Royal Performer - Chapter 9

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Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 9

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Royal Performer

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2024 Tiffany Shar

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Posting to other websites is strictly prohibited.


Chapter 9: Fairy Tales


AS SOON AS I returned to our small group, I was led to our cars that had driven up. “A late lunch before we go back?” Lavigne suggested. She seemed to be looking more at Giuseppe than me for the question.

“That should be fine, Madame,” he told her. “I know of a good quiet cafe not far from here?”

“Sounds great,” she told him.

It wasn’t a far drive, and I didn’t imagine any place in the small city would be, but I had just enough time with my thoughts to wonder what was up with the girl who was essentially my cousin. Le Café du Chat featured a traditional outdoor café eating area and a sign featuring a cat fishing off a pier with a croissant dangling from the pole.

“That’s cute,” I said aloud as we walked up.

“My daughter has always thought so, too,” Giuseppe told me.

“Will you please join us for lunch?” I asked him.

He looked at me a little oddly before stepping over to talk to another of his security members. “I think we can make that work.”

We had ordered a light lunch and talked about everything around us in the city. “This really is a beautiful village,” Madame Lavigne said, “I remember your father telling me about it, but sadly, I never had a reason to come before.”

I smiled, “Well, I’m glad you at least got something positive out of this job.”

She looked at me momentarily, “I’m sure there will be many more positives than that. Now, tell me about that young lady who had her claws out at you in that shop.”

“I don’t know what her problem was,” I told her.

Giuseppe cleared his throat, “We should continue this conversation at home, ladies. I will mention that her father would have been the new king if your father didn’t have an heir.”

“Oh…” I found myself saying and understanding. “So, she…”

“She would have been next since she doesn’t have any brothers,” he said quietly.

“Somehow, I think it’s better for Osané that I’m here.”

He smiled at me with that, “I know it’s better. Now, tell me what it’s like being here for the first time. I always enjoy knowing what others see!”

Giuseppe and Madame Lavigne kept pulling little bits of conversation and details I’d noted since I’d been in the country. I pointed out that to was my first chance to see anything outside the castle!

“I promise we’ll make it a priority to see as much of the country as we can before the summer is over,” Madame said with a smile.

Before long, we returned to the car waiting beside the café. Just as we were about to enter, a camera flashed. Giuseppe quickly got me inside the vehicle and told the driver, “Make sure we’re not followed, please!”

Whoever the curious photographer had been, we didn’t see any signs of them behind us. We were soon inside the warehouse and ‘sneaking’ back into the castle. Giuseppe started to split off as we made our way to my quarters. “Would you please accompany me to my chambers for a moment?” I asked him.

“I really need to…”

“Please?” I asked again. “I won’t take much of your time?”

He sighed and said, “Certainly, Your Highness.”

I led him to my study and asked, “Okay, so what’s the deal with Lady Montalvo?”

“Like I said, her father would have been next in line if you weren’t here?”

“There’s more to it than that?” I pushed.

His eyes narrowed, “I can’t get into that, Your Highness,” he told me with a firm voice.

“Okay… then answer me this? Am I in danger from them?”

“Probably not,” he said.

“Probably…?” I asked nervously.

He sighed, “My job is to protect you, Your Highness. Right now, while you are in the castle, I feel like you are quite safe. I am a bit concerned that something might have happened in that store were it not for that plucky young store worker. If you really want to know more, I suggest you ask your grandmother.”

I sighed, “Okay, I’ll bug her instead and stop trying to make you break some sort of promise you must have made.”

His eyes narrowed again, “Remind me never to play poker with you, Your Highness.”

I smirked, “Somehow, I don’t think that would be considered very Princess-like anyway!”

He shook his head, “You’d be surprised, Your Highness. I really do need to get back to my office now; please excuse me.”

I watched him leave, sat down on the big chair behind the desk, and stared at the books and art my father and generations before had acquired. I was just debating about looking through the titles of the books when a knock came at the door.

“Come in?” I said.

It was Madame Lavigne. “Your grandmother said we had tonight on our own, so I thought we might finish a few tests, have a late supper, and then you can have some time to yourself.”

I smiled at the’ time for myself’ part.

The tests were definitely not the highlight! She began with a US History test I probably did okay on, but I knew I hadn’t set the world on fire. Ninety minutes later, she gave me a choice of World History or Philosophy—I chose Philosophy. Of course, just finishing freshman year in a public school, I had never once studied anything like that. It was a quick forty-minute test that I think I only did marginally well on based on common sense and guesswork!

Of course, Madame refused to tell me anything about my results!

Madame used a button on my desk then, calling for one of the maids. Giselle appeared and asked, “What would you like for dinner, Your Highness?”

I looked at her, a bit out of my element, “Is there some sort of menu?”

She laughed nervously, “I assure you, whatever you might want for dinner, our kitchen will be able to prepare?”

I shook my head at that thought and suddenly couldn’t bear anything rich. “Grilled cheese…?”

She looked at me in surprise, “Umm… I’m sure they can do that. And for you Madame Lavigne?”

“Actually, that sounds pretty good to me too; maybe some soup too, if that’s not too difficult?”

“I doubt it should be; give them about thirty minutes?” she suggested and turned to walk away.

“Umm, Giselle?” I asked, causing her to turn back, “The clothes that I bought this afternoon?”

“Washed and in your room already. Though I did have to prevent Anna from throwing out some of those casual outfits.”

My eyes opened, “Why would she do that?!?”

“Don’t worry, as a member of the younger generation, I have your back, Your Highness.”

“Thanks,” I said to her as she curtsied and turned to leave.

“Surely it’s okay for me to dress casually in my own rooms?” I asked Madame.

She shrugged, “I would certainly think so, but your grandmother may feel differently?”

“I sure hope not…”

“Well, I need to run to my room to freshen up; I’ll meet you for dinner in thirty minutes?”

I nodded, “Okay,” I said.

She left, and I found I was mostly alone now in the ‘King’s’ chambers. Sighing, I walked out the open study door and down to my bedroom. I was grateful to find my drawers filled with the comfy pajamas, leggings, and comfort clothes I had purchased. Inside the closet, my new tops hung from the closet rods. I visited the bathroom and checked my phone for messages.

Ellie must have just woken up as she texted me a few messages. Since only a few people had my number, it would only be the social media I usually talked on. I hadn’t logged into any of those accounts since I discovered I was a princess… and part of me was terrified to do so in case people put two and two together. ‘I still can’t believe no one has figured out I was born a boy already…’

It was indeed only a matter of time, unfortunately.

I had a couple of messages I traded with my new sales clerk friend then, too.

I looked briefly at a pair of jean shorts that I was tempted to change into but realized I was already almost at the half-hour mark, so I headed back to my dining room. Madame Lavigne was already sitting on one side of the table with a glass of wine. I sat across from her and almost jumped as a staff member was there with a glass of water and a covered dish that revealed a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

“Thank you,” I told the server.

“You’re welcome, Your Highness. Chef Dufort hopes you enjoy,” he said to me.

“Thank you, and give him my regards, please!” I said.

I looked at the sandwich and noted that plain store-bought white bread would probably not be on my diet anytime soon. The bread appeared homemade and featured a crust around the outside that was quite crunchy as I bit down. The cheese inside was some sort of cheddar, and certainly not the wrapped Kraft Cheese I had grown up with in these sandwiches. It was good, but a part of me liked the simpler version my mother would have made. I tasted the soup and was rewarded with a rich chicken and noodle soup that I had no idea how it would have been made from scratch so quickly.

Madame Lavigne seemed to enjoy her meal, and she kept a running set of questions going so that I was becoming more comfortable with her. While I would always consider her an adult, and obviously, she was in charge of me, she seemed to be more of a friendly grandmother than my own royal grandmother was!

After we had finished, I looked at the clock and saw it was just before eight in the evening. “Tomorrow, we have just a couple of tests to finish in the morning, and then you’ll have a lesson with Monsieur Dubois after lunch. When you finish that your grandmother and I will meet to discuss your lessons to prepare you moving forward.”

I felt my stomach drop slightly at that information, “Yes, Madame,” I told her. “And tonight?”

“Go do something you want to do. Please try to get to bed by eleven. We’ll have breakfast at seven together before we get started on the tests.”

I smiled slightly at that and found myself scrambling back to my bedroom. I wasted no time changing into a pair of soft, comfy pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. I placed the dress in a hamper I had yet to use and noted that the missing maids were not something I missed right then! My bed had been impeccably made again, and my bear and tiger were lying near the pillows. Over on the dresser, I saw they had found a doll stand to hold Jenny upright.

Seeing it was still only a few minutes after eight, I grabbed her and my new bear, now named Becky, and walked to the living room to curl up on the couch. A remote was situated in a cupholder, and I began exploring whatever streaming options were available. Finding Disney Plus, I pulled up the menu and started exploring princess movies but quickly dismissed them. Instead, I pulled up one of the latest animated features exclusive to the platform that had nothing to do with royalty!

I was just starting the film and wishing I had a blanket when Anna appeared. “Your Highness, I see you found one of your father’s favorite rooms here. Can I get you anything?”

“Fuzzy blanket?” I said, just wanting to curl up.

“Umm… let me see what I can find?”

I watched her leave, and she returned with a dull brown fleece blanket. I sighed but said, “Thanks! We need some other blankies…” I said the last word in English since I didn’t know the equivalent word in French.

Anna gave me an odd look, then said, “I’ll see what I can do…”

She gave me a bottle of water and then walked out. I cuddled up with my doll and teddy under a blanket and was sure she was wondering if she had a fifteen-year-old or a four-year-old charge right then!

I paused the film about midway through and called Mom. “Hi, Mom,” I told her when she answered.

“Hi, baby,” she told me. “How is it going?”

We talked for about forty minutes before she said, “The doctors need to poke me some more. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. But is there anything you need over there?”

I sighed, “Comfy blankies to cuddle up in!”

She laughed, “I assume you probably want cute ones like I found you curled up on Ellie’s couch over the years?”

I nodded, “Uh-huh!”

“I’ll see what we can do about it,” I could hear the smile on her face. We said our goodbyes, and I resumed the movie. Ellie and I were texting back and forth. Still, she had been dragged to a family dinner. She couldn’t talk before I finished the film and noticed it was close enough to eleven; I should probably go to bed to avoid Madame Lavigne’s wrath. I folded the blanket and left it on the couch before carrying Jenny and Becky back to my room. Jenny found her home back on the doll stand in a new pose while Becky was placed on the bed to wait for me to get back to sleep. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I walked out to the room and discovered Anna waiting for me by the bed, with the sheets pulled down.

She had a smile that seemed almost friendly. I walked to the bed, and after I lay down, she handed me Becky. My face turned red, but I said, “Thanks.”

“Missing home?” She asked me.

I couldn’t help but nod, “My mom especially.”

“I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot right away. You mentioned that if I was going to tuck you in, you wanted a bedtime story?”

I was a bit startled, “Umm… I… I wasn’t…” I turned redder, “I wasn’t really serious.”

“Well, I am,” she said with a friendly smile. “We have a traditional fairy tale here in Osané, I’ll read it to you tonight?”

“Sure,” I said, appreciating some level of affection.

“Once upon a time…” she began. The story told of a young boy getting lost in a fishing boat off the coast of France and his journey to an island… Unfortunately, I fell asleep before the end, but it sounded like an interesting take on the country’s founding. I would have to make sure I finished someday!


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