Dearly Beloved - 7: A Dresden Files Fanfic

The Dresden Files/Codex Alera is copyright Jim Butcher. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction.

Chapter Seven

She led me into a much more private room with a small settee and chairs carefully arranged by a fire. All the furniture was more elf-sized, as I glanced around the room.

Molly took off her robe, then set her crown on a cabinet near opposite the fire.

She turned and approached me. "I hesitated to allow thee to see me in this fashion, Sir Knight. I can see it disturbs thee greatly."

I swallowed. "Just a bit of a shock, grasshopper."

She gave a small perfect smile at that as she drew nearer. The top of her perfect hairdo barely cleared my chin now. Molly had always been tall, nearly six feet, yet now she was lucky if she stood five foot even.

"Does thou still givest embraces, my Knight?"

She opened her arms.

"Oh! Yes, absolutely." I enfolded her small body gently, worried that I might break her. She smelled exotic, but she was warm and just…Molly.

We sat on the small settee. I took up most of the space since it was built for much smaller people, and Molly squeezed in next to me. I still couldn't take my eyes off her.

"I know I appear greatly changed, Knight. Thou can'st put thy tongue back in thy mouth."

I closed my mouth with a click. "Right, sorry. It's just. Wow. You look…so is this a glamour, Molly?"

She shook her head; her elfin features falling. "Sadly, nay. T'is the reason for my falling out with the Winter Queen. She wrought this upon me, and I fear I reacted poorly."

"You can drop the 'thee and thou' routine, Molly. It's me, Harry."

Her perfect head dropped a bit, staring at the floor. "I cannot, Sir Knight. Part of the geas. And I no longer answer to that name."

"Uh, then what name do you answer to?"

She sighed. "I am Maaleshiira. Queen of Arctis Meridi."

I nodded. "Can I still call you Molly?"

"It would'st be best, Knight, to refer to me properly. The geas creates an instability within me each time I hear that name. With each reference to my old life, more of my memories fade. If thou truly wishes to assist me, though will refer to my thusly."

I nodded. "Okay."

She leaned against me, laying her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her, again worried I might break her somehow.

"My heart aches for thee, Knight. I wish my visage did not repel thee so."

"Oh, Mo…Maaleshiira, it doesn't repel me. In fact, you are quite lovely, beautiful even. Just a different level of beauty than before is all, and I was taken aback."

She looked into my eyes. "Truly? You do not find me abhorrent?"

I tipped her angular chin up and caressed her delicate cheek, feeling the angular cheekbones. "Truly, Lady."

"This new gladdens my heart, oh Knight. I am happy thou are't here, finally. I so desired to send word to thee, find thee, yet stayed my hand because I feared thee would find me ugly."

Something stirred within me. Something I didn't think could stir since the body swap with Murphy. I held her hand, in mine, then unfolded it, staring down to see.

So small and delicate within my much larger hand. Even with her long nails, my fingers were longer than hers. Spindly, with extended forefingers, they were definitely no longer human.

"How does it feel, Maal?"

She shrugged. "In some ways, wonderous beyond words. I can feel the gale outside, the ice beneath us, and stretching far to the horizon. I can craft the ice in any fashion I desire, creating wondrous works of art. It's taken me weeks to fashion this castle, thou hast come to."

"That's good, then."

"In other ways…not so fortuitous, Knight. As I have said, I cannot break from this mode of speech, which the previous 'me' would have found stilted beyond words. Worse, I now think in the language of the sidhe, and it takes me…time…to fashion even these words. Every time I look into the mirror, I see something alien, strange, yet becoming more and more familiar and real than the past ever was."


"T'is why I had a falling out with the Queen. She hast wrought a change in me so deeply I have forgotten who I once was. Dost thou know I cannot remember thine name?"

"Harry," I said.

"Thou sayest it, but the word emanating from thy lips is so alien I can'st remember, Knight."

I nodded, gathering her into my arms again. Cerulean tears leaked from angled lids as she cried softly.

"The most frightening thing, Knight…" she shook her head, causing the earrings in her lobes to tinkle.

"What, Maal?"

"I forget mine own family. The face of mine father, mother, siblings."

"We can remedy that. We can go visit them."

She looked up at me. "Do thou think they should find me abhorrent?"

"Maal, you know better than that. They love, Cherish and adore you. It doesn't matter if you've been turned into an…elf. They will always love you."

She nodded, tears streaming down her face.

I held her to me, feeling her small body next to mine. I felt fiercely protective of this small creature, my former apprentice and friend. I would move mountains to keep her safe and secure.

"What is this around thy neck, Knight?"

"Oh, Butters made it. It restrains my magic and the mantle. We mainly did it to watch Netflix, but I thought it would be good to come here so you-know-who wouldn't be notified."

"That was thoughtful, night."

I smiled, holding her. It felt good to be with Molly again, no matter how she appeared. She was still the spunky, funky kid I'd grown to know and love, no matter what the container might be.

"How have thou been, Knight?"

I sighed. "Oh, the usual. You've heard about the virus currently raging across America?"

"Yes, thou not lately."

"Not much to tell other than we are all sheltering in our homes and trying not to go out to buy time for the virologists making up a vaccine."


"It is lovely, actually. Aside from people dying and all."

She nodded.

"And Susan appeared yesterday."

Maal gasped at that, slitted eyes widening slightly. "She lives?"

"She's stuck in the body of a 17-year-old. She has to 'atone for her sins.'"

"Oh, the poor creature."

"Yeah. She's not real happy about it. You have any idea how she could atone?"

"Dids't she wrong others in her life?"

"A few. She fought in South America against the Red Court, if you remember. She was also a reporter, so who knows how many sins of the past are haunting her future."

"Perhaps a noble gesture on behalf of all her victims?"

I blinked. "You think?"

"I do not know for certain, Knight, but perhaps that might even the scales."

"Couldn't hurt, I spose."

"And thyself? I sense some distress within thou."

"Yeah…long story."

"I have been told I shall exist for millennia, Knight."

"Murphy and I accidentally tripped the light trantastic the other night. We got soul mixed, and now my sexuality appears to have changed."

She blinked. "Thou finds men attractive now?"

"With one exception," I said, hugging her.

She giggled. "Thou does find my visage pleasing then."


"Thou knows we could steal away for a few hours and snuggle under mine furs..."

"I would enjoy that," I said, cupping her chin. "I'm committed to Murphy, however."

She nodded. "I expected that, Sir Knight. Thou has't always been devoted. While I've been cherished, though has't never shown me thy ardor."

"Uh, yeah."

She giggled. "Fret not, Knight. Seeing thee does make me want to leap thy bones, but I shall refrain for now."

"I think I might break you, considering."

She smiled, leaning in close. "I am magnificently flexible, Knight. I shan't break."

I swallowed. It would be very easy to fall into those pools of ice. Maeve, the former Winter Lady was a sex-addicted crazed person who bedded anyone that came near. I knew the Winter Mantle gave Molly…needs as it did with me. It would be very easy to five into those feelings.

"Your father would kill me. As would the Queen."

She sniffed, turning her head. "Pity."

"Speaking of your father, I need to find Susan. I was going to take her to see Maggie."

Maal nodded, her eyes tearing up again.

"What's wrong?"

"Thou leaves me, and it breaks mine heart."

"Aww, my Lady." I said, pulling her to me. "Don't be like that."

"You cannot know how lonely it is here, Knight. I ache to see mine old family."

"Why can't you?"

She paused a moment. "The Queen would feel mine presence."

I nodded. "But you'd be able to see your family. They miss you terribly, Lady Maal."

She stood. "I suppose it's time to go back home. Both mine former and new home. The Queen will be placated."


"Can we visit them now? I fear I will not be allowed once I return to the Winter Court."

"Of course," I said, standing and taking her small hand. "They would be so happy to see you and know you are okay."

She sniffed, smiling. "Truly?"


I helped her into her cape. "Would thou speak on my behalf and let them know not to call me by my old name? It…damages, my memories."

"Of course."

She giggled, a tinkling sound of snow falling on ice. "You make me so happy, Knight. Thou fills my heart with gladness."

I tugged the cape around her shoulders, letting flow outwards. It was strange to bend over so far, almost like dressing a toy.

"You always fill my heart too, Lady Maal."

"Truly?" she said, squeezing my hand.

I nodded. "Truly."

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