Secondhand Life - Part 43

I had hoped to sleep in, but Mikey woke me like a five year old on Christmas morning.

I scowled and wiped the sleep from my eyes while he kneeled next to me atop my covers nearly bouncing with excitement.

“...What?....” I grumbled groggily. “More shark stuff?”

Mikey just grinned from ear to ear shaking his head 'No' and thrust his iPad in my face.

It was an online video of the previous day's E.T.

“The industry's buzzing over confirmation of Desmond Lehmann's acquisition of film rights to Roman Slave epic Spartacus and the revelation that Hollywood's best-kept secret is true. Reached in London, Andrew Lloyd Webber would neither confirm or deny his involvement. Details are still quite sparse, but as for the hotly contested leading role, everyone is equally in the dark, but this time not for lack of information.”

They then cut to a clip of a pushy reporter jamming a microphone in the face of a grinning Tom Cruise declaring with a nod “I am Spartacus.” jump cutting to a sincere Ryan Reynolds admitting to an entertainment reporter “I am Spartacus” followed by a quick cut montage of half the leading men in Hollywood professing to the camera “I am Spartacus” with varying degrees of mirth, pride and sincerity.

I had to laugh with Mikey as the reporter said with utter sincerity “industry insiders are still trying to ascertain who in fact IS Spartacus....”
Mikey just grinned at me smiling, and scampered off to show Dennis. I rolled back into my pillow wondering if Dez or Eoin had seen this yet.

I curled back into my pillow, cocooned in the covers and trying to get back to sleep, but my mind raced. The previous days events had been too frantic and intense to fully process at the time, so it was rather easy to paste on a glib, airy, unflappable Katherine Keller demeanor. While I slept, I clearly must have at least begun digesting it, because I couldn't stop shaking and clutching my pillow tight as I curled around it. I tried to remember the words, so long ago, in Katherine's suite the night before the hotel when the women ...Mila... Mira....??? gave me the guided meditation that so successfully enabled me to relax and let go and inhabit my Katherine role. I really could use some help, but I tried to recall what she said and how she did it. I remembered the deep, cleansing breaths. I remembered the techniques to ignore the outside world and focus deep within, to find my comfort zone, my happy place, my safe place where all the dangerous things could never hurt or even disturb me.

It was a really poor job of calming myself, but it worked enough that I could finally cast aside my covers and drag myself from the warm safety of my bed.

“Thanks for letting me sleep in.” I smiled to Dennis as I padded to the breakfast station and he handed me my macchiato.

“No worries sweetie. I came in earlier and noticed you were.... still sleeping.... so I figured 'girl had a rough day, let her sleep in'.” He smiled warmly.

I knew instantly he saw my silhouette wound tight around that pillow and probably noticed my quivering through the covers. I felt my eyes moisten and quickly turned away.

“Thank you.” I said quietly. “I really needed it.” I nodded, my back to him staring down at my coffee.

I gathered my emotions and tamped them way down, fastened on my breezy smile, blinked away the glisten and turned back to Dennis.

“I'm good now. What's first?” I smiled as cheerily nonchalant as I could muster.

I could tell by his look that Dennis wasn't buying it. He took a moment and nodded to himself. I presume he realized as I did that the best course was to soldier on and just act normal until it once again became normal. I smiled quietly to myself and thought with bemusement that I never expected to miss Dr Dale's 'calming focus' shots.

“Mr Lehmann and Eoin both called earlier. They want you to call them when you woke.” Dennis said clicking back to efficient P.A. Mode.

“You told them I was sleeping in?”

He nodded.

“And they didn't ask you to wake me?”

Dennis stared at me and repeated quietly. “I told them you were sleeping in.”

I grinned at the thought of Dennis standing up to studio suits just so I could get a little longer to pull myself together. Katherine ...and by extension I... was so blessed to have him.

“Thanks.” I said. It was one simple word, but Dennis could tell its weight. He nodded with a smile.

“So, I guess it's time to face the music....” I sighed.

“I thought you weren't in Spartacus?” Dennis snickered. “Unless that's what Mr Lehmann wants to talk about....”

“I would never ever do that to Katherine!” I laughed. Dennis grinned back. “I would however do that to Eoin!” I said with a raised finger.

Dennis barked a laugh. I crinkled my eyes at him as I demurely sipped my macchiato.


It turns out Dez and Eoin both wanted the same thing. A brunch meeting poolside.

I kidded that I was not crazy about being that close to the water, but as long as I didn't have to go in, I would join them in an hour.

The shower was a relief. I hadn't even noticed that in my shock the other day, I had not even showered off the salt from the seawater. I was so anxious to sleep, I blanked on everything else. The refreshing body wash helped me get centered and feel more 'myself' ...or maybe Katherine... but by now the lines weren't so clearly defined. Well, the shower made me feel more 'normal' than I would have imagined. Refreshed and ready to dazzle Dez and Eoin poolside, I rummaged for Katherine's most revealing swimsuit. I'm sure someone at the pool had heard rumours about the 'supermodel and the seamonster' and I was determined to give them ample evidence that I breezed through it without a scratch. At least physically.

Katherine was always a head turner and I was pretty much used to that, but the ripple that rushed through the hotel pool as I approached Dez and Eoin seemed a bit more than the commotion Katherine usually caused.

Dez and Eoin noticed the stirring around them and broke off their conversation to glance around, standing and staring open mouthed when I approached.

Did I miscalculate with the swimsuit? Was it too much? By which I guess I really mean too little? I caught Dennis' eyebrow, but he seemed to calm and said nothing before I left for the pool. I think he knew I wanted to show off my obvious ...unscathed... appearance after the rumours of yesterday.

It was only as I approached their table that it occurred to me that maybe a sarong or cover-up might be more appropriate for waltzing around the hotel until I actually arrived poolside. Oh well, this wasn't the first time Katherine caused a stir. Just another notch on her belt.

“I thought you weren't planning on swimming?” Dez finally said.

I smiled and fished the tanning oil from my bag. “Not swimming. Sunning” I smiled. “I could probably brave the pool, but I'm in no hurry to dip my toes back in.”

“What the hell happened yesterday?” Eoin asked. “Was this another stunt?”

I shook my head. “Not on MY part. Just a photoshoot that ended up being more Animal Planet than Style Planet. The shark decided to crash the shoot.”

“There was an actual shark?” Eoin exclaimed.

I nodded. “The shoot didn't go as expected, but we got a LOT of stuff.... still trying to figure out what to do with it....”

Dez crooked an eyebrow but Eoin was really getting agitated.

“So it's all true??? You actually wrestled a shark???”

I shook my head emphatically. “No! Of course not! I didn't wrestle a shark.”

Eoin began to calm.

“....I just kind of.... rode it...”

Now BOTH of Dez's eyebrows rose and I saw the trace of a smile sneaking across his face. Probably due to Eoin's mounting alarm.

“Rode??? You RODE it???” Eoin nearly shrieked.

“Not for long. It ran away. But by then the surfboard was in shreds and the shoot had been completely derailed, so we just hitched a ride to shore...”

Eoin's brain was this close to a kernel-fault crash. “You... it ran.... how did you chase away... wait, what do you mean hitched a ride?”

“Look, it's easier to explain when you see the photos and videos. I'll send them to you on two conditions.” I smiled and caught Dez eyeing me in my peripheral vision.

“What conditions?” Eoin asked hesitantly.

“First.” I said, putting on my stern face and raising my index finger “No sharing. Your eyes only. These WILL come out, but they will be properly marketed.”

Eoin nodded. He understood.

“Second....” I smiled “before I let you see them, I need you to promise me one thing.”

Eoin shot me a curious look.

“Switch to decaf.” I said deadpan as Dez yelped a laugh.

Eoin shot me a perturbed look, but it morphed into a grin.

Dez cleared his throat to get our attention. “I'm as curious as anyone to learn the real story behind 'The Supermodel and the Seamonster'...”
Eoin snorted and shot me a guilty smirk.

“...but that's not why I invited the two of you here.”

“Spartacus.” I rolled my eyes.

“In a way, yes. The rights have been secured ….thank you very much.... and now the dance really begins.” Dez smiled. “No commitments have been made, but our corporate hosts have been making a full court press to clinch the deal for themselves. But since they do own us for Thornbirds, that is how they are applying the pressure. They've scheduled a celebratory luau to honor the creative sources behind the years ...maybe the decade's.... biggest hit.

“Well deserved.” I smiled and nodded to Dez while clapping my hands quietly in polite applause.

Eoin joined me and Dez bowed his head slightly in courteous acknowledgment.

“Thank you.” He said reflexively. Then he gave Eoin and me a hard look. “Thank YOU.....”

We both glanced at each other and blushed slightly.

“We make a good team.” I said quietly. Dez smiled at us.

“Yes you do.” He grinned.

“No. We THREE.” I gave him a long hard look. “If not for YOU.... NONE of this would have happened.” I smiled and swept my arm circling the three of us.

Dez caught my look, and his face did a ...thing. He nodded graciously and cleared his throat.

“Alright.... we three....” then his smile turned wicked. “So it is only fair that this command performance to celebrate the success of Thornbirds.... and corner us for hours of pressure to bring them on board for Spartacus....”

“The Musical!” I grinned. Eoin shot me a weary, overwhelmed look. Dez just chuckled.

“Yes. But I do wish you hadn't laid it on so thick. Andrew Lloyd Webber won't stop calling me.” Dez sighed with a grin. Then he regained his focus. “So. We're all invited....” and it was clear from his tone of voice that there was nothing voluntary about this invitation. “ join our corporate overlords to be celebrated for all the money we made them.... and grilled on how we can make them more.” Dez smiled wearily.

Eoin and I looked at each other.

“What more do they want?” I asked Dez. I noticed Eoin nodding with me out of the corner of my eye. “They have a movie that is still playing in theaters... and will probably play midnite shows for the next decade.... they have DVDs and Collectors Edition Premium DVDs in the pipeline... PLUS the Original Cast album... PLUS the live concert video... AND the novelizations, comic books, action figures....” Something occurred to me and I turned to Eoin.

“Did you do the Altar Boy?” I asked. Eoin shot me an alarmed, bewildered look. Since he seemed clueless, I shrugged it off and turned back to Dez.

“What Altar Boy???” Eoin asked.

“The ...uh... bendable... nevermind... it's not important...” I made a waving-off motion with my hand. I heard Dez snort.

“No. Don't nevermind me.... it SOUNDS important!” Eoin was getting agitated.

“I'll explain later...” I brushed him off trying to get back on topic. I could feel his glare like a laser fixed on me. I turned to Eoin. “No. Really. I'll explain later, but right now I want to stay on-topic... Which IS....” I turned to glare at Dez. “After everything we gave them, most of which they were never expecting and some of which they didn't even ASK for.... what else could they want from us???”

Dez smiled a Cheshire Cat grin. “Just one thing....” His eyes crinkled as he looked from Eoin to me clearly trying to see if either of us could guess what the one thing was. He gave us a moment to figure it out for ourselves, then put us out of our misery.

He raised one finger and with a cynical smile, said “...More....”

Eoin and I looked at each other and groaned. Dez just laughed.

“They're business people. That's the only thing they ever want. And it serves you right because you both kept giving it to them. So now they want to wine and dine us and find out what else we can give them.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at Eoin who seemed to feel the same.

Dez laughed. “Don't worry. It will be fine. The pressure won't be on you. It will be on me. And I'll try to distract them with Spartacus.”

Eoin and I began to relax, and Dez's grin turned wicked. “All you have to do is decide what to perform.”

“What?” Eoin asked. I just nodded along with him. “I thought this was a dinner to celebrate US.”

“Luau.” Dez corrected.

“So they expect us to entertain at the party held in our honor....” I looked at Dez, who just returned my gaze with a jaded smile.

“Of course.” He nodded.

“What are they expecting?” Eoin asked wearily.

“Oh, not the whole dog and pony show. Just a number or two. A command performance for their exclusive audience. That's all. Kind of like what you did at the Sokolov's the night of the premiere.”

“Or maybe the number we did in Atlanta?” I smiled to Eoin, who turned bright crimson,

“I'm not so sure it will be that easy to find a breakaway priest costume here” Dez said with a raised eyebrow. Eoin and I glanced guiltily at each other. Dez knew about the naughty costume?

Eoin coughed nervously and I decided to steer the conversation from stripper-priest.

“There's so much stuff, we don't need to cover old ground.” I said to Dez. “Maybe Eoin and I could each do solos.... the suits would be happy because there would be more acts, and we could maybe do some stuff to show our solo chops.... and Eoin could show why he SHOULD be Spartacus.” I grinned.

Eoin groaned. And rolled his eyes. But he was smiling.

“Maybe you could do 'Call me Father'?” I raised an eyebrow to Eoin, who thought about it and nodded.

“I already know what I want to do.” I smiled.

Dez and Eoin eyed each other.

“....are you intending to ….share.... this with us?” Dez inquired.

I smiled. “Of course.” Then I went quiet in stoneface Katherine mode.

Eoin and Dez exchanged glances and turned back to me. I just held the smile and did nothing. When Eoin took a breath and seemed about to speak, I said “Tonight. At the Luau.”

Eoin and Dez exchanged glances. They knew it was pointless. They sighed with resignation and Dez said “Well. I'll see you both tonight. At the Luau.” And with that he rose and left.

Eoin stared at me. I sensed he was waiting for me to say something. Anything.

“So you're OK with 'Call me Father'?” I asked.

He shrugged.

“I'll ask my P.A. to find out who's doing the music and have Kirk fax them over our charts.” I said seeming suddenly very businesslike. Eoin seemed surprised at my change in demeanor, but nodded automatically.

“And what are you planning to do?” He grinned.

I looked back deadpan. “One of my solos.”

He tilted his head. “What do you have planned? What are you going to do?”

I shrugged. “You know the score. I only have three solos in the whole film. You broadway stars got all the juicy numbers. Not much opportunity to show off.” I shrugged.

Eoin thought about Katherine's solo numbers from the movie. He nodded. “Yeah. No real show stopper moments.”
I smiled in agreement. Then Eoin snorted.

“I'm really curious to see how you're going to stop the show.” He grinned. I gave him a poker faced shrug.

“Until tonight.” He chuckled quietly as he rose to leave. I gathered my things and made my way to a poolside lounge chair.

“And I haven't forgotten about that bendable altar boy.” he yelled from across the pool. And instantly regretted it as all heads turned.


I spent about an hour sunning poolside, just enough to get the trace of a bikini-line. Then I cajoled a beach towel from a hotel staffer and ambled back to my suite.

“Michael!....” I yelled as I came through the door. “Dennis???? ….all hands on deck... promotional emergency....” I smiled as I wandered through the suite. Quickly I was joined by a grinning, expectant Mikey and a quizzical and bemused Dennis.

I told them about the corporate ambush at the flash-Luau tonight and what I had in mind.

Mikey was gleeful but Dennis seemed overwhelmed.

“Sweetie, how many rabbits do you think I have stuffed into my hat?” he sighed with a smile.

“As long as you keep at least two, you should have an unlimited supply” I grinned.

He rolled his eyes and groaned, but he was laughing. I was still confident my guys could help me pull this off.

They didn't do it alone. Dennis recruited Andy Rei and Jamal and even called Mae, the girl who punked Eoin, to put us in touch with the people we needed to get this stunt done.

I did grab the phone from Dennis when he was talking with Andy to apologize for wrecking their awesome tail and gushing about how amazing it was until everything all turned into chaos.

Andy was gracious and seemed genuinely pleased to learn how much I liked it. I had Matt send his photos and Nancy's videos to them to show them what they bought with their money.... which was essentially Katherine's angel investor money. And to explain why I never returned the tail. They were impressed with Matt's work and amazed and appalled at the open water shoot. But Andy seemed delighted at the photos and videos of my trying out the tail, confessing that it even exceeded his high expectations. He even admitted that they had the templates and could fashion me another one if I wanted.

I seriously considered it. There wasn't much from Katherine's world I could possibly use once I started living my own, revised, life. But the prosthetic tail was such a delirious experience, I would not rule out asking Andy and Rei to fabricate another. Never admitting that it was just so Elsie could have a delicious souvenir.

What we needed for tonight's performance wasn't nearly as exotic. Still, it was a bit out of the ordinary, and required more than a little creativity and resourcefulness.

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