From Taylor to Tay-Tay, Chapter One

Chapter One

“Watch it, nerd!”

Taylor didn’t think twice about knocking the girl’s books out of her hands, as if calling her out to everyone in the halls around them wasn’t enough. They had technically brushed against each other while turning the corner, except it was obviously her fault for being an unpopular girl who wasn’t watching out for one of their school’s baseball players. He was walking to class with a couple of his teammates, who instantly validated his casual bullying with laughter and a round of high fives as they continued on their way. The only reason they looked back was to catch a glimpse of the girl awkwardly retrieving her possessions as other students hurried to class around her.

Ever since Taylor had joined the team, he had grown more confident. Then more arrogant, as his popularity pushed him over the fine line between the two.

Pacific Grove’s baseball team was the team at their school. There was still some hype for the football and basketball games, as well as the cliché jock mentality those players had, but baseball was on another level. The team often had a win streak that was continually celebrated with every next game won, and they had made it to district playoffs three years in a row. And Taylor? He was their star pitcher. As a senior who had been putting in the work since JV, he had definitely earned the spot. Not only that, but their most few games could have ended differently if he didn’t strike the other team out so efficiently in the last couple innings.

Of course, it wasn’t just the school worshiping their team that made Taylor act like he was all that. He had been completely screwed over by puberty, and was solidly in the lowest percentile for eighteen year old guys when it came to height. Specifically 5’3” and ⅓, which he knew from multiple physicals as a guy doing high school sports, as well as the fact that his last growth spurt was in middle school and he had suffered through the same stature measurements again and again and again as a teenager.

The good news was, it didn’t take height to be a skilled pitcher. Being a popular jock meant he was rarely teased about his height any more, unless it was his teammates giving him shit in a way he was more than capable of dishing back. Outside practice, however, Taylor was still overcompensating for all the years he had to deal with both girls and guys being taller than him as the years dragged on. Which worked, when he was backed up by said teammates in class and in the halls. The ‘short bully’ was a common enough trope in shows and movies, not that Taylor considered himself a bully. He and his friends were just having some fun, plus it wasn’t as if they ever targeted anyone specifically. They were just top of the totem pole; anyone near the bottom was fair game.

When not in his baseball gear, Taylor had a bit of a wannabe rock star look. He had long, dark hair, wore a lot of black with some alternative accessories, and usually opted for dark boots that gave him an extra half inch of height. While he was into a number of punk bands, he also thought the dark ensemble offset his smaller size. His cleats had a similar effect where his height was involved, though he had accepted he would always be the shortest guy on their team.

At this point in his high school career, as both a senior and a talented baseball player, Taylor never expected to be a victim of a prank himself. Or how something so simple and immature would spin out into much more than his teammates had planned for him.

It all started on a Monday afternoon. Taylor’s last class of the day was P.E., which was a total joke when the group fitness stuff done in the gym was nothing compared to the conditioning they did throughout the baseball season. Still, for whatever reason, he needed to take an actual class to graduate; apparently being on a sports team only counted for so many credits, and students like him still had to take a single class during the school day. A couple of his teammates had signed up for the same reason he did–ending the day with P.E. meant not being sweaty at school afterwards, or dealing with bringing a change of clothes and taking a rushed shower before the following class.

Normally, Taylor would just head home to rinse off, or go straight to practice, depending on the day. This week, however, there was never a guarantee that the water would be on at his house. His parents had saved up for a pretty major renovation, which included two of the bathrooms. This mostly affected Taylor and his younger sister, as their parents both worked long hours and frequently were away on business trips as well. So, this week, Taylor and his sister were left to deal with the inconvenience of the project. They had a couple cases of bottled water for drinking and brushing their teeth, and were left with the option of showering at school, at a friend’s place, or hoping that the contractors weren’t dealing with the bathrooms on any given day.

Taylor opted to shower at school. He was already in the locker room, it was the end of the day, and his sister was carpooling with someone else. Pacific Grove High also had decent facilities; while the shower stalls were a little cramped, the fact that students could wash themselves privately was a nice perk compared to other schools. The baseball team didn’t practice on Monday, so he really had nowhere to be. After waiting for most of the guys to clear out after class, Taylor slipped into the stall all the way in the corner and hopped in the shower.

After a good ten minutes or so, as the water pressure was better than normal when half the team wasn’t rinsing off, he turned off the water and reached for his towel . . .

It wasn’t on the hook. At first, he just assumed it had fallen to the ground, which happened every now and then. However, when he pulled back the curtain to check the private area between the shower and the rest of the locker room, Taylor could see that his towel wasn’t there at all. In fact, nothing was there. Both his clean clothes and his dirty gym uniform had been on the little wooden bench, which was now empty. His socks and shoes were missing as well.

“Fuck,” Taylor muttered to himself. His first instinct was that one of his teammates was screwing with him, as who else would dare do something like this? Unless it was some underclassmen guys who were bold enough to steal his clothes when there was anonymity involved. Either way, it wasn’t funny. “HEY.” Yelling out to whoever was left in the locker room, he exclaimed, “Bring my shit back! Right now.”

Silence. He had held off on showering for a little extra privacy. There was a good chance he was the only one left in the area, if whoever did this decided to bolt instead of waiting around to see his reaction.

Swearing under his breath again, Taylor pulled back the curtain and stepped out to the small changing area. If he were at home, maybe he’d try to avoid dripping. Right now, he was at school, and had more pressing things to worry about. With one hand firmly clasped over his crotch, he tentatively stuck his head out of the second curtain. “I’m fucking serious!” he shouted. No one was within sight, though they could always be hiding around the corner; the lockers took up about half the locker room, all of which were on the other side of the wall

This was bad. Like, really bad.

Taylor wasn’t just small when it came to his stature. So far, he had managed to keep his size a secret. For baseball, it was all about strategic timing. Changing first or last without being obvious about it, or doing so in a bathroom stall with the logic that he would be taking off his pants in there anyway. It had been a careful rotation, to the point where no one had ever questioned him or called him out. Games were much easier than practice, as most of his teammates including himself would show up in uniform.

He was very insecure about it, too. Something like that wasn’t his fault in the slightest, or anything to be ashamed about, but it was difficult to have a mature perspective on it when he was a teenage boy surrounded by teenage boys. Taylor had heard more than enough small dick jokes over the years and, while he wasn’t actively looking or comparing, he had also caught plenty of glimpses of other guys in the locker room while they changed more casually than he did.

Incidentally, Taylor’s embarrassment of his not so endowed member was why he was such a heartbreaker at school. Nearly all the other guys on his team had attractive girlfriends, yet Taylor had turned down countless girls ever since earning a permanent spot on the roster. Those rejections only made the girls want him more, making Taylor look both cool and aloof when he brushed off the attention of hot girl after hot girl. Considering how he dressed, he was able to pull off the lone wolf thing.

The truth was, he was a virgin due to how determined he was to keep his secret and, by extension, his dignity. And now that he didn’t have a stitch of clothing, or even a towel to cover up with, he was desperate to find something to wear.

Before leaving the safety of the stall, Taylor called out a few more times. No dice. If the locker room was empty, he was wasting his time and his breath. If there was someone or multiple someones hiding nearby, he was only going to sound more desperate the more he demanded his things back. So, after taking a deep breath, he pulled the curtain aside and began quietly making his way towards the other end of the shower area. Between not wanting to slip while his feet were still damp, and not wanting to be seen by anyone while he was buck naked, Taylor moved nice and slowly.

As he passed each stall, he peered inside to see if someone had forgotten a towel or anything else. No luck there, either. Finally, he glanced around the corner, while saying, “Last chance if you’re in here. This isn’t fucking funny.”

To his relief, no one was there. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he came face to face with whoever took his clothes. Especially if it was one or more of his teammates who took P.E. with him; they wouldn’t be intimidated by him, which meant they wouldn’t make this easy.

Section by section, Taylor explored the locker room. A few minutes later, he determined there was literally nothing he could use as temporary clothing. He would have settled for a random pair of dirty gym shorts, or even a t-shirt he could put on upside-down. His locker wouldn’t get him anywhere either, as it was currently empty; both their previous game and their next game were away games, so his uniform and spare uniform were at home.

He was left with two options; either he could wait around for someone to find him, and pray that person wouldn’t make matters worse, or he could venture out of the locker room and look for something to wear before doubling back to grab his phone and car keys. For now, he decided to leave those in his locker; one hand was dedicated to covering himself up, and it would be better if the other one remained free. As for calling/texting someone, he couldn’t think of a single person he trusted with this situation. Not unless he wanted this to be an embarrassing story that circulated throughout the entire baseball team by the end of the day, and the whole school by the end of the week.

So, what to do? His first instinct was the Drama department, as there would for sure be some costumes backstage. Except the auditorium was all the way at the other end of the school, and the only way to hide in the exposed hallways would be to duck into doorways; or, if any classroom doors were unlocked along the way, risk being seen by whoever might be in there. The girls’ locker room was the closest option, and the safest in terms of getting from here to there without being seen, though ‘closest’ didn’t mean ‘best.’ Taylor absolutely didn’t want to be caught naked, sneaking around over there. Putting aside the risk of exposure, he’d also look like a total creep. And, again, the whole school would hear about something like that.

After a minute or two of deliberating, Taylor decided he’d make a run for the Lost & Found box that was just down the hall from the gym. He wasn’t confident there would be clothes in there, though maybe someone would have lost a sweater or accessory or something that he could use to cover up while figuring out a better solution. Of course, that still meant leaving the locker room while buck naked, which was daunting no matter where he went from there. At least no one had come in since the end of his shower; he still had a chance of getting out of this without taking a major hit to his dignity and reputation.

Taylor peeked out of the locker room door and did a thorough scan of the gym before daring to take a step past the threshold. In a similar fashion, he made sure no one was hanging out on the bleachers or coming out of the girls’ locker room. ‘Now or never,’ he thought to himself. Every second he stalled was a second he could chicken out and dart back to safety. Steeling himself and praying that there wasn’t anyone around the corner quietly texting or something, he sprinted to the side of the basketball court, to the double doors that led out to the hallway.

Every step of the impending journey brought on a new round of nerves. What if someone was on the other side of those doors? Or in one of the classrooms for a club or tutoring session or something? Taylor could keep his manhood covered, but that didn’t change the fact that he was running around the school naked.

Balancing speed and caution, Taylor tentatively left the gym entirely and began the mortifying dash towards the Lost & Found. It was only two turns, but they were both scary when there wasn’t a discreet way to glance around a corner when doing so revealed his bare upper half and risked anyone stepping into the hall behind him seeing his exposed backside.

Against all odds, he made it to the Lost & Found without running into a single person. His good luck ended there, however. As he desperately looked through the box, Taylor saw that it was more or less what he had anticipated. A notebook, a tangled pair of cheap headphones, a frayed pencil pouch, a single earring, and a handful of other useless knick knacks and school supplies. It wasn’t a total bust; the notebook was way better than his hand in terms of covering his backside. If someone caught him, he’d be able to run away with a little more modesty back there.

As he picked up the notebook, something underneath came into view that he hadn’t seen before. Taylor could see right away that it was a pair of panties. Upon further inspection of the pink underwear, the front had MY LITTLE PONY printed in girly cursive, along with several ponies on the crotch. He vaguely recognized them from the stupid Brony phase that some of his less popular classmates had been into a while ago.

Taylor almost wished he hadn’t found the childish panties. Because now that he had, the choice was his–either stay naked, or try on the cartoon print girls’ underwear. And honestly, it wasn’t much of a choice. Being caught in My Little Pony panties? Humiliating, but something he could spin as a dare or lost bet. Of course, he could put the same spin on being naked, except he absolutely couldn’t let anyone see how small he was down there.

Making a snap decision, as it wasn’t as if he could continue standing around nude in the school hallway, Taylor faced the wall so no one could glimpse his front side as he pulled the panties on. As if wearing girls’ underwear wasn’t embarrassing enough, he cringed a bit at how they fit him perfectly. There wasn’t a trace of a bulge behind the cutesy ponies, and apparently his dimensions were comparable to whatever girl had lost her panties.

Now what? He really didn’t have time to dwell on the underwear thing. Getting to his car in just these was going to be impossible. With his private areas less of a concern, it was time to focus on finding some outfit or costume or whatever to wear. Taylor would settle for just pants at this point; walking around shirtless as a guy wasn’t that crazy, even if it would be a bit frowned upon at school.

Before he could figure out his next move, someone called out to him. “Miss? Over here, miss. What happened to your clothes??”

Taylor froze. He knew that he should have been sprinting in the opposite direction of the female voice. As a baseball player, he’d probably be able to outrun her even while barefoot. But for whatever reason, there was a sudden disconnect between his body and his mind. And wait, what did she just call him?

“You’re not supposed to leave the classroom, remember?” the woman asked, “Oh, you must be new. Did Sarah sign you in?”

Apparently neither Taylor’s voice or his feet were working properly. He turned to look at the young woman approaching him; she wasn’t a teacher or anyone else he recognized. Did she think he was a girl?! It suddenly hit Taylor that the combination of his long hair and the panties that he just put on, not to mention his more petite form, must have led her to a mortifying assumption. Between the shock and the embarrassment, he didn’t have it in him to correct her. Instead, he merely gave an awkward nod as a response to her last question.

“Alright,” she said, “Well, I’m Ms. Hamilton. What’s your name?”

Answering her simple questions felt so much easier than trying to explain why he was actually in front of her in nothing but panties. Barely above a whisper, he said, “ . . . Taylor.” He regretted it immediately. Why hadn’t he given her a fake name? He flushed at both the thoughts that raced through his head, as well as how his voice hadn’t sounded particularly masculine due to how weakly his name came out.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Taylor,” Ms. Hamilton smiled, “For future reference, girls here are to be dressed at all times. And you’re not allowed to leave the classroom without an escort. Can you tell me where your clothes are?”

Taylor shook his head. He was still reeling from the fact that even when up close, the young woman believed that he was a girl. While it was objectively useful in terms of no one finding out about this, it was a pretty big blow to his ego at the same time. Another element of the mistaken identity was that Taylor didn’t have much body hair. No doubt a side effect of how he hadn’t grown in forever. He had some, like the dark wisps that were now covered by the panties, but pretty much nothing on his legs or chest. Thankfully, that wasn’t the kind of thing his peers noticed, as it wasn’t as if anyone ever looked too closely at someone’s legs. He had always thought of it as yet another way puberty screwed him over, rather than it being a subtly feminine feature, until right now.

“Okay,” she said, “We can worry about that later. For now, let’s find you something to wear.” With that, she took Taylor’s hand and began walking him the wrong way down the hall.

Crazy as all of this was, Taylor actually allowed himself to be led farther away from the gymnasium. It turned out that there was a major silver lining to the young woman’s false perception of him. If he stayed quiet and went along with it for another minute or two, he’d have clothes that would cover up the childish panties and hopefully be enough that he could go grab his things from his locker and head home.

Ms. Hamilton led him to an empty classroom just around the corner, where she had him wait as she looked through the supply closet. As if he was going anywhere; this room was way less risky than standing around in the hallway.

“Here we go,” she said, reappearing with a large cardboard box in her arms, “There should be something in here that fits you. We keep spare outfits around in case of spills or, in your case, missing clothes.” She set the box down on a nearby desk and sifted through the contents for a minute. “Oh, this should work. Can you put your arms up for me, Taylor?”

He grimaced slightly at the notion that he needed help getting dressed, yet couldn’t exactly speak up about his independence without sounding like a boy. Doing as he was told, he reluctantly lifted his arms for what he assumed was going to be a t-shirt or a tank top or something.

Instead, Ms. Hamilton pulled out a simple pink dress. Before Taylor could process the girly garment, or do anything about it, Ms. Hamilton stepped forward and slid it onto his body. “Arms through here,” she instructed, while guiding his upper limbs underneath the straps. “Perfect. Alright, can you sit for a minute?” Not really asking, because they both knew he was capable of a simple task like that.

As Taylor sat down in the chair she pulled over for him, blushing furiously at the sight and the feeling of wearing a dress, Ms. Hamilton pulled out a pair of Mary Janes from the box and knelt down to put them on his feet.

“Just your size,” she said, as she tightened the straps into place, “Okay, one last thing. Your hair is kind of a mess, dear. Do you mind if I fix it up for you?”

Still blushing, Taylor gave a small shake of his head. He didn’t know it yet, but he looked more like a timid girl than an awkward boy at the moment. And since he continued to be too nervous to speak, giving away his gender after letting himself be put through all this, all he could do was sit there quietly.

The young woman stood back up, giving him another reassuring smile to put him at ease. “Don’t worry, Taylor. A lot of girls are nervous on their first day, but daycare can actually be a lot of fun! Even for the older girls. You’re fifth grade, right? You look a little tall for fourth!”

As Ms. Hamilton ran her fingers through his hair and started separating it out for what was apparently going to end up being braids, Taylor’s eyes widened and his blush deepened.

She thought he belonged in daycare?!

And if her assumption was fifth grade, that meant she believed he was eleven years old.

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