the tray down. She snatched a bacon slice and munched it thoughtfully.

"You know, bacon theft is punishable by death in some dimensions."

She giggled. "There's more."

We sat and ate then drank some coffee.

"So, Mab," she said after we'd finished.


"And Molly."

I felt my heart tug at that one. "In the land of Summer."

"And Susan."

"Yep," I said.

"So, what's next?"

I got up. "Shower."

She giggled, I mean after that, oaf."

I put my arms around her, my chin resting on her head. I enfolded her in my arms, holding her close.

"I'm glad we're back where we belong."

"Right?" I said. "When I woke up this morning, I half expected to still be in your body."

"Me too. In fact, for a couple of moments, we were. But then something, I don't know, flipped, and I was back here."

I blinked. "Flipped?"

She nodded. "Like a light switch."

"Dammit," I said. "Mab!"

In the next instant, Mab stood at the foot of the bed. "Yes, my Knight?"

"You body swapped us."

She gave a tight smile. She wore a lovely blue flowered dress with a wide-brimmed hat. "Your tantric magic didn't work, my Knight. Your souls needed to be back in their original vessels in order for you to speak to my Winter Lady."

"Of anyone, Molly would know not everything is as it appears."

"Well, obviously, whatever tantric cantrip thee attempted didn't work, so I made things right, my Knight."

I nodded. I wanted to press the issue but now wasn't the time. Plus, testing Mab's patience was never a good thing.

My shoulders slumped. "Thank you, my Queen."

"What?" Murphy said. "Dresden, if she did this without your consent, isn't that a violation of the accords?"

"Well, not of the accords, but she did violate the third law of Magic."

Mab smiled. "Those laws apply to mortals, wizard. As thee well know."

"It was still unwanted, Mab. And you broke your word."

"I did no such thing. I had offered to swap you back, and you refused saying you would accomplish this task yourself. You failed to do that, so I rectified the situation."

I wondered what that meant. Sidhe were incredibly powerful. Having one inside your mind, moving your spirit, access to your memories. It was a profound violation, and one I would not allow to go unanswered…but I couldn't take action right now.

"We will speak of this later," I said.

She blinked. Then gave me a wintery smile. Then she was gone.

I sighed.

"So, what does this mean."

I shook my head. "Without consulting Bob I don't know. Sidhe magic works by different rules."

"I mean, the end result is the same, right?" She said. "I'm me; you're you?"

"Yes, but it was using one mode of magic to reverse another mode of magic."

"So it's like taking a train and going back home by airplane. Why does it matter if the result is the same?"

"The airplane costs more."

"But the result is the same, Dresden."

I nodded. "It appears that way."

"Well, no sense crying over spilt milk. You take a shower, then what's our next steps?"

"Mac's," I said.

She giggled. "We just ate, Dresden."

"I'll have you know Mac's can be used for more than just a restaurant."

She giggled.

"Pizza," I said, snapping my fingers.

"I thought they only served steak?"

"No, I need to put out an offering for the little ones so I can get word to Fix and Sarissa."

"We murdered the one we had last night."

I nodded, kissing her soft. "I'll be back in awhile."

"Don't do anything stupid, Dresden."

I held a hand to my chest. "Moi? Stupid? I'm hurt, Lieutenant."

"Yeah, cry me a river. You check in with me, okay? If I don't hear from you, I'm sending in the munchkin brigade."

After my shower, I made a few phone calls, then picked up a pizza at Little Ceasar's. Afterward, I drove down to our place near the park, set the pizza on top of Murphy's fancy little SUV, and called for the Za-Lord's Guard.

It didn't take long. Toot-toot flitted in with some of his companions a few moments later.

"Everything secure around the lake?"

"Yes, my Lord!" the tiny fairy said, giving me a salute.

"You and your brethren, and sisterren have been staying safe and avoiding large groups of people?"

Toot-toot's eyes became a bit downcast. "We lost one yesterday, my Lord."

I blinked. "Really? I'd only been telling you that as a precaution. COVID can affect fairy folk?"

"Apparently, Lord. She started coughing two days ago and expired last night."


"Dusty, my Lord."

I put a hand over my heart. "Well, if there's anything magical I can do to stop this virus, I will do it."

"Thank you, my Lord." He eyed the pizza. "Will there be anything else?"

"Oh, one other thing. Get word to Fix and Sarissa and let them know I need to see them at Mac's in about an hour, would ya?"

He saluted and spoke to one of the Guard. The tiny fairy then lifted off and sped into the distance, glowing fairy-dust the only thing left in his stead.

"Done! My Lord."

"Thank you, General."

He grinned at that, running a hand over the shiny metal badge on his shoulder I'd made for him. "Anything else?"

"No, you guys enjoy. But be careful out there, and keep your distance."

"Aye, my Lord!" they all said, saluting me.

I saluted solemnly in return, then got into Murphy's car and drove off.

I was wearing the magical suppression collar so I could drive her fancy ride. I found my way to the Carpenter's house and knocked on the door.

Mouse about bowled me over as Charity opened the door. My temple guard dog jumped up and down, wanting to be petted.

"Hello there, boy," I said. "How are things?"

He huffed at me, and gave me a doggy grin.

I looked up at Charity. "How are things?"

She shrugged. "Kids driving me crazy. Michael's out back, re-planking the deck."


"Third time this year. He likes to keep his hands busy."

I nodded. "I…have something to discuss with you two."

She looked at me. "Does it involve my husband joining you on some ridiculous quest for Gold inside the vault of some Olympian nightmare?"

"No…nothing like that." I chuckled. "Good times."

"Yeah," she said in a low voice. "Good times. Look, Harry, I love you like a brother, but every time you "need to talk;' my husband gets dragged into—"

"Susan's alive."

She looked at me, eyes wide. "Let me go get Michael."

I entered the living room, and Maggie came running out and leaped into my lap. I caught the little female missile and hugged her tightly.

"How are you, Maggie?"

"Good! Uncle Michael is hammering again."

"He's a good hammerer."

"I get to hold his tools and hand them to him. Sometimes he even lets me hammer."

I smiled, running my hand through her dark hair. She looked so much like a small Susan; it was scary.

"Do I have to come live with you now?"

She had a hard time pronouncing the letter L. Live became 'Wive.'

"No, honey. It's best that you stay here for now. This is probably the safest place on the planet."

She nodded, then snuggled into my chest. I stroked her hair, holding her very tight.

Michael came in, sweaty and hot. He looked good with his tight t-shirt and jeans, and when did I start noticing that? I shook my head. The recent experience with Murphy must still be acting on me. I gritted my teeth and stared at his wife, the gorgeous blonde, as she served us drinks.

"So," Michael said, sitting down and taking a tumbler of iced-tea from his wife. "What's this all about now, Harry?"

I sighed and set Maggie on the floor. "You go play."

"I want to stay wif you."

That tugged on my heart more than you know. "I'll take you to the park tomorrow, okay?"



She smiled, and gave me a big hug again, then went running after. Mouse looked up at me.

"I know. I'll take you to the park too."

The dog chuffed, then went dashing after Maggie.

"They both miss you, Harry."

"I know. And I'm retired, for sure. But I want to give a little time to Murphy before we become a full family again. Plus, this is like magical Fort Knox here, with the guardian angels."

Michael chuckled. "So tell us about Susan."

"Apparently, there was an 'irregularity regarding her death and she was sent back in a different body."

"Sounds familiar," Michael said. Man, his voice was deep. I didn't remember it being that deep, it gave me chills for some reason today, and I found myself wanting to touch my hair for some reason.

"Anyway, she has to 'atone for her past transgressions.' I'm not sure, but I figured one of them was probably Maggie, and maybe you."

"The Lord works in mysterious ways," Michael said, making the sign of the cross.

"So I thought I could bring her by, and she could…well, do what she needs to do."

Michael looked to Charity, who looked right back to Michael.

"Are you sure that's best, Harry?"

I shrugged. "Who knows. You have a better handle on the Big Guy in the Sky, then I do."

Michael put his fist under his chin and fell silent a moment. I couldn't help but notice his biceps and the muscle in his jaw working. When did he get so chiseled, and when would I stop noticing things like Michael being chiseled?

"Mab," I whispered. "I'm going to get you."

Michael nodded. "Yes, I think it's appropriate. I'm not sure we should tell Maggie exactly who she is; however until we know what the fallout of this will be. There's no sense in getting her hopes up."

"I agree," I said.

"Thank you for giving us a heads up, Harry. The old 'you' would have just shown up here and not thought about the consequences."

"Harry's evolving," Charity said, giving me a grin.

"Meh," I said. "I thought it would be fair, considering the circumstances."

"When will you bring her by?" Michael said.

I shrugged. "I'll give you a call," I said, holding up a cellphone.

"Wow, and it's still functional?"

"I know, right? Butters gave me a magic dampening collar thingie so I can use technology tools."

Michael smiled. "Will wonders never cease? I knew our newest Knight of the Cross was brilliant."

I got up from the chair and went to the door. "Let Maggie know I'll be back later, would you?"

"Of course, Harry."

I smiled and waved. "Nice seeing you both."

"Always welcome, Harry," Michael said in that low voice that gave me shivers.

I went out to the car, got in, and took a long drink of water from a water bottle. I also poured some of the water over my head. Something was definitely wrong with me.

Sure, I'd known Michael was handsome, but it was in an offhand, good looking guy, kinda way. This reaction was much different. I'd stared right at Charity like I normally did and felt nothing, other than I wondered where she got the pants she'd been wearing. Michael though…I shivered and poured some water over my head again. That was just not right.

My sexuality had changed. This was not normal, or wanted.

I put the car in gear and pointed it back into town.

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