Mike and Sam Part 2

Mike and Sam

by Teddie S

Part 2

Back Home

He was met at the airport by his parents, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood behind them in what even they decided.

About a month before school started, Mike started looking for an apartment, and found one about two blocks off campus, it was a second floor walk up with a view of a park. He took digital pictures, sent them to Masumi, and she thought that he had made a good choice. So, Mike paid the first and last months rent, and moved in.

What he had done with Masumi the past summer, transforming into Mishelle as much as he had, had really increased his confidence when it came to his crossdressing. So, he thought that he would surprise her with something. He started searching on the web, and finally in the local telephone directory, for a special shop. He finally found what he was looking for, and made a telephone call. After talking for a short while, he made an appointment for early the next morning, before the shop actually opened. He was up early, and on the road, as it was an hours drive to the shop. He pulled up in front of a store, took a deep breath, got out of his car, walked up to the door, and knocked on it. He was a little nervous, but not as much as he thought he would be. A woman, of about 40 or 50, was working at the counter, looked up, walked to the door, and opened it. She said, "Are you Mike?"

"Yes, m'am."

"Well, right on time. Come on in."

She closed and locked the door behind him.

"So, your looking for a padded girdle for yourself?"

"Yes, m'am."

"Please call me Carla."

"Yes, m'am. I mean Carla. Like I explained, I'm a crossdresser, and I'm looking for something to give me a more feminine shape."

"I think I can help. I have a number of male clients. Some wear girdles for back support, some, like you, for a more feminine figure. What did you have in mind?"

"I do have a waist cincher that I wear to pull my waist in. But, I'd like something that might do that, plus give me something more in the hips and rear."

"Alright, let's take some measurements so we can see what we need to do."

Carla took him back to the changing rooms, and had him strip to his shorts. She then measured his chest, waist, and hips.

She continued, "It appears that you should have about a 38 inch hip. That, plus cinching your waist down, will give you a very feminine figure."

"I'd be happy with the 38 hips. And, whatever we can do with the waist would be great."

"I'd suggest that you stick with the waist cincher. What can you get your waist down to with the cincher?"

"Right now about a 32."

"What you really need is a 26 inch waist. That may not be realistic. But, you can get close."

She went on to explained that the type of padding she used was a close to natural feeling as possible, and it would feel real to anyone touching it. She picked a girdle from her stock, and handed it to him along with a pair of pantyhose. He put on the pantyhose, and struggled pulling up the panty girdle, but finally got it on. The zipper was almost impossible. He called to her, saying that he couldn't get the zipper up. She came in the changing room, looked at the girdle, and said, "I forgot to tell you, that you needed to fasten the hook and eyes first. Here I'll do it for you." She fastened the hook and eyes, and told Mike to take a deep breath. He did, and she pulled the zipper up. It was tight. She then said, "Come on out here, so I can get a better look."

They walked out of the changing room, into the shop. She had him stand in the middle of an area, and walked around him.

"How does it feel?", she asked.

"It's tight. But, feels good."

"How do you get the waist cincher so tight?"

"My girl friend helps me."

"You have a girl friend that helps you with your crossdressing?"

"Yes. She really enjoys it."

"I have a number of customers that would give a million dollars for a girl friend like that."

"She's not for sale at any price." Mike went on giving her a short version of his summer in Japan.

"You are so lucky."

"Thank you. In away, this was her idea. She said that I would be more passable if I had wider hips and more butt. And, I wanted to surprise her."

"That, we will do. I'll add the padding to the girdle, and have it done well before she gets here. Go change back, and keep the pantyhose.", she said with a wink.

Mike changed back into his clothes, leaving the pantyhose on. Gave the girdle to Carla, and paid her up front for her work. She told him that it would be ready at the end of next week. This would work out just perfectly, as Masumi was do to arrive in two weeks.

That week a delivery service delivered a number of boxes from Japan. It was Masumi's things. Mike started to unpack the boxes, and put things away. Most of it was her clothes, some books, and personal things. There were a number of smaller boxes inside the bigger boxes, with a kiss on them, that were marked "Don't you dare open these until I get there." He carefully set these aside.

At the end of the week, Mike went back to Carla's store to pick up the girdle. Carla was happy to see him, and the girdle was ready. She showed it to him, and you could hardly see where the padding was. "Go try it on.", she said. He figured that she was going to tell him that, so he had worn panty hose under his slacks. It was still a struggle to get it up, but once up, he fastened the hook and eye fasteners, and pulled the zipper up. He felt his rear and hips, looked in the mirror, and liked the effect. He walked back out into the shop, and Carla said, "Well."

"Very nice. Very, very nice."

"It does looks good on you, and gives you hips. By the way, did I tell you that you have very nice legs?"

"No. But, thank you."

"The more you wear the girdle, the more you'll get use to it."

"Good. I'll wear it home."

"Do me one favor? Once your girl friend is back in town, stop in sometime when your dressed, and let me see."

"I sure will." With that Mike said goodbye, and headed home.

Masumi arrived a few days later, and Mike met her at the airport. And, it was like they had been separated two years, and not just two months. All the way home Masumi filled Mike in on what had happen at home. Once at the apartment, Mike picked up Masumi, and carried here across the threshold. "What was that all about?", she asked.

"There's an old custom. That a groom is to carry the bride across the threshold of their new home. I know were not married. But, I just had to do it."

"I love this custom.", she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

Mike gave Masumi the cooks tour of the apartment, being sure to point out the unopened boxes. Masumi smiled, and said, "We'll get to those later." Over the next few days, they settled in the apartment, visited Mike's parents, and the Gordons. Everyone was very glad to see Masumi again. Mike's parents had about the same talk with them that Masumi's parents had.

One day, they were just back from grocery shopping, and carrying the bags in the door, when the phone rang. Masumi answered it, "Hello."

"Sachiko. What's wrong." That was the last thing that Mike could understand, as Masumi started talking very excitedly in Japanese. Faster than Mike could understand. She also started crying. Mike was worried that something had happened.

"Sam. What's wrong?", Mike asked.

"Sam! Masumi! What's wrong?", he asked again.

Sam said something to Sachiko, turned to Mike, and said, "I'm sorry honey. There is nothing wrong. I'm just so happy. You remember Jeremi, Sachiko's boyfriend? The one we called Jerry."

"Yes. Of course."

"He asked Sachiko to marry him. And, she said yes."

"That's great. Tell Sachiko that I said that's wonderful news. Have they set a date?"

Sam said some to Sachiko, and listened.

"No they haven't set a date. But, it probably won't be until next summer."

"That is just so great. Tell them both I said congratulations. And, you, please don't ever scare me like that again."

"I'm sorry, honey. I was just so excited for her."

Sam and Sachiko continued talking for a long time. Mike put all the groceries away, and started supper. Sam finally walked up behind him, and just hugged him. He turned around, and looked into her eyes, the only time he had seen her happier, was the first time that he had told her that he loved her. So, he told her again how much he loved her, and her face just lit up. They had supper, and Sam filled him in on all the details of the engagement, including Jeremi having to ask her father for her hand. Mike swallowed a little hard on this.

Later that evening, Sam said, "I think it's time we open those boxes."

The two of them went to the bedroom, and placed all the boxes on the bed. With two of them, it was easy to figure out what was in them, it was the wigs. They were carefully placed on the dressing table. They opened each box, all containing Mishelle's clothes, and placed its contents in its proper place, bras, panties, nylons, waist cincher, blouses, skirts, shorts, shoes, and the makeup box. That left three boxes, each of these had a kiss on it. Sam, said, "Open that one first.", pointing to one of the boxes. Mike opened it, and it was another waist cincher in black. But, it looked smaller than the other. He looked at Sam, and said, "This looks smaller."

"It is. I figured that once you really got use to the other one, we could start on that one."

He looked at her, and knew there was no use trying to talk her out of it. He placed it in the drawer with the other one. She then said, handing him another box, "Open this one next." He opened it, and pulled out the sexiest, silkiest, little black dress that he had ever seen. She added, "That's a present from my mother. And, you'll need the black waist cincher to wear it."

"She bought this for me?"

"Yes. I told you that she liked you very much. And, after you left, we had a long talk about crossdressers. She understands you very well."

"Wow! But, where can I wear this?"

"We'll find some place. Now open this one."

Mike opened the last box. And, in it were a pair of black heels with ankle straps, that looked like they went along with the dress. He said, "I guess these are from your dad?"

"No. He doesn't know about you. Yet. Those are from Sachiko."

"Your family is just too much. I love you, and I love them."

"I know. I love you too. And, they have also come to love you."

With school starting on Monday, Masumi wanted to go out with Mishelle on Saturday night. So, on Saturday afternoon it was off to the bedroom to transform Mike into Mishelle. Mike pulled on a pair of pantyhose, and then went into his chest of drawers, took out the panty girdle, and started to put it on.

"Something new lover?", Masumi said.

"Sort of.", Mike said, and he told her the story behind the panty girdle.

"Put it on and lets see."

Mike pulled the panty girdle on, fastened the hook and eyes, and zipped it up. He then looked at Masumi.

"Looks tight. But, you've got hips and a butt.", she said.

"It's tight, but not as tight as the waist cincher.", he said as he reached in his chest of drawers again, pulling out the waist cincher, and offering it to Masumi. She wrapped it around him, and tightened it a little tighter than she ever had before.

"A little tight, sweet heart."

"Got to get you down, so that you can wear that little black dress.", she said with a smile.

He sighed a little. And, put on a bra with the forms. Again, looking in the mirror, he thought, 'Looking more and more like a girl.' Then he smiled. "Do my makeup for me."

"Sure. But, we have to start lessons soon."

He sat down, put on a wig cap, and she did his makeup. He then went and put on his knee length gray skirt, and an off the shoulder cranberry sweeter. This was a real sharp outfit, that he had before he met Masumi, and he really loved it. This was the first time that she had seen it, and she also loved it. He then got the blond wig, carefully positioned it over the wig cap, and pinned it in place. A few passes with a brush, and it was perfect. Next he pulled the wedding bands and engagement rings out of the makeup box, and slipped them on his left ring finger. Taking the other set, he placed them on Masumi's finger, and she smiled at him.

He asked her, "Do you mind if we don't go to a movie tonight? There is something that I'd like to do."

"No, honey. That's fine. What do you want to do."

"I promised Carla, the woman that did the girdle, that I'd stop by the shop, with you sometime, when I was dressed."

"That would be great. Maybe we can find an engagement present there."

"It's about an hour west of here. And, we'll stop for dinner on the way."

He put on his Mary Janes, and they were out the door. They stopped at a very upscale restaurant, and were treated just as they should have been, like two ladies. They finished the drive to Carla's shop, and parked in front. There were a couple of shoppers inside, and Carla was busy with one of them. She smiled at them when they walked in, but there was no hint of recognition. They looked around until Carla was finished with the customer. She walked over to them, and said, "Is there anything that I can help you ladies with?"

Mishelle smiled at her, and said, "You told me to stop by sometime."

Carla looked at her, and her mouth dropped open. "The padded panty girdle. Japanese girl friend.", she said looking at Masumi then back at Mishelle, "Mike. Right?"

"Yes. But, Mishelle right now.", Mishelle said with a grin.

"My god. Your gorgeous. I would have never know, except for your voice."

"See, honey. I told you that you were pretty. Now you have a second opinion.", Masumi said, with a smile.

Carla stood back to take a good look, and just shook her head. "I've seen a lot of crossdressers in here and at meetings. And, only one was as pretty and passable as you. And, that girdle really helps that skirt look good."

"Thank you again, for the complements and the girdle. And, this is my girlfriend, Masumi. Masumi, this is Carla." The girls shook hands, and said hello. "I can thank her for making me the girl that I am. She did my makeup."

"A great job, Masumi."

"I had a good canvas to work with."

"You know Mike, I mean Mishelle, if you could learn to change your voice, you could pass anywhere."

"I know. And, I'd like to be able to do that. But, I don't know how.", Mishelle said.

"There are ways. I know of a good speech pathologist that works with the transgendered community."

"How do I get in touch with them?"

"I'll give you a card with the information on it before you leave."

"Were also looking for an engagement present for Masumi's sister."

"I have some very nice things over there. Go take a look. I'll finish with this customer, and come back and help you." With that Carla, still shaking her head, walked over to the other customer. And, Mishelle and Masumi walked over to look at the gifts. They choose a very nice gift, that could be easily mailed to Japan, and went to the counter to pay Carla.

Carla took another good look at Mishelle, and said, "You know, now that I look close, there is something else that might give you away."

"What's that?"

"Your Adams Apple. Yours is small, but if you look close it's there. Now, I have something that would help conceal it."

Mishelle looked closely in a mirror that was sitting on the counter, and said, "You know, your right. What do you have?"

"Chokers. They go around the neck and right over where the Adams Apple is. Go look over there, and try one."

Mishelle and Masumi went over to a display case that held chokers, and looked them over. Masumi looked at Mishelle's neck, and said, "She's right, I can see your Adams Apple. And, some of these chokers are very pretty. Lets get you one."

They looked at a few, and finally picked one that was a dark blue velvet ribbon, with a small cameo on it. Masumi fastened it around Mishelle's neck, and they both looked at it in the mirror. Masumi said, "That looks sharp, and it does hide your Adams Apple."

Mishelle wore the choker back to the counter, Carla smiled, and said, "That's better, and that one is very pretty. Now, if you can soften your voice, there's no place you couldn't go."

"Thank you, Carla. We never noticed the Adams Apple before.", Masumi said.

They paid for their purchases, said their good byes to Carla, and headed home. On the way they talked over what Carla had told them about the speech pathologist, and Mishelle said that she would check out the speech pathologist's web page. The only thing that worried Masumi, was that any change to Mishelle's voice would be permanent. Mishelle assured her that if it was a permanent change, she wouldn't do it.

Classes started on Monday, and they both were taking a heavy class load. So, for the first couple of weeks the voice pathologist was all but forgotten. One thing Masumi didn't forget was her promise to work with Mike on improving on his limited Japanese. To help him, she tried to only speak to him in Japanese, but also was kind enough to help him when he had problems. So, over the next four months, his Japanese improved. In fact, it got so good that most of the conversations between them was in Japanese. Also, there were the makeup lessons. Mishelle was a quick learner.

After the second week of classes, there was a great need to relax on that weekend, and Masumi wanted to go out with Mishelle. So, on Saturday afternoon Mike, with help from Masumi, was transformed into Mishelle. They were going to the mall, then dinner, and a show. After dinner, Mishelle was freshening up her makeup at the table, when she found the card that Carla had given them in her purse. She looked at it, and handed it to Masumi, saying, "I had almost forgotten about this."

"Me, too. What do you think?"

"When we get home lets check out the web site. And, we can see what it's all about."

They enjoyed another chick flick, stopped for a light desert, and headed home. Masumi headed for the computer, sat down, turned it on, and Mishelle sat down next to her. She typed in the URL of the web site, and in a few seconds the web page was up. It was a web page of a Linda McMurphy who was a speech pathologist. It explained all her services, and gave a list of her qualifications. There was no mention of voice training for crossdressers, but there was a link called, "other". They took that, and sure enough it was a page explaining her services to the transgendered community. Masumi smiled, when she read that is was possible to train the male crossdresser to soften his voice, and learn proper feminine phraseology. They talked over calling the speech pathologist, and decided that Mike would call her on Monday to find out what services she offered.

On Monday, Mike called the speech pathologist and talked with her for awhile, telling her what they were looking for. She told him that she thought that she could help, and he set up an appointment with her for the following Monday, when both he and Masumi could go. That night at dinner, they talked over what Mike had found out, and Masumi was excited at the possibilities.

The following Monday they went to see the speech pathologist, Linda McMurphy. She explained to them, that she could help him to soften his voice when he wanted to, and learn proper feminine phraseology. But, in some cases the softening took quite a while to prefect, and in some cases it never really worked. But, the only way to find out if it would work or not, was to try it. And, Mike would have to really work on what she showed him. She also explained, that the only way to obtain a 100% feminine voice was through surgery, and of course that would be permanent. They discussed everything for a little while, and decided to give it a try without surgery. So, they set up a few weekly appointments, beginning the next Monday, to get started.

The college semester went along very well, their grades were again very good. Mike had been very busy, what with classes, learning Japanese and makeup from Masumi, and the voice lessons. Plus, he got a part time job in the Psychology Department, helping to run various experiments. This would help them with some expenses, as well as save for something important.

He had been so busy, that he had almost forgotten about Masumi's birthday, which fell on the Friday of final exams week. So, Mike decided to do something special for her. His last final was on Thursday, and she had two on Friday. So, this gave him some time to prepare. After she left on Friday, he went grocery shopping, he was going to fix her favorite dinner. He also found a very nice small cake, just enough for the two of them. There was going to be a family birthday party at his parents on Sunday. Also, he went to a small shop that he knew of and purchased a special present.

When Masumi came home, and walked in the door, she could smell the food cooking. She walked into the kitchen to find Mike hard at work. She walked up behind him, and gave him a big hug. He turned around, kissed her, and told her to have a seat at the table while he finished cooking.

As they ate, they talked. Masumi said, "We need to talk about Sachiko's wedding, it's only a few months away."

"I know. I hope I can be there. But, I don't think my parents can pay for another trip."

"Don't worry, you'll be there."

"Your not going to ask your dad, are you?"

"Honey. Everyone, Sachiko, mom, dad, and Jeremi, want you there. They feel you're a part of the family. And, it's very important to me that you be there."

Mike sighed, and said, "Ok. It's no use arguing with you. I loose every time."

She kissed him, and said, "I'll need to leave right after school is out in May, to help with the final arrangements. And, you can come the week before the wedding."

"You mean I have to fly by myself again?", he said with a fake frown. She punched him in the shoulder.

He got up, got the cake, and lit the candles. And, sang happy birthday to her in Japanese. She blew out the candles, and kissed him again. After they finished the cake, he got up again, and came back with a small gift wrapped box. She opened it very carefully, and inside was a black velvet case. She opened that, and inside was a neckless, with a three diamond pendant. She said, "It gorgeous, but you shouldn't have."

"Yes I should have. I wanted something pretty, for a pretty girl. And, remember the instructions that you wrote for opening the wooden box that held my necklace? They said, 'My love, as with my heart, there are only three simple moves to open the box.' So, three diamonds."

"Thank you. I love you so much.", she said as she started to cry.

He held her, and said, "I love you very much, too."

They both cleaned up the dishes, and went and sat in the livingroom. Masumi said, "Can we do something?"


"I want you to be able to wear that little black dress when we're in Japan. There is someone that wants to see you in it."

"Who? Your mom?"

"Yes, mom. But, there is someone else. It's a secret."

"I guess it's no use me asking who. You won't tell me."

"Your right."

"Ok. I guess I'll have to let you strap me into that black waist cincher."

"Your so clairvoyant.", she said with a grin. Getting up, she took his hand, and led him to the bedroom. She continued, "Lets, put on your padded panty girdle, the waist cincher, and a bra with the forms. Then I can takes some measurements, and see what we have to do."

He sighed a little, but smiled at her. He couldn't help it, she was so cute. He stripped, pulled on a pair of panty hose, put on the panty girdle, a bra with forms, and handed her the black waist cincher. She wrapped it around him, fastened the busk, and walked around behind him. She began pulling on the laces, making it tighter and tighter. She got it down to where they could get the white waist cincher, and said, "This is where the work begins."

She had him raise his hands again, and take a deep breath. She tightened the laces. She had him take another deep breath, and tightened them a little more. Then she said, "That's tight enough for now. Are you ok?"

"I can hardly breath."

"You'll be fine. Let's see where we're at."

She went and got a cloth tape measure, and noted the measurements she took. "Hmm.", she said, "We have some work to do. You're waist is a 30. Top and bottom are good. The waist we need to work on."

"How much work?"

"Oh, about three or four inches."

"Three or four inches! We can't do that. I can breath now."

"Yes we can. You just need to wear this every day. Only for a few hours a day to start with, and then will build on that."

"I hope, who ever I'm doing this for will appreciate it."

"Do I count?", Masumi said, with a little pout, "I'm going to appreciate it. And, so will mom, and the other person."

"You know you count. And, I'll do it for you."

Between the end of fall semester and beginning of spring semester, they got Mike's waist down to 27 inches. They also tried the little black dress, they could get it zipped, but it stretched the fabric a little too much. But, Mishelle liked how she looked in it, so actually worked harder than Masumi wanted him to in able to fit into it.

Now, of course, these two continued to participate in their favorite pass time. Going out as two girl friends, at least once every weekend, if not more.

Spring semester was great. Mike was in the waist cincher, when he wasn't in class or working. He actually slept in it. Masumi didn't want to hurt him, so she actually slowed him down. But, two weeks before the end of the semester, she tightened the cincher, took a measurement, and smiled. It was 26 inches. She had Mike, put on the panty girdle, bra, and forms. Then she handed him the black dress. He slipped it over his head, and she zipped it up without trouble. He looked in the mirror, and grinned. She was also smiling.

During exam week, they started packing some of the things that Masumi would need back home, plus most of Mishelle's clothes, for shipping to Japan.

The Sunday after exams, Masumi was off to Japan. Their good bye was like any young couple that was in love. Some tears, some hugs, and a lot of kissing. Mikes parents, and the Gordons came to see Masumi off. And, Mrs. Gordon commented to Mike that this sure wasn't anything like the first time that Masumi had gone back to Japan. Mike said, "Yes. But, now we know that we will see each other very shortly. And, I want to thank you for everything."

"For everything?"

"Yes. If you hadn't sponsored her. We would have never met." And, Mike gave Mrs. Gordon a kiss on the cheek.

Mike would be leaving for Japan in two weeks, and he kept the cincher on as much as possible. They had worked out a way that he could loosen the ties, and then tighten them again. That way he wouldn't loose what he had gained. He was actually able to get it tighter than Masumi really wanted him to. There was also a couple of things he had to do before going to Japan.

Sachiko's wedding and much more.

Mikes flight arrived right on time, and he was met by Masumi and Sachiko. Their parents thought that they might want some time to talk. So, on the way back to the Matsushita home, Masumi and Sachiko filled him in on the plans for the wedding. And, when they pulled up in front of the main house instead of the guest house, Mike was a little confused. Masumi looked at him, smiled, and said, "You staying with me. In my room."

"Your parents..."

"I think they know about us. After all, we are sharing an apartment."

Sachiko giggled, and said, "They knew about you two before they even met Mike. Anyway, the guest house is going to be filled up, Jeremi, his parents, and both set of his grandparents are staying there."

The driver took the bags inside the house, and they were met by Masumi's parents. After some very warm greetings, Mrs. Matsushita commented to Mike, "It looks like you have lost some weight, Mike."

"Yes, m'am. Masumi has been a slave driver about me slimming down."

They laughed. Masumi helped Mike carry his bags to her room. He said, "I still can't believe that they are letting me stay in your room."

"My parents are very modern in most respects. And, I think that they understand our relationship better than we do. And, like I said, there's the apartment."

"I know. But, this makes me a little nervous."

"Bet I can make you even more nervous."

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Not really. Remember the other person that I wanted to see you in the little black dress?"


"Well, after dinner tonight, I want to put you in that little black dress and introduce Mishelle to my dad."

"No way!"


"Yes. What will he think?"

"Don't worry. Remember he's also a crossdresser. And, mom thinks that he will be fine with it. She is. Remember, she bought you that little black dress, and also wants to see you in it."

He sat there for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and said, "Ok."

She kissed him.

They unpacked his things, and he found that all of Mishelle's clothes were put away in drawers and on hangers. And, the two wigs, that they had sent, were sitting on Masumi's dresser. He put the male clothes that he had brought away. It didn't take a quarter of the room that Mishelle's clothes did.

Masumi looked a little puzzled.

"What's wrong?", Mike asked.

"Where is the black waist cincher?"

"Right here.", he said, patting his stomach.

"You wore it on the plane? For that whole flight?"

"Sure. I've gotten use to the crazy thing. And, besides, it's comfortable. I don't have it as tight as we usually make it, just comfortably tight."

"Your nuts."

"True. I love you, and that makes me completely nuts."

They tussled a little, and ended up in a clinch on her bed.

They had a nice dinner with the family, and then went for a walk in the garden. Mike was quieter than usual. "What's wrong, honey?", Masumi asked him.

"I'm getting very nervous about this."

"Don't be. Everything will be fine."

"If you say so. But, lets get it over with."

"Sure. Come on."

They headed back to Masumi's room. Mike undressed, also removing the waist cincher. He walked over to the one suitcase that they hadn't opened, and pulled out a black corset. Masumi said, "Looks like you visited Carla again."

"Sure did. I figured that I couldn't wear that little black dress with a white girdle. So, I went to Carla to see what she could suggest. By the way, she was impressed with what we've done to my waist. We talked over various options, and she suggested a corset with some padding added to the bottom. I tried one on, and she really tightened it up. She said that she could add the padding to the bottom to give the right hip measurement, and I could also get one that had a built in bra. I told her to go for it. And, this is it."

"And, you talked about me really getting into this. Lets see it on."

Mike slipped on a black thong, tuck his male equipment away, put on a pair of black nylons, undid the busk of the corset, wrapped it around himself, and fastened the busk. He slipped the breast forms into the built in bra, and adjusted them the way he wanted them. Then he attached the six garters to the nylons, and asked Masumi to tighten the laces. She seemed to enjoy tightening them as tight as she could. When she was done, she stood back, and looked a very female form.

"Wow.", she said, "That really gives you a great form."

"You like it?"

"Darn right. And, I have something else for you."


"You can't wear that dress without a proper slip." She handed him a short black slip. He slipped it over his head, and the bottom hit just below the garter tabs. He then sat down to do his makeup. Masumi curled up on her bed to watch him, she just loved this. In about twenty minutes Mike had become Mishelle, complete with blond hair. Mishelle then retrieved the black dress from the closet, stepped into it, and Masumi zipped it up. And, last but not least, came the three inch black heels with ankle straps. Mishelle stood there for Masumi's approval. Masumi said, "If I didn't love you already, I'd fall in love with you now. You are gorgeous."

"Yea. And, your dad is going to think I'm a real nut case."

"No he won't. Now, stop thinking that way."

"Lets get this over with, before I back out."

Masumi took his hand and led him out of her room, down stairs, and to a room that Americans would call a den. Mr. and Mrs. Matsushita were sitting enjoying a drink with Sachiko, when Masumi said, "Mother, Father, Sachiko, I would like you to meet my special friend Mishelle." The three stood, and Mrs. Matsushita eyes got very big, her hand went to her mouth, and she even knew what was going on. Mr. Matsushita, being the gentleman that he is, bowed, and said, "Hajimemashite, Mishelle." (Authors note: Hajimemashite, is How do you do)

Mishelle bowed and replied, "Douzo yoroshiku, Mr. Matsushita." But, using Mike's voice, not Mishelle's. (Authors note: Douzo yoroshiku, is a formal 'Nice to meet you')

Mr. Matsushita slowly looked up, with a puzzled look on his face, and said, "Mike?"

Mishelle stood there with a nervous smile. Masumi, Sachiko, and Mrs. Matsushita, all laughed a little. And, Mrs. Matsushita said, "Yes, Haku, he's a crossdresser just like you. But, he just looks more like a girl than you do."

"My daughter has a boy friend that's a crossdresser. What next?"

"Daddy. He may be a crossdresser, but he's really all man. Remember your one too. And, it's something that you can't help. It's part of you.", Masumi said.

"Mishelle. Right?"

"Yes sir.", Mishelle said in perfect Japanese.

"Wait. You girls know about my crossdressing."

"Yes, dear.", Mrs. Matsushita said, "After I learned about Mike/Mishelle, I told the three of them about you. I made them promise to tell no one."

He frowned at his wife, looked at Mishelle, and said, "Come. Let's walk.", as he opened a door to the garden.

Mishelle looked at Masumi a little nervously, and then at Mrs. Matsushita. They looked at her, raised there eyebrows and shrugged their shoulders. Mishelle followed Mr. Matsushita out the door, and into the garden. The three girls watched them walk through the garden talking. As they headed back towards the house, they saw Mishelle take Mr. Matsushita's arm, and they were both smiling and talking, as they walked towards the house. They walked back through the door, and Masumi could tell that Mishelle was relaxed. The four of them sat in the den, had a drink, and chatted, as four women and a man would, for an hour or so. Masumi and Mishelle finally went for a walk in the garden, and sat in their favorite place.

Masumi said, "Father usually has the garden redesigned every couple of years or so, and I told him that if he ever changed this spot that I'd disown him."

"There you go, wrapping him around your little finger, again."

"What did the two of you talk about?"

"I'm not telling."

"Oh, come on. He's probably telling mom everything."

"I doubt it. I'll tell you this. You almost gave him a heart attack, when he figured out that I was really Mike. You should have really filled him in ahead of time."

"I wondered about that. But, mom said that it would be fine to surprise him. Guess not, huh?"

"Guess not. When he bowed and figured out who I really was, it was a real shock. But, we had a good talk, and understand each other. He did tell me, that neither you or I would probable ever see him dressed, as he is no where close to being passable. It's just his way of relaxing. He uses it to take away the stress of his job."

"I know. That's what mother told me. His job is so stressful, that he needs a way to relax, and crossdressing is a lot better than getting drunk every night. She also told me, that she couldn't get over how good you looked. I had told her that you made a very pretty girl, but it just took her breath away when she saw you."

They sat in the garden, Masumi all cuddled up with Mishelle, until a light rain began to fall. They went back into the house, everyone else had gone to bed. Masumi took Mishelle's hand, led her to her bedroom, and said, "Can I have Mike for the night?"

"You can have Mike any time you want him."

She helped him undress and remove the makeup. They spent the night as many lovers spend it...

The wedding was to be on Saturday, and as the day approached it became a mad house getting ready. One thing that was almost forgotten was a kimono for Mike. But, Mr. Matsushita came up with one at the last minute.

On Saturday, Mike started making mental notes as to what a Shinto wedding was like. Sachiko was wearing her mothers white wedding kimono, with an obi or sash, that Mike found out, had been give to her by Jeremi, and her headdress was also very ornate. The rest of the wedding party was also dressed in very fancy kimonos, and Masumi really looked nice in hers. There was traditional Japanese music, played by a six member group playing ancient instruments. The shrine had been setup in the garden, and the wedding party made a ritual entrance led by the Shinto Priest, and two Shrine Maidens. Sachiko and Jeremi sipped sacred sake, and made their vows to the gods and each other. The reception was also held in the garden, and there were about sixty guests.

After the reception, Masumi and Mike were finally able to get back together. With Masumi being part of the wedding party, it had kept them apart for most of the day. They wandered around the garden, as usual, and Mike commented on how beautiful she looked in her kimono. She kissed him, after he added that he wondered what she would look like in a white one.

The next morning everyone slept in, except Mike. He had been awake all night, just cuddling Masumi. He quietly got out of bed, dressed, and went out in the garden. He walked over to their favorite spot, and sat for awhile. Later he heard a little noise coming from the kitchen, and he headed back to the house. It was Mrs. Matsushita and the cook working on breakfast for everyone who had stayed the night, including the wedding couple. He offered to help, and Mrs. Matsushita put him to work. Awhile later Mr. Matsushita walked in, just as Mike was finishing, and poured himself a cup of tea. Mike walked over to Mrs. Matsushita, and asked, "Can I speak to you and Mr. Matsushita in private for a minute?"

She smiled knowingly at Mike, walked over to Mr. Matsushita, said something to him. He looked at Mike, they walked over to him, and Mr. Matsushita said, "Would you like to go into the garden?"

"That would be great.", Mike said, and followed them.

Mrs. Matsushita said, "You look very serious Mike. Is something wrong?"

"No, m'ma. It's that I've never done anything like this, and I'm nervous."

"What's on you mind Mike?", Mr. Matsushita asked.

"Well...", taking a deep breath, Mike said, "I think that you both know that I love Masumi very much. And, I should really be talking to Mr. Matsushita alone about this. But, I think the world of both of you, so I figured that I'd ask you together. I know that both of you know how Masumi and I feel about each other, and I would like to ask Masumi to be my wife. If I can have your permission?"

Mrs. Matsushita hugged Mike. But, Mr. Matsushita got a serious look, and said, "Young man. Marriage is a very serious thing..."

Mrs. Matsushita turned and looked at him, and said, "If you don't stop being an old stuffed shirt, and give him your permission without that long speech. I'll... I'll..."

Mr. Matsushita, stopped talking, smiled, and said, "Ok. Ok. I'll stop."

"Good. I didn't want to listen to that speech again. Well!"

"Mike. Actually, we wondered when this was going to happen. And, Mrs. Matsushita and I are more than happy to give you permission to ask Masumi to marry you."

Mike and Mr. Matsushita shook hands, and Mike hugged and kissed Mrs. Matsushita.

"Can we make the announcement at breakfast?", Mr. Matsushita asked.

"I'm going to go, and wake her up right now. And, if you see a ring on her finger, I would be pleased if you would make the announcement."

They shook hands and hugged again. Mike went up to Masumi's room, quietly walked into the room, and went to where he had hidden the ring. Taking the ring box, he walked over to the bed, sat down on the edge, and looked at her for a long while. Finally he bent over and kissed her. She stirred a little. He kissed her again, she opened her eyes a little, and said, "What time is it?"

"It's time to wake up sleepyhead. Breakfast is almost ready, and everyone is waiting on you."

"I want to sleep."

"Well, I guess that you don't want this either."

"What? Breakfast in bed, I hope."

"No. Something maybe a little bit better. Wake up and see."

She rolled over, looked at Mike, then at what he had in his hand, and sat bolt upright in bed. She slowly took the box from Mike, looked at Mike, and opened the box. He asked, "Masumi, will you marry me?"

Her arms wrapped around his neck, and their lips met in a deep kiss. Their kiss finally broke, and they just hugged. Mike finally whispered, "Well. Will you?" She whispered back, "Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. Please put the ring on my finger."

"I can't with you wrapped around me."

She broke her hold on him, handed him the box, and he placed the ring on her finger, and kissed her again.

Looking at the ring, she asked, "Have you talked to my father."

"Yes. Actually both your mom and dad, just this morning."


"They were both very happy, and gave their permission."

"Did dad give you his speech? "

"He started to. But, your mom put a stop to it. Come on, get dressed, breakfast is ready."

Masumi was slow to get dressed, as she kept stopping to look at the ring, and kiss Mike.

She was finally dressed, and they headed downstairs. As they walked in, hand in hand, Mrs. Matsushita looked questioningly at Mike, Mike smiled, and nodded yes. She leaned over, and whispered something to Mr. Matsushita, he looked up at his daughter, and smiled. Sachiko looked at her sister, and said, "Well, it's about time sleepyhead, and why do you look like the cat that swallowed the bird?" Mr. Matsushita hushed her, stood up, and said, "Everyone, I have an announcement to make. Mike has asked Masumi for her hand in marriage. Her mother and I have given our permission, and from the look on her face, she has said yes. And, Mike we would like you to call us chichi (father) and haha (mother) from now on." Before her father had a chance to finish, Sachiko jumped up, ran to her sister, and gave her a big hug and kiss. Then she gave Mike a big hug and kiss. Everyone else got up, and offered their congratulations. After breakfast, Mike whispered to Masumi, "We need to call my parents." They excused themselves, and went back to Masumi's room to make the call in privacy.

As they walked in the door, she turned, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Broke the kiss, and said, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

"It's beautiful. How long have you had this?", she asked looking at the ring again.

"For a little while. I found it at that little jewelry store down the block from the apartment. I didn't have enough to buy it right away, so the jeweler was kind enough to put it lay-a-way for me. And, I picked it up just before my flight. I wanted to give it to you right after I arrived, but I decided to wait until after the wedding. I didn't want to take anything away from Sachiko's and Jeremi's special day."

"You are so sweet."

Mike sat down, and checked his watch to see what time it was back home. It was late, but Mike knew his parents would still be up, and he wanted to call and tell them. So, he dialed the phone, waited, and finally said, "Hello mom." "No, nothing is wrong." "Masumi and I have something that we want to tell you and dad. Can he get on the extension?" "Ok, we'll wait." "Yes, we had a great time. The Shinto wedding was very interesting. You there dad?" "Great. How would you guys like to see a Shinto wedding in person?" "No. Here in Japan." "Oh, maybe next summer." "Yes, I asked Masumi to marry me, and she said yes." "The Matsushitas' said the same thing." "Here say hello to your future daughter-in-law." He handed the phone to Masumi , and she had a nice long talk with her future in laws. Finally she said, "I love you too mom and dad. Here's Mike." Then she handed the phone back to Mike. "One last thing mom. Would you call the Gordons and tell them. I know Masumi would like that." "Love you guys, too. See you in a week or so. Bye."

"You should have heard them, when they figured out that I was talking about our wedding here next year. Maybe?"

"What do you mean, maybe! If I had my way, it would be tomorrow.", Masumi said.

Masumi spent the rest of the morning calling her friends and telling them. Mike, went back to the kitchen, and sat and talked with Mrs. Matsushita. It was like Mike had lived there his whole life, he was treated as a member of the family. Masumi finally came down, just before Sachiko and Jeremi were going to leave on their honeymoon to Australia.

After the newly weds had left, Masumi took Mike's hand, and led him to their favorite spot in the garden. She sat, and he sat next to her. Taking both of his hands in hers, and looking him in the eyes, she said, "Honey, while I was telling my friends, I was also thinking. And, I came to realize, that I never wanted to be separated from you again for any length of time."

"I know. I feel the same way."

"Either, I want to come back to the States with you when you go back. Or, I want you to stay here until it's time for us to go back to school, and we'll go back together."

"Your serious about this, aren't you?"

"Very serious."

"What would your parents say?"

"I know they want me to stay here until just before school starts. Because, they now know, that after next summer I'll be with you as your wife, and living where you do. So, talking them into letting me go back with you in a week or so would be hard. Even though I'm old enough to make my own decisions, I don't want to go against my parents wishes."

"So, your saying..."

"Yes, I would really love it if you would spend the summer here. We could see more of the country."

"I was going back to the psychology department when I got back. But, I could put that off until school starts. And, I don't think my parents would mind. I guess it's all up to your mom and dad."

"We can talk to them after supper tonight, it will only be the four of us."

"Ok. But, you bring it up."

Masumi cuddled up with Mike, and they just sat there together for awhile.

That evening after supper, the four of them were sitting and enjoying a cup of tea. And, Masumi said, "Mom. Dad. We have something we want to talk to you about. I don't ever want to be separated from Mike for any length of time again. And, I know that you don't want me to go back to the States much before school starts. We've talked about this, and Mike is willing to stay in Japan until school starts. But, we wanted to talk with you before we made a final decision."

"Daughter," Mr. Matsushita started, "we love you and Mike very much. Your happiness is very important to us, and we know you are the happiest when you are with Mike. If it will make you happy, Mike is more than welcome to spend the summer here. I think he wants to learn more about our country anyway, and it wouldn't hurt you to learn more also."

Mrs. Matsushita added, "The two of you are special to us. And, we really want happiness for both of you. And, we know how Masumi is when Mike isn't around. So, I agree completely, Mike is very welcome to spend the summer."

Masumi got up and gave both her parents a kiss, Mike shook Mr. Matsushita's hand, and kissed Mrs. Matsushita on the cheek. Masumi then hugged Mike. The next morning Mike called his parents and explained what was going on. They understood completely, and gave their blessing.

During the next few days, they made plans as to what they would like to do, and talked it over with her parents. Mike wanted to see the southern part of Japan, and Masumi agreed. So, plans were set in motion for them to travel the southern part of Japan for two weeks. But, before they left, Masumi had a surprise for Mike.

The Club

Late one afternoon, Masumi told Mike that she wanted to go out with Mishelle, but they needed to leave right after dinner, so Michelle would need to come to dinner. Mike was a little apprehensive, but Masumi assured him that it would be fine. And, as usual Masumi was in her usual place, laying on the bed, watching Mike become Mishelle. Mike started with the padded panty girdle, white knee high nylons, sexy demi bra, and waist cincher.

He went a little heavier than normal with his makeup, as it was going to be an evening out, and Masumi asked him to. They had learned a trick to give a good arch to his eyebrows. After putting on his wig cap, he used two pieces of surgical tape, that were attached just above where he wanted the arch and run over the wig cap, to create the type of arch he wanted. He used his good moisturizer, and while that dried, he did his nails. A good foundation, was followed by his eye makeup. He did his eyes in a smoky cat eye look that gave him a sexy kitten look. A very nice shade of lipstick followed, with a contrasting lip liner. The blond wig was next, and the look was that of a sex kitten. He was worried that it was too much, but Masumi was very happy with it.

Next came the clothes. Masumi got up, went into the closet, and came back with the dark red pleated plaid skirt, and white blouse. He looked at her, and said, "Are you sure?"

"For tonight yes. Do you want to go a little more subdued for dinner."

"With your parents. I think so."

"Alright. Lets go with the blouse, a pair of jeans, and your sandals."

"That'll be better."

Mishelle got dressed and they walked down for dinner. This was the second time that Masumi's parents had seen Mishelle, and they still couldn't get over how good Mike looked when dressed as Mishelle. And, they treated her just like they would treat Mike. After dinner they went back to Masumi's room, and Mishelle put on the little red pleated plaid skirt, that hit him mid thigh, and her Mary Janes. Masumi also changed, into some very sexy clothes. Mishelle asked, "Who are you trying to impress, sexy?"

"You, my love. No one else."

"You did that a long time ago."

"We had better get going, before we don't make it out of this room."

"Were are we going?"

"It's a surprise. And, you won't need the rings tonight."

They were off to a town about a half an hour south of the Matsushita home. They drove around a little until they found what Masumi was looking for, and she found a place to park. They walked halfway down the block to a gay/lesbian club, that every once in awhile had a night for crossdressers. And, tonight was that night. There was a short line to get in, so the girls waited their turn. When they finally got in the door, the bouncer, who was checking ID's and collecting the cover charge, was the biggest girl that Mishelle had ever seen. She could have been a pro football player. She told the girls that only crossdressers and their significant other could be admitted tonight. The girls looked at each other, and asked what the problem was. The bouncer again said, that only crossdressers and a significant other companion could be admitted. The girls smiled, and Mishelle took her passport out of her purse, and showed it to the bouncer. She looked at the passport photo, then at Mishelle, then at the passport photo, then at Mishelle. Mishelle, using Mike's voice, then said with a smile, "Yes, that's me in my male mode. And, I'll assure you that she is a real girl."

Shaking her head, the bouncer said, "Wow. Ladies, go right on in."

There were thirty to forty people in the club. Most were male to female crossdressers, but one or two were female to male. As Mishelle and Masumi walked to a table all eyes were on them as Mishelle was the only non-Asian in the club. The waitress came over and took their drink order, a disk jockey was playing records, and a few couples were dancing. It wasn't long before a couple girls came over and introduced themselves, as Mika and Takara. And, Masumi invited them to join them.

Mika and Takara weren't bad looking as girls. They explained that they were the founders of the crossdressing evening at the club, and wanted to welcome the girls. They also said, that the bouncer had told them about the American girl, and that she just couldn't believe that she was really a guy. Masumi assured them that Mishelle was 100% male. They also told Mika and Takara that they were celebrating their engagement. And, Mika and Takara bought the couple the next round of drinks. They talked awhile longer. Then one of the female to male crossdressers came over, and asked Mishelle to dance. Mishelle looked a little nervously at Masumi. Masumi smiled at her, and said, "Go ahead, as long as you save one for me." Mishelle danced with him, and learned his name was Shiro. It was a little hard for Mishelle to get use to following, instead of leading, but eventually got the hang of it. The word got around that Mishelle was truly a crossdresser, and spoke fluent Japanese. And, it wasn't long before Mishelle had a number of other offers to dance, from both girls and guys. Masumi did get her dance with Mishelle. As they were leaving, they told Mika and Takara that they had a really good time, and would try and get back to the club before they went back to America.

On the way home, Masumi said, "Well, lover, did you have fun."

"Yes. I was a little uneasy with that first dance, especially feeling Shiro's male equipment. But, everyone was just great. How did you find out about this place?"

"One of Sachiko's friends told her about it. She's a lesbian, and she goes to this club on a regular basis. They were just talking one day, the subject of the club came up, and the crossdressing night followed naturally. So, Sachiko told me about it, and it sounded like fun."

"It was fun."

The summer in Japan.

The next weekend, the two were off for two weeks in southern Japan, starting with Okinawa. Masumi had only read about a number of the things that they saw, but seeing them in person brought Japanese history to life for her. Mishelle, of course, went along, and actually spent a couple of days fully dressed. Those days were fun for both of them, and a real eye opener as to Mishelle's feminine side.

One morning, a few of days after they were back, Mike rolled over in bed, to cuddle with Masumi, and she wasn't there. He sat up in bed, looked around, and no Masumi. The light wasn't on in the bathroom, so she wasn't there. He looked at the clock, and it was only five. He got up, and noticed that her robe was missing. Looking out the window, in the early morning light, he could make out a figure sitting in the garden at their favorite spot. He quickly dressed, and made his way to the garden. He stopped, and watched her for a few minutes. She was quietly crying. He sat next to her. She turned, and looked at him, with tears running down her cheeks. He cuddled her close, and just held her for awhile. Finally he asked, "Honey, what's wrong?"


"Nothing? Then why the tears? And, how long have you been sitting here?"

"About an hour. I couldn't sleep."

"Just like me, when I asked you parents permission to marry you."

The tears started again.

"What did I say?", asked Mike.

"Nothing. It's... It's just..." More tears.

"Honey. What is it?"

"It's that I just want to go back to America as Mrs. Gifford."

He hugged her, and said, "Honey, I know. I'd love that too. But, I don't know if it's possible."

"We could elope."

"That wouldn't be fair to our parents. They aren't standing in our way. In fact, I know they support us completely. We just haven't set a date, and we need to give everyone time."

"I know, it's not fair. But, can't we do something?"

Just then they heard footsteps coming towards them from the house. It was Masumi's mother. As she got close to them, and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing mother.", Masumi said, trying to hide her tears.

"Daughter. I know you better. Besides, you have been crying."

Mike said, "Masumi, tell her what your feeling."

Mrs. Matsushita sat down between the two, and they had a long talk. When all was said, Mrs. Matsushita said, "I think we need to have a family conference, and include Mike's parents."

The three headed back to the house, and Mr. Matsushita was there having a cup of tea. Mrs. Matsushita filled him in on everything that they had talked about in the garden. And, he agreed that they needed to have a talk, and include Mike's parents. The four of them went to separate phones, and Mike called home.

"Hi Mom." . . . "I'm fine." . . . "But, we need to talk to you and dad about something, can you put him on the extension." . . . "Well it's important, and I want to wait until he's on the phone." . . . "Hi, dad. No everything is fine. It's that we need to talk to you and mom about something." . . . "Yes. Masumi, and her parents are also on the line, so there are six of us on this call."

After all the hellos were done. Mike explained what had happened that morning, and continued with, "Yes, I know it's very short notice." . . . "We had a long talk about it this morning, and the only thing that would stop us, is if you guys couldn't be here." . . . "We thought the Saturday of the weekend two weeks before school starts." . . . "Are your passports up to date?" . . . "Great." . . . "Ok, see what you can do, and let me know as soon as you can." . . . "No, I would really like Paul and Ruth to be here, too." . . . "Yes, I know it would interrupt their school. But, they could use it as a learning experience." . . . "We thought that we could do something special for everyone there when we got home." There was more discussion between the Giffords and the Matsushitas.

Two days later Mike received a call from his parents, and they were able to make the trip, as were his brother and sister. They would arrive on the Wednesday before the ceremony, and fly back with Mike and Masumi the weekend after the wedding.

The next couple of weeks were crazy with preparation for the ceremony. On the Wednesday before the ceremony, Mike and Masumi went to the airport to pick up Mike's parents. As the Giffords were walking off the plane, Masumi spotted three other familiar faces, it was the Gordons. Mike knew they were coming, but kept it as a surprise. And, it was a little crowed in the limo on the way back to the house, but Mike's brother and sister sat with the driver. Everyone was staying in the guest house, and were met there by the Matsushitas'. After everyone had a chance to settle in, and freshen up, they went to the house for dinner.

Mrs. Matsushita had made arraignments for formal kimonos for the four women, Mrs. Gifford, Mrs. Gordon, Ruth, and Jackie. And, traditional male kimonos for the three men, Mr. Gifford, Mr. Gordon, and Paul. Masumi was going to wear her mothers white wedding kimono, just like Sachiko had, and Mike and Sachiko had gone out earlier and purchased an obi for Mike to present to Masumi. Masumi wore a traditional headdress and makeup, and her hair was also done in a traditional manner. Mike didn't see her until the ceremony started, but when he did, he thought that she looked very pretty.

The wedding party was led up to the shrine, that was setup in garden just like Sachiko's was, by the Shinto Priest and two Shrine Maidens. The priest preformed the wedding ritual, followed by the couple performing the San-San-Kudo or ceremony of the Three-Times-Three Exchange of nuptial cups of sake. Then, Mike and Masumi exchanged wedding rings. Traditional Japanese music was provided by the same musical group that had performed as Sachiko's wedding.

After the ceremony, Masumi removed the white kimono and under it she had on a very pretty, and ornate, red and white kimono. The reception was also held in the garden, and there was about seventy people. The newly weds enjoyed all the attention that they received, and finally retired to Masumi's room. As Mike had done at the apartment, he picked Masumi up and carried her across threshold. The only words spoken that night by the newly weds were, "I love you Mrs. Gifford.", and "I love you Mr. Gifford."

On Sunday morning the newly weds slept in until Noon. And, by the time they came down, the men had gone to play golf, and the women had gone shopping. Masumi cooked up some lunch for them, and they decided, that since they would be heading back to the states next weekend, that this would be an ideal time to pack up Mishelle's things for shipping. And, by the time everyone was back, everything was packed and ready to ship. It also look like they weren't going to make it back to the club before they left.

Mr. Matsushita took everyone out to supper, and to the theater Sunday night. The play was a traditional kabuki one. And, one of the things that the Giffords and Gordons learned about kabuki, was that there are no actresses in kabuki, all the female parts are played by male actors.

After the theater, they were walking to a local tea house, and Mrs. Gifford was walking with Mike and Masumi. And, they were just talking about the play, which everyone had found very interesting. When Mrs. Gifford whispered, "Mike, Mrs. Matsushita said you make a very pretty girl."

"Say what!", Mike said. Turning very red.

"She let it slip that you make a very pretty girl."

Mike didn't know what to say. He looked at Masumi, then at his mom. They slowed way down, and fell behind the others.

Mrs. Gifford continued, "It was while we were shopping, it was entirely by accident, and it was only her and I talking. We were sitting having something to drink, and were talking about the kabuki theater. And, she said that all the parts were played by men. And, it just slipped out that she had seen you dressed as, I guess it's Mishelle. We talked more about it, I told her that I knew that you liked to wear girls things. And, she told me how pretty you are, and that Masumi was very accepting of it."

"You knew that I liked girls things?"

"Yes. A son can't hide much from his mother. I found some of your things once. And, your sister complained a couple of times about things missing. So, it wasn't hard to put things together. And, when Mrs. Matsushita let it slip, I wasn't really surprised. But, I was surprised that she had seen you dressed, until she told me about Masumi acceptance of it. And, that you had gone out dressed."

"Does dad know?"

"No. And, he won't."

"How about Ruthie?"

"I don't think so. She's never said anything, but may have an idea. I really don't completely understand this, but I do understand that it's something that's just part of you. And, I'm very happy that you found someone that understands you as well as she does." She took Masumi's hand, squeezed it, and kissed her on the cheek. Then gave Mike a hug.

Masumi, hanging her head, said, "I'm sorry. I brought Mike out of the closet, so to say. Maybe I shouldn't have."

"No, honey. You saw something in him that no one else did. It is part of him, and it appears to make both of you happy. So, enjoy. And, maybe someday I might even like to meet Mishelle."

Masumi hugged Mrs. Gifford. And, they hurried to catch up with the others. When they did, Mr. Gifford said, "What was that all about?"

"Oh, just a mother, son, daughter-in-law, talk."

The flight home was uneventful. And, Mr. Matsushita had upgraded everyone to first class, so with the eight of them there was a slight party atmosphere. It was Mike and Masumi's senior year, and classes started shortly after they returned. Masumi had taken an extra class every semester, just so that they could graduate together.

After the fourth week of classes, the Gordons had made arraignments to hold a reception for the newly weds. It was going to be held in their backyard, just like Masumi's welcoming party a few short years ago. Masumi had brought her kimonos with her, and was wearing the red and white one with the wedding obi. She had spent a long time applying her makeup, which she did in the traditional Geisha style. And, she had also brought a wig from home, that was also done in the traditional style, and when she put that on, she became a very pretty Geisha. Mike couldn't get over just how pretty she was. Mike was wearing the same kimono that he had worn at the wedding. And, both wore the traditional tabi, split toed socks, and geta, wooden sandals with raised strips across the sole.

There were a lot of people at the reception, which was actually a big barbecue. There were two surprises for the couple. Mike's parents had found a group of Japanese musicians that played traditional music. And, Mr. and Mrs. Matsushita, Sachiko, and Jeremi had flown in. When the couple walked in, it was to a very nice round of applause, and Masumi received many complements on her kimono and makeup. They spent the afternoon greeting everyone, and making small talk. Surprisingly, Cathy Rider was even there with her girlfriend. She, had come out as being a lesbian about six months earlier.

After the party, Mike and Masumi were on the way home. At a stop light, Mike looked at her, and said, "Calling you Sam right now, just doesn't fit. Your just too pretty to be called by a boys name. And, besides, I just love your name."

She looked at him, he couldn't see her blushing through all the makeup, and smiled.

As she was undressing and removing her makeup, Mike was sitting watching her. Just as she finished, she turned, and grinned at him.

"What are you thinking?", he asked.

She stood up, walked over to the bed, let her robe drop to the floor, and standing there completely naked, she bent down, kissed him, and said, "I'm just thinking of how you would look dressed as a Geisha."

He smiled, shook his head, reached up, grabbed her, pulled her down on the bed, kissed her, and...

- End Part 2 -

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