The Adoption of Little Orphan Danny (Part 6)

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The Adoption Of
 Little Orphan

By K.T. Leone

(Little Katie)

Part VI: Game Over

Danny found sleeping in diapers even more comfortable than he found sleep in the panties the night before, which he thought could not be surpassed. Despite the extra level of comfort, he did not find himself sleeping peacefully. He tossed and turned all night, trying to enjoy every bit of his last moments of living as a girl and fretted over the eventual end of this game that he found himself so wrapped up in.

Sometime during the night, the boy in the pink nightie and the pair of diapers with a row of cute little ducks 'swimming' around the waist band did finally get to sleep. Carol walked in a little after eight and was surprised to find the child curled up in the fetal position clutching the doll he loved and sucking his thumb. She long assumed that the boy would be awake and playing with whatever he saw fit. “Wake up sunshine.” Carol gently shook the boy's hip to arouse him.

“Good morning, Aunt Carol,” Danny immediately sprang to wakefulness in the way that most children seem capable but so few adults can muster.

“We're running late to go shopping,” Carol informed as she sat on the bed. “I put your uniform on the chair, it's been washed and pressed. Get ready and we'll grab something on the way to the department store at the mall and then get you something nice to wear.”

“Oh, okay,” Danny said sadly. The last thing he wanted to do was return back to boy clothes and a boy's way of life, it just didn't feel right.

“Don't worry. I know they aren't too comfortable, but as soon as we find something suitable we'll let you wear that instead.” Carol assumed the boy's glum mood was caused by having something related to a place he'd care very much to forget. “I'm sure you're a big enough boy to dress yourself today.”

“I guess.” Danny tried to crack a smile as Carol walked out of the room.

“Don't worry,” Carol said as she turned back. “You may even find shopping fun.”

The door closed. “It would be fun if I was getting something nice and pretty to wear,” Danny said in a whisper. “But, no! I got to get yucky boy stuff because I got to be a dumb yucky boy.” Danny made a face to emulate how he felt.

As soon as he lumbered out of bed, Danny went to the mirror and removed the red, pink and white streamers that were in his hair. He allowed his long trusses to fall about his shoulder and thought that even down in such a manner he still made a much cuter girl than he ever could considered handsome as a boy. He sighed and then gathered his hair in a more male-suitable ponytail that he kept in place with an available black rubber band. Without bangs he didn't look as much as a girl, but he was still convinced that he didn't look any closer to being a boy. After his hair was taken care of, Danny stripped off the clothing he wore for the night. Though he found the diapers comfortable, he was glad to find out he didn't use them.

Naked, the boy in the pony tail walked over to the clothes he was to wear for the day. They were folded neatly but gave him shudders when he thought of putting them on. First he picked up the underwear, plain white that turned gray with a little thin blue stripe around the elastic waist band. They completely lacked the appeal and the cuteness of the items Danny found himself wearing the prior two days. Still, he slipped them on with the ridiculous hole in the front that for him served no purpose at all. They didn't feel soft, nor did they hug his skin the way the panties did and for some reason, they bunched and felt even bulkier than the diapers did. Second came the drab and dingy white dress shirt; it was stiffly pressed and itched as Danny buttoned it up leaving the collar button open. He felt relieved that the tie was nowhere to be seen. The pair of gray slacks followed shortly after and they had the same lack of comfort as did everything else. Danny felt he could cry with how horrible all his clothes felt, but kept his composure, sat down, and put on his dark wool socks and his dress shoes. Once again he sighed as he shuffled out of the room and went off to find Carol.

“Don't you just look handsome,” Carol said as the boy walked down the stairs.

“I guess. I mean, yes ma'am.” Danny kept his eyes down.

“Don't worry, soon we'll get you something nice and comfortable.” Carol led the child to the car and after a brief stop at a fast food drive through, they were finally at the mall just as the department store was opening.

Danny walked one step behind Carol as they walked through the wide, empty aisles of the just opened store. On their way to the boys section, they had to pass through the girls. Though Danny's feet followed Carol's, his eyes wondered to the brightly colored shirts that looked so soft and the denim skirts and dresses that had the pretty designs of flowers embroidered on them. He faintly smiled as he imagined himself wearing any number of items but found that he passed through that section much too quickly for him to feel any lasting pleasure from the sensation.

“Here we go Danny,” Carol said in an upbeat tone. “Time to get your new wardrobe.”

“Oh joy,” Danny thought sarcastically to himself. “It's the underwear row, ma'am,” he actually questioned out loud.

Carol chuckled. “I figured we had to start somewhere and I thought since that was where you started getting dressed that this is where we would start. So which do you prefer, plain white ones or maybe superman funderwear?” She asked excitedly.

“Aunt Carol?” Danny looked up at the older lady with moistened eyes.

“Yes Danny?” Carol looked at the child quizzically and wondered what could be wrong.

“Do we hafta buy boy underwear,” Danny asked in a slight whine that he tried to control.

“Whatever do you mean?” Carol filled in the missing pieces but wanted to hear the child confirm her beliefs, this way she was sure she wasn't leading him down a path.

“Well, couldn't we just buy some pretty girl underwear?”

“I see.” Carol smiled briefly. “Still want to continue with your game, do you?”

“No,” Danny said flatly and firmly, but his lip began to quiver.

The answer took Carol by surprise. “No? Then why do you want to buy girl underwear? I thought you liked your little game.”

“It's not a game.” Danny started to cry softly. “I'm sorry. I know you'll hate me and send me back to the orphanage and never want to see me again,” Danny bawled.

“Why is that?” Carol asked calmly as she struggled to one knee.

“Because I wasn't pretending to be a girl. That was me, the real me, but no one likes the real me because my body ain't right and people want me to pretend I'm a boy but I'm not and I wanna just be me but no one wants me to be a girl.” Danny hugged himself and cried on the spot. His lip quivered so badly he could no longer speak. He didn't know why he said what he did, but he couldn't contain it any longer.

“My poor child.” Carol's voice cracked as she wrapped the boy in her arms. “That was very brave of you to say all those things to me and I know you're scared, but do you know what?”

Danny looked up at the woman's face and composed himself slightly. “What?” he mouthed.

“I'm not mad or angry at you for what you said. Not at all.” Carol wiped the child's eye with her thumb as she spoke the words soothingly.

“You're not?” Danny answered in surprise.

Carol shook her head no and grinned. “I want you to be happy and I want you to be who you really are because I not only like the real you, but I love the real you.”

“You do?” Danny smiled at hearing the words as he stood in Carol's arms.

“Of course I do. I think there's only one thing left that we ought to do.”

“What's that?” Danny asked in an excited voice.

“It's about time we ended your silly game that you evidently hate pretending and about time we find cloths befitting a beautiful little princess.”

“Thank you aunt Carol. Thank you.” Danny quickly wrapped his arm around the lady's neck and shed a few more tears; this time of happiness.

“There's also one more thing I need to do,” Carol said amusingly.

“What's that Aunt Carol,” Danny said as he pulled back slightly to look at her.

“I think I better get a kiss from my favorite little girl before we go on.”

Danny did not deny such a request and planted one right on Carol's cheek.

Carol struggled to get to her feet, but managed. She took Danny's small tender hand and headed off to a more appropriate area of the store, one where Danny would find all the items he truly wanted and happiness would follow.

Danny's smile was wider than ever and his deep dimples and dark pink cheeks exuded all that he felt inside as he skipped to the underwear section that was designed for people just like her. He looked at the packages with their colorful cloth offering and their cute designs.

“Which one do you like best, Danny?” Carol asked as she stood behind the little boy.

“I can't decide,” Danny admitted. “It's between this one with the happy butterflies dancing on them, or this one with the cute dancing hearts all over.” Danny held a package in each hand to show them off.

Carol chuckled. “I guess the only thing to do is get both.” Carol searched for the same packages but in the correct size which were slightly smaller. She placed them in a brown shopping cart and watched the child beam.

“Is everything okay,” a salesman came over. He had watched the previous crying and was wondering just what he asked.

“Every thing's just fine,” Carol answered. “We're finding everything we need.”

“How about you,” the man looked down at Danny. “I saw you crying?”

“That's because my aunt was making fun of me and told me I would have to get more yucky boy stuff.” Danny pouted slightly to illustrate his point.

“Oh, I see,” the man gave a skeptical look but figured the child was being truthful.

“Danielle just moved with me,” Carol offered up a further explanation. “Unfortunately her box of clothes got lost in transit and other than her dirty clothes she arrived with, this was all I had to offer her. I admit I took the teasing a little bit too far and told her I would keep her a boy. I forgot how literal little children can take things and hope we didn't cause a scene.”

“Oh!” The salesman smiled as he figured he had the whole situation figured out. “I have a little one at home about Danielle's age. I wish my daughter was as quick to give up her tomboy phase as your niece here.” With that he turned to the small child. “You have nothing to worry about sweetie, you're far too pretty to ever be confused with a yucky boy.”

Danny turned away shyly but his cheeks were so rosy it hid his blush.

“If you ladies need any help finding anything, just let me know,” the salesman said and then walked away.

“Well princess, what's next?” Carol asked Danny who was looking at some more undergarments.

“Can we get some more stockings, I really like them?”

“Of course.” Carol was happy the child was getting into the spirit of shopping and knew that the rest of the day was going to be fun. She put three packages of stockings into the cart and a pair of white tights. She also added two packages of undershirts, each was a different pastel color and had a small rose at the center of the front collar.

Danny simply loved them and was getting more excited as they walked into the main section that had the large selection of outerwear.

“So, how old is my little niece going to dress?” Carol asked as she wondered what style of clothes to buy for the child, knowing the styles were vastly different.

“Can I sometime be eight and sometimes be four?” Danny asked eagerly.

“That sounds perfectly acceptable to me,” Carol replied happily and both went around picking many items that they both felt they weren't going to be able to live without. They bought dresses and skirts and blouses and jumpers and sleepwear, some were designed for toddlers and other for an older child. Two pairs of shoes and three pairs of sneakers were added to the top of the pile and they went to the salesman who showed concern before and were rung out.

“If you ladies like, you can have Danielle change into one of the new outfits now in the dressing room and this way she can be out of the yucky boy clothes,” the salesman said in an amused tone.

“How's that sound to you Danny,” Carol asked the child.

“Really, really, totally cool idea,” Danny sang his reply.

Carol lifted the child up so he could pick out the outfit he wanted. He chose a long denim dress that buttoned all the way up, a pink t-shirt, and he opened a few of the packages of undergarments and pulled out a few select items.

“I think we got it all,” Carol said to the salesman.” Can you arrange for the bags to be brought out to the valet parking area for us so we can continue shopping?”

“Certainly,” the gentleman said and took down the appropriate information before watching the two head off to the dressing room.

Danny stripped naked faster than he ever had in his life and for the first time in his life he didn't fold his clothes, he just balled them up and threw them in a shopping bag. “Good bye to bad rubbish,” Danny said proudly. He slipped on a pair of white panties that were adorn with happy multicolored butterflies and took a deep sigh of relief. The dark pink t-shirt followed and then so did a pair of pink ankle socks with white ruffles. Danny's new pair of white sneakers with pink accents were put on before the blue denim dress with the brass buttons was put on to perfection. “Ah! Finally back to normal,” Danny said as he exited the dressing room and modeled for Carol.

“You look absolutely stunning, Princess,” Carol complimented as she applauded in approval. “Let's continue our shopping excursion, shall we?”

“We shall,” Danny said and then giggled.

The pair walked into the main section of the mall hand in hand. Danny couldn't hide his smile and enjoyed the way the denim dress swished below his knees. He had no clue as to where they were going, it didn't matter, he was finally herself.

“We have to get you to your hair appointment,” Carol said as they rode the escalator.

“You're not going to get me a boy haircut, are you?” Danny asked in concern.

“Well, that was what I was planning to do,” Carol said jokingly.

“But that's not what we're going to do now, right?” Danny hopped over the grate at the end of the escalator so he wouldn't be eaten up.

“No,” Carol said pointedly. “I do think you would look cute in a perm though.”

“A perm? What's that?” Danny asked as they made their way through the mall.

“A perm is where they put some chemicals in your hair and it makes in curly and pretty.”

“Would it make my look very, very, pretty,” Danny asked in his cute little way.

Carol grinned. “I think it would do just that thing.”

“Then I'll have two of them,” Danny said eagerly.

Carol laughed so hard that she had to stop walking and catch her breath. A half minute later she was at the hair salon counter. “Hello, I'm Carol Adams and I have a hair appointment for my niece Danny.”

The slim man behind the counter looked down to the floor and saw the pretty little thing. “Oh, Danny is a girl,” he said in his high pitched voice. “I thought it was going to be a boy. They're dreadful little creatures to give cuts to, always whining and won't stay still for a moment. You won't gave me that problem, will you cutie?” he asked the child nicely.

“No sir. I want you to make me look pretty,” Danny said proudly.

“You certainly aren't going to make me work hard now are you, precious?” the man complimented the child and gave him a wink.

Danny blushed and shyly turned away.

“I know over the phone I said a trim, but we've decided on a perm,” Carol informed the gentleman as they made their way to the chair. “I hope it won't be any problem.”

“For this little Diva, I'd give her the moon,” the man said. “I'll be back in two shakes.”

“Aunt Carol?” Danny looked up. “What's a diva.”

“A diva is like a female star that's real pretty like Britney Spears,” Carol informed.

“Oh!” Danny's face lit up. “Cool, but I'd rather be a ballerina princess.”

A minute later the stylist came back and set up his chair to accommodate his minuscule customer. A long pink gown was placed around Danny's neck to protect his dress. “I think your niece would look simply gorgeous with curling bangs to go with this style.” The hair dresser showed Carol a picture.

“What do you think Danny?” Carol showed the boy the picture. “Is this what you'd like?”

Danny looked for a moment. “Yes, yes,” he said with approval.

“Okay precious, just sit back and relax,” the stylist said and got to work trimming the hair so the perm would come out perfectly. After he was done make bangs and trimming the rest of the hair, he began to get the perm mixture ready.

“It smells yucky,” Danny stated as the soupy white mixture was brushed in his hair.

“That it does, but think you'll look like such a precious little girl,” Carol said.

The statement made Danny smile and made the smell tolerable.

It took almost two hours, but Danny's once straight hair was now a pattern of curls and even seemed a bit lighter. “Is that me?” Danny asked in wide eyed surprise as he looked in the mirror.

“That it is, ballerina princess,” the stylist said. “Do you like it?”

“No. I love it,” Danny said, borrowing a line from his benefactor.

“Carol laughed and then went to the counter to pay the gentleman, adding in a hefty tip to boot.

“Danny, let's see where to go to next,” Carol said as she took the child out of the salon.

The first store they immediately passed was a jewelry store that advertised free ear piercings (with the purchase of two pairs.) The sign caught Danny's eyes. “Aunt Carol, can I get my ears pierced,” Danny asked sweetly.

“Going all out, are you?” Carol chuckled. “I don't see why not.”

Danny quickly walked into the store ahead of Carol and started to look at the jewelry the store had to offer. Though it was an extensive selection of 14k gold earrings, Danny didn't take long to pick out the two pairs he liked best, the only dilemma was which ones would he try out first. “What do you like better Aunt Carol, the hearts or the daisies?” Danny asked when he decided that he was stumped.

“I'm partial to the daisies because you remind me of a precious little flower.”

Danny smiled. “Okay, I'll pick the daisies,” he said to the woman behind the register as if he were deciding the fate of the world.

“A very good choice,” the lady in her mid-30s said. “Let's get you in the chair and we'll get those lobes pierced.”

“Yes Ma'am,” Danny said with a gulp as he realized that he had no clue how ears were pierced and images of medieval torture suddenly came to mind. Slowly he walked to the chair.

“Don't worry little girl, it really doesn't hurt at all,” the sales lady reassured.

“Yes ma'am,” Danny said as he climbed up the chair. He watched the lady load the piercing gun and immediately didn't like the looks of it.

“It only makes a loud sound, that's all,” the lady confirmed as she held the item in one hand and wiped Danny's ear with an alcohol drenched swab.

“A huh,” Danny mumbled as the torture device was positioned around his earlobe.

“You count backwards from five to zero and at zero I'll use the machine, okay?” the lady said kindly, use to this kind of apprehension from little children.

“Yes ma'am,” Danny confirmed.

“Okay, you can start now,” the lady said in a light tone while Carol looked on.

Danny closed his eyes as tight as possible. “Five,” Danny said and took a deep breath. “Four.” Danny clenched his teeth in preparation. “Three.” A loud pop erupted in his ear that caught him completely by surprise. Though the sound was loud, there wasn't actually any pain. “Hey!” Danny objected. “I was only at three.” he gave the sales lady a stern look.

“Oops.” The lady laughed. “I must've slipped, but see, it didn't hurt at all now did it.” The lady tugged on the lobe to show carol the placement.

“It's a very pretty earring on a very pretty girl Danny,” Carol told the child. “I really don't think you should be upset, the nice lady didn't want to see you scared.”

“It's okay. Do the next one, please,” Danny decided to let the slight slide.

The lady still laughed and positioned the machine on the other ear. “Are you ready to count down again little miss?”

“Zero!” Danny said quickly, wanting to at least finish the count before he was fooled.

A quick squeeze on the trigger and another loud pop and both ears had matching, albeit small, gold daisies on them. Danny was given a mirror and he smiled his approval at the reflection. “Thank you, Ma'am,” Danny said thoughtfully as he hopped off the chair.

“You're welcome cutie,” the lady said as she returned to the register.

“Thank you Aunt Carol, the earrings are totally cool,” Danny said as the two walked out of the jewelry store.

“You're most welcome pumpkin. There is one place that I really want to take you. I hope you don't mind,” Carol said as they continued their journey through the mall.

“Of course I don't mind, you always do cool stuff,” Danny said as he took the large ladies hand and was willing to go anywhere she led.

The store that Carol had in mind was at the far end of the mall. It wasn't a bother as she and the child slowly plodded their way looking in the windows and making comments about certain items they saw. Danny was happy he was being herself for real, without anyone thinking he was pretending, and felt content in the knowledge that he was accepted for what she was.

A small store was tucked in a corner and it was there that the couple headed to. Danny didn't bother to read the sign, he just walked in beside Carol. Immediately the child's eyes lit up as he saw racks of leotards, rows of ballet slippers, leggings galore, and a host of other dance related paraphernalia. “It's a ballerina store, Aunt Carol. A real live ballerina store,” he squealed with delight.

Carol laughed. “I know that princess. Ever since you danced for me that first night, I wanted to bring you here so you can pretend correctly.”

“You're so cool,” Danny hugged the large lady's leg tightly.

“I already know that,” Carol said bemusedly. “How about you pick yourself out something in addition to what I pre-ordered.

“Thank you, thank you,” Danny said excitedly and then skipped off to the rack of leotards and tights. The material felt exquisite as he rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger. In an instant he found what he wanted. He pulled the white dance outfit off the rack. Unlike the others, this one had long legs that would go to his thigh and didn't look like a bathing suit that ended at the crotch.

“I want this one, Aunt Carol,” Danny said as he handed it to her with the greatest of care.

“Very good choice Danny,: Carol smiled as she placed it on the register. “It is just the right size and I know you'll look simply darling in it.”

“I know so too,” Danny said in a cutesy voice.

Carol chuckled and paid for the merchandise. In return, she was given a huge bag that Danny was sure he could fit into.

“Come on, Danielle, let's go home and maybe you can put on a show for me, how does that sound?”

“It sounds like a totally wonderful, awesome, cool idea,” Danny shouted.

Author note: This is a good chapter that allows the character to transition, but things will be advancing and explanations will be found.

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