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This is the 3rd of 7 parts (story is now complete on my patreon) but I may continue to post in this universe with prequels, spin offs and other stories in the future.
I kept getting texts from my former roommate, telling me how exciting she was to marry her man. I had tried to cut off all contact from the Sissy Camp and the people I met there, but apparently they’d given her my number. I couldn’t block her either, because Jasmine would know about that. I was stuck, stuck getting pictures of a former guy as she tried on wedding dresses.
Practice continued to be a welcome struggle, at least as far as training was concerned. This was the first time I was even allowed to workout in months. Sure, it was a volleyball, one that weighed less than a male one did. But it was something. I was being athletic. As I learned more about the sport, I even managed to get better.
Not that my treatment reflected that.
I still had the shower with the girls, but I wore the bikini that Abby had given me. It didn’t entirely fix things. I still got comments and snickers on my breasts. Girls asked what the secret to my figure was. Caitlin, the redhead, even went so far as to give me a wedgie with the bottoms. “You got to show those cheeks off!” she laughed as pulled them up my crack.
But nothing was as worrying as the friendship growing between Jasmine and Kim. My two tormentors sharing whispers together made my skin crawl. I could hardly sleep as I wondered what they were talking about, imagining a million terrible possibilities in my mind. But the first game was next week. I needed to focus…
Even if some of my fears were well founded.
I was stretching out before our Wednesday practice when I saw her come in, showing a smile that couldn’t mean anything good. Jasmine in the gym was a bad sign. The way she smiled to Kim as she approached her was even worse. The two of them walked up to the rest of the group and Kim cleared her throat, getting all their attention.
“Samantha, would you come over here?” asked Kim. Looking around for a moment, I grunted. I didn’t want to…
But I did.
I walked over to them and stood with the pair, crossing my arms as I waited for whatever nightmare this turned out to be.
“Now, we all know that Samantha is just one of the girls, right?” asked Kim as a few of the girls delightfully nodded. “I mean, we’ve seen her naked and she sure ain’t a guy!”
My face was bright red as I tried to hold my tongue. Some of the girls chuckled. Most just smiled. Abby looked as though she was just curious.
“But I’ve been talking to her Compliance Officer here, just making sure all our bases are covered. And she’s told me some very interesting things. I think it’s best we just share them with you so that there is absolutely no doubt as to what Samantha is.”
Jasmine stepped forward and put her hands on my arms, gently guiding them to my sides. I could have fought her if I wanted but that would just cause trouble. “Just be a good little display for me, okay? Don’t move” she winked. With that, she turned to the girls and beamed bright.
“I’m just here to tell you a bit about what Samantha went through at Sissy Camp, and what she is now.”
This is not good.
“First off, do you know what the average amount of testosterone in the male body is?” she asked, like a teacher doing a lesson. After waiting a moment, she told them. “Between 300-1000 nanograms per deciliter” she said, as though she knew what it meant. I knew Jasmine and she couldn’t tell a deciliter from a parsec. But she’d read the information that the camp had sent her.
“Do you know how much testosterone is in the female body? Between 15- and 70! And do you know how much testosterone is in little Sammi’s body here?” she asked, smiling at me. I glared at her like I wanted to rip her head off.
She took a moment to relish that look before turning back to the others. “Less than 5”
The girls looked shocked, though it expressed itself in snorts of laughter rather than sympathy.
“And your estrogen levels are what? 1.5 times the high range for women?” she asked me. I was too busy trying not to fight, scream or run to answer.
“It is” she assured me, with a pat on the head. “And if you’re worried about him being a creep in the showers, don’t be. His member is…well let’s say neutralized.”
I was exhaling pure heat and hate with deep breaths. She must have been trying to set me off. If I started a fight, she could throw me off the team. But it was impossible to just stand there and do nothing. Every moment I fluctuated between trying not to swing at her and trying not to cry.
“Oh trust me, we’ve seen that!” smirked Kim. “That does explain why our little Sammi has such a short fuse though. All those hormones. It’s like she’s always on her period!”
“Alright, that’s enough” said Abby, stepping forward. Kim raised an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?”
“We have a game to win next week. If you want to mess with her, fine. No skin off my back” she shrugged, although a part of me just hoped that she was trying to hide that she cared. Either way, someone was coming to my defense. “But let’s focus on practice. Not…distractions…” she said, glancing to me.
Kim thought for a moment and sighed. “You’re right. I’ve been so carried away with this little…” she trailed off, giving me a glance. “That I’ve forgotten about the sport. So let’s get out there and play” she said, gesturing for the girls to take the court. I walked over to the cart with all the balls, grabbing one and glaring at the pair as I passed them.
The rest of the practice went well, at things considered. The rage probably helped, since strength was my key weakness. But I was spiking the ball as hard as could be, doing better than ever. Imagining that it was Jasmine’s head didn’t hurt.
After practice, and after a mercifully silent shower, I waited out in the hall. I knew that Jasmine would be miffed at being cut off, so I wasn’t really in a rush towards the dorms. Besides, I was waiting for someone.
“Hey” I told Abby, getting up from against the wall and walking next to her. “Thanks for…all that.”
“You heard what I said. I didn’t do it for you” she shook her head.
“Whoever you did it for…it means a lot…” I told her as we walked out.
“Just…I take this sport seriously…” she said, looking around to make sure no one from the team could hear. We walked across the sunny quad as everyone else went in different directions. “I want to win. I want to be competitive, to compete…it’s a game, after all. It’s not some sissy pageant. So I’m going to give it my all. And I’m going to make sure everyone has their head in the game. Even if some stupid sissy ruined everyone’s focus.”
I thought for a moment. “Is that your problem with me? That I’m a distraction?”
She stopped and looked down at me. “If we win big, the headline is you. You’re the freakshow, even if I don’t think you’re a freak. You overshadow everything. Like I said, I don’t have a problem with you. But I have a problem with what you’re doing.”
I was taken aback by that, creasing my brow as I wondered what to say. “I…I’m sorry. You’re right” was all I could muster before turning and walking off.
As I returned to my dorm, I found Jasmine waiting. She was smiling, which was good. I was worried she’d be ready to take out the day’s events on me. But then I realized…
She was smiling.
What was she smiling about?
“New rule guys” said Kim’s message in the groupchat. “Practice is for practice. We can compliment Samantha’s boobs anytime. But we have to be ready. Speaking of which:
We have to have a fundraiser for the season. Any ideas?”
My face dropped as I saw what they’d managed to pitch in the ten minutes since practice ended.
“Bikini car wash!”
“Great idea!”
“We can set up on main street and put Samantha on the side of the road with a sign!“
It seemed like we were going to have a carwash. A bikini carwash. With me as the main attraction…
I noticed Jasmine, smiling as I read the message. It was hard to pay too much attention to her though. The room seemed to be spinning. But that’s when I saw something else, something that gave me hope for a moment.
But only a moment.
“Actually, girls” said Kim “I have a better idea.”
I relaxed slightly, though I should have known better.
“I was texting Jasmine and she gave me a great idea! A date auction!”
I turned to Jasmine, who gave me a mocking little wave.
“Oh, that’s a great idea!”
“Yeah, the forecast has rain anyway!”
“Sounds like fun!”
“All set then! Date auction this Saturday!”
If looks could kill, Jasmine would have been dead ten times over. But they couldn’t. My glare couldn’t even wipe that evil look off her face.
I quickly messaged the chat:
“But that’s not a good idea. I mean, some of you girls have boyfriends…”
I was trying to think of an excuse other than myself. But it didn’t matter.
“Then they’ll bid good money for us!”
“It’s not a big deal, come on!”
“Calm down girl! It’s a date auction, not a hooker auction! You just have to go on a date with a guy! Does that sound so hard?”
It sounded impossible.
I spent the next days trying to convince them that there were better ideas, but it seemed like they weren’t interested in a bake sale. I could only guess that while I typed away weak denials in the groupchat, they were laughing at me in their private one. By the time the next practice came on Friday, I was freaking out. I had to find a way out of this. I was going to find my way out of this. I didn’t let myself doubt that. I didn’t even consider the option of actually going through it. Instead I stormed into the gym, crossing my arms when I reached Kim and clearing my throat.
“Oh?“ she asked, turning and trying to pretend she was surprised.
“The date auction.”
“Yeah, aren’t you just so excited?! And don’t worry about the girls with boyfriends. They’ve all been informed and will be bidding to keep their girls out.”
“And the rest of us?”
“The rest of us are going to have a good time. But like I said, no more distractions. This is funding business, not volleyball business. So no talking about the fundraiser. Practice is for practice” she said, tossing me a ball. I grabbed it and glared. “Even though I know you’re eager for a cute boy” she winked.
I tried my best to follow her advice. As twisted as she was, one thing was right. I needed to focus on practice. Next week was our first game and in a world where it was easy to tease and demean me, the court was the only place that seemed remotely fair. I played my best, worked up a sweat and outplayed people the only way I could. These girls might be able to beat and humiliate me in every aspect of life but here, I could beat them. I could outshine them. I wasn’t the best. I wasn’t the worst. But with the fire of competition in me, I could be surprising. I could exceed all our medium expectations. I could try to forget everything.
But then practice ended. And it was back to the locker rooms.
Where my bikini was missing.
I sighed.
I should have expected this after a while. But it was still terrible. I waited for all of them to get into the showers, Caitlin giving me a look as she went. She seemed to be the last one and they’d all be waiting for me. Slowly, I got undressed.
“Hey” said Abby, tossing something at me.
Being naked, I was more worried about being seen than playing catch. I went to cover myself as I felt the swimsuit hit my body, and then fall to the floor.
“I found that by Caitlin’s locker. Not sure how it got in there” she shrugged.
“Thanks” I smiled, awkwardly looking about, crouching slightly. I had an arm over my breasts and a hand between my legs, trying to be as small as possible.
“Don’t thank me. I just know that Saturday is really going to suck for you. So I thought you could use a reprieve” she shrugged. “Now are you going to fondle your boobs or are you going to put it on?”
I sheepishly looked down and then removed my hands, quickly getting dressed.
“You know, I honestly think some of the girls mess with you because they’re jealous.”
“Um…thanks?” I asked.
“Just making a point, idiot. Maybe figure out why they don’t like you if you want to change it. Now let’s shower…”
I nodded, clad in my bikini, and followed her. Despite how bare my body was, it seemed like a blessing after staring down the barrel of pure nudity.
Saturday came, with Jasmine gone to party. The morning was calm and easy. I made myself breakfast, caught up on tv and relaxed in my room. Most of all, I tried to forget. Most of my job these days came from ignoring things looming in the future and this was no different. I was just a person watching a cool show and eating bacon. Nothing to worry about.
That lasted until about 5 PM. At that point, my thoughts turned to how I was actually getting out of this. I could fake an illness? It was a bit juvenile but it might work. I could pay some rando to bid on me just to not actually go on the date. Not bad, but it required me spending money, which Jasmine could then trace. I could-
My head snapped left as my dorm door opened, with Kim and her girls waiting outside. Jasmine must have given them our combination.
“Guys, I’m really not feeling grea-”
I rushed to say my excuse as quickly as possible but they were already on me. One grabbed each of my limbs and they carried me out of the dorm.
“Haven’t you ever heard of a frat kidnapping someone to haze? Same idea! We really wanted to make you feel welcome” said Kim as her girls carried me. I tried to kick and flail but it wasn’t much good. They’d taken me like I was some groom-to-be, getting playfully abducted for his bachelor party.
Only it wasn’t playful and fun. I wanted them to put me the heck down.
Soon enough, we reached the gym. They’d taken one of the stages we used for pep rallies and set it up for the auction, and were using one of the halls as a dressing room. That was where they finally put me down.
“The auction doesn’t even start for an hour!” I snapped, looking up at them from the chair where they placed me.
“And you think you’re ready?” scoffed Kim as the other girls shook their heads. “We need to doll you up!”
Before I could react, they pivoted the chair towards one of the vanities they’d placed against the wall.
“Hey! HEY! WAIT!” I protested as a flurry of hands moved about me, holding me down and doing their work. I couldn’t really resist, even if I had a chance to. I had to play along. So I sat there, head full of steam as they made me over. I was ticked. I was getting so angry that it was hard to handle, gripping the armrests of the chair as I seethed.
After what seemed like an hour, they stepped away, leaving me to look into the vanity.
What I saw…
“Are you done? Are you happy?” I snapped, unable to look at my reflection for more than a second. They’d applied every type of makeup to my face, accentuated everything that I hated about it, made me look like a girl who was on the prowl. My deep red lips, my matching nails…
And here they came with the dress.
It was a tight black cocktail dress, that flaired out at the bottom to form a poofy, short skirt. Judging from the way the straps and top looked as they held it, I could only imagine it was low cut. I was looking at it like they were wheeling over an iron maiden for me to get locked inside. They were beaming.
“Wait, who decided-”
“I did. You’re welcome” said Kim, standing me up.
Caitlin shoved it into my arms, along with a pair of black, 6 inch heels. “Do you want to go to the bathroom or change out here in front of everyone?” she teased.
I quickly scampered for the bathroom door.
They’d taken control of a large, family sized bathroom for the girls to change. I locked myself inside the second I got in.
I had to get out of this. There had to be a way. I needed…
I needed an excuse. I could…
I could…
I could…
“Hurry up honey, we’re all eager to see you” said Kim from the other side of the door. “I promised Jasmine I’d get a picture of you, all dolled up.”
I gave her the finger through the door. She didn’t know. But it made me feel better.
I paced around for a moment, looking at the dress and trying to psych myself into it. But I couldn’t. Even though I knew I had to, I just couldn’t force my body to accept it. I couldn’t force my arms to move and put it on. I couldn’t let myself. I knew what was going to happen when I had this one…
I reached into my purse, taking out my pink phone and seeing a notification. It was a message from Stella, my Sissy Camp roommate.
“I hope you’re not still a prude! My stepsister is taking us to a male strip club for the bachelorette party! We might even get private dancers!”
I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I stripped down to my underwear, putting on the dress and trying not to look. I knew that my long, smooth, supple legs were being shown off. I knew my cleavage was out there. I knew my hourglass figure was being hugged tight by the slim bodice. But who cares. I was still me. I put on the heels, groaning and grumbling, muttering angry little things that not even I could decipher. I was so angry that I messed up, and I made a terrible mistake.
I looked in the mirror.
I turned away the second I did, but the reflection of the hot girl, showing off her body in the tight dress, open toe heels and nothing else was something. My red nails and lips, my body…
I’d fuck me.
I shuddered and unlocked the door. Before I could even reach for the handle, Kim had pulled it open. I saw the flash of a phone camera, capturing my pouty surprise as the girls hooted and hollered.
Keeping my head down, I minced past them and found a place far down the hall to sit.
“Your nipple’s out” came a voice from above me.
I yelped and quickly threw my hands over my chest, not seeing any nipple as Abby chuckled. “Made you look.”
“Oh, thanks” I muttered. “What, are you trying to raise my spirits?”
“No, just thought I could mess with you” she shrugged. “Though clearly I have less of an appetite for that than they do” said, looking me over as I shrunk slightly.
“Yeah…” I muttered as she sat next to me. Kim entered the gym as the sound of music began to echo from inside. People were getting seated. It was about to start.
“If it makes you feel any better, they’re saving you for last. Something about you being the star of the show” said Abby.
“Yeah, more time waiting in anxiety and suspense. Makes me feel so much better” I grumbled.
“Calm down. No one’s actually going to bid on you. I mean, this is just to embarrass you. I actually have to go on a date because of this stupid stuff. Thanks to you” she pointed out.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I replied, throwing my hands up. “So sorry you had to get caught up in me living my dream!”
“Calm down, snarky. At least I’m not dressed like a high class hooker” she joked. She was right. She’d opted to just wear her volleyball uniform.
“High class is debatable…” I muttered. Girls were starting to go in. I could hear the sound of Kim acting as auctioneer on the gym’s PA. She wasn’t even auctioning herself off. “What a bitch.”
“That, we agree on” said Abby.
The girls filtered out as Kim ran the auction and as time wore on. I wanted to focus on anything but this, so I spent about a half hour picking Abby’s brain for volleyball info. We discussed strategy and tactics, talked about our team’s strengths and speculated on the season.
Then, they called her name.
And it was just me.
I sat there, heart beating so hard in my chest I thought I was going to pass out. I was lightheaded. I was freaking out.
“Sissy Samantha! Your turn!”
I turned down the hall to where Caitlin was waiting, popping her eyebrows up and down in a playful manner. Slowly, I stopped, mincing down the hall as my heels clicked on the hardwood. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I only knew that being in this outfit alone was bad enough, and outside was an audience. They weren’t going to bid on me though. No way…
Caitlin held the door open and I walked out-
To find one whole set of bleachers filled, one whole side of the gym occupied. The stage was waiting but I couldn’t move. I froze, feeling all their eyes weighing down on me, paralyzing me for a moment. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Breathe…
Soon I made it to the stage, lights beating down on me as I stood there. Kim smiled as she stood at her podium. “Last and probably least, our team’s resident sissy, Samantha!”
Some whistles. Some claps. A few jeers.
“Let’s start the bidding at five dollars” she snickered.
“Six!” said a voice in the crowd. It was hard to see with the lights on me, and with them in the dark. But that voice…
I strained my vision to pick him out, recognizing the guy after a moment. It was the douche who’d groped me at football tryouts.
“Six dollars…and I think you’re overpaying…going once!” said Kim. I was nearly shaking. This wasn’t happening. Abby had said-
I had thought-
I couldn’t actually go on a date with this guy!
“Going twice.”
I felt like I was going to faint. I couldn’t though. I’d never live that down: the sissy girl fainting onstage like a real priss. But the room was spinning. I was feeling sick. I kept waiting for Kim to say it, to hear the words. Closing my eyes, I heard:
“Seven bucks!”
Wait a second.
I opened one eye, looking out and seeing the face that matched the voice. S—.
It was the dude from basketball tryouts, who’d tried to console me in the bush.
“Eight dollars.”
Kim watched aghast at the bidding war, shocked in total disbelief. I wasn’t even sure which one would be better. I was hoping that some third option would come into play. But it was late for that. We were up to forty bucks.
“Fifty!” said the footballer douche.
“Sixty!” said the basketball a–.
“One hundred!”
There was silence after that, the bid hanging in the air as all waited for the football player’s response. None came.
“Going once. Going twice…sold to Greg Warren! One hundred dollars for Sissy Samantha! You better make tonight worth it” she winked to me. I glared and hurried off the stage.
The rest of the girls were going over to their guys as the lights came up, and as everyone else filtered out. I just glared as Greg walked down and approached me. “Hey.”
I looked at him as if to ask how he could be that casual. “Hey!” I exclaimed.
“Sorry, I couldn’t let that douche get you.”
“What, you’re still trying to make up for tryouts?”
“Yeah. I figure now you have to hear me out. You have to hang out with me all night, after all” he smiled.
I stood there stonefaced.
“Come on, it could be fun! I’ll let you pick what we do! And I’ll try to make up for…or at least explain myself.”
“Congrats on buying Samantha” said Caitlin as she walked past. “Just watch yourself, Greg. She’s a real maneater. Might jump your bones if you’re not careful!”
As she walked away, I facepalmed. “Kill me…” I muttered.
“Come on, where do you want to go?” he asked me.
I thought for a moment. “Let’s just…get out of here. I can’t think with…I need some air.”
He nodded, taking my hand and leading me out into the quad, the cool fall air making me relax.
“No problem. I really am sorry about how I acted before. I heard you were trying to turn the team into some onlyfans kink game for yourself.”
“Oh my gosh…is that what they’re saying!?” I sighed.
“It was. You joining the team and doing more than hanging out in your dorm helped though. Plus, I’ve been shutting down any rumors I heard.”
I cocked my head at him.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I feel bad. I told you. I acted…like a douche. And I don’t want you or anyone else thinking I am. So you can just go back to your dorm. I don’t need to explain myself. Just go home. No date.”
I thought for a second. “No. If I don’t go on the date, Kim will be on me. I need to fulfill my end of this stupid fundraiser. We could lie…”
Greg chuckled. “Sure, I’ll tell everyone we had a magical evening under the moonlight, I gave you my jacket when you got cold, kissed you outside your door-”
“No” I said, lifting a hand. “Lying won’t work. And not just because your lie sucks” I said emphatically.I looked around, feeling so self conscious as the draft of cold air kept coming up my dress. “Ugh. I just need to get out of these clothes…”
“Well that would be worth my hundred dollars” he joked.
I rolled my eyes at him. “I at least need to get out of these shoes.”
“I think I know how to help with that” he said, taking my hand and leading me on. He didn’t give me time to argue, and his larger hand gripping my slender one was pretty persuasive. These were the kind of shoes that could break an ankle if you tried to pull against someone in them. I let him drag me on as we neared the edge of campus.
“So your plan to mitigate my heels to make me walk a lot?” I asked sarcastically. He snorted.
“Not exactly.”
Soon we’d left campus and made our way into the college town, where a neon sign waited for us.
“You’re an idiot” I muttered.
“What? This way we can get you in some normal shoes” he shrugged. We headed inside, and I felt like every eye was on me. I stood out like a sore thumb in this dress and getup, a very glamorous sore thumb that the guys kept glancing at.
He led us over to the rental counter and asked for my shoe size.
I just pouted.
“What, what’s your size?” he asked.
Grumbling, I leaned in and whispered in his ear. The guy working there just looked at us, wondering why I had told Greg and not him. Nodding in an understanding manner, Greg whispered it to the dude. Soon, we both had bowling shoes.
I sat down, taking off my heels and putting them on as he looked at me.
“What?” I asked. He was looking like he was waiting for something, just staring at me. Was I supposed to answer a question or something?
“Nothing” he said, shaking his head and putting on his shoes.
I got up and looked down the lane as he handed me a ball.
A smaller ball.
A pink ball.
He was grinning like an idiot.
“Funny…” I said, taking a real one and rolling it. It moved slowly. It was actually painfully slow. But it went straight. And it got a strike.
“That’s…one way to play” he shrugged.
“Shut up and roll.”
We spent the game in silence, me doing my granny style, slow roll and him more or less using perfect form. He was beating me, but clearly he’d been here before. Finally, I chimed in.
“You didn’t take me here to impress me, did you? Because that would be sad.”
“No, I took you here because you were walking around like a runway model on those shoes and pouting about it. And I thought that was sad” he playfully shot back.
“I guess we’re both sad then.”
“Guess so. But I’m sad and winning” he smirked.
I shook my head and smiled, taking the challenge.
“So how are you liking volleyball?”
“I mean, I respect the sport a lot more. I enjoy it. But my teammates are…”
“Yeah, that’s what I heard.”
“How are you liking the basketball team?”
“Not bad. I wish you made it though. Would have made practice less boring.”
“Well whose fault is that?” I asked.
He did the “Thinker” pose for a moment, as if asking himself that question. “Me? Me, right? I can only apologize so many times.”
“Try another” I joked, sending my ball on a slow roll out.
“Samantha, I am incredibly sorry I was a douche before. Please forgive me” he joked.
“Hmm…” I said as my ball hit the pins. “Next time get on your hands and knees and we’ll see” I said.
We played three more games before my arms got tired, and our time on the lane was up. Reluctantly, I traded in my bowling shoes for the heels and walked back to the counter. As he took them, I checked my phone.
From Jasmine:
“Heya, got home early from partying! As soon as you get back, we’re going back out though! I want to take you to this get together at the frat house. They’ll just love your outfit!”
I groaned.
“What?” asked Greg.
“Nothing, just…not looking forward to my roommate.”
“Well I’d suggest we stay here but I sort of spent all my cash on you” he admitted. “Even if I don’t feel like I’ve made it up to you yet.”
As we walked out the door, I suddenly had an idea. “I do have one thought…”
“Which is?” he smiled.
“I’m going back to your dorm” I informed him firmly, as if it wasn’t up for debate.
He looked a bit taken aback as we walked out into the cold. Man, it really had gotten chilly.
“Head out of the gutter, dingus. Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to go to your place and you’re going to give me boy clothes. I’m going to put them on and we’re going to pretend we’re just two normal people, watching action movies. Okay?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“I…don’t get a lot of chances to just be myself” I admitted.
“Well then, let’s make you the you that you are meant to be” he agreed, seeing me shiver in the cold.
“Don’t even think about it” I threatened.
He nodded with a grin.
And finally, after a block, with the wind blowing hard at us, I sighed.
He didn’t need more than that, and put his coat around me. It was warm and I tried really, REALLY hard not to imagine how the two of us looked together.
Finally, we made it back to his dorm and hurried up. “Someone after you?” he asked as he noticed my head on a swivel.
“Maybe I just don’t want to be seen heading into your dorm and wearing your jacket?” I hissed.
“Why not. You could do worse than me” he teased. Soon enough, we were in his dorm.
Oh…oh how I missed this.
The mess.
The smell.
The dumb posters on the wall.
A boy’s dorm.
I took off his jacket and handed it to him. “Get me some sweats.”
He happily did so as I took off my heels, taking his black sweats and heading into his bathroom.
Soon enough, I was in ratty clothes, watching a dumb movie about good guys shooting bad guys, sitting with Greg on the couch and pondering actually forgiving him. I needed this type of guy time to stay sane.
Maybe I could get used to it.
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