Salt & Pepper, Sugar & Spice - Chapter 13 - Jaimie? Jaimie? Jaimie!?


Should Mark be here? Maybe someone else can help. Mere?


Salt & Pepper, Sugar & Spice

Chapter 13

Jaimie? Jaimie? Jaimie!?

Ronnie had just had one of the worst experiences in her young life, with what Ariane had done. And, in the past two weeks things had gotten back to normal, with school and work. Jason had been wonderful through the whole thing. Her mom was not happy with what Ronnie had done to solve the problem, but had not mentioned much after the incident.

One evening, as Ronnie was studying, and Jason was relaxing, Ronnie said, “Honey?”


“Where’s Jaimie been?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? You’re the only one that does. Is something wrong?”

“No. Not really.”

Finally turning, and looking at Jason, Ronnie said, “Lover. What’s wrong?”

Not looking at her, Jason answered, “Northing.”

“Look at me, and say that.”

Jason looked at her, and didn’t say a word.

“I thought so.”, Ronnie said, “What’s going on?”

Again, he didn’t answer her.

“Jason Allen Blackwell. What is going on!?”

Jason knew they needed to talk, and she wasn’t going to take his ‘nothing’. So, he said, “Can we talk later.”

As she got up, and walked to where he was sitting, she said, “No. Now. I want to know what’s going on.”

Then she sat down next to him, so that she was looking at him, and said, “Jason. Honey. What’s wrong?”

“I’m . . . I’m not sure.”

“Jaimie hasn’t been around since our thing with Ariane.”

“I know.”

“But why? I miss her. Was it the thing with Ariane?”

“What do you miss about her?”

“Everything. She’s fun to be with. To do things with. To go out with. Just to hang out with. And, to . . . to . . . “

“To what?”

“To make love with.”

Jason finally looked at Ronnie.

“Oh my God.”, Ronnie said, sitting back, and putting her hand over her mouth, “That’s it. Telling you that making love to Jaimie was like lesbian love.”

“I don’t know, but it really made me feel funny. We’d joked about it before. But, when you told Ariane that it was that way, something just felt funny.”

“Love. I was trying to explain to her that you were a soft, gentle, slow, lover. Like a girl enjoys. I also told her, to keep us both from being hit on, that we sometimes come across as a lesbian couple. And, she asked if I’d ever made love to Jaimie. I said I had, and that it was wonderful.”

“Do you love me more as Jason or Jaimie?”

“Baby. I love Jason. He’s my one and only! And, I love Jaimie, because she’s also you. She’s another part of you. And, makes life more fun, and interesting.”

“Do you want me to become Jaimie full time?”

“No. You don’t want to become her full time. Do you?”

“Only if it would make you happy.”

“No. I love it when you become Jaimie, and then change back to Jason. It gives me two best friends. Two lovers.”

“So, Jaimie is your lover too?”

“You know she is. She’s you. And, when we make love starting as two girls, I know it will be consummated, not with Jaimie, but with Jason. And, that’s what I want.”

“I wish Mark was here.”


“I just feel confused.”

“By what?”

“What I’m feeling right now.”

“Tell me?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Please.”

“Knowing that you and Amy had a one time affair was nothing. It was something that just happened. But, with Ariane, it’s some how different. You did it once, then again. I know the second time was to set her up. But, it’s just different. Maybe because I witnessed it.”

Ronnie sat there, and tears came to her eyes. Finally she said, “Do you think I’m a lesbian?”

“No. But, right now, I just have a problem feeling anything for Jaimie.”

As she asked, “Is she gone?”, Jason wiped away her tears.

“You know she’ll always be here. But, I just don’t feel her right now.”

“I really miss her.”

“I know. I do too. But, she’s just not here.”

“Do you think Mark might know someone over here that we could talk to?”

“We can ask.”

Over the next few days, Jason and Mark exchanged emails. Mark was surprised as to what Ronnie had done with Ariane, but explained to Jason that women are very sensual, and loving. And, that they sometimes react to situations, especially when it comes to very close friends, in a loving manner. In one email Mark said that he had contacted a colleague, a psychologist, that also taught at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, where Ronnie was taking classes. And, that Mark had filled her in, and she was willing to talk with Jason and Ronnie.

One day after her class, Ronnie found the office of Dr. Valerie Rue, PhD, the doctor wasn’t in, so Ronnie talked with the doctor’s secretary. The secretary recognized Ronnie’s name, and said, “Yes. Ms Blackwell. The doctor said that you might be contacting us.”

“Can she see us anytime soon?”

“Yes. And, she would like to see each of you separately for a few times, before she sees you together. If that’s all right?”

“I guess. But why separately?”

“So that she can get to know you. She also told me that she has some tests that she’d like you, and your husband, to take. And, that if either of you were to come in, and she wasn’t here, that I was to administer them. If you had the time?”


“Yes. It’ll help her to understand you.”


“We could do yours right now. It shouldn’t take more than two hours.”

“I do have a couple of hours. So I guess I could.”

Ronnie spent a couple of hours taking the tests that the secretary administered. She thought that they were like the personality and relationship tests that Mark had used, but more in depth. After she was done, she set up appointments for both of them, luckily the doctor had evening classes, so she also had evening office hours, and Jason wouldn’t have to take time off from work.

That evening Ronnie told Jason about her experience at the doctor’s office, and that she had set up the appointments. And, that Jason’s first appointment was the following evening, and it was to only take the same type of tests that Ronnie had taken.

Over the next few weeks, Ronnie and Jason met with the doctor a number of times, and Ronnie actually saw the doctor more than Jason did. On their last individual meetings with the doctor, she told them what she had found out about them individually, and how to work to solve any problems. The doctor also wanted to meet with them together, and at that time she would explain what was going on with each of them, and how it affected them as a couple.

On a Tuesday evening, Ronnie and Jason were together at Dr. Rue’s office. And, Jason could tell that Ronnie was very nervous.

As they walked into her office, Dr. Rue greeted them, and said, “Have a seat.”

Jason and Ronnie sat next to each other on a couch, and just looked at the doctor.

The doctor smiled at them, and started with, “The two of you have something really very special. Apparently there were a few things that weren’t evident when your psychologist worked with you.

“First, a little about Jason, and I think Ronnie knows most of this already. We know that he has a very strong feminine side, and that she has her own personality. And, is becoming a very strong, confidant, person when she’s here. She’ll never take control of Jason. We also know he actually enjoys dressing as a woman, and is lucky enough to be completely passable.

“He could actually live full time presenting as a woman, and enjoy it. Changing back and forth between a man and a woman is very easy for him. But, he’s not transgendered, and doesn’t want a sex change. In fact he dislikes the thought of it. He’s not bi or gay, and has no interest in having sex with a man. When he’s a woman, he’s a lesbian. He only wants to be with another woman, and then only a certain one.

“Now with Ronnie, like she and I have discussed, she is, or was, more confused about herself than Jason was about what was going on. Jason understands himself very well. And, after our sessions, I think Ronnie is also beginning to understand herself better. But, Jason, if you haven’t guessed yet, Ronnie actually has strong bisexual tendencies. We’ve talked long and hard about this.”

Jason looked at Ronnie, who looked at the floor. He put his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close to him, and held her hand.

The doctor continued, “The interaction of Ronnie with Amy in high school was a triggering factor in Ronnie’s repressed bisexual feelings. And, after her time with Amy, she was confused about what she felt, but was able to repress her feelings. And, Jason, if you hadn’t come into the picture, I feel that Ronnie and Amy might have eventually become lovers. Though, when she found out that you were a crossdresser it started bringing her bisexual feelings back out. And, this was actually very good for both of your psyches.

“Ronnie was able to live out her bisexual needs with Jaimie. Even though she didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. And, Jason as Jaimie was able to live out his needs to be feminine with Ronnie’s help.

“What happened with Ariane was very traumatic to both of you. Ronnie became very confused as to how she was feeling. She hated what Ariane had done to deceive her, but enjoyed the sex. And, that’s all it was to her, sex. She felt no love for Ariane in the true sense of the word. The second time with Ariane was not only, as Ronnie puts it, to set her up, but subconsciously it was a way to see what her feelings for Ariane really were.

“Jason, you seeing the recording of Ronnie and Ariane together wasn’t good for your feminine side. You actually became very jealous of what Ariane was having with Ronnie. That’s why Jaimie was in hiding. It was her way of rebelling. And, seeing Ronnie enjoying sex with someone else came close to driving a wedge between the two of you. But, both of you were smart, you talked about it, and that was a very good thing. In addition, you sought out help from Mark, and me.

“Now, what do you two have together that is so special? Jason, you have a feminine side that you accept, love to explore, and enjoy. And, that Ronnie also enjoys very much. Ronnie, even though you have strong bisexual tendencies, you only feel comfortable that way with only one person, Jaimie. You both are able to explore your sexual feelings for one another as either man and woman, or woman and woman. And, when you consummate a love making session you both only want to do it one way, as Jason and Ronnie. There have been many times that you have consummated your love with Jason looking like Jaimie, but Ronnie knows who’s really making love to her.

“The two of you have a wonderful relationship. And, should be very happy that you found each other. Jason, Ronnie loves you very much, and feels terrible about what happened with Ariane. And, Ronnie, Jason also loves you very much, and understands what happened. Any questions?”

Ronnie looked at Jason, and asked, “You really do still love me, don’t you?”

“Lover.”, Jason replied, “That is something I’ll never stop doing. I’m glad we found out more about you, and it answered a number of questions for me.”

They looked at each other for another few seconds, then kissed.

Dr. Rue, with a smile, said, “I guess there aren’t any questions.”

Jason said, “I think you’re right doctor. Thank you very much for your help.”

“My pleasure. If you need anything else, please let me know. But, always remember that the two of you have a very special relationship. It’s a little out of the norm, but it’s who you are.”

After a quiet ride home, and as they were fixing dinner, Ronnie asked Jason, “Are you upset with me?”

`“Why would I be?”, Jason asked.

“Because I’m bi.”

“Love. Being bi is just part of you, just like it’s part of me being a crossdresser. As long as we both still love each other. I don’t care. I thought there might be something going on, and I’m glad we found out. I’m just glad you’re not a lesbian.”


And, with a big grin, Jason said, “Because then I’d have to figure out how to get the surgery to keep you.”

“You are so bad.”

That night ended in a long, slow, love making session, that hadn’t happened for a while.

Over the next week or two, Jaimie gradually came back into their lives. And, was completely back when Jaimie and Ronnie went to the beauty shop together. And, as they were walking home, Ronnie asked, “I thought you agreed with mere that Jaimie shouldn’t venture out because of what happened with Ariane?”

“I know.”, Jaimie replied, “But, I don’t want to stay in. There is just so many things to do and see.”

“Are you really back?”

“You bet I am.”

“I never want you to be gone that long again.”

“Me either.”

Right there on the street, Ronnie stopped, turned Jaimie to face her, and gave her a long kiss. When they broke the kiss, Jaimie said, “Ah. Did you forget I’m a girl right now?”

“I don’t care. I love you. And, I don’t care who sees or knows.”

“You’re crazy.”

“For you.”

One Saturday at lunch, Ronnie said, “You know what we didn’t bring with us from the States?”




“It starting to get cold.”

“It doesn’t get that cold here.”

“Yes it does.”

“If you say so. So, then we’ll both need boots?”


“Won’t Jaimie need boots too?”

“I guess.”

“You guess? Want to go shopping?”

“Wait. You’re asking me if I want to go shopping? I‘m supposed to ask that question.”

“Maybe I’ve earned my shopping gene.”

“Your shopping gene? Guys don’t have one.”

“Remember Jaimie? I bet she has one. And, she can’t let you be cuter then she is.”

“That so. I bet I can find a cuter pair of boots than you can?”

“Bet you can’t.”



This turned into one of their little wrestling matches, and Ronnie ended up winning. She looked down at Jason, and said, “Okay lover. I bet that I can really find a cuter pair of boots then you can.”

“A bet!? And, what does the winner get?”

She bent down, whispered something in his ear, and sat back up. He looked at her for a few seconds, and said, “Honestly?”

“You bet lover.”

“You’ve got a deal.”

There was an upscale shoe store in Brest, which had two locations. And, the following evening, Jaimie was dropping Ronnie off at one of the locations, and Jaimie asked, “Are you sure you trust me to shop by myself?”

“I think I’ve taught you well.”, Ronnie said, “But, we’ll see. Call me when you’re done.”

“You think I’ll be done before you are?”

“Sure. Even driving to the other store, you’ll be done before I am.”

“That so?”

“Sure. You’re still a guy. You’ll go in, and grab the first thing you see.”

“I’m still a guy? I thought I was a girl right now. You want to add to the bet?”

Shaking her head, Ronnie said, “Don’t you think it’s enough already?”

“True. But, just be ready to wait when I’m not done when you are.”

“Yea. Right.”

Ronnie kissed Jaimie, got out of the car, and went into the shop. Jaimie drove the ten minutes to the other location, and started looking for boots. Even though these were upscale shops, they were more of a self service shop, with some assistance. Jaimie took her time looking at boots, tried on a number of very cute ones, and finally settled for a pair. They were a black, knee high boot, with a two and a half inch heel, a side zipper, and a decorative woven leather strap that wrapped around the upper part of the boot. The strap had a short gold chain linking it together at the side.

At one point a sales assistant had walked up, and asked, “Miss, can I help you with anything?”

Jaimie smiled, and answered, “No thank you. I think I’ve found just what I’ve been looking for. But, I do want to look around a little more.”

“Just let me know if you need any assistance.”

“Thank you.”

As Jaimie was removing the boots, she thought, ‘I just love it when I’m treated this way.’

Jaimie did spend more time looking around, and as she was walking toward the counter to pay for the boots, she saw something. Something she just had to have. Just then her cell phone rang, she knew who it was, and answered it with, “Hi love.” . . . “You’ve been waiting for how long? . . . “Only fifteen minutes.” . . . “It took me ten minutes to drive over here, and I’m still looking. They’ve got some really cute things.” . . . “I figure another fifteen minutes here, and then another ten minutes back there.” . . . “All right. In the coffee shop down the street.” . . . “Love you. Bye.”

Jaimie smiled to herself, and thought, ‘I bet she’s wondering just what I’m buying.’

Jaimie then walked over to what she had spotted earlier, and tried them on. Smiled to herself, and thought, ‘Ronnie will just love these.’

Almost an hour later, Jaimie walked into the coffee shop, and found Ronnie. Ronnie looked at her, and said, “That took long enough.”

“I love you too.”, Jaimie said.


Jaimie bent down, gave Ronnie a kiss, and said, “That’s all right. Did you find something?”

“Oh yes! A very cute pair of boots. You?”

“Yes. A really cute pair of boots. And, I’ll bet that they’re cuter than yours.”

“We’ll see.”

On the drive home, Ronnie said, “Getting awful forward, aren’t you?”

“Huh?”, Jaimie replied.

“The kiss in the coffee shop.”

“What about it?”

“Did you forget that you’re Jaimie?”

“No. I just wanted to give my lover a kiss. You’ve kissed me in public.”

“Your lesbian lover?”

“If you want to call it that, then yes.”

“You’re comfortable with that now?”

“Yes. Because I know where you’re coming from.”

Ronnie smiled, as she said, “It did get us a couple of interesting looks.”

“Do you care about the looks?”

“I don’t really care about the looks. I know who I’m kissing.”

After they arrived home, Ronnie asked, “How are we going to judge whose boots are cuter?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, if we can’t agree, we’ll ask your mom.”

“Why don’t you go into the bedroom, and put yours on? And, I’ll put mine on out here. Then when you’re ready, come on back out, and we’ll see.”

Jaimie got up, grabbed her package, and headed to the bedroom. The first thing she did, was to hide the other box that was in her bag. Then she pulled her boots out of her package, slipped them on, and zipped them up. Then asked Ronnie, “Are you ready?”

“Sure love. Come on out, and lose the bet.”, Ronnie replied.

Ronnie could hear Jaimie walking down the hall, and as she walked into the livingroom, Ronnie started laughing. And, Jaimie asked, “What’s so funny?”

Jaimie couldn’t see the boots that Ronnie was wearing until she walked out from behind a chair. And, then Jaimie saw what she was so funny. They were both wearing the same boots. She just shook her head, and said, “I don’t believe this. We both picked the same boots.”

“I guess you did pick up my shopping gene.”, Ronnie said.

“I guess. Maybe I’ll be nice, and take mine back. I did see another pair that I liked.”

“Sorry. But, it wouldn’t look good with us both wearing the same thing.”

“I know. But, I just loved these.”

“Me too. They’re just so cute. I’ll make it up to you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Yes I do. We had a bet, and you did pick boots that were as cute as the ones I picked. And, you’re willing to take yours back. So, I’ll just have to let you win the bet.” Then with a sly smile, she said, “Lover. What I’m going to do to you, will drive you crazy. And, I know that you won’t be able to resist pleasuring me. So, it’s a win, win, situation for both of us.”

“Love. You just can’t get enough of me. Can you?”

“No I can’t. I just love my girl, and enjoy doing things to, and with, her.”

The following evening, Jaimie and Ronnie were back at the shoe store where Jaimie had purchased her boots. And, Jaimie showed Ronnie the other pair of boots that she liked, and Ronnie agreed that they were cute, and in fact she said, “If you had bought those yesterday, you would have won the bet.”

“Only because you enjoyed what happened last night.”

“And, you didn’t?”

On a Saturday, a few days later Ronnie’s mother was out shopping, and stopped by the flat to have a mid afternoon cup of tea with her daughter. When she rang the bell, Jaimie answered the door with a, “Hi mere. Come on in.”

“Ah . . . Hi . . . Hi Jas . . . Jaimie.”

“Something wrong mere?”

“I wasn’t expecting to see you. But, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Sorry. But, it was a rough week at work. And, I needed to relax today.”

“Don’t be sorry. In fact, you look very nice. And, you also do this to relax?”

“Yes. There’s something about being Jaimie that just relaxes me. Ronnie’s in the kitchen. I’ve got a couple of things to do, and then I’ll join you.” And, Jaimie gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Which she returned. And, Jaimie headed to the bedroom.

Ronnie’s mother found her in the kitchen, and they exchanged greetings. Then, Ronnie’s mom asked, “How do you do it?”

“Do what mere?”

“Put up with Jason as Jaimie? She’s so feminine.”

“I love him. And, her. It’s not hard to do. They’re both so sweet, and loving.”

“But, your husband makes such a pretty girl.”

“I know. Mere, I know you don’t understand this. Just accept her like I do, learn to love her, and you’ll see how much fun she is. She’s a great person, and so is Jason. She’s a wonderful friend, and so is Jason. She’s a wonderful lover, and so is Jason.”

“A lover?”

“Yes mere. There’s something I need to tell you.”

“Fille. What?”

“I’m bisexual.”


“Yes mere. After my problem with Ariane we went to a psychologist. And, we found out that I have strong bisexual tendencies.“ And, Ronnie went on to tell her mother about their sessions with the psychologist, and what she had found out about both her and Jason. And, about her time with Amy.

When Ronnie was done, her mother sat there, and looked at her for a short time. Then again she just said, “Bisexual?”

“Yes mere. It’s just part of me. I was born this way.”

“And, when Jason is Jaimie, she is your lover?”

“Yes. The only lover that I ever want.”

“Fille. Your life is too complicated for me. But, if you two are happy this way, that’s what’s important.”

“Thank you mere. We are happy. Very happy.”

Looking down at the table, then back up at her mother, Ronnie asked, “Mere. Do you still love me?”

“Fille! You are my daughter. I will always love you. No matter what.”


“Of course.”

Just then Jaimie walked into the kitchen, and asked, “So, what have you two been talking about?”

Ronnie, smiled, and said, “Us.”


“I just told mere about our session with the psychologist. And, Amy.”


“Filles. (Daughters) I don’t know about all of this. But, you two appear to be very happy, and that’s all I can ask. So, I have a daughter, and a daughter-in-law?”

“Yes, mere. And, a very loving son-in-law.”, Ronnie said, “And, all we ask is to be accepted for who we are.”

“Fille. I love you. No, I love both of you. I’ll never understand what this is all about, but I accept both of you for who you are.”

Later as Ronnie’s mother was leaving, they exchanged hugs and kisses. And, Ronnie said, “Mere. I know our lifestyle is different. But, we’ve found out who we are, and that we fit together very well. I’m just glad that you accept it.”

As she closed the door Ronnie turned to Jaimie, pointed at her feet, and asked, “Where did you get those shoes!?”

Jaimie was wearing the pair of shoes that she had purchased at the same time she purchased her boots. They were a retro t-strap dress sandal in dark red, with a round toe, rivet, and stitching accents, and two front bands connected to a center metal hoop. They had a half inch platform, and a four-inch heel.

With a grin, Jaimie said, “The other day, when we were shopping for boots. I saw them, and just had to have them. And, I just thought I’d show them off.”

“They are just so drop dead cute.”

“I figured that you’d love ‘em.”

“You just may have inherited my shopping gene. Can I borrow them?”

“Sure. As long as I can borrow some of your things.”

“Some of my thing? Most of my things won’t fit you. Your feet aren’t that much bigger than mine, so I can wear your shoes. But, you’d have problems wearing mine. So, what are you going to borrow?”

“Nothing now. Just keeping my options open, lover.”

Ronnie walked over to Jaimie, and even though they were the same height in stocking feet, because of the shoes, she had to stand on her tip toes to give him a deep kiss. Then said, “What’s mine is yours. As long as what’s yours is mine?”

“You know it is.”

That evening as Ronnie’s mother was making dinner, she was also in deep thought about what Ronnie had told her. She was sitting at the kitchen table when her husband walked in from work, saw the look on her face, and asked, “Maryann. Is something wrong?”

“Ronnie told me something today.”

- End Chapter 13 -


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