The Princess and the Plague: 41

The Princess and the Plague
Part 41
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited
“Sam, I'm not comfortable with this hot tub thing with the other girls.” Erika told her friend.

“You were fine in the lake at camp.” Samantha stated.

“But that isn't the same as being in a hot tub. I don't want to accidentally expose my secret to Taylor and Melinda.”



Erika sat across from Krystal at the lunch table. Tricia sat besides her, her left hand resting on Erika's bare knee, lightly rubbing her tights with her fingertips.

“I've got it!” Samantha came running up to the table. “I've got it! I've got it!”

“Got what?” Jorge asked.

“My license.” Samantha paused to smile. “I am now licensed to drive a car.”

“That's awesome. No more walking to school in the rain.” Erika grinned.

“No more waiting for the bus in the rain to get to the mall.” Samantha winked. “You know what this means, don't you?” She paused for only a second and went on not allowing anyone to answer, “The road trip to see Sasha tomorrow is on.”

“I so, need a cut.” Erika nodded. “Tricia had to trim my fringe last.”

“I did a good job.” Tricia protested.

“I didn't say that you hadn't.” Erika defended. “I just said that I couldn't get to Sasha to have it done.”

“Hey, check this out.” Victoria said tapping at her laptop.

“What is it?” Krystal asked.

“Just a soccer article. My family is really into soccer.” Victoria stated. “Its a cultural thing.”

“My family is into soccer too.” Jorge smiled.

“Did you hear about this kid in England?” Victoria asked.


Victoria turned the computer so that the others could see the screen.

English soccer star hurt in freak accident.The wonderkid of soccer is in intensive care.

English Premier League giants Melchester United’s star player, 15 year old Mark Hurst is intensive care following a freak accident on the playing field in the grudge match with Cranley United.

Hurst had a horrific injury on the playing field that left observers wondering if he will ever be able to play again. He was in the protective wall in front of his goal with his team mates following a free being awarded to Cranley. It was estimated that the ball hit Mark at least 90 miles an hour. Because of his age and confidentiality issues, we were unable to ascertain the exact nature of his injuries, but we can confirm from sources close to the player that his groin area was affected.

Not yet 16, Mark Hurst has been tipped for the top by his manager Sandy McPherson and England manager, Olaf Johannsen. His skills on and off the ball and incredible goals that he has managed to score this season makes him one of the hottest properties in soccer.

‘We have every confidence that he will recover fully and return to the team as soon as he is well enough,’ Said Sandy McPherson yesterday.

Only time will tell if that prediction is true or whether this great new hope for English soccer does not have the opportunity to fulfill his destiny of becoming one of the all time greats in sport.

“Oh.” Jorge moaned, covering his genitals protectively. “God that would hurt.”

“Check out the pictures.” Victoria said scrolling down.

“Oooh, He's kind of cute.” Tricia smiled.

“Hey!” Erika protested.

“Sorry, love. But he is.”

“Have you seen him play?” Victoria asked Jorge.

Jorge shook his head. “No.”

“I saw a match a few weeks ago. He's good.” Victoria stated.

“If he comes back from an accident like that, I'll have to watch a match.”


Erika cheered on the football team as well as her rally squad standing next to the security officer. Every once in a while she would look up into the stands to find Tricia's glowing face smiling down at her. Tricia's shining eyes and bright smile warmed Erika's heart so that she barely noticed the cool air softly blowing against her cheeks. Only the white from her breath against the cold night air, and the coolness against her legs encased in tights reminded her of how far the temperature had dropped.

“Did you bring your overnight bag with you?” Samantha asked as they walked towards the locker room.

“No, I'll have to go home and get it or ask my mom to drop it off.” Erika sighed.

“I'll take you by on the way home.” Samantha smiled. She looked over to Melinda and Taylor. “You two are coming tonight, right?”

“I have to run and errand first.” Melinda nodded.

“Remember to bring your bathing suits.”

“Sam.” Erika hissed under her breath. “You said that only people who knew about me were going to your sleep over.”

“Samantha can I get your help?” Someone called.

“Relax.” Samantha hissed back before jogging towards the person calling.

Erika's heart sped up in her chest. Others, not in the circle of the secret were coming to the sleep over. Should she back out now? Stay at home? Tell Samantha, one of her best friends that she can't go to her birthday bash? No, she had to go. It was her duty as a friend.


“Don't forget your bathing suit!” Samantha called out the drivers side window.

Erika waved acknowledgment at her as she entered her house.

“Who won?” Erika's mother called from the living room.

“We did, of course.” Erika called back.

“I thought I was to drop your bag off at Samantha's house.” Erika's mom asked for clarification. “I was hoping to meet her parents.”

“Samantha got her license and wanted to stop by to save you the trouble.” Erika entered the great room.

“That was nice.” her mother stated looking up from her book.

“I won't be back until tomorrow evening.”

“You have your phone?” Mrs. Martin asked.

Erika nodded.

“I'll check in with you from time to time.”


Erika turned to leave.

“Erika?” her mother called.

“Yes?” Erika turned back.

“Have fun.” her mother smiled. It seemed a bit forced, but sincere.

“Thanks, mom.”

Erika ran up stairs and began searching her room for her bathing suit.

If she couldn't find it maybe she could get out of joining that aspect of the party, she thought. No, she would feel guilty about lying to Samantha in that way.

She spotted it in the bottom of one of her drawers and sighed.


Samantha pulled into her driveway and hopped out of the car. She popped the trunk and grabbed two of her friend's overnight bags and guided them into her house.

“Uh Oh, it looks like we are being invaded.” Mr. Thompson greeted the gaggle of girls.

“We were just leaving.” her mother directed to Samantha. “We'll be up stairs if you need anything. Just don't stay up too late.”

“Yes mom.” Samantha rolled her eyes.

Samantha's house had a fairly newly remodeled great room. A large open plan kitchen with a large island with a granite counter top held bowls upon bowls of junk food; cookies, chips, dips, chocolate candies and two fresh pizzas.

“Nice spread.” Victoria smiled.

The kitchen opened on to a dining table which held disposable plates, bowls and silverware along with a large tub full of ice, and many different kinds of soft drinks, juices and bottled water.

“I got you covered,” Samantha tapped Krystal on the shoulder. Samantha went opened the fridge and pulled out a tray of cut veggies followed by a smaller tray of sliced fruit.

Krystal's face lit up, “Thanks.” tension left her shoulders.

“Drop your stuff over there,” Samantha pointed to a spot along the wall. “We'll be sleeping down here.”

The sofas and chairs in the living area of the great room looked to have been moved a bit to allow for the girls to roll out their sleeping bags.

“I figured we could sit in the hot tub for a bit and then veg out watching a movie or two.” Samantha suggested.

“Sam, I'm not comfortable with this hot tub thing with the other girls.” Erika told her friend.

“You were fine in the lake at camp.” Samantha stated.

“But that isn't the same as being in a hot tub. I don't want to accidentally expose my secret to Taylor and Melinda.”

“Change before they get here and be the first one in to the hot tub.” Samantha suggested.

“I'll be right beside you. “Tricia assured. “I won't let them anywhere near you.” She grinned wickedly.

“It's got to be below freezing out there.” Erika still looked for an out.

“Perfect hot tubbing weather.” Samantha nodded.

“It's even better if it snows.” Tricia agreed.

A knock sounded at the door. Samantha answered it. “Come on in.” Erika heard.

“Hi.” Melinda greeted.

The other girls in the room greeted her.

“I'm going to put on my swim suit, be right back.” Samantha bound up stairs.

“So. . . “ Melinda looked around the room. “Samantha says that you all were in the same cabin in camp this last summer?”

“Columbine cabin.” Victoria nodded.

“We were the Lavender Ladies.” Tricia added.

“Sounds like you all had fun.” Melinda played with her super long dark hair.

“Get your suits on. I want to sit in the hot tub.” Samantha re-joined the group wearing a yellow bikini top and a green sarong wrapped around her waist.

Another knock sounded at the door.

“That's got to be Taylor and Jordon.” Samantha was full of energy. “Get changed.” She told the room. The bathroom is the second door on the left.”

Taylor and Jordon both entered the room.

“You brought your suits, didn't you?” Samantha asked.

Jordon nodded, “There's nothing like tubbing in this weather.

Melinda, Jordon and Taylor along with Tricia left the room with their suits in hand to change.

“Quick, change in the pantry.” Samantha suggested. Pointing to a door.

“I'll guard it for you if you do the same for me.” Krystal proposed.

“Fine.” Erika snatched up her suit and entered the pantry. Krystal slid the pocket door closed behind her.

Jars of canned goods, lined the shelves on one wall, while bulky pots and kitchen gadgets filled another shelving unit.

Erika quickly stripped out of her cheer uniform, relishing the cool freedom of removing her tights. She carefully tucked herself into her blue one piece and wrapped a towel around her waist to create a sarong look. Before opening the door.

“My turn to change, could you guard me?” Krystal asked.

Erika nodded.

“Oh, you changed. Cool.” Tricia entered the room wearing a red bikini and carrying her towel, unconscious of her body.

The tightness between Erika's legs made her self-conscious. “Um... ah, you look nice.” Erika stuttered.

“You look very nice.” Tricia raised her eyebrows flirtatiously.

Melinda and the others walked into the room in their two piece bikinis showing all kinds of skin and beautiful bodies. Erika could only dream of having a body like that.

“I feel a bit over dressed.” she admitted.

“So do I.” Krystal whispered emerging from the pantry in a black one piece.

“Who cares.” Samantha told the two, “lets get in the tub.”

Tricia wrapped her arms around Erika's neck. “I think you look fantastic. Lets go make out in the tub.” she kissed her on the lips then pulled her towards the patio.

“You two aren't going to be making out all night are you?” Jordon asked.

“It's a hot tub, what do you think?” Tricia grinned.

“Does it bother you?” Erika asked the blonde.

“A little.” Jordon admitted.

“Then we'll only make out a little.” Tricia snickered as Jordon rolled her eyes.

She led the gaggle of girls out some French doors. The cold night air hit Erika like an ice wall. Goose bumps raised up on her skin immediately. The release of pressure between her legs was a bit of a blessing.

Samantha and Victoria removed the cover allowing a billow of steam. Samantha pushed a button and started up the jets and bubbles. The shivering girls all climbed into the tub as fast as they could.

Tricia slid in and sat in on Erika's knee and wrapped an arm around her neck.

“Ahhhh.” the girls sighed as they immersed themselves, sloshing water over the side of the tub.

“So Erika,” Melinda began. “When are you going in for surgery?”

“I don't know quite yet. I have some more doctors appointments before the decision is made.”

The conversation about Erika's brain tumor and it's effects lingered for a few minutes before the conversation finally turned to school rumors and gossip.

After about an hour of soaking, gossiping and giggling the girls decided to snuggle down in their sleepwear and settle down with movies.

“Stay behind for a few minutes.” Tricia whispered in Erika's ear. “We'll join you in a minute.” She told Samantha.

“Cover the hot tub then.” Samantha instructed.

As soon as the girls had entered the house, Tricia wrapped her arms around Erika's neck and began kissing her. The strain of being tucked and becoming excited was very uncomfortable.

A few moments later, Tricia pulled away. “I just wanted some alone time with you. You looked so awesome at the game tonight and I love hot tubbing.”

“I think I'm beginning to like hot tubbing too.” Erika smiled.

When The two re-entered the house, Melinda, and Jordon had already left. Samantha and the Lavender ladies were already in their sleepwear. Taylor had changed into some sweats and was sitting at the table eating some ice cream.

Erika took her nightgown into the bathroom and changed.

“I've fixed you some ice cream.” Taylor gestured her to take a seat next to her.

“Thank you.”

“How long have you been drawing?” Taylor asked.

“For a long time.” Erika shrugged.

“You are very talented.”

“Thank you.” Erika blushed.

“Your style is very familiar.” Taylor posed.


“Yeah,” Taylor lowered her voice. “There was a kid that went to Washington High Last year that drew with a very similar style.”

Erika's heart began to flutter. She wrapped her mouth around a spoonful of ice cream to hide her discomfort.

“You may have heard of him. Everyone called him Eric the Plague, or just 'the plague'.”

“I may have heard something about him.” Erika felt her face flush and hoped that the heat from the hot tub was still causing her skin to be red to cover it.

“I was in art last year. Not his class, but I did see some of his work. It is uncanny how some styles seem to be universal.”

“Hello? Girlfriend, I am feeling ignored here.” Tricia called from the sofa.

“Hmmm.” Erika nodded as she finished the remains of her ice cream. She got up and took the bowl to the sink.

“Have you thought anymore about doing T-shirts for the school?” Taylor asked rising from the table.

“I've been a bit busy.” Erika admitted.

“Please give it some thought.” Taylor smiled. She walked over to Samantha. “I've got to get home it's late. I hope you had a good birthday.”

“I did. Thanks for coming, Taylor.”

Taylor nodded. She shot Erika a smile and walked out the door.


To be continued...

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