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Chapter 16 Buffy's POV
The next week was probably the best in my life. The next day my breasts were a little swollen and sore, so I knew my period was due. Since all of us have synchronized our biorhythms, the next few days were going to be interesting. We have a general rule that any arguments that happen at that time of the month, we try to put a pin in it and restart it a week later. Of course, we usually find the topic much more agreeable then.
I did have a swipe of pinkish discharge the day after we started our new dilation time activities and over the next few days I felt a little cramping and a few other spots of pink, but it was the lightest period I had had to date. I did wonder about Ellie and Sarah. Usually, we discuss these topics without restraint, but with Gabi, I thought it might be a reminder that she couldn't have children and since I didn't have anything significant to report I kept quiet.
Dilation time was meant to be a time we concentrated on Gabi. And we did, but by the end of it, especially after she made such sweet sounds and shivers, we were all very horny. Gabi was very eager to return some of our affection and it ended up being some of the sweetest loving that I had ever had.
Normally, I am all for spontaneously starting lovemaking and had never imagined scheduled times. If I was going to think of scheduling a bit of erotica, I never would have aimed as high as three times a day, nor thought it was sustainable. Dilation forced us to try and to our mutual surprise, every time was joyous. Never the same but always wonderful.
Sarah, the owner of a strap on dildo, came up with the idea of a butt plug for Gabi to wear during the day, in the hopes that she could use her device, if Gabi was sufficiently stretched out, so to speak. Ellie wondered if you could do something similar for the vagina, to give a constant presence. Sarah's device had an internal as well as external element, but the internal was a little too large for the size that Gabi was working on. A quick internet shopping trip with a Toronto company and when we arrived a week later we would pick up various sizes.
We only had three other shows in the week leading up to Toronto. One in Kansas, then a day off before Indianapolis, with Grand Rapids the next day. Another day off before two days in Toronto.
I did suggest to Lisa that we move our RV to a more distant spot as I knew we were being loud. Lisa smiled and admitted that our noises were challenging Damon to compete, and she thought it eased some of Aaron's guilt to hear us still having bedroom fun. She also wanted Gabi close for Mia and there were a few times when Gabi was frantically called upon to help calm a tearful Mia.
By the time we had reached Indianapolis, most of Gabi's bruises had faded enough for makeup to cover. By this point, all her facial hair had been removed, and she was getting laser hair removal for the rest of her body. She had already had two sessions and there was a marked improvement. She asked our opinion on pubic hair. If all the hair was gone it made the surgery more obvious, although that would fade with time. We had a group discussion and decided that the pubic hair would go, and she could have a tattoo to hide any scars, if necessary, later. To be honest, we all availed ourselves of the same service as well as permanent hair removal elsewhere.
We also decided that Gabi was going to grow her hair, and found a place in Toronto that was going to add real hair extensions. It would be an expensive and long session, but the end result would be worth it. Tara, the beauty therapist was showing us different styles that could be done with long hair, but since we had to wait until after Toronto before Gabi had the long hair, she concentrated on teaching Gabi makeup. We had Gabi take it off and put it on several times a day, and she was slowly improving.
This also meant we could take her shopping. Baring in mind what Ellie had told us, we made sure to pick dresses that emphasised her curves and told her how feminine she looked. We also took the opportunity to get her ears pierced and buy her some jewellery. Sarah wanted her to get her belly button pierced as well, but we didn't want to overwhelm her, so we left that for another day.
We did buy her some bangles, earrings, although we now had to wait for her ears to heal before she could use them, a cute little ankle chain and necklace. We also got her some three inch heels so that she could practice walking in them. I think there was a general agreement that we loved her wearing heels especially with that ankle chain, so more of that was in her future. We all had mani-pedi's which was a nice group experience.
Since Gabi was going to have the voice box surgery, Aaron put off the voice coach until after we rejoined the tour in New York. Now that Gabi's face had settled, we took multiple pictures and sent them to Ellie's dad, John. He played with the image on the computer to show what was achievable, and we went through the options together. The nose had settled down beautifully and didn't need any further work. He suggested something with the cheeks that somehow softened the face. He was also going to check down below to see if he could do anything to tidy matters up, reduce any scarring. He had scheduled a space the day after Toronto. Gabi wouldn't be allowed to speak for two days after the voice box surgery, and he wanted Gabi to be majority recovered by the time of the New York memorial.
Ellie had booked the flights, and we had arranged where we were staying. We decided that we didn't want to split up, so we were all going first to Ellie's parents for three days, then two days at Sarah's and finally two days with my parents. Ellie and Sarah had to discuss sleeping arrangements as we didn't want to be apart and Gabi still needed her dilation time. My house had plenty of bedrooms and I didn't bother my parents with such details as they wouldn't be interested.
I did tell them that we would also need to visit my grandfather. Gabi was surprised as she got the impression from my talks about inheritance that he had already passed on, so I had to explain that he had split his money into three piles. One he assigned each to my cousin and me, provided we fit the criteria and one third that he would live on and would be passed to his direct children, my father and my aunt when he died. He had done it that way to encourage me and my cousin to have children while he was still alive. This he had done about a year ago and since then my cousin was desperately trying to conceive. He was three years older than I was and already married, again arranged more than a love match. I had heard through the grapevine that he had abnormally low fertility, and they were now trying IVF. He still had four years before he passed the deadline. I would have made a deal with him, except he had not taken my coming out of the closet well and now blamed me for the pressure he was under.
To be honest I was dreading introducing everyone to my family. I was brought up by a series of nannies, not my parents and most of my interactions with them were completely unemotional and felt very artificial. Since none of us were of an equal or better social standing in their eyes, they would automatically dismiss us and our opinions. It was almost funny, because they would think of us as inferior, I was ashamed of them and thought less of them.
Grandfather would be more fun. His brain was still sharp, and he was more interested in ability and intelligence than social standing. I had no idea what he would think of Gabi. Sarah and he had already butted heads, which I knew he liked even as he complained. None of us would fawn over him, but he may not appreciate Gabi's submissiveness. Ellie tended to stay in the background, but with the occasional clever interjection that left no doubt as to her intelligence. He respected my friends, but now I was going to tell him they were more than friends and I didn't know how he was going to react. Not that I really cared anymore. I mean my whole family already disapproved of me just because of my sexual orientation and that was something I had no control over. If any of us felt uncomfortable in my home, we would leave.
Going through the border with Canada was interesting. We had to try and defeminise Gabi and get her dressed in Drew's old clothes so that we could use her old passport. The passage through was a non-event, but emotionally Gabi was clearly upset by it and happy when we put her back together. I questioned whether it was worth the effort and what we should do at the airport. We had a letter that explained everything, but I had read some horror stories on the internet of transgender discrimination at passport control.
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May be worth it
Going through airport security as Drew might be less traumatic for Gabi. Discrimination is still rough in the northeast.
Can't wait to meet gramps after this chapter.
I find your comment about passport control…..
In the northeast somewhat curious. I live in the northeast, and have never had an issue with airport security, either while I was transitioning, or since. I actually traveled through the airport on a weekly basis while transitioning, flying well over 120 flights annually, and had nary an issue. What made this even more interesting was the fact that I was not only very well acquainted with the airline staff at my home airport, being on a first name basis with most of the staff at multiple airlines, but I also knew several of the TSA agents personally.
Two of them were former police officers who had worked in the small city where I live. One had left because of an injury, and one had actually been terminated. As my spouse was the Commissioner of Accounts for the city, we were fairly well known, and I know for a fact that both of them knew who I was, and were fully aware of the fact that I was in transition as it had become public knowledge thanks to one of my nephews and his big mouth.
So everyone had known me prior to transition, and actually saw me weekly while I was transitioning, as well as since.
And yet, I never had any issues with airport security in the northeast. In fact, the only place I ever had a problem was at Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Johnson City, TN - not much of a shock when that happened, lol.
I did have to explain what my meds were for once while passing through US Customs at Toronto Pearson Airport when flying home to the Albany International Airport in Albany, NY. The US Customs agent pulled my meds out of my carry-on and asked me what they were and what they were for. As they were in the prescription bottles it wasn’t a major issue - but I did have to explain what they were and what they were for in front of a crowd of fellow travelers.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Interestingly enough,
I have never encounterd any problems with passport control, while I still had an M and the old name in it. Mostly people (Even the Germans!!!!) just looked at the picture and the validity date. But then we really don't have any checks at the phsical borders within the Schengen treaty, but the brexiteers may just fuck that up now, at least between their stupid island and the mainland and possibly in Ireland. :(
Monique S
It sucks that Gabi had to
It sucks that Gabi had to pretend to be a boy to cross the border. After you see what you’ve been missing out on, it’s really hard to let go of it.
Load of road muffins
Buffy's grandfather is full of road muffins by making their inheritance dependent of conceiving before twenty five. Neither may not be ready for children before that age, or want children.
Buffy's cousin is wrong in saying Buffy is at fault for grandfathers' insistance, he is. And the cousin is only under pressure he's put on himself because of his own greed. He could stand up for himself and tell grandfather to stuff the money where the sun don't shine, instead of bowing to the old man's requirement.
Others have feelings too.
A tr5ip to britain my be in order
To get Gabi's life straightened out