David's Story - Chapter 3

David's Story

Chapter 3.
A Birthday and More

I fell in love with David in high school and married him right after college. What was it about him that I loved so much? In this chapter: To go out or not? And, if so, how far.

After I slipped the glasses on her, I stood back, looked for a few seconds, smiled, and said, “Happy birthday Dana.”

“Happy birthday?”

“Sure. I think Dana was born today. Take a look.”

He slowly turned around and looked in the mirror. The smile on his face was fantastic. He turned back around, looked at me, and said, “You’re . . . You’re right. And, I . . . I can’t believe that I look this good.”

“Believe it lover. You make one fantastically pretty girl. I can’t believe it either.”

He stood up and walked over to the full length mirror, and spent a long time looking at himself. I really loved what I was seeing, David, now Dana, enjoying his new look. He looked happy. Dana was a very pretty, sexy, girl. Those long sexy legs, a curvy body, and now a face to match. My husband looked like a very sexy girl.

He turned, looked at me, and asked, “Is it too much?”

“No lover.”, I responded. “I love the way you look. You’re very pretty, and I’m jealous.”


I smiled at him, and said, “Uh huh. Jealous that you can look so good as a girl. You look perfect.” And, I thought, ‘Yea. Good enough to eat.’

“As long as you don’t mind. How hard is it to learn to do makeup?”

“I don’t mind at all. I love seeing this. And, the makeup will just take some lessons and practice.”

“Will you teach me?”

“You know I will.”

Over the next few weeks I spent time teaching David how to properly apply and take off makeup, and it was no surprise that he learned very quickly. He did have problems with the eyeliner, but don’t we all. We also kept working on his eyebrows and they were slowly becoming feminine.

Something I noticed with great interest, was that when he was Dana he tried to be as feminine as possible. There were times that it was too much, but the longer it went on the better he became at being a she.

One day just before Christmas, David and I were walking through one of the local malls and we stopped in a shop that specialized in earrings. We looked at some very nice ones and I said, “You know. You need to get your other ear pierced.”


“So Dana can wear sexy earrings.”

“Won’t having to keep the stud in my right ear until it heels cause people to wonder?”

“Love. Who cares what others think? You’ll love it and I’ll love it.”

“Well, school won’t be a problem, but work may be another issue.”

“So, just tell them it’s your fashion statement. And, I’ll get Dana a couple pairs of really nice earrings for Christmas.”

“Dana gets presents?”

“Why not, as long as she gets me something.”, I said with a sly little smile.

We picked out a pair of small studs and had the girl put one in his right ear. We replaced the diamond stud in his left ear with the other small stud so that they’d match. I looked around at the earrings and saw a number of pairs that would look cute on her. I’d come back by myself.

Christmas came, and after David and I had opened our presents there was only one left under the tree. The one from me to Dana. I asked David, “Aren’t you going to open Dana’s present?”

“No. That’s for her, not me. Besides, she’s coming over later. Isn’t she?”, he said.

“I guess so. When’s she coming?”

“I thought you told her to come over for dinner?”

Playing along, I said, “Oh that’s right.”

David disappeared into the bedroom about two hours before dinner and I went back to working on dinner. I knew Dana would be here to help me before very long.

About an hour after David had disappeared, I heard Dana walk into the kitchen. I turned around and looked. There stood Dana dressed in a very cute dress that showed off her figure. Her nails were done, for the very first time, in a dark red. She had really done a very nice job on her makeup. She was wearing the red stilettos with the ankle straps. And, her hair was flawless. The only thing I could think was, ‘Damn. She is sexy.’

She smiled and asked me, “Is there anything that I can help with?”

“Sure honey. Would you set the table and open a bottle of wine?”

After dinner, and it surprised me how little Dana ate knowing how much David usually ate, we went into the den. I picked up Dana’s present from under the tree and handed it to her. She opened it and smiled as she looked at what I’d gotten her. I’d given her three pairs of earrings. A pair of large hoops, a pair of long dangly diamond ones, and a really fancy pair that looked like fancy lace inside a gold frame.

She thanked me with a big hug and whispered, “I love you.”

She then opened her purse and handed me a very nicely wrapped present. The card said, ‘To my best girlfriend. Love. Dana.’ I unwrapped it and found a long jeweler’s box. I opened the box and found a very pretty gold neckless with two diamonds on it. I looked at her and said, “You shouldn’t have.”

“Yes I should.”

“It’s too much.”

“Not for you.”

Dana took the necklace out of the box and placed it around my neck. As she did, I asked, “What are the two diamonds for?”

“They represent our love for each other.”

I turned around and kissed her full on the lips, this was the first time that I’d ever done this with Dana, and it wasn’t a short kiss. I could taste her lipstick. When we broke the kiss, I blushed and said, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”, she said with a smile, “We’re still who we’ve always been.”

“I know. But, you look so much like a sexy girl.”

“But, I’m still your husband.”

We then hugged for a long time. I whispered to her, “I love you so much.”

She whispered, “No more than I love you.”

We broke the hug and kissed again.

The rest of the evening was spent sitting in the den talking and sipping a good bottle of wine.

By the time Mach rolled around David was very good at transforming into Dana. He could do her makeup almost as quickly as I could do my own. Her eyebrows were now very feminine and she could make her eyes look fantastic. She was wearing earrings for pierced ears and loved them. Dana was around a lot and it appeared that she was very comfortable with herself. But, this girl needs to stop being a home body. She needed to get out and be seen.

I was looking at some things on line and stumbled across something interesting. I printed it out and set it at David’s place at the dinner table. As he sat down, he saw the printout, and asked, “What’s this?”

“Oh nothing.”, I replied.

“Oh nothing, means something.”

“I just think that someone needs to get out.”




“Yes. She’s become a home body. She needs to get out.”

“I’m not ready to do that.”

“Lover. Have you really taken a close look at Dana?”



“Yea. She’s fine.”

“She’s fine? She’s more than fine. You do a fantastic job of bringing out a very pretty girl. None of the ‘girls’ on-line look any better then you do. Don’t you think she’d like to go out and have some fun?”


“Please just read what I’ve printed out and see what she thinks.”

“All right. But, after dinner.”

After dinner we went into the den and I noticed that David didn’t have the printout with him. So, I asked, “Didn’t you forget something?”

“What?”, he replied.

“That printout that you said that you’d read.”

“Oh that.”

“You promised.”

As he got up, he said, “Oh all right.”

He was back with it in a minute or so, sat down, and actually read it. Then he just said, “So?”

“So.”, I replied, “I think Dana would like to go to something like that.”

“A crossdressing and transgender event?”

“I think it would help get her out of the house.”

“She’s happy like she is.”

“She really likes getting all dressed up and then just sitting around the house, either reading or watching television?”

“Sure. She’s comfortable doing that.”

“I remember a few months ago she was comfortable just wearing panties and a bra. Then she started finding herself, clothes, a wig, breast forms, and everything. She even went to a cosmetics counter and I think she had fun. I know she had fun getting her wig. So, she’s comfortable just sitting around the house? I bet she really isn’t.”

“She is. She just likes to stay in.”

“Okay. Forget I said anything.”

It was quiet the rest of the evening. I knew I’d planted a seed of curiosity in his mind. It may take awhile, but it just might bear fruit.

What I had printed out was information about an event in a city about two hours from here that took place over a long weekend, and was geared to the crossdressing and transgendered community. It started Thursday and ended on Sunday. They had a lot of things planned like, seminars on makeup, wigs, voice, fashion, and deportment. There were also parties, a formal dance, and vendors selling all kinds of things. I thought that it might be good for Dana to see how her sisters lived.

Nothing was said about the event for the next few days and I was about to give up on the idea. But, one day after dinner when Dana was around, she asked, “So. You think I need to get out?”

“Yes I do.”, I replied.


“Because you had so much fun getting your wig and looking at cosmetics, not to mention looking at and buying clothes. Dana needs to get out and see the world.”

“But, what if someone figures out who I am?”

“Love. Look at yourself. When Dana is here, David is no where to be seen. It’s all Dana. In fact Dana’s mannerisms have become feminine to a fault and the only thing that would give you away is your voice. You’re a pretty, down right sexy, girl. I don’t know where it comes from, but Dana is all girl. I’ll bet you that no one will figure out that you’re a guy unless you talk.”

“You’re really willing to make a bet?”

“Yes. I’ll bet that no one will figure Dana out unless you tell them.”

“What’s the bet?”

The event was a month and a half away, but the next day I was on-line making our reservations for the event and the hotel. I also called and made appointments for both of us with Peter for early in the afternoon on the Thursday that the event started. I didn’t tell David, but one of the events was a formal dance. Dana didn’t have a formal gown, but I knew there was a vendor that was going to be there that sold them.

In the weeks before the event, David and I went shopping for new clothes for both of us. And, I started working on David driving to the event as Dana. He was reluctant, very reluctant. So, I increased the bet a little.

The Saturday before the event David had a regular visit to the waxing esthetician planned, and I went along for a touch up. I also had something special done.

It appeared that he was starting to actually get excited about going. But, then on Monday, as we were getting into bed, he said, “I don’t know if I can go through with this.”

“With what love? Driving to the event as Dana?”

“That and even going.”

“I though you were excited about this?”

“I was.”

“Was? I thought you really wanted to go.”

“I did. But, I just don’t know if I can go out as Dana.”

“Would you feel better if you went as David and changed there?”

“I’m just having a problem with anyone seeing me as Dana.”

“Love. We’ve been through this. No one will see anything other than a very pretty girl.”

“I know. But, I’ve never been out and we’re going somewhere where there’ll be a lot of people.”

“Yea. And, most of those people are like you, a crossdresser or transgendered. They know how you feel. They’ve all gone through going out for the first time. Tell you what. Lets take Dana for a drive tomorrow evening and we’ll go from there.”

“For a drive. Where?”

“Just around town.”

That night David found out what the something special was that I had done when we were at the waxing esthetician. He loved it and I told him that I’d keep it smooth if he wanted me to.

Tuesday evening David became Dana. Dressing casually in jeans, a nice top, open toed sandals, wig, and light makeup. She, as usual, looked very nice. I loaned her a small denim purse, and told her what to put into, like her wallet, lipstick, a compact, and other things’ a girl would carry.

I just grabbed my purse and car keys, and headed for the garage. Dana followed me without thinking, and I got in the drivers’ side and she got in the passengers’ side of the car. I looked over at her and said, “Now that wasn’t hard, was it?”

“No.”, she said, “But, now that I’m thinking about it I’m nervous as hell.”

“You’ll be fine. Just sit back and relax.”

“I’ll try.”

I pushed the remote to open the garage door, waited for it to open, started the car, and drove out onto the street. I looked over at Dana and she was slouching down in the seat. I said, “Lover. Sit up straight. A girl doesn’t sit that way.”

As she sat up, she said, “She does if she doesn’t want to be seen.”

“Love. Relax. I promise you it’ll be fine.”

We drove around for a little while and ended up downtown. This downtown area is very popular, so I knew there would be a lot of people, especially around the university, and it has a lot of traffic lights and the traffic was always stop and go. As we drove down the street, we ended up stopping at a number of the traffic lights to let pedestrians and traffic cross. A couple of the times that we stopped, I noticed some of the guys look at Dana with more than passing interest. I think she did to, as she said, “People are staring.”

“Sure they are. The guys are looking at you because you are very pretty. But, have you noticed that the women are just glancing and walking on?”

“They are?”

“Yes. Love, get over it, you pass with flying colors. You could be out there walking with them and no one would think of you as anything but a girl. I’d even be willing bet that you’d get hit on.”

“No thanks. I only like girls.”

We drove around a little more and to a small park just off the main street of town. I pulled into a parking place, turned off the car, looked at Dana, and said, “Want to get out?”



“Because someone will read me as a guy.”

“Love. What did I just tell you? There is no way possible.”

As I opened my car door, I said, “Come on. We’ll just walk a little in the park. There aren’t many people here.”

She just sat there and looked at me. I walked to her side of the car, opened her door, and said, “Come on. You can do it. If I thought you could be read we wouldn’t be here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Would I hurt you?”


“So, come on.”

Dana slowly got out of the car and as I closed the door she jumped a little. We walked in the park and there was about a dozen or so other people there. As we’d meet another couple out walking, the man would look and the woman would smile. After we’d walked past two or three couples, I said to Dana, “You need to return the smiles from the women. It’s a girl’s thing.”

“I’ll try.”

“You smile all the time at home. It should be easy.”

I watched her some more and she did start to return the smiles. We walked past a couple of guys that were playing catch with a frisbee and they watched us with more than idle interest. I whispered to Dana, “Those guys really liked what they’re seeing.”

“What a guy in a dress?”

“Will you please stop that? You and I know that, but believe me they don’t.”

We walked around a little longer and when we got back to the car, I asked, “Was it that bad?”

“No, I guess not.”, Dana replied.

“See I told you that you could do it.”

I tossed the keys at her and said, “You can drive.”

“In these heels?”

“Get use to it. You’re driving on Thursday.”

As we pulled out of the parking lot, the low fuel light came on. Dana said, “I see you didn’t get gas today.”

“I didn’t have time.”, I replied, “We’d better stop on the way home, because I won’t have time to on the way to work tomorrow.”

She just looked at me and shook her head. A little later we pulled into one of those mega self service gas stations. Dana looked at me and said, “Well. Go pump the gas.”

“No. It’s on your side.”, I said.

She just sat there and looked at me. Finally I said, “Go on. You just have to get out and pump the gas. You don’t even have to go in to pay.”

As she opened her purse, she frowned at me, took out her wallet, and retrieved her bank card. She opened the door, got out, swiped the bank card in the pump and pumped the gas. As she put the nozzle back in the pump, the instruction screen flashed, ‘See attendant to pay.’

Dana looked in the car window at me in panic, and said, “You go in and pay.”

“No.”, I said, “You’re already out there. You go and pay.”

“I can’t.”

“Sure you can. All you have to do is walk in and hand the person the bank card.”

“But, what if they ask me something?”

“The only thing they might ask you is the pump number.”


“Just say very softly, pump five.”

“I can’t.”

“Love you can. You did great in the park and you’ll do great here.”

She looked at me, took a deep breath, and walked into the station. I watched her through the window. There were a few people inside, but not many, but I did see the guys give her a really good look. There was one person in line in front of her, so she had to stand there for a minute or so. I saw her walk up to the clerk, a woman, and hand her the bank card. I saw the clerk ask her something and her reply.

As she walked back toward the car, she actually had a little smile on her face, and as she got in the car I asked, “Well. Was it that hard?”

“Yes.”, she said, “I almost peed my pants.”

“How did the clerk treat you?”

“Fine. She even said, ‘Thank you ma’am.’”

“See I told you that it would be fine.”

“You’re right as usual.”

Dana drove back toward our house, but didn’t go directly there like I thought she would. I asked her, “Not going home?”

“No. I want to drive past the old mill and see how the renovations are coming.”

It was like she wanted to be out longer. We spent another hour driving around town. As we drove back into the garage I asked Dana, “Well?”

“Well what?”, she asked.

“Was it that bad?”

“Going into the gas station was a major fright. But, when no one looked at me, pointed, and yelled, ‘It’s a guy.’ I guess it wasn’t that bad.”

“I’m glad that you finally see that you pass.”

“Me too. I guess.”

“You guess! Young lady. Get over it right now. You make one very pretty girl.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“In fact, you should have seen how some of the guys at the gas station were looking at you.”

“Maybe I’m glad I didn’t.”

“And, I’ll bet that Peter will be beside himself when he sees you.”


“Oh. I forgot to tell you that we’re stopping there on Thursday.”

By Thursday morning we had everything packed that we were taking. I’d packed my formal gown without David seeing me. I wanted Dana to buy a gown at the event and to hopefully make it a surprise. I also had gotten her something else as a surprise.

I think David was really looking forward to this weekend. He went through the transformation into Dana just like he usually did and then double checked to see that she had everything that she might need for the weekend.

While we were getting dressed, I had asked, “Are you going to attach your forms?”

“I hadn’t thought about it.”

“You’re going to be Dana all weekend aren’t you?”

“I hadn’t thought about that either. But, I guess I am.”

“I think you should attach them. It’s a girls weekend, so you need to be a girl all weekend.”

“You’re right. Being a girl all weekend will be fun.”

As we left the house for our stop at the beauty salon, Dana was driving and wearing a cute skirt and blouse outfit with her open toed sandals. Her nails and makeup were done. And, Peter was going to do her hair. I’d given her one of my wallets that I had never used, she’d transferred the necessary things from David’s wallet to hers, and she was carrying the denim purse with all the necessary things.

We walked into the beauty shop and I told the receptionist that we both had appointments with Peter. She called him to the front and when he walked in, he greeted me as he usually did with a hug and cheek kiss. Then he looked at Dana, and asked me, “And who is this lovely lady?”

I grinned and replied, “This is Dana Wolfe. Dana this is Peter.”

Dana smiled, put her hand out to Peter in a very feminine way, and said in David’s voice, “It’s nice to see you again Peter.”

Peter took a couple steps back, put both of his hands to his mouth, his eyes got big, and he stammered, “You . . . you can’t be? But, the hair . . . ”

“Oh. But, she is.”, I said.

“I . . . I thought he looked good with just the wig on. But, he’s gorgeous.”

“She is, isn’t she.”

“Dana. Yes. Yes. She is very pretty. Please. Please come on back. I don’t think there’s anything I can do to improve on Dana’s look, but lets see what we can do.”

We followed Peter back to his work area, and he asked, “Who’s first?”

I said, “Dana.”

As Dana got into his chair, Peter just stared, then said, “I don’t know what I can do. She looks perfect.”

Dana said, “A wash and style would be nice. We’re going to the crossdressing event this weekend and we want to look nice.”

“Oh. You are going to knock them dead. My friend’s Tanya and Michelle are going to be there and they will be so jealous of you.”

“Of me?”

“Honey. You are very pretty. If I saw you anywhere I’d think you were a girl and I did until you talked.”

I saw Dana’s face light up with a smile.

Peter asked, “So, a wash and style?”

“Yes.”, Dana replied, “And, an eyebrow wax.”

I just looked at her a little surprised, and thought, ‘An eyebrow wax? They’re thin now and you want them thinner.’

As one of the other beauticians washed my hair, Peter did Dana’s. Then he carefully brushed and combed it into a very pretty style. As Peter was doing my hair, another beautician came in to wax Dana’s eyebrows. She said, “Hi. I’m Amy. Who’s having their eyebrows waxed?”

Dana just raised her hand. Amy looked at Dana’s eyes and asked, “How thin would you like them?”

Dana answered her with, “As thin as my wife’s and with a nice arch.”

Amy got a puzzled look on her face and asked, “Are you a guy?”


Amy looked at Peter and asked, “Peter. Where do you find these guys that can look so good as girls?”

“I didn’t find this one.”, Peter replied, “She found me.”

Amy looked back at Dana and started to smile. She then said, “You are pretty.”

“Thanks.”, Dana replied.

“So, an eyebrow wax? Ever have one before?”


“Well. There’s nothing to it and it’ll only take a minute.”

Amy first looked at my eyebrows, then she leaned Dana back in the chair and moved her tray next to her. I watched as Amy carefully removed the makeup from Dana’s eyebrows, then she applied the wax to her right eyebrow, placed the cloth strip over it, smoothed it out, and then rapidly pulled it off. I saw Dana jump a little, but she didn’t say anything. Then Amy did her left eyebrow in the same way. Amy carefully looked at Dana’s eyebrows and using tweezers she cleaned up any hairs that the waxing had missed.

Amy sat Dana back up and handed her a mirror. Dana carefully looked at her eyebrows, smiled at Amy, and said, “Perfect.”

I asked, “Honey. Can I see?”

Dana turned toward me and I was surprised as to how thin they were. Amy then reapplied the makeup to Dana’s eyebrows. And, her eyes looked really fantastic with the thin eyebrows.

When we were done and walking with Peter back to the front of the salon, he said, “I’ll let Tanya and Michelle know your going to the event and they can watch out for you.”

“Watch out for us?”, I asked.

“It’s your first event like this isn’t it?”


“Well, they can show you around, answer question, and stuff like that.”

“How will we know them?”

“Tanya won’t be hard to spot. She’s a tall, pretty, black girl, and with heels on she’s six foot three. Michelle is a fiery red head about Dana’s height and very out going. Don’t worry they’ll find you. And, Beth you’ll like Michelle’s significant other, she’s a real sweetheart.”

“So, Michelle is married?”

“Oh yes. Very married. Michelle is a crossdresser like Dana. Tanya is a pre-op transsexual.”

As we were saying goodbye, we exchanged hugs and cheek kisses with Peter. Then as we walked past the receptionist, I saw her smile as she said to Dana, “Have fun being a girl this weekend.”

After we were in the car and headed to the event, Dana asked, “How did the receptionist know I wasn’t a girl?”

“Honey.”, I said, “It’s a beauty shop. Rumors travel at the speed of light in there.”

“So, everyone knew?”

“Probably. Don’t worry about it. What I want to know is how you’re going to explain the eyebrows at work?”

“I’ll think of something. Maybe that it’s my fashion statement, or that I went to a costume party in drag.”

We passed the three-hour drive that should have been a two-hour drive, listening to music and laughing at the truckers looking at us. I thought that Dana was really starting to relax and get into the spirit of the weekend. She even talked about some of the things she’d like to see and find out about.

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