Through Her Eyes – 2 Becoming Marci

Through Her Eyes – 2
Becoming Marci

By Jessica C


It wasn’t like Max to relax and let his guard down, but this had been a long time coming. It was like a dam crumbling once it broke. Max’s feminine side was yearning to be. He had bought a 300-acre section that was part of the same two-mile section of his parents. His property opened on a gravel road away from his parents’ place on another road. He had two 80-acre fenced-in fields and the rest in a forest of trees and shrubs.

His parents, Manfred and Beth (Schmidt) Schneider, had over 650 acres. Scott Mc Connor had married their daughter Catherine and they failed when they went out on their own to farm. Max’s sister hung in with Scott, through the ugly ordeal of losing their property while beginning their family. Now they lived close by having a small acreage and raising three children. Scott helped Manfred manage the family farm, receiving some added income.

The farm originally the Klein Schmidt’s place came from Beth’s family and was left to them. They helped take care of Beth’s sister Karen. Aunt Karen had one crippled hand but made rag rugs to earn some of her own money. During good times she could make $1,000 a month but there were years she barely made $6,000 and she would have doctor and medicine bills that were more costly.

Max hid that he was transgender because he was androgynous, which was not news to the family. It was Max hiding his identity, himself as Marci was new. Max had always assumed the world would end and even his family would change if he came out as Marci.


The day Marci woke up in Bobbi’s bed was great but would it last, if life as it had been would change? Max had the rest of the week and would end his vacation going with Bobbi to a rodeo. Did Max dare change the business by adding Marci’s identity? And if so, how would it do with horses, cattle, and small business people? Max was not ready to step back into the shadows of his identity.

The week came together well and now the weekend was the first Max went to his first horse exhibition without his baggy clothing. He was wearing a sports bra. A few people now knowing Max is also Marci, begin using Marci’s name. He was with Bobbi though not riding with her at the opening nor in competition. Max had previously planned to ride Sally in competition but opted out.

True to her word Bobbi helped Max to set up a display table for his business. A mutual friend Virginia Belen visited with Marci just before most shops would open and convinced Marci to allow her to help her select some riding clothes. “Max, you might as well be upfront with who you are as you establish your business. This community can be a bit fussy but they’ll have more respect for you if you’re open about being you.”

Marci got two riding skirts that can easily be used for business with horse people. She also got a pink cotton blouse with Western-style scrollwork. A blue and white blouse was also ordered and should be ready tomorrow or Sunday. Marci selected to have colored needlework with the images of her riding horses.

Marci and Virginia watched Bobbi’s last completion of the day. She’s riding Shocker in a head-to-head barrel race competition for the championship in her class. Max had always been better at competing than watching unless it was for someone he instructed. Marci was excited as she had someone she was rooting for. One of the keys to the race was the start and with the gun, Bobbi was off to a great start and made a sharp turn without losing much momentum.

Bobbi had a small lead as she made her turn, and then drove Shocker as fast as she could go to the finish line. Bobbi was relieved as Virginia and Marci walked up to congratulate her. Before the race Bobbi had not recognized Marci in the stands; she was looking for Max. She had not known she changed clothes or recognized her new look.

It proved an awkward moment for Marci as her male ego reared its ugly head and embarrassed as Bobbi swept her in her arms and up on the horse, once she recognized Marci. It wasn’t bad as much as it was something Max needed to get used to.

What Max had forgotten something; Bobbi quickly reminded Marci that they were to meet his parents for dinner. It wasn’t to be anything fancy so Marci could go as she is. Bobbi and Marci both asked Virginia for help to do her makeup for the evening. Marci calls ahead to warn her Mom and Dad. Ma Schneider says, “It was going to come, so tonight is as good as any time.”

Johann (John) and Marguerite (Frigg) Freyja

Since being asked to marry Joanna, Max had turned in his resignation to the corporation where he’s worked for the past six years. Max worked another three weeks at their request. He’s incorporated his business, M & M Specialty Enterprises, and has begun coming out to family, friends, and clients. One client was upset and quit his business with Max. Max thought for sure that ten others would soon drop him. Three clients made it known his work for them was seen as superior and separate from his identity. They would remain clients for the present as it was to their benefit. Four were eager to see Marci come out and hoped Max/Marci could give them more attention and be incorporated as M & M Specialty Enterprises. Others hadn’t given any indication one way or another about staying. Hopefully, no news was good news. During the event he had six new inquiries serious about doing business with M&M. There were other follow-ups.

Marci’s Dad, Manfred was more matter-of-fact and wondered how he would promote his business. Marci already had six clients in addition to Bobbi’s. One is a small business and two good size cattle farms. Breeding cattle was into a whole new age; being able to document registrations, vaccinations, and records had become a big business. Manfred was old school but he’d been proud of his son, but is worried that Joanna has forced her ways onto him, worried he’s going to become absorbed and irresponsible when it comes to the business.

Marci believes most of Max’s good traits are in her. One thing missing from her outfit for tonight is a pair of leather ankle boots with a good heel.


Bobbi had a medium size trailer in which she changed; she pulled in Marci telling her she had to change out of her sports bra for dinner. This would regularly be a small thing to any woman in her late twenties but Marci was not your normal twenty-something. Manfred and Max were accustomed to him wearing baggy clothes; Marci’s identity was neatly wrapped out of sight. Bobbi's bra for Marci not only fitted well but also helped show off her feminine appearance. The strap ankle boots look sharp but Marci has only worn them once before.

Marci is pleased with how she looks and is looking forward to her mother seeing her. Bobbi’s presence goes a long way to helping Marci be comfortable. But stepping out of the trailer and going to dinner with both sets of folks is a big step. One she’d rather put off again but knows it to happen. She is pleased with how she looks as she passes a mirror.

Max is not gone, but Marci and Joanna agreed it would be Marci going to dinner. Joann throws her keys to Marci and they both climb into her F-250 with all the bells and whistles of the high end. Marci pressed the second seat setting and moved comfortably into position. There was no sign of the strapped ankle boots making any difference in driving. She did wet and pressed her lips as she looked at Bobbi and started to drive.

The restaurant is very nice, yet no place special. Manfred and Beth had gone ahead of the others and secured a table. With the rodeo and other weekend visitors it was busy. It was the second time Beth had seen Marci dressed up more than usual. Beth gave both Bobbi and Marci welcoming hugs. Marguerite hugged her daughter as did Bobbi’s Dad. He usually called her Johanna and apart from the initial hug, he was more formal with his daughter. There’s an air about Bobbi and her mother, Marci sensed something extra when she visited with either one. It was as though looking into the eyes of either she was looking into a mystical world. Nothing was said about it, but Marci knew they would be talking with her and taking her into their confidence, whatever that might mean.

Marguerite was warm and welcoming to Marci as the evening progressed. “You present yourself well, and I am impressed with your computer savvy and gift for business and being professional. But should I talk with you as my daughter or my son?”


Jerry and Aya Long and their children came on Saturday, the second day of the rodeo. Aya was on-call as a para-medic at the rodeo as well as representing the region’s search and rescue team. She left a short stack of her photos with a helicopter in the background, or her horse and a rescue pack. More than one person was impressed that a woman held her position.

With the first rodeo and a schedule full of other fairs; there came schedules of practices of Marci riding with Bobbi and a new format for M & M Enterprise's growing business. Joining Bobbi for show routines and riding demonstrations was new for Marci. Instead of competing, she partnered with Bobbi and became an instructor. Max now had two times as many girls open to his instructing them.

It was Brigid, a competing rider to Bobbi, who came to Marci for advice. It was not hard to figure out that the horse and rider were out of sync with one another, but Marci needed to help Brigid see it and love her horse for being her horse. With Bobbi’s blessing, she had taken Brigid and Blade to a nearby state park that allowed horseback riding. It wasn’t obvious but a scar that hadn’t quite healed on Blade’s upper right leg. Brigid winced when Marci asked about it. When she asked who hadn’t put the accident in the past, it became obvious neither had Brigid, but it was Brigid who needed to initiate deeper healing.

Brigid and Marci had gotten off of their horses and Marci showed Brigid on her horse that its strong will worked against what she was trying to do. The horse resisted high jumps, and if Brigid tried to force him a smaller jump he wouldn’t do it if he wasn’t willing. Marci sensed that Blade was tired of competing. Marci recommended that Blade become her pleasure riding horse. That the horse and rider become one again.

Brigid asked a question, she had been ridiculed when a vet saw her use a mud pack to massage the horse's leg. Marci could sense Brigid’s hurt in trying to help her horse. Marci recommended they get over that hurt and she regained her confidence with Blade. Brigid found mud from a stream and began massaging and talking with her horse. There is a time when a horse and rider need a vet or a trainer, but neither should come between the horse and the rider. It would take two weeks for Brigid and Blade to regain their relationship, and over a month later they were back at a championship level.

This began Max’s renewal of working with horses and riders. But, it was more of a hobby instead of an additional job.


Using the state of the art laser-guns Bobbi talked Marci into becoming Annie Oakley on the Northeast fair and rodeo circuit. It was going well when Aya’s cousin Roy stepped in to help the show. Strangely enough, Marci’s body is responding more and more to the men around her.

It was a month into doing their new routines, and Roy Johnson began coming onto Marci. She finds the attention to be flattering to her ego as Marci. Bobbi was sensitive in approaching Marci. “This wasn’t easy for me to say, and my Cousin might not like me after this. You are very vulnerable to new people finding you attractive. I am not saying I’m a better person, than Roy, but we two have a longer friendship and do business together. My cousin has a history of making conquests and you’d be a unique trophy to his collection.”

Marci stomped away, as was Max’s style when feelings were hurt, but it was also his nature to go off and think through what he resisted hearing. It took two days to bury himself in other work and think things through. It was the third day of putting off calls from Bobbi and Bobbi drove to my place during morning chore time.

He felt terrible that he had let her down and confessed his fear of losing her and other customers. No sooner were the words about business out of his mouth, when he understood he was hurt Bobbi again. “That sounded wrong. It was you more than your business I was afraid of losing.”

There was a glow from her eyes, she angrily said, “You are most fortunate that I can see your heart and mind!”

Just as quickly, Marci could tell Bobbi was even more upset with herself. I fell to her feet; I wasn’t sure what was happening, but he was awestruck. Max knew his imagination had wondered about her Mother being annoyed and if Bobbi was indeed a Frigg and Freyja in spirit. Was there, in fact, a combination of two spirits from Norwegian folklore was actually alive in her?

She kissed him and was coming on passionately to Max and his male presence was becoming stronger. She took him to a fresh mound of hay and apologized. “I pray that you won’t mind later for me seducing you?”

He had been in a pair of Marci’s jeans as he started his chores, but they were soon off and to the side. Bobbi was into her second orgasm when her passion began to diminish. “I’m sorry,” she said, taking refreshing breaths, “I hope I didn’t hurt you, you could have been killed.”

Somehow Max knew she wasn’t joking.

To be continued…

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