The River of Shadows - Chapter 4

The River of Shadows
Chapter 4
by Alyssa Plant

A high school senior heads to Boston to visit his sister for Halloween. A twist of fate reveals something they would never have admited alone... and it proves to be the one thing that may keep them alive when the best laid plans of a group of college students are lain waste by a force of terrible evil and corruption that has thrived for centuries... Can Charlie Kane be strong enough to live? or will the River of Shadows claim yet another victim...?

Chapter Four — Important Things

“A fuck toy?” repeated Heather in surprise. “You ignorant bitch.” She said slowly, a look of scorn spreading across her face.

Hannah placed her cereal bowl down on the table top and stood up. “You’re using my brother,” she hissed, “We’re meant to be friends…”

“We are!” screamed Heather, “For fucks sake Hannah, I’m doing nothing… And it wasn’t like that.” she added faltering.

I swallowed to stop the bile from rising in my throat… It hadn’t been my number one choice of times… but after what Heather had done for me… She didn’t deserve this…

“Hannah.” I called as they reached a lull in their verbal jousting.

“Stay out of this Charlie.” Hannah snapped back without even turning to face me.

“NO.” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on in your head Hannah, but Heather didn’t have anything to do with this… It was MY idea… Mine alone…” I continued drawing breath. “I asked her to help, and it was my idea.”

Hannah’s mouth hung open as if she’d been forming the words to answer me back; instead she stood silent at my revelation.

“Hannah,” I implored, “I never fitted in, and I always felt different, Heather didn’t choose any of this, and whatever you think of her, this was all on me. She’s been nothing but a friend.”

Hannah looked at me for a long moment; her brain seemed to be processing what I said.

“This was your idea…” she repeated, not quite a question. “Why?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know.” I admitted with a sigh. “I guess…. I guess something feels right about this… I like it.” I added quietly, unable to look my sister in the eye.

I felt fingers touch my chin and lift my face. I slowly lifted my eyes and looked into my sister’s. “I’m sorry Hannah.” I said quietly “I guess I could have phrased that better.”

“Hush.” She whispered pulling me into her arms. “I’m the one that’s sorry… to you and Heather.” She whispered looking over at her roommate that still stood looking forlorn by the door.

“It’s not me you ought to be apologising to.” I murmured softly enough for only her to hear. I gently pushed away from my sister and stepped back.

Hannah shook her head as if clearing cobwebs and turned to her roommate.

“Heather…” she began apologetically, “I… I don’t know why I snapped… I’m so sorry… I guess it was a total surprise, and I’ve been feeling so off these past few days… perhaps I’m coming on, I don’t know,” she admitted with an exasperated sigh. “I was totally out of order, can you forgive me?” she asked imploringly.

Heather looked resistant for a moment before the tension seemed to leave her body. “It’s ok,” she muttered without looking at my sister. I was surprised… something of a rift had appeared so suddenly… I didn’t know what to think…

I could understand my sister being angry, but it was where it had been directed that bothered me… Was Heather using me? Despite Hannah’s apologies, the seed was well and truly planted in my mind.

Hannah sat down on the sofa next to me and placed her arm on my back. “You want to tell me what this is all about little brother?” she asked quietly.

I proceeded to tell her the same things I’d told Heather, my feelings, thoughts, confusions, my life in school, the torment, the pain.

Before long, the strange fight between the girls seemed a thing of the past. Hannah and Heather had banded together as I had opened my heart.

“I never even thought…” Hannah whispered quietly. “You poor thing.” She sighed hugging me tightly.

“I… I don’t know why this surfaced now.” I explained. “It was sort of a shock at first; then it seemed to feel so right… such a good idea.”

Hannah smiled strangely. “It seems to suit you,” she offered quietly. “Perhaps I really do have a sister?”

I shrugged. “Maybe,” I began, “It’s all so muggy right now: Perhaps I’ll feel different tomorrow, or later, but for now, I just want to stay this way; it feels easier.”

“Easier huh?” Heather giggled. “Just you wait till we’re getting ready for tonight and you’ll see how much harder it is!”

I rolled my eyes and grinned, “Perhaps.”

Before long, Hannah was pestering us to see the costume, and what began as a simple show and tell exercise, turned into a violent whirlwind of costumes and fancy dress paraphernalia. We spent a great deal of time just talking, trying different things, styles and looks, trying to get the costumes perfect. It was a little surreal for me to be part of such a female experience, but it didn’t feel wrong. Not in the slightest. I enjoyed every moment of the talking and chatting and modelling we did. By four pm, the apartment seemed like the aftermath of a bomb in a costume store.

I had dressed, and the girls had helped me with my makeup. For a seventeen year old, I looked surprisingly mature… Hannah did some magic with hairspray and a comb, and my normally mildly wavy hair had taken on a wild sleepy look. Not messy… but stylish… Heather called it the ‘just fucked’ look… I wasn’t sure if that was an image I wanted to project… The fishnet stockings looked quite incredible on my legs, and the black knee high boots Heather had lent me were perilously high in my view. The whole image was worth it though. Staring back at me through the mirror was a different person. This girl looked confident and happy; contented… she was pretty… It was the first time in fancy dress I liked how I looked: Part of me wished she was real.

Between the two of us, we had helped Heather into her corset; her impressive assets were quite proudly perched atop the black satin creation. If she moved to rapidly, I was afraid she was going to burst out. She quickly applied her own makeup, and I marvelled at the speed with which she did it; a practiced hand that I didn’t have.

Hannah returned from her room while Heather was finishing up.

“Tada!” She announced with a flourish of hands as she appeared through the doorway.

Hannah was dressed in a short white toga and a crown of laurels in her hair. She looked every inch the Grecian princess from her leather sandals to the emblem that hung around her neck.

“What do you guys think?” she beamed. “Awesome when its all together no?”

“I like it.” I admitted. “It’s very cute.”

Hannah pouted and crossed her arms. “Shit! Where are my scissors? This hem is going up a few more inches, I was going for sexy not cute!” she announced with a huff.

My eyes boggled for a moment before the pair of girls broke into laughter.

“You can’t complain,” Hannah grinned at me, “you’re allowed to hear this stuff for now!” she admonished wagging a finger at me. “I was only joking anyway,” she added with a sardonic smile. “With the guys that are going tonight, I’d want a longer skirt.”

“What are you two getting me into?” I moaned quietly.

“Well it’s your fault.” Heather grinned. “This was all your idea.”

I sat back and looked at the pair of them with an innocent expression and twirled a strand of hair around my finger. “Me?” I asked slowly.

The pair burst out laughing. “You’re far too good at that.” Hannah smiled. “Don’t do that to any of the guys tonight or you’re going to have to fend off a hoard.”

“It’s a bit of a bitch when your brother is cuter than you no?” Heather snickered.

Hannah spun around and pointed a finger at Heather, “Don’t go there missy… thin ice!” she mock scolded. “Come on, lets get out of here before we’re late.”

“The party isn’t till like Nine Hannah,” called Heather while she picked a handbag. “Why so early?”

“Well it’s about twenty minutes on the T, then change at South , and get on another train to the town where the place is, which is about a hour.” Hannah explained. “And we need to get there fairly early, we can claim a bedroom to ourselves, and I want to chat to the guys before it gets noisy…” she admitted.

Heather grinned. “Always ulterior motives with you, but hey? Why not? You ready hon?” she asked turning to me.

“Uh, sure, I guess.” I offered feeling slightly less comfortable as the time flowed by.

The three of us left the apartment, wrapped up in coats to protect us from the cold November evening.

We chatted away about nothing and everything on the short hop over on the MBTA into Boston South station. I was acutely aware of how I was dressed, although the fear of that morning was no longer present. I felt… proud? confident? I wasn’t sure… I felt a strange pride in myself; a part of me felt that I’d stand up for myself now if anyone tried to hurt me. I cared about myself for once in my life, and if anyone tried to bully me again…. I felt a powerful anger surge inside myself at the thought. It took a moment to calm myself down. Hannah turned to see my knuckles gripping the seat in front tightly.

“Are you scared?” she asked in a whisper.

I shook my head, unsure of what it was. “No, just nervous.” I offered quickly. “It’s nothing.”

Hannah nodded. “Look, don’t drink much tonight ok? I don’t want you to get drunk and make out with some guy… and… him find out…” she trailed off biting her lip. “You could get hurt.”

I rested my head on Hannah’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “I don’t even want to go near any boys.” I admitted. “Not yet.”

Hannah looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. The one thing I loved about my relationship with Hannah, was thanks to our closeness growing up, we didn’t need to talk to understand one another.

We transferred from the T to a commuter train heading out of Boston into the wilds of rural Massachusetts bound for a town called Gardner.

The train rattled along as we sped out of Boston, leaving the city further behind us with each passing moment. We chatted about inconsequential things; class, music, and interests for a while, but as things do, silence descended as we watched the countryside blur past in the darkness.

Hannah broke the silence by announcing that she was going to the restroom. When she was out of earshot, I turned to Heather with questions on my mind.

“What did Hannah mean earlier today about me satisfying all your needs in one?” I asked with an air of innocence.

Heather looked uncomfortable. “It’s ah, noting.” She muttered. “It was a misunderstanding.”

“It’s ok,” I sympathised resting my hand on hers, “I’m not going to tell: I’m just curious.”

Heather looked up and studied the overhead locker for a moment. “I’m bisexual,” she offered with a sigh, meeting my eyes. “You look like a girl, and behave like one… but you…. You’re a boy…” she added blushing. I guess Hannah thought I’d like someone in your position more…. I don’t know.” She admitted sheepishly.

I looked at her for a moment. “Being bisexual isn’t that big a deal is it?” I asked rhetorically. “I mean, I guess Hannah was just upset, or shocked?”

Heather nodded. “Well it’s not.” She agreed. “It was just the whole you thing that embarrassed me… I… have dated girls and boys.” She admitted. “I went through a phase where I thought I was a lesbian, it turned out I still liked boys too… I mean, well, It’s just… confusing, ok?” she sighed.

I nodded. “I think I feel something like that at the moment.” I offered. “Not really sure what I am, or what matters… Would I be your ideal date?” I added with a grin to lighten the mood. “I mean, im the best of both worlds apparently! I added with a laugh.

Heather just blushed. “Not really any different I suppose.” She replied. “I know… you’re a boy, but I can’t seem to believe you are one.” She added looking nervous. “I mean, all I see is a girl… you walk, talk, act and think like a girl.” She pressed reinforcing her point. “I know the truth, but it doesn’t feel like a truth to me.”

I looked out of the window for a long moment. Her words ought to cut deep into a man, or even confuse me. The strange reality was they pleased me. “I think you’re right.” I said quietly.

Heather looked at me with a confused expression. “Right about what?”

“That I’m a girl.” I said softly. “The more and more I think about it… the more it seems right. It just feels normal,” I offered, “I, feel normal.”

Heather smiled and squeezed my hand.

Before long, Hannah returned, plopping down into her seat with the grace of a beanbag.

“What I miss?” she asked cheerily.

I looked at Heather, and the pair of us broke out laughing.

Hannah looked cross for a second. “No fair.” She grinned. I don’t like in jokes.”

“Well it was nothing really,” Heather began, before she continued, I artfully changed the subject. Reaching over, I lifted the pendant on my sister’s neck and examined it. “Where did you get this from?” I asked with genuine curiosity; it didn’t look like it had come from a Costume store.

The pendant was on a thick silver chain, threaded through a hole in the surface of a small disk, the size of a coaster. The disk was made from a old looking metal, with an inlay of what looked like onyx. There was writing in a language I didn’t understand.

“I got it at a yard sale on campus.” She shrugged. “Cost me twenty dollars,” she beamed happily. “It looked perfect to go with the whole Greek thing.” She added plucking her toga.

“It’s nice,” Heather agreed. “But it would have looked better on my costume.”

Hannah was about to reply when her cell rang. Flipping it open, she held it to her ear. A grin spread across her lips and after a brief conversation, she hung up. “They’re on this train.” She smiled happily.

“Who?” I asked perplexed.

“Kyle, Andy and Dominic,” she offered with an expression that just said ‘duh’.

“Oh.” I said flatly, “Who are they?”

Heather piped up, not to be outdone, “Those three are all on the basketball team at Umass, and Hannah has a HUGE crush on Kyle,” she crooned.

“Do you?” I asked with a grin. “What are they like?” I asked with far more interest than I should.

“Look for yourself in a minute,” grinned Heather leaning out into the isle, “They’re here.”

The carriage door hissed open, and three guys came into view. All three were big…

The three greeted us with a collection of grunts and ‘Hi’s before slumping down at the table on the other side of the isle.

Kyle, my sister’s interest, was not as big as I’d expected; around 6foot tall, he was still tall, but dwarfed by his two friends, Dominic and Andy. His hair was black and short, it was gelled back slick against his head. His face was rugged and quite angular, his square jaw covered with a dusting of black stubble. He’d come dressed as a 1920s gangster, judging by the pinstripe suit and crimson cravat.

Andy was much taller than Kyle. Nearly 6’6, and quite lanky. He had short cropped blonde hair, and a protruding nose, he looked like he was permanently frowning.
Dominic was different, standing roughly 6’3, he was quite handsome, something I should have worried about. He had short cropped dark hair, and his looks were strong and handsome, with the faintest hints of stubble and shadow on his face. I felt a strange sensation when I looked at him, something didn’t feel right.

We talked, and got to know the others, Hannah introduced me as her little sister, Charlie; I was glad some things remained constant. As the train rolled on, the group got louder, and we chatted away openly. The coach we were in was empty, we had no reason to be quiet.

“So what are you supposed to be?” Heather asked Andy, tilting her head to one side, “I can’t work it out.”

“I told you it was stupid idea man,” laughed Kyle, “He’s supposed to be an IRS agent.” He said rolling his eyes… “Cos there’s nothing more terrifying than the tax man!” He said spookily, mocking his friend.

“It’s obscure.” Andy shrugged. It means girls will have to come up to me and ask me what I am… it’s a conversation starter,” he insisted, “With you, they get one look at you and already know you’re a looser.” He laughed back.

“What are you?” I asked over the laughter, catching Dominic’s eye. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a sweatshirt, not the most terrifying costume I’d ever seen.

“I didn’t want to wear my costume through town.” He admitted. “It’s a bit, uh, yeah...” He chuckled. “you’ll see later.”

“Oh come on, tell us!” Heather beamed sweetly. “Please?” she added batting her eyelashes.

Nobody spoke for a moment; all we could hear was the change in tone of the train that told us it was slowing down. We’d long passed into the mountains, and we knew there were no stops for at least another ten miles.

“What you recon this is about?” Andy muttered to himself, but vocalising something we were all thinking.

Eventually, the train rolled to a gentle halt; we could still hear the hum of the engines, but we were sat, idling on the track.

Dismissing the unscheduled stop, we continued the conversation and banter for a while. It was curious being on the opposite side of boy girl interaction. Part of me expected these three boys to know… But of course they didn’t. Interacting with them from this side of the fence was an epiphany: I could finally chat to boys, and interact with them without getting beaten for being weird… it was like a jigsaw puzzle in my mind. Things seemed to slot home in the strangest places.

We were stationery for nearly twenty minutes before Kyle got to his feet. “I’m gonna go check with the conductor, see why we’re sat here.” He said, as if explaining that he was going for a coffee. With that, he turned and walked off down the car towards the front of the train.

Roughly ten minutes later, Kyle returned, his face white as a sheet.

“What’s up man?” Andy called catching sight of his friends’ expression. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost dude.” He laughed, “Oh wait, its Halloween, my bad!”

Kyle didn’t respond.

“What is it Kyle?” Hannah asked cautiously. “What did they say?”

“Gone.” Kyle muttered, before snapping out of it and looking alert. “Everyone’s gone.” He said with surprise. “The train; it’s abandoned…”

To Be Continued...

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