Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries~9

There was another loud bang on the door, followed by a third.
‘Don’t answer.’ I said.
‘I don’t intend to; ring the number on the pad by the phone; it’s the local police; be quick...’

Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries

A Penmarris Story At Christmas

By Susan Brown

Chapter 9

Previously …

There was a loud knock on the door, making us both jump.

‘That’s probably that nice policeman.’


‘What darling?’

‘Don’t answer the door, look out the window first.’

‘All right, just in case, but I’m sure that it’s the police or maybe Jo or Abby.’

She went over to the window and flicked the curtain open and then nearly fell back. She turned to me, her face as white as a sheet.

‘It’s Jeff.’

And now the story continues…

There was another loud bang on the door, followed by a third.

‘Don’t answer.’ I said.

‘I don’t intend to; ring the number on the pad by the phone; it’s the local police; be quick.’

I went to the phone table, picked up the receiver and rang the number.

‘Hello, Penmarris police,’ said a woman’s voice. ‘Can I help?’

‘Yes, this is Katie Young up at The Seashells, Beach Road; a man is banging on our door and threatening us. The man is Jeff, my father and he’s wanted by the police; I think your lot are out looking for him and...’

‘I know all about him love. I’ll give my hubby a call, he’s the local bobby and I’ll get ‘im to come downalong and see if he can sort this out. He’s not far from you, down by the quay, I think. Just you wait there and don’t answer the door.’

‘Okay.’ I replied as she put the phone down.

‘He’s shouting now,’ said Mum, as I went over and hugged her.

‘Carol, open up. I know you’re in there and you have Ben with you. I want my son. You can’t have him. You’re not fit to look after a kid. Let me in, NOW!’

Mum looked terrified. She had experienced the violence of the man and quite honest, I didn’t think that she was in the state of mind to help. I wondered if something else had happened to make her so frightened.

‘Mum, stay here.’ I said.

‘Where are you going?’

‘’I’m going to answer the door before he knocks it down. Anyway, I want to see my father.’

‘You can’t want that, he’s an animal.’

‘I need to do this. Don’t stop me Mum.’

I didn’t give her the chance to answer, but walked purposefully out of the room. Tightening the belt of my robe, but feeling more than slightly vulnerable in a thin winceyette nightie, I took a deep breath, went to the door, picked up an umbrella from the stand and hid it behind my back as I opened the door on the chain.

I might be daft, but I wasn’t stupid enough to open the door without the chain.

‘What do you want?’ I asked.

‘Where’s Carol and who the hell are you?’

‘Carol has gone out and I’m the lodger.’

He seemed to think for a moment.

‘I’ll come in and wait.’

‘No you won't.’

‘I’m a close friend.’

‘I don't know you from Adam,’

‘Who’s this Adam bloke?’

I could hear a siren in the distance coming closer, he heard it too.

I wanted to keep him at the door for a minute to give the police a chance to arrive and hopeful arrest him.

‘Just something people say when they don't recognise someone. Who shall I say called?’

The police car was getting closer. Well I assumed it was the police, it could have been an ambulance for all I knew…

He was getting agitated. He must have been as aware of the siren as I was and I was sure that he wanted to get away. That was what I thought, but I was wrong.

He suddenly lunged at the door; breaking the chain and making me stagger back as he violently entered the cottage.

He knocked me back against the wall, and then went to go in the living room where I knew Mummy was hiding. Without thinking, I thrusted the umbrella between his legs and with an oath, he fell over, cracking his head against the parquet flooring with a sickening thud.

He lay still as Mummy came out of the sitting room with a large vase in her hand. As a weapon, it wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing and I admired her courage.

Just then, the police car drew up outside and the policeman (call me Andy) came rushing up the path.

‘Got yer massage,’ he said as he walked through the open doorway.

I was shaking a bit from reaction and Mummy (? Where did that come from) hugged me.

‘H…have I killed him?’ I asked.

‘Nope, ‘e’s still breathin, but I’d best call for an ambulance. I’ll just put ‘in in the recovery position, just in case. Nearly nabbed him down by the quay, I did. Bloody sod – pardon my French – kicked me dog, Rufus ‘e did an then ran off. Sorry ‘bout the language ladies. I love’s me dog. Anyway, I had a feeling that the bugger– pardon my French – was gonna come this way and then Penny the wife rings me about ‘im being ‘ere, I came up as fast as I could. I’ll ring for that ambulance now.’

Looking down at my father, I felt no love for him. He was a violent man and the world would be a better place for him to be locked away somewhere, out of sight and out of mind. I wondered if Alcatraz was still open to boarders?

Was I hard? I didn't think so. As far as I was concerned he had caused my mother a lot of harm, anxiety and pain. He may have been my biological father, but that was all he was.

‘Right, the ambulance is on its way. Now ladies, I think that a cup of tea would be in order. Good for your shock that is.’

‘I’ll make it,’ said Mummy as she went off into the kitchen, leaving me with Andy.

‘So, that’s the mum you have been looking for?’

‘How do you know?’ I asked.

‘Not much gets past me. I put’s me ear to the ground and pick up a lot of information that way. Do yer like it ‘ere?’

‘Yes, it’s lovely.’

‘Most people like it. I was born and bred ‘ere. It gets under yer skin, it does.’

My phone went off and I answered it.

‘Katie is that you?’

‘Hi Jo, yes.’

‘What’s going on? I heard that Andy was up your way, flashing his blue light and I also heard that there was a rumpus and Rufus his dog got kicked.’

‘My dad tied to get at my mum...’


‘Yes, he traced mum to here and wanted to...well I don’t know what he wanted to do. Anyway, he barged his way in and got hurt. I had called the police and Andy arrived. Dad is unconscious on the floor and the ambulance is on the way, but with the snow coming down, I don’t know how long it will take them to get here...hang on, I can hear them now. Look, we’re all okay. I’ll ring you what I know more.’

‘Are you staying with your mum tonight?’

‘Hang on; Mummy; am I staying with you tonight?’

‘Mummy, I like that, yes love, of course you are going to stay with me, if you want to, of course.’

I just smiled.

‘Jo, yes, I’m staying here.’

‘If you need me, you know where I am. By the way, you and your mum are invited to Lady F’s bash tomorrow afternoon.’

‘How does she know about all this?’

‘She has spies.’


‘Anyway, I have to go, Jen and Pippa are arguing again. See you tomorrow.’


The hall was full of people now and we just stayed out of the way as my dad was carted off. Andy turned to us.

‘Right, that’s about it; I have to go with the ambulance. He won’t be any more trouble. He’s wanted for serious crimes and the evidence that we have means that he’s going to have a long jail sentence. If I had my way, he’d ‘ave a bloody good kicking– pardon my French – just like ‘e gave Rufus . Come down to the station to make statements after Christmas, no hurry.’

‘I hope that your dog is okay.’ said Mummy.

‘Rufus is as tough as old boots. I’ll give ‘im a saucer of best bitter later and ‘e’ll be as right as rain. Bye ladies.’

He shut the door behind him and we were alone again. Going back into the sitting room, we sat down together and had a bit of a cuddle, something that I had been starved of from a very young age. I lapped it up like a cat laps up milk and I was all but purring!

We spoke late into the night, telling each other of our experiences and sympathising about all that had gone wrong in our lives. Both of us had suffered but had, at last, started to come out of the other side and we had hopes that we could now move forward together into a new future.

I spent the night in the spare bedroom that would now be mine. It was a strange and novel experience for me, a sixteen year old girl with attitude, to be tucked in and given a kiss goodnight, but it was so nice and I hoped that that would happen every night, forever.

The next morning, I was gently shaken awake.

‘Katie, happy Christmas. It’s time to get up; breakfast on the table in thirty minutes.’

I stretched and smiled as I looked up.

‘Morning Mummy, happy Christmas to you; this is so unreal.’

‘Tell me about it, I keep pinching myself that I’m not in a dream.’

‘This time last year, I was in a home, eating gruel and then I drew the short straw and had to go up the front and ask for more.’

She laughed.

‘Enough of that or I’ll send you out to work for Scrooge!’

I giggled as I jumped out of bed, gave her a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek before running into the bathroom before I had an accident that we would both regret.

We ate eggs and bacon for breakfast in the kitchen – this wasn’t a cereal type of day.

We talked quietly about the day and what we would do.

‘I haven’t bought you any presents,’ said Mummy sadly.

‘I have the only present I want - you.’

‘Aww, same here darling,’ she said, ‘but still, there are bargains to be had in the Boxing Day sales and I expect we could raid the shops and see what we can find.’

‘I haven’t got much money.’ I said sadly.

‘Well, let me see, you are what sixteen now and you have missed out on your pocket money for years and years, so I am sure that I can scrape up some money for you and then there is your settlement.’

‘What settlement?’

‘For the accident, the car accident that killed your grandparents. I put it in a trust for you and it’s a tidy amount now, so you won’t be short.’

‘I didn’t know anything about a payout.’

Mummy frowned.

‘I told them about it and they should have said something to you. My God what a bunch of s...’

‘Mummy, don’t swear, I’m at an impressionable age.’

‘Yea, right.’

We both giggled.


Mummy hadn’t got in anything special for lunch, so we had a sandwich, not exciting, but I was more interested in having quality time with her, rather than feeding my face. One interesting thing happened in the morning; Jo came around and dropped off my case, so at least I had some clothes to wear.

‘Don’t forget that you are both invited up to The Manor for dinner; Lady F won’t take no for an answer. Kickoff is 5pm, the snow is melting now and the roads should be okay, but if not, give me ring as there’s bound to be a 4X4 floating around giving people a lift. Anyway, I’ll love you and leave you as I must rush, lots to do; byee!’

Jo could be a force of nature sometimes and I wondered where she got all her energy from; must be something in the water or maybe the pasties!

I looked at Mummy and she looked at me. I could see that her thoughts were working overtime as to what she would wear. I knew exactly what I would have to wear, a top and skirt bought from Ross-On-Wye, hardly ideal and not exactly formal wear, but no shops would be open and Christmas Day and I knew that nothing of my mothers’ would fit.

‘Oh well,’ I thought, ‘they will have to take me as I am.’

‘I have got a nice dress, but I haven’t worn it for ages. I don’t know what we can do for you though Katie, nothing I have will fit a thin rail like you.’

‘I cannot help being twiggy-like.’ I said.

‘I’d prefer to be twiggy-like rather than the size of an elephant.’

‘Oh Mummy, you look nothing like an elephant. For one thing, your nose isn’t long enough and for another...ooomph!’

Mothers shouldn’t throw cushions at their daughters...


A little later, I received a text from Sarah; how she got my number I didn’t know, as I was sure that I hadn’t given it to her.

Katie, change of plan, get here by 4, explain then
Love Sarah

We pondered over that and wondered why the time had been changed, but then we got into discussion about other things and the subject got shelved.

We spent the rest of the day, up until it was time to leave, talking and just getting to know each other. It was lovely to be with her and I know that she felt the same way about me. We discussed what we would do once Christmas was over. We went into detail as to how I wanted my bedroom to look and I had strong ideas about how girlie I wanted it to be. No tomboy look for me, I had missed out on being a little girl, so I was going to make up for it by at least making my room a little bit girliefied.

As I wasn’t keen on going back to any school with a rigid framework and kids who might not want to be nice to me, Mummy suggested that I look in to going to college in Paignton, which wasn’t a great distance from where she worked as a nurse in Torquay. They had a number of starter courses that were aimed at my age group 16-18. I agreed to look into it. I just hoped that my grades were good enough for what I sort of wanted to do – nursing, like my aged parent.

Time went by rather fast, as we tried to make up the years that we hadn’t been in contact with each other but, all too soon, we had to get ready to go. I sort of wished that we didn’t have to go as I selfishly wanted to have my mother all to myself, but we had time now to get to know each other more and anyway, I didn’t want to get into Lady Fairbairn’s bad books by not turning up.

Mummy let me have a shower first and then whilst she had hers, I got dressed and put on some makeup. Earlier, I had taken my things out of my case and hung them up or put them in drawers. I left out the clothes that I was going to wear for the Christmas bash. The jumper was okay, but the general consensus was that jeans wouldn’t do, so I borrowed a skirt from Mummy and it to be pinned so the thing didn’t fall down. It looked too long for a fashion conscious girl like me to wear and, dare I say it, a bit mumsy. It had to do though and I wasn’t going to say anything to her about her fashion sense.

Time was getting on and it was nearly time to go.

‘Ready love?’

I turned to Mummy and she looked beautiful. Not an elephant in sight! Her dress was a simple, elegant little black dress and it showed up how beautiful she really was. Any man with a bit of taste and sense would snap her up. Her makeup was understated but very classy looking. She made me feel a bit like something dragged off the street, but I didn’t mind because I loved her and I didn’t have much choice as to what I was looking like.

Mummy, bless her, didn’t bat an eyelid when she saw me. She knew my situation and didn’t seem all that bothered and if she wasn’t bothered then why should I be?

We put on hats, coats and scarves, as it was quite cold, even though most of the snow had melted a few hours before. I was wearing boots, the only thing that I had to wear, feet wise apart from a scruffy pair of trainers; ah well...

We got into Mummy’s car, a bright red BMW Mini of all things, and we were soon on our way.

As we went through the village, I noticed that it was a lot quieter than on Christmas Eve and only a few people were about, walking their dogs or maybe their dinners off. It was dark now and many of the homes had their Christmas lights on and it all looked very festive.

Mummy had a thing about being on time. I always thought that it was a good idea to be a few minutes late, I didn’t want us to be the first there. Mummy knew where The Manor was and to be honest it could be seen from miles away on a clear day and at night, flood lights lit the buildings and acted as a sort of beacon for the shipping out on the high seas. I wasn’t sure I believed that until I saw the floodlit manor in the distance when we reached the top of the hill. It was brilliantly lit and very visible.

We turned into the drive and made our way towards the Manor House. I drew my breath in sharply as I saw the scene before me. Trees lined the drive and many of them had coloured lights twinkling away. Through gaps in the tree, I noticed the lawns - a bit lumpy and holey in places where the local moles had done their thing - but what really caught my eye were the large lake and the tall fountain, lit from below. It shot water high into the air that changed colour every few seconds. It was so pretty; I had a lump in my throat, probably caused by my hormones – maybe not.

‘Wow, this is something,’ said Mummy, ‘she knows how to impress!’

We drove up to The Manor and stopped next to a 4X4. Not wasting much time, as it was getting rather cold, we made our way up the steps and the massive door was opened and there, in full glory, was a butler.

‘Madam, Miss, welcome, please come in. I am Jenkins.’

‘Hello Mr Jenkins,’ I said.

‘Just Jenkins Miss.’


‘Perfectly alright Miss.’

We went in and there was a clatter of heals down the long marble staircase as Sarah came down them in a rush.

She skidded to a halt in front of us.

‘Hi, you’re Carol; I’m Sarah, Jenks, can you show Carol where the breakfast room is? Carol, you don’t mind me calling you that? I need to grab Katie for a while. Jo, Abby and Sam are in the breakfast room with Mummy and a few other olds and you can have a chat and compare your aches and pains whilst you wait for the fun to begin.’

‘Miss Sarah, I am Jenkins not Jenks; her ladyship would not approve; however, may I take your coats first ladies?’

‘Okay Jenks,’ said Sarah impatiently, ‘hurry things along; we haven’t got much time.’

We took our outer clothing off and Sarah gave a gasp at sight of me.

‘Blimey Katie; my spies were right; your clothes are okay for slumming about in, but you are hardly Cinderella in that getup. This is a party and we need to sort you out. Carol, you look great, very classy; but enough of this polite stuff, come on Katie we have to go.’

I waved at Mummy apologetically and was dragged off up stairs leaving her looking slightly bemused and shell shocked.

Sarah had that effect on people.

At the top of the stairs, we turned left down a long corridor and then she pulled me along to a room at the end.

‘Come in then.’ she said as she opened the door and I followed her in.

The room was nice, large, ornate and expensive looking and unlike any bedroom I had ever been in.

‘This is your bedroom,’ she said.

‘My bedroom?’

‘Yea, you’re both staying the night, all the guests are, its tradition.’

‘I haven’t brought anything with me.’

‘What night things, toothbrush and gunky cream to put on your face at night, stuff like that?’

‘Erm yes.’

‘No problem, everything is provided by Mrs Bridges the housekeeper. She’s sweet, you’ll like her. Her cookies are to die for. Your mum will be next door to you tonight and I’m two doors down if you want to have a midnight chat. We kids often do that when everyone comes to stay; we don't get much sleep, but sleep is for adults and is totally boring. Now let’s have a look at you.’

She gave me a critical once over and tutted several times.

‘So the rumour was true; no dress to wear?’

I shook my head.

‘How did you know...?’

She tapped the side of her nose with her finger.

‘If I told you, I would have to have you shot with Mummy’s double barrelled; only joking. Look, tell me truthful, would you prefer to dress as you are or would you like to wear a nice dress?’

‘A nice dress, but...’

‘Never mind the but stuff, you are small for your age and I am tall, that makes us roughly the same size except your breasts are slightly bigger than mine, you cow; anyway, I’m sure that I can find something that will fit you. I have heaps of dresses and, well do you want to have a look at some and chose what you would like?’

‘If it’s no trouble.’

‘Trouble is my middle name. Anyway, let’s go to mine and have a look.’

I followed the mini-tornado out of the room and into hers. The bedroom was obviously very girlie and about the same size as the one I was using. It had lots of personal touches; the bed was actually a four poster with drapes in pastel colours. The walls matched the drapes and the furniture was white with pink trimmings. It all seemed a bit young and for Sarah’s age.

‘Ignore the overboard girlie room,’ she said, almost apologetically, ‘It’s like that cos I missed out a bit when I was young; being allowed to be a little girl, I mean. I might change it soon but there again, I might not. Now let’s get some dresses for you to look at.’

She went over to a door and opened it. Inside was a large walk in wardrobe with many dresses and other clothes hung up on rails and countless drawers underneath.

‘Right, what have we here? Mmm, too long, too short, wrong colour, wrong design, ooh that one will do and this one; what about this? That might work...’

She pulled out several dresses and hung them over my arm.

‘That should give you a nice choice. Right, back to your room and we’ll sort you out. Have to be quick, cos I need to dress and make myself pretty too.’

We went back to ‘my room’ and I laid the dresses on the bed.

They all looked expensive and very pretty.

I glanced at Sarah as she sort of spread the dresses across the bed so that we could find which was the best for me.

‘Sarah, I’m sorry about what happened at the tea shop?’

She looked up and frowned.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I threw a wobbly and said some nasty things.’

‘After all you’ve gone through, it’s not surprising.’

‘Well anyway, you didn’t have to pretend that you were a boy to get me out of the toilet cubicle. That was a nice gesture, but whatever you said wouldn’t have made any difference. I wasn’t ready to listen to reason.’

‘What are talking about Katie? I didn’t lie, I was a boy – well when I say I was, I never was really, I have always been a girl, a bit like you really. I have boy bits between my legs, but when I’m older, I’m going to get my plumbing sorted.’

I sat down in a heap.

‘So you were telling the truth?’

‘Haven’t I just said that? I’m not the only one here that’s the same as us, but I won’t say who; it’s up to them to tell you. Now, enough of the soul bashing, let’s get on with the important job of making you look presentable for Mama. She “can’t stand gels who don’t dress properly; in my day, etc.”

In a dream, I went into the bathroom and tried on several dresses, Most of which were discounted by the super critical Sarah when she saw them. Eventually we settled on a pretty, just above the knee, ivory, halter neck dress in a floaty material. The label said Karen Millen and I could tell that this wasn’t bought at the local Primark, if they had one nearby, that is, which I doubted. I also tried on several pairs of shoes. Luckily, Sarah was the same size as me, so it was just a question of which pair would suit my dress. Having tried on a few high heeled pairs and feeling like I was up on stilts, I opted for a pair of strappy white court shoes with two inch heels that seemed quite comfy and stable. I felt a bit safer in them and they did go well with the dress.

The dress needed a backless bra and Sarah just happened to have a new one with matching panties in one of her many full drawers. The bra was too large in the boob department for Sarah and she just said that I could have it together with the matching panties. I swear that half of her clothes had never been worn and many still had labels attached. The bra and panties fitted me to perfection when I tried them on, especially as I did a little trick to hide my small boy bits, known technically as tucking. Sarah also helped me out with fine, flesh coloured tights from a fresh packet, my own tights being thick and not exactly very glamorous.

Sarah disappeared before I had changed, because she had to get ready herself, but said that she would come back for me before going down to the party. I think that she realised that I was a bit shy about changing in front of her. I was still reeling from the conversation I had had with her about her gender. She was so much a girl; it had never crossed my mind that she had ever been a boy, physically, that is. The fact that she was the same as me, gave me comfort that I might be accepted for what I am and not for what was between my legs. Another snippet that she had casually thrown out was that there were others like us and I wondered who she meant?

Shrugging my shoulders and glancing at the clock on the wall, I realised that my dolly daydreaming wasn’t getting things done and I would have to get a move on, if I was going to be ready in time.

Just in my bra and panties, I redid my makeup, taking time to do it as well as I could. I tried to remember the tricks that the girl in Boots had shown me when doing my makeover a few days before and luckily I remembered what I was told; only having to redo my eyes twice before I was satisfied with the effect.

After my makeup, I painted my nails a bright pink. That took some time to get right, but eventually I was wiggling my fingers and blowing on them to help the drying. I would have liked to have painted my toenails, but I wasn’t too sure about that, having never done it before. As I was wearing tights, it didn’t really matter though.

Once my nails were rock hard, I slipped on the dress, making sure not to get makeup on it; a big no-no for any girl. Finally, I brushed my hair out and loved the way it shone, although I would have to have it properly cut in a salon, as soon as I could get to one; maybe another mother daughter experience?

Looking at myself in the floor length mirror; I liked what I saw. There was no sign of Ben there, and for that I was very happy.

There was a knock on the door.

‘Come in.’

It was my mother.

She looked at me and her hand flew to her mouth and she gave a little gasp.

‘Is everything alright Mummy?’

‘You look beautiful Katie.’

‘No I don’t. I admit that I scrub up okay, but I’ll never be beautiful like you.’

She came over and hugged me and then turned me around to face the mirror. We stood side by side and I could immediately see that we were so much alike, we could be sisters. Although I had joked about her being elephantine, she wasn’t much bigger than me and had a lovely figure.

Just then there was another knock on the door and Sarah barged in without waiting for an answer. She looked very pretty in a black dress that left little to the imagination and would probably give her mother, the imperious Lady F, an attack of the vapours. It wasn’t as if it was short, it was as long as the one I was wearing, but it was strapless and backless and I assumed that it was held up by willpower.

‘Wow Sarah, does your mum know about that dress?’

‘No; do you think that she might not approve?’

‘It should carry a government health warning. She might set the dogs on you.’

‘That bad eh? Well, the only dog we have is Fifi and she’s putty in my hands. Anyway, I don’t want to wear something pink and fluffy tonight like some sort of Shirley Temple clone. I’m a young lady and need to look the part. Mummy will understand...I think. Anyway, you both look lovely and could be sisters. You don’t have any bling do you Katie?’



‘Oh, no, I haven’t got anything.’

‘I thought not. Put these on. It’ll make you look even nicer and have the boys swoon over you. Not that the boys around here are much to look at, except one, but that’s another story for another day.’

She handed me some small diamond drop earrings that were magnetic and they looked nice, but a bit fiddly to put on. I didn’t know how long I would be able to wear them as they pinched my ears a bit. Then she placed a small silver heart locket with a single diamond inset around my neck and fastened it. Finally, she put a silver bracelet on my wrist. Overall the look was nice and I was very pleased with the result. Mummy looked on and beamed; I think that she approved of my look.

‘There,’ said Sarah, ‘Cinderella is now ready for the ball.’

I looked at Mummy and I could see a tear in her eye. I wondered if she ever thought that something like this would happen. Not in her wildest dreams, I thought.

‘Come on you two,’ said Sarah impatiently, ‘the party has started and I think we need to join them before all the grub goes.’

We followed Sarah out of the bedroom and made our way to the top of the wide marble staircase. Milling about below were lots of people dressed in their finest. Sarah went down first and then Mummy took my arm, looked at me and said with a nervous smile, ‘show time.’

We started to walk down the stairs and as we did so, the talking stopped and everyone looked up.

I now had that deer in the headlight feeling.

To Be Continued. The final chapter to come soon on a computer near you!

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