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It was spring in the month of April and everything had turned green and then there was a snowstorm. Three inches of snow had collected on the ground and I was angry. My friend Jeff was to be over and we were to throw a baseball around. I was outside picking up snow and throwing it at trees, birds and squirrels and anything else I could see. I usually threw close enough to scare a critter as well as annoy my a little sister.
My sister Joselyn came out yelling at me to stop. I looked at our old tree in the back and saw something flicker inside a hollowed out branch stub and threw at it. “Wham!” I hit it right on target.
Joselyn yelled, “O no, you didn’t. You hit one of the faeries. Mom! Mom! Come here Aaron’s in big trouble!”
I couldn’t believe my sister still believed in fairies. I went to check the tree and see if I could see something, anything. Soon Joselyn and Mom were with me. Joselyn gently tried to brush the snow away from where I hit the tip of a broken branch. Something fell from the opening and Joselyn caught it in the palm of her hand.
Mom and I looked but couldn’t recognize anything. Joselyn said, “Mom use your bifocal. It’s fairy size like I said and she’s hurt badly.” I couldn’t see it, but Joselyn said that was because I didn’t believe.
“Mom are you going to take sides with my hysterical sister. I know you don’t believe in fairies?”
Our mom leaned her head back a little to look through her reading lens. Suddenly there was a surprised look. “Oh my, it’s a fairy. Joselyn, she looks terribly hurt. Is there anything we can do to help her? It looks her one of her wings is broken.”
It looked like a crumbled up mosquito to me, but it was too early for mosquitoes.
Joselyn said, “Mom there’s a small island on a pond where the fairies often go. Aaron needs to go with me but he might not be happy about it.”
“Hurry and run, I think she needs help quickly. You young man run along with your sister and don’t sass me back.”
I couldn’t believe my mom saw anything different than I did, worse believed my sister. But I wasn’t surprised that she sided with Joselyn. And I knew enough not to say anything. When Joselyn took off running into the fields back of our house. I was running to keep up with her. I couldn’t believe how fast she was going. I was having trouble with my footing running in the snow, not quite knowing where there was solid ground.
Two years ago when I was younger, I knew the fields fairly well. We had run some and my sister was still running strong. I now knew which pond she was referring to and the island. It would be some more running before we got there.
Sunlight was shining on the island and the shrub bushes, wildflowers, and the one lone old tree were ahead of everything else is growing. Without using her hands, Joselyn slipped off her sneakers and told me to do the same. The closest tip of the small island was at least 15-20 feet from the shore we were standing on.
Joselyn said, “Don’t you say anything. Let me speak and by no means get angry or ridicule the fairies.”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this for you Joselyn, don’t push your luck.” I rolled up my pant legs as Joselyn did. We stepped into the water and I slipped down into it as we walked over to Fairy Island. I remembered now that the island use to attract many kinds of butterflies and some joked that they were fairies.
Once there, Joselyn bent down on her knees and asked me to do the same. She turned and showed me what was in her cupped hands. Like magic, I first saw the fairy, but I knew better. Joselyn had taken her hands away from me and lifted them in front of her. “Princess Ayla,” she sang in a humble melodious voice, “I need your help and forgiveness. Jeni is hurt and I ask that you come quickly to heal her.”
Joselyn whispered to me, “Bow your head and don’t look up. Please don’t speak unless you’re asked. Whatever you do be polite please.” I couldn’t believe I was doing this but I did as she asked. She sang until we heard the fluttering of many wings.
I heard the buzz of flittering wings and looked up. I couldn’t believe it there were better than 3 dozen fairies of different sizes but all small flitting about at different distances with some perched on blades of grass, weeds or leaves. Most look like tiny girls, but I do see two that might be male faeries if there are any such thing or a difference.
Joselyn begins to talk to the Princess faery, “I am truly sorry my ignorant brother threw a snowball having seen the reflecting sun on Jeni’s wings. Jeni wasn’t even looking. He didn’t know he was throwing at a faery”
I heard a voice, “Aaron, what do you have to say for yourself.”
“Not guilty your Princess; I was just throwing snowballs. The snowstorm upset my plans and I was angry. …I can’t even believe I’m out here hallucinating or that I’m seeing and talking to fairies. If you exist, you should know that this world is for humans. You’re relics of the past, limited to the imaginations of little girls. That’s it, you’re a figment of my sister’s imagination. Ha!”
Several faeries take the faery out of Joselyn’s hand. Joselyn turns to me, trying to hold her temper. “What about being quiet or respectful don’t you understand? I hope your consequences aren’t too severe.”
Joselyn says, “Your precious Princess Ayla: Please forgive him again. He’s my older brother but boys his age are very immature and tend to be crude in their talking. My mother will discipline him if you let her.”
“O Joselyn, I respect your mother but she has been negligent in teaching him manners. He was given a fae spirit at birth, whose light does not even flicker now.”
Aaron mocks what he’s hearing, “O Joselyn, your brother doesn’t need you to defend him. He just needs more snowballs.” And with that dozens on little snowballs appear as they’ve been thrown at Aaron with each hitting him hard. They are like needles that prick the surface where they hit but disappear, evaporating into tiny teardrops.
Aaron looks cross-eyed as one faery appears inches from his face and throws a splat of red that adheres to his lips. He’s now unable to speak as his lips are glued together. “Kneel before our Princess and listen to what you need to do?”
Aaron is slow to kneel until something hits behind his knees sending him to the ground. “Alright, I was going to do it. I was just a little slow,” he mumbles from the side of his mouth. What he was trying to say echoed inside his mind.
Princess Ayla showed radiantly as a rainbow of color in his sight. He smiles and bows his head as he finally begins to understand he’s in the presence of someone with wisdom and authority. Then terror and fear reigned in his heart as he reflected on how rude he had been. He’s not very religious, but he believed gods were to be feared.
“You need not fear my wrath, as vengeance is feeble as a form of judgment. I will enlighten you and you will become as I intended when you were born. …Now I want you to undress down to your underpants and undershirt and step into the water.”
Aaron began by taking off his light jacket and unbuttoning his shirt and discarding them. He rose as he began to unfasten his belt and pants. He kicked off his running shoes and tore off his socks.
Aaron expected the water to be cold, even colder than the ground. The water was cool not terribly cold and the ground felt good to his feet. Where he stepped into the pond, water on this side was nearly three feet deep and getting deeper within seven feet from the shore of the island. Princess Ayla said, “Bow down until you are under the water and I will then give you more instructions. Do not worry, you will not drown by staying under the water. You are protected by my spell.”
He bowed first onto my knees and then his body submerged until he knew all of him was at least six inches underwater.
Princess Ayla spoke to my sister, “Your sister will be okay there for now. I want you to go tell your parents that I am disciplining Erin. If she wants, your mother can come here with you at two this afternoon. She can choose if she wishes to take you and sister or brother home. But if she takes him home and doesn’t discipline him he will become very sick for a long time. If she chooses Erin, she will be a petite girl and our size when she needs to be a faery.”
“Go, your brother is safe from himself. I thank you for believing and I thank you even more for your kind and wise spirit. Among humans, you are a peacemaker. Wisdom and a passionate heart are your greatest gifts. You’re encouraged to develop more gifts and talents. But you must always keep the spirit that your people like to that of a naive child.”
Joselyn asks, “May I speak your royal highness?” Given permission, she says, “My father will want to know what is going on. What am I to do?”
Princess Ayla says, “You may tell both of your parents at the same time. But make it clear that your father is not to come this afternoon or they will not find your brother nor will I speak to your mother at that time.”
“Do you believe that I can transform your brother into Erin? I want you to encourage your mother to come with a believing heart. She is a good woman and her spirit and yours are not distant to us.”
The Princess whisked her hand and Joselyn knew to leave running.
Aaron is swimming in place under the water and he looks up as the princess faery comes back to him. “When you are welcomed to come back out of the water. You will become like a little faery yourself. But your wings will be new and delicate. They will need to dry. Even now your undershirt and pants are becoming the clothing of a young female faerie. A light breeze will dry them out when you come out of the water. Your hair will be long and curly and your figure as with all my female faeries will be petite.”
“If your mother will accept you as such you will be another daughter. You will be petite and only your mother and sister will be able to see your wings and know you are a faery. You cannot tell others. If you do they will not believe. But as my daughter, you will be disciplined severely if you do not learn to behave.”
“You have already been under the water for many minutes and will continue as such for another hour and a half. You may swim around the pond seeing its beauty as well as the junk that is now in it. The pond and marsh were not created for junk.”
“When the white lilies of the valley shine brightly as lights on the island, you will be free to come and stand among them. Other faeries will watch for you. Beware of the predators you might encounter.
“You will be able to flit about, but not be able to fly away to your home. Your mother should be here a little after two o’clock your time. That is if she wants you which I believe to be the case.”
When I didn’t see or hear her, I looked about and swam in the pond. I could not see my body well, but it had begun to feel different. When I swam to another part of the pond I saw Teddy Bruno and his friend Bob. He was throwing old cans into the pond and something seeped out of them into the water.
When his back was turned I threw two cans out. I would pick them up later. But as Ted heard one hit the ground he became angry. He grabbed a stick and cut a pointed tip on it. I quietly swam to where I could barely see him and hoped he could not see me. After he stabbed at the water, when they started to walk away I threw the cans back on land and yelled “Boo!” Bob started to run and Teddy was unable to call him back.
There was one more can in the water and this one I threw as hard as I could and hit him in the head. A ragged edge cut into his scalp. Head bleeds are worse than they look. When Ted realized he was bleeding he ran off crying for his mother.
One of Joselyn’s faerie friends Marie came near me in the water and said something but it was fast and in her language. I smiled as I anticipated she was thanking me. I had seen some fish, a turtle, and two frogs and many tadpoles. I now knew the pond was someone else’s world.
Not much time seemed to pass, though I knew the sun had moved in the sky. I swam back to the small island and around it until I saw some white flowers shining. With that, I swam until my hands and feet touched the bottom and I could walk onto the island.
The lilies of the valley are a small flowering plant, but when I walked to them I was smaller than most. I stopped, looked down to my hands and feet. I became quite alarmed as I see my body was like that of the faeries I had seen. I then remembered the Princess said it would happen. I had not believed it possible at the time. Only now was I beginning to believe.
This time when I saw Marie, I saw how pretty she was. I tried looking at myself wondering what I looked like. Marie flew to me and took me to a puddle of water on a leaf. There I saw my reflection and I indeed was a pretty faerie. I touched my face and hair and then pushed my hands down my side. The translucent skirt and top were silky. I thought, ‘Why did they make me into something so beautiful?’
Marie was seated on the top of a lily flower. She pointed to one near her and I flapped my wings to see if I could fly. Yeap, I could. But trying to land on a flower, branch, or leaf was not easy for me. Finally, I got close to a flower stalk and grabbed on and climbed to the top. Marie giggled as I did. There were more giggles, but I could not see the others.
Marie flew to a flower and then to me with her hands cupped. “Drink, the nectar is good for us. She used a little to splash my face. With her hands, she wet her face which glistened as she did. She encouraged me to do the same.
I did and then looked at my reflection. I automatically liked what I saw. Then a frown of disgust comes over my face. “I’m a boy I shouldn’t look pretty like this!”
Marie speaks to me, “You are a faerie for now. Calm yourself, your Mother and Princess Ayla will soon be here.”
I saw in a distance that my sister was coming. Then I could see my mom. “Erin, Erin please turn this way.” I turned to see that Princess Ayla is talking to me.
“What? Who is talking to?” Seeing Ayla I knew to bow to her.
Princess Ayla said, “You are Erin Tera. You are a child of the earth.”
Shadows were moving toward us. Soon I see my Mom Christina and my sister Joselyn. I yell, “Hello Mom and Joselyn.” Joselyn bent down and offered a finger that I jumped onto.
She said, “I told you that you might not like this.”
“Joselyn, I deserved what’s happening. The silliest part is I can’t say I don’t like it.”
Joselyn giggles loudly, and then quickly apologizes to Mom and Princess Ayla. Princess Ayla says to her, “Respectfully, I ask you to put her down. I am going to say something and we need to decide where we go from here.” Ayla is floating in front of our mother.
“Her faerie name is Isy for now. In this kingdom, she will be my daughter. Christina, you knew your first child was destined to be a faerie. I healed her while she was in your womb. It was as you asked under this tree while she was still in there.”
Mom said, “But I gave birth to my son. I didn’t think you would want a boy and I just couldn’t let go of him.”
“No one said, you would have to let go of him or that he’d be taken from you. You saw the light of my presence and didn’t even come to talk to me. You also let him grow up to become a spoiled child, lacking the discipline you gave both of your daughters.”
Ayla says, “He caused one of my daughters to be seriously hurt. That would not have happened if you raised him with my help and blessing. Even this morning when he hurt Jeni, you did not remember or truly believe.”
“You knew Joselyn believed but you sometimes kept her from Marie and Jeni afraid that they were real and she’d learn more.
That is past and I know you are a relatively good human being. I would like to offer you back a daughter. Her name in your world should be Erin Tera for she is a child of the earth. She can go back with you now if you will receive her as our daughter. She will be petite and never grow past 5’ 2”. Or I can return to you your son, but his heart will ache for a long time before he has a chance to get better.
“There is a third choice; you could leave her here until I have taught her as my daughter and her heart is truly good. The choice is yours, you can take your time and talk with her. I do ask within the hour that you tell me your decision.”
“Can I ask a question your Highness, Princess Ayla?” She smiles and speaks in her language saying yes. I speak in both voices as Isy and Erin. I can accept that I would be humiliated to become Erin as others have already known me as a boy. But will that honor you and serve its purpose? I ask because in the short time I’ve known you and been a faerie it does not seem like your way.”
Ayla waves her hand and sparkles fly. There is power in her light. “You have gained wisdom and insight to my ways in a short time daughter. I am proud of that.”
“You are right in speaking, for humiliating you would not be my way. I would change your past. Only your Mother, Joselyn and your friend Micayla will know the truth. A truth she discovered when she was only seven that will become part of your memory.”
Mom says, “It was at Micayla’s party; it happened there didn’t it?”
“Not yet it didn’t,” Princess Ayla, “But yes if you take your daughter home or leave her with me for more instruction. Her friend Jeff will be over at 6:00 tonight. He will remember his friend one way or another, even if she is not there.”
Mom says, “I will take her now, though I know she will need to return to you for more training and to become truly our daughter.” With that, I grew to be barely five foot. Yet dressed in the grandeur of being a faerie.
I hug my Mom and then curtsey to Princess Ayla. My wings start to move not like a bird, more like... well, like a faerie. Ayla says, “If she flies home she will be no bigger than three inches and invisible to others beside you and Joselyn.
I go to Joselyn and kiss her cheek. And then I fly to Marie and other faeries surrounding us thinking they are sisters too. I am soon ready to leave.
Joselyn says, “We need to hurry home. We barely have an hour to find something for you to wear and be ready for Jeff. I can’t wait to see how he remembers you, Tera.”
I turned to Princess Ayla, “Princess Ayla thanks for your kindness I will always remember. And please tell me Jeni is alright?” I bow though I am in midair.
“When you see me next you may call me Mother or Princess Ayla. You may go knowing Jeni will be well. Healing takes time and many touches from her mother.”
I want to fly quickly and my sister is wanting to run. Our mother tells us, “Wait for your mother the both of you.” We did as we’re told but Mom does jog most of the way. Mom tells Joselyn, “That nice pink skater dress we got the other day, has just become Tera’s along with the training bra and panty we bought. Please go ahead of me and see if there are shoes and pantyhose that go well with them.
Joselyn runs and I fly into the house and were quickly up the stairway into Joselyn’s room. We both passed my room, seeing it is now different.
Daddy hears us and calls up, “Are you two girls running up the stairs in the house again?”
My sister throws the skater dress to me along with the shopping bag that has panties and the training bra in it. As I quickly grow to earthling size I shake and I’m ready to put on my panties and the bra. The bra’s padding feels nice and soft as it surrounds my little breasts. Automatically I place my hands around my back and hook the bra in place. Josey is very impressed. She finds silvery white pantyhose that has only enough substance of giving my legs a hint of white reflecting over my legs.
Josey says, “How do they do that they look beautiful, almost magically so.” There is a single silver string around my neck. Shiny silvery white earrings with unknown crystalized stones adorning each ear. My hair is dirty blonde and curly. It is not a permanent, as my hair looks naturally wild; holding together in an artistic way.
Josey says, “I bet this new you is artistic.”
I giggle saying, “That’s impossible, I love drawing and colors, but you know very well I’m not at all artistic.”
We go into my room which is now very girly, with reds, whites, and silver making up the color scheme. There is a painting on the far wall of a reddish sunflower in a field. There is a tree that is near it as well as other wildflowers. Josey says, “Look that tree has a broken branch like the one you threw at this morning.”
We look around my room and are amazed at how feminine and pretty it is decorated. There is my softball glove. My hand is very small but fits in the glove. I sit down and the skirt barely covers my rear end. I look in my closet and there is my favorite dress. It is white with pink embroidered lace over it.
I see a picture of Micayla and me, and I stare intently at it. It is like there is something special about Micayla but I can’t quite decide what it might be. There are several pictures of Jeff. One is of Jeff as a basketball player. Another with his teammates and an equal number of us girls. The seventh and eighth-grade team is a picture with a basketball 12-2. That was their record this past season.
Mom has come upstairs with Dad and she asks me. “So how do you like your room?” Dad scratches his head, “I hope she likes it a lot. We decorated it the way she asked. But she needs to remember if we have company staying over she’ll need to let Anne have her room and she will share with Josey again.”
“Hmm.” Dad doesn’t know or doesn’t believe. I sit bouncing on my bed. “Ugh, I can’t believe this my feet don’t touch the floor.”
Dad says, “Until you have a growth spurt, it won’t change. You need to wait and let nature take its course.”
“What if nature or something else has already decided?”
The doorbell rings in the ringtone for the front door. Josey flies running down the stairs ahead of me and greets Jeff and asks him in.”
“Hi Josey, are you sure it is okay? Is Erin here? My Mom says Erin wanted to go with her to see my sister play softball.”
“Hi Jeff, is that it? I couldn’t remember what we were doing.”
My Mom raises her voice, “Josey doesn’t be rude, hold the door open and invite his mother to come into the house.” Mom says, “Hello Donna, it is nice that you’re willing to have Erin go along with you.”
His Mother says, “Between the surprise of snow and the shower at Plainfield’s sports complex. I doubt there will be a game. But I told Susan, I’d take her shopping if the game is called off. I thought Erin would enjoy going shopping if that’s the case.”
She says, “Look at you Erin, don’t you look extra pretty. You must already be anticipating the game to be called off. You are dressed way too nice for a softball game. What has it been a whole twenty-four hours since you and Jeff saw each other? You look like a precious pixie in your outfit.”
Mrs. Law’s phone rings and it is Susan telling her mom the game has officially been called off. I hear her say, “Jeff and Erin are here, we were getting ready to leave to see you play. How about we come, pick you up and all of us go shopping.”
“Okay, you and Deb can meet us at the mall entrance near Macy’s.”
Josey says, “Erin, you will like going shopping with Susan and Deb Brock. They’re both into fashion and should enjoy getting that petite figure of yours into some nice outfits.” Josey turns to Dad and says, “Dad you need to give her enough money to buy at least one nice outfit and a summer dress.”
He says, “You each have a closet full of clothes.”
“Mom tell Dad that Erin needs something new for this summer. Erin, you’re needing to learn to speak up for yourself.”
I’m soon out the door with Mrs. Law and Jeff. I’m sixty dollars richer from Dad for clothes and another twenty for food. Mom slips me an extra forty dollars, saying, “You father doesn’t understand how much good clothes can cost a girl.” I giggle because I don’t know either.
I soon left with Jeff and his Mom for a mall thirty miles away. It was the most popular of the malls for girls shopping with three big department stores and a lot more women’s specialty stores. There were plenty of kiosks which are great if they have something special you want.
I hadn’t ever looked at Susan and her friends from the fashion perspective. From boy’s perspective, I always enjoyed looking at them as they’re gorgeous.
Once we meet up with them inside the mall. Susan comes to me all excited, “Oh Erin, it is so nice to have you come shopping with us. This is much more fun than watching us play softball. Debra says, “Look at how petite you are with all the curves in the right places. I would die to be as thin as you. Are you just window shopping or prepared to do some girl shopping?”
“I have about eighty dollars for shopping and more for if we get something to eat.”
Susan giggled, “Then you have more than plenty. Too bad we don’t have more time. But maybe you can go with Debra, me and some others this Saturday.”
“My sister says I need an outfit and a sundress, so I have some new clothes this summer.”
They take me by the hand and we walk quickly away from Jeff and Ma Law. Susan calls back, “Mom give us ninety minutes we want to help her get some nice clothes without her boyfriend bothering her.” I am embarrassed by the idea that I have a boyfriend.
It is forty-five minutes later and they have had me try one outfit or dress after another. I’m down to my panties, bra, and stockings when Susan again opens the door. “Oouu, you’re so cute Erin. Where did you get those beautiful stockings? I’ve never seen any quite like it. I’ve never heard of Ayla Lingerie. Please put this on and come out. You have two dresses and three outfits to choose from.”
This dress is probably my favorite a pink crochet lace over a pale ivory shell. Once I have it on I’m out with Sue. Deb says, “That one is a must purchase but we should hold it out as our third choice. I bet Susan’s brother will give fifteen dollars towards it, just so he can see her wearing it now and then. With those stockings on the boys will drool. But don’t even suggest that to your mother or it will remain in your closet until you outgrow them.”
I said, “The red skirt and the blouse with the peek-a-boo shoulders, is one I like. But I don’t know, my Mom might think it is too daring.”
Susan says, “For a nun maybe, but on you it is darling. If I were you I’d get three camisoles that are on special as well as that lacy pink bra. I know you like it. It must have felt as nice as it looks.” She got no argument from me.
I go back to the changing room and Susan followed me in. She drops her skirt and takes off her top. She says, “I think I want this dress, but I need your help in fastening the back.”
“Wow, Susan that’s all you. You are even more beautiful than I thought.”
Susan asks nicely, “Who told you anything but it being me?”
“Oops, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just Jeff…”
“Wait until I get home tonight. You might not have any boyfriend left when I get through with him.”
I said, “You know boys are crude like that. They should get a taste of their own rudeness. You should dress him as your little sister and over stuff his bra. Then see how he likes it when you take him shopping in public.”
Susan giggles as she says, “Woe Debra, you should hear the idea Erin gave me for my little brother. I think it would work for our boyfriends as well when they get mouthy and tease us in public.”
To be continued...
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She is taking to being
feminized fairly well
This is getting good
Im looking foward to seeing what happens with Jeff from Erin's suggestion. I hope Erin learns a lot from from her Faerie Mother
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
This is an interesting start.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
adapting rather well
fun stuff!