Part 36 By Anistasia Allread Edited by Edeyn Erika's heart sped up. A warmth washed over her body as his tongue explored her mouth. She felt his hand resting lightly upon her thigh. It felt weird having such a large hand touch her in such a way. His hand slowly slid to the inside of her thigh and rested there sending a wonderful shockwave to her brain. A moan escaped her lips. His hand ever so slowly started to slide up the inside of her thigh. "Julian," Erika said his name around his lips. "Mmm," Julian persisted. His hand slid up a little more. "Julian, stop," Erika tried to pull away. |
A wall of cool, night air hit and then enveloped Tricia as she exited the building. The crisp autumn air felt good after the sweaty, stuffy air of the dance hall. A few of the students gathered in small groups taking a break to talk without the thumping of the loud music drowning out their words.
Tricia looked about her and found a few girls whom she knew from class giggling. Their dates weren't too far off in a clique of their own. Tricia stood a few steps away waiting to be invited.
"Tricia, right?" one of the girls asked.
Tricia stepped forward and smiled, "Hi Jacklyn. You look pretty tonight."
"Thank you. I had to special order this dress and then have it altered," she bragged.
"Well, it looks very stunning," Tricia flattered her.
"Did you and Erika Summers really both come with Julian Rock?"
"Yes," Tricia smiled.
"So, do you three like have something going? I heard that you were... you know... a lesbian," Jacklyn dug for information.
"I do prefer women," Tricia admitted, "Although, Julian is quite a catch."
"Is that why he's up on the roof with Erika?" Jacklyn asked, pointing.
The other girls in the group giggled nervously.
Tricia turned and looked up. The soft light of the moon splashed the roof with enough light to make out the two figures up there as Julian and Erika.
Tricia's heart stopped as she watched Julian kiss Erika. Fear and rage burned through her veins when she saw Erika's arms wrap around his neck.
"Looks like Erika has a thing for guys," Jacklyn snickered.
Tricia's eyes blurred as tears built up in them. This couldn't be right could it? She had just left Erika telling her that she had feelings for her. Erika did admit that she had building feelings towards Julian, but to kiss him that way in the moonlight on the roof for all the world to see? Tricia stormed off away from Jacklyn and the others. Tears flowed freely down her face as she wove through parked cars trying to be careful not to trip In her heels.
"Whoah, Cinderella, it's not midnight yet," a voice called to her.
"What?" Tricia snapped.
"Chill, girl," the voice beckoned, "It's only a dance."
Tricia wiped the stinging tears from her eyes and looked about her. A small gathering of people stood next to a lifted truck.
"Are you okay?" another voice asked.
"No," Tricia admitted, "I hate this stinking town."
"You'll get no disagreement there."
"What are all of you doing out here?" Tricia asked suspiciously.
"Just relaxing."
A couple of snickers answered.
A familiar scent tickled Tricia's nose, "Oh," her voice took on understanding, "Do you have any more?"
"Anymore what?"
"You know," Tricia stepped closer to the group.
"Dude, she's cool," a girl told one of the others, "She was sharing at Julian's party."
"Mind?" Tricia asked.
The tall dark figure still obscured from the moon light sighed. "Alright," he handed her a small piece of twisted paper.
Oh fuck! Erika's mind screamed.
Her eyes darted for a place to run, to escape this humiliation.
"Oh, Erika," Julian wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight, "I'm sorry. That came out totally wrong."
Erika's eyes began to tear, Oh God, what do I tell him?
"I'm sorry," he repeated. He held her out away from himself so that he could see her horrified, crestfallen face.
"I... I... " Erika tried.
"No. You don't have to say anything," Julian soothed.
Doctor Bob said that the brain tumor was blocking hormone production.
"The, the b-brain t-tumor. I-it b-blocks hormones," she stammered, "It hasn't allowed me to go through puberty, at least physically, I mean."
It was technically true.
Julian stared at her as if she were the Plague. She could just tell, she knew that look. She had seen it hundreds of times.
"I... I... " she really didn't know what to say.
"Shhhh," Julian shushed in a calming tone as he he pulled her into another embrace, "It's alright, Erika. I like you just the way you are."
"But..." Erika protested.
"Hush. You said that your medical issues weren't to be a matter tonight," he reminded her, trying to soothe her, "Let's forget all about this." He kissed her forehead, "Shall we go back into the dance?"
Erika held still, not knowing what to do.
"Here, dry those tears and blow your nose," he kissed her tear-stained cheek.
Erika didn't know if she wanted to run home and crawl into bed or throw her arms around Julian and kiss him.
She settled on cleaning herself up and taking his arm before descending the stairs.
The two were assaulted by the volume of the music as they entered the Homecoming.
"There you are," Taylor grabbed Erika's arm, "Sorry, Julian, we need her for the ceremony."
Julian smiled, "As long as I get her back."
"What happened to your face? Never mind. Let's get you cleaned up, they're about to introduce us."
Taylor steered Erika up some stairs that went behind the stage where the band and disc jockeys had been taking turns.
"I thought they did that last night?" Erika was bewildered.
"Yes, to the public. This is to the school, and where Melinda and Greg are presented and have their dance."
"So, why do I have to be here?"
"'You're in the court. We support Melinda, not only because she is the Queen, but also because she is on the squad."
"Okay, fine," Erika stopped fighting.
Taylor used a Kleenex and rubbed at something on her cheeks.
"It's not too bad. Just a touch up here and there," Taylor murmured as she pulled out her makeup bag.
Erika stood at the base of the stage and watched, as Melinda and Greg took the dance floor. The music started as they swayed gently together. Greg was a bit stiff in his dancing, but what could she expect from a football player?
Erika watched as the Taylor and the other Junior Princess stepped out onto the floor and began dancing with their dates. Erika looked over at the other Sophomore Princess and together they stepped forth.
Erika sought out Julian. With a proud posture he took her waist and began dancing with her around the floor, putting the upperclassmen to shame in their swaying back and forth.
"I can't find Tricia," Julian stated.
"Did you look out front?" Erika asked.
"I only saw a couple of people mingling by the cars. Oh, and the stoners toking up at the back of the parking lot."
"Pot heads are here?" Erika was alarmed.
"Yes, so?"
"Tricia uses," Erika informed him, "Recreationally — so she says."
"Why would she do that during Homecoming?"
"I don't know," Erika shrugged, then as the thought occurred to her, "You know she is jealous of you?"
"Of me? Why?"
"She's scared that she may lose me... to you."
"Will she?" Julian didn't sound concerned, but instead elated.
"The jury is still out," Erika bit her lower lip.
"Shall we go find her?" Julian asked.
Erika nodded, "As soon as this song is over."
Tricia, feeling much more mellow, accepted two Altoids from one of the girls and popped them into her mouth before heading back to the dance hall. She didn't know if she should try and find a ride home or just wait for the lovebirds to drop her off.
Just as she was reaching the door, it swung open bringing her face to face with Erika and Julian.
"There you are," Erika greeted, "We were getting worried about you."
"Sure you were," Tricia pasted an acidic smile on her face.
"I came out here looking for you a few minutes ago," Julian confessed, "I didn't see you."
"I was just talking with some friends," Tricia smiled.
Erika sniffed the air about her girlfriend and asked, "you been smoking?"
"Just a hit or two. Nothing that'll kill me," Tricia admitted.
"Let's get her home," Julian frowned.
"Trying to get rid of me, huh?" Tricia waved a hand at Julian to fend him off, "I found her first!"
"Come on, Tricia. I think we should call it a night," Erika took Tricia by the arm and turned her around towards the car.
Julian held open the door and made sure Tricia didn't hit her head as she sat down in the back seat behind Erika.
Sitting in the front passenger seat, Erika turned to face her girlfriend, "What's gotten into you?" she hissed before Julian got into the car.
"I saw you, Erika," Tricia whined, "I saw the two of you up on the roof. Making out.
Erika blanched. They were seen?
"Half the school saw you," she elaborated.
Julian opened the door and slid in behind the wheel, "Okay, let's get you home."
Julian started the car and sighed heavily as he pulled out of the lot, "I really like you, Tricia, but if you're going to get stoned at every event, then I don't want to be around you. I can't be around you. I'm the swim team Captain, I can't associate with stoners."
"Julian," Erika protested in warning.
"I can't have even the stigma of associating with druggies..."
"Julian," Erika raised her voice.
“Even if I happen to accidentally inhale second hand smoke, I can get kicked off..."
"Julian! She saw us!" Erika yelled.
"...the team," Julian finished. He lowered his voice, "Saw us what?"
"She saw us on the roof," Erika trailed off.
"Making out in the moonlight," Tricia lay her head back, "Can we run by Jack in the Box? I could go for some tacos about now."
Julian groaned.
The car ride to Tricia's house was quiet. Julian kept his eyes on the road, his hands clenched on the steering wheel. Erika looked straight ahead darting looks over at Julian from time to time.
"You know you really need to pick one of us," Julian said softly.
"I know."
"I hope it's me, but if it isn't, I just want you to know that..."
"I thought we were going to Jack in the Box," Tricia leaned forward.
"We're getting you home," Julian told her.
"But I've got the munchies."
"Tricia," Erika turned to face her, "I'm sorry that I hurt you tonight, but you went and got yourself stoned. The best place for you right now is to be safe at home."
Julian pulled into Tricia's driveway.
"I'll be right back," Erika told him. She got out of the car and helped Tricia out and guided her up to the front door.
"I'm sorry," Tricia told Erika.
"What for?" Erika asked.
"For ruining your Homecoming."
"It wasn't ruined, just turned out differently."
Tricia wrapped her arms around Erika's neck and pulled her close, saying, "You smell good."
"You smell of pot."
"You can smell it?" Tricia pulled back a little.
"Only when you are hugging me."
Erika found Tricia's lips pressed against hers. She was a bit shocked at first, but closed her eyes and reciprocated the kiss.
"I love you," Tricia told her after pulling away.
"love you, too, Tricia."
Tricia didn't reply. She opened the door and entered her house.
Erika looked at Julian in the car, who was giving her a strange look. Erika shrugged. Her heels made soft, clicking noises in the quiet night as she walked back to the car.
Erika folded her skirts behind her, and slid into the passenger seat next to the tall, handsome young man. "What shall we do now?" she asked.
"Are you hungry?" he inquired.
Erika shook her head, "Not especially."
"Shall we find someplace to be alone?" Julian suggested.
Again Erika shrugged, "I guess."
Julian pulled out of the driveway and turned on the radio allowing each to their own thoughts.
The scent of her filled his nose. It was sweet, feminine, but with a slight spicy undertone. She filled his nostrils, his car with a perfume that he hoped would linger for a few more days.
She looked incredible, even now, biting her lower lip in worry, she was beautiful. He hoped that her tumor wasn't going to cause too many health issues. She hadn't started puberty yet, would that mean that she would start getting acne? Or grow several inches? Julian had always been attracted to smaller girls, if she started growing, would she lose her appeal? Would she grow out of her spunky, cuteness into a tall willowy woman like his sister? Or would she put on some weight like he had seen his sister's girlfriends do? She'd probably look more like her mother. Julian snickered to himself. Looking like her mom was definitely a good thing.
Now, if only he could convince her to break up with Tricia and be with him. Tricia seemed nice, but she used marijuana. She didn't seem to be a stoner, getting high everyday, but even more than once or twice a year was too much for him right now. He had training, The one main reason for his big party every year was to be a last harrah for drinking or smoking, it was the last time he could do anything as fun and irresponsible as that before his heavy training began before swim season started. He also had a reputation to protect. Other than his one big party, he was known to be a good student, and a moral, upstanding citizen. He couldn't risk being associated with hanging out with druggies or stoners. Tricia was pretty, she was sweet, smart, and quick witted, but she did some pretty stupid things sometimes.
Most guys dreamed of love triangles similar to this. Julian was starting to see it as a massive headache. He had to work out a way to get Erika without turning her against Tricia or Tricia against either of them.
Julian sighed as he stopped at a red light.
Erika felt overwhelmed. Part of her wished that she could join Tricia in her drug induced haze. So much was going on. Tricia shouldn't have gone off and smoked a joint, but she couldn't put too much blame on her — how would she feel if she had witnessed Tricia and Julian on that rooftop? She would have felt betrayed, she would have wanted to escape, too, to dull the feelings. Right?
Here she was, on the night of the Homecoming dance with senior Julian Rock. Who'd ever have thought that she of all people would be sitting beside the Captain of the swim team. Who ever thought that she would even like boys? Well, did she like boys? She liked Julian. At least, she felt like she liked him. She felt safe when she was with him — like he was her own personal bodyguard. She liked his broad shoulders, his slim waist and large hands. Her mind flashed back to the rooftop, his hands cupping her breasts. Well, her breast forms. She tried to imagine what it would feel like if she had breasts. Was it normal for a guy to want breasts? She wasn't a guy anymore, she was a girl. Therefore it should be perfectly understandable for her to want to feel his large hands cupping her breasts. Don't forget those lips either. Firmer, stronger than Tricia's. A totally different feeling when he kissed her. Their aroma's were different as well. Tricia's sweetly floral with a touch of fruitiness, Julian's musky with a hint of spice and dash of... of... well, of manliness, strength.
Then there was this stupid tumor in her head. She had to decide whether to live with the blasted thing or have it removed. If she had it removed she would start puberty as a boy. She had worked so hard to the to the point where she was comfortable as a girl, and now she was being told she would have to switch back?
She sighed aloud.
"What?" Julian asked.
"I just have a lot going on in my brain," Erika explained, "Where are we going?"
"Someplace to be alone. Some place I feel safe," Julian's eyes warmed as he spoke.
"You aren't going to tell me?"
"'You'll figure it out in just a moment," Julian pulled off the main road.
"This is your 'safe' zone?" Erika wondered.
Julian smiled sheepishly, "I spend enough time here, why wouldn't it be?"
Julian parked the car and jogged around to assist Erika out. His strong hand engulfed hers. His assistance was firm, yet restrained as if holding a crystal vase just enough to keep it safe without allowing it to fall to the floor and shatter.
Julian offered his arm. Erika wrapped hers through his and hugged it as she had seen other girls do at school or on movies.
"inside or outside?" Erika asked.
"Inside," Julian smiled down at her.
"Is your uncle the janitor here too?"
"No. Let's just say that I have connections," he winked.
Julian led them up to some glass doors. He pulled out a key and opened it. The smell of chemicals and chlorine assaulted her nose.
She shook her head, "I can't believe that the pool is your 'safe' area."
"This is where I come to think," Julian shrugged, "Sometimes I do it in the water, sometimes just sitting pool side."
Just a few lights in the pool lit the large room with more of a glow than an actual light. An undulating wave pattern moved across the ceiling.
“The smell of chlorine is so... romantic," Erika mocked.
"'You'll learn to like it."
Julian led her along the pool's edge towards the other end where two diving platforms stood like large, awkward, flat-capped obelisks.
Julian took her to the ladder off the tallest of the two, "Um, are you afraid of heights?"
Erika shook her head.
"Ok, I'll go up first so that I'm not looking up your dress."
"You're so gentlemanly," Erika teased.
She watched as Julian scampered up the steps with ease, then she slipped off her shoes and kicked them to one side before following at a more unsure pace.
Julian stood at the top of the ladder, took her by the arms and almost lifted her up as he set her on the platform. She felt Julian's hand on the small of her back, as if she was so light that she was going to blow away. Erika looked around for the first time since placing her foot on the bottom rung of the ladder.
Whoah, they were high up. She was not closer to the ceiling than to the surface of the water all of those meters below her. If she had been afraid of heights, she'd probably be a lot like Katie right now, clinging to the aluminum railings, blubbering for it all to end. Julian gently urged her towards the edge of the platform.
"This is where a lot of people get freaked," he told her with a twinkle in his eyes.
Erika looked over the edge. The water's surface wasn't visible, but the bottom of the pool sure was. Way, way down there.
"Wow, that's a long way down," she raised an eyebrow, "Have you ever jumped from up here?"
"Yeah. I'm not a diver though, that's Stan's thing."
"Tricia was teaching me to dive last summer," Erika volunteered.
"That's right, Tricia said something about that."
Erika nodded, "She was helping me learn a backflip when I hit the back of my head on the board. I got a few stitches."
"Where?" Julian came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Erika reached a hand up and gently moved curls out of the way and pressed her finger to the spot.
Julian's lips pressed lightly against her hand. Erika smiled to herself as a warm wave of happiness washed over her. His lips lightly moved up her arm. The hand on her waist slowly turned her, as he took her hand in his other hand. His lips slowly and tenderly caressed up the inside of her wrist. The touch of his lips sent a tingle up her spine followed by goose bumps up the back of her arms. His lips moved to her shoulder. Erika couldn't help but to arch her neck to one side, allowing his lips to trace the little hollow of the side of her neck to her cheek. Erika turned to him her lips meeting his.
Could one hold their breath for an hour? Erika wanted to hold her breath for at least that long. She didn't know how it happened, but when they did part to take a deep breath she found that she was sitting on the platform, Julian sitting beside her, smiling and looking lovingly into her eyes.
Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. A bit of lip gloss was smudged on the side of Julian's lip. Erika used her thumb and wiped it off. Julian twisted his head and kissed it then leaned in, with one hand resting on her cheek he sought out her lips again.
Erika's heart sped up. A warmth washed over her body as his tongue explored her mouth. She felt his hand resting lightly upon her thigh. It felt weird having such a large hand touch her in such a way. His hand slowly slid to the inside of her thigh and rested there sending a wonderful shockwave to her brain. A moan escaped her lips. His hand ever so slowly started to slide up the inside of her thigh.
"Julian," Erika said his name around his lips.
"Mmm," Julian persisted. His hand slid up a little more.
"Julian, stop," Erika tried to pull away.
"Stop what?" Julian teased, still nibbling at her lips. His hand slid just a millimeter higher.
His hand was only an inch or two from her male bits. Erika pushed — hard — on Julian and twisted. "Stop it!" she demanded.
"Okay, okay," Julian raised both of his hands. His smile was genuine, but his eyes betrayed a bit of hurt.
Erika's adrenaline was pumping, her heart near fluttering. "I can't do that."
"Can't do what?" Julian asked.
"I can't have you touching me there," Erika's voice quaked.
"I thought you were enjoying it," Julian was puzzled.
"I was, but I'm not like other girls."
"I know. You haven't gone through puberty yet. What does that have to do with anything?"
"I just can't."
"What can you do?" Julian's voice took on an edge.
"Right now?" Erika asked, "We can kiss."
"Kiss," Julian's voice dropped, "That's it? Kiss?"
Erika nodded.
Julian flopped on his back and stared up at the patterns that the underwater lights were making on the ceiling. Erika noticed the bulge in his pants.
"I'm sorry, Julian. That's all I can give you right now," Erika said firmly.
Julian was quiet.
Erika fell silent. Her eyes darted to Julian and then stared off into space across the building, then back at Julian. The only sound in the room was the distant roar from the air ducts and their breathing.
"Could we go?" Erika broke the silence.
"I guess," Julian didn't move.
"I do like your private place," Erika offered up.
Julian grunted.
"I do like you, Julian. I just can't go beyond kissing at this point."
"Fine," Julian sighed with a bit of resentment in his voice. He elbowed himself up, saying, "It's just really hard controlling certain... urges, when I'm with someone as beautiful as you."
Erika blushed, "I'm sorry," she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before getting to her feet and starting down the ladder.
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where to go from here?
Okay. This is the last chapter that has been written. I am working on and almost finished with 37 right now but I've come to the end of what chapters I had 'pre-written'. So from here on out the postings of this little tale will be a bit sporatic. I appologize for this. I will try to get them up when I can.
I'm having a bit of a software problem at the moment too. It might be a week before I get that fixed. RL has been a bit busy lately. You all know how it is with bills, family, summer fun, and tempermental muses.
I hope you will stick with me as I try to get back into a writing mode again.
Thanks for you're support
Where to go....
Hmmm, yes that's a real tough one. The sensible thing to do, for Erika, at this point is to get the cooperation from doctor Barts. She's most likely the best suited and knowledgeable for giving her sound advice as to what direction would be best for Erika to take. Although the tumour might have prevented male puberty to kick in, the threat of turning malignant any time, should be incentive enough to make haste with treating and operating on it.
This would then lead to development of unwanted male characteristics, so to counter that, she would need testosterone -and maybe other- blockers. Because she's not legally of the right age, she may not be eligible for HRT yet, so she may have to wait another two, three years before she can get medical support and prescriptions for that.
In order to _get_ these blockers -at the very least- she'll have to have the support of doctor Barts, as an advocate for defending her right to choose and live the female part in life. Counter to her mothers' wishes who believes that when the tumour has been removed Erika will miraculously be cured from her emerging gender disorder. Something she clearly doesn't understand and probably fears. Fear for what hardship it may bring to her child, and maybe because she simply doesn't -want to- grasp the rightness of, or it may be against 'the script' (?)
In all this, having Julian for a boyfriend is a complication she can well do without. Keeping him at arms length for several years will be tedious and bothersome, to much so to endure that for the foreseeable future. And explaining her situation to him will be conclusive to their relation, but I think not for keeping him around. I'm sorry, but I don't see Julian as being that understanding about things like this.
Otoh, there's Tricia, who is already in the know. Very much in love, understanding, and resourceful. She doesn't have to be lonesome, forgotten, and pining away. And best of all, she's in love with Tricia still, isn't she?
Oh dear, the fickle hand of love. What will she deal you?
Then there's this thing as age. She's barely sixteen now, right? How much will change, relationwise in the next two, three years to come. Before she can get to something substantial as SRS. If that's what she's aiming for in the long run.
Best course of action, imho, for Erika for now is to focus on herself. Love will take care of itself in the longer run.
Thanks for your story A.A. I really enjoyed reading it, and await in eager anticipation each next chapter.
Eight years later
I'm reading this eight years later so I know there are many more chapters to go. You mentioned in the first chapter and again here that you didn't plot this story ahead of time. I have seen absolutely no sign of this as I have been binge reading this story. So far, it looks like it is coherent, edited and ready for publishing.
You are doing a wonderful job with this story.
Another first download for
Another first download for me. Thanks for your story.
So Far Away from the End
You've got a long way to go from what I've read so far. You can't leave Erika with the tumor issue unresolved. Then what happens if or when the tumor is removed? Will Erika take estrogen and an androgen blocker? Arrggg! There are so many questions.
I suspect that Erika will eventually start developing into a girl, and when that happens, I think it might be a good idea to start a third story. Until then, please keep it coming, as you have time to work on it.
I love this chapter. Perspectives jumped around a lot but I was able to follow it all easily enough. It blew by very quickly and that's a good sign I think.
Thanks very much.
- Terry
Poor Erica
WE knew that the triangle would cause problems.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Take all the time necessary
Dear Anistasia;
Please take all the time necessary to continue this story on the high plane that you have since the beginning. While, I may miss its weekly appearance, its better to wait for such well written literature, then get something of lessor quality.
You have left Erika, if not up a tree at least up a ladder. Will she get down safely? The way off a diving board is to dive into the water (or jump) climbing down those ladders can be dangerous. I hope she gets down safely. A fall, even if into the pool will have drastic consequences. Into the water could make her clothing such as to give away her true identity. On the floor, another injury.
I am confused about Julian. One moment, he seems like a gentleman concerned about Erika's feelings and even Tricia's, and concerned with his associating with pot heads. The next moment he is trying to not only "Cop a Feel" but wants to "Get into Her Pants". He knows Erika is modest and concerned about such things, but he tries anyway and is upset or hurt that he is not getting what he wants. Julian seems to have keys to lots of places to take a girl where she may not be safe.
Erika has drawn a lot of attention to herself. So much in fact, that she may become the center of attention. It may become difficult to protect herself from detection.
I am concerned that Tricia out of some sadness over what is happening with her relationship with Erika may do something stupid. Obviously, she is not very sensible. She knows what pot does to her, but continues to use it. Several things may occur. First, her mom will detect the smell of pot. This will occur while mom asks about the "Homecoming". Tricia will be grounded again and told to stay away from Erika who is obviously someone who gets Tricia in trouble. Second, to spite Erika she will out "him". Or if she is really devastated she may try and hurt herself. Perhaps as far as trying suicide.
Erika continues on her dangerous path. Going back to my original metaphor I hope the time for her great fall has not arrived. It may actually occur as she topples from the diving board ladder to the side of the pool. Putting him/her together again will be more difficult.
We Don't Know, Actually,,,
...what Tricia's mother knows about Tricia's use of marijuana, or even how she feels about it if she does know. She has strong negative feelings about alcohol, but those don't necessarily carry over.
Tricia's grounding after the party was for irresponsible behavior -- not least for losing track of Erika -- and most specifically for not phoning her mother to come get her if alcohol was served at the party, which Tricia had agreed to do.
It seems unlikely that "her mom will detect the smell of pot." It took a close embrace for Erika to smell it, and she already knew Tricia had been out with the stoners. All her mom is likely to find out is that the three-way date worked out poorly, and she probably suspected as much as soon as she heard about it.
Not sure I understand your comment that Tricia isn't sensible because "she knows what pot does to her, but continues to use it." As far as she's concerned, it mellows her out and makes her feel better when faced with things like what she sees as Erika's rejection of her here. Sounds sensible to me. Illegal and irresponsible, sure -- but not insensible.
As for Julian, his main concern, not all that surprising these days, is that as an athlete he may be randomly tested soon and fail due to second-hand marijuana smoke, leading to ineligibility and sanctions. (Yes, it's happened.) As you said, the concern he expresses for both Tricia and Erika seems sincere but the selfishness of his action and the clear ulterior motive in taking Tricia home leaves us in doubt.
What seemed like responsibility on Julian's part earlier is looking a lot more like mere self-assurance now. The contrast between it and Tricia's insecurity makes it tempting to think that Erika would be likely to prefer Julian, all other things being equal. But of course they're not equal, since Julian's behavior threatens Erika with exposure.
(A.A - Very good chapter -- leaves us plenty to talk about. I'm a little disappointed to find that Erika is THAT naive -- after negative results with Julian at one secluded place, she willingly joins him at another on the same night. Even in her screwed-up emotional state, I'd have liked to think that a lifetime as the Plague would alert her to a dangerous situation.)
I Was Disappointed In Erika
Erika still doesn't get how seriously she hurt Tricia. Of course Tricia was not real smart getting stoned either, but Erika was wrong for treating her like the third wheel instead of the one who loves her for who she is. Julian is in love with the Erika who is an illusion while Tricia knows the real Erika and loves her completely. Erika should stop and think. Julian nearly found out she was a guy and it would have been a disaster. With Tricia, she can be free of the worry of discovery. It is a no brainer. For her own safety and peace of mind, Tricia is definitely who she should be with. With Julian, she is playing with fire and she will get burned sooner or later. Great Story AA!
A complete bitch
Erika's attitude has shown her to be going towards the complete bitch area. She's like every stereotype cheerleader out there, is completely self-centered and uses people left and right. All I have to say about this ice queen is poor Tricia. Erika is playing with fire, and when she gets burned, she'll get her just desserts, and I'll have no tears for her. She was warned, yet she still leads Tricia on, what a bitch ><
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I think you have misunderstood Erika.
Considering her former life as The Plague, her tumultous summer and her new life as Erika at school, it's not surprising that she is overwhelmed by things. That she is making some monumental mistakes is not surprising, considering her age and all the challenges she is facing.
What I'm surprised about is Julian's persistence and patience with her. She must be some kind of alluring to him, to be publicly trying to break up a suspected lesbian triangle. What is he thinking, considering he'll be off to college next year?
Poor Tricia, for a girl who's so together most of the time, she sure makes some dumb mistakes when her passions flare. Still that had to hurt, seeing Erika and Julian on the roof.
Another great episode, Anistasia. I understand about life and how it gets in the way. Just please promise not to abandon Erika and her friends (us), okay? Too many stories are never concluded satisfactorily. Erika's story begs to be told.
Carla Ann
I respectfully disagree
Social Teen Angst is not the end all be all excuse for anything stupid a teen does mew. I was a teen too, and I never did any of this and yes I was pressured to do many terrible things, however I didn't. Why? Because I didn't want to be a bitch. Poor choices in life are not automatically excused just because of a kids age mew.
No offense but that kind of attitude reminds me of the patriarchal BS of "Boys will be boys" or "Girls will be girls" when really nothing children do is okay just simply because of their gender. Tricia loves Erika, Erika keeps rebounding between Tricia and Julian, it may be a classic love triangle mew, but that doesn't excuse her behavior. I had this happen to me, someone was just leading me on, the same way Erika is leading them on, and seeing someone else besides me, in fact she used me just to make her boyfriend jealous. So he'd take her back mew.
So maybe it's my own experiences that are making me feel this way but still she reminds me exactly of Brooke, to be honest I didn't even know if I liked Brooke that way mew, but no matter whether you like someone or not, it hurts to be used ;_; So poor Tricia, poor poor Tricia ;_; Also is it just me, or has Erika forgotten the horrible things Julian has done to her that were mentioned earlier in this series mew? Yeah, he's going to take that she's transgendered really well mew ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
The situations that you
The situations that you mention are not the same.
Erika IS being stupid, but she is not deliberately trying to hurt someone. Nor has she hidden anything from Tricia or Julian. They both know about the other. She is niave, and stupid and has no idea what she is doing, but that is not the same as a bitch that doesn't care who she hurts. That doesn't mean that Tricia isn't going to feel hurt, because she is. Julian could also be hurt, but considering that he is the one that is actively trying to break up an established relationship, and frankly has become an octopus, I really don't give a hoot if he gets hurt right now.
Having said that, your statement regarding remembering what Julian did to Erika when he was Eric is not correct. Julian is NOT one of the boys that did any of the really horrible things that happened to her. Julian is NOT a football player, he is on the swim team. While the whole school, including Victoria and Samantha and yes presumably Julian as well, treated her badly last year, it was primarily the football players that did the really, truly horrible things. So there is nothing for Erika to have forgotten.
Julian however has now gone over the line, he has taken advantage of Erika's lack of experience, and he had better take no for an answer, here. Erika was stupid about going on the roof, but she did not know what was going to happen. She should never have gone to the pool with him after that had happened, but again she simply doesn't have the experience of being an attractive girl, to guide her. Erika needs to shut this down now, not only because of her special situation, but also because even if he were genetically and biologically female it would be dangerous to allow this to continue.
With her special situation, she especially needs to distance herself from this guy, because I agree with you and others, he will go ballistic if / when he finds out that Erika is not quite what she seems.
Anyway A.A. has sure set up a bad situation here, and it may be a while before we get the next part, but as always I am looking forward to see how it all works out.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry mew, you were correct he was not on the football team. He did not participate in harming the "plague" in any way shape or form. I am sorry I was wrong, I"m sorry my views were incorrect and so were my feelings. I'm sorry I don't see the story the same way as you, and therefore came up with a bad conclusion. Sorry mew.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Princess Chelsea, I'm sorry
Princess Chelsea,
I'm sorry if you took my response as an attack on you personally, it wasn't meant to be.
I do disagree with some of your conclusions, especially regarding Erika and her motives, and that was all I was saying.
As for my comments regarding Julian, there have been several posts, not only by you, regarding Julian over the past several chapters that want to lump him in with the football players, and that is simply not true. He is as guilty as everyone else is in the school for complacency and allowing the football players to make Eric's life living hell, but we are not condemning the others for it.
One thing, I hope we can agree on is that Erika now has plenty of reasons without going back to Eric time to be upset with Julian. I hope that she figures that out, because she does have someone, Tricia, that really does care for her. I hope that Erika gets a quick wakeup call from the situation with Julian and gets some help ASAP from Samantha on how to deal with aggressive men that are only interested in a trophy, even if he is thinking of her as a possible wife.
From what you originally posted, you have clearly been hurt, I meant to avoid getting personal in my response because I was trying to keep to the discussion of the story, but I still should have acknowledged the pain that was evident in your post. That I did not was insensitive of me, and I am truly sorry, because I did not intend to cause you any additional pain.
Finally, your views and feelings on the story are yours, and are neither good nor bad, they are simply yours, just as mine are mine. I am always pleased to hear your thoughts, not only on this story but others as well. I will not always agree with you, and that is certainly ok. I enjoy a good discussion about stories that I enjoy (Ask Rami about that, we had a very good debate on similar issues a few chapters back.)
glaring omission
She actually has hidden something fairly important from Julian, and as you point out he has the potential to go ballistic if he found out. It was foolish and extremely dangerous for her to go off alone with him a second time, especially after the first. She's being a tease, even if she doesn't realize it.
What does this mean? All I'm aware of is the rhyming slang for "vomit" or "spew," "Stewart Jew," Portuguese for "Dude," or the customary stand of a hare, which is a little archaic.
Enquiring minds want to know.
Mew and meow, the sound a cat makes. I have a partial kitty soul mew ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Mew and meow, the sound a cat makes. I have a partial kitty soul mew ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Now, it seems obvious. I usually spell that miaow. I was trying for acronyms, "My eye winked," "mechanical engineering workgroup," and so on. Nothing seemed to work. Then I tried real words, a cage for hawks, and so on.
Take all the time you need,
Take all the time you need, this story is too good to not wait for!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Men demand more, quickly
... Erika has finally discovered that little nugget since she has never had a real sex drive herself. There is no way she can go out on dates with Julian on a regular basis. He will eventually tire of her turning him down for sex and its for sure that is what he is looking for; it just won't last.
Men want sex, intensely, that stupid testosterone.
This is what ? The second date ? I mean, really, and he is already making all sorts of demands on Erika's body. Now I know why men are not on my menu even though I find them cute once in a while. The energy of the relationship would just be all wrong.
Erika needs to wise up.
Careful with that brush
Some, maybe even many "men want sex, intensely". And young men have less control over their burdgeoning hormones than adults. But this is an awefully broad brush you are painting them with.
I think it is a combination of nature and nurture. Some boys are raised in an environment that encourages them to "sow their wild oats", some are raised to respect the female sex. Some lack the self-control to accept "no" for an answer (in any area, not just sex), some don't.
Erika does need to understand, as Erika, that many people, male and female, will not have her best interests in mind. I think Eric knows this, but Erika has lived in an artificial environment that has shielded her to some extent. But if she is to become a female for the rest of her life she needs to learn that lesson, the sooner the better.
They know they can survive
Eric & Erika bring their own misfortune. Eric's champion returns
After reading some of the comments to this chapter, I will return to a point that I had argued many chapters in the past, with a little twist. I had thought to give up that argument, but circumstances have caused a reversal. One of Eric’s self proclaimed champions has returned.
As I have argued, Eric never had a chance to live life as a confident, self assured young man. Because of his failure to assert himself, yes it was his failure, he brought on the attacks that caused him to be "The Plague". Once there, he did nothing to overcome this, including not telling his parents, and he retreated into his own shell. He acted irresponsibly and stupidly, during that period. Most "Geeks, nerds, spazs" which group Eric fell in, would take some action to protect themselves physically, even if it meant creating further ostracization. He did not even have a concept of self preservation.
He was only "rescued", when Samantha convinced him to become Erika at Camp Kumoi for the summer. While it was good intentions on the part of Samantha to do so, one could argue that she was continuing the abuse of Eric, by convincing him to dress and act like a girl. If he was in any way, an even marginally confident person, he would have rejected this. (Remember, prior to camp, he had no desires to be a girl). Again, he allowed his life to be manipulated. If discovered, he would have been harmed. As we know, he had a great summer. He therefore decided that being a girl, meant acceptance, happiness and NO Problems (other then the transformation) that would hurt him. GIRL GOOD - BOY BAD!
Now Eric has become the girl ERIKA. Erika while having problems with her parents (mom especially)is enjoying life to some great extent, because as this new, pretty, vivacious girl at school, she has had positive interaction with her school mates. A lot of this is due to the support of Samantha, Tricia, and the rest of the girls from Camp Kumoi, who have made her acceptance as the new girl at school much easier. I do not think Erika has realized this and given enough thanks and credit to those ladies.
But as time has progressed, Erika is slowly turning into a person who may begin to attract negative attention to her. She has gotten into what could be a negative love triangle with Julian and Tricia, she is know as being either a lesbian or bi-sexual, she is known as someone willing to "go up on the roof" to make out, she is the girl with the brain tumor, and the girl who got hurt at the homecoming football game. Unless she is careful she will become, "The Plaguette", and while the physical abuse Erika/Eric will receive may be less, and the school might be more aware of bullying and act to prevent it, ERIKA could become the same outcast as Eric the Plague was.
Eric's problem with life will not be resolved by simply becoming ERIKA. This person needs to get a brain and a backbone. He should try it as Eric for a period, before changing his life forever, by making changes that can not be reversed.
I think you are being a
I think you are being a little tough on Eric. No one deserves the kind of treatment he got, and he certainly didn't bring it on himself. Yes, he could have told his parents about what was happening at school, but it is unlikely that anything would come of it (I believe there was even mention of some of the problems Eric was having where his parents basically said he needed to stand up for himself and gave no other help at all). At best they might have said something to the principal, which would have resulted in another backlash like the one that put him on the flagpole after he did tell someone what was going on. I think the only thing that might have made a real difference (besides changing schools), would be for Eric to fight back. Unfortunately, he was smaller and weaker than his oppressors and would have probably been hurt a lot worse with no change in his status.
Also, one must take the emotional aspect into consideration. Eric was basically told by everyone in that school that he was worthless. It's very possible (likely, even) that on some level Eric didn't believe he deserved any help. That he in fact deserved to be treated exactly the way he was. That's certainly the way I often felt during my high school years, and the abuse I received wasn't nearly as bad as that Eric suffered. Being largely verbal, I had no defense against it. Similarly, many of the physical acts were either committed by a group of much larger, stronger boys (football players), or by anonymous people in the hallway, leaving Eric no way of defending himself, either. One's mindset becomes one of simply trying to survive the day so you can get out of there. (Though the trip home can be even more dangerous.)
Also, Eric did make some effort at being Eric when he came back from camp. And camp itself wasn't without it's problems, despite being Erika there.
Having said all that, Erika is definitely not being very smart here. Her inexperience in dating situations of any kind, let alone as a girl, is showing in the worst way. And I seriously doubt her feelings for Julian (or his for her) run very deep. Whereas she and Tricia have told each other that they love each other several times and seem to have meant it. Hopefully she'll realize that soon!
P.S. You're doing such a great job Anistasia, you've got us all arguing about your characters like real people!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Your last comment is so true!!
Well, except for the way you worded your statement. "We" are real people. We're arguing as if the characters in the story are real people. :-) Sorry, Saless I couldn't resist that.
It takes a great storyteller for so many people to have identified so strongly with the characters that they develop strong opinions about them. Anistasia has done a wonderful job of character development, hasn't she?
Yea, Anistasia!! Brava! Brava!
Erika is making some collossal mistakes, but she is a quick study and would not try to hurt anyone. I just she doesn't get hurt or hurt anyone else too badly before these events shake out.
Carla Ann
They are not real?
I am hurt, I am sad, my weekend is ruined. You mean to say that Erika and her gang are fictional, and I thought that we all could spend time at Camp Kuomi next summer.
So Sad ;-)
Camp Kumoni
At one time I thought about making up Camp Kumoni shirts to sell. :) "I survived Camp Kumoni" or "Lavander Lady" how about "Changing it up at Camp Kumoni" ?
Different title?
I sort of wonder...
if Erika has lost her mind.
Or, perhaps it's a case of selective amnesia. She seems, however, to have forgotten exactly how she was treated all these years up to now.
Doesn't she realize what she's playing at by 'dating' Julian? What if he finds out that she is a biological 'he'? That he is the reviled Plague? How is he going to react?
Pretty sure, Noble Julian will not be coming to his defense. Pretty sure he'll make sure everyone knows about Erika.
Sure, as someone pointed out, Julian wasn't directly involved with what happened to Eric, but did he, or ANYBODY, try to help him? Come to his defense?No. Not even the teachers, it seems. Not even his parents, who pretty much ignored him(oh, c'mon, if your child comes home bruised up, you don't notice? You don't do anything? Seems that's what happened before...). Someone said Eric/ka should 'grow a backbone'. Well, that's pretty darned hard when you have zero support. Even her good friend, Samantha, didn't talk to her until she wanted something from her.
But now, the wonderful Julian comes sniffing around, even though HE KNOWS that Erika and Tricia have something between them. He's even plotting breaking them up. Sorry, but I don't find that acceptable behavior. We find out exactly what kind of 'nice' guy he is when he doesn't get what he wants from her. He pouts and sulks. I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves her there. Typical Jock, like it or not. He's not all that different from the assholes that abused and tortured Eric last year, and for the years before.
Oh, and I love his 'holier than thou' attitude about Tricia. He can't be around her because she uses a little pot to calm down after Julian makes a play for her honey. Well, excuse me, Jock-o. But he admitted he as much used and drank on the off season. Not so pure, either, is he? But now, he can't 'be around' some 'stoner' like Tricia. He should be so lucky.
The one I feel sorry for is poor Tricia. Through it all, even when Erika got her grounded, she supported her. She had every right to be angry for Erika scaring her like she did. Now she sees Erika practically throw it in her face by sneaking off and making out with Julian... in front of half the school.
Sorry, but my sympathies for Erika have gone way down. She's playing with fire, and she doesn't even have the 'raging' hormones as an excuse. The tumor she has is preventing puberty, either way. Yet the first 'stud' that pays attention to her, what does she do? Forget all about the one person that's been in her corner since day one.
I hope it's only a case of temporary insanity, for her own sake. Otherwise, she's in for a big fall... and if the school ever finds out that Erika is Eric, her former life in comparison won't even be close to the hell she has to pay.
There is going to be trouble with Tracis and Julian
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
at least he took "no" for an answer
what a situation!