Secondhand Life - Part 34

Dennis stood as I approached our table.

“Damn, girl” he smiled “I thought we were going to have to send out a search party”

I smiled to myself. We knew each other so well.

“It was crowded by the stage, so I took a detour... around the back bar.”

Dennis' eyebrow raised “Is that A&A?” He shot me an inscrutable stare. “How on earth...”

“One of the bartenders saw me passing and asked if I wanted 'the usual'...” I shrugged.

Dennis nodded. Apparently Katherine's 'usual' was a state secret to everyone but the bar staff.

I leaned in to Dennis and lowered my voice “Can I ask you... WHY Absinthe and Avitae? It doesn't really seem like a Katherine drink. ...or an anybody drink.”

Dennis broke into a mischievous grin, dipped his fingers into his own daiquiri, and flicked them at me.

I was startled and at a bit of a loss just HOW to react when I noticed a drop or two had landed in Katherine's drink, which immediately began to cloud up.

“Slip pretty much anything into THAT” he said grinning at my drink “and that happens.”

I nodded, smiling. Katherine was wily. And wary.

I sipped the now cloudy drink, not worrying too much about Dennis' cooties, which seemed to please him immeasurably. Despite the change in appearance, it still tasted exactly like high octane cough medicine.

Dennis played the part of the gracious host, introducing everyone to Michael, while I played the aloof starlet, acting polite yet distant, since I actually didn't know who any of these people were. No one seemed surprised, so I guessed this was standard with Katherine – who I recalled, didn't even seem to know the names of her own house staff.

Everyone chatted amiably and Mikey got to do most of the talking, which mostly consisted of complimenting our guests on their accomplishments and nearly reciting their CVs. I think they remembered him because he seemed so impressed with – and knowledgeable of – them. He made some comments and observations which seemed astute and very welcomed by the industry insiders. I think they were forming a very positive impression of this very industry-savvy Australian lad.

Eventually the crowd trickled out and Dennis decided it was time for he and Mikey to work the room. He asked if I was OK being left alone at the table and gave me a gentle shoulder slap as they left, mouthing 'behave!' with a smile.

I was doing fine on my own. Casually sipping my third ...or was it fourth?... A&A. I had gotten used to the taste and found each less unpleasant than the one before. I sat back, just people watching... observing the give and take of the club. All of the negotiations and transactions – business and otherwise. And I began to wonder just how much of a line there was between the two. Then something slowly began to dawn on me.

I really had to pee.

I reached over to finish the last sip of my A&A - I knew better than to leave a drink behind in a shark tank like this – only to find a full glass, and a smiling Stepford Ken.

“I noticed you were nearly empty, so took the liberty of ordering you another Meg Ryan” he smiled.

I smiled back, principally because it was clear no one had let him in on my little joke.

“That was very gracious of you....”

“Costas” he reminded me as if I'd forgotten.

“Yes. Mav... mavro...”

“Mavrikis” he smiled with the reflexive bow.

“Mavrikis.” I repeated. “Well, as I was saying, it was very gracious of you, but I was just about to...”

“Please. Talk with me for at least a moment. It would be terribly rude to leave without even finishing your drink”

I glanced at it. Not cloudy. Probably safe. Thank you Katherine for your paranoid genius. I took the glass, returned his placid smile, and tossed it back like a coal miner with a shotglass.

I finally got a genuine expression out of him. It was a mixture of shock, dismay and disappointment.

I grabbed his hand and leaned in. I think he was expecting at least a cheek kiss, but I just whispered in his ear “I really need to pee!”

My candor ruffled his diplomatic demeanour, which made the awkward confession worth it. I quickly rose and suddenly was aware how tall the heels ...and my spindly legs really were. I wobbled like a bamboo tree and instantly he was at my side. Left arm around my waist and right arm cradling my crooked right elbow, steadying me like a guy wire.

I looked down at him with relief and gratitude. I wasn't planning to make another Katherine scene, toppling like a redwood amid the industry elite.

The guy was discreet. He appeared to be holding me familiarly but not intimately as we made our way through the crowd toward the restrooms.

“You are a gentleman sir.” I said. A little more ...blurrily... than I intended.

“And you remain a goddess.” he replied turning the unctiously hokey charm back on.

I laughed. I know Katherine is not a laugher, but I was struck by the absurdity of it all and could not hold back. “Ha! If I have any supernatural tendencies... which I'm not claiming” I held up my finger and wobbled a little more until stayed by his strong arm around my waist, “any tendencies would tend to be... more... demonic”. I flashed him a crooked grin.

He smiled politely. Again.

“You never did mention... what is a straight arrow like you doing in a den of iniquity like this?”

He frowned slightly. “I am meeting people. I thought I told you. I am thinking of perhaps becoming involved in the film industry.”

I nodded blankly. If he had mentioned it, I didn't remember. Then again I was finding it harder to remember much of anything ...or care.

“I had hoped meeting in a place like this, in addition to meeting many powerful executives and financiers, I might also brush shoulders with the celebrity or two."

I grinned and leaned down rubbing my shoulder into his.

He grinned back. “This much I had not even dreamed of. I have been a big fan for many years. Before your film career even. I had your Victoria's Secret...”

“Of course. You had that poster in...”

“Not poster. I commissioned a reprint from Armando Ciregna. Life sized.”

I jerked my head back. “Life size? God, that wingspan was.... how BIG is your bedroom?”

He shook his head “Not my bedroom. My office.”

“God, you must have the coolest boss ever! ...or you work in... wait a minute, what DO you do?”

He smiled. Genuinely this time. “Commodities. Precious metals mostly. And yes I believe I do have 'the coolest boss ever'” he grinned making air quotes. “He is my father.”

“Ahhh.” I nodded knowingly, although I didn't really know what I was pretending to know, except that this indulgent dad let his rich kid son put up a life sized soft porn photo in his office. “Precious metals?” I asked, more to just make conversation.

He shrugged. “Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium.... the usual Platinum and Gold.... Lucrative but not terribly exciting. Not like the movie industry!”

To my own surprise I reached down, pushed his nose like a button and gleefully cackled “Costas Mavrikis – The Golden Greek! THAT's what I'm calling you!”

He winced.

“What? You'd prefer 'The Wizard of Osmium?” I sneered.

That evoked a genuine smile and a sigh. “Golden Greek is not so bad.”

“So, you're going to throw all your family's money away on these showbiz swindlers?” I teased.

He shrugged and looked up at me. The Stepford Ken facade was beginning to melt. Or maybe I was just feeling all those drinks. “It's far from ALL my family's money. Just a small discretionary portion of my share. We have been doing what we do for a long time. A long long time. We could probably afford to make our own film industry.”

“Hellenicwood?” I grinned.

He smiled back. “You might think. But no. I was born in the Netherlands, but I am a Swiss national. Although my official principal residence is Luxembourg.”

My head was beginning to spin. I just stared blankly.

He shrugged. “It's complicated. Taxes, liability, many intertwined business reasons. I am from many places, yet nowhere in particular. I consider myself a citizen of the world.”

I snapped my fingers. “THAT's who you remind me of!”

He looked back quizzically and perhaps expectantly.

“Michael Rennie!”

No reaction.


I saw the slow recognition in his eyes, then a slight nod and a grin. Yup. He's a film fan.

“And would that make you my Gort?”

“In these heels? Maybe.” Then I couldn't restrain my wicked grin “But I'm MUCH more dangerous.”

Oh my God! What was I doing? Was I flirting with Stepford Ken? I had to stop. I had to focus on something else. Oh, yeah. I really, really really had to pee. I was beginning to think my bladder was as inappropriately small as my skirt.

“God. LOOK at this line!” I muttered, noticing for the first time that while we had been chatting, the Golden Greek had deftly manoeuvred me into the line for the ladies lounge.

“There is always a line, no?” he said sympathetically.

“Not for me. Not except this place, this crowd.” I scowled. I was really beginning to appreciate Katherine's queue jumping clout, now that it was rendered useless among her peers.

I started doing that side to side subtle weight shift 'gotta go!' dance as I stood in line. I didn't think anyone noticed, but since he was still more or less holding me up, the Golden Greek caught it right away.

“Will you be alright if I leave you for a moment?”

I nodded, certain that he didn't want to be present when I wet myself in line. He slowly brought me closer to a wall I could prop myself against and gingerly let go. When I didn't topple, he nodded and dashed off.

I was becoming alarmed that I might fall on my face when the line moved forward and I had to leave the safety of my wall, but it was a very slow line and before I had to find out, the Golden Greek returned .

“Come with me.” he said quietly and scooped me from the line.

“That was a major mistake unless you found a fire exit to the alley or a tureen in the kitchen.”

“Better!” he grinned and steered me toward the mens lounge.

I dug my heels in like stop-sticks. “Whoa! What are....”

“I checked. It's empty.”

“It was when you checked”

He just kept smiling and led me through the S corridor until we reached the inner doorway where an imposing gentleman stood. I presumed he was some VIP's security minion sublet for a quick and lucrative detail. Costas slipped something into his pocket and he nodded, making his way to stand imposingly in the outer doorway. Apparently VIPs taking over the mens room for private business ..or whatever.. was standard practice here. The ladies seemed to have no such arrangement.

The Golden Greek walked me to a stall and let go of me, I was able to manoeuvre myself in, and was finally grateful for the miniscule skirt. It made things much easier in my ...slightly fuzzy... state.

I took care of business and may have actually moaned a little from the relief, which I'd rather not think about. I tidied things up, composed myself and teetered to the sink, washing my hands and reflexively freshening up my makeup. Then I noticed the urinals in the mirror and recalled where I was. And my eyes slid over to see The Golden Greek leaning against a wall, watching me like a hawk, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

“Better?” His grin was rakish.

I nodded. Time to get back the pokerface.

“Your merit badge for chivalry is in the post. You sir, have saved a lady in serious distress.”

I returned my focus on touching up my makeup when suddenly his face was regarding mine in the mirror, his chin rested on my left shoulder as his arms wrapped around my middle from behind.

“Um...” I eloquently said as he nuzzled in to my neck and gave it a gentle bite.

I was trying to come up with something more articulate than 'um' but my speech center was completely frozen. The rest of my brain however was overwhelmed by an avalanche of overpowering emotions. Shock. Excitement. Panic. Fear. ….Lust? I wasn't sure. I just knew that what ever it was, the desire was really strong, really hard to resist. And I didn't want to resist. I wanted to surrender. To dive right into the heart of whatever this new overpowering sensation was and see where it took me.

But the rest of my brain, the rational part, was screaming red-alerts. This could not go anywhere good. This had to be shut down instantly, like an out of control reactor.

After he nibbled my ear lobe from behind, which sent an involuntary shudder through my whole body, causing me to falter slightly, which I hoped he would think was drink-induced unsteadiness, Costas spun me around and pressed me against the sink counter.

His right hand cradled the back of my neck, strong fingers gently reaching up to the base of my skull, while his left hand slid deftly from the small of my back to cup my bottom. He pulled me against him as his face came in for an insistent, but surprisingly gentle and tentative kiss. His lips gently brushed mine, and only when they met no resistance, did they plunge deeply into mine.

Oh. My. God.

I knew Eoin's lips were always clenched tightly as he would dutifully return my 'Hollywood kiss' on our various public displays of affection. I knew those weren't real kisses, but never in my wildest imaginings had I ever expected something like this. I was returning his passion with my own while my brain was screaming at me to shut it down.

I felt his hardness pressing into me and while part of me knew I HAD to shut it down, I had tumbled so far I wasn't sure if I could.

A loud cough from outside the entrance way jarred us from our mindless passion. In a moment of clarity, I realized I was semi-sitting on the sink counter, legs wrapped around Costas, who seemed to be fumbling trying to get under my too-tight skirt to get at my thong.

We both startled and came up for air. Costas barked 'One moment!' as I drew a deep sharp breath. Had I become so swept away that I even stopped breathing? This was the spanner in the works that my brain needed to regain control. The briefest moment of clarity. But enough – just enough – for my rational mind to regain control and realize with a shudder just how close I had come to disaster.

My power of speech had returned just enough for me to utter “Not here. Not now.” but the voice was strange. A low, husky whisper that sounded more like an invitation than a refusal.

I think Costas caught the mixed signals and knew which ones he wanted to heed. He leaned back in, but by then my rational mind was swiftly reasserting control, while chiding me 'stupid stupid STUPID girl!'.

The burst of adrenaline cut instantly through the fog of alcohol and my composure returned quickly. I pushed him away and spun back to the mirror.

I was a MESS. I repaired my makeup and brushed my hair quickly and think I had regained my in-control demeanor as I twined my arm into his and whispered assertively “let's get out of here.”

His eyes lit up for a moment as he thought I was propositioning him, then quickly dimmed as he realized that I just wanted to get us the hell out of the men's restroom.

The crowd was subtle, I had to give them that. There was a clear understanding that they had, at times, been on the other side of the scene they were witnessing, so the stares and smirks were subdued, and some of the eyes even showed some empathy. Still, no one missed it as we made our way down the corridor from the restrooms. Even as we made our way back into the club we were getting stares. It was clear they knew, but I couldn't see how. I thought I had repaired the damage and looked no worse for wear, and then I realized that the Golden Greek was looking smugly ….disheveled.

I tried to run my fingers through his hair and bring things back into some semblance of order. Fortunately it was an exquisite cut and pretty much fell back into place. I steered us past an empty table with an abandoned drink and cocktail napkin, which I quickly dipped and daubed the lipstick off of his face. It was terribly forward and probably extremely rude, but he didn't seem to mind. He just smiled slightly as I rubbed the smeared lipstick from his face.

He didn't mind, but I felt a growing burn of resentment that not only did I have to get myself back together, but it seemed my job to clean up his damage too. He was all too happy to wander through the club, mussed up hair, lipstick smeared face, grinning stupidly to anyone who would look at him. Why did I have to cobble his appearance back together? I thought to myself 'It will be one thing when I have my own little ones, but he's a grown man for chrissakes!'

And I stopped cold.

Costas lurched as I suddenly stood rock still in the middle of the club. We were both startled. For utterly different reasons. I quickly shook myself out of it and resumed our walk back to my table. Fortunately that unexpected thought-bomb completely derailed any lingering notions of desire, and I was fully back in control by the time we got to my table.

Where a grinning Dennis and Mikey stood to greet us. Oh, crap. There's NO WAY they could know. Sure, Costas was making no effort to hide it with his blissful grin, but I was fully back in control and confident that I was betraying nothing. Besides, they both knew me.... I mean knew ME... and it would be inconceivable for them to jump to such a preposterous conclusion – however true it may actually be.

“Oh, wow. You two have MET!” Mikey beamed.

I just looked at Costas, who grinned at me with big eyes.

Dennis glanced at the two of us, and I don't know how he read the situation, but whatever he was thinking, it worked for me. He addressed me directly.

“Michael and I had met Mr Mavrikis earlier.”

“NiNo introduced us!” Mikey chirped in.

Dennis nodded. “He's in town meeting people, networking and prospecting for projects....”

“So we pitched him 'The Sitter'. ...and he's interested” Mikey gushed.

“The Sitter.” I replied deadpan. I had no idea what they were talking about, but it was obvious that they had let Costas think I was in on whatever they were talking about. I would scold them privately later, but for now I just tried to play along.

“He thought the treatment had potential, but had understandable reservations.” Dennis explained. “...since it IS a distinctively Katherine Keller vehicle....” he squirmed slightly, I could see in his eyes how uncomfortable he felt blindsiding me like this, but it seemed unavoidable, so I shot him a reassuring glance. “....and he had never actually MET Katherine Keller....”

“Now he HAS!” Mikey exclaimed cheerfully. He seemed utterly oblivious that Costas hadn't met Katherine.... he had met ME... Mikey also seemed unfazed at how he had ambushed and cornered me. A sardonic voice in my head said 'yeah, you'll go far in this town, kid.' I let it go. He was my cousin, my partner in adventure, and I knew he wasn't being callous, he was just overtaken by enthusiasm.

“So how DID you two meet?” Dennis asked with a raised eyebrow and the slight trace of a smile.

Costas took a breath and raised his finger to speak, but I cut him off.

“Cute.” I replied deadpan.

He nodded, again with the stupid grin.

Mikey was about to say something, so once again I piped in, looking squarely at Dennis in my best Katherine Keller pokerface. “That IS the Hollywood way to do it, no? Don't just meet. Meet cute.”

He nodded, the tight lipped grin still on his face. But his eyes were absolutely sparkling.

I waved a hand dismissively. “I'll tell you later.” Then I glanced at Costas who was still beaming at me like a smitten child. I turned my attention back to Dennis and Mikey. “....or not...” I muttered, and caught Dennis' mouth twitch into a smile before he tamped it back down.

“So... now you two have met....” Mikey addressed the Golden Greek “...what do you think?”

Dennis and I exchanged glances. Mikey was having an entirely different conversation and had no idea.

Costas nodded. “I am intrigued.” he said in his slick diplomat delivery. Mental note, never play poker with this guy either. He turned and looked at me. His expression was coldly appraising. He had totally gotten his business demeanor back. I returned his gaze. He knew, I could tell, how impressed I was at his ability to switch into business face so quickly and thoroughly.

“I definitely want to explore things further.” he said blandly, addressing Mikey and Dennis, while his eyes locked with mine. “I am …..quite taken with the.... possibilities. I very much look forward to the ….potential.... of a close collaboration.”

Mikey was over the moon. The look I got from Dennis was impossible to read. He knew there was another conversation going on here, but didn't seem to know what to make of it. I was sure I would be grilled thoroughly at some point in the near future. Actually, I was looking forward to it. I had to talk to someone and I couldn't imagine anyone other than Dennis to confide in.

“Well, aspirations are all well and good, but we're off to Asia in a few days and we'll be gone for weeks. We'll see how you feel about everything then.” I smiled at him. “Once the blood has had an opportunity to return to your brain.”

Dennis shot me a look. Mikey remained oblivious.

The Golden Greek nodded, unfazed. “I look forward to our next meeting... and picking up where we left off.”

I smiled coyly. I knew he would be meeting with Katherine after the Asian trip. And I knew he would have absolutely no idea what hit him.

With that and other banal platitudes, he withdrew to find Nina and continue his plans to take over Hollywood. I turned to Dennis and Mikey.

“Anyone else to amaze and dazzle or are we ready to call it a night?”

Dennis exchanged a look with Mikey who shook his head, then he glanced at his watch.

“I think we'd better call it a morning. It's all good. Soon we'll be skipping so many timezones, it will be best that we have no sleep patterns to disrupt!” He forced a grin. I knew he was ready to head home and so was I. Mikey wanted to linger, but he had already networked with the entire place, so even he was forced to concede that our night of networking at Tritium was done.

“So, is it safe to say 'Mission Accomplished' on our evening?” I asked them. Mikey and Dennis nodded happily.

“So we can go home now? I'm unsteady enough in these heels. Between the drink and fatigue, I may topple like a redwood at any moment.”

They both smiled happily and Dennis texted for our car. Once again my two guys and I locked arms – only this time it was to steady me. And we made an exit as head turning as our entrance, as we headed for the limo to our hotel.

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