Sam and Vanessa Part 4

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Sam and Vanessa

by Teddie

Part Four

Could it really be?

She looked at him for a long time, then reached up, and wiped his tears away.

“I . . . I . . . could try and stop for you.”, he said.

“You would do that for me?”

“I would do anything for you.”

She moved around, so that she was sitting on his lap, and said, “Hold me.”

He put his arms around her, and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around him. And, they just sat there holding each other. She finally whispered, “Sam. I love you more than anything. It was so brave of you to tell me that story. And, I guess I should have known, you just looked too good as a Geisha at that party. But, I was more interested in getting you to talk to me.”

“You’re not mad?”


“You’re not hurt?”


“You still love me?”

“Like I said. More than anything.”

He kissed her.

“Can you accept that part of me?”

She leaned back so that she could look at him, and said, “I need a little time to let it sink in. Can I ask you something?”


“You don’t want to become a woman. Do you?”

“No. I like me the way I am. I just enjoy the clothes. They just feel good.”

She smiled, and said, “I already know that you’re not gay. You are the greatest lover that any girl could ask for.” And, with that, she seduced him right there on the floor of the den. They made long, slow, sensual, love, as quietly as they could.

Afterwards as they laid there, cuddled together, Vanessa whispered, “Honey. I’m glad you told me, and didn’t keep it a secret. If you had kept it a secret, and I had found out some other way, than I would have really been hurt. And, yes, I think I can accept this side of you.”

“I thought that you needed time to think about it?”

“I’ve had more than enough time to think.”

He just hugged her.

When he arrived home, even though it was very late, Toshi was still up, and on the computer. He walked in, and sat next to the desk. She looked at him, and said, “You told her didn’t you?”



He just smiled.

“I told you so.”, Toshi said, “That girl is special, and she really loves you.”

“I know. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight. Little brother. Sweet dreams.”

The following morning when Sam got up, and went downstairs. He found Toshi on the phone. And, it took him a while to figure out that she was talking to Vanessa. When she hung up, he asked, “What was that all about?”

“Girl talk.”

“That’s not good.”

“Could be.”

At dinner on Christmas, Masumi made an announcement, that at first had everyone upset, that they weren’t going to Japan this summer. But, when she told them that everyone from Japan was coming to Washington, the sadness went away, and was replaced by excitement.

One afternoon, in early January, Sam and Vanessa were shopping, and they stopped at one of their favorite places, Brady’s Coffee House. She found a table, while he got their drinks. As he sat down, Vanessa said, “Toshi told me one of your family secrets.”

Sam’s mind was working. Did Toshi tell her the real story of their dad? No, she wouldn’t do that. What had she told Vanessa? I guess it’s a problem when your sister is your girlfriend’s best friend.

He carefully asked, “What?”

“She told me about that Halloween when you were eleven.”


“And, she said that you made a very pretty little girl.”

“I guess.”

“But, I really liked you as the Geisha. You were really pretty, even with the punk makeup.”

“That was fun, a lot of fun.”

They finished their drinks, and Sam walked Vanessa home. After their usual long goodbye, and as Sam was walking down the steps, Vanessa asked, “When am I going to meet the other woman in your life?”

Sam stopped so fast that he almost fell down the steps. He turned, and said, “What did you just say?”

“When am I going to meet the other woman in your life?”

“The other woman?”

“When are you going to dress for me?”

“Oh! Ah . . . I . . . I don’t know.”




“I guess. Are you really sure that you want me to?”

“Yes. I want to see if I’ll really like her.”


“Don’t worry. If she is anything like you. I’ll like her.”

“Okay. I’d like to do it while Toshi is still home. What about Saturday afternoon?”

“It’s a date. Lover.”

On his walk home, Sam wondered if this really was a good thing. And, when he got home, he found Toshi, and said, “Well. Saturday’s the day.”


“Nessa talked me into dressing for her.”

“Yes! It’s about time.”

“I’ll need help. Yours and mom’s. I want to make a good impression, but not go overboard.”

“I think we can do that.”

It was late on Saturday morning, it was past time for Sam to get up, and get busy for Vanessa’s visit. Toshi went to his room, and knocked on the door, saying, “Time to get up little brother. It takes time to get pretty.”

She heard him rustle around, and knocked again, “Come on. Up, and at ‘em.”

“Okay. Okay. I’m getting up.”

“About time. I talked with Nessa this morning, and she’ll be here about four.”

“Okay. I’ll get a shower.”

“Nope. Mom’s getting a bath together for you right now.”

“A bath! I haven’t taken a bath in . . . I can’t remember how long.”

“Get moving.”

Sam got up, slipped out of the nightgown, and panties, and into a robe. Then wandered into the bathroom, just as his mother turned off the water. She looked at him, and said, “Good morning, sleepy head.”


“Enjoy your bath. Then I’ll have breakfast ready for you.”

“Okay, mom. This bath smells like flowers.”

“The beginning of your make over.”, Masumi said, as she walked out of the bathroom, and closed the door.

He dropped his robe, walked over to the tub, and checked the water. It was very warm. He slowly got in, and slipped down into the tub. It felt good, and the aroma was very pleasant. As he soaked, he thought about today. And, most important, how Vanessa was going to react to this whole thing. And, his mind wandered. The next thing he knew there was a knock on the door, it brought him back to reality, and Toshi said, “You’d better get out. You’ve been in there fifteen minutes, and you’re going to turn into a prune.”

“Okay. Be right down.”

Five minutes later he was sitting at the kitchen table, eating a very late breakfast. Fifteen minutes after that the three were on the way back upstairs, and into Sam’s room. His mom said, “All right, pick out a bra and panty set, and get them on. Toshi, go get the breast forms. They’re in two white boxes on the top shelf of my closet.”

Sam picked out his favorite set, the red satin ones. He stepped into the panties, and pulled them up under his robe. Then removed the robe, and put on the bra. By then, Toshi was back with the breast forms. This was only the third time that he had worn the forms, and still wasn’t too sure about them. But, he got them situated. Masumi then said, “Lets take a look at you.”

Masumi stood back, and walked around him. She said, “You’re lucky. You don’t have much body hair. So, we don’t need to worry about that. But, the eyebrows, they need work again.”

He looked at her, and just sighed.

“Don’t worry, honey.”, she said, “I won’t get too carried away. Lets go to my room, so we can do your makeup, and hair. Bring along the wig, and wig cap.”

She had Sam sit at her dressing table, put the wig cap on him, and carefully tucked his hair under it. Then came the tweezing, she carefully thinned, and shaped his brows. Not too much, but enough to make them more feminine than masculine. When she was done, she turned to Toshi, and said, “Well.”

“They look great, mom.”

Then she went to work on his makeup. First, a good moisturizer. Then as that was setting, she went to work on his nails. First she filed them a little to even them up, then a nice red polish, not bright, but not dark. Then came the foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, eyebrow pencil, blusher, powder, and lipstick. Sam just sat there, never saying a word. Then came the wig, the one that he and Toshi had picked out. Masumi, placed it on his head, adjusted it a little, used some bobby pins to hold it place, and worked on styling it, until it framed his face just right. Again, she turned to Toshi, and said, “Well.”

“Little sister, I’m jealous. You look better than I do.”

He turned, looked in the mirror, and got a very worried look on his face.

“What’s the matter?”, Toshi asked.

“Mom’s done a great job. And, that may be a problem. I remember reading, that some guys, when dressed, looked better than their girlfriends, and it caused some real problems.”

“Little sister. Don’t worry, it would be a miracle if you looked better than Nessa.”



He relaxed a little. But, was really starting to get nervous about the whole thing.

“I’ve done my magic. Toshi take him to his room, and see what looks good on him.”, Masumi said.

“Come on little sister. Time to try on clothes.”, Toshi said, as she grabbed Sam’s hand, and pulled him back to his room.

They started looking through his closet. He only had the clothes that he and Toshi had purchased. And, Toshi said, to no one in particular, “We need to go shopping again.”

“Huh?”, Sam replied, not really having heard what she said.

“Oh nothing. Just mumbling. Any idea what you want to wear?”

“Not really.”

“Little sister. We need to work on your fashion sense. Lets see. Little black dress? No, too formal for this. Shorts? No, too cold out. Hmm. Dark blue plaid skirt, with this pretty peasant blouse, pantyhose, dark blue Mary Janes’. That might just work. Okay, little sister. Pantyhose first.”

Sam went to a drawer in his chest of drawers, took out a pair of pantyhose, sat on his bed, and put them on. Toshi then handed him the peasant blouse, he pulled it on over his head, being careful not to mess up his hair. “Okay, little sister.”, Toshi said, “You’ll need to wear it on your shoulders, since you’re wearing a bra with straps. If you had a strapless bra, or went braless, you could wear it off your shoulders. But, showing a little bra strap, especially a pretty bra strap, is sexy.”

“Sexy. That’s just what I need.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being sexy.”


Next she handed him the skirt. He stepped into it, and pulled it up. Put the zipper in the back, zipped it up, and buttoned the waist button. “In or out?”, Toshi thought out loud.

“In or out?”

“Out. That blouse will look better out of the skirt.”


“Now the shoes. The two inch heels will look really good with that outfit.”

Sam, sat down, and put on the Mary Janes’.

“Hmm. Just like back when you were eleven. You need some jewelry. Wait here.”, Toshi said as she ran out of his room.

“Where would I go?”

Toshi was back within minutes. She handed him one of her watches. He slipped it on, and fastened the clasp. “I found this necklace that will look great with that blouse. It’s got a little heart on it, just like the one you wore that Halloween.”, and she fastened it around his neck. “You know.”, she continued, “You really need to get your ears pierced. It would make life so much easier.”

“No way.”

“Chicken. A lot of guys have their ears pierced. And, no one cares. But, I found something. And, with you hair covering most of your ears, this might even get lost.”

“What is it?”

“It’s called an ear cuff. It just hooks over your ear, and this one has a nice long dangley part.”, she said, as she hooked the cuff on his left ear.

“Now lets go have a look at the whole package.”, she said, as she took his hand, and led him to their mother’s room.

She had him stand in front of the closet door, and then she opened it. He just stared at the reflection. He knew it was him, but it didn’t really look like him. It looked like a grown up version of the girl from that Halloween years ago. He looked at Toshi, who had a look of ‘girl your look great’ on her face.

“I’m really getting scarred.”, he told her. “What if Nessa freaks out when she sees me.”

“She won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Just say. I have inside knowledge.”


“Just remember. She and I are best friends. And, best friends do share a lot of things with each other. Just leave it at that. Lets go downstairs. She won’t be here for an hour or so, and you need to relax.”

The two went downstairs, and into the kitchen. Masumi and Miyuki were just getting ready to leave for the rest of the day, so the kids could have the house to themselves. And, when Masumi saw Sam, she said, “Now there are four girls in this house.”

Miyuki turned, looked at Sam, smiled, and said, “That’s four pretty girls in this house. If the newest member is any indication.”

Sam actually blushed.

Masumi said, “You kids have a good time. There’s a casserole in the refrigerator, all you have to do is heat it. Or, you can order pizza, there’s money in the desk.”

“Okay mom. You two have fun. We’ll see you later.”

There were the good bye hugs, and kisses all around. And, Miyuki whispered to Sam, “Honey, don’t worry. She’ll love you.”

Sam whispered back, “I sure hope so.”

Toshi kept Sam busy for the next hour, just doing small things, and he started to relax a little. He was beginning to enjoy the feeling of the clothes, wig, and makeup. Then just a few minutes after four, the door bell rang. He just froze.

Toshi said, “Take a deep breath, and relax.”

“I’ll try.”, he said.

“And, I’ll get the door.”

Toshi walked to the front door, and it was Vanessa. They hugged, and Toshi whispered, “He is very nervous about this.”

“So am I.”

Toshi looked at her, a little puzzled.

“How often does a girl see her boyfriend dressed as a girl?”, Vanessa said.

“True. Come on in. He’s in the den.”

The girls walked into the den, and Sam was standing there with his back to them, looking out the window. Toshi said, “Sam. You have company.”

He turned, looked at Vanessa, as usual she looked fantastic, and said “Hi.”

She just looked at him for a while. Then said, “Hi.”

“Are you ready to run away?”

“No. I just couldn’t get over how pretty you are.”

“Now I know your joking with me.”

“No, I’m not. If I didn’t know that it was you, I would figure you for a one hundred percent girl. Your mom did a great job on your makeup, not too much. And, the peasant blouse with that bra strap showing, that’s really cute.”

“Toshi’s idea.”

“I really don’t know what to make of this.”

Sam was starting to look a little concerned. Then Toshi said, “Why don’t we sit down, just talk, and see where it goes.”

Toshi sat in the overstuffed chair, forcing Vanessa and Sam to sit on the couch. They sat at each end, but faced each other. To start with, the conversation was a little hard, no one knowing which way to take it. But, finally they hit on something, and the conversation started to roll. Both, Sam and Vanessa, started to relax a little. And, Toshi could sense things starting to ease.

It was almost seven o’clock when Toshi finally said, “I’m getting hungry. Anyone want to eat.”

“Sure.”, Vanessa and Sam said together. They both laughed a little. And, smiled at each other.

“We have a casserole that I could heat up, or we could order pizza.”

“Pizza sounds good.”, Sam said.

“Yes, pizza does sounds good.”, Vanessa added.

“Good. I’ll go order. I think I know what everyone likes.”, Toshi said, as she got up, and headed to the kitchen.

“Is this too much for you?”, Sam asked Vanessa.

“Not really. I asked you to do it. And, it’s hard to believe that the guy I love so much could give me such competition in the look’s department.”

“No, I don’t. There is no way.”

“Oh yes. In looks, yes. Mannerisms, no. Your mannerisms are all guy.”

“That’s because I am a guy.”

“Yea. A guy that looks, or can look, like a pretty girl.”

“No way. Toshi!”

“Yea.”, Toshi answered back.

“Bring the digital camera back with you.”

When Toshi came back in the room, she was carrying the digital camera, and said, “What’s up with the camera?”

“We were having a discussion. And, I thought being able to see our pictures side by side might help end it. So, take a few pictures of us, put them on the computer, and we can look at them.”

Toshi took a few head shots of both Vanessa, and Sam. Then she got them to stand side by side for a few. When they did, Sam put his arm around Vanessa’s shoulder, and she put hers around his waist. When she was done, Toshi downloaded the pictures, and set it up so that some of the head shots could be viewed side by side. As they were looking at them, Vanessa said, “See, you are cuter than I am.”

“No way. You’re much cuter than me.”, Sam said.

They bantered back and forth for a few seconds. Luckily it was a friendly, fun, argument. Finally Sam turned to Toshi, and said, “Sis. End this, and tell Nessa that she looks better than I do.”

“Yea. Toshi, tell him that he’s prettier than I am.”, Vanessa added.

Toshi threw her arms in the air, and said, “No way am I getting in the middle of this.”

Just then, they heard the pizza delivery car pull up in front. Toshi thought, ‘Thank goodness.’ Without thinking how he was dressed, Sam joined the two girls at the front door. The look on the delivery boys face was worth it, when he said, “That will be $17.50, ladies.”, and almost dropped the pizza.

Toshi said, “Sa . . . Samantha would you get the money from the desk?”

Sam turned, went to the den, and came back with a twenty-dollar bill. He handed it to Toshi. Who, handed it to the delivery boy, saying, “Keep the change.”

When they were back in the kitchen, they were giggling about the look on the delivery boys face when the three of them opened the door. And, Vanessa added, with a gleam in her eyes, “And, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Samantha’s rear, when she went after the money. She has such a cute little wiggle.”

“I do not.”, Sam said.

“Little sister. You do have a wiggle.”, Toshi added.

The friendly banter continued while the three had their pizza. And, Toshi could see Vanessa was really relaxing with the female version of Sam. And, Sam had completely relaxed with what he was wearing. When they were done eating, Toshi excused herself with, “You guys talk. I’ve got something to do.”

After Toshi left, Vanessa said, “Samantha, and little sister. Those are cute.”

“Toshi called me Samantha back when I was eleven, and dressed for Halloween. And, the little sister thing comes from the little brother thing.”

“Do you always wear makeup when you dress as a girl?”

“No. This is only the second or third time.”

“Like it?”

“Kind of.”

“Tell me. How does it feel when you’re dressed this way?”

“Relaxing. Comfortable.”

“You’ve really relaxed since I’ve been here. It’s almost like you dress this way all the time.”

“I don’t.”

“I know.”

“You also seem to have relaxed, with this side of me?”

“I have. I’m seeing a side of you that I haven’t seen before, it’s interesting, and eye opening.”

“Eye opening?”

“Yea. To find that someone that you knew to be soft, kind, and loving. Can be even more that way.”

They sat there just looking at each other. Then Vanessa, as she moved closer to Sam, said, “You know. There is something my boyfriend Sam and I do a lot. I miss it, and I don’t know if I can do it with a girl.”

“What’s that?”

“This.” Vanessa kissed him once. A short one. Looked at him for a second. Then kissed him again. A little longer this time, and more intense. Looked at him again. Then kissed him again. Only this time, as Sam and Vanessa normally kiss, long, and intense.

When they broke the kiss. Vanessa looked at him, and said with a smile, “Your lipstick is a mess.”

“I don’t mind. Can you do it with a girl?”

“Only if that girl is you. And, that’s only because I love Sam. And, I know Sam is right in here.” She touched his chest. “And, I know that the same heart beats inside the person that I’m with now, as beats inside my Sam.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

They kissed again, then hugged.

Vanessa whispered, “Your breasts feel real.”

“My mom got forms when I did the Geisha thing.”


They heard Toshi walking back down the hall. And, as she walked in the kitchen, she put her hands on her hips, and said, “Samantha Gifford!”


“I’m surprised at you.”


“Your lipsticks a mess. What have you two been up too? Go upstairs right now, and fix it.”

With a fake hurt look, he got up, and said, “Yes, sis.”

When he was out of ear shot, Toshi asked Vanessa, “Well?”

“I can’t believe it. You said he looked good, but he’s amazing. And, I wasn’t kidding when I said, that he looks like a one hundred percent girl. And, cute to boot.”

“It looks like you might have accepted this part of him?”

“I couldn’t help it. It’s still Sam. It took me awhile to get up the nerve to kiss him, looking as he does. But, once I started, I couldn’t help myself.”

“You need to fix your lipstick too.”

“I’ll wait. I figure that it will just get messed up again.”, Vanessa said with a grin.

The girls continued to talk until Sam came back in about five minutes. Then the three of them just talked about many things. Finally, Vanessa said to Sam, “Walk me home?”

“Sure. Give me a few minutes to change.”



“You don’t need to change.”

“What if someone, like your mom and dad, sees me?”

“So what. You’re just a new girlfriend.”

“But, then your girlfriend has to walk back home alone.”

“Toshi can go with us. Can’t you?”

“Sure. A girl can’t be out alone at night by herself.”, Toshi responded, winking at Sam.

“Well. I guess.”, Sam said.

Sam got Vanessa’s coat, one for Toshi, and one for himself. And, they headed for Vanessa’s house. About two houses from the twin’s house, Vanessa took Sam’s hand, and held it all the way to hers’.

Vanessa asked, “What time does Toshi’s flight leave tomorrow?”

“At three-ten.”, Toshi replied.

“Can I go along?”

“I would love that. Come on over for lunch.”

When they got to Vanessa’s house, Sam said, “We’d better say goodnight here. If your mom saw you kissing a girl . . . “

Vanessa grabbed Sam, kissed him, and hugged him. And, whispered, “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

“I love you.”, he whispered back.

Toshi, just kind of tried to disappear. They kissed again, a long kiss. Finally everyone said goodnight, and Vanessa went into the house. Sam and Toshi started walking back home. Nothing was said all the way home.

As they walked into the house, Toshi said, “Been thinking. Haven’t you?”


“I told you that she would accept that side of you.”

“You’re right, as usual. What all have you told her?”

“Not that much. Just the Halloween thing. So far.”

“Are you going to tell her more?”

“Do you want me to?”

“I don’t care. You guys share lots of stuff.”

Toshi smiled.

“Help me get my makeup off?”, Sam asked.

“Nope. But, I’ll show you how. So, that you can do it yourself next time. You should have mom give you lessons.”

“Next time?”

She just smiled.

The following morning when Sam came downstairs. Masumi and Miyuki were sitting in the kitchen when he walked in. They looked at him, and Masumi said, “Things went well last night. Didn’t they?”

“How can you tell?”

“By the look on your face.”


“It has that, ‘everything is right with the world’, look.”

“You can read me like a book. You guys really helped. You and Aunt Mi understand this whole thing. And, so does Toshi. The three of you are very supportive. And, your makeup skills, and Toshi’s fashion sense, made it all work.”

“No. You’re the one that made it work. And, I think the way Vanessa feels about you didn’t hurt.”

Toshi finally came down, and the twins ate breakfast together. Then Toshi said, “Come with me little sister, I have something to show you.”

He followed her into the den, and as they waited for the computer to boot, she said, “I did something with the pictures I took of you two last night.”

“What did you do?”

“Well. There’s a web site, where you can post pictures, and people can rate you.”

“My pictures on the web!?”

“Don’t worry. Now, let me finish. I wanted to end the squabble that you two were having. So, I was going to let people who don’t know either of you rate you.”

“What if someone recognizes me?”

“Stop. I remember someone, when they saw themselves in the mirror, saying something like, ‘I know it’s me. But, it doesn’t look like me.’ So, stop worrying.”


“Okay. Here’s the site. There’s you. Cute girl. And, you have a rating of 88.7%. Not bad. And, here’s Nessa. Another cute girl. And, she has a rating of 94.25%. See I told you that she was cuter than you.”

“Sis. Can you get those off the web?”

“Nope. And, I’m showing Nessa when she comes over.”

Sam just sighed, shook his head, and walked away.

Vanessa was over for lunch, and went with them to the airport. On the way home, Vanessa cuddled up with Sam, as Miyuki drove. She whispered to Sam, “Toshi showed me that web site. But, I still think you’re cuter than I am.” And, she kissed him on the cheek. He looked at her, and just shook his head.

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was just around the corner. And, Sam had planned something special for Vanessa. On the day, they were at his house, alone, sitting on the couch, and he handed her a card. A very large card. She opened it, and it was one of those very funny ones, and she got a good laugh out of it. She gave Sam his card, and it was a very pretty, sentimental, one. He loved it, and gave her a kiss. Then he handed her, her present. She carefully unwrapped it. It was a box of chocolates. Something she didn’t expect, as he knew she didn’t eat many sweets.

She asked him, “Would you like a piece?”

“Sure. But, you first.”

She removed the plastic wrap from the box, and took the lid off. She looked at the chocolates, and froze. In the middle holder, where the chocolate covered cherry usually was, was a ring. A diamond ring. She looked at him, then back at the ring, and than back at him with, tears in her eyes.

Sam said, “Don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it. I just love you so much.”

Then he slid off the couch, down on one knee, and asked, “Vanessa, will you marry me?”

She looked at him, and said, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

She reached for him, and they both fell on the floor, with her on top. She kissed him like never before. When they finally broke the kiss, he rescued the ring from the box of chocolates, and slipped it on her finger. She looked at the ring, then him, and kissed him again. She just held him for a long time before she was able to say anything. Finally she said, “I’ve never ever gotten anything so special. I love you so much.”

“I just thought you’d like a box of chocolates. You know, sweets for the sweet.”

“Do mom and dad know?”

“Yes. How do you think I got the ring to fit so well? I stopped by the other day when you were out, and asked their permission. Your mom nearly ran over your dad rushing to give me a hug. And, I asked if they had one of your rings that I could borrow to get this one correctly sized, and your mom got me one.”

“How about your mom, Aunt Mi, and Toshi?”

“No. Mom, and Aunt Mi, won’t be home for a little while. But, we can call Toshi.”

Sam called Toshi, and just chatted for a few minutes. Vanessa was egging him on to tell her. Finally he said, “Oh. Nessa’s here. Would you like to say hello to your future sister-in-law?”

He had to hold the receiver away from his ear, Toshi screamed so loud. He handed the receiver to Vanessa.

“Hi Toshi.” . . . “Just now. And, he gave me the ring in a box of chocolates.” . . . “I know. But, he’s so sweet.” . . . “No. We’re waiting for them to get home. My mom and dad do.” . . . “He said my mom went nuts.” . . . “No. I guess he’s old fashioned.” . . . “Oh. I hear your mom. Do you want to hang on?” . . . “Okay. We’ll call you later.” . . . “Love you sister-in-law. Bye.”

Just then Masumi and Miyuki walked into the house. Aunt Mi said, “Hi kids. Having a good Valentines Day?”

“A very good one.”, Vanessa said.

“What are you two up too? Those grins mean you’re up too no good.”

“Oh. Nothing much.”, Sam said, “I just asked Nessa to marry me.”

“You what!”, his mom said.

Vanessa showed them the ring. Both women looked at it very closely. It wasn’t the biggest ring in the world, but it’s the thought that counts. There were hugs, and kisses all around.

“Oh kids! That’s so wonderful.”, Aunt Mi said. “Who else knows?”

“Just Nessa’s mom and dad, and Toshi.”

Miyuki looked at her watch. It was just after six in the evening. She said, “It’s just after eight in the morning in Japan. Shall we call?”

They spent the next forty-five minutes talking to everyone in Japan, and spreading the news. Finally the kids said that they needed to go to Vanessa’s, and talk with her parents. They left, and slowly walked to the Martin’s house. When they walked in the door, they were met by Vanessa’s mom, with a questioning look on her face. Vanessa just grinned, held up her hand with the ring on it, and the hugs and kisses started. Vanessa’s dad shook Sam’s hand, and hugged and kissed his daughter. And, the phone calls started all over again.

After a while, the kids had to get away by themselves. They left, and went to a nearby restaurant. They had forgotten to eat dinner, so Sam bought Vanessa a very nice Valentines Day dinner. Vanessa said, “Wait a minute. How did you get the ring in the sealed box of chocolates?”

“I just went to Temo’s, told them what I want to do, and they opened up a box. I ate the chocolate covered cherry. We put the ring in, they resealed it, and gift wrapped it for me. And, that was it. Also, it helps to know the owners.”

“Your telling me your story, was to be up front with me before you did this. Wasn’t it?”

“I felt I had to be honest with you, before we went to the next step, and I was ready to go to that step. So, I just had to tell you. Besides, mom and Toshi kept telling me that I had to be up front with you.”

“You are so sweet.”

The remaining part of the school year went by quickly. And, Sam, and Vanessa drove to M.I.T. by themselves to bring Toshi home for the summer. As with the trip when they took Toshi there, it was an overnight trip. And, as they were leaving, both sets of parents told them, “To behave themselves. And, that Vanessa was to stay with Toshi.” The trip to Cambridge was a pleasant one, and passed by quickly.

When they pulled up in front of Toshi’s dorm, she was waiting for them, and said. “Let me see. Let me see.”

Vanessa showed Toshi her ring, Toshi hugged her, and winked at her brother. Then she hugged, and kissed her brother, and whispered, “I told you that she was special.”

“More than special.”

They started to load the van, so that they could get a fairly early start home in the morning. Then went out to dinner, and sat around catching up on everything. Around ten, Sam and Vanessa headed to the motel. This would be their first night together.

After they checked in, they took their bags to their room, and settled in. Vanessa went to the bathroom, and when she came out she was dressed in a very sexy baby doll pajama set. Sam looked at her, and grinned. She said, “Toshi told me something?”


“That you sleep in a nightgown, and panties.”

“Ah. Yea. Most of the time. I left them at home. I thought . . .”

“Look in my bag.”

He looked. And, saw a very pretty maroon, satin, nightgown. He looked at her.

“It’s for you.”, she said.

“Are you sure?”

“Honey. It wouldn’t be in there, if I wasn’t sure.”

He took it out, held it up, and it would hit him at the knees. He looked in the bag again.

She asked, “What are you looking for?”


“They’re at home. You won’t need them tonight.”

He took the nightgown into the bathroom, and was back in a few minutes wearing it. She smiled at him, and said, “Very cute, girlfriend. Come on to bed.”

The next morning they went back to pick up Toshi, some more of her things, and head back home. They pulled up in front of the dorm, and went up to Toshi’s room. All she had was two suit cases, and a box. So, they carried that down to the van, and both Sam and Vanessa yawned. Toshi grinned, and said, “You two not sleep well last night. You did sleep in separate beds, didn’t you?”

Vanessa blushed a little. And, Sam said, “Of course we did. But, we talked most of the night.”

“I bet you did, little brother. You two do talk a lot, but no one can have that much to say.”

“Maybe not in so many words.”, Vanessa answered.

“Oh. Wait until I tell mom. But, I think she knows.”

The trip home, was one of catching up even more on what had happened since the beginning of the term. By the time they got home, Vanessa was asleep, and Sam was having trouble staying awake. They dropped Vanessa off at her house. And, the twins were together again, at least for the summer.

“Did you like the nightgown?”, Toshi asked.

“That was a real surprise. But, a nice one. I figured that you had something to do with it. And, it really surprised me that she did that.”

“I keep telling you that she’s special. And, really does love you. Why, I don’t know. But, she does.”

He glared at her, and just said, “Hmm.”

That Summer

This summer, along with the preparations for the arrival of Masumi’s family from Japan, Vanessa’s dad had to fly to Europe for two weeks on business. He wanted to take Vanessa and her mother along. But, Vanessa wanted to stay home. Something about working on a school summer project, which wasn’t completely true. After some discussion, Vanessa’s parents decided to go to Europe, leaving Vanessa at home.

When they were leaving for Europe, Sam and Vanessa took her parents to the airport. And, as they were saying goodbye, her mom said, “You two behave yourselves.”

Vanessa, squeezed Sam’s hand, and said, “Yes, mom. You have a good flight, and lots of fun. And, don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

That night Vanessa had dinner at the twin’s house, and later Sam walked her home. As they were saying their usual long goodnight, Sam asked, “Are you sure you’ll be all right?”

“Yes. I’ll be fine.”

She unlocked the door, opened it, and gave him another kiss. He waited until she closed the door, locked it, and then he headed home.

There was a knock on his bedroom door. He rolled over, looked at the clock, and it was a quarter to two in the morning. He said, “Yes.”

“Honey. Vanessa’s on the phone.”, his mom said.

“What’s wrong?”, he asked, as he jumped out of bed, and opened the door.

“I think she’s afraid to be alone in that big house.”

Sam took the phone, and said, “Honey. What’s wrong?”

“Yea.” . . . “Calm down. Nothing is going to happen.” . . . “Yes. I can come over.” . . . “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” . . . “I love you too. Bye.”

“You’re right, mom.”, Sam said to Masumi, “She’s afraid to be alone in the house. I’m going to go over, and sit with her.”

“Be careful. It’s late.”

“I will. Go on back to bed. Sorry about this.”

“That’s all right.”

Sam got dressed, and walked to Vanessa’s. The house was lit up like an amusement park. Every light in the house, and outside, was on. He walked up on the front porch, and she was watching for him. She opened the door, and wrapped her arms around his neck, saying, “I’m sorry. But, I was hearing noises, and just got scared.”

“Calm down. It’ll be fine. But, lets turn off some of these lights.”

They walked around the house turning off all the lights, and ended up in the den. He turned off all the lights there, except one dim one, they curled up together on the couch, and she was asleep in a few minutes. He sat there awake for a while longer, and then he dosed off.

When he awoke the next morning, the sun was up, and so was Vanessa. He heard her in the kitchen, and headed that way. She had just started on some breakfast for them, turned, smiled, and said, “Good morning, lover.”

“Good morning yourself. You feeling better?”

“I’m sorry about last night.”

“That’s all right. I slept pretty good.”

“You know. I can’t wait to do this every morning.”

With a smile, he said, “What. Wake me up at two o’clock in the morning. And, have me turn off all the lights.”

She frowned at him, turned back to the stove, and said, “No! Fix us breakfast.”

“I was kidding.”

She looked back at him, with a little smile, and said, “I know.”

As they were sitting eating a very nice breakfast, he asked, “Are you going to be all right at night for the next two weeks?”

“I don’t know. It was scary last night, until you got here.” There was a little twinkle in her eye.

“You planned this. Didn’t you?”

She looked down at her plate, then at him, and said, “Kind of.”

“Kind of. You’re a little sneak.”

“Sorry. But, I did hear some noises.”

“What do you want me to do? Come over at two every night?”



“Spend the next two weeks with me.”

“I thought that’s where you were going. You are so bad. Is there really a school project that you need to do?”

“No. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t know what my mom will say.”

“We can ask.”

Later that day, as they were walking out of the twin’s house, Sam was carrying a small overnight bag. And, Masumi said, “You two behave yourself.”

Sam said, “Yes mom.”

Vanessa, turned, looked at Masumi, smiled, and also said, “Yes mom.”

Masumi shook her head, and said, “I guess I’d better get use to that.”

Later that evening, as they were getting ready of bed, Sam said, “Lets see, I’m sleeping in your mom and dad’s room. Right?”

“Only if you don’t want me talking to you for a month.”

He picked her up, carried her into her room, and dropped her on the bed. She jumped up, and kissed him. Then, she walked to her chest of drawers, picked a nightgown, a skimpy one, and as she was walking to the bathroom, said, “I’ll be right back.”

She was back in about five minutes, and said, “It’s all yours, lover. And, there’s something in there for you.”

He just looked at her, and headed to the bathroom. He found a nightgown, a dark blue, satin, one, neatly folded on the counter. He got cleaned up, and slipped on the nightgown. Again, no panties.

As he walked into her bedroom, she said, “You look cute, lover.”

“No panties, again?”

“Like last time, lover. You won’t need them. I also have three more nightgowns for you. Come on to bed.”

Sam crawled into bed with Vanessa, and said, “Oops. Wait a minute. I’d better go check to see if we locked the doors, I don’t want the boogie man getting you.”

She grabbed him, and said, “No you don’t. We checked all the doors together before we came up here.”

He cuddled up to her. And, she said, “I just love the feel of your body in satin.”

The next morning Vanessa again was up before Sam. He found the nightgown, and put it back on. Then he found a robe, put it on, and headed downstairs. Vanessa was in the kitchen, making breakfast. He stood there for a minute, before he said, “Aren’t you the domestic one.”

“Good morning, lover. Sleep well?”

“Once you left me alone.”


“Not in the least.”

While they were eating breakfast, they chatted. And, finally Vanessa said, “I’d like to go shopping today. If we could?”

“Your wish, is my command. My love.”

“Good. I want to go shopping with my best girlfriend.”

“Oh. I don’t think Toshi’s up yet. But, you can call.”

“Oh, no. She’s my second best girlfriend.”


“Samantha’s my best girl friend.”

“You. You want me to . . . “

She smiled, and said, “Yes.”

“No way. I’m not going to the mall as Samantha.”


“What if someone recognizes me?”

“Lover. When I saw you at the costume party. You looked one hundred percent girl. The mannerisms left a little to be desired. And, then at your house, again, one hundred percent girl. And, at the costume party, the only way I knew it was you, was by your eyes. And, it would take someone very close to know it was, and no one else had better be that close to you.

“Beside, the mall is a great place to people watch. You can see how people walk, talk, and interact. Besides, it will be fun. Girlfriends going out together. Besides, I’d never put you in a situation where you would get hurt.”

“You talk a great argument. I have one condition. Only if Toshi goes along.”

“That would be fun, too. But, why?”

“Safety in numbers. With you two. No one is going to notices the ugly girl.”

“Not again. I thought that the picture on the web ended that.”

Later that morning they were at the twin’s house, and had talked Toshi into going shopping with them. Of course Toshi had to put a dig in, and asked them if they behaved themselves last night.

Vanessa said, “Of course we were good. We were very good.”

Everyone was wearing shorts, so Sam got out one of his bra and panty sets, pantyhose, breast forms, a pair of shorts, a pretty blue blouse with some embroidery on it, and his open toed sandals with the two inch heels. He dressed in his room, as the girls talked in Toshi’s room. He walked into Toshi’s room carrying his wig. The girls took one look, and they both said, “No!”


“No pantyhose with shorts. You really want to be read don’t you. No girl, at least most, will wear pantyhose with shorts. Take them off.”

“Sorry. But, I’m still learning.”

He slipped off the sandals, his shorts, and the panty hose. Then the shorts went back on, and he was about to put the sandals back on, when Toshi said, “Stop.”

“Now what?”, he asked.

“The toe nails. You need a quick pedicure, and some color on those nails.”

“What next!”

“Sit on my bed, and let me work.”

He sat on Toshi’s bed, she sat on the floor, and spent about fifteen minutes working on his nails. When she was done they had a very nice peach color to them. Toshi added, “We’ll use the same color on your hands.”

“Now little sister.”, Toshi continued, “You are going to get your first lessons in makeup. Have a seat at my dressing table.”

Sam just went along with her. He sat at the dressing table, and over the next forty-five minutes Toshi and Vanessa walked him through putting on his own make up, and wig. He didn’t do too badly of a job. Toshi, just like her mom, was good at the less is more approach to makeup. He only had to redo his eyes’ three time, but in the end they looked good. When all was said and done, Samantha was back.

The girls had him get up, and turn around. Vanessa said, “Almost as good as your mom’s job. It’ll work.”

“Jewelry.”, Toshi said, as she jumped up, and went digging through her jewelry. She handed him the same watch as last time, saying, “You might as well keep it. I don’t ever wear it.” Then a couple of rings. Then she held up a pair of earrings, saying, “It a shame that your ears aren’t pierced, these would look so cute with that blouse. I guess we can use the ear cuff again.”

They went to their mother’s room, so that Sam could see how he looked. And, he was okay with it, but was getting nervous.

Vanessa said, “Honey. You look great. Believe me, I would never take you out if you didn’t. We’re just going to be three girl friends out for a days shopping.”

“I hope you’re right?”

“She is, little sister.”, Toshi said, “You make a cute girl.”

Toshi found a purse for Sam. Tossed a few things in it, and they were off to the mall. As they were walking down the street to the Metro Rail station, Vanessa pointed out a very pretty girl to Sam. And said, “Watch how she walks. She’s proud of who she is. She doesn’t slouch. Her head is held high, her shoulders are back, and there is a sway to her walk.”

Sam watched her. And, tried to somewhat imitate her. The girls giggled a little.

“What?”, he asked.

“You’re trying too hard. Relax. Try to be natural.”, Toshi said, “. . . That’s better. Just relax, and go with the feeling. Hold your elbows out just a little. . . . Good. And, a little smile never hurts.”

They caught their train, and arrived at their destination twenty minutes later. After a short walk, they were in the mall, and started window shopping. Sam was really getting into being Samantha. He did notice that people were looking at him, but it didn’t appear to be with any knowledge that he was really a guy. There was a group of teenage girls that really gave them a good going over, but as the three girls walked by, the teenagers smiled at them. The girls returned the smile. Vanessa said, “You passed that really well.”

“As long as I don’t have to talk.”

“Never thought about that. Have you ever tried?”

“Not really.”

“Any ideas Toshi?”

“Trying talking very softly. A little above a whisper.”, Toshi said.

“Do you mean like this?”

“Almost. Something like this.”

“Like this?”

“Better. Almost like a woman with a husky voice. Keep practicing, and it might work.”

They started going into some of the upscale clothing stores, looking at some very pretty things. Then a few shoe stores, again with some pretty shoes. Vanessa tried on a couple pair of shoes, and had Sam do the same. He found a pair of three inch pumps that he liked, and said so. Vanessa said, “Buy them.”


“A girl can never have too many shoes. Look in my closet tonight.”

“A . . . All right, I guess.”

“Good girl.”

While the girls waited for him, Sam walked up to the counter, set the shoes on it, and paid for them. As he walked out of the store, Vanessa said, “There’s my favorite clothes’ store.” And, the three walked in, and started browsing. After a few minutes, they heard, “Hello, Vanessa.” They turned, and one of the clerks walked up to them. Vanessa recognized the clerk as the one that had waited on her many times before, and said, “Hi. Teresa. These are my friends, Toshi and Samantha.”

“Nice to meet you guys. If there’s anything I can help you with, just let me know.”

“There is. When I was in here last week, you had some very pretty blouses. They were a print, very flowery, three quarter sleeves, and almost see through.”

“Yes. They’re right over here. We’ve also gotten in some very nice jeans, with embroidery on the legs, that would go very nice with that blouse.”

“Where are they?”

“In the back left corner of the store. And, you know where the changing rooms are. Let me know if you need help.”

“We will Teresa. Thank you.”

The three looked through the blouses, and found a couple of very pretty ones. Then they looked at the jeans, and found a pair that Vanessa really liked. Sam asked, “Are these for you, Nessa?”

“No honey. They’re for you.”


“Uh huh. Toshi and I figured that you need some additions to your wardrobe.”

Sam didn’t argue. He was really getting into this. He tried on the jeans, and Vanessa had done a good job of choosing a pair that fit. They were perfect, a little low on the hips, and a little tight, but they fit. The blouses also looked good on him. He thought that he might take both, but thought better of it, and took only one. They found Teresa to check them out, and to Sam’s surprise, Vanessa paid. And, it wasn’t cheap. As they were walking out of the store, Sam said, “Nessa. I love that you bought these. But, it was too much.”

“Nothings too good for my best girlfriend. I’ll tell you those heels, jeans, and blouse, will make a great outfit.”

Toshi said, “Anyone else hungry? We missed lunch.”

Vanessa said, “That’s what’s wrong. There’s a good restaurant just down the mall a little way.”

The restaurant wasn’t busy, and the girls were seated right away. Sam said, “You know. I have to go to the restroom.”

“Okay. We’ll go with you.”, Vanessa said.

“Huh. You can’t?”

“Why not?”

“You can’t go into the guys.”

“You can’t either.” And, Vanessa and Toshi laughed a little. “You would cause a panic in the men’s rooms dressed like that. Come on.”

The three got up, and headed for the ladies’ room. Sam hesitated at the door, but Vanessa took him by the arm, and guided him into the restroom. To Sam’s relief, there wasn’t anyone else in there. The girls each went into a stall, and Sam followed suit. Toshi whispered to him, “Be sure and sit down.”

He finished well after the other two did, and when he came out of the stall, Toshi and Vanessa were standing at the counter freshening their makeup. He washed his hands, and walked up to them. “Honey.”, Vanessa said, “You need to freshen your lipstick.”

“Uh . . .”

“Look in your purse. I put your lipstick in there.”

Sam opened his purse, and found, among other things, his lipstick. He looked in the mirror, and she was right, it needed freshened. When he was done, the three walked out of the restroom, just as two other women were walking in, and they smiled at each other. The three finished their meal, and went back out into the mall. Vanessa spotted a jewelry store, and they headed in there. She was looking at earrings, and found two or three pairs that she liked. She held one pair up to Sam’s ear, and said, “Toshi. What do you think?”

“Cute. They’d look really good on her. It’s a shame that her ears aren’t pierced.”, Toshi replied.

“You know they do ear piercing here.”, Vanessa added. Sam felt a cold sweat come over him.

“I know. But, if you want it done right, you go to a place that does a lot of body piercing.”

“Oh. Where?”

“A tattoo parlor, that also does body piercing.”

Toshi and Vanessa both looked at Sam. He shook his head no.

“For me?”, Vanessa said.

He looked at her. And, just nodded yes.

“The place that did mine is just down the block a little from the mall. It’s a great place.”, Toshi said.

Sam was very quiet as they walked down the street. They walked into the shop, and were greeted by the owner. Who was basically covered in tattoos and piercing’s. He said, “Hi ladies. Can I help you?”

“My friend here is a little behind the times.”

“Oh a tattoo?”

“No. Way behind the times. She wants to get her ears pierced.”

“Not a problem.” He turned toward a curtained off area, and said, “Suzie. Come out here, please.”

A girl with about as many tattoos as the owner had, and more piercing’s than Sam cared to count, came out from the back room. The owner then said, “This is Suzie. She does all the piercings’ on the ladies. Suzie. This lady would like to get her ears pierced”

“Hi honey. Are we adding?”

Sam shook his head no. And, Vanessa added, “She’s behind the times, and a little shy. These will be her first. How about two in her left, and one in her right, to get started.”

Sam looked at her, and said, “Two in the left?”

“We have to get you caught up with the times.”

He just shook his head.

“Okay honey come with me. We’ll get the paper work done, and get you pierced. It won’t take long.”

Sam followed her, like a lamb to the slaughter. Toshi and Vanessa looked through the tattoo books while they waited, Toshi found one, and said, “That would look good on Samantha’s back.”

“Yea. That little butterfly is cute.”

Fifteen minutes later Sam came out of the back room with Suzie. And, the girls looked at him, he pulled back the hair from his left ear, and there were two studs in it. Then the hair from his right ear, and there was one stud. Sam paid for the work. And, as they were walking out, Sam said, “She read me.”

“No?”, Vanessa said.

“Yea. She said it was the wig. But, she was really cool with it. And, we had a nice long talk. They have a lot of crossdressers come in.”

The three had a very long day, they made their way home, and stopped at the twin’s house first. Masumi and Miyuki were a little surprised to see Sam dressed as he was. And, Masumi asked, “You went shopping dressed like that.”

“Yea. The girls wanted to go shopping, as three friends. Three girl friends.”, Sam answered

Vanessa said, “I asked him to.”

“Oh.”, Masumi said, “Any problems?”

“No. He passes very well. And, Toshi and I would never put him in a situation that would hurt him.”

“Honey. How did you feel?”

“Very nervous at first, especially about going to the mall. But, later on it just felt natural. And, I relaxed, it became easier, and actually fun. I was just another shopper.”, Sam answered.

They talked for a while longer about their shopping trip. And, they also showed them his ear piercing’s. The only comment was from Aunt Mi, who said, “It’s about time.”

It was about nine, when Vanessa and Sam headed back to her house. About half way there, Sam said “Nessa!”


“I left my clothes at home!”

“No, you didn’t. You’re wearing them.”

“No. My other clothes.”

“Oh. Your guy clothes.”


“So what. You can get them tomorrow.”

“Yea. But, I’ll have to dress as Samantha to go back home.”


“Okay . . . “

When they reached Vanessa’s, it was about nine, and they cuddled in the den for a while. Sam was still dressed as Samantha. He asked her, “You like it when I dress. Don’t you?”

“Yea. It’s fun having another girlfriend, that’s really your fiance. I wouldn’t want it all the time. I need my Sam. But, it was fun watching you today, become more comfortable with your female side. You just became more and more at ease. And, I think right now, you are very happy.”

“I am. I’m relaxed, but you’re the biggest part of that, and I feel comfortable with the way I’m dressed, and look. And, I need to be Sam too. But, Samantha is a part of me.”

“I know. And, I consider her a really great girlfriend, and I want to have more fun with her.”

Vanessa turned around, looked at Sam, and said, “You’re pretty.” And, she kissed him.

Later as they were getting ready for bed, Sam again found a nightgown in the bathroom. A very pretty black one. He went back to the bedroom, and crawled in bed with Vanessa, and she whispered, “Tonight, I just want to cuddle with you.”

The next morning was just like the previous two. Sam found Vanessa in the kitchen cooking breakfast. And, they had another pleasant meal together. Just as Sam was finishing the dishes, when the phone rang. Vanessa answered it, “Hello.” . . . “Hi mom! Are you and dad having a good time?” . . . “Great. No everything is just fine. Sam came over for breakfast this morning.” . . . “Yes mom. We’ve been behaving ourselves.” . . . “How’s dad’s business meeting going?” . . . “Great.” . . . “Yes, Sam sends his love too.” . . . “We’ll see you the end of next week. Love you. Bye.”

“I guess dad’s business trip is going better than planned.”, Vanessa said, “And, it looks like they are going to be able to have a small vacation.”

“That’s great. They need some time to relax.”

They went upstairs to change to do some grocery shopping. When Sam said, “Ah. I don’t have any of my guy clothes here. Remember?”

“Oh. That’s right.”, Vanessa said with a little gleam in her eye, “I guess, I could run over to your house, and bring them back. Or . . . ”

“Yea. Or? . . . “

“Or, we could bring Samantha back for a while. We really do need to see if those new clothes really do fit you.”

“Samantha? Well, I guess you’re right about trying on the clothes.”

“Get busy.”

Sam, stripped. And, put back on the panties and bra he wore yesterday. Then Vanessa, helped him with his makeup, but had him do most of it. He was learning, and it didn’t take quite as long as it did yesterday. She then helped him with his wig. He looked in the mirror, and just shook his head. Samantha was back.

Sam got the jeans, and put them on. They fit him like a second skin. Then the blouse, and heels. Vanessa said, “Very nice, girlfriend. That is really one great outfit.”

“I don’t know about these heels. The two inch heels on the sandals I got use to. But, I’m really wobbly on these.”

“It takes practice to walk in them. Walk around for a while, and see if you get use to them. Be careful on the stairs.”

Sam spent a good fifteen minutes walking around the house in the heels, he got better, but still didn’t feel good enough to walk very far in them. And, said, “I don’t think I should try walking to my house in these. I’ll break my neck on the sidewalk.”

“That’s okay, honey. Heels do take practice. The sandals will look all right.”

He changed shoes, and they headed for the twin’s house. On the way, a car with two boys honked at them as it went by. And, then went around the block, and went past them again slowly. Sam was getting a little concerned, and annoyed with them. Vanessa told him, “Relax sweetheart. Girls get this all the time. You learn to ignore it. If you react to them, they just get bolder, and do it more. Just keep walking. We’re almost there.”

“Yea. But, it’s annoying.”

“Get use to it girlfriend. It’s part of being a girl. And, I’m surprised we didn’t get hit on at the mall.”


“Boys? You’re a boy. You never did anything like this?”


They got to the twin’s house, and Toshi was the only one home. She saw Sam, and said, “Nice look little sister. Where’s the heels? They would really make that outfit look great. Hmm, no hips!”

“I was afraid I would break my neck walking over here.”, Sam answered.

“He tried walking in them.”, Vanessa said, “And, was having problems. But, he’ll learn.”

“You two are really getting into me dressing as a girl. Aren’t you?”

“Honestly? Yes. At first, I wasn’t sure about having a boyfriend that liked girls clothes, and looks better than I do. But, it’s become fun. You know I like to shop, and it’s given me more reason to do that. You’re fun to go out with as a girlfriend, even though it’s only been once. And, I want to do it more. I actually love the way you look in satin nightgowns. Toshi has been a big help, in helping me learn about you. And, it’s really opened my eyes. You can’t help being the way you are. And, it seems that you’re comfortable with it. So, because I love you more than anything, I’m willing to accept all parts of you.”

Toshi added, “What she said. Except for the satin nightgown thing.”

He just sat there, and looked at the two girls. Then just said, “I love you two guys.”

“Okay, lover.” Vanessa said, “Lets get you in guy mode, so that I can get the grocery shopping done.”

-End Part 4-

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