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We learn more about one of their friends, maybe more than Ronnie, or Jason, wants to know. And, maybe more about Ronnie.
Salt & Pepper, Sugar & Spice
Chapter 12
Not with me you don’t.
There had been a soft knock on the door to Ronnie and Jason’s flat. Ronnie was home alone, as she didn’t have a class, and wasn’t working that day. She walked to the door, and opened it. Ariane was standing there looking a little down. Ronnie said, “Ariane. What’s wrong?”
“Henri and I had a fight.”, Ariane said.
“Love, no. Come on in, and tell me.”
They walked into the living room. Ariane sat on the couch, and Ronnie on a chair. They sat there in silence for a few moments. Finally, Ronnie asked, “What happened?”
The tears started to well up in Ariane eyes, as she said, “The kiss we shared in Paris.”
“Our kiss? It was part of the play.”
“Henri and I had a long talk about it that night, and I thought it was over. But, it came up again, and became a little ugly.”
“How so?”
“I had told him in Paris, that I was curious about making love with a girl. And, I guess it’s been eating at him, and he finally flat out asked me if I was a lesbian. I told him no, that I was just curious. But, he just stormed out.” And, the tears started.
“You told him that!?”
Between sobs, Ariane said, “Yes. I wanted to be honest with him. I’ve always been a little curious, even back in school. I . . . I wanted to try it. But, I also loved being with guys. I was confused, and hid my feelings until that night in Paris.”
“You’re telling me that you’re bi curious?”
“I guess. And, what you have with Jaimie just got my mind working again.”
“I’m sorry. I should have never introduced you to Jaimie. It was a mistake.”
“No. No. It wasn’t a mistake. Jaimie is a part of Jason, and he’s important to you. And, you wanted us to meet her.”
“No. It was a mistake. It’s going to drive you and Henri apart.”
“If he can’t accept me for who I am, then that’s the way it is.”
“Ariane! You don’t even know if your bi or what. I’m just so sorry that I started this.”
“You didn’t. It’s always been in the back of my mind. And, I’m so confused as to how I feel.”
Ronnie got up, and sat next to Ariane on the couch, and held her while she cried. And, she talked softly to her, “It’ll be fine love. You and Henri will work this out.”
After Ariane had calmed down, she sat back a little so she could look at Ronnie, and she said, “Thank you for being such a special friend.” Then she gave Ronnie a little kiss. Again she sat back a little, again they looked at each other, Ariane then took Ronnie’s face in her hands, and gave her a kiss just as deep, and just as long, as the one in Paris. Ronnie didn’t resist the kiss, she actually accepted it, and returned it.
One thing led to another, the two girls started necking like two teenagers, and Ariane became the aggressor. The necking turned to petting. And, the petting turned to clothes being removed. When Ariane was down to her panties and bra, and Ronnie to only her panties, Ariane got up, took Ronnie’s hand, helped her up, and led her to the bedroom. Not a word had been said.
It was over an hour later when they were saying good bye. Ronnie walked her to the door, they kissed very deeply, and Ariane said, “I love you.”
Ronnie just smiled. And, Ariane said, “Can’t you tell me that you love me?”
“I love you. But, right now I’m not sure in what way.”
“That’s all right lover. I know that we love each other, and that’s all that matters.” She gave Ronnie another kiss, but Ronnie wasn’t as accepting of this one as she was of the others. As Ariane was walking out the door, she said, “See you later lover.”
“Later.”, was all that Ronnie could say, as she closed the door.
Ronnie walked back into the livingroom, sat on the couch, and started to cry. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling. She loved Ariane, but as a sister, not a lover. And, what had just happened between them was confusing. Very confusing. She lay down on the couch, in an almost fetal position, and continued to cry.
She was finally able to calm down enough to take a shower, get dressed, and start supper just before Jason came home. As usual, when Jason came home, and Ronnie was cooking, he’d walk up behind her, and gave her kiss on the neck. And, tonight was no exception. But, Ronnie felt different. She turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a deep kiss. When they broke the kiss, she looked him in the eyes, and started crying.
Jason looked at her with concern, and said, “Honey, what’s wrong?”
Ronnie couldn’t stop crying long enough to say anything, so Jason just held her.
As she started to calm down, Jason asked, “Is everyone all right?”
She could only nod yes.
“What’s wrong?”
All she could get out was “Ariane.”
“Is she all right?”
She nodded yes.
“Did she do something?”
She nodded yes.
The tears started again. Jason turned off the food that was cooking, carefully took Ronnie to the livingroom, and sat her on the couch. He then said, “I’ll be right back. Okay?”
Ronnie was able to get out an, “Okay.”
Jason was gone only a short time, and returned with a cold washcloth. He carefully wiped Ronnie’s face. She looked at him, and managed a little smile.
“Honey. What happened?”, Jason asked.
“You’re going to hate me.”
“No love. I could never hate you.”
“Yes you will.”
“No, I won’t. What happened?”
Ariane . . . Ariane and I made . . . made love.”
“You and Ariane made love?”
She just nodded yes, and started to cry again. He held her, and all kinds of thoughts were going through his head. She again started to calm down, and he said, “Honey. Just tell me when you’re ready.”
They sat there, with him holding her, as she tried to calm herself down. Finally she was able to talk, and she told him the story, “Ariane stopped by today, and she was upset. She told me that she and Henri had a big fight. And, it started over our kiss, and that she had told him that she was curious about making love with a girl. I was upset because I had introduced them to Jaimie. But, she told me that she had always been curious about girls. One thing led to another, and we made love. I’m so sorry.” And, she started crying again.
“Honey.”, Jason said, “Relax. It’ll be all right.”
“No . . . No it won’t. I don’t know if I ever want to see Ariane again.”
“Easy. This wasn’t like what you and Amy had. Was it?”
“No. Amy was more of a comforting thing for me taken a little too far. Ariane seduced me. I think she is really in love with me.”
“In love with you?”
“Yea. Just the look in her eyes, and how she said things. I guess I was just too accepting of her kiss in Paris. I actually told her I liked the kiss.”
“You liked the kiss?”
“Yes. As a girlfriend kiss, not a lover’s kiss. But, I think she meant it as a lover’s kiss.
“How do you feel about what happened today?”
“I’m not sure. My love for Ariane is like a sister. Afterwards I felt sick. I had cheated on you, and it was wrong.”
Ronnie started to cry again, and Jason held her. And, he whispered, “Love. Things happen. I still love you very much. And, nothing has changed between us. You’re everything to me. You and Ariane are very close, and it just happened.”
“You really still love me?”
“Yes. Very much so. You go clean up, and I’ll finish supper. Then we’ll talk more.”
“All right. I guess.”
They sat through dinner, nothing was said, and Ronnie just played with her food. Afterwards, they sat on the couch, Ronnie’s head on Jason’s lap. He stroked her hair, and he could tell she was thinking. Finally he said, “Talk to me?”
“I’m so sorry that this happened. And, I was so afraid that I was going to lose you when I told you.”
“Lose me? I love you too much. You were honest with me, and didn’t hide it.”
“But, I feel so bad.”
“Honey. It just happened. Maybe a one time thing.”
“I don’t think so. At least on Ariane’s part.”
“Just the way she was. The way she talked, acted, and looked at me.”
“What about her and Henri?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I should talk to him?”
“You think that would be a good idea?”
“Maybe if I’m careful on how I approach it.”
“Just be careful.”
“I will.”
After, they had gone to bed, Ronnie rolled over and looked at Jason, and said, “Do you really still love me?”
“No.”, Jason replied.
“No. I more than love you.”
“Even after today?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I cheated on you.”
“If it had been a guy. Then it might be different. Don’t let this get to you.”
“Why do you love me?”
“You are a caring, loving person. A special person. And, you put up with me.”
“You are so wonderful.” She kissed him, cuddled up close to him, and fell asleep.
He laid there, and just held her.
The following evening Ronnie made a phone call. “Hello Henri, it’s Ronnie. Is Ariane home?” . . . “That’s right, she’s at her mom’s? I forget that she goes over there on Tuesday evenings. How’s everything?” . . . “Good. I was a little worried that the Paris thing was going to be a problem.” . . . “Really. You had a good, long, talk about it. So, did Jason and I.” . . . “I’m glad that you didn’t have a problem with it, Jason didn’t either. It was just one of those things.” . . . “She told you that?” . . . “She told you she was curious about girls.” . . . “No, that kiss was the first time that she ever did anything like that. And, I’ve never sensed anything.” . . . “Well I’m glad everything is fine. We need to get together soon.” . . . “I’ll tell Jaimie.” . . . “Tell Ariane I called, and that I’ll talk to her soon. Bye.”
Ronnie hung up the phone, turned to Jason, who’d overheard the whole conversation, got a very disgusted look on her face, and said, “That little bitch! She and Henri didn’t have a fight. She lied to me. She came over here to seduce me. I bet she figured, because I returned her kisses in Paris that I was interested.”
“Calm down love.”, Jason said, “So, Henri said that everything is all right with them?”
“Yes. He said they talked about it. And, Ariane did tell him that she was curious, but she would never act on it. I am just so mad!”
Ronnie sat next to Jason, cuddled with him, and didn’t say anything more. Jason figured that it was best not to say anything until Ronnie did. But, he was worried about what she was thinking.
Finally Ronnie sat up, swung around so that she was straddling his lap, and looking directly at him. And said, “You love me. Right?”
“You know I do.”
“Will you help me do something?”
“It’s not illegal, is it?”
“No. I just don’t trust Ariane any more. I want something on her. So, that I can end this. So, that I can be rid of her.”
“What does she know about you? Us?”
“There are people that you don’t want finding out about Jaimie. Isn’t there?”
“Well. There are people that wouldn’t understand, and it might make life a little difficult.”
“So. If we have something on her. If I can get her to talk. Then I could just hit her with it, and tell her to get out of our lives, or else.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I know when she left here, that she wanted to get back together again.”
“Wait! You’re not thinking of doing it with her again?”
“I’d do anything to get rid of her. After I get her to talk.”
“Wow! You are mad. But, will it be enough to get rid of her?”
“You’d better believe I’m mad. I hate to be used, and deceived. Especially this way. If I can get her to talk, I’ll use it to make her understand I don’t want her around any more. How could we record what happens, and what’s said?”
“Well. There are miniature video cameras, and microphones. And, maybe we could set something up. But, you are really willing to crawl into bed with her again?”
“Yes. It’ll probably be the only way to get her to talk. She’ll relax, and feel comfortable telling me things, if I ask the right questions. How soon can we do this?”
“Are we in a hurry?”
“You bet. The sooner we get this over, the sooner we can get back to normal.”
“Let me talk to some of the people at work tomorrow.”
“What are you going to tell them?”
“I’m not sure. . . . Maybe that we want to set up a short term surveillance, because we think that someone is getting into the flat when we’re gone.”
When Jason came home the following day, he found Ronnie in the kitchen, and as usual he gave her a kiss on the neck. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. Then he said, “Jacques, from work, is stopping by tonight.”
“He plays around with video recording equipment. I told him that we thought someone was getting into the flat about once a week. That we had noticed that things had been moved, but nothing had been taken yet. And, he said that he had the stuff to set something up for us.”
“Great. The sooner this is over, the better.”
Just after dinner, Jacques arrived, and it took him about an hour to place three cameras. One in the livingroom, one in the bedroom, and one in the kitchen. All three had built in microphones. He said that the recorder would record all three cameras at the same time on CD, and they would be activated by a motion detector so that there wouldn’t be any wasted recording. He showed Jason how to use the equipment, how to playback the recording, and copy it. Ronnie poured all three a glass of wine, and they sat for awhile talking about the break in, and what to do if they did record anyone.
After Jacques had left, Jason asked, “Are you sure you’re going to do this?”
“I hate her! She lied to me. She used me. You’re damn right I’m going to do it.”
“But, it means making love to her again.”
“Not love! There’s no love between us anymore. It’ll just be sex.”
“Boy, I’m really glad that you’re not mad at me.”
“Lover. I could never be mad at you.”
Ronnie cuddled up with Jason, and started seducing him. It wasn’t long before they were into one of their long sexual encounters.
Later as they lay cuddled together on their bed, she said, “As soon as possible.”
“As soon as possible. What?”, he asked.
“I want to do this thing with Ariane as soon as possible. And, I’ll bet that I’ll have to drink a bottle of wine first.”
“I’m really surprised that you’re going through with it.”
“Love. I have to do this. And, do it tomorrow.”
The next day as Jason was leaving for work, Jason showed Ronnie how to start the equipment. They had moved the one camera from the kitchen to the bedroom, and made sure that both cameras in the bedroom had a good view of the bed. The camera in the livingroom was set up to show the door and couch.
Soon after Jason had left, Ronnie called Ariane. “Hi love.” . . . “Yea. I figured that you would have been back over by now.” . . . “I miss you too.” . . . “Well, I don’t have any classes or work today.” . . . “Really. You want to do that to me?” . . . “Oh. It sounds like fun.” . . . “Ten o’clock. Sure that’s fine.” . . . “I can’t wait.” . . . “See you at ten. Love you too.”
After she hung up the phone, she thought, ‘I’m going to be sick. I can’t believe I said those things to her.’ She then called Jason, and told him that Ariane would be at the flat at ten. He wanted to come home and hide, just incase something happened. But, Ronnie told him no, that she could handle Ariane, and she wanted to get her to talk, so she was going to keep it sweet and nice. If it killed her. But, he insisted that she call him as soon Ariane left.
Ronnie did break out a bottle of wine, and went through most of it. Then, right at ten, there was a soft knock on the door to the flat. And, . . .
Just after noon, Ronnie called Jason, “Hi lover” . . . “Yes. I’m fine. She just left.” . . . “Yea. I can’t believe it, almost two hours.” . . . “I feel dirty, and need a shower.” . . . “By love. See you when you get home.” . . . “Go out to dinner? Sure.” . . . “See you then.”
When they arrived back at the flat after dinner, Jason reset the video recorder, and pressed play. They watched Ronnie nervously pacing the livingroom, drinking the wine, until there was a knock on the door. Jason whispered to Ronnie, “A little nervous, love?”
“A little.”
They watched as Ronnie opened the door, and Ariane was standing there with a very sweet smile on her face. As she walked in, Ariane said, “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted you.” She then wrapped her arms around Ronnie’s neck, and gave her a long, passionate kiss, and it appeared that Ronnie returned it. Jason said, “It looks to me that you enjoyed that.”
Ronnie punched him in the arm, hard. And said, “Shut up. I was acting, and it took almost a whole bottle of wine to do it.”
They continued watching in silence, as the two girls moved to the couch, and started necking. And, just like the first time, Ariane took charge, and it wasn’t long until both girls were down to panties. Then, Ariane led Ronnie into the bedroom. Jason couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew about lesbian sex, and had actually seen some pictures. But, what he was seeing these two girls do, he could hardly believe. He looked over at Ronnie, and she was crying. He put his arm around her shoulder, and held her close. They watched the rest of the recording until it ended when Ronnie was saying goodbye to Ariane, and sharing the deepest kiss yet. Then Ronnie closed the door, called Jason on the phone, and then ran to the bathroom.
Jason looked at Ronnie, who was wiping tears from her eyes, and he just held her. Then he said, “I don’t believe you went through with this.”
“I don’t either. I’ve never done anything this hard before.”
“I didn’t know girls did some of those things.”
“I told you.”, Ronnie said, “That I’d do anything to get her to talk.”
“You did do anything, and everything. And, she did talk. So, she’s had a number of lovers?”
“Since her early teens. And, I guess that’s how she knows how to make love to a girl.”
“I can’t believe that she’s playing Henri for a fool.”
“I know. She’s just using him because he makes good money. And, she has no intention of marrying him. That’s why she hasn’t started planning a wedding. And, she used him to fool everyone as to her sexuality, even when she was having affairs.”
“And, Marie, Henri’s cousin, is also her lover.”
“That’s how she knew about her being a lesbian. And, I was right, when I figured she told me about Marie to see how I’d react.”
“How did you react?”
“I guess in a way that told her that those kind of things didn’t upset me.”
“What else made her feel that you’d be interested?”
“Maybe when we were talking about Jaimie, and that I considered what we have is lesbian love. I guess she assumed that I would be accepting of an affair with her. And, she made her first move in Paris.”
“It sounded like she’s been very careful about hiding her lesbian affairs.”
“Very. And, I think she’d do almost anything to keep them hidden. But, some of the things she said makes me believe that she really wants me, and would do almost anything to have me.”
“So, what’s next?”
“I guess making copies of this, putting some away in a safe place, and confronting her.”
Jason made a couple copies of the recording, and placed them in a safe place. And, they decided to have Ronnie invite Ariane over for another tryst on Saturday. And, confront her with everything then.
As they were cuddling in bed, Ronnie asked, “Do you really still love me?”
“Of course I do.”, Jason replied, “Why?”
“I’ve . . . I’ve done it with a girl, twice. No, three times. You’ve seen one of those, and that really made me feel dirty. I’m afraid that you feel different about us.”
“Love. The time with Amy, was one of those things, you were really down, and she consoled you in a way she thought might help. It just happened. The first time with Ariane maybe you felt you were doing the same thing for her. You thought she was down, and let her seduce you. And, the second time was a setup to trap her. I think you are a very loving person, and Ariane took advantage of that. Do I feel different about us? No.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I love you very much. And, I love what we have. Now, tell me about this lesbian thing between you and Jaimie.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.”
“I think it was when you and Henri were getting drinks after we had told them about Jaimie. Ariane and I were talking about you going out, and getting hit on by guys. I told her that we sometimes came across as a lesbian couple, and that when we start making love as Ronnie and Jaimie, that it feels like two girls, because you are so slow, gentle, and caring. And, even though Jaimie smells, tastes, and feels like a girl, that I know it’s still you. And, in the end, that it’s really you. Jaimie just adds something special.”
“Something special?”
“I can’t explain it to myself. So, I know I can’t explain it to you. But, there is just something there that feels really good.”
“So, it’s Jaimie?”
“No. It’s you being Jaimie.”
“So, you love Jaimie?”
“Of course I do. But, only because she’s you. Why the questions?”
“I . . . I was worried, after watching the recording, that maybe you were really a lesbian or bi.”
“Lover. I only have lesbian feelings for Jaimie! If you can call it that. What I did with Ariane, just like what happened with Amy, it just happened, then I had a sexual desire that I couldn’t control because of what she was doing to me. To be honest it was blind sexual lust. The things she was doing to me, just drove me to the point that I couldn’t control myself.
“This time, it was the wine, and knowing if I did it, I could get rid of her. And, again I couldn’t control my bodies reaction to her kisses and touches. I wanted to, but she knows things that drove me almost insane. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help reacting to her. I felt sick and dirty when we were done. I would love to turn the clock back, and undo everything
“Am I a lesbian or bisexual? No, I don’t think so. I don’t see girls, and lust after them. I don’t feel any attraction to any girls in a way that I’d think of as lesbian tendencies, except one. And, that’s Jaimie. She’s the only girl that I love, want to be with, or have sex with. And, the only reason that I feel that way, is that I know it’s my Jason.”
“Baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I’m confused by what I saw. I do love you very much. And, I do understand how you feel about doing it with Ariane.”
“Honey. Lets get some sleep, and we’ll talk more in the morning. Okay?”
“Sure. And, I do love you.”
They shared a deep kiss, and cuddled together. But, sleep didn’t come to Ronnie. She laid awake thinking of what she had done. Worrying that she had taken it too far, and that Jason was actually upset with her. Finally about two in the morning, she carefully worked her way out of bed, and went to the kitchen. She sat there in deep thought. Trying to figure out how to get out of this whole thing.
About three, she felt hands on her shoulder, and she jumped. It was Jason, and he said, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“This whole damn thing.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Get it over with, and get on with our lives. I just wish that I’d told her right away that I wasn’t interested in her, and ended it.”
“Didn’t you say that you were worried about what she knew about us? Really me?”
“Yes. And, that’s the only reason I did this. And, I just want it to go away.”
He helped her to her feet, and held her for a little while. Then he gave her a deep kiss, and led her back to bed. They cuddled together, sleep finally came to Ronnie, and they slept till ten.
On Saturday morning, Ronnie was very quiet, and finally Jason said, “Just call her, and get it over with.”
“I was just thinking that.”
Ronnie picked up the phone, looked at Jason, took a deep breath, and called Ariane.
“Hi.” . . . “Love you too.” . . . “I’m lonely. Jason went to an early soccer game with my dad.” . . . “Not till late, maybe five or six.” . . . “Noon. That would be wonderful.” . . . “Sure. See you then.” . . . “Bye love.”
Ronnie hung up the phone, sat down on the couch next to Jason, and put her face in her hands. Her put his arm around her, she turned, wrapped her arms around his neck, and put her head on his shoulder.
Jason whispered, “It’ll be over soon.”
“I hate this.”, Ronnie said, “She was my best friend. But, she deceived me, used me, and hurt me. Am I lowering myself to her level by doing this?”
“No, love. She’s a user. She needs to be shown that people won’t put up with her.”
“But, I feel so bad.”
“Honey. Don’t. Just remember what she did. And, everything will be all right.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes love. I’m sure.”
As Noon approached, Ronnie became very nervous. She couldn’t sit still. She paced. And, did things around the flat. Finally Jason took her in his arms, held her. And said, “Honey relax. Everything will be fine.”
She looked at him, and said, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m here for you, and us.”
Just then there was a soft knock on the door. Ronnie looked at Jason, he kissed her, and just nodded yes. Then, he sat on a chair, just out of sight of the door. Ronnie walked to the door, and opened it. Ariane was standing there with that very sweet smile on her face, she walked up to Ronnie, gave her a kiss, and Ronnie half heartily accepted it. Ariane stepped back a little, and asked, “What’s wrong love?”
“Oh, nothing. Just a little down.”
“I’m losing a good friend.”
“Maybe I can help you forget.”
Ronnie took Ariane’s hand, led her into the flat, and closed the door. Ariane went to give Ronnie another kiss, but Ronnie stopped her. And, Ariane asked, “What’s wrong love?”
Ronnie looked to where Jason was sitting, and Jason cleared his throat. Ariane quickly looked to where Jason was sitting, then back at Ronnie, and said, “I . . . I though he was with your dad.”
“No.”, Ronnie said, “We need to talk to you. And, Jason’s here for two reasons. One, to show you that he knows, and stands behind me. And, two, to protect you from me.”
“He knows?”
“Yes he does!”
Speaking a little softer, Ariane asks, “Talk about what?”
“Yes. In particularly what you’ve done to me.”
“Done to you?”
“You lied to me, and used me. And, I hate you for it!”
Ariane turned to leave, and Ronnie said, “You’d better stay. We have something for you to see.”
Ariane turned back to Ronnie with fire in her eyes, and said, “What could you have that would possibly interest me!?”
“How about a video of us from the other day.”
Ariane’s eyes got very big, and she said, “A video?”
“Yes. Of us. Have a seat, and we’ll talk”
You could see a look of fear and concern come over Ariane’s face, as she sat. And, she said, “I . . . I thought that we had something?”
Ronnie stood, with her arms folded, glaring at Ariane, and said, “We did, as friends, until you lied to me, and used me. You and Henri never had a fight about our kiss. You just wanted me as a lover, and used lies to try and get your way.”
Ariane’s eyes went to the floor. Ronnie said, “Look at me!”
Ariane looked back up at Ronnie, as Ronnie continued, “You used me. You hurt me. And, you’ll never know how much I hate you. I never want to see you again after today. We had a great friendship, and that’s over. I just may tell Henri about your lies, and your using him. He’s a great guy, and all you want is his money, not the love he’s giving you. You are nothing but, a . . . “ Ronnie was on a roll, and in no time Ariane was in tears.
Finally Ronnie picked up the TV’s remote control, pressed play, and said, “Watch the TV!”
She showed Ariane the part of the recording where they were in bed, and she was telling Ronnie how she was using Henri. She was even laughing about it. Ariane just stared at the TV in disbelief, as she listened to their conversation, and watched what they were doing.
Ronnie stopped the recording, and said, “This is how it’s going to be. You will never see us, or contact us again. Or, certain people will see this recording. Our friendship is over.”
“What if . . . if, I tell people about Jaimie?”
“Honey! Everyone that we care about knows about Jaimie. I figured you’d bring this up. You are such a bitch!”
“But, if you show this recording to others, they’ll see you in it.”
“You little bitch. Again, everyone that we care about knows about this. How you used me, and they understand what I’m doing, including my lawyer. So, tell the world. You’ll also be outed, and I don’t think you want that.”
You could see the fear and concern on Ariane’s face. Especially as Ronnie said, “I should tell Henri. But, I’ll leave that to you. You’re the one that has to live with yourself.”
Ronnie walked over to the door, opened it, and said, “Now. Get the hell out, and don’t ever come back!”
Ariane almost ran out the door, and Ronnie slammed it shut behind her. She then walked over to where Jason had been sitting in silence, sat on his lap, and he just held her. She was shaking, and he could tell she was also crying, and he finally said, “Baby, it’s over. Calm down.”
“God that was so hard.”, Ronnie said, “I didn’t think I could do it.”
“You did really well. I think she knew you meant it.”
“I did well, because I did mean every word of it.”
“So, everyone we care about knows about Jaimie?”
“Not really. Only mere over here.”
“And, Henri. So, you lied.”
“Yea. I figured she’d bring that up.”
“Should we tell a few others just in case?”
“I don’t know.”
“And, what if Ariane forces our hand with the recording?”
“I don’t think she will. But, if she does then I will talk to a lawyer.”
“I figured that you really haven’t told anyone about this.”
“But, maybe we should talk to mere about this?”
“That’s your call.”
She sat on his lap for a little longer, then said, “I need to go somewhere.”
“Where?”, he asked.
“To see Pere James.”
Late that afternoon the couple was pulling up to the church in the little fishing village. They went into the church looking for the priest, but he wasn’t there. They walked next door to the small rectory, and Ronnie knocked on the door. Shortly the priest opened the door, and said, “My children. What brings you here so late in the day?”
Ronnie looked at the ground, and said, “Pere. I need to confess.”
“My child. Is it that bad, that you drove this far?”
Ronnie just nodded yes.
“Go to the church my child. I’ll be there shortly.”
“Thank you Pere.”
Ronnie and Jason walked back to the church, went in, and sat in a pew close to the confessionals. Within a few minutes the priest was there, and entered the confessional. Ronnie gave Jason a little kiss, got up, and entered the confessional. Jason sat there just thinking about what had happened over the past few weeks.
Ronnie and the priest were in the confessional for a long time. Finally Ronnie came out, walked to where Jason was sitting, and he could tell she had been crying. She sat next to him, he took her hand in his, and asked, “Well?”
“Pere wasn’t very happy. He said we shouldn’t have compounded things by trying to correct one wrong thing with another. But, that it was done. I have to do some penance. And, he also said that we should talk with mere about it. Do you mind if I pray for a little while?”
“No, honey.”
Ronnie took out her Rosary, knelt, and started saying the Hail Mary prayer. Jason knelt beside her, and listened as she said the prayer over and over. After about fifteen minutes, she stopped, looked at him, and mouthed, “I love you.”
He whispered, “I love you too.”
They walked over to the little cafe, and had a late dinner. As they were eating, Jason asked, “How much did you tell Pere James?”
“Just what happened between Ariane and me.”
“Anything about Jaimie?”
“No. I didn’t think it was necessary to tell him about her. Would it have been a problem if I had?”
“No. It’s just nice to know who knows. Do you have any more penance to do? ”
“You bet. A lot.”
“He was hard on you. Huh?”
“Yes. He was really unhappy with everything.”
On the way home, Ronnie said, “I want to go to mere and pere’s early tomorrow.”
“Why?”, he asked.
“I really need to talk to her about all of this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. She’s always been my confidant when I got into trouble.”
“Really. So, you got into trouble a lot?”
“No. Nothing like this. Just little things.”
“How do you think she’ll react to all of ths?”
“Hopefully, she’ll listen, and talk about it. She took Jaimie very well.”
“Surprisingly. You did say that she’s very liberal.”
On the way home Ronnie call her mother, and explained that she and Jason were going to an early Mass on Sunday, and then would be over early. When her mother asked why? All Ronnie told her was that she need to talk with her about something important.
That night, as they cuddled in bed, Ronnie asked, “Love. Do you honestly still feel the same about me, as you did before this whole mess?”
Jason looked at her for a few seconds, and said, “For the last time. Yes. I love you very much. But, . . . “
“But, what!?”
“But, Jaimie is very jealous.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No. She thought she was the only girl for you.”
“She knows she really is.”
“Yes. The one and only.”
Jason slowly seduced her. And, things progressed to their usual long, slow, love making.
Later as they lay cuddled together, she asked, “Where did you learn that?”
“What you did just before we did it.”
“Oh that.”
“From the recording.”
“Uh huh.”
She cuddled closer to him, and they fell asleep.
On Sunday, they went to Mass early, she continued on her penance. He helped her do the Stations of the Cross. And, as they were walking to the car, he asked, “How much more penance do you have to perform?”
Her answer was, “You don’t want to know.”
After they arrived at her parents, Jason joined her dad in the livingroom. And, Ronnie stayed with her mother in the kitchen.
Over an hour later, Ronnie came into the livingroom, and said, “Jason, honey. Come on into the kitchen.”
Jason looked at her, and could tell she had been crying. He got up, walked to her, and whispered, “Is everything all right?”
“Kind of.”, she replied.
“Kind of?”
“Mere really read me the riot act.”
“Come on, she wants to talk to you too.”
“This can’t be good.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
They walked into the kitchen, and sat down at the table. Ronnie’s mother said, “Ronnie told me about all the problems with Ariane. And, as I’ve told Ronnie, I’m not at all happy with what happened. Either what Ariane did to you, or the way you handled it. As Pere James told Ronnie, two wrongs don’t make a right. You two could get into real trouble if Ariane ever decided to pursue it. But, from what Ronnie told me, she’s going to want to keep it quiet.”
“We shouldn’t have done it that way.”, Jason said, “But, we were afraid of what she might do if Ronnie just told her that she was through with her.”
“Ronnie did say that she was worried about that. You had better keep Jaimie in the flat for the rest of the time you’re here.”
Jason looked at Ronnie, who nodded yes. He looked back at Ronnie’s mother, and said, “I guess you’re right. Jaimie did cause a big problem.”
“No love.”, Ronnie said, “I figure that Ariane would have done it some other way. She just saw something she could use. It was my fault. I thought that having them meet Jaimie would be fun.”
“Love. No, it’s not your fault. If Ariane hadn’t been so deceitful it would have been fine. Paris was fun, just like last time. I’m just sorry Ariane spoiled it for everyone.”
“Spoiled it. Maybe a little.”, Ronnie’s mother said, “But, ruined your stay here, no. You two need to just relax, and not worry about her. It’s sad that she did this, but hopefully it’s over with.”
The next few weeks were actually normal for our couple, with work and school. Or, were they?
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Very rough chapter to go through- but I think worth it
This is an important chapter; we shall have to see more of what the fallout is and what happens to the various characters past that which we have already seen before getting a clear picture of what happened.
Didn't see that one coming
Dear Teddie,
When you said Maybe - maybe not to my conjectures I certainly didn't expect anything like this chapter. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Well done!!! May I ask how many more chapters there will be?
Thanks again for superb writing.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
re: Didn't see that one coming
Maybe 2 more chapters. I know it's not 400, but it's beginning to feel right.
Thanks, and hugs,
Feels Right
also to Jaimie. You know if you think about what happened in this episode and typical male female behaviours, you will see that Jason's behaviour is not a typical male's, It is also not typical female behaviour either. But, it is somewhere closer to a female's than male's.
The comment I made in Nick B.'s Finding Lisa Chapter 2 could apply here to Jaimie with a few alterations to it. Jaimie, Like Suzanne, both have feminine souls and attitudes. However, Jaimie is different because as Jason, he was not in an abusive environment like Suzanne was. Therefore, Jaimie bloomed a lot faster and is feeling freer and more sure than Suzanne. The resources available to Jaimie are also greater at this moment in time, including a support structure.
I think this chapter highlights a definate change in Jamie that is significant because We are not seeing Jason now. The person talking and consoling a hurt Ronnie is Jaimie. Not Jason. Jason would have been upset and crying and ran to his room. Jaimie, in a deep understanding way, bothered to show concern and understand the situation and reacted like a mother would to her child.
It is only a little more time before Jaimie will refuse to not be whole. It is inevitable given Jaimie's personality, love, and looks. She almost has everything most of us want :)
*hugs* Teddie :)