(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2615 by Angharad Copyright© 2015 Angharad
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This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
“Who was that?” asked Henry, we’d not long got back to his house after our abortive meeting.
“I don’t know, but it was someone asking me to heal the little Russian girl.”
“His wife I expect, she seemed rather subdued once we got into the meat of the meeting.”
“She seemed much nicer than he. He might be good looking but he’s a total arsehole.”
“You did have a go at him.”
“Wouldn’t you if he called you girly-boy?”
“I’d have punched his lights out had I heard him. Maybe it showed how exasperated you made him. I suspect he thought you were going to give him a chance to buy the bank. He obviously doesn’t know you, does he? You’re a Cameron, my girl and a rather beautiful one—so ditch the Bozo and run away with me.”
“That would do both our reputations a lot of good.”
“Damn, you women are always so practical about things.”
“Someone has to be.”
“I suppose,” he sighed but a chap can dream, can’t he?”
“Dream or nightmare?”
“Your prophesy bit narked him, so I suspect he’s a tad superstitious.”
“It was intended to make him think.”
My mobile rang again and out of habit I answered it, Henry showed his disapproval by glowering at me. “Hello?”
“Lady Cameron, it is Tatiana Grigovski. My Nikola, she worsens, the pain is unbearables.You said you could help.”
“I could, but I’m not sure I would be safe coming anywhere near the embassy.”
“He won’t agree—stupid man, he call you a witch after you knock him down with your blue flash.”
“Can you bring her out to me somewhere?”
“He won’t allow me to leave at night.”
“Could you do it tomorrow during the day?”
“Easier in day, he has meetings and other business to do.”
“Okay, we’ll meet tomorrow, bring your little girl with you.”
“She in bad pain now, doctor don’t seem able to help.”
“Okay, I’ll send her healing.”
“By courier?”
“No, I shall tune into her and send her healing which should help her to sleep.”
“How you gonna send it—I don’t understand?”
“Go and sit with her and be prepared to be surprised.”
“I already surprised, I never seen anyone knock him down before, not since kid. He don’t like it.”
“Tatiana, if you think that was spectacular just wait and see if he tries anything else. You ain’t seen nothin’, as they say. Call me tomorrow morning and we’ll meet up somewhere safe for both of us.”
“What about Nikola?”
“Go and sit with her and comfort her.”
“You be careful young lady, don’t let your compassion risk your life.”
“Henry, I’m a mother—well sort of...”
“Your children don’t feel in any doubt about who they think you are.”
“Okay, I’m a mother and that means I can’t deny assistance to another mother whose child is suffering.”
“I hope she reciprocates.”
“That’s her problem.”
“I hope it doesn’t become one of ours.”
“Henry, I have to go—work to do.”
“Be careful, don’t give your life away to save your enemies.”
“Henry, no child is an enemy of anyone.” I turned briskly on my heel and went to my room to meditate and try and help this poor child.
I stripped off to my pyjamas and sat on the bed trying to tune into the sick child. It felt as if someone or something was blocking me, like it was all behind a veil of some sort. I imagined myself floating high over the embassy trying to find Tatiana and Nikola. I felt drawn to one window. It had a thin curtain pulled across it but as the light was on inside the room I could see reasonably clearly.
The Grigovskis were arguing and he suddenly upped and hit her. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Other than in self-defence, there are no grounds for hitting a woman. I felt angry, then realised I had to stay calm or the healing wouldn’t work.
He stormed out of the room while she slumped on the bed, I generated a blue light outside the window. She sat crying for a while then she saw the light and walked towards it. “Lady Cameron, you come?” she said opening the window. I was aware she couldn’t see anything but a blue haze, which was what I wanted to present for the moment.
I touched her face and she gasped as I reduced the bruising on her cheek and eye, he’d given her a real back hander—the bastard. She walked in a daze to her child’s bed and sat holding her. The girl was asleep. Two minutes later I allowed them both to see me, Tatiana in her stupor and Nikola in her dreams. I made sure to use dramatic license so what they saw would make them think the archangel Raphael was paying them a house call. Give people what they’re looking for and you’ll have their support for evermore, even if it’s based on fairy tales. The light they would see around me would be intense, so intense it would hurt to view. That would generate a sense of power and help them to believe. It would also incline them not to say anything to anyone else.
I worked for about half an hour when I became aware he’d returned. “What is she doing here?” he screamed at his wife, waking her from her stupor and also waking his daughter. He was about to phone for security when I blue lighted him—as in hit him with a bolt of it. He was literally knocked off his feet again, leaving him winded and stunned.
Fortunately, I’d done enough to let the girl sleep that night I hoped her mother would be crafty enough to slip away with the child for me to examine and work on in the flesh—it’s so much more effective than this airy-airy stuff, which is better than nothing.
As he came round I stood before him so he’d see me bathed in all my glory. It had the desired effect and he shrank away from me. I spoke to him inside his own head, reverberating as if he had no brain after all. “If you ever hit another woman I shall come back and punish you—do you understand?”
He mumbled back in gibberish but it frightened him enough to make him wet himself. That gave me a more acceptable view of him. Feeling playful I touched the wetness of his trousers. I’d forgotten that urine conducts current rather well. It must have achieved some outcome because he screamed in pain and vomited. It was at this point I decided to leave before he was collected enough to douse the smoke coming from his underpants.
I’d only roused myself a moment or two before Mrs Jenkins knocked and entered my bedroom with a fresh cuppa—that woman is a definite miracle worker.

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There Are No Miracles
There is only science we don't understand. Great job Cathy. Great chapter.
As much as I'm an agnostic,
As much as I'm an agnostic, there's one miracle we probably will never fully understand. Self-awareness/consciousness. Every child gets it, but we don't know how or why.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I think we...
can be pretty sure that Tatiana will be seeing Cathy some time in the morning, If she had any doubts about Cathys words they would certainly have been dispelled by the events of the previous night, Loved the side effects of Cathys attack on the russian bozo ,About the only thing that would have made it better was if he had done a number 2 as well , Then he would have truly landed in the poo!!
Airy-fairy was once a commonly used expression but seems to be dropping out of favour so this use made me check its origins:-
C19: from Tennyson's poem Lillian (1830), where the central figure is described as "Airy, fairy Lillian"
Synonyms = fanciful, lightweight, shaky, feeble, flimsy, unconvincing, unsound, insubstantial, without substance, incorporeal, chimerical,
Somehow I doubt that Ambassador Grigovski of the smouldering underpants thinks of Cathy as airy-fairy any more but also I doubt he will dare report back to his boss that High Street Bank is too tough a nut to crack. Indeed I think he is, to use a more modern adjective, ‘screwed’.
Rhona McCloud
I Think I Would Have...
done far more damage to that disputable worm than just make him scream in pain . I am thinking the blue light could have easily caused his heart to go out of rhythm and he would suffer cardiac arrest and that would be the end of him. The autopsy would have ruled it as sudden cardiac death and Cathy could have wiped Tatiana of any memory of how he died but still retain her awareness to take Nikola to Cathy to complete the healing.
The blue light is meant for healing
and defense, which this was. Wonder if he saw wings? I bet he did, maybe he can find religion. I think he needs some.
As it has already been hinted at
As it has already been hinted at Ambassador Grigovski is likely to be the next recipient of an errant umberella like Georgi Markov.
The condemned do have a higher likelihood of finding religion.
Well done Cathy
Well done Cathy.
My guess is that Henry will give the Russians the idea that a Greek bank a French bank and finally a German bank all of which are smaller than High Street Bank would be ideal for them. Carrousel fraud could then take place and all the illicit money would be clean by the end of the process. but, Hey, what do I know.
Great writing Angharad.
Love to all
Anne G.
That's not the one
about the English bank, the Irish bank and the Scottish bank, is it?
I'm glad...
I'm glad Cathy "helped"... and hope she can continue to do so...
I do kinda wonder what the outcome of the visit will be though... Could be "interesting".
Wish I could predict the outcome
from Cathy's lesson in the russian. Unfortunately, he's pretty unpredictable. Is he going to be frightened or fly into a rage? Really hoping they can help the little girl but concerned that her father is going to end up killing her.... or will casa Cameron get a new temporary resident or two?
A little blue light in the
A little blue light in the evening and possibly the morning for the ambassador, will no doubt make him feel rather warm in the nether regions if he doesn't "wake up and smell the coffee". I think Cathy finally gave him the message that the gloves were off and he wasn't going to win. Hope the Mom can get her daughter to Cathy for more indepth healing.