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Chapter 20
When we knew from our text messaging that Sarah and Gabi were due back, we started watching a movie. We knew we had to act very casual with them so we had a plan of action. That way we hoped they wouldn't ask too many questions.
Ellie and I were on the couch cuddling, watching the movie when they came in and rather than our usual catch up chat, we pulled them onto the couch to cuddle and watch the movie with us. My mind wasn't really engaged in the action and I would be surprised if Ellie was any different.
After the movie was over we started getting ready for a night out, not informing them that Gabi would be going but we would be staying. I had discussed it with Sandra and she agreed to be the fall guy. I could still hear a laugh in her voice. She was taking far too much pleasure in our circumstances. We explained what we thought she would need to say to get Gabi to agree. She couldn't believe that we hadn't taken the test yet, but I think she was also pleased because we were only waiting because we wanted Sarah, her daughter, involved.
Of course, Sarah asked about my illness and visiting the pharmacist so I admitted that it was recommended that I take a test and the result would be in soon. Nothing life threatening and I implied that it was a woman type issue, hoping she would suspect a urinary infection or maybe thrush. It got her to drop the subject, which was the idea, and it was also truthful.
When we were all ready and had gathered in the kitchen, Sandra 'reminded me' that Ellie, Sarah and I weren't invited tonight. I then apologised for forgetting and explained to Gabi that Sandra and David wanted some alone time with her. I told her that Sandra was still her legal guardian until Derek and Susan's paperwork was complete and she needed to make sure we weren't unduly influencing her and they couldn't do that in our presence.
So that I wasn't completely throwing Sandra under the bus, I said to Gabi that them taking her to dinner was my idea and I just forgot about it. Gabi being unable to talk also made it hard for her to argue. Sarah was not happy and I knew that she was going to be relatively angry with me. I guessed correctly that she would wait until her parents had left with Gabi before she expressed her displeasure.
“I think we should have discussed that as a group, rather than you deciding for all of us!” Sarah complained.
“It was the best lie I could think of,” I answered which shut her up with a confused expression.
We had been making sure everyone had drinks and drank ourselves in the hour before Gabi left. We couldn't stop Sarah going to the toilet without giving ourselves away, but we had tried to time it so that she was ready for the next part of our plan.
“Sarah, important question. When was your last period?” I asked her.
“What Buffy is asking is have you had a period since we came on the tour?” Ellie tried to put my question in clearer language.
“Umm...No?” Sarah now sounded uncertain.
“Right. That's what we thought. Buffy here has been having signs that might indicate she was pregnant, what were they again Buffy?” Ellie asked.
We were both having far to much fun with this. We had enjoyed the whole day getting used to the idea. It was shocking as hell this morning and Sarah was in that same place.
“Swollen tender breasts, metallic taste and possibly pregnancy nausea. That only happened this morning, and I think it has to happen several days in a row to count. Anyway, your mum observed that this morning and asked if I could be pregnant.”
“Before you continue, don't forget late period. That is the most common first sign and our period was due eight days ago,” Ellie added.
I ignored her confusion. “After your mum asked me, my immediate reaction was, that was not possible. I mean none of us has had sex with a man, so how could we be pregnant, right?”
“We?” Sarah whispered.
“I think this should be fairly easy for you. The first time we all made love to Gabi is a treasured memory of mine. Do you remember? I was lying underneath Gabi and you made her cum on top of me, then climbed on top of me and helped me out by rubbing our groins together. I think you even mentioned how wet I was. I think some of that wetness wasn't me, or you for that matter. And if you get sperm in your vagina, well, there is a risk of pregnancy.”
Ellie then held up three sticks. “I want us to do this together, but we don't have three toilets in a row. I thought we would all take turns and then put the lid on the stick and turn it over so that we can all check at the same time.” Ellie had also prepared a piece of paper divided into three with lines and our names for each column. “Who wants to go first?” she asked.
I had been dying to do it all day so I quickly grabbed a stick from her and went into the toilet. I had already read the instructions so I waited for midstream and soaked the tip. Ellie was standing there and took it off me with a hand wrapped in toilet paper. Put the lid on and placed it on the paper face down. Sarah was still in shock so Ellie went next and I prepared my hand with toilet paper so that I could help her as she did me. Then we had to guide a very unsure Sarah. We told her what to do and mechanically she followed our directions and then we had all three on a piece of paper.
There was a pause as we all stared at the piece of paper with three pregnancy test sticks on it. This was literally, life-altering.
“How long do we have to leave them?” Sarah asked.
“They are ready already. We just have to have the courage to look.” Ellie took a deep breath to steady herself. “On three?” she asked. She then looked up to see us both nod in acceptance.
“One, two,” a pause then, “three.”
We all reached forwards and turned over our sticks. Our sticks were very simple, it was either a minus sign for not pregnant but control working or plus for working and pregnant with ninety-nine plus accuracy.
We all stared at our sticks and then at each others with shock on our faces.
“Let's say it out loud and make it official,” I said. “I am pregnant.” Saying it just made it all real. Wow, that was a trip.
“I am pregnant,” Ellie said with wonder in her voice.
“I am pregnant,” Sarah said with disbelief and shock.
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wow, looks like Gabi hit the
wow, looks like Gabi hit the trifecta
Again, Strong swimmers
Without penetration, being able to impregnate 3 women is impressive. Those are some seriously strong swimmers to be split 3 ways and still result with positives.
I get a feeling that Mia is going to have three best friends really soon.
Some feat that is!
Getting three girls pregnant in one go? Has ayone ever heard of that before? Must be worth an entry as a world record *LOL*
My congratulations for coming up with an idea like that, I just love it!
Monique S
my disbelief is willfully suspended
I don't care how unlikely this turn of events is, I think it's cute. Now just make one of them a set of twins and then we can get a scene where all four mothers each hold a baby.
predicting stories
I did wonder when I did the sex scene if anyone would twig where the story was going. Buffy getting morning sickness early - before six weeks- is a sign of high pregnancy hormones as can happen naturally or in the case of???
All three of them??! Wow, that’s gonna be a handful!
Love this story
Looks like Gabi is going to have her hands full. Having triplets but with three mothers being fathers? This story is getting more interesting everyday. Love it and thank you for this.
64 thousand dollar question answered
None of the girls are acting like their pregnancies are an oops, likely because of the shock of being pregnant without having intercourse.
Might it be a safe bet when it comes time to have "the talk" they won't leave out every way that pregnancy can occur.
Wonder how Gabi will take the news? Wonder how the other parents will take the news?
Others have feelings too.
God loves Gabi it seems.