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Not sure whether I should continue this one, it's been on my computer for a couple of years. Let me know if you think it's worth finishing.
Crazy Daisy.
By Angharad.
"You're a crazy daisy," my father's favourite expression to me, he said it so often I almost thought it was my name, then it became my nickname. My friends and my sister used to call me Daisy or Dais for short. While I was in junior school it wasn't a problem but in high school it was an embarrassment which was quickly pounced upon by the bullies and other predatory types, not helped by my long blond hair and my less than imposing stature. But I was fast and agile and my love of ballet, yes, ballet, made stand out from the crowd.
It was my sister's fault, we're heterozygous twins, which means we're not identical, but you wouldn't know it, because we're so similar. I am possibly a centimetre taller, she is about fifteen minutes older, so she is always pulling rank on me. Her name is Isabel shortened to Izzy or Belle depending on my mood, mine is David but we all know what they call me, which became worse when it was leaked that I did ballet. It was assumed that I was gay, which isn't so, least I don't think so, but I enjoy the balance and physical effort involved.
It all started because Izzy wanted to do ballet having seen Margot Fonteyn or Darcey Bussell on documentary about dance. She was blown away by the elegance and poise of the ballerinas and when I saw the athleticism of the male dancers, leaping about the place as if they were on springs I was impressed. Izzy would go without me and she kept on at Mum until I was conned into going as well to keep her company. Mind you it took the promise of a new bicycle on our birthday to get enrolled in Madame Le Croix's Ballet School. We were six years old at the time and I think Mum must have been distracted at the time because she signed us in as Belle and Daisy.
I didn't know how to put it right, I was often called Daisy at home and by my close friends that I assumed it was a boy's name, I was wrong. So for two years I learned the same moves, steps and exercises as Belle. We even wore the same things with white or pink leotards and even tutus. It was the latter which eventually gave me away, class overran one day and my mother wanted to know why I had my hair tied back and was wearing a tutu.
"Why is David wearing a tutu?"
"David? We thought her name was Daisy?"
"No, it's definitely David."
"Well, our registration forms say Izzy and Daisy and you completed them." She blushed at her mistake. "Anyway she's signed up for the rest of the course, so you might as well let her stay."
They called me over and I skipped over to them like a little girl, "Daisy are you happy doing ballet?"
"Yes," I replied, "I like doing it the same as Izzy."
"Even though you're dancing a girl's part?" asked my mother.
"She doesn't look big enough to do the boy stuff."
"He is rather slight for a boy," admitted my mother.
I blushed but admitted that I liked it. We were only doing the basics, learning steps and poses, it hadn't occurred to me that boys did different things, though I was wondering when we'd do the flying leaps and things, I assumed we had to build up to them and I was enjoying it all anyway.
It was agreed that I would continue as I was for the moment unless either my fellow ballerinas objected or I did. In which case, they'd split us up and Izzy didn't want that, nor did I really.
So it continued and as none of the other girls objected I carried on my training as a ballerina and learning to act like a girl to enable me to continue going to ballet class. Izzy was abetting me as she wanted me to accompany her although it became clear that I was getting more out of it and it was me who ended up with a solo spot at their next show, Izzy just danced as a part of the chorus.
Mum wasn't sure of dancing en pointe but I managed to do it without damaging myself and became one of only three girls in the class who could. As the class went on, most of the others thought I was called Daisy so that was the name I adopted. I stayed smaller than most of the boys of my age in school but about the same as Izzy although she caught me up height-wise and even grew taller.
I managed to keep flexible and could do the splits and also raise my leg up to my shoulder while standing on the other leg. It was suggested it was because of all the flexibility training we did on a regular basis. Because other boys meant either bullies or thieves, I tended to limit much of my social interaction to other girls, I suppose I thought of myself as one especially when dancing, and I probably resembled them more than I did most of the boys in school, not helped by my gender ambiguous clothing. Izzy and I swapped clothes on a regular basis, particularly things like leggings, tops and shorts in nicer weather. I looked as much like a girl as she did and she seemed to enjoys us looking so similar.
I had no need of football or other rough games as I got more exercise doing my ballet training than the would-be jocks anyway and I was more lithe and flexible than that collection of meat-heads. As junior progressed beyond the earlier stages and on towards middle school, our headmistress Mrs Dorian became worried for my future. I was oblivious looking like my sister and dressing the same and my parents also seemed unaware of how things would change in a year or two and seeing as I seemed happy as long as I had my sister and my ballet, I didn't foresee the imminent changes coming.
My father had been concerned at first but he was an internationally recognised orchestra conductor, so he wasn't there much of the time, flitting around the world with Tchaikovsky or Mozart. The onus for our upbringing fell upon my mother, who was, I would eventually understand was described as a flake, a really lovely person, but largely ineffective as a parent. She supported us both as ballerinas despite my being a boy and because we weren't causing a fuss, she immersed herself in her painting - she was an artist with a growing reputation for watercolour paintings, which included portraits, landscapes and some seascapes. We lived near the sea in a big house that overlooked the channel, the large conservatory was her studio and she spent more time in there than in the house.
We had a housekeeper, Doris Pettigrew, who was also an unofficial nanny, who I suppose raised us, and treated us as two girls. She was a ballet enthusiast herself and encouraged us in our training, and took us and collected us from classes three times a week. She called me Daisy and my sister Izzy, and I was very fond of her and she us. I mean, I loved my mother too, so did Izz but we looked to 'Auntie' Doris to sort out anything we needed. Did I say she lived with us? Well she did, so she was always there for us.
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Please please continue Angharad! I need to know how this plays out!
Could be a good story.
Since I have taken on the role as ballet besserwisser
I have two things to say
1. Please continue
2. I hope Daisy didn't start pointe work until his bones had solidified.
Actually, in the beginning what boys and girls are taught is not that dissimilar.
An interesting start,
I for one will be hoping for more.
Go for it
It's a great start though I did have to spend some time with a search engine to find out what a heterozygous twin was.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
My thoughts and actions mirrored!
Let’s have some morrrrrreeee! As one Oliver Twist was quoted as saying!!
Stay safe
Two ways to look at this, I suppose, both correct in their own way. First, artists just see the world differently. Their prejudices are as strong as anyone else’s, but they aren’t likely to be the same as anyone else’s. So, sure. Neither mom-the-painter nor dad-who’s-having-a-lifetime-affair-with-Tchaikovsky-and-Mozart, are likely to be remotely phased by the sight of their son in a tutu dancing en pointe. Probably never crossed their minds that there was anything strange about it. Which, of course, leads to the other way of looking at it.
Artists are ditzes.
It’s a good start, Ang, with a cast of characters who could be fun. (I’m a sucker for artists and musicians, even if most of them couldn’t be trusted to make a run to a chip shop on their own block without getting lost). Give it a go!
— Emma
I'll add my voice
I'll add my voice to the chorus of readers who would like to see more about Izzy and Daisy's adventures.
I for one would love to read about David's development and eventual debut as Clara or perhaps the Sugar Plum Fairy in a local production of the Nutcracker. Or perhaps as the cat in Peter and the Wolf.
Ever your fan
Your friend
Crazy Daisy
Please continue. With the foreshadowing I have to wonder if it's a visit from puberty or a wardrobe malfunction. I hope to see more and find out
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Me, personally, would love to see where Daisy goes. I enjoy stories with child characters. From experience, though, I don't think our opinions matter. I think the real question is, can you pick up characters you created in the past and do them justice now in the present. Can you reconnect with them and get back into the mindset needed to continue the story.
I've tried to pick up story ideas I've started in the past. I might have anywhere from 1 to 10 pages of a story, and try to reconnect with the story or characters. On most, my efforts lead to failure. I may write a lot more (or struggle to get our a page or two), but in the end I just can't connect enough with them to flesh out a whole story. Occasionally, though, I do pick up an old story idea, or beginning, and actually be able to write a whole story. If you feel you can reconnect with the characters and story idea, then I say go for it. Show us a slice of Daisy's life.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Feel free to continue as and when you feel the urge. I look forward to more if you do add to it.
A fun premise
This has a fun premise, and certainly an exploration could be rife with great story material and characters, especially I think if the quirkiness of the parents is explored further.
Only if the muse brings inspiration to do so, of course! :)
This is good for for all kinds of 'craziness'.
Does s/he transition or not?
Does he learn also the male roles, so he lifts and carries the Ladies. Or is s/he both a lifter and liftee? In one production?
Does he 'switch' between productions, male in this one, female in another?
How nuts does he make the critics? The audience?
Might he dress 'half and half' doing both male and female parts in a single production?
Is a tu-tu cut in half vertically a one-one?
It's OK to consult with Bru ...
This Reminds Me
In the best possible way, of an Angela Rasch story of quite a few years ago, in which a boy is taught and learns gymnastics, but learns all the girls' movements. I won't do any spoilers as to the eventual outcome of that story, but it will be interesting to see if your story ends in a similar fashion.
My grand-daughter was very much into ballet when she was younger and there were two or three boys in her class, and then, of course, we have Billy Elliot.
"My mother was described as a flake.."
Yes, but a nice, accepting and very open minded one.
I can think of several of my friends who are just the same, and would accidentally enrol their sons into ballet school as girls. They also feed their dogs home made vegan dog food. Probably just my friends.
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."