At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 69

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At last ‘A life’

By Julie D Cole

Chapter 69 Sallys tricks

Sally sat up and leaned over me and slowly and gently removed my nightie. I didn’t want to resist because I was very aware of the effect it was having on her and it was having an effect on me too. My boobies had seemed to develop recently and my nipples were tingling as she stroked them lightly.

I was pushing towards her hand and she was teasing me by moving her hand away slightly.

How I wished I had the pear shaped breasts now that she had instead of the soft mounds on my chest I tried to boost the size as much as I could by pulling my elbows in to my sides but I was still no match for her or for Julie. I felt that I had to do something to boost their size but I was thankful that I still enjoyed the feeling.

Then she leaned across to my right ‘breast’ and drew the nipple towards her mouth and then I moaned as she closed her lips around it and tickled me with her tongue. I pushed my nipple forward and she took it between her teeth and teased me as she bit it gently.

Ooooh it was wonderful and I pushed her mouth towards my left breast that was feeling neglected.

Sally looked up with a wicked little smile on her face and bit me.

‘You softy you know that you like it.’

I giggled as I looked at two erect nipples aching for more and she lay back and said ‘Now your turn.’

I lifted her nightie over her head so she laid prone with her breasts exposed waiting to surrender. I sucked and tongued her nipples in no way that I’d done before starting with tenderness, gradually increasing the intensity teasing her and squeezing her until she was moaning and writhing gently on the bed.

I leaned forward and ‘dangled’ my naked breasts over hers until they touched. I felt like Marilyn Monroe in those few moments and was sure we were the same size.

‘Chrissy you are mine, you’re so beautiful’ she whispered as we kissed passionately with our breasts touching and the nipples like four rapiers they were so erect.

Sally couldn’t hold back any longer and I felt her shiver and gyrate her hips until she pushed me backwards with her knee and lay over me. She laid flat on me and spread my legs wide with her knee gyrating her hips simulating that she was penetrating me.

For the first time in my life I felt some urge in my own loins yet I wanted her to make love to me. I wished she could penetrate and I wrapped my legs around her.

Then she pushed even harder and I could feel her pelvic bone and I pushed as hard as I could back. Then she had an intense organism and I felt myself becoming firmer and she took my inadequacy inside her and I responded as best I could until finally she pulled back as I ejaculated too.

We fell back onto the soft pillows and I felt like I wanted to cry out. I couldn’t believe how much I’d enjoyed myself and sally just looked at me and winked.

When we woke in the morning we were clinging to each other still naked and sally was warm and damp on my leg.

She giggled and just said ‘See you can’t keep secrets from me.’

‘You are awful Sally.’

‘Well I think it might help you when you are interrogated by the psychiatrist tomorrow. At least you can answer him honestly if he asks you if you’ve ever felt like a woman.’

I hit her but gently of course.

Next morning Mum and Julie were up early to ensure I didn’t miss my appointment with Dr Twomey. Mum just tapped on the door. ‘Come on you two lovebirds’

Sally and I sheepishly sneaked to the bathroom as soon as they went downstairs and then in a feeling of mad impulse we showered together. It was Sally’s idea not mine but I still felt wonderful so I didn’t need a second invitation.

Luckily mum and Julie kept their distance and it seemed obvious that they’d heard us the night before judging by mums comment and a few more little comments that were made over breakfast.

Julie was driving me to my appointment and she said that she’d wait for me. It was a good job she had a ‘sat nav’ or we’d never have found his office.

It was hidden down a small street and because this was an early appointment he answered the door himself. He was a kind Irishman with a ruddy complexion and didn’t look so austere as I had expected.

‘Come in Chris and take a seat for a few minutes. My secretary has just popped out and will register you when she gets back. I understand that you work for Kate Harper and that she recommended me.’

He seemed very nice and I felt relaxed and he never referred to me as Mr. Taylor as I’d expected. He had lived in England for about 30 years but still had a strong Cork accent and a devilish Irish smile.

His secretary was very nice too and she had a file prepared that she gave to me to pass to Dr Twomey. He made sure that I was comfortable and said ‘it’s Mr. Twomey and better still it’s Patrick. Now let me see what your Company doctor has said.’

As he was reading my notes he asked what had caused the sudden switch in identity from Chris to Christine. ‘I said it’s Chrissie really not Christine although I don’t mind.’

He asked me about my home life and my experiences growing up and we chatted for ages about what I’d found out recently about my real mum and the difficulties I’d had with Gran. He was intrigued that there was a connection between Kate and I through the relationship between her father and Aunt Judith, my real mum. He took a few notes but didn’t say anything.

Then he focused on how I felt living this ‘role’ as he called it and what reaction I’d had from my friends and family and from my work colleagues.

I told him that as Chris I hadn’t had many friends but since I’d become a woman I had already made a lot of friends.

I didn’t realize I’d said that until he picked me up on it and then we focused on my feelings and my interests and hobbies. I told him about my relationship with Sally and that brought questions about my sexual preferences and if I’d had other relationships.
I was with him for 1 hour and during all that time he just asked questions and I answered as honestly and openly as I could.

At the end of the consultation he said how pleased he was to meet me and he asked me to pass his complements to Kate.

I asked him if he’d be issuing a report and he said he would but when I asked if I’d be receiving a copy he was non committal.

‘Mr. Twomey do you need to see me again or is that it?’

‘Well Chrissy at the moment the Company is paying for the consultation so it’s very much up to them.’

‘But Mr. Twomey what do you think that I should do.’
‘Well Chrissy I have to say that you seem very stable and comfortable and much more than I expected but are you sure about what you are doing. Did you ever consider you might be better to just live as a man and dress occasionally for pleasure?’

‘No definitely not!!’

‘OK thanks we’ll be in touch.’

His last comment irritated me and when I got outside Julie asked me what was wrong. She calmed me down and said that he’d probably waited to catch me off guard and to see how I reacted. She just said that as far as she was concerned I was all girl and I’d better not change my mind because I was already booked as her chief bridesmaid.

‘What are you getting married?’

‘Well not straight away I’ll give you chance to let your hair grow first.’
She snapped me out of it as usual so by the time she dropped me off at the office I was focused on the weekend.

‘Any news from dad?’

‘I spoke to him whilst you were with the psychiatrist and he’s already arrived in York. He traveled up last night and he’s driving to the hotel this afternoon after his meetings.’
‘Good at least we are in with a chance of sorting them out.

I really hope that they are OK together since they had a lot to put up with over the years and we owe them a lot.’
‘They’ll be fine just you wait and see.

I think mum is really looking forward to see him whatever impression she’s tried to give. I think she’s a bit lonely and she’d be happy to have him around again for when we leave home.’

I had to agree with her and at times she acted just like my elder sister, especially these last two weeks as I was going through my learning curve.

She dropped me off and gave me a sisterly kiss. I wanted to hug her for the support she was providing but she knew how I felt and just said ‘Hurry up or you’ll be getting the sack. Then what will you do?’

When I arrived at the office I felt like I was walking on air. Shirley on reception had noticed and said that I looked nice. But then she always seemed to say that. I love her to bits for the way she starts off my days. Everybody needs a boost in the morning to make the rest of the day go well.

Kate was already involved in a meeting but she just waved and smiled as I let her know I was in. She asked me to make some coffees for her guests and it was obvious she hadn’t had her morning caffeine shot so that was the real reason as I smiled and served her first. I just whispered ‘Thanks’ and she smiled and said ‘You’re very welcome.’

Then she passed me a message that Jessica had called and to ring her back.

Mmm I hoped it wasn’t trouble for Sally so I called her straight away. Thank goodness that there was nothing to worry about.

Well at least on the face of it there wasn’t. I did hope so because I just felt like relaxing at the Spa and chilling out with a glass of wine. Not that Julies schedule allowed much time for that.

Jessica said she’d wanted to meet for lunch but since I was rushing home to change I had to decline. So she said she wanted to say thanks and that she was sorry to cause difficulties for me. She said that she was pleased that Sally had called and was hoping to make friends again over the weekend.

I hoped this was the nicer side of Jessica coming out again.

That was until she asked if I’d heard from James and if I fancied going back to Birmingham for a weekend. I got nervous at the thought of what she might say to Sally especially after she’d been jealous of my friendship with Kate.

Sally certainly had seemed to steer me away from developing any sort of relationship with James.

I just said ‘That would be nice but maybe another venue instead for a change’ that she accepted readily. I suggested Manchester because of the nightlife and that certainly exited her enough to distract her away from revisiting Brum.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the morning. I had my 20 minutes session with Kate but today she’d been more interested in what Mr. Twomey had said and to ensure that I felt OK after the previous nights tears. I was fine and I thanked her for the gifts.

The rest of the morning flew by and Anne called to wish me luck and Shirley shot out of her seat to hug me as I left. She was just like an Auntie to me now.

Even Stan the security guard seemed to know I was heading off for a weekend and wished me luck as he held the door open. Normally he wouldn’t speak to anybody so I was amazed.

When Julie arrived I must have had a smile from ear to ear because she said how wonderful I looked.

She inserted her Mamma Mia CD and selected a song. “Dancing Queen’. Then we were singing along and laughing as she exaggerated ‘She that girrrl’. We sang all the way home. ‘You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life.’

So two giggly schoolgirls arrived home full of excitement.

Mum was ready and had made a sandwich each for the three of us which was quickly devoured and we were then on our way with the music on high volume. Even mum was joining in.

It seemed to be just what she needed to stop her worrying. We had a one hour journey singing all the way.

We checked in using the vouchers and Julies credit card for mum. Julie and I were sharing a double room that they’d upgraded so it looked out over the lawns. It was massive and very luxurious. We had Spa gift sets and fluffy gowns and slippers in the room and lots of nice smellies.

‘Come on Sis get your bum in gear lets change and get down for a sauna and a dip in the pool before we start the treatments.’

‘But I can’t swim and I’m not sure since it means going into the changing rooms. What if I get caught?’

‘Come on you’ll be fine. You’re my sister and I’ll vouch for you if anyone says anything.’
Luckily the changing rooms were empty and there was a cubicle to change in that I used whilst I put on the bathing costume that Julie had loaned to me.

‘Wow you look fantastic sis. Where did they come from?

We showered before we went through to the pool and the sauna and I’d had to be very careful to hide my boy bits with the tight fitting costume.

As we walked past the pool we were giggling away and then all of a sudden I slipped and I must have banged my head as I fell and blacked out.

To be continued......

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Oh dear, I hope she'll be

Oh dear, I hope she'll be alright, looking forward to more so we can find out, hope it doesn't ruin everything.

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 69

Never a dull moment for Chrissy.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


Andrea Lena's picture

His last comment irritated me and when I got outside Julie asked me what was wrong. She calmed me down and said that he’d probably waited to catch me off guard and to see how I reacted.

It's quite telling that the comment upset her so much; when put to it, she really isn't a crossdresser in her own mind. Chrissy is real, and it's Chris that's the adopted persona at this point and beyond. Great story as always, dear heart. Thank you!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

What a rollercoaster ride!

Up... with the bedroom antics.
Down... with the Doctor's final comment.
Up... with the journey.
Down... with the slip.

Nothing like keeping us on the edge of our seats, awaiting the next episode :)


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Yup! You healed them! Now heal me: Please!!!

Ole Ulfson's picture

What a way to get over hurt feelings. Where's my Sally? I need her badly after that chapter!!! WOW! And you advanced the story too. I think. I'm having trouble remembering anything after the first part.

Thank you Julie,


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!


you are evil I tell you, evil! I would be beside myself if I had to wait for that next chapter you evil woman.