Terri's Vengeance-1

Terri's Vengeance
Chapter 1
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis: Terry was a loving father until a drunkard took away his family. In his quest for justice and revenge, Terry rediscovers a secret dream that leads him into a new life and love.

I stood in front of the headstone with tears filling my eyes, remembering my family, now torn from me. Now, all that I had left was an empty house, and a broken heart. It all started when my family and I were at the theater. We'd gone to see my wife Joan play her violin for the County Symphony Orchestra. Amy Collins, a local Gospel Singing Artist had collaborated with the orchestra to perform the music for her new album, and she had decided to give a series of free concerts to raise money for charity.

It was the final concert at the Civic Center, and Joan looked splendid in her red gown and white hose. Maggie, our five year old daughter looked cute in her copy of Joana's gown. Me, I was wearing my black tuxedo. We were going to head for Sephrena's Bistro to celebrate, until tragedy struck. I had parked our black Lincoln Continental, and was going around to open the doors for my family, when a black Hummer crashed into our car, collapsing the roof upon my family.

The damned Hummer pulled away, and sped off, only to be stopped by the Police. Unfortunately, the impact threw me against the building wall, knocking me out. When I came to, I was sitting in an ambulance. The paramedic was taking my vitals. When she saw that I was awake, she passed me a cup with a pill in it, and a soda, "Here, this will keep your headache at bay until we get you to the hospital."

I took the proffered pill, and soda with a grateful smile. She looked way too young with her blond hair in pigtails, and a pimple on her mahogany skin. "Thanks, Ma'am. My name is Terry. What about my family?"

She smiled sadly, " My name is Karen, and you're welcome, Sir. Your family are in other ambulances."

"May I go see them?"

"Well, you do have a mild concussion, but I guess that you can," she replied as she gently helped me out of the ambulance.

Outside, I saw the car, totaled. The passenger side was crushed inward. off to the side, I saw the Hummer. Its body was barely scratched by its encounter with my car. Around the Hummer was two squad cars, and a most definitely drunk man about my age was being led to a paddy wagon. I saw one officer come to me. He was a tall, Native American. He could easily play Tonto in any Lone Ranger movie. I saw that his name was Running Bear, " Greetings, Sir. I am Officer Paul. I need to ask you a few questions about the incident, please."

Officer Running Bear, we had parked to go into the bistro, when we were hit by that Hummer. I had gotten out to escort my family in, or I'd have been in the car too."

He looked at his report, "That jibes with every other report. Thank you, Sir," he said as he held out his hand.

I shook it, "Sir, will the driver be brought up on charges?"

"Off the record, yes. His alcohol count is too high. He is intoxicated."

"Thank you." I headed over to the ambulances, and saw Maggie, she was covered up to her neck with a sheet that was covered with her blood. My Heart broke when I saw her all weak and helpless. She wanted to be a ballerina, and constantly wore her leotard and tights at home, and for practice. Now, it looked as if she'd not be dancing for awhile.

She looked at me, "Daddy! I hurt!"

I motioned for a paramedic to attend her, "Maggie, the doctor will give you something for the pain," I said as I caressed her cheek.

"That's alright, Daddy. I see a Light. It's Jesus, calling me Home."

"Please, Maggie, don't go!"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. But Jesus is Calling me. Bye Daddy," with that, I saw her breathe her last.

Pastor Sandy Franks placed her hand on my shoulder, "Be glad that you got to say 'Good-Bye' to her, Terry."

I looked at her with tears in my eyes, " I know Sandy, but why did she die?"

""I don't know, Terry. Only God knows. Are you mad at Him?"

I sighed, No, not really. I went through this before when my parents died. I will Trust Him."

"Good, let's go and see about Joan."

When we arrived at her ambulance, it was obvious that she was in as bad a shape as Maggie. I sat by her and took her hand as Sandy sat by me, praying. My Faith was low at the time, but I knew that Joan's was strong, so I relied on hers. I simply looked at her as she slept, thanks to the drugs administered. I waited for the drugs to wear off, so that they could help heal her. When she finally awakened, my Heart finally died within me.

She smiled at me, "Hello, Tiger. How's our daughter, Maggie?"

I wiped tears from my eyes, "She is with the Lord, now."

"Terry, the pain is too much. My body is broken. I am sorry, But I'm being Called Home, to Heaven,' she sighed.


But she had breathed her last. When she died, my Soul went dark with despair. Pastor Sandy had to escort me to my ambulance so that they could take us to the hospital. I was met at the hospital by my twin sister Kerri. We were both the same size, only her breasts and hips were different. Growing up, we had often worn each other's clothes, even in high school. There, I'd dress as her whenever a date was getting fresh. Finding out that they were with me cooled their ardor, my Black Belts in Karate, and Judo made me quite dangerous. I had taught Kerry some basic moves, but she did not really have the commitment to do more than stall any amorous date.

Now, I was the one in need, I was a zombie, unresponsive to any stimuli. I knew that people were around me, but my despair kept me from acknowledging anything, or anyone. Kerry was my link to reality, she had been my anchor when our parents died when some thugs had accosted them outside of the theater. I went after them, and executed them, using my Martial Arts skills. After that, it took Kerry's undying Love to bring me back to reality. As for the thugs, the Coroner ruled their deaths as 'Natural Causes'. I am that good at it.

Kerry approached me in the hospital's Trauma Center. Her Courtney Cox good looks did little to hide her distress, "Hey, Bro! It's me, your sister, Kerry. I'm here to take you home."

Her voice broke through,, and I saw her bending over me. Her raven dark hair, framed her angelic face. As I looked into her eyes, I remembered the nightmare reality, and began to cry. My tears of mourning released the bitter dregs o despair, and I started to live again. But now I had no Family. I had no reason to live. It took Kerry to give me Purpose, again.

"Oh, Kerry, Joan, and Maggie are dead! What will I do?"

She placed her hand on mine, "Bury your Family. Then come and live with Lester, and me." ['Terry needs to find Peace. Will he seek out that driver? I know that he murdered the thugs that killed our parents in cold blood. Will he seek revenge? Or will he turn away from vengeance?']

"What about your twins? Will Mary, and Murray want me there?"


I am sorry, Sis. After the tragedy, I need the assurance that I am wanted," I sighed. ['How can I go on living without my family?']

She took me to her place on the lake. Kerry and Lester had rebuilt the abandoned Lake Shore Fun Academy. It was a warehouse converted over to a gymnasium, but the owners defaulted on the loan, forcing the bank to foreclose. Lester had paid off the back taxes and now owned some prime lake shore property. They sold the gym equipment, and made a spacious home for them in the offices, and turned the warehouse into a combination, cafe, store, and motel. Their rooftop condo was a beautiful home with a spacious play area for the children.

As we approached her home, I saw Lester, and the twins playing in the lake. When they saw us pull up, the twins ran to the passenger door, and swarmed me when I opened it. Their innocent Love was a Balm upon my wounded Heart. I felt the stirrings of my Heart's need to bask in their attention, and start to warm up from the Winter of my despair.

Murray hugged my neck, "Love ya' , Unca Kerry! Wanna sleep with me?"

"Hey! No fair, Bro! I wanna ask, too," Mary pouted.

I sighed, "OK, Sport, I'll sleep with you tonight, and your sister, tomorrow night."

"YIPPEE!" they shouted as they swarmed over to Kerry.

She cheerfully gathered her troops and went to the kitchen to put the final touches on dinner. Lester had prepared a pork roast with trimmings while Kerry went to get me. He cooked and cleaned on the weekend to give Kerry a break. According to him, it was his way to unwind from being a teacher at Central High School. His wife graded the papers for him. She had retired from teaching to raise the twins. They had inherited his parent's estate when they died in his freshman year in college. He only worked because he loved kids.

As I closed the car door, Lester hugged me, "I heard about your family, Terry. I grieve with you," he sighed.

I smiled at him, "Thanks, Les. I needed to hear that."

"Well, you know the proverb, don't you?"

"Which one?"

"Happiness shared is doubled, joy shared is halved."

"Frankly, I hope that that proverb is true, because all that I feel now is sorrow."

"I hope so, too, my brother."

We went inside where I basked in the Love of my extended family. The antics of the twins lifted away my clouds of gloom, and I was able to remember Maggie again without despairing. I knew that she was in Heaven with Joan., but my Faith was extremely low. II was questioning God about why He let them die. Why did He not heal them? Why must I endure such misery? I had taken many classes at Divinity University to become a Youth Pastor with a minor in Music. I love music, and kids. That was why losing Maggie was so hard. Joan couldn't have children after Maggie was born. She had endured sexual abuse that had scarred her womb. only the advent of experimental drugs let her conceive and give birth at the cost of her ovaries. Now, because of that drunkard, I was alone, alone, yet loved. With the love of my sister's family, I would recover.

As we were settling down to watch a Disney movie, the twins snuggled up to me, one on each side. Mary on my left, Murray on my right. They were wearing their pajamas [Mary wearing a Tinkerbell night shirt and matching panty, Murray wearing the Peter Pan version for boys]. We had popcorn, and Kool-Aid as it was too late for soda's fizz for them.

Mary sighed, "Too bad Maggie's not here, Unca Terry."

"Yeah, I miss her too," sighed Murray.

"I do too, kids. But I believe that she is in Heaven with her mother." ['These kids openness is helping me to cope with the loss, but there is still the funeral, and aftermath to come.']

"Do you know why God took her to Heaven?"

"He took her so that she wouldn't hurt, anymore, Mary."

"But doesn't God know that you miss her?"

"He does, Murray, but He wanted to help her too, Murray."

Oh," the kids chorused.


"Yes, Unca Terry?" They asked in unison.

"Please, I know that you miss your Auntie Joan, and Cousin Maggie, but it still hurts me to talk about them," I sighed wearily.

They hugged me close, "We're sorry, Unce Terry!"

II patted their bottoms, "That's OK, you two, you didn't know. Now, let's watch the movie."


As we were watching the movie, Kerry, and Lester were discussing my needs.

"My brother is not ready for what's to happen, Les."

Les looked down, "I know, Dear. But what can we do to help?"

"Be there for him. His need for vengeance will combine with his secret desire to change him. I must be there, or he will succumb to anger, and die," she wept.

"You mean his desire to dress as you?" he asked as he held her.

"No, Love. It's much more than that," she sniffed.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Now that his family is dead, he will want to become a woman."


"Yes, remember the first time that we met?"

"Yes, why?"

That was Terry."

Lester sat back as he thought about that meeting. It was at an ice rink. He saw a cute girl wearing a red skate dress lacing up her skates, so he went to help. She pecked him on the cheek for his trouble, and they skated away the night. She went to take a break, then returned after the first song ended. Somehow, when she returned, she was different.

"Now, I remember, he was wearing the skate dress for the first song, then you skated with me, thereafter," he chuckled.

She smiled, "Yes, he was looking out for me, then."

"Oh? Why?"

She caressed his cheek, "You had the reputation of being a scoundrel, and mistreating girls. When he danced with you, he saw what I see now, a gentle giant."

"I am glad that he did it. It's my cousin, Robby that's the scoundrel. We are mistaken as twins, all too often."

"Isn't he a prison guard?"

"Yes, at the County Prison."

"She giggled, "Good news then, Les."


"Robby shaves his head."

"Good, then I'll keep my locks, and grow a 'Van Dyke' beard."

"I like that, Lover."

They went up to bed to consummate their love, leaving me, and the twins to sleep on the sofa.


Days later, we had the funeral. It was a bleak, cloudy day. I stood before the marble gravestones, watching as the evergreen trees surrounding the cemetery swayed with the wind as the pecan tree that stood watch, filtered the sporadic wind, and dropped leaves and pecans. Up in the tree, I heard a chirp, and a cardinal landed on the gravestone. It looked at me with seemingly warm eyes as I stood there, as if it was waiting for me to say something. Finally, I was ready.

"Joan, Maggie, I know that you are in Heaven, but I have lost my Faith in God. I have no purpose right now, my Loves, and I need one. Joan, I made a vow with you to stay away from strong drink, but I may slip in my vow. I am a ship, without a sail. Please understand, because I can't. I know that there is something that I must do, but what? Maggie, you were my Princess. Now, you are God's Princess. I will return when I know what the future holds for me."

After I finished, the cardinal was joined by blue jay. Together, they bowed, as if to say that my family had heard, then they took wing, and a snow white dove, a white cat, and a bunny arrived. I knew that they were there, representing God. He was giving me an Audience. I felt strangely at peace.

"Lord, I thank You for taking my family away from their misery. But I am also angry at You. Angry that You did not heal them. I know not why You have done this, but I know that there is a reason. Please, my Lord, I need to know the reason."

The three Representatives bowed, as if telling me I had done the right thing, and that it was alright to find a way to have a life beyond the anger and immense sorrow I felt. That night, I had a dream where my need for an answer was met. Best of all, my family was there, too. They were dressed in white gown, and hose, and sandals. All of their hurts were gone. I saw them both, sitting on swings attached to an oak tree, waiting for me to sit in a vacant swing.

"Hello, Terry, Welcome to Heaven."

I hugged her, "Hello, indeed."

"I Love you Daddy."

I hugged Maggie, "I Love you too, Sweetheart."

"Please don't be mad at God, Daddy. He brought me and Mommy Home."

I sighed, I know that, Princess, but why He did it, I need to know."

I saw a man, dressed in white, with a hole in His hands, and a network of scars on His forehead. He radiated gentle warmth, and Love, Accepting me, faults and all, Under His gaze, I felt my doubts wither away as my soul drank in His Love. As I looked with Wonder at Him, He smiled, Terry, my Son, I am here to answer your questions."

As He gestured for me to sit, I sat, and He pushed me as I asked, "Lord, why did You not heal my family? I Love them. Without them, I am empty," I sighed.

"You have a destiny ahead of you to fulfill, or to live a life of despair and regret."

"What is this destiny?"

"If you seek Justice for your family, you will find your destiny."

"You mean that the man who killed my family does not pay?"

"He pays, but stays free."

"And my family suffered for nothing," I wept.

"It is up to you to stop him before he kills again."

"How do I stop him?"

"The choice is yours, but be ready to do what you must. There are others ready to help you right that wrong."


I awoke, ready to face him in court. Physically, I was sound, except for a few bruises, but not mentally. According to the psychiatrist, I was clinically depressed from my loss. Even after my dream, I continued to be glum. It was only when I was with the twins that I was anywhere near normal. Even then, I constantly focused on my loss. It was a month after the funeral that the case came to trial, and the verdict rekindled the flames of vengeance in my heart. Oh, he was found guilty of manslaughter, but due to 'incorrect' procedure, he walked.

He had a very slick attorney working for him, whose private investigator discovered the fact that the cop that arrested him neglected to obtain a search warrant to search his car's glove compartment. Because of that, the evidence of the bastard's booze was thrown out, and the breathalyzer was faulty too. As I sat in the judge’s chamber, I looked at a sorrowful grandfatherly type. I could easily see him as Santa Claus, laughing merrily.

"Your Honor, why did you ask me to come here?"

He cleared his throat, "I have bad news about the case, Mister Naut. I am sorry."

"What about the case?"

"I am sorry, Mister Naut, but due to inadmissible evidence, I must dismiss this case."

I stood up, "WHAT!?"

"Please sit down, Sir. I am appalled that I can do nothing else."

I sat down, defeated, "What went wrong?"

He sighed, "Due to a seldom used rule, the evidence gathered at the scene of the crime is forfeit."


"No search warrant."

"What? I never heard about that stupidity!"

"It was enacted when a visiting diplomat from Russia was caught with some porn in the limo that he was riding in."

I laughed hysterically as my Heart finally died within me. In that hour, I became an automaton of vengeance, awaiting the code before I acted. During this time, the judge called my sister, and Lester in and they looked on in shock at seeing my laughing and tears. When I was finally exhausted, Lester placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Judge Payne told us about the case, Brother. You have every right to go a bit crazy."

I looked over at him and spat, '"Right!? Right!? What of Joan's right to live!? What of Maggie's right to become a mother!? That bastard took them away!!!"

Kerry knelt before me, "Terry, even though the criminal case is dead, your civil case is not affected. The evidence is still valid."

I sighed, "Very well then, I will sue that bastard for all that he is worth."


Before my civil case went to trial, I went to the grave site to speak to my departed family. Although my Heart was cold within me, the fire of justice had ignited my soul with renewed purpose. This time it was raining, as if Nature herself was grieving with me. I got out of the cab provided for me by Kerry as I was still unable to drive. I got out of the cab with an umbrella, and two bouquets of roses. I placed them in the vases on the headstones, then the cardinal and blue jay alighted and looked at me.

"Hello, come to see me again, I see." I sighed.

They started to chirp, then drank out of the vases until a branch fell behind me.

"Go ahead, Joan and Maggie loved birds."

They chirped as I said their names.


The cardinal chirped.


The blue jay chirped.

"Are you here?"

No response.

"Are you here to look after the graves?"

They both chirped.

I held out my hand, "Joan?"

The cardinal landed on my open palm.

I gently petted the bird, and gave it a piece of bread, saved for it, "Thank you for looking after my wife, Cardinal. Joan loved the color red."

The cardinal chirped, and flew back to the blue jay.


The blue jay landed on my open palm.

I repeated what I did with the cardinal, thanking the bird for looking after Maggie. Then when it flew back, I cleared my throat and spoke to the graves.

"Joan, Maggie, I have bad news. The drunkard that took your lives escaped prosecution. But my civil case has yet to come to trial. Now, I have a new purpose, to see him pay for his actions. Normally, I am not a vengeful man, but his actions demand that I do what I can to bring him to Justice. But I need both of you with me in Spirit, so that I do not succumb to my despair. I am afraid to go on living without you, but I must. The Lord said that I would find a new purpose in Life. I need help to find it. I Love you both, but I must move on with my life. You will always be in my Heart."

The birds landed on my shoulders and kissed me, then flew off and landed on the respective tombstones. Then they flew up into the branches of the tree. I cried as I pondered the meaning of what happened. I had been given permission to do what I must. Now, I could attend to the court case with an open Heart. Before, I was afraid that I would be denied my chance by my family. Joan was a pacifist, and only believed in self defense. What I was contemplating was an attack upon my enemy. Once the verdict was in, I would be able to live, or seek vengeance.


During my civil case, I saw a man who believed that he was above the Law. Antonio Vincent Delano wore an expensive silk suit with leather shoes. His attorney, Arnold Brubaker wore a similar suit. He was a Harvard Law Graduate, and flaunted that fact in order to intimidate the opposing attorney and client. For all of his bluster, he was not all that impressive. He was more of a showman than an attorney, and my attorney knew it too.

My attorney, Frances Bell wore a red skirt suit, with white hose and red heels. She was very feminine, yet professional. She did not look like a slut at all. I chose her because we were Alumni from City College where she earned her degree in Civil Law, and continued into Corporate, and Medical Malpractice. She wanted to emulate her dad, Nathan Bell, who had become a Supreme Court Judge for the city.

Judge Al Watson was a man who was tiring of the corruption in the city. He had sentenced many a felon to prison, only to have them freed on some technicality. He knew that someone was bribing the warden and others, but was never able to prove it. With this case, he hoped to see some justice done, but knew that it wouldn't do much to stop the rising crime rate. He knew that there was a powerful figure behind it all, because certain areas were relatively untouched.

During the trial, Delano proved to be a bully who tended to intimidate and put down others. The final straw was when he questioned the integrity of the cops attending the scene of the accident.

"Mister Brubaker, you know good and well that the attending police officers were doing their duty. The only one there who was suspended was for medical reasons. SHE is pregnant. How dare you impugn her character!!"

He cleared his throat, "I apologise, your Honor."

"And furthermore, the evidence that YOU so conveniently question was made inadmissible due to a ruling used to protect diplomats. YOUR manipulation and abuse of the evidence has placed you on the list for license review"

"I apologise, Your Honor."

"Any more misconduct, and your client will pay with half of his estate, and you will be fined $10,000. Now, continue."

During the rest of the trial, Delano was hard put to refrain from his usual theatrics. He saw that Judge Watson was not a part of the 'Program', and would not allow him any leeway as he was use too. Members of the 'Program' were court officials who were paid to further the agenda of their benefactor. Very few knew who it was. All that they knew was that those on the 'Program' were safe from most crime as most of the crime was conducted by others under the command of the benefactor.

In the end, I was awarded $10,000,000 for my pain and suffering. What appalled me was the fact that Delano simply wrote out a personal check for the entire amount with a simple shrug. As if such an amount was a drop in the bucket. That and having his license suspended were what he paid, but it was an empty victory for me. I was still all alone. Even though I still had Kerry, and her family, it was not enough.

After the trial, I returned to my empty home and became a recluse. For nearly a year, I did nothing but drink myself into oblivion. I hired a maid to care for the house and the yard. She was a teen mother, needing a place to stay with her love child. Sandy Franklin had been kicked out by her parents for running away, and getting knocked up. When I took her in, she was a frightened child, beaten and scared. She fully expected me to force sex upon her. When she entered my home, wearing a top, matching shorts, hose, and sandals
I saw a child, needing love.

She sat down with her baby, "Sir, are you sure that you want to have us live here?"

"I am sure, Miss?"

"Sandy Franks, and this is my boy, Randy."

I held out my hand, "Welcome too my humble home, Sandy and Randy."

"When do you want me in bed, Sir?"

"Whatever do you mean?"


I sat by her, "Sandy, did you wear that to display your body?"


"Do you like wearing such clothes?"

Yes, why?"

"You will NOT be asked for sexual favors."

"I WON'T?"

"No, all that you will be doing is taking care of the place. Come, let me show you YOUR room."

When she saw her room, she cried. After I had led her to her bed, and placed Randy in his crib, she hugged me, drenching my shirt with her tears, " Oh, [sob] I messed up, [sniff, sniff] didn't I?"

"That's OK, Sandy. Want to tell me why you expected me to want sex with you?"

"My step-father used to rape me when I started to develop. That's why I ran away from home. Out on the streets, I sold my body for a place to stay. In time, I developed a list of clients who had me wear costumes for them. Eventually, I conceived and gave birth to Randy. Ever since then, sex has been a part of my life," she sighed.

I smiled, "OK, then. Here is the deal, you can wear your costumes, and flirt with me like I am your uncle. But you will attend school, and do your chores. In return, I will send you to college."

Sandy became a balm upon my Heart as she moved in and became a surrogate Joan. I never touched her. And she went on to become a nurse and married a doctor. But my Life stayed dark. For all of Sand's help, I was a zombie until my Heart's fire was ignites, causing events to transpire that would change the city.

To Be Continued...

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