Fairyland Trail, Part 3

Before leaving home McKenzie was told by Aunt Karen that going on a vacation as a girl was just a game to cheer Mom up, but now events seem to be going unpredictable directions. StacyLyn invites McKenzie's family to join them for their last day at Bryce Canyon. A fun mother-daughter day of sightseeing is followed by a picnic. StacyLyn leads McKenzie away from the campfire and reveals a secret.

I was having a hard time getting dressed for breakfast. Fumbling with the fasteners on my training bra while Mom and my cousin Kaylie pretended not to be watching was not my only problem. My mind was in a whirl over the events of the last two days. Aunt Karen had proposed an 'all-girls outing' to Bryce Canyon National Park as a way cheer my Mom up over Father's asking for a divorce. I had been told that my temporary gender readjustment was only a game, but I suspected Aunt Karen had an agenda. I had dashed to the restroom alone when we first arrived at Ruby's Inn and had been read by a girl named StacyLyn. She asked me why I was a boy dressing as a girl, and I tried to convince her that I was doing it for Mom. While hiking the Fairyland Trail later in the day we encountered StacyLyn with her family, and that time she had been really nice to me. The natural fairyland changed my mood, and I went from just pretending to be a girl to really enjoying being a girl. Maybe it was all the posing we girls did for the travel photographer. Last evening StacyLyn saw me at dinner, and we had an private conversation in the ladies' room of the restaurant. Back at my family's table I sort of admitted that I was enjoying these girl experiences, and Aunt Karen gave my reply a thumbs up. Since then it seemed like my life was on a new path, and I was mixed up in something I couldn't control.

Four of us were crowed into a motel room at Ruby's Inn, the famous resort complex just outside the park. With only one bathroom we had to do our essential business fast and get out. This meant finishing getting dressed in front of everyone else, a really awkward situation for me. Here I was, a middle school boy wearing panties and a training bra in front of three females while Mom rummaged through the luggage making suggestions of what I might wear today. Kaylie was obviously amused.

"Too bad McKenzie doesn't have any cleavage yet, otherwise my vee-neck top would look great on him"

"KAYLIE, I told you to stop being such a tease. Let Carol have fun dressing her new daughter."

In the end what Mom selected much the same as yesterday, practical, outdoorsy, but distinctly feminine items borrowed from Kaylie, who was luckily about my size. A clip-on ponytail, magnetic earrings, and a light touch of makeup completed the look. I had been totally nervous yesterday, but this morning I felt much more confident in my presentation. My thoughts wandered back to the pretty dress Mom had me wear to dinner in the restaurant last night. Getting dressed up and going out was... Just then the phone rang bringing me back to the present.

"For you," Kaylie said as she handed me the phone. "I think it's your new friend."

It was StacyLyn. She asked if we could join her family for a drive to some of the viewpoints in the south end of the park during the afternoon and then a picnic in the evening. I passed along the message, and Mom agreed that sounded like fun. The forecast was for much hotter than yesterday. With this plan we could go on a shorter hike in the morning then not exert ourselves during the warmest part of the day. After a little negotiation on both ends of the call we had agreed on a midday meeting time and place.

Compared to yesterday the morning was uneventful. Yesterday Mom and Aunt Karen told me to imitate Kaylie whenever I was unsure how a girl should act. I still had a lot to learn. I was heading for the eggs, sausage, and pancakes on the buffet when I was told in no uncertain terms that a girl should have things like yogurt and fruit for breakfast.

"You know, girls have to watch their figure."

I wondered how I should take that comment. While eating I reminded Mom and Aunt Karen that StacyLyn knew my secret, but as far as I knew the rest of her family just assumed I was a girl. Hopefully things would stay that way.

After breakfast we did a hike on the Navajo Loop trail starting from Sunset Point. This was a much shorter and easier hike that the Fairyland Loop that we did yesterday, and we finished climbing back to the rim before it got too hot. It was a good choice with lots of nice scenery and famous rock formations with fanciful names like Thors Hammer. Looking at the map I had thought it would have been nice to do the Queens Garden trail instead, but figured everyone would suspect a double meaning if I suggested that one.

We headed back to Ruby's Inn, had a quick snack, and met up with StacyLyn as planned. She arrived with her mother, Mary Waterman and her younger sister, Sarah. Her father, Mark, and her brother Jacob, were no where in sight.

"Dad and Jacob wanted to watch football on television this afternoon then play games at the resort arcade. Looks like those couch potatoes have had enough outdoors."

"Well, looks like I still have my all-girls vacation," Mom remarked to Aunt Karen. "Frankly, I was not looking forward to having those guys around. Nothing against them, but..."

"But that they are males, right Carol?" Aunt Karen continued.

I was wondering where that left me, both now and once we headed back home tomorrow. Our merged group got onto the shuttle bus for the south end of the park, and I sat down next to Kaylie with Stacy Lyn across the aisle. The roar of the engine was so loud that Kaylie needed to speak directly into my ear.

"At least you don't have to worry about Jacob hitting on you today. If you keep dressing so pretty you will have to learn how to handle horny boys." Watching for my reaction she continued. "I really think StacyLyn has a crush on you. This can be your first girl-with-girl date. Sounds romantic, what do you think?"

I sort of blushed and ignored her until the bus stopped at the first overlook on the route. This bus had a fixed route with stops at major overlooks. Having to time our sightseeing to the bus schedule was not as convenient as driving, but it can be hard to find a place to park at the popular overlooks during the busy season. Fall is the nicest time of year at Bryce Canyon and there were tourists everywhere. Yesterday I had been terrified about being read as a boy. Today I felt much more confident, but still was carefully monitoring my self for possible slipups.

We walked from the parking area to the view point and started posing for snapshots of each other with the canyon as background. It was getting warmer, but there was enough wind to keep it pleasant. I did start to appreciate that the lighter fabrics of girls' clothes made them more comfortable that boy's outfits in hot weather. Cooler in more ways than one, I thought.

At the next stop Mom suggested we walk along the Rim Trail for a few minutes since there was still some time before the bus was scheduled to leave. I was walking beside StacyLyn with Kaylie a few steps behind. "McKenzie, you really need walking lessons. When you get in a hurry you walk just like a boy. Join me in dance class and learn to use your hips." I ignored Kaylie's teasing, but knew she was right. StacyLyn looked at me and grinned.

I think part of the reason I passed as a girl was that the tourists were looking at the scenery and not paying attention to the strangers all around them. At least the focus on the scenery applied to adults. My greatest risk of being read was from teenage boys and inquisitive preteen girls. StacyLyn's brother has shown great interest in me yesterday and I had no idea of what I was going to do. I had zero experience acting like a real girl around typical boys. Fortunately Kaylie saw my distress, rushed over, and started flirting with Jacob to distract him.

Yesterday StacyLyn's little sister, Sarah, had momentarily stared at me with a curious expression, and the same thing was happening again today. At each bus stop I would notice that Sarah was carefully observing me. Kids are insightful and not bashful about asking embarrassing questions. I was not surprised when I overheard Sarah and StacyLyn talking about me.

"StacyLyn, is your friend McKenzie really a ...."

"Shush - that isn't polite." StacyLyn grabbed her sister by the shoulders and looked right at her. "Remember, Mom and Aunt Jessica keep telling you to respect people's privacy. Let's go look at the wildflowers over there."

StacyLyn had mentioned her Aunt Jessica several times today and was obviously fond of her. Jessica sounded like an interesting person. By 5 PM we had been to a half dozen viewpoints, wandered along several sections of the canyon rim, and had taken more pictures than we needed. I was really getting into posing as a pretty girl in the landscape. With Kaylie's encouragement, and Aunt Karen's obvious approval, I was mastering adjusting my posture to emphasize hips and breasts, even though I really had neither.

As the shuttle approached the visitor center StacyLyn announced, "Let's head to Ruby's Inn and get ready for the picnic.

At Ruby's Inn we dashed to our motel room, freshened up, and grabbed some warmer clothes. Bryce Canyon is at high elevation in the desert and temperatures drop quickly after the sun goes down. We met up the StacyLyn, Sarah, and Mary Waterman in the large store that is on the south side of the main Ruby's Inn building. There was a huge grocery section that supplied both the local workers and tourists like us. We had no problem finding deli foods and other treats. The market knew what was needed for a spontaneous picnic and disposable plates and utensils were available at the deli counter. Fully loaded with food and a bundle of firewood we headed to the picnic area just as dusk approached.

We found a table, unpacked our food, and started a small campfire. We were all hungry even though we had not hiked very hard during the day. Frankly, I was famished. I was not used to eating girl-sized portions of the healthy foods preferred by the weight conscious. I was not sure which direction my life would take, but I suspected I might have to get used to eating like a lady. Anyway, we all dug into the sandwiches and salads, but skimped on the potato chips. Mom and Aunt Karen started taking about their Girl Scout days, and Mrs. Waterman joined in. Soon we were singing campfire songs and telling jokes.

I started noticing the differences in interpersonal interaction between this sort-of all-girls group and what I usually saw and heard in mixed or all-male settings. With girls there was much more mutual support and much less bragging and fake aggression. I thought this picnic was more my style and joined in the best I could. After a while StacyLyn, Kaylie, Sara, and I got tired of listening to tales of scout camps long ago and we wandered over to a vacant table nearby.

"My Mom always talks about how different things were before cell phones and the internet."

"Same here, StacyLyn," continued Kaylie. "Personally, I think things are more interesting now."

"And of course our Moms were told things were better way back when our grandmothers were growing up."

"Yes, McKenzie's and my grandmother was telling me about her high school days once."

Suddenly I was all ears. Grandma never had that kind of conversation with me.

"She often told me about how different things were, no birth control pills, thick sanitary pads and never tampons until after 18. She had to put up with strict "morality" and people getting upset about a girl ever being in a private place with a boy. Grandma once told she that she had no idea of what grandpa looked like down there until their wedding night, and ..."

About this time Sarah lost interest and drifted back to the mom's table.
In the distance we heard, "They're talking about sex and other big-girl stuff over there."

By the campfire light I saw Mom start to giggle at my predicament. Meanwhile Mrs. Waterman asked Sarah if she wanted to learn another campfire song.

Kaylie and StacyLyn continued talking about the topics of interest to girls. I was listening carefully, amazed about what I was hearing. Occasionally I would nod or murmur vague agreement. I was afraid if I said anything substantive I would upset the situation by reminding them that one of the three of us was not really a girl. Things really got awkward when they started talking about the gross things they had heard about boys. Eventually StacyLyn's attention turned to me.

"McKenzie, you amaze me."

"What do you mean?"

"For the last hour your cousin and I have been talking about girl things: our bra sizes, our periods, boys, French kissing, and everything in between. You have just been soaking it up. A normal, straight boy would have gotten grossed out and slithered away long ago."

"It's not the first time he's heard girls talk. McKenzie spends a lot of time hanging out with me and my friends at school."

"OK, but still its not normal for a boy. Maybe McKenzie really is a girl in a boy's body."

"What do you think, cousin? Want to ask your mom if you can get it cut off?"

I couldn't figure what to say, and just reached out my hands to Kaylie and StacyLyn. Gradually we pulled together into a group hug. I like the way girls support each other emotionally.

"Kaylie, do you mind if I talk to McKenzie privately?"

As Kaylie headed back toward the campfire I started wondering what StacyLyn had to say next. Or maybe she wanted to do something with me in private. She indicated we should walk, and lead me into the trees.

"I need to tell you a secret. My parents didn't want me to talk about it, but I think it will help you understand me better if you know. Please, please, don't repeat this to anyone without asking me first."

"Promise, I can keep a secret."

"My family keeps this pretty quiet, but ..."

"Keeps what quiet?"

"Please, don't interrupt. Let me tell you what I have to say. This is important for both of us."

I nodded in agreement.

"You need to know about my background. There is a reason why I was able to read you right away. You are not the first effeminate, cross-dressing male I ever met."

Suddenly I was afraid of where this conversation was leading. But, somehow I also knew it would affect my future in a good way. Maybe it was StacyLyn's reassuring manner.
I listened carefully for a long time and did not say anything. I had never heard anything like this, but the whole story was something I could relate to. Her eyes were misty when she finished. I looked at her with both shock and amazement and then pulled her into a comforting, non-sensual hug.

"Now you know why feminine boys interest me. McKenzie, I want you to stay my friend."

We held each other again. Finally we joined hands and walked back into the warm glow of the campfire. It was getting chilly and we all stood close together on the upwind side of the fire to keep the smoke out of our eyes. Eventually someone suggested it was time to head to the motel. We had used up all the firewood and the coals were going black. Not only was I starting to get cold, I was emotionally drained by what StacyLyn had told me.

I was quiet on the way back to the motel. I said a long good night to StacyLyn when we got back to Ruby's Inn. We both would be heading for home tomorrow, and I had no idea of when I would see her again. We had exchanged cell phone numbers and email addresses, and I promised I would keep in touch with her. Kaylie asked what StacyLyn had wanted to talk about a couple of times, but it was too complicated, and besides I promised to keep the secret.

At our room we took our turns washing up, and I changed into the nightgown Mom had borrowed from Kaylie for me to wear on the trip. Like most motel rooms this one had two king-size beds: one for Kaylie and Aunt Karen, the other for Mom and me. Even when pretending to be a girl it seemed totally weird to be sharing a bed with Mom at my age. As I did last night, I stayed way over on one side of the bed with my back turned toward her. I guess sharing a bed with Kaylie would have raised even more issues.

For a long time I couldn't fall asleep. The conversation with StacyLyn opened my eyes to a whole new world. In the brief time we had in private she had explained why she had developed empathy for all the types of people who did not fit into the standard male-female categories. She said that she was active in the gay-straight alliance at her high school and attended other gender-related support groups too. I hadn't realized she was in ninth grade until she told me. In one way I was really curious to learn more about her background and her relationship with Aunt Jessica. There was so much to think about. Eventually I dozed off.

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