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Chapter 2
I managed to get Drew in for a full-body wax at the first beauty salon on my list. I was curious as to how he was going to react. He obviously looked like a guy and was entering a traditionally female establishment to get a procedure that was usually only done on women. I know times are changing and some guys have various areas waxed, but Drew had told me that he never had. He was a bit worried about the pain and was understandably nervous.
I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze to try and reassure him when I felt he needed support. He was a curious mix of someone who liked and needed support but had learnt to cope without. So I could see his worry as well as his bravery to deal with it. I didn't go in the room with him, mainly because I thought that would make him uncomfortable. I felt like a mum who's kid had gone to school and was waiting anxiously for him to finish and see how his experience was.
We did have a shower in the RV, but in the confined space shaving was going to be awkward, so all of us girls had decided to wax instead. Since Drew had more hair than us, if he was going to shave he would have to do it frequently, so waxing was a much better idea. His face couldn't be treated that way. I asked him to shave that morning and fortunately, Sarah had brought her supplies. In the future, I suggested that he shaved his face every evening so he would be as smooth as possible for the night.
He had used the internet to put about a thousand dollars into my account. He asked me to watch him do it because it would take a couple of days to hit my account. I wasn't bothered about spending the money, but I think he needed to know that he was paying for it.
He came out with red eyes suggesting that he had been crying. I wasn't sure if that was from the pain or if someone had triggered his grief. I paid the bill and quizzed him. It turns out it was the combination. It was a painful experience and to take his mind off it, the therapist tried talking to him and engaging him in conversation. In his situation, even innocent questions can remind him of what he has lost. Once he started crying the lady stopped the inquisition and just got the job done. This allowed him to get control of himself although he admitted feeling embarrassed.
Next stop was a suburban house selling breast forms and other silicone enhancements. We discussed on route how much help he wanted me to be. He weighed the embarrassment of near nakedness versus getting help each night to make it look right. From my understanding, you could apply these forms on your own, but it was easier if you had help to make sure they were placed correctly.
I reminded him that I was a lesbian and that his male bits did not interest me at all. What I didn't say was that I had no idea how I would react when his male bits were hidden by a false vagina and he had a pair of breasts. He nervously wanted my help. He even asked my opinion on what breasts to choose. He thought he should go for the smallest available that fit him, which was a B cup. I have always had a thing about breasts. Apparently, my fascination included false ones, so I had a great time making him hold against him different sizes and shapes. I decided the D cup were the right ones for him with a semi-erect nipple.
I thought Drew was a kind of submissive. Easy going without being a doormat, but definitely a submissive and, to be honest, even though I knew he wanted the smaller size, I wanted him to have the D cups. I'll admit I was a little bit domineering and told the lady we were having the D cup size despite Drew's wishes and then told him they were my treat and if he really wanted to buy another set he could buy the B cup, at which point he backed down and even softly thanked me, with a slightly puzzled voice.
It wasn't till later that I realised that I had just treated Drew like he was my girlfriend. I wasn't helping him out, I was choosing something that would give me pleasure, rather like later when I chose his nighties with Ellie and Sarah. They were doing the same thing though.
The false vagina was quite interesting. The lady helping us explained about pushing the testicles up through the hole they came down originally and then gave us some privacy to perform that act. Initially Drew tried to do it on his own with his back to me, in a sort of crouched position. He really struggled though, so, in the end, I had him laying down and I manoeuvred them back up.
I have never really been curious about men and their bits. I have always felt a strong attraction towards women and none towards men, so even when I was pretending to be straight I didn't have a boyfriend and had never touched those areas. It was a strange experience. I felt detached and clinical, but caring at the same time. I was aware that they were delicate and I needed to be careful, but they held no interest, completely unlike handling the breasts earlier.
I was watching Drew while I was feeling for the depression and pushing them up, looking for clues as to whether I was hurting him. He was looking anywhere except at me, obviously embarrassed. His penis reacted to my working on his balls so I didn't immediately call the saleswoman back in. I removed my hands from the area and pretended that I hadn't noticed, chatting about how we ended up on this road trip.
Once he had calmed down I called the lady back in and she showed how the false vagina fit. The penis went into this tube that was a part of the general structure. It meant he could still go to the toilet if he needed to, but would not be able to have any erections, it was too restrictive for that. It came with a neat triangular pubic hair bush, which helped draw the eye away from any edges that were hard to spot anyway. His skin colour was typical white which was fairly easy to match for both appliances, so it blended in really well and looked very natural.
She then had Drew lying down and showed me how to apply the glue, which we did for demonstration purposes. It was mainly about lining it up correctly and holding it still long enough for the glue to set. I would love to say that when he stood up he looked completely female, but that would be a lie. I looked him over very carefully and his body was now almost perfectly girly. Low on hip curves, but some women are like that, so it didn't stand out. It was his face that disappointed the overall picture. It wasn't very masculine, but it was enough that way to be jarring when looking at the rest of his body. The sales lady talked about wigs and makeup, which would probably be enough to help him to pass to the casual observer if he was in public.
We took Drew's measurements so that we would be able to choose appropriate nightwear and then applied the glue solvent. Drew changed back into his clothes so that we could go shopping. Even though the aim wasn't to get him to pass in public, I still wanted to get him a wig to complete the picture. We then travelled back to the Mall to meet back up with Ellie and Sarah.
Drew had no other clothes than what he was wearing and he didn't want to buy much. Still, he needed a couple of pairs of trousers a few tops and lots of underwear. After we had picked a few items for him to try on, I had Ellie wait to critique them while I pulled Sarah out of the shop for a quick chat.
“How did the transformation go?” Sarah asked.
I smiled a little secretively. “You will just have to wait and see. We do need to get him a wig to complete the picture though. I pulled you out for a slightly different discussion.” I pulled Sarah over to a bench that was outside the shop.
“Go for it,” Sarah said, trying to get me started.
I didn't just want to blurt it out, I wanted her to think about it and come to her own conclusions, which made this a difficult conversation. “I noticed something about Drew that I don't think he has noticed about himself.”
Sarah raised an elegant eyebrow.
“OK. Let me ask this question. What defines you as female?” I asked.
“What?” was Sarah's ladylike response.
“Imagine you have your eyes closed and you have no memory of your life and someone asked you are you a girl or a boy? You would automatically answer girl, right? But it is not because you have a vagina or breasts, you wouldn't know that they were there, you would just know that the way you think is the way a girl thinks. Now imagine you still have your eyes closed, but you touch your body and can feel no breasts and further down you can feel bits that belong on a boy. You're still a girl, but your body would make you think you were a boy and everyone seeing those bits would tell you 'you are a boy'.”
“Are you saying Drew is trans?” Sarah asked to confirm.
“I am pretty sure Drew thinks the same way we think. He knows he is not like other guys, he has just not made the logical leap that if he is not like other guys, maybe he isn't a guy at all. OK, another question. You let Drew hug you. We both know that he was acting out of beautiful intentions. He saw you hurting and couldn't stop himself from reacting in a nurturing way. But, you don't let guys hug you, period. What were you thinking? What was going through your mind?”
“I didn't really think,” Sarah said with a sigh. “It is not about thinking it is about feeling. I don't see a guy getting close to me and think 'that is a guy, I need to be careful or he might rape me'. I just see a guy and feel fear closely followed by anger.”
“And with Drew?” I prompted.
“He doesn't seem to trigger my response. You are saying that is because he isn't really a guy. What about at night? I couldn't relax.”
“You tell me. Was that because you were feeling threatened or were you just thinking too much. In fact, don't tell me. I just want you to think about it. I am going to do a brief gender questionnaire tonight, pretending it is from Cosmopolitan about who will make the best lover. It is not going to be definitive, but I bet you his score will show he is female. There is something else I want you to think about. You know, when we have had a few drinks and we have talked about our ideal partner do you remember what we came up with? We both wanted the same thing, so I remember.” I looked at Sarah seriously.
“Er, yeah. I think it was kind-hearted, someone who likes being looked after but independent, loving, giving, submissive. Did I miss anything?”
“Don't forget delicate and I think we agreed to big breasts,” I reminded her.
“I think the big breasts was all you. And?” Sarah quizzed.
“How would you describe Drew? Don't answer, just something to think about.”
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Shaping up.
This new tale is shaping up nicely. Love to see anything with your name on it. I would be remiss though if I didn't say I wouldn't mind seeing some older ones too though.
As for where Drew is going, this looks like it could get interesting... Though I hope Aaron stays away and out of the picture.
I agree with the both comment anything with you name is nice but I would love to see who the hell am I It was at a climactic part.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
This is a cute concept with a lot of potential! I’m excited to read more!
Raw nerves
Drew getting a wax so soon after losing his family maybe wasn't a good idea. His nerves are still raw after losing all he was carrying , then the news about his family ripped his nerves completely raw. Pile on that being reminded of his loss by an attendant who was just making conversation.
Is Drew being a submissive if what he's doing is for the benefit of another, Sarah in this case? His choice of breast size may not have been proportional to his overall physical appearance, so Buffy telling him larger may have been unconsciously done to give him a better appearance than her wanting larger breast, even though she likes larger breasts.
It will be interesting to see how Drew answers the questions Buffy is going to ask, and how the other two girls react if Drew answers the questions as Buffy feels he will.
Others have feelings too.
I have taken those test
because I knew what they were I found them easy to game, but I can honestly say I think more like a female than a male. My current belief is I am two spirited, with parts of me that will always be male but I am much happier as a female in body and outlook.