I was a Porn Star for the FBI

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I was a Porn Star for the FBI

by Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2014 Melanie Brown

Another Melissa Cooper story.

This story is not a part 2 of the original story. However, it is helpful if you've read "I was a Cheerleader for the FBI". -- Ed

“My name is Melissa Cooper. I used to be a spy…”

“What are you doing?” asked Special Agent Turner, startling me and causing me to jump slightly in my seat. I was sitting at the table in a small meeting room with my back to the door.

“I didn’t see you come in Special Agent Turner,” I said to my handler. “I was just daydreaming about the TV show they’re going to make about me someday.”

Turner just looked at me as if I was from Mars and said, “Yeah. Sure. No make-up? Men’s clothes? What’s up with that?”

I also had my hair in a limp pony tail running down my back. I said, “Yeah. Just thought I’d see what it was like to be guy again for a few days.”

Chuckling, Turner said, “Sure. A guy with boobs and a sixteen year old girl’s face.” She tossed a manila folder on the table. “Time to put your girl face back on, Agent Cooper.”

I wrinkled my nose and said, “Do you really think I look like I’m only sixteen?”

Sitting down in the chair next to me, Turner said, “Dr. Teufel said he guarantees that due to his treatment, you can pass for any age we need from fifteen to nineteen.”

“Oh wow. Really?” I asked.

Ignoring me, Turner opened the folder and slid out several photos of an attractive man somewhere in his mid-thirties, along with some other documents. I picked up the data sheet of the man in the photos and frowned.

“Another high school? Really?” I asked. “Is this all I’m going to get?”

Special Agent Turner shrugged and said, “Possibly. Basically you were selected for this assignment for much the same reason we um…created you, for your other assignment. You matched this pervert’s idea of a dream girl and you look closer to the correct age we need than any of our other female field agents.”

I picked up the photo and grinned. I said, “Oh, he’s a cutie! Hmm. George Stein. English Teacher. I wish I had had a teacher like that back when I was in high school!”

Smirking, Turner said, “You probably did. You just weren’t attracted to men back then.”

“That is reversible, right?” I asked.

“Anyway, your cute teacher there makes porno videos with under aged girls,” Turner said with disgust. “He kidnaps them from middle school, or persuades them from high school, drugs them so they don’t remember anything or frightens them so bad they won’t testify.”

I tossed the picture back on top of the folder and said, “What a sweetheart. What am I supposed to do?”

“You’ll be brought in as a new student to the school and assigned to Stein’s English class. You are to make contact with him and show yourself to be a rather loose girl. Your newfound skill set should prove useful here,” said Turner. The last sentence she said in a somewhat disapproving way.

I’m sure she was referring to um, certain activities with my, well boyfriend and former murder suspect in my last assignment. The guy was loaded with charisma and I had let myself fall in love with him. I know that was stupid of me, mainly because I’m not really a girl. But I couldn’t help myself and the last two weeks after the real murderer was arrested, and to show my affection for him without letting him try to have normal sex with me, I kind of over-did the oral variety.

Now that I’m away from his charms, I’m pretty much over him. Not only was he very charismatic, but the treatment I received to give me the appearance of being a girl, has also led to me being overly attracted to guys.

Special Agent Turner snapped her fingers and said, “Agent Cooper? Are you still with me? Your eyes glazed over again. If you don’t stop thinking of Harlan Gray, I’m going to have Dr. Teufel surgically remove that memory from your brain.”

“Sorry,” I said honestly. “I’m back.”

Frowning, Turner said, “Good. Now if we may continue. You’re going to be the newest, sixteen year old tenth grade student at Jonas Grumby High School. Your “parents” this time are going to be two other agents as we also have two other unrelated cases in that area. You’ll be living in a house, just like any normal family.

“Your assignment is to get in good graces with Mr. Stein. You not only need to have him make some kind of video with you, but locate where he makes and edits these short videos as well. We know he’s doing it, but we have no concrete proof. On the videos he claims the girls are eighteen. He markets these videos in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, but nowhere in the U.S. or Canada.”

“You do remember that I lack the equipment to have sex, right?” I asked. I was born a boy and lost my genitals in a car accident when I was ten. But when the doctors sewed me back up, they just left me with a hole instead of a vagina. Well, I was a boy after all.

Looking disgusted again, Turner said, “Most of his videos with the youngest girls are oral sex. He doesn’t want his little cast members getting pregnant and having to deal with those issues. So again, this is right up your alley, so to speak.”

“Not to defend him,” I said. “But if he doesn’t market them here and he claims and apparently provides paperwork to certify the girls’ ages in the video, how do you know he’s doing something illegal?”

Special Agent Turner pulled another picture from the folder and said, “Our suspicions are all based on this fourteen year old girl. We arrested her uncle a few weeks ago on charges of possession of child porn. He had somehow managed to get a video with this girl in it. In fact, he’d gotten it specifically because he recognized his niece who he had the hots for. Yeah, yeah. Don’t get me started with this piece of work. It took all my discipline to restrain myself.

“When questioned, Stein laughed at us to even suggest that we suspect him of making porn videos, underage or otherwise. Went on and on about being a respectable member of the community and all that. But the girl was in his English class when he taught at middle school a few years ago. Facial recognition software gives us an eighty percent match of the two girls even though the girl in question is now eighteen. The girl denies any involvement. We’re convinced Stein is dirty, but we just can’t prove our case in court yet.”

“Holy shit,” I said. “You’re sure the two girls are the same?”

“Not one hundred percent since both continue to deny it,” said Turner. “But right after that video came out, this girl, who was an ‘A’ student, and very outgoing became withdrawn and her grades went into the toilet. She dropped out of high school, got pregnant and shacked up with some loser crack head. There can be other reasons for that of course. That’s why we need you. Get into a video. Wear a wire and a tracking device. I want to nail this son of a bitch.”

“Me too,” I said. “When do we start?”

“We’ve packed for you,” said Special Agent Turner. “You’re wheels up in two hours.”

*          *          *

“You must be Mom and Dad,” I said as I walked up to a man and a woman apparently waiting for me. After an uneventful flight, I was brought to a safe house outside the city limits. No one else was around.

“Melissa,” said Dad. “I’m glad you could finally join the party. We’ve only been waiting for what? Three hours?”

“I can’t help the plane’s scheduling,” I said sounding irritated. “I got here just as quickly as I could.”

Dad said, “For the record, I’m Richard Stuart. I’m an insurance salesman. Your mother, my lovely wife and stay at home mom, is Rachael. And you are Melissa Stuart this go ‘round. Whatever you do, rookie; don’t say the name ‘Cooper’.”

“Thanks,” I said frowning. “You’ve jinxed me. Just try to not think of an elephant for the next two minutes. Anyway, it does suck though.”

“Just remember it’s all temporary,” said Dad. “The rest is in your mission notes if you bother to read them.”

“So. I report to you, dear old Dad?” I asked.

Richard Stuart shook his head and said, “No. Special Agent Turner will be here next week after we get established. Rachael and I each are running our own ops, same as you. Special Agent Paterson will supervise all three ops. Tactical will be available whenever we need it within reason.

“Until Turner gets here, your assignment Melissa, will be to get yourself established in the school and make sure your target notices you. Do not engage until Turner has briefed you. Rachael and I can offer some assistance in very small measures.

“Just remember. We’re a typical family. You’re a typical teenage girl. That means I set bedtimes, I can ground you and I have veto power over your dates. We’re supposed to act like a family. Rachael will prepare meals, you will help in the kitchen and I’ll read the sports pages.”

Rachael said, “I thought we were just going to get take out.” Richard shook his head.

I said, “I get it. We’re deep undercover, all three of us and we have to sell it.” Turner had told me that my new mom and dad were unaware that I wasn’t a real girl. All that mattered was that I was a perfect target for my prime suspect.

An hour later we were pulling up into the driveway of our new house. There was a moving van and a crew busy loading our furniture and whatever else inside the house. Richard, or I guess I should call him Dad, mentioned that even the moving van crew was FBI. They were apparently just wrapping up when we arrived.

A moving van guy came up to Dad and said, “Looks like you arrived just in time, Mr. Stuart. Everything is laid out according to the floor plan we received. We’ll be back to pick all this stuff up when you’re done. Here’s the manifest. Try not to break anything.”

“I’ll certainly try to keep that in mind,” said Dad as he studied the manifest. “Holy shit. Is this accurate? All this crap for my um, daughter?”

“Yes sir,” said the agent disguised as a moving van guy. “Special Agent Turner insisted.”

I said, “Don’t call my shit ‘crap’, Dad.”

Mom said, “Watch your language, Melissa Jean Stuart!”

Dad sucked in a deep breath and said to the moving van guy, “Okay then. We’ll see you in a month or so.”

I then ran into the house, anxious to see what my room looked like. My foster parents from the previous mission had provided me with a nice room. I ran down the hallway, looking for an obvious teen girl’s room. There was no mistake. A pink canopy bed with pink satin bedspread. The walls were painted a light pink with white trim. A vanity with a mirror and a huge dresser with a large mirror mounted on it. And posters of various boy singers.

The dresser was stocked with bras, panties, tops, skirts, pantyhose and other stuff. On the vanity were items of my favorite make-up. There were pictures already taped to the dresser mirror. I took a closer look at them. Several had to be Photoshopped pictures of me with my new parents. I squealed with delight to see a picture of me and Harlan, the boy who was the prime murder suspect and my boyfriend from my previous mission. I was trying to forget him. It seems Turner was trying to mess with my mind.

Dad walked into my room and whistled. “How’s your room? Everything good? Do we need to bring in another truckload of clothes and shoes? Seriously, if you need anything, we need to phone home about it today if at all possible.”

“Everything’s good, Dad,” I said. “At least so far.”

Dad said, “Good. Good. Here is your schedule for school. You’re registered and all set up. Your book bag is there by your desk. You are expected to attend class and keep your grades up.”

I nodded and said, “I got it. I’ve done this school girl gig before.”

Dad nodded too and started to leave. He said, “Mom will have dinner ready in about an hour. Maybe you could help out in the kitchen? I should probably go meet our next door neighbor.” He turned to leave.

“Oh, Dad,” I said before he got past the doorframe. “If we’re going to be a normal family, I expect you to knock before you enter my room. I might just be in my panties some time.”

Dad’s eyes lingered on my breasts for a moment and grinned. He said, “How do you feel about dinner when this op is over?”

“How do you feel about me calling Child Protective Services about my lecherous dad?” I asked.

Dad frowned and closed the door.

*          *          *

There was a stop for the school bus just three doors down from our house, so I took the bus to school. Those that bothered to look up from their phones looked at me curiously. I would just give them a weak smile.

I got off the bus with the others and followed the crowd up to the entrance to Grumby High. Several boys cast their eyes in my direction. I expected that since I wore a fairly short denim skirt and knee high, high heeled boots. But it wasn’t boys I was after. I was hoping to ensnare a teacher.

I looked at my schedule, but had no idea where I needed to go. My so-called parents apparently couldn’t manage to get me a map of the campus. Maybe that was being unfair. The whole FBI couldn’t deliver a map apparently.

I looked around. I didn’t want to go up to one of the many girls hanging around and talking. And I didn’t want to go up to a cute boy. I’m trying to not sound conceited, but I was worried the girls would get jealous of my superior, drug-enhanced beauty and lead me astray. Same for the boys. I figured they’d just try to get into my skirt.

I saw a boy sitting by himself on a short brick wall. He must be the school nerd. He’s by himself, reading a Kindle, had acne, his hair greasy and it looked like he hadn’t taken a shower in a week. I bet he knows where everything is and he’s probably too shy or geeky to hit on me. I walked over him.

I stood in front of him for a few moments and he didn’t even look up. I cleared my throat and he still didn’t look up. I said, “Excuse me.”

He looked up from his Kindle for just long enough to say, “Hey.”

“I’m new to this school and I was hoping you could help me with my schedule,” I said, trying to sound sweet.

He looked up from his Kindle at me with a raised eyebrow and said, “Sure. Let me see what you got.”

I handed him the schedule and said, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

Without looking at me, and pointing at the schedule he said, “Okay. Listen close, okay? I don’t want to have to draw you pictures. Your first class, go into the main entrance there and walk straight down to the second intersection. You turn to the left and that room is about in the middle of the hall on your left.”

“Thanks again,” I said. “What about my second class?”

He handed the schedule back to me and said, “There’ll be plenty of jock types in the class who will fall over themselves to help you. Besides, if I did tell you, you’d just forget before your first class was over.”

Feeling slighted, I said, “Hey now I’m not your typical bimbo.”

He smiled at me and said, “Cool. An atypical bimbo.” He slid off the wall and dusted off the seat of his pants. “Tell you what though. I know this intimate little bistro that’s located right here in GHS. They have corn dogs that are…mmmm! To die for! What do you say? Wanna join me?”

I just stared him in shock for a moment. I said, “Well, I don’t know. I …”

“Hah!” he smirked. “I knew it. You approached me because you thought the nerd was safe. Bimbo! You’re just a bimbo. Bimbo!” Laughing he ran into the school entrance leaving me standing there wondering what just happened.

A couple of girls were walking by and they giggled. One said, “You must be new here. Everyone knows to avoid Robert Fullerton. He’s mental and a total spaz.”

“Thanks for the info,” I said shaking my head. I gave them a few seconds head start and then followed the two girls inside.

The halls were already getting crowded with ten minutes left before classes started. Not having any real reason to doubt Robert’s directions, I dutifully followed them. Sure enough, there was the room I needed right where he said it was. I walked into the classroom and suddenly stopped short, causing the person behind me to bump into me.

“I may have to re-evaluate your bimbo status,” said Robert Fullerton from his seat on the front row. He motioned for me to get closer and said, “You can actually follow directions! When I saw we had the same class, I knew I’d be able to show you where your second class is from here.”

I gave Robert a nervous smile and said, “We’ll see.” I looked up and several people in the class were looking at us and obviously found it amusing I was talking to him. I said, “I need to see the teacher.”

I walked up to the teacher, introduced myself and showed her the schedule. She nodded and made some notes in her folder. She smiled at me and said, “You just maxed out this class, Ms. Stuart. Unfortunately, the only open seat is the one behind Mr. Fullerton, whom I see you already met.” I looked back at Robert who grinned at me. Some people in the class laughed.

I walked to the desk behind Robert’s and sat down, putting my notebook in the holder under the seat. Robert turned in his seat to face me.

“You’re hot,” Robert whispered to me. “But it seems most bimbos are hot. That’s too bad. But my lunch invitation is still open.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll probably be busy,” I said. I deeply regretted ever talking to this geek.

The class had no further events from Robert. History class still isn’t any more exciting now than it was a month ago when I last pretended to be a high school girl.

The bell rang and as we all started to get up from our desks to head to our next classes, Robert said, “To get to your next class, exit this class, turn left, then turn right next intersection and then right again to…”

Interrupting, I said, “You know. I think I’ll have more fun trying to find it myself. Thanks anyway, ok?”

“No problem,” said Robert. “See you at lunch.” And then he scampered off.

*          *          *

Actually, I couldn’t find my second period class on my own and asked a random girl in the hallway. After getting settled into the class, I looked at my schedule more closely. I didn’t have Mr. Perv until last period. The class before that was girls P.E. I’ll have to see if my “parents” can find some reason for me to skip that.

The morning was going by fairly quickly and I was going to have to find the cafeteria. Actually, that turned out to be easy as there was a mob hurrying down the hall towards the cafeteria. The last class I had before lunch, keyboarding, wasn’t too far from the cafeteria, but it doesn’t look like I’ll ever be able to beat the crowd there.

One glance and it was obvious I’d never get through the normal lunch line, so I opted for the snack bar where there were pre-cooked items to choose from. As I was reaching in for a burger, a voice from behind me said, “The corndogs really are très bon. No really. I’m like totally serious.”

Robert startled me with his comment. Annoyed, I turned to face him. I said, “Robert, I appreciate you trying to help me out on a first day and all, but I’m a big girl and can select my own lunch.”

“I’ll buy,” said Robert.

“No, you won’t,” I said flatly. No way in hell was I going to put myself where I’d have to owe him.

Robert shrugged and said, “Suit yourself. I’ll be waiting for you.”

Frowning I said, “Thanks for the warning.”

After I paid for my lunch, I scanned the lunch room for someplace to sit. It was easy to see where the popular girls were seating. One end of a table near the door had six very obviously stuck up bitches. My eyes lingered on the table where the jocks were sitting. It bothered me slightly that it didn’t bother me that I thought several of the boys were totally hot and wondered what it was like to kiss them. A couple of them were eyeing me. Some movement in the corner of my eye suddenly distracted me.

I looked over and there was Robert, sitting with a group of his nerd friends waving frantically to me. People were turning to look and I decided against my better judgment to sit down next to him, just to get him to stop.

As I sat down I said, “Robert. I would like to meet some other people at this school besides you.”

Robert grinned and said, “Sure. Meet my nerdy friends. Chuck, Raul, Simon and Randal.” All four of them smiled goofily, waved and greeted. All four of them just stared at me, breathing through their mouths.

I smiled back and said, “Hey guys. I think by sitting at this table, I probably just lost a lot of points.”

Robert laughed and said, “Depends on which end of the scale you’re looking at. But thanks for sitting with us. You’ll help give us an air of respectability. Oh. You got the burger and not the corndog. Maybe you’re a bimbo after all.”

“Really? A corndog makes you look sophisticated?” I said, looking at Robert sitting on my right. I looked at the other four for a moment and said, “Do any of you bathe regularly or wash your hair?”

Simon raised his hand and said, “Sometimes.”

I took one of the cookies I’d gotten in the snack line and placed it on Simon’s tray. I said, “Congratulations. You win a cookie.”

Simon’s face lit up as he picked up the cookie. “Wow, thanks!”

Randal said, “Mom’s gonna freak when I take a bath tonight.”

I looked around the nerds and said, “Just curious. What do you guys know about Mr. Stein?”

I got mostly shrugs. Raul said, “I think he’s an asshole. I have him second period. He gives the girls in class special treatment. No, really. I looked at the girl who sits next to me once when he returned graded papers. I looked at her paper. I saw at least four questions that had the wrong answer, but she got a hundred. That’s just not fair. I got a ninety-nine because I put the wrong date on the paper.”

“Why do you think he gives preferential treatment to girls in his class?” I asked, looking around at the boys’ faces.

Raul shrugged again and said, “I dunno. I guess he wants them to like him. There’s a rumor he dates some of them. And…and well other stuff.”

“Are you serious?” I asked actually surprised that while a rumor, there was a story going around that suggests what this perv Stein is doing. “You’d think the principal at least would investigate rumors like that.”

“Mr. Jackson has investigated,” said Robert. “He always finishes his investigations with claims that Mr. Stein is acting within department guidelines. Personally I think he’s lying.”

Smiling at Robert I said, “So, Sherlock. What makes you think Mr. Jackson is lying?”

Shrugging, Robert said, “Because Mr. Stein never does anything wrong, apparently. Some teachers get accused of doing less and they get suspended from teaching.”

*          *          *

It seemed like it took forever, but I finally got to Mr. Stein’s class. When I entered the room, he was seated at a table in front of the chalk board. I got a good look at him as I approached him to let him know I was now in his class. My God, he’s absolutely gorgeous! He seemed younger than most teachers and has an obvious good build under his shirt. I scanned the class and most of the girls were just sitting there staring at him.

When I stopped in front of his desk, he looked up at me and flashed me a big smile as he said, “May I help you?”

I stood there for a few moments just staring him. I couldn’t help myself. This guy had charisma coming out of his ears. I could tell that he was enjoying me just staring at him, feeding his ego. I had to force the idea that this beautiful man was a monster preying on young girls. If he could catch me in his spell, then most girls won’t have a chance against him. I smiled shyly at him and said, “Hi, Mr. Stein. I’m new to the school and it looks like I have your class.” I handed him the slip of paper saying I was in his class.

He continued to smile as he took the paper from me and glanced over it. He said, “Ah, Melissa Stuart. It’s great to have you in my class. And you can call me George if you like. Most of my other students do.”

I leaned over his desk, enough to expose some cleavage and I smiled broadly. I said, “Thanks…George. I think I’m going to enjoy this class.”

The way he looked at me suggested he wanted to do me right there on his desk in front of his class. Smiling, he said in a low tone, “I’m sure you will. I know I’ll enjoy having you in my class.”

Oh my God. That smile, his eyes, his scent. His charm. I had such a sudden desire to be with him. I smiled at him and quickly turned and headed to an empty desk. Something automatic set in and I noticed I was swaying my hips more than normal.

As I took my seat, I noticed several girls in the class giving me dirty looks. I just shrugged at them and opened my notebook. I don’t think I made any friends in this class. They’re going to really hate me when I put their favorite teacher in jail. I looked back at Mr. Stein and sighed. He is gorgeous though.

I don’t think I wrote down a single note during class. If I had to guess, I had the same dopey expression and glassy stare most of the other girls in class had while Stein presented his lecture. When the bell rang indicating not only the end of the class, but end of the school day as well, the boys in the class jumped up and hurried from the room. Most of the girls remained in their seats for a few moments.

Stein obviously ate this up. After almost thirty seconds of them staring at him, he laughed and said, “Okay, girls. Time to go home.”

As we filed out of the class, Stein said, “Oh, Melissa. Can you stay a moment? I need to ask you something.”

A few girl’s eyes flashed daggers at me as they left the room.

I said, “Of course, George. Did I do something wrong?”

As the last girl left, he shut the room door and actually locked it so no one could come in.

He sat down on the corner of his desk and grinned. “Oh no, Ms. Stuart. You’ve certainly done nothing wrong. I needed to talk to you about how I grade in this class. Sometimes extracurricular activities are necessary to keep your grades up.”

I walked up to him and rested my hand on his thigh. “What kind of extracurricular activities, George?” I cooed. Touching him was electric. I know the theory was that being basically male would prevent me from falling for my suspects charms. But my chemically induced totally female brain and nearly constant puberty, made me insanely boy-crazy.

He picked up my hand by my fingers and slid his thumb across them. Looking into my eyes, he said, “Sometimes I have little opportunities for the right girl after school and some weekends. Have you ever modeled?”

I said, “No. I’ve always wanted to model, though. Do you do fashion photography on the side?”

He smiled at me and said, “Not quite. I shoot videos of promising girls who I think have certain talents and distributed them to clients. Some of my girls have gone on to much bigger things.”

I brushed up against his leg dangling from the edge of the desk. I said, “What kind of talents, George? I think I have what it takes to be a model.”

Stein said, “I’m sure you do! But I’m also looking beyond just modeling. I have an eye for picking out girls with…um shall we say, special talents.” He placed my hand down his crotch where I felt a huge, raging hard on. “I won’t lie to you, Melissa. You are one hot girl. Sexiness is just dripping from you. I think that you’re really a very naughty girl.”

I moved closer to where I could feel his breath. I said, “Just what kind of videos do you make, George?”

Smiling, George said, “Would you like to audition?” Wow. He was wasting no time at all. How did he know I wouldn’t go running out the door and screaming down the hall? He must have picked up on the vibes that I desired him. In spite of what I knew of him, there was something about him that drove me crazy with desire for him.

Grinning seductively, I said, “Maybe.” I squeezed his cock through his pants.

As I held his swollen member through his pants, he kissed me. This guy had some audacious balls both literally and figuratively. He’s brazenly committing a crime with as far as he knows, a sixteen year old girl by permitting these sexual acts, as small as they are. He reached behind himself and picked up something. He held up a cup of what looked like water.

“Here. Drink this. It will enhance your audition,” he said.

I took the cup and looked at it suspiciously. I doubted he was going to poison me. Or even try to remove me from the school as there would still be plenty of people about. My conditioning makes me resistant, but not immune to the effects of certain drugs. I smiled at George and drank the liquid and tasted a slight salty taste. Roofies? Really? On someone already willing to have to sex?

I know I was told not to engage Stein until I’d met with Special Agent Turner, but I never expected Stein to come on to me so quickly.

Starting to feel giggly, I unzipped his pants and slid to my knees as he stood. I reached in and pulled his underwear aside and found my prize. I pulled out his manhood and was so happy I didn’t have to arrest him right then. I was vaguely aware someone else was in the room. But I didn’t care much. I was feeling a bit dizzy. I then proceeded to service Mr. Stein.

*          *          *

“I thought I told you to not engage Stein until you heard from me!” said an angry Special Agent Turner. We needed to give you this…” She handed me a small locket on a dainty chain. “…for surveillance. This is a listening device and GPS tracker.”

I said, “I’m sorry. But he engaged me. I thought it best to just go with the flow. Besides, you didn’t need to track me. I blew him right there in his class.” We were sitting in a van loaded with gadgets.

Scowling at me, Turner said, “He might have. If he’d taken you to his remote vide studio to make a video of you and discovered you weren’t actually a girl we might not ever find your body and we would have wasted a ton of money creating you.”

Sarcastically, I said, “I didn’t know you cared.”

Ignoring me, Turner said, “You say there was another person in the room with you and Stein?”

I nodded. I said, “I was already under the influence of the rohypnol, and I never got a good look at him, but I did see another person.”

Tuner nodded and said, “Probably the camera man. They recorded you with Stein. We’ll be looking for some new activity. He’ll probably use that video like a preview.”

“So what do we do now?” I asked.

“Keep coming on to him. You’ve shown him what a skank you are. There’s not much left of the school year. I want to nail him quickly. There are several girls who are vulnerable and if you’re practically volunteering maybe he’ll concentrate on you for now.”

“Hey, it’s not that I’m a skank. Regardless of what you think of him, he’s incredibly irresistible. He’s incredibly charming. He’s gorgeous. He has a great build. I can’t help but feel attracted to him.”

Turner smiled at me and said, “You may have passed that tipping point where you can be reversed. Stein practically bathes in pheromones to make women attracted to him. We may have taken you too far over. Try to keep control of yourself Agent Cooper. If you become a woman in total, then we lose everything we hoped to gain from you being basically male. Try to remember you’re not really a school girl.”

“I’ll do better, Special Agent Turner,” I said. “I was letting myself get carried away.”

*          *          *

“No one has asked you to the prom? Seriously?” asked Linda, a girl I’d met in gym class. Pointing to the other four girls standing outside of school waiting for the bell to ring, she said, “All of us have dates.”

I forced a smile and said, “Well, I am still new to this school.”

“Or maybe because you hang out too much with that dweeb Robert and his merry band of geeks!” Linda laughed and the other girls joined her.

One of the other girls said, “Yeah girl. You don’t actually like that pimple farm do you? If you want to be one of us, you need to date someone on the football or baseball team.”

Another girl said, “Have you noticed those geeks seem to be bathing regularly now?”

Linda said, “I don’t think Aaron Johnson has a date for the prom yet. Want me to ask him if he’d like to take you?”

These girls just laughed at me and now I’m supposed to let them pick my prom date? I tried to not show my irritation and just looked at the ground and said, “I don’t know. I don’t even know him.”

Linda said, “Well prom is still a few weeks away. You’d have time to date before that. I like you Melissa. I’d hate to think a pretty girl like you would be sitting home alone on prom night.”

“Thank you for your concern,” I said trying to not sound sarcastic. “It doesn’t bother me if I don’t go. I’m still missing my boyfriend from my old school.” That was true enough.

One of the other girls said, “Yeah. That would suck leaving so close to the end of the school year. Your parents should have let you stay with a friend or something until summer.”

I shrugged and said, “Well, can’t do anything about it now.”

*          *          *

“I have a question,” said Robert as we walked from class to the lunch room. I’d given up hopes of having lunch by myself or with my alleged girlfriends.

“You’ve never bothered to announce a question before,” I said.

Robert looked at the ground and said, “Well, this one is a bit more serious.” He took a deep breath and said, “Will you go to the prom with me?”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, shocked. I said, “You’re asking me to the prom?”

He struck the side of his head with an open palm and said, “Sorry. Stupid idea, I know. I know you’ll say no but I felt I just had to ask. You’re probably going with one of those jocks. That’s what bimbos do, right?”

I just stared at this odd boy for a few moments. I said, “You ask me to prom and then call me a bimbo? Have you ever seriously asked yourself why you don’t get dates?”

“I know, right? Just forget I asked, okay?” said Robert. “It’s stupid, right? A gorgeous, sexy girl like you going to prom with a geek like me? Just forget it.”

Thinking of what Linda and her friends had said, and considering how nice to me Robert has been and knowing that I’m not going to marry him, I said, “I’d love to go to the prom with you, Robert. Thank you for asking me.”

Continuing to look at the floor, Robert said, “I knew what your answer would be, but I asked anyway. Shows how stupid I am. Maybe I can talk Simon into wearing a dress. Closest thing to a girl I’ll ever get to take to prom…”

“I said yes, Robert,” I said. “I accept your invitation.” I suddenly felt awkward now that Robert said the closest he’d get to a girl on prom night would be a guy in a dress. I tried not to think about that.

Robert looked over at me, his eyes wide. He said with a gasp, “You said yes? For reals? You’ll go to the prom with me?”

I laughed and said, “For reals.”

Robert grinned and suddenly hugged me. “You’re not a bimbo after all!” he exclaimed. “Thank you so much!”

*          *          *

“You have a prom date?” asked the man posing as my dad.

“Yes! Isn’t it exciting? I actually get to go to prom for once! I’ve picked out my dress and accessories. Here’s the list,” I said as I handed Dad a printed list.

Dad made a severe choking gesture after he had scanned the list. “This is over seven hundred dollars! Melissa, do you really expect me to pay for this?”

Scowling at his reaction, I said, “No. I expect the FBI to pay for it. I’m sure it’s in the budget somewhere.”

“Look sweetie,” said Dad. “There’s no budget for prom dresses. You’re either going to have to find something that you can afford or cancel the date. Even if you were my flesh-and-blood daughter I wouldn’t pay that much for a dress!”

Folding my arms I said, “That includes shoes, a clutch bag and accessories like a necklace and earrings. Those weren’t even the most expensive items to choose from.”

Dad yelped as he was suddenly snapped in the back of his head with a damp dish towel. The woman posing as my mother snarled, “Buy your daughter the damned dress you cheapskate. I swear, you’re the laziest fake husband I’ve ever worked with. Even real hubbies help out around the house. You just come home, eat, give orders and sleep!”

“Hey, I was shot at today!” Dad exclaimed.

In a mocking voice, Mom said, “Ohhh! I was shot at today! I was shot at today! I had to let myself be molested today by my suspect and STILL come home to make you and that little tart daughter dinner!”

Dad frowned as he said, “I think getting shot takes precedence over a simple molestation. Anyway, this prom thing takes us over budget. I really don’t think you have any business going to a prom with some boy.”

“I’ve already told him I would!” I exclaimed. “I’m expected to do high school girl things.”

Dad folded his arms and said, “The prom isn’t mission critical. Just tell this boy that something came up.”

“He’ll be crushed! I can’t do that to him!” I said. I want to go to a prom dammit.

The doorbell rang.

Mom said, “Who could it be at this hour? It’s almost ten.”

Dad said, “Don’t draw your weapon, but have it at the ready.”

We all went to answer the door. Mom and Dad both looked surprised when they saw who was at the door. Mom said, “Special Agent Paterson! This is a surprise. What brings you…”

Looking furious, Special Agent Paterson hissed through the open door, “Christ, you people! They can hear your fight halfway down the block! Pipe down! And dammit, buy her the fucking dress already! On the budget, charge it to explosives consumed or something. Don’t make me come here unscheduled again.” He stormed off and let the screen door close behind him.

We all stood there in stunned silence for a few moments.

Mom said, “You heard the man. Buy her the dress.” She turned on her heel and stormed off.

*          *          *

“You did what?” asked an incredulous Linda. “You’re going to the prom with that geek freak?”

I shrugged and said, “No one else asked me. He’s helped me out quite a bit here at school.”

Looking down her nose, Linda said, “We may have to reconsider letting you into our group.”

I shrugged again and said, “C’est la vie.”

“Come on, girls. Let’s leave this loser-wannabe alone to think about the mistake she just made,” said Linda as she turned around and strutted away.

Well, that was a quick friendship. What a bitch. I was half tempted to introduce Linda to George Stein.

When lunch time finally arrived, I saw that Robert was already in the lunch room, high-fiving his friends. I got my two corndogs and fries and sat down at the table.

Robert was grinning like an idiot. He said, “Okay, time to pay up, gentlemen.”

Simon folded his arms and said, “She hasn’t actually gone out with you yet. We’re not paying until that happens.”

I raised my eyebrows at Robert and said, “You made a bet with your friends that you’d take me to prom?”

His face reddened and looking sheepish, Robert said, “It was more of just a generic date.”

“Hmm…I don’t think I like that,” I said seriously. “Making bets on me? Really?”

Robert shrugged and said, “Hey, it’s just a game. No secret we love to play games.”

I said, “I want half of your take.” I stuck the end of the corndog into my mouth and slowly bit off the end and slowly slid it back out. I noticed that Robert and his friends had stopped talking and were all looking at me with their eyes wide.

Robert just looked at me and said, “You got it, babe.”

At first I couldn’t figure out what they were staring at, and then it dawned on me how I was eating the corndog. I smiled at them and slid the corndog back into my mouth and moaned softly as I took a bite.

Randal said, “I need to change my underwear…”

I glanced over at the table where the jocks were all sitting. They were all staring at me. I smiled sweetly at them.

Ignoring Randal and everything else going on, Robert said, “Hey, I was just thinking. You wanna go out Saturday night? Maybe go to a movie?”

I licked the stick from the corndog and said, “Is there a bet riding on that?”

Robert looked down and said, “Technically. The bet wasn’t just for the prom. Just any date.”

“Don’t forget my half,” I said.

“So that’s a yes?” asked Robert.

I said, “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

Robert said, “The latest Alterbot movie is out. I think it’s number fifteen.”

Simon said, “Wow. I can’t believe you’re going on a date with a real girl.” He held out his napkin and continued, “Can I have your autograph?”

Robert took the napkin and proceeded to sign it. He handed it back to Simon. Robert laughed as he handed it back and said, “Here you are my good man!”

Simon just stared at it for a moment and then said, “I wonder how much I can get for this on eBay.”

I said, “Do you guys still not understand why you don’t get dates?”

*          *          *

I along with every other girl spend Stein’s class just staring at him. I really don’t see how he keeps from exploding from ego overload. The bell rang ending the school day. As we all started to file through the door, George Stein called to me from his desk.

“Melissa! Can you hold up for a minute? I need to talk to you about something,” said Stein nonchalantly.

“Sure, Mr. Stein. Is there a problem?” I asked coyly. I know I was standing there with a stupid smile on my face. Too bad he was a louse, because he was a totally beautiful man.

Stein raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “Oh no. Nothing like that. Just wanted to ask you something.” He waited until the last person left the classroom.

Stein said, “Are you busy Saturday?”

I said, “I have a date Saturday night.”

He frowned and said, “This might run a bit late. Cancel it. I have something for you that I think you’ll like better.” He looked around to ensure the room was empty and no one outside the door. He continued, “I have a…modeling job that I want you to be the main attraction.”

Modeling my ass. I smiled at Stein and said, “Wow. A modeling job? Sure! I’d love to!”

Grinning, Stein said, “Now, it’s not your typical modeling job. Remember the other day after school? It’ll be more like that, only with three or four other men.”

Frowning, I said, “Oh, I thought you meant an actual modeling job. Here in your room?”

Hunching his shoulders Stein said, “It’s kinda like a modeling job. And no. Not here. I have a secluded location for this. I’m going to put your session on video. I have a feeling you’re going to be very popular.”

“Video? Really?” I asked. “You’re putting me into a porno movie? Total strangers are going to see me blowing three guys? I don’t know, George. When you said ‘modeling’, being in a porno didn’t come to mind.” Of course, we wanted him to offer to put me in a porno movie, but I didn’t want to look anxious.

George flashed a smile and said, “You make it sound so dirty, babe. It’ll be like a party. It’ll be fun. You’ll be the only girl there with four or five men. There’ll be alcohol and sandwiches. It’s like a picnic. I have a nice secluded cabin on a wooded island in the middle of a river. We won’t be bothered. And you can party all night long.”

I said, “Wow. Your very own island? That’s so cool. You’ll be there too, right?”

“Of course!” George said with a grin. “I’ll be the man with the camera.”

“Good,” I said. “I don’t want to be there alone with a bunch of strangers.”

“I’ll take good care of you, honey,” said Stein. “I hope we can have several more of these parties. But listen. You can’t breathe a word of this to anyone. Not your friends and especially not your parents.”

I wrinkled my brow and said, “I have to tell them something. I can’t just disappear!”

Looking concerned, Stein said, “Of course not, honey. You don’t want to lie to your parents, so just tell them you’re going on an overnight camping trip with some friends. A lot of kids do that this time of year.”

“I thought you said not to lie to my parents?” I said, amused.

“This is like a camping trip. Sort of,” said Stein. “The cabin is in the woods and you’ll be with some friends.”

“Do I get paid?” I asked.

Looking annoyed, Stein said, “Sure. I’m not in the porn business. This is more of a hobby for me. But sure hon. I’ll give you Two hundred dollars cash and you get to keep the lingerie you’ll be wearing in the video. Sound good?”

“Okay. That’s good I guess,” I said. I just wanted to make sure we had a deal.

Stein smiled broadly. My insides immediately turned to warm goo. Too bad he’s a jerk. He really is a gorgeous man. He said, “Great! Meet me behind the abandoned Texaco station on Johnson Street at eight am sharp. Look for a plain, unmarked white van.”

“Okay. I’ll see you then,” I said as I started to turn to leave.

Stein caught my hair and turned me back to face him. He kissed me and said, “See ya. Now get along.” He then swatted my butt. I hurriedly left the room.

While walking out the entrance of the school, I said aloud, but just loud enough for the microphone in the locket to pick up, “I sure hope you guys got that.”

*          *          *

Looking crushed, Robert said, “You’re cancelling our date Saturday night? Why? Was it something I said or did? Or my friends?”

I really hated to tell Robert that our date was off. I knew it meant a lot to him. I think it was going to be his very first date ever with a girl. I guess technically, it still wouldn’t be a date with a girl, but he wouldn’t know that.

I said, “I’m really sorry, Robert. I really am. It’s just that something has come up that I have to do. We can go next week.”

Robert looked down at the ground and said, “Yeah, I guess. I was really looking forward to it.”

“We’ll still go,” I said. “Just not this weekend. I promise.”

“This isn’t just an excuse to not go with me, is it?” asked Robert.

“No, it isn’t!” I said adamantly. “We’ll go. I promise.”

“I sure hope so,” said Robert, looking very sad.

*          *          *

“Your locket has a GPS device as well as a listening device,” said Special Agent Turner. “The GPS will locate you no matter how far from you we are. The listening device has a limited range. Which means Agent Cooper, you’ll be flying solo for most of your ride to this island.”

I rolled the locket around between my fingers and said, “Can’t you just locate the island first and have a team there?”

“In a fifty mile radius, there must be twenty or thirty such islands with small cabins on them. None of them are in Stein’s name. Once we have a general direction though, we can narrow it down and maybe get a team there. The bottom line is, we more than likely will not be there in time to prevent you from having to be recorded performing oral sex. Besides, we need the videos as evidence.”

“As fun as that may sound,” I said. “Please don’t take too long to pull off the raid.”

Frowning, Turner said, “We won’t have a warrant until after we can identify the correct house. When the raid goes down, keep your cover as a sixteen year old girl. The agents posing as your parents still have active investigations, so we can’t compromise them. And try to collect as much DNA samples as you can. I wish there was some way to arrive sooner but you’ll just have to sit tight until we can get there.”

“Sheesh, I could be dead by the time you arrive,” I said getting a bit upset.

Special Agent Turner looked me square in the eye and said, “Do you want to back out? You can. I won’t hold it against you.”

“I’m not backing out. I just don’t want to wind up dead,” I said.

*          *          *

“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show,” George said, arms folded and a stern expression on his face.

I was carrying my phone and I poked it to display the time. “I’m all of ten minutes late! I wasn’t sure where this place was. I don’t have a car so I had to take the bus and it stops a block away!”

Still pissed off, George said, “Next time, if there is a next time, make sure you’re here on time. Now get in the van.”

As I started walking towards the van hidden behind the abandoned gas station, I said, “Wow. Somebody woke up on the right side of the bed today.”

George called out to a couple of guys standing next to the building, “Guys. The princess has finally arrived. Let’s get in the van.”

I stopped suddenly in my tracks as I saw who was sitting in the passenger seat of the van. It was Mr. Jackson, the school principal.

Flashing me an unpleasant smile, Mr. Jackson said, “You’re doing me first, bitch.” He stared at my chest and said, “My oh my. I’ve wanted to get my hands on those tits of yours since that first day you arrived at school. I told my man Stein you were a slut. I’m never wrong, am I Stein?”

George was just climbing into the driver’s seat. He laughed as he said, “You indeed have an eye for the sluts, Jackson.” Tilting his head towards the back of the van, George said, “Hop in the back, honey. Guys, this is Melissa. She’s the hottie I was talking about. I’d introduce you, but your co-stars don’t want their names known.” I couldn’t imagine why not.

Stein turned the ignition key and the van’s engine roared to life. A moment later, with a chirp of tires, the old van leapt from behind the old gas station and bounced onto the street. As we sped down the road, I tried to watch the street signs and buildings go by, but since I was still pretty new to this town, I couldn’t figure out where we were. I knew Turner or some other agent wouldn’t follow us for fear of spooking Stein.

I turned on the map feature of my phone and as the dot began to show where we were, Mr. Jackson turned in his seat and said as he reached out towards me, he said, “Let’s have the phone, sweetie. You won’t need it for now. You’ll get it back when we get back to town.” He held down the power button until the phone turned off.

There were three men sitting in the two rows behind me. Sitting alone on the row right behind, sat some older Asian guy. He just stared at me for the longest time. Finally, he winked at me and gave me a small wave. He said, “Damnation, girl. You’re fuckin’ hot. I can’t wait to feel those lips around my cock, baby. Hey Stein. Can I buy her after the shoot? I could make a fortune from her in Taiwan.”

An icy bolt shot down my spine. I said, “B…b…buy me? George, what’s he talking about?”

Without taking his eyes from the road, Stein yelled back, “Goddammit Bernie! Don’t scare the girl, okay? You know I don’t sell my models.”

Bernie belched a hoarse laugh. He said, “’Models’? Is that what you’re calling your whores these days? Anyway, are you forgetting about those twins? I think they were fourteen or something. And don’t use my name, you jack-ass.” The two men on the back row laughed.

“Sorry,” said George. “But those twins were a special case. And don’t worry. She doesn’t know your last name. And since I’m sure she wants more action in the future, don’t you babe? I knew it. So she’ll keep it quiet. Won’t you honey?”

I nodded feeling very nervous.

Bernie said, “Well, if you change your mind, let me know. A girl like her is in high demand in certain parts of Asia and the Middle East.”

“Knock it off, Bernie!” shouted Stein. To me he said, “As long as you behave, you’re staying right here.”

I said, “As long as I’m not twins, huh.”

Frowning, Stein said, “Like I said. That was a special case. Here, have a soda. We still have a ways to go.” He held out a soda can for me.

I took the opened soda knowing full well it was loaded with rohypnol so I’d be sure to forget. I took a sip and sure enough I could taste it. It was fairly strong. I wouldn’t be able to resist it as much.

Mr. Jackson looked back at me and grinned broadly. He turned to Stein and said, “I get first dibs, right?” Stein nodded. Mr. Jackson shouted, “Wooo weeee!” and laughed heartily. “I know who’s getting all A’s in her class this semester!”

I shivered. I wished I was back home with my fake parents and getting ready for a date with Robert. I thought of Robert for a few moments. His goofiness. His innocence. I wished I was with him right now. I suddenly felt so dirty riding with these men, knowing what I’d be doing with them shortly. I felt scared and…well, ashamed. I took a slug of the tainted soda hoping the drug would soon kick in and I wouldn’t know what I was doing. I prayed that Special Agent Turner would arrive in time.

*          *          *

I was already fairly groggy when Stein brought the van to a halt. He said, “Okay, everyone out and help load the gear.”

I looked out the van’s window and saw a small, rickety dock with what looked like a home-made pontoon boat tied to it. The dock was on a river, which was wider here than I thought it would be. Several small islands dotted the river. I tried to stand and felt very light headed.

Stein opened the side door to the van and extended his hand to help me exit the van. He said, “Okay, honey. Let me help you to the boat. Once on the boat, just sit or lie on the deck. We wouldn’t want you to fall off into the river.”

Bernie laughed and said, “Yeah. It’d just be a wasted trip and I’d be out a lot of money.”

Stein was having trouble leading me to the pontoon boat. My legs were wobbly and I didn’t have a lot of motor control. I felt drunk. Stein dropped me onto what passed as a deck. He must have thought I was unconscious.

Stein said, “Don’t worry Bernie. You other guys too. Once you circulate this video around and gen up some interest, we’ll be able to use this bitch and another one I’m working on and we’ll make a really slick and money making porno.”

Bernie said, “Yeah. That film last month with that fifteen year old was our biggest yet. I wish now I hadn’t sold her.”

One of the men who rode in the back dropped a duffle bag of equipment onto the boat’s deck and said, “Hey, don’t forget. I have clients that have a big market for snuff flicks.”

Bernie said, “Not with this bitch. She has too much potential.”

Stein said, “Yeah. I’ve pegged a couple of other skanky little ho’s who’d be good for that. Okay. We’re wasting daylight. Let’s go.” He tugged on the outboard motor’s starting cord a few times before it fired up. With a burbling sound, we started chugging across the river.

Bernie looked in the duffle bag loaded with equipment. He said, “Hey, are we going to use that one machine?”

Stein said, “No. We’re not making that kind of video.”

Mr. Jackson said, “Is that bitch even going to be awake?”

Stein said, “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine by the time we get to my island.”

*          *          *

I sat on a couch pretending to read a book and giggling with my breasts naked to the world. I was wearing a pair of very short denim shorts. Stein was standing to one side holding a camera. There were actually several cameras around the room pointing at fixed positions. Mr. Jackson, Bernie and the other two men that don’t seem to have any names were standing outside the little cabin in the middle of the small island waiting for Stein’s signal.

George Stein looked over at me, his camera at the ready. He said, “Okay, sweetie. Ready to go? Remember your lines?”

I nodded while wearing a stupid grin.

Stein smiled at me and shouted, “Action!”

I sat there, looking seriously at the book, idly flipping a page. I held the book at the right angle that Stein’s camera could still see my boobs. There was a loud rapping on the door. I looked up and said aloud, “That must be my party guests. They sure are here early!” I got up, and swaying my hips, walked over to the door.

Stein yelled, “Cut!” He then made his way out the door. He slapped my butt as he passed, and said, “You’re doing great, honey!” I wasn’t sure what my name was at this point. Stein closed the door and after a few seconds, I heard him shout, “Action!”

I opened the door, grinning. Stein was shooting over the shoulders of the four men waiting at the door so he could get a shot of my face as I opened the door. As the door swung open, I said, “Hey boys! Come on in! Beer’s in the fridge. Let’s make this party rock!” I stepped aside and let the four men enter.

At this point, any pretense at a script, even a poorly written one, disappeared. Despite myself and knowing what they were hoping to do, I think even without the influence of the roofies, I would have been excited about being half naked in a room full of men. Except for Bernie, they were somewhat nice looking men.

I took a slug from a beer bottle one of the un-named men handed me. I dropped to my knees and started to unzip the pants of the man nearest me. I said, “Let’s see what kind of party toys you guys brought with you!” Laughing, I pulled the pants and underwear down and impressive hard-on plopped out in front of my eyes. I wrapped my fingers around it, closed my eyes and slid the head into my mouth.

The other men closed in around me. One by one, I exposed their manhoods. I was in a drug induced heaven with four cocks in front of me. Mr. Jackson’s was the largest and I found it humorous that Bernie’s was the smallest. We’re talking really small.

I held Bernie’s cock between my thumb and finger and said, “Why, you’re just a little guy!” I leaned in, resting my forehead against Bernie’s stomach and still holding his child-like penis I said, “What’s the matter little feller? Don’t they feed you?” I then burst out laughing.

Bernie said, “Cute. Where did you find this ditz again?”

Stein said, “Just one of my students. She’s actually pretty smart. That’s just the roofies talking. We’re still shooting by the way.”

Mr. Jackson grabbed my hair and jerked my hair towards his crotch and shoved his expanding cock into my mouth. The bastard closed my nose with his free hand while he held my head fast by my hair. He closed his eyes and said, “Oh yeah, baby. Stein, we get pussy action too, right?”

Sounding annoyed, Stein said, “I’m going to have to edit the crap out of the sound on this if you keep going off script. Oral only. That was the deal.”

“Well, shit!” exclaimed Mr. Jackson. He let go of my nose so I could breathe, but he continued to pump his large penis into my mouth. He then aggressively gripped my hair and shoved my face into his crotch, his cock pushed deep into my mouth as he released. I couldn’t pull my head back and was forced to swallow his cum.

One of the no name guys roughly grabbed my hair and jerked me towards him. What the hell is with grabbing my hair? He shouted at me as he pushed him member towards me, “Now taste Ladislav, fena! Yeah, that’s it! You love Ladislav’s kokot, no?”

Even drugged, being forced to service these men, to be nothing but a sex toy, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. I wasn’t a human being to them. I felt so humiliated and disgusted with myself.

As Ladislav was finishing, Bernie reached for my hair. He said, “It’s my turn!” His fingers slipped through my hair and he got the chain of my pendant along with a handful of hair. Ladislav’s ejaculation went across my face and into my hair. As Bernie pulled, the chain broke and the pendant went flying across the room.

“I’m going to really enjoy this!” said Bernie as he pulled my face close to him. He reached down and began to painfully squeeze one of my breasts.

“What is this?” I heard Mr. Jackson from somewhere behind me. “What the hell?” he shouted. “Stein! Look at this! This bitch of yours was wearing a wire! This is some kind of listening device!”

Stein stopped grinning and lowered his camera. “What the fuck are you talking about, Jackson? A wire?”

“Yeah,” said Mr. Jackson. He threw the locket at George. He said, “A fuckin’ wire!” He pushed Bernie away from me and struck me hard with the back of his hand across my face, knocking me to the floor. I tasted blood in my mouth and my vision blurred. I started to cry.

“Bitch!” shouted Mr. Jackson to me as he jerked me to my feet by pulling my hair. “Who are you? Are you a cop?” He slapped me hard across the face. I actually saw stars and I cried from the stinging pain on my cheeks.

“Stop it, Jackson!” shouted George. “I don’t think she knows anything. The cops could have swapped that locket any time.”

Mr. Jackson dropped me to the floor. With an incredulous expression he said, “You’re defending this cunt? She’s not your girlfriend, Stein. We need to get the hell out of here and this bitch of yours is going into the river!” He bent down and grabbed my hair again and started dragging me across the floor. I was coming out of my stupor as I screamed with pain. I tried to wrestle my hair out of his grasp. I slashed his wrist with my nails and drew blood.

The front and back doors of the small house burst open and several men in tactical gear with automatic weapons drawn poured into the room. Flashing a badge and wielding a pistol, Special Agent Tuner stepped in after the tactical squad and shouted, “FBI! All of you are under arrest!”

Stein, still holding his camera said, “On what charges? You have a warrant?”

Smiling humorously, Turner held out a document and said, “As a matter of fact, I do.” Pointing at me, she said, “Let’s start with statutory rape, transporting a minor across county lines for the purposes of having sex. Human trafficking. Possession and distribution of child pornography. And I’m just warming up. Cuff ‘em.”

With a look of concern, Special Agent Turner stepped quickly over and knelt next to me where I lay shaking and crying. She held me close to her and stroked my hair. She said, “It’s okay, honey. You’re safe now.” She covered my naked torso with her own jacket. I saw a tear in her eye as she said, “I’m so sorry we couldn’t get here faster.”

She turned to one of the officers and said, “This girl needs medical attention. Preserve those samples of DNA on her clothes and hair and get her to a hospital.”

The officer knelt beside me and said, “Can you stand up, miss?” I nodded and he and another officer helped me to my feet. I stopped and looked at Stein for a moment and then turned away as the tears began flowing again.

As I was led out the door, I heard Turner say, “Get this garbage out of my sight.”

*          *          *

“She should be able to go home tomorrow. I want to keep her overnight for observation,” said a doctor to my fake parents.

Mom was holding my hand and looking concerned. She bent over and kissed my forehead. She said, “Oh, baby. I’m so glad you’re okay. I totally freaked when I heard you were in the hospital…and…and involved in a police sting?”

Dad looked at me and said, “Pumpkin, did you know you were wearing a device? Nobody told us anything. Aren’t they supposed to ask first? I’m getting a lawyer and I’m going to sue somebody.”

I saw Special Agent Turner slip in through the door. Outside the door, I could see two police officers who were standing watch outside my room. Dad turned to face Turner after she stood just inside the room. Dad pointed at Turner and said, “You! I’m going to sue you! You endangered our daughter needlessly! You owe us all an explanation!”

“I understand you’re upset, Mr. Stuart,” said Turner. “Normally we try to get permission, especially with minors involved. But time was of the essence and your daughter did, on her own free will agree to make this porn video with Mr. Stein…”

Interrupting, Dad said, “She’s just sixteen! She can’t legally consent to anything!”

“The point is, Mr. Stuart is that she was going to do it anyway,” said Turner. “We stopped it before it went too far and most likely saved her life.”

The doctor said, “The girl needs some rest. If all of you don’t mind, I’d like her left alone for awhile so she can sleep.”

Mom and Dad started to leave the room. Special Agent Turner said to the doctor, “If I can just have some time alone with Miss Stuart. I need to ask a few questions.”

The doctor said, “You have ten minutes only, ma’am. And then I’ll ask these nice police officers to escort you from the hospital.”

Turner smiled and said, “That’s more than enough time, doctor.” Turner closed the door after the doctor left the room.

As Turner approached the bed I was in, I slowly applauded. “Bravo. Oscar worthy performances by my fake parents and yourself. I bought it.”

Special Agent Turner stepped to the side of my bed and placed her hand on mine. “Agent Cooper…Melissa. You came through for us again. We actually nabbed a few international criminals. I really feel bad though for what you had to go through back there. As soon as we triangulated on your position, we expedited getting a warrant and getting our team there. But we could only go so fast.”

I said, “Just like the cavalry, you rode in just in the nick of time. I really think Mr. Jackson was going to kill me. I really can’t believe that the principal was involved in all this. I’m glad we got them, though.” I groaned from pain and shifted my position. “Can I have a vacation?”

Turner smiled for a moment. She looked at me like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry. I know you’re a field agent and putting yourself in danger goes with the job. But sweetie, when I look at you, all I see is a young girl who’s all black and blue because of me. I’d like to let you take some leave, but the other two agents are still working their cases.”

“I guess I look a mess, huh?” I said. “I know doing field work is dangerous, but in all honesty, I’m surprised things went south in such a bad way. I wasn’t expecting that kind of treatment.”

Special Agent Turner nodded and said, “In Stein’s confession, he admitted it got out of control. He was just going to shoot you giving head to those four men. He was surprised by their aggressive behavior.”

I scowled at the air in front of me. I said, “And yet he just kept recording instead of helping me. I’m shocked he’s confessing. I was sure he’d try to deny he was even in the room.”

Turner said, “Oh, he’s singing like a bird. He’s trying desperately to get a lighter sentence by turning evidence. His ring of contacts is huge. Even includes a Congresswoman.”

Looking horrified, I said, “You’re not just going to give him a wrist-slap are you?”

Turner shook her head. She said, “Oh no. One of his girls died. He’s trying to avoid a death penalty.”

I shuddered as a cold numbness flowed down my spine at the memory of what those men did to me. I said, “They should all just die.”

Turner said, “That’s out of my control, now. A court will decide their fate.”

After a long moment of silence, I laughed, and then winced from pain. I said, “Hey, at least I finally get to go to prom, huh?”

Turner smiled again and said, “Yes. You’ll get to go to prom. In the local news, you’re just a young, female victim, not the hero. This keeps your cover so you can remain at the school. You know, I had to do a lot of explaining on why a field agent needed a prom dress.”

Silence fell over us for a few moments. Finally, I said, “You know, I’m completely ashamed that I was once male. I just can’t believe men can do those things to women.”

Turner nodded and said, “I can understand that. Just remember not all men are like that. Your prom date seems like a really nice boy.”

*          *          *

It felt weird being back at school. As I walked down the halls, I’d get stares and hear whispering. One girl had come up to me and screamed at me, demanding to know how I could get George Stein arrested. Several girls I knew from my English class acted like I was the bad guy and Stein was a victim. But most people, if they bothered saying anything at all, felt bad for me for having gone through that. The local news reported that I was a kidnapping victim and in rescuing me, the Feds discovered a child pornography ring. What bothered me the most was that Robert didn’t meet me for lunch. The rest of the guys didn’t show up at our usual table.

As I was walking out the door to the school on my way home for the day, my phone alerted me that I had a new text message from Robert. It simply read, “Meet me at my house 5pm.” It was weird he didn’t say why. I squinted into the afternoon sun and decided if I started walking now, I’d get to his house a little before five o’clock.

“Please come in,” said Robert’s mom. “Rob has said so much about you.” She turned her head towards a hallway leading to the rest of the house and shouted, “Rob! Your friend Melissa is here.”

A few moments later, Robert appeared. I couldn’t read his expression. He looked mostly pissed about something. He said, “Hey, Melissa. I think we need to talk.” He nodded his head to point back down the hall, indicating I should follow him. He then turned and walked back down the hallway.

He shut his door, but left it open a crack. “I really need to close this all the way, but Mom won’t go for that. She’ll leave us alone if it’s partially open.”

I nodded and said, “My parents have a similar rule.” I lied, but I’m sure my FBI dad would probably say that if I brought a boy over. I sat on the end of his bed.

Looking quite serious, Robert said, “I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you over.” He sat down on the chair by his desk, flipped open the display on his notebook computer. He looked down at his feet for a moment and said, “I’m really sorry you got roughed up and I’m glad you’re okay now, but I can’t ever go out with you.”

“Are you holding what happened against me? Really? I was a victim,” I said following the story that was fed to the local press. “They kidnapped me and…”

“Bullshit!” Robert hissed. “You might have been a victim of the abuse, but you went there on your own. You weren’t kidnapped. I know.”

I felt a chill spread down my spine. I said, “Stein said he wanted to meet at Starbucks to go over some homework and that’s where he…”

Robert scowled. He said, “Again, bullshit! It hurts that you would lie to me, but I can understand not wanting to admit that you’re just a slutty whore.”

I stood up, angry. I said, “What did you just say? How dare you! You think I enjoyed that shit?”

Robert said, “Maybe not later, but I’m sure that’s why you were there.” He punched a key on his notebook and a video started to play. It was the video of me giving George Stein a blowjob in his classroom that first time. And it was obvious I was enjoying the experience.

Stunned, I said, “H…how…Just how did you get that video? You can be arrested for both downloading that as well as just possessing it. And besides, that video doesn’t mean anything!”

Expressionless, Robert said, “It doesn’t? Let’s see. Mr. Stein was arrested for making and possessing child pornography. And here’s a video of you happily going to town on Mr. Stein. I hacked into Mr. Stein’s computer right when I heard he had been arrested. I got this video and a few other files just before the police confiscated the computer. Another thing I got was a file I got was the schedule for making a video with a ‘Melissa Stuart’. His note at the bottom said that if the video got a good reaction, you were going to be his next big porn star. Said you were a natural. I thought you were nice. But you’re just a whore. I don’t want to date a whore.”

Gritting my teeth, I said, “Stop saying that word. I’m not a whore. You don’t understand.”

Robert closed the notebook’s display in disgust. He said, “You’re right. I don’t understand. I don’t get a lot of things. The police have to have that video. Why aren’t you in trouble? They have to know you weren’t kidnapped.”

“You’re right. I wasn’t kidnapped,” I said. “I was part of the sting operation. They needed my help to get to Stein.”

Robert stood up and slammed the palm of his hand onto the top of his desk. He said, “I call bullshit again! The police aren’t going to put a sixteen year old student in that kind of position. It’s not like you can pretend to suck someone’s cock!”

I should have just walked away. In the scheme of things he was just an asset. Someone I used to fit into the school setting and to get information. It wasn’t like I had or could have a real relationship with him. He’s a kid. I may be re-engineered to be a sixteen year old girl, but I’m not one. Like with Harlan, I stupidly let myself get emotionally involved and I get a pass because I’m maintaining a cover ID. I should have just walked out.

I said, “Can you keep a secret?”

Robert said, “Of course I can. I’m not going to tell anyone about this video.”

Shaking my head, I said, “It’s not just about that video. I want you to know the truth, but there’s a lot riding on nobody else knowing about it. You must swear to me you won’t reveal what I’m about to tell you. If you do, I’ll get in deep trouble and they’ll find any reason to arrest you to silence you. Can you make that promise?”

Sitting back down and folding his arms, Robert said, “I think you’re about to bullshit me, but yeah, I swear I won’t say a word.”

I took a deep breath and said, “I was part of the sting and you’re right. I’m not sixteen. I’m really twenty-three.” I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell him that I’m actually male. I fumbled through my purse and then pulled out my identification. I just flashed it at him. “I’m a federal agent with the FBI. The FBI has been wanting to nail Stein for a while, but they needed me to get in close to him.”

Looking horrified, Robert said, “You’re a Fed? You lied to me! You’ve played me for a fool! No wonder you were always asking questions about Mr. Stein. All I was to you was cover and a source of information! I really liked you, Melissa. And everything was a lie! You being a kid, your parents and your interest in me. All lies!” He was fighting back tears.

“Yes, most of it was faked. We had to. Stein was hurting girls and he had to be stopped,” I said.

“I understand all that,” Robert said with a cry in his voice. “But did you have to hurt me in the process? Did you have to pretend to like me? Make me think I had a chance with a girl? I hate you for that!”

“I didn’t pretend to like you, Robert,” I said. “I do like you. I think you’re a nice boy. I was looking forward to going to prom with you.”

Looking disgusted, Robert said, “That’s sick. You enjoy going out with under-aged boys?”

I winced. I said, “Look, deep cover means becoming a new person. For all practical purposes, right now, I am a teenage girl. I like teen girl things. I have to forge relationships to both fit in and to nab the bad guy. But I genuinely like you. You’re cute. You’re a fun boy to be with. I enjoy being with you. I still want to go out with you.”

“How? How could you even say that? I can’t get past the fact that you lied to me,” said Robert.

“I’m asking you to help me, Robert. The agents pretending to be my parents still have pending investigations. I still have to finish the school year as a student,” I said, sitting back down on the bed. “Yes, you can break up with me, but think how it will look if you dump a girl right when she needs you the most? You don’t have to like me if you insist on hating me. But I’m asking you to help me get through the next couple of months continuing our relationship.”

Robert said, “How can you ask me to do that? Knowing who you are? Knowing I really mean nothing to you? Knowing you’ve had sex with those men and probably other guys too. How can you ask that?”

I said, “I know it’s not an easy thing. But you’re wrong. You do mean something to me. I do like you. I mean, our relationship won’t ever be able to blossom into something bigger, but I do enjoy being with you. What we’ve shared is real. You can believe that.”

“I don’t know, Melissa. That’s probably isn’t even your name,” said Robert, his eyes red and watery.

I said, “My name is Melissa. But it’s Melissa Cooper.”

“It can’t ever be the same between us,” Robert said.

“I’m not saying it would be easy, now that you know the deal,” I said. “But think what your friends would think if they knew you were dating a twenty-three year old girl who is a spy.”

Robert let a grin escape to his face and said, “They’d probably think that was pretty cool.”

I smiled and said, “Well there you go. Think of it from that angle. Do we have a deal?”

Robert looked thoughtful for a few moments. Finally, he said, “Okay. It’s a deal. And I promise I’ll never tell anyone. But no sex, right?”

I smiled at Robert and shook his hand. I said, “No sex.” I stood up and kissed him on the forehead.

*          *          *

“Melissa!” shouted Mom. “Robert’s here!”

“I’m almost ready!” I shouted back. I stood in front of my vanity mirror and put the finishing touches on my make-up. Mom, besides knowing multiple ways to kill people was also very good with hair. She gave me a beautiful up do. The dangly earrings brushing against my neck weren’t real diamonds, but they were still pretty. My prom dress was a cute blue strapless dress that came to about mid-thigh with a little flared skirt. The dress and the matching strappy three inch sandals really showed off my legs.

After making a few kissy faces at the mirror, and twirling around left and right for the hundredth time, I picked up my clutch, tossed in my lipstick, mascara and a compact, along with my cell phone. I’d hoped I wouldn’t need my gun at a prom.

Satisfied, I left my room and walked down the hall, my skirt making swishing sounds. As I entered the living room, Mom started taking pictures. They were going to put on a show not knowing Robert knew they weren’t really my parents. In fact, it looked like we were going to have to keep this act up well past school ending for the summer. Mom had finished her investigation, but Dad’s had hit a snag.

And there stood Robert looking quite handsome in his tux. His smile turned into a big grin as saw me. In his hand was a beautiful wrist corsage.

“Oh wow, Melissa. You’re beautiful!” said Robert as his eyes roamed over me from top to bottom.

I smiled and said, “Thank you! You look very handsome tonight.”

Mom snapped a few more pictures. She said, “You’re gorgeous, honey. You two stand next to each other so I can get a few pictures.”

Robert grinned and held the corsage out to me. “This is for you.” He opened the box and slid the corsage over my hand.

Robert and I stood next to each other while Mom took a few more pictures, changing angles a bit between shots. Speaking of shots, Dad stood there trying to smile while holding the arm where he’d taken a bullet a couple of days ago.

Dad managed to smile and said, “You are beautiful, Melissa. But you’re still Daddy’s little girl!” He leaned in and hugged me.

I whispered to him, “I get to keep the dress, right?”

He grinned and said, “How about that date when the mission is over?” He winced when I poked him in his bullet wound.

Mom sighed and said, “Well, you two don’t want to be late. You have a good time tonight.” She wiped a finger under her eye to remove a tear.

“Thanks, Mom. We will,” I said.

Dad said, “Have her back by midnight, son.”

Robert looked a bit nervous. He said, “I will, Mr. Stuart. I’ll take good care of her.”

As we walked quickly to the car Robert’s mother was driving, he said, “You dad is scary. Has he actually killed anyone?” We reached the car and Robert started to open rear passenger door.

“Trust me. You don’t want to know,” I said. Robert looked a bit pale as he held the door for me. “Thanks for taking us to the prom, Mrs. Fullerton.”

Robert’s mom smiled and she said, “You’re very welcome, hon. That’s a beautiful dress! When we get there, I want to get some pictures!”

The drive to the hotel where the prom was being held in the dining hall took only five minutes or so. We got out and Mrs. Fullerton took a few dozen pictures of us together, as well as separately. Robert took my arm and he looked like he was about to bust as we walked slowly into the hotel.

I was finally going to my prom. I didn’t go when I was actually high school age. And if I had, I wouldn’t be wearing a dress. I looked over at Robert and then down my dress and glanced at my painted toenails inside my sandals. I had to admit that I preferred being a girl for prom.

As we walked through the lobby amid other couples towards the dining hall, Robert looked shyly to the floor and said, “Thanks for being my date tonight, Melissa. I said some awful things and…”

Interrupting him, I said, “Don’t worry about it. We’re here to eat and dance and just have a good time. I’m so glad you asked me to the prom.”

As we entered the dining hall, Robert paused to scan the room to see if anybody he knew was already at a table. Off to one side, someone stood up and frantically waved at us. I squinted in the somewhat darkened room and saw that it was Simon doing the waving. I laughed as my eyes adjusted.

“What’s funny?” asked Robert as he waved back to Simon.

“You don’t see?” I asked.

“No. What about him?” asked Robert as we started heading towards Simon.

“He has a date,” I said. “And Chuck, Raul and Randal as well. The whole Geek Squad have dates!”

Robert’s eyes widened as he said, “Holy shit, you’re right! How the hell…? That girl he’s with is a cheerleader. I wonder how much he paid her?”

*          *          *

“Let’s take a break,” said Robert as he took my hand and led me out of the dining room. We’d been dancing and eating and visiting friends and dancing and dancing for over two hours straight. Near the dining hall was the patio where the swimming pool was. We walked through other couples enjoying the evening air until Robert found one of the few remaining secluded benches amid some plants and flowers.

My dress rustled as I sat on the bench next to Robert. I looked up at the sky, but could only spot a few stars. I said, “It’s a beautiful night.”

Looking at me, Robert said, “Yes. It is.” He was holding my hand. I smiled at him and suddenly his lips were pressing against mine. He was pressing too hard and I realized this was probably his first kiss. Should I feel honored? Should I be bothered that his first kiss would be with a twenty-three year old man? He’s reacting to the sixteen year old girl he’s seeing.

I pushed him back slightly and eased him into a gentler kiss. Once he wasn’t trying to smash my face, he wasn’t too bad of a kisser. He surprised me by sticking his tongue into my mouth. I sucked on his tongue as I slid my arms around his neck. We sat there for several minutes, locked in a deep, passionate kiss. He pressed into me and that’s when I noticed his raging hard-on.

I broke off the kiss and whispered in his ear, “Down, boy.” I smiled shyly at him. Without thinking, I rested my hand on the hard and very noticeable bulge in his pants.

Robert groaned, “Oh God!” and suddenly jumped up and ran back into the hotel. Through the window that ringed the pool area, I saw him run into the bathroom.

*          *          *

We rode back to my house in silence, Robert obviously lost in thought. While in the bathroom, he’d managed to dry the wet spot in the front of his pants to where it wasn’t visible in the darkness. When his mother rolled the car to stop in front of my house, he jumped out and ran to open my door for me. He extended his hand to help me exit the car.

“I’ll walk you to your door,” said Robert as he took my hand. Though it was five minutes past midnight, we walked slowly to my front door.

When we got to the door, I turned and smiled at Robert. I said, “Thank you so much for taking me to the prom, Robert. I had a good time.” I was being honest. I really enjoyed going to my prom.

I wasn’t sure if he was looking at my feet or his crotch, but Robert nervously cast his eyes downward and said, “I had a great time, Melissa. I really like you and enjoy being with you and all. I wish things were different so we could date. You know?”

I smiled at him and said, “We can still get some dates in before I have to leave. I’m sure I’ll get to finish the school year here.”

Looking nervous, Robert said, “That’d be great. I shouldn’t say this, but you’re my first girlfriend. I can’t explain how I feel when I’m around you. Melissa, I…I lo…”

I put my finger against his lips and shook my head. I whispered, “No. Don’t say it. We’ll both have wonderful memories of this evening. Let’s leave it at that, okay?” Looking a bit deflated, Robert just nodded. I slid my arms around his neck and pulled his face to mine. I closed my eyes and gave him a long, soft kiss.

Robert pulled away and smiled at me. He said, “I gotta go. Mom’s waiting and all. I’ll call you, okay? Bye.” He turned quickly and ran back to his mother’s car and got in. I stood on the porch and watched them drive away.

My emotions were all over the place. Getting serious with Robert was out of the question for so many different reasons. I started to tear up and I didn’t want to cry. Not now. I didn’t want my fake parents to see it. I turned and entered the house.

I needn’t bothered about worrying what my parents saw. They’d left a light on and gone to bed. Well, it wasn’t like I was really their daughter. I turned the light off, went to my room and cried.

*          *          *

“Good job, Agent Cooper,” said Special Agent Turner as we sat at an outdoor table at Starbucks. “I really wished we could have done this without you having to go through all that shit, but we did eventually nab over fifty people world-wide. You can take some solace in knowing you helped save hundreds of girls a terrible fate.”

I frowned and said, “For now. Someone else will just take up where Stein left off.”

Shrugging, Turner said, “We do what we can, girl. We’re not super women.”

“True. I wish we could do more,” I said. “But, at least I wasn’t shot.” My poor fake Dad took another round, last time to his thigh, before he finally completed his mission a week after school ended. He was a bit of an asshole, so he deserved it in a way.

Turner laughed and said, “There’s always that. Oh. Dr Teufel would like you to come back to the lab so he can try to re-adjust your desire for men. You tend to be extremely boy-crazy and that defeats the whole purpose of you.”

“Being attracted to men is reversible, right?” I asked.

Special Agent Turner said, “Anyway, Agent Cooper. We’ve got a new assignment for you. I can’t tell you about it now, but we should be ready to go with it in a few weeks.”

“At least I get a few weeks off,” I said. “I was thinking about maybe doing some…”

“Sorry, Cooper,” said Turner. “You’ll be doing some additional training the next few weeks.”

“No vacation?” I asked.

Special Agent Tuner smiled and said, “You can have tomorrow off.”

*          *          *

The End

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Some kind of award due

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I think you must be in line for "The Most Cautions for a TG story" award. I don't know when I've seen that many cautions on one story before. :o)

Thanks for putting them there.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt

Great Story

terrynaut's picture

I barely noticed the caution tags for this story. I'm glad I didn't pay too much attention to them or I might have missed this. It's a great story. The dark subject matter really got me fired up and it ended in a very satisfactory way. I just wish it happened like that in real life. Perhaps it does, and I just don't notice. Dang perverted men (and congresswomen). *sigh*

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry


Great to have Agent Cooper back! And looking forward to her next adventure.
Well done.

Maybe I am missing something

Maybe I am missing something here, but I feel that the FBI managers would have had a much better plan developed and operational for Melissa rather than just a locket with short range, and a cellphone that Stein took off of her. Definitely not their best undercover job of keeping their agent safe. I am glad that Melissa was able to get 'the goods on the crooks, and I do wish the story was able to tell us that the missing twins and other girls who had been sold into sex slavery had been found and returned home. Overall, an interesting story. Janice Lynn

Deep cover

Renee_Heart2's picture

When your deep cover you can only do so much. and it has to be small enough that no one would notice like the locket or a wrist watch the phone the figured they would confiscate typical teen girl thing to have her phone and figured they would take that away from her and short range radio is the best you can do in those small items like that long range is just too big now if it was a broach or a woman's pin you can put a camera in it and a longer range radio but no they did the best they could as the locket also had GPS on it why they didn't depend on the cell phone.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Appropriately Named

that "Dr Teufel". Teufel is German for The Devil. I do hope that the FBI does not really get people to become agents like this ! It was a nice story, but because of the extreme measures taken a bit unbelieveable. Imho the goodies were as bad as the baddies in this.


Easter Eggs

Julia Miller's picture

That was one of the easter eggs Melanie put in the story. I did find another one. Jonas Grumby High School sounded suspicious so I looked up the name and found it was the name of the Skipper on Gilligan's Island.

I am loving these!

I hope you continue these stories! I really like Melissa!


An Agent's work is NEVER done!

Renee_Heart2's picture

Wow great story I wish Melissa could be her self she's really getting into the whole girl role and she's loving it. I hope the agency well let her become a nice young female agent who can date and do normal girls stuff.

Agent Turner does have a heart but she can e a real bitch but I guess being an FBI agent well.... I guess she has to be.

Love the story line though Keep it going hun.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Ah, I can see it now...

A baby smuggling ring. Melissa has to infiltrate it as a young expectant/breastfeeding early twenty-something mother....

Great story, loved it.

Anon Allsop

Lightning strikes twice, hopefully thrice?

I love Agent Melissa Cooper ! Your stories are great. Everything I said about 'Cheerleader' applies here.
I also love the names of the high schools and football field, what's next Jughead Jones Junior College ?


"I was a ................for the FBI"

Twice is more then nice. I love this series.
Three is even better, something in the offing?



Melanie Brown's picture

I actually already have a few of pages written. I just haven't written much I like yet.


Wow! Just catching up on your stories

Hi Melanie,

I am in love... Your stories that I have read are so believable and have such good messages. I'm just an old softy and am in awe of someone that has such a mind and talent boggles me. My girls and wife are the talented ones in my family and they have given me such an appreciation for others, like themselves. I am truly blessed.

Will try to catch up on more of your stories and may even get to Amazon for those I haven't read.

Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us readers.

Warmest regards,


Great dialogue around the geeks

Jenny Walker's picture

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for the Agent Cooper stories. I enjoyed the reads. Yes the context was fairly dark, but you handled it well. The best bits for me though were the dialogue scenes with the geek crowd. Excellent writing, made me laugh!


Reading this for maybe the third time

I suddenly spotted this bit of dialog no one else has thought notably hilarious -
"And dammit, buy her the fucking dress already! On the budget, charge it to explosives consumed or something."

Yeah, your jokes run deep.