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Part 1 By Arecee Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller |
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I was in the middle of one of my jokes when Mr. Copeland entered the classroom. Unfortunately the rubber band holding my ponytail decided it was time to fail at that moment. My below the shoulder hair flew everywhere around my head.
“Miss Collins, would you please settle down and be seated!” Mr. Copeland ordered, with authority.
Did I hear that right? Did he just call me Miss Collins? I guess my name doesn’t help and I haven’t been in his class long enough for Mr. Copeland to know me, but Miss?
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It was the third week of school and my first week in Mr. Copeland’s English class. I had been transferred into his class because of my foolishness in Miss Franklin’s class. I had been performing one of my stunts in front of the class and hadn’t noticed Miss Franklin enter the room. The rest of the students had though, but I thought the hush that fell was because of my great joking ability. The hush became laughter when she grabbed me by the ear and led me to the Principal’s office and my new home for English studies.
My name is Lynn Collins and I’m a freshman at my new school, Central High School. I live with my mother who gives me nothing but grief about my appearance. Her biggest bitch though, is about my hair. You know how moms are. If it isn’t combed perfectly, and it hangs over your ears - it’s too long. My hair hasn’t been that length since the sixth grade, which explains the rubber band that holds my very nice ponytail, thank you.
Mom puts up with the length because she spoils me. Ever since my father left us, she’s doted over me, and it’s not like I mind. Dad left when I was five years old. Mom went back to work because my father wasn’t making enough to keep us housed and fed. Mom was soon making twice what my father made and he couldn’t handle that. Mom said it was macho bullshit, but it didn’t matter to dad. He got drunk and took off in the car and that was that. We never heard from him again, except for the paperwork for a divorce, which mom signed. Mom’s a realtor and spends a lot of time away from home and when she and I are together, she lets me get away with more than most parents would. This isn’t to say I’m a bad kid; I just like to joke a lot.
Joking is my way of protecting myself at school. I’m not very tall but I am fit. I’m a member of the Central High water polo team and spend a lot of time in the water. It’s the one sport where my size doesn’t make a difference. Out of the water I’d be a sitting duck for bullies, but they respect me for my ability to make them laugh, which brings us to the moment.
I was in the middle of one of my jokes when Mr. Copeland entered the classroom. Unfortunately the rubber band holding my ponytail decided it was time to fail at that moment. My below the shoulder hair flew everywhere around my head.
“Miss Collins, would you please settle down and be seated!” Mr. Copeland ordered, with authority.
Did I hear that right? Did he just call me Miss Collins? I guess my name doesn’t help and I haven’t been in his class long enough for Mr. Copeland to know me, but Miss? I had to set him straight.
“It’s not Mi-,” I was able to blurt out before Mr. Copeland cut me off.
“Not another word Miss Collins, or I’ll send you to the principal,” Mr. Copeland shouted, emphasizing the point by slamming his hand on his desk.
I knew arguing with Mr. Copeland at this moment would be fruitless, so I kept my mouth shut. I would meet with him after class to correct his mistake. Unfortunately my only friend in the class, Mindy, decided his error about my gender was something to laugh about.
“Would you like to share your joke with the rest of the class, Mindy, or would you like to join the excursion to the principal’s office with Miss Collins?” he asked.
“I’m sorry Mr. Copeland. It won’t happen again,” she responded, with a giggle.
“I hope not, Mindy. Okay class, now that our entertainment is over, please open your books to page 47 and we’ll review yesterday’s lesson.”
Mr. Copeland began his review. I looked at Mindy and watched her smirk at me while she tried to stifle her giggles. How in the world could Mr. Copeland have mistaken me for a girl? Granted, I’m not very tall, but geez, I am built like a boy.
Mr. Copeland’s drone ended at the sound of the class bell ringing, to send us off to our next class. Mindy came out of her seat like a shot and ran to me. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room.
“Oh my God Lynn! That was so funny!” she laughed.
I wondered what could be so funny about walking to our second period class. I thought Mindy had lost her mind. “What’s so funny?”
“Mr. Copeland, silly! Thinking you were a girl. I thought I would pee my panties when he called you Miss Collins.”
“I couldn’t help it if my stupid rubber band broke. Let me go back and tell him he made a mistake. Tomorrow everything will be back to normal,” I said.
“Don’t you dare! This is too good to pass up.”
“What are you talking about Mindy?”
“Your hair! Everyone knows you like a good joke. What better way to fool Mr. Copeland?”
“Hello? Earth to Mindy - am I missing something here?”
“You silly goose. This will be the perfect joke! When you go to class, let your hair down and let Mr. Copeland think that you’re a girl. You know how anal he is. We’ll clue in the rest of the class and watch him make a fool of himself every morning. Come on Lynn, this will be fun!” Mindy implored.
Mindy was right, I did like a good joke, but having a teacher assume I was a girl didn’t sound like much of a joke to me. Being small was bad enough, and this would be a blow to my masculinity - a girl, indeed.
“That idea is plain stupid Mindy. I think I would rather put stickum on his desk drawer pulls.”
“Lynn, you’re such a wuss! Please... just try it tomorrow and see the reactions of the other kids? You’ll see! It’ll be funny,” she said.
My resolve was melting, and Mindy could see it by the expression on my face. What harm could come from one day. anyhow?
“Okay Mindy. I’ll do it. But one day only,” I said.
“Ooo, I knew you would,” she exclaimed excitedly, then gave me a hug.
Mindy’s hug made it worthwhile giving in to her.
The next day Mindy met me before class. “Take out your rubber band, Lynn, I want to do something extra to you hair,” she said.
“What extra?” I asked.
“I have to brush it a little bit. You have to look nice.”
I removed the rubber band and pushed it into my pocket. I would need it after Mr. Copeland’s class. Mindy brushed my hair and pulled it around a bit. When she finished she smiled at her accomplishment.
“There, that’s better, not perfect, but better than a bunch of hair flying around with no purpose,” she said, as she put her brush back in her purse.
We walked into class and heard the giggling of some of the students. They knew what was coming at roll call, and much to my dismay, I did too.
Mr. Copeland called roll and was nice enough to mention that he liked the fact that I had groomed my hair nicely for a change, and finished the compliment with, “Miss Collins.”
The class broke up, with predictable results. Mr. Copeland was furious at the outbreak.
“I don’t know what’s so damn funny, class! There’s nothing wrong with complimenting a young lady on her appearance. You young men should know that! I see enough of you boorish behavior around this school.”
That put the class over the top. Even I was laughing at Copeland’s remarks. I guess Mindy was right; girling up my hair would be funny!
Mindy and I continued our little prank for the next two weeks. I was tiring of it and was going to tell Mindy it was time to quit. The other students weren’t laughing anymore, and the before class and after class nonsense with my hair had worn thin.
Mindy beat me to the punch. After school one day, we stopped by her place, and she got a crooked little smile on her face. “Lynn, I was thinking, why don’t we play a prank on the whole student body?”
I didn’t like the look she had on her face when she asked me that question. “What kind of prank?” I asked nervously.
I knew how devious Mindy could be, and she knew I would do most anything she asked me to do. I was dead meat when it came to pranks. My hair thing with Copeland had proved that.
“Well, you know the homecoming game and dance are three weeks a way. You know how excited everyone is about nominating their class’s prince and princesses? I was thinking I should nominate you!” she giggled.
“Me? Have you lost your mind? I’m too short to be a prince. The poor princess would be looking over my head,” I replied.
“Not for prince silly, for princess!” she laughed.
I felt my stomach drop. She couldn’t be serious! I knew Mindy had to be teasing me. “You’re not serious are you?” I asked.
“Of course I’m serious! Think of what fun it will be fooling the whole school!”
“Mindy, fluffing my hair for Copeland’s class is one thing, but what you’re asking... can’t happen!” I replied.
“Why not? It would be fun!”
“Well for one thing, I’m not a girl. Don’t you think someone might notice something was missing?” I pointed at my chest.
Mindy giggled when I said that. “You silly goose! All I’ll need is a head shot. We’ll make some posters with your picture on them and ask for their vote. It’s simple. You won’t win, but it would be funny afterward to let everyone who voted for you know that they were voting for a boy.”
“That’s not funny! What happens if I win?”
“You won’t win. Ashley already has enough votes in our class to become princess. Come on Lynn, what could possibly go wrong? Please?”
I started thinking about it and my little devil made my decision for me. You know the one? It was like those cartoons with the good angel on one side and the bad devil on the other. I let the bad devil win the argument since I thought I would be safe.
“Okay, but I can’t look like a clown,” I said.
“Thank God, Lynn! I knew you would do it! I already talked to the event coordinator and submitted your name.”
“You already submitted my name?”
“I had to. Today was the last day, and I knew you would want to pull this thing off.”
“You know me too well, Mindy. This might be my best prank yet,” I laughed.
“Miss Benson let me slide on having your picture until tomorrow, but she said if I didn’t have to her first thing in the morning, you’d be disqualified.”
“I don’t have a picture, so I guess we’re out of luck,” I said with relief.
“Of course you don’t have a picture. I haven’t taken one yet, but before I do, I have to make you into a girl.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“Come on, I’ll show you.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room.
“Sit!” She pointed at a stool in front of a vanity covered with makeup, then turned me to face her. She looked intently at the face of the boy she was going to try to make beautiful. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, she put a scrunchy around it to keep my hair off my face. So far, this had been easy. When I saw the tweezers, I wondered what I had on my face that needed removal. I felt the first eyebrow hair pull out and yelped.
“Sissy! I do this all the time to myself. I only have to pull a few hairs, so this won’t take long,” Mindy said.
Mindy was truthful for once, well kind of. She didn’t take long pulling hairs from my eyebrows, but I had never seen her hands move so fast. After the first sharp pull of the tweezers, the rest became a blur of mild tugs. I hadn’t noticed how much of my brows were disappearing, but Mindy did. She had shaped my brows very nicely but hadn’t realized how much she had plucked until it was too late. Mindy might have been young, but she was an expert at shaping a woman’s brows. She had a look of concern on her face as she began my makeup.
Mindy is fourteen, as am I, but she had the skills of someone much older. She brushed on eye shadow, feathering it softly below my now, very plucked brows. Next came the eyeliner and mascara. She finished by lining my lips with a brush and drawing on lipstick. I thought she was finished - but then she added lip-gloss so that my lips would shine.
I had become mesmerized by what she was doing to me and sat in silence. She removed the scrunchy from my hair and brushed it until it shone. She found a pair of scissors and clipped a little here and a little there. She brushed some more and then sprayed my hair to hold it in place.
When she stepped back and looked at me, she gasped, “Oh my!”
“What’s wrong? Do I look like a clown?” I asked.
“No! Just the opposite. You’re beautiful! Look in the mirror.”
I turned around towards the mirror and stared at the gorgeous stranger looking at me. Her gaze unnerved me as I watched her continue to stare. Why was she looking at me so intently? And why did she have such a look of surprise on her face? I smiled and the beauty returned the gesture. Oh my God! What have we done? It was at that moment I knew what could go wrong.
“Mindy… my God… what are we going to do? I’m gorgeous!” I stammered.
“Take some pictures,” she giggled.
“I’m serious, Mindy! What if I win?”
“I told you not to worry. Ashley has this thing in the bag. She’s the most popular girl in our class, and she’s been campaigning for weeks. I promise you, Lynn, there’s no way you’ll beat her.”
“I hope not,” I replied nervously.
Mindy got a blouse with a scooped neck for me to put on. It was kind of cute; at least that’s what I think a girl would say about it. Mindy took at least twenty pictures of me, and then placed the camera on a tripod and joined me as the timer tripped the lens. We giggled and posed like two schoolgirls. I was having a different kind of fun with Mindy than I usually had. We were two girls having fun, and it was having a profound effect on me. I felt different, and I didn’t know why.
“We’re done with the pictures Lynn, so it’s time to take your war paint off,” Mindy said.
I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror for the last time. I liked the way Mindy had styled my hair. It looked like that girl on ‘Friends’. I had always had a crush on her, but I had never thought I’d ever look like her! The tendrils framed my face and I stared at my reflection. Who are you? I wondered.
I removed my makeup and brushed my hair into a ponytail again. I still looked like a girl. I hadn’t counted on my eyebrows making such an impact. At least Mr. Copeland wouldn’t wonder about them, and hopefully, no one else will notice.
Mom was still at work when I got home so I was able to let my hair down and cover the damage. She didn’t notice anything different so I went to bed after I did my homework and ate dinner.
The next day Mindy gave my photos to Miss Benson. If I had been aware of their conversation, I would have withdrawn from the contest.
“Here’s Lynn’s photo, Miss Benson,” Mindy said, as she handed my best photo to the contest director.
“My goodness! What a beautiful girl! I’m surprised I haven’t seen her around here before,” Miss Benson remarked.
“She’s very shy and keeps to herself. She doesn’t like to be noticed,” Mindy said.
“Well after the students see her picture, I wouldn’t doubt it if she were to be princess,” Miss Benson said.
“I doubt that. I talked to Ashley, and she told me she has the freshman class sewed up,” Mindy said, with all the confidence in the world.
“Ashley might win the freshman class, Mindy, but the prince and princesses are a total vote of all the classes. After looking at your friend’s picture, I doubt Ashley has a chance. Lynn is much to pretty to lose.”
“I’ll let Lynn know. Thank you Miss Benson,” Mindy said, as she walked toward the door.
“Oh, before you go, Mindy. I forgot to ask you what Lynn’s favorite charity is. If she wins, the school sends one hundred dollars to it in her name. Do you know which one she would like?”
“Um, I think the Cancer Society?” Mindy answered haltingly.
“That’s a good selection, Mindy. You’d better get to class, or you’ll be late.”
“Thank you, Miss Benson.”
Mindy felt sick at the realization that she and Lynn had make a very big mistake. This wasn’t a silly prank anymore and her best friend, a boy, was about to win something he shouldn’t.
“What did Miss Benson say?” I asked, as my very distraught friend walked toward me.
“She said not to worry, Ashley was a shoo in,” Mindy lied to me.
“Thank God! I don’t know what I would do If I were to win,” I said, feeling relieved.
The days passed and the final votes were counted. Mindy’s greatest fears were realized. I had won homecoming princess for the freshman class. To make things worse I was pissed! My best friend had lied to me and promised me that I would lose!
“Mindy, how could you?” I spat out, as I walked toward my friend.
“I’m so sorry, Lynn. I didn’t know,” Mindy groveled, as tears filled her eyes.
“You promised me that this would all be a joke! ‘Don’t worry Lynn, you won’t win.’ God, what am I going to do?” I asked.
“I don’t know Lynn. This is so messed up!” Mindy sobbed.
I’m a sucker for tears and hated to see my best friend in this state of grief. It went right to my heart. “Mindy, please... stop crying. We have to think of something we can do about this.”
“The only thing I can think of is to confess to what we’ve done and take the consequences,” she replied.
“Okay. We can go tomorrow before school. It’ll make Ashley’s day when she becomes princess.” I laughed, trying to mask my own nervousness.
The next morning we walked into Miss Benson’s office to confess our misdeed.
“Good morning, Mindy. How may I help you?” Miss Benson asked, in her most cheerful voice.
“Miss Benson, there’s something you must know about Lynn,” Mindy said.
“What’s that Mindy? Is she pregnant?” she laughed.
Pregnancy had become a big topic as of late. Several girls had tested positive and all girls were now suspected of giving up their virginity without using protection. Miss Benson was making a joke, but what Mindy was going to tell her would make her laugh until she cried. Maybe the crying would be more like it, without the laughs.
“Miss Benson, this is Lynn. He’s a boy,” Mindy said as her eyes filled with tears.
I was standing facing Miss Benson. I was wearing my usual boy clothes and my hair was pulled into a ponytail. The only thing feminine about me was my eyebrows, and even they didn’t look it today. I watched as Miss Benson’s face turned pink, and then red. It wasn’t one of those pretty sunset reds either. It was a purplish red that said ‘I’m going to kill you!’
“Mindy, is this some kind of joke? If it is, it isn’t funny,” Miss Benson said.
“No Miss Benson, I wish it was.”
Miss Benson sat in silence, looking first at Mindy and then at me. I could tell she was trying to gain control of her anger at us, and was failing miserably.
“Do you have any idea as to what you’ve done?”
“No, Miss Benson,” I answered.
“I’ll tell you what you’ve done. You’ve committed fraud. To make things worse, you could embarrass the school and add fuel to the argument that we should discontinue these popularity contests. The people that want this stopped don’t realize the good the contest does for the community. Are you two even aware of the commitment for the princesses?”
Mindy and I were silent and the look on our faces said it all.
“No, I didn’t think you did. When the votes were tabulated, the school sent a donation to your favorite charity Lynn. It was accompanied with your picture from the posters you used to get elected. I’m sure you wonder what harm could come from that? The harm, dear boy, is that you have to personally present the check to that charity at a luncheon three days before the homecoming game.”
“But I didn’t tell anyone that I had a favorite charity,” I stammered.
“Your friend Mindy helped you out there. She picked the Cancer Society. That isn’t the only obligation you have either. The day following the game, you have to make an appearance at Mid-town Convalescent Hospital. This was a tradition started forty-two years ago, and we haven’t missed a year since. This kind gesture has led to donations from many of the lonely people whose lives are brightened by this small visit into their lives.”
“But Miss Benson … How am I supposed to do that?” I asked.
“I’m not finished, Lynn. The day of the game, Styles Spa donates a complete makeover for the girls. Because of their generosity we let them advertise on the back page of the game program. These are three things we do for the community, and doesn’t include the responsibilities that you have for the school.”
“Don’t we just have to show up for the game?” I asked.
Miss Benson smirked when I asked that. “You silly little man, the game is the easy part for you! Before the game, we have the photo session with the Midtown Chronicle, and after the game you have to attend the homecoming dance. My sweet Princess, you’re going to have a busy week before the game.”
“But Miss Benson, can’t we give the Princess title to Ashley?” Mindy asked.
“Weren’t you listening, Mindy? Lynn’s picture has been distributed to the Cancer Society, and we also sent the same picture to the newspaper. No, dear girl, you two had better come up with a plan that won’t embarrass the school, and I want it by tomorrow.”
“Yes, Miss Benson,” Mindy replied.
Mindy and I left Miss Benson’s office and walked toward our lockers. “God Lynn… what are we going to do?” she asked me.
“Don’t ask me. This was your brilliant idea!” I responded angrily.
“I’m so sorry Lynn. I didn’t mean for this to happen. God, if my parents find out about this, I’ll be grounded for the rest of my life!” Mindy moaned.
“You’ll be grounded? What about me? If my mom finds out that I was impersonating a girl to win Homecoming Princess, you might as well find a gun and shoot me. Mindy, I’m so screwed.”
“Lynn, I’m sure we’ll think of something.”
“I hope so. Let’s get to class. We can talk about this at lunch,” I said.
Mindy and I walked to our class with Copeland. My stomach was in turmoil as thoughts of what I could do to get out of this ridiculous situation raced through my head. My mind had gone completely blank with worry. I didn’t even hear Mr. Copeland call my name for roll.
“Miss Collins. Miss Collins? Do you intend joining us today?” Mr. Copeland sarcastically inquired.
“I’m sorry Mr. Copeland,” I replied, as the class erupted in laughter.
The rest of the class went the same as my mind drifted, trying to think of a solution to my problem. The next three periods went like the first. My level of concentration had never been lower. By the time lunch break came I thought I would puke.
I joined Mindy by our lockers and we took our conversation outside. “Mindy, I haven’t been able to think of anything to help me out of this mess. Have you thought of anything?” I whined.
“Um, well, I did come up with one thing we might try, and I think it might work,” she replied.
“What?” I asked hopefully
“You have to promise not to get mad…” she said.
“If we can get me out of this mess, I’ll love you forever!”
“Promise first.”
“God Mindy, okay! I promise not to get mad at you.”
“Okay, you promised.”
“Will you please tell me what you want to do?” I begged.
“You’re going to have to become Lynn, the Princess.”
“I already am Lynn the Princess.”
“Right now, you’re Lynn - the boy Princess! You have to become Lynn - the girl Princess.”
“I can’t do that! I’m a boy.”
“Actually, you can. I can help you, and it won’t be hard to do.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“After school, you have to come home with me. I’ll show you how easy it is. Trust me. Lynn. Everything will work out,” Mindy said.
“I trusted you before, and look what it got me into,” I said.
“This will be different. If you look like I think you will, we’ll practice until homecoming. No one will suspect that you aren’t a girl by then.”
“For both of our sakes, I hope not. I think we should tell Miss Benson what we want to do. If she doesn’t go along with it, then we might as well not try.”
“I guess we should say something to her. I’ll meet you after school and we’ll see her.”
I met Mindy at the lockers and we went to Miss Benson’s office together.
“Well, if it isn’t the bane of my existence,” Miss Benson growled as we entered her office.
“Miss Benson? Lynn and I think we have a solution to our problem,” Mindy stated.
“And what’s that Mindy? Do you have some magic device to turn Lynn into a girl?”
“Um, not exactly, but you’re right about turning Lynn into a girl.”
“Ah, and how do you propose to do that?”
“I’ll train Lynn to act like a girl until this is all over. It shouldn’t be too hard, he really is very pretty.”
Miss Benson thought for a while before she spoke.
“Okay Mindy, I’ll allow it, but if anything bad happens, I’ll disavow any knowledge of your idea. You had better pray that this will work.”
“It will Miss Benson. I just know it will.”
“Lynn, how do you feel about doing this?” Miss Benson asked.
“I’m okay with it as long as it works. If I get caught though, I’ll be dead meat.”
“Well, I’ll help anyway I can. There are some things I’ll bring to school tomorrow. Don’t you dare mention this to anyone else. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Miss Benson,” we both dutifully answered.
Mindy and I walked home to her house after our meeting with Miss Benson. It was time for Mindy to turn the duckling into a swan.
“Let’s get something to drink. Want a Cokeâ„¢?” Mindy asked, as we walked into her kitchen.
Mindy took two cans from the fridge and opened them for us. “We have a lot to do if this is going to work. You’re going to have to become a girl as much as possible. That means learning makeup and fashion. You’re also going to have to groom yourself like girl, and we don’t have a lot of time for you to learn. All I ask is that you try as hard as you can for me, okay?”
“I’ll try Mindy. I trust you and I’ll do whatever you ask me to do.”
I felt defeated. I had allowed Mindy to talk me into this stupid thing in the first place, and now I was putting my life in her hands. I was screwed, no matter which way I went. Miss Benson had as much as said my life would be over if we didn’t make this thing right, and I didn’t know what else I could do except trust Mindy. My life felt like it was spiraling out of control.
Did I really want to try to be a girl? I had never really thought about that. When Mindy had made me up for the pictures, it had been fun. It was just fun though, nothing serious … except for the contest screw up.
If it hadn’t been for that, I would have been like any other boy, curious as to what I would look like as a girl. Now, everything had changed. I had to become a girl, at least temporarily, and I wasn’t so sure I wanted to. I remembered the last time I had seen myself as a girl, and I’d asked myself who was I? Was I going to become the stranger I had seen in the mirror? And what would it do to me on the inside? I honestly had no clue how I really felt about all of this.
I had never given much thought about becoming a man, other than the usual guy talk with the few friends I had. Those conversations were pretty much limited to, ‘I wonder if she’s real’ with regards to a girl’s breasts.
We never talked about how hairy we would become or how muscular; it was always little boy talk tittering about anything sexual. Now I was going to cross the line to the other side and I didn’t know the first thing about the side I was already on. I hadn’t started puberty - heck I hadn’t even turned fourteen yet! Now I was about to become a girl. The girls my age in school were starting to develop in their bodies. What would this do to my thinking?
Mindy interrupted my thoughts. “Lynn, are you alright? You look a bit sick.”
“Sorry, Mindy, I’m okay. I’m just worried that this might not work.”
“You silly girl! Of course it will work.”
“I’m not a girl Mindy. And it scares me when you think that I am.”
“I know you’re not. But it will help if I think of you as my girlfriend and it’ll help you, too. You have to become a girl for this to work, Lynn.”
“I know… but I’m worried something bad might happen.”
“Like what?”
“I could get beat up, or, I could, you know… like it too much,” I whispered.
“Lynn, all you have to do is play at this. You’re taking this much too seriously! No harm will come to you. You’ll probably be sick of being a girl when this is over.”
“I hope so. Okay, where do we start?”
“We start skin deep. You’re not very hairy, but what little you have must go. I want you to jump in the shower while I find some clothes for you to wear. While you’re in there, shampoo and condition your hair. You’ll find a pink razor on the windowsill. You’ll need to shave your legs and underarms. Be careful not to cut yourself.”
“Mindy, I’ve never shaved before. Do I just pull the shaver up my legs?”
“No silly, soap your legs first, that way it won’t drag on your skin.”
“Um, okay.”
I removed my clothes and stepped into the shower. Doing my hair was easy, although I didn’t use conditioner at home. Mindy’s shampoo was a little different than mine. Hers smelled like flowers, while mine didn’t smell much of anything. I washed the conditioner from my hair and had arrived at the moment of truth. It was time for me to shave.
I had always thought that one day I would look in a mirror, grab a can of shaving jell and lather my face. It would prove that I had finally become a man. I could decide whether or not to shave my upper lip, with the hope of growing a moustache or let my sideburns grow long. Now though, I had to confront something altogether different. I had to shave like a woman to rid myself of hair to make myself attractive for men. Did I really want to do this? It didn’t matter whether I wanted to or not. Miss Benson had laid down the law, and this was the first step, like it or not.
I lathered my leg with soap like Mindy asked me to do, but the running water washed it off as fast as I put it on.
“Mindy, I can’t keep the soap on my legs,” I shouted out to her.
Mindy walked into the bathroom and covered her mouth as she giggled, ”Oops! I forgot you aren’t a girl yet.”
I tried to cover myself with my free hand, which was easy, considering the lack of size down there.
Mindy could hardly conceal her laughter as she looked away from me.
“Lynn, put your foot on the shower wall and then lather it. That way the soap won’t come off.” She giggled, “Shall I turn around and show you how?”
“Don’t you dare,” I answered.
Mindy left the bathroom and I did as she instructed. I placed my foot on the shower wall and lathered my leg with the soap. It stayed on like she said it would. I placed the razor on my leg at my ankle and held it there. Would I have the courage to pull it up my leg? If I did, I was giving in to femininity. Oh sure! I knew guys on the swim team shaved their whole bodies, but I wasn’t going to delude myself to think I was doing this for swimming! I was doing it to become a girl! My hand shook as I tried to pull the razor up my leg. Mindy finally broke the spell I had cast on myself.
“Hurry up Lynn! We don’t have all day,” she shouted.
“Okay,” I mumbled.
The razor moved ever so slightly up my calf. It didn’t hurt and to be honest it felt kind of sensual. All my angst had been for nothing. I felt relief as the razor reached the top of my thigh. After that the shave went quickly. I finished my legs and did my pits next. I finished and knew why girls called them underarms, because they felt sexy. I turned off the water and exited the shower. I dried myself with a towel Mindy had brought to me. I felt my legs and much to my concern, they felt nice. They were soft and smooth and as I glanced down at them I realized they were very pretty.
“Lynn, here are your undies.” Mindy handed me a tiny bit of cloth that had lace all over it.
“What are these?” I asked.
“Panties. You certainly don’t think you’re going to become a girl wearing boxers, do you?”
I don’t know what I’d thought, but wearing panties wasn’t one of them.
“Do I have to?” I asked.
“Yes, you have to. Lynn, you’re going to have to get used to wearing nice things like those panties. By the time the Homecoming gets here, you’ll love wearing nice lingerie.”
All of this shaving and paying attention to things girls do was doing something to me, not just on the outside, but on the inside too. My legs looked pretty as did the rest of me, in a flat sort of way. I liked the way I looked. I also liked the way I felt. I felt softer, not just outside, but inside as well. I felt girlish, and I liked it. I felt as though a whole new person was being born.
“We have to something with your chest. Here’s one of my bras. I’ll help you put it on, but next time you’ll have to do it.”
I put my arms through the straps and Mindy hooked the strap behind my back. She started giggling when she saw my chest.
“What’s so funny?” I asked.
“We need to put something in those cups,” she laughed.
I looked and tried to stifle a giggle. The bra looked silly on my flat chest. Mindy took some pantyhose from her drawer and pushed them into the bra cups. It looked better. It also felt wonderful in a scary sort of way. The tightness of the strap around my chest was waking something inside of me. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t. I shouldn’t like this… but I was embracing what was happening to me. I looked at the mirror on the door and saw a girl! My hair was messed up and I had no makeup on - but I was a girl nonetheless! I smiled and the girl smiled back at me.
I wondered if this whole thing was going too far. I didn’t mind being made to look like a girl, but what it was doing to me inside seemed altogether wrong. I wanted so badly to be a big guy, and often dreamed of the day when I would finally change into that stud I wanted to be so badly. At least, that was what I’d always thought I wanted.
My penis would grow and so would the rest of me. I often thought about it at night, hoping that my puberty would come soon. Now, as I was being changed into a girl, new thoughts entered my head, and they weren’t good either! My dreams of a having large penis was turning into wanting large breasts. How messed up was that? I think that what was the most disturbing, though, was that I didn’t care about having a large penis anymore! I was thinking more about breasts and what it meant. It was more than a fascination. It also meant that I had desire, in part at least, to become a girl, and eventually a woman.
“Suck your stomach in,” Mindy ordered.
“I said to suck your stomach in. I have to put a waist cincher on you.”
“Because you have no waist. I used to wear this last year before I finally grew some hips. You’re not going to grow hips, so we need to make you look like you have some.”
I sucked my stomach in, but it wasn’t enough for Mindy to hook the back.
“Can you reach the top of the door?” she asked.
“I think I can, why?”
“Don’t ask why, just do it.”
I jumped up and curled my fingers over the top of the door. I noticed that it made my waist seem smaller.
“Now lift your feet off the floor,” Mindy said.
I did as instructed and felt the fabric around my waist grow tight as Mindy was hooking the clasps.
“There, done. You can let go now,” she said.
I let go and couldn’t breathe.
“Mindy, what did you do? I can’t breath!!!,” I whispered breathlessly.
“Don’t be such a whiner! All of us girls go through this bit of fun to look nice,” Mindy replied.
I could suck in enough air to keep from passing out - but just barely.
“Okay, it’s time for me to go to work,” Mindy said. “Sit down over here. It’s time to make you pretty.”
I sat on the stool next to Mindy’s makeup table, watching the evil grin on her face as she reached for her eye shadow collection. I won’t bore you with what she did next, but when she was done, the Homecoming Princess looked back at me from the mirror. I was in awe! Omigosh wow! I was speechless! The princess in the mirror was me!
“Okay, girlfriend! Time to get dressed,” Mindy said.
She went to her closet and removed a skirt and sweater.
“Here, let’s try these. The zipper goes in the back.”
Trying not to be clumsy as my mind was still reeling from what I now looked like, I lowered the sweater over my head, being careful not to mess my hair or get makeup on it. I stepped into the skirt and pulled it up my legs. I found that it wasn’t long enough.
“Mindy, this skirt’s too short,” I said.
“Are you serious Lynn? That’s how long it’s supposed to be. If it was any longer you wouldn’t be able to show your pretty legs.”
“I don’t want to show my legs! Please! Mindy! I just want to get through this thing!” I whined with trepidation.
“Lynn, if you want to learn how to be a girl our age, you have to become one. This is us, dear friend.” She pointed at my skirt.
I don’t know why the skirt was bothering me so much. I wore speedos at water polo shorter that that skirt. But for some reason, I felt exposed dressed as I was. I looked back into the mirror once again and realized my worst fears! My legs were feminine looking! In fact, most of me was feminine looking! This was so messed up!!!
“You know, you have pretty legs, Lynn,” Mindy said.
“Just what a guy likes to hear, Mindy,” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Maybe a guy doesn’t, but a girl does,” she replied.
Her compliment did sound nice, but it was wrong for me to like it! I wasn’t yet giving up hope of finally becoming a man.
“Mindy, this isn’t right. I don’t look anything like a boy anymore.”
“No you don’t! You have to become a girl for the next week and a half, and I really don’t want to see anyone but my pretty girlfriend when we’re together,” Mindy said.
“Do you really think I’m pretty?” I asked, wanting to know if what she said was true.
“Lynn… you’re gorgeous! I am jealous.”
“Of me?”
“Yes, of you! You’re my best friend and I wish I was as pretty as you are.”
“I think you’re pretty,” I replied.
“Thanks girlfriend, but you stand out. You are a Homecoming Princess!”
“Am I really that pretty?” I asked, trying for more compliments.
“Enough already, Lynn! You know you are. But looks aren’t everything. I look at you and see a pretty boy, but next week you have to be a girl, not a boy.”
I felt disappointment at that statement. When I saw myself in her mirror, all I saw was a girl. What was Mindy seeing that I had missed?
“I don’t understand Mindy. I won princess.”
“Your picture won the freshman Princess title, but now you have to become the girl that won. Being a girl is more than wearing some makeup and clothes. Being a girl comes from inside. When you become that girl you’ll understand what I’m saying to you.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“You’ll have to learn. You will have to move like a girl and think like a girl. We don’t have much time, Lynn, and now that you’re dressed as a girl we’ll work on you becoming one.”
I won’t bore you with what we did for the next three hours, but I no longer have a fear of high heels. I can also sit without showing my panties to the world. But I also found out that I was having fun in becoming a girl. My training ignited a spark deep within my brain - one I wasn’t able to extinguish… but enough of that until later.
“Lynn, it’s getting late, and my mom will be home soon. You have to change,” Mindy said.
I thought I would find relief when she said that, but I couldn’t have been more mistaken! I had grown to like Lynn - the girl, and changing out of these clothes would be like losing a close friend. Mindy helped me to remove my makeup and I was left to change back into my boy clothes.
Mindy asked, “What’s wrong, Lynn?” when she saw the look of disappointment on my face.
“You miss her, don’t you?”
Was it that obvious? “A little.”
Realizing that a special moment was occurring for her friend, Mindy commented, “Being a girl is different than what you thought it would be, isn’t it?”
“Kind of, I suppose. I thought it would be like a disguise or something. You know, put it on and take it off? I didn’t realize that I would… become a girl.”
“You finally did?” she incredulously asked.
I felt my face becoming flush. How was I going to tell my best friend that I was finding something inside me that I hadn’t known existed before? I hadn’t become a girl… well some small part of me had, but was I going to admit that to my friend?
“Mindy, that’s silly. I’m still one hundred percent American boy,” I replied with obvious uncertainty.
“Look Lynn, there’s nothing wrong with finding out that you like something new you discovered about yourself. You don’t have to hide it from me, I can tell something is bothering you.”
“Mindy, there is something wrong with this! You aren’t the one that’s going to get her ass kicked when she’s found out!”
“Then that’s just one more reason for you to take this seriously! Lynn, you have to make up for years of lost time becoming a girl. I was born this way, and you have to become as much of a girl as I am in a very short amount of time. I see something in you that says that you can do this. Trust me girlfriend, in two weeks, you’ll have forgotten all about that boy you think you are.”
“That’s what I afraid of Mindy! I’m not sure I want to even try to be a girl!”
“Sweetie, give it a few days. You’ll see. We’re going to have so much fun together!”
“I hope so Mindy, I truly do.”
I went home and Mom was wondering what could have taken me so long to do my homework.
“Mindy and I are doing a special project, Mom,” I replied.
“I like Mindy. She’s had nothing but a positive influence on you since you met her. I thought I would have to hire a tutor to improve your grades, but Mindy’s doing that for you,” Mom said.
“Yes, Mindy’s been very helpful,” I said.
“Does she have a boyfriend, or are you hers now?” Mom giggled.
“MOMMM! We’re just friends,” I said. Oh Mom, if you only knew!
I helped Mom with the dishes and went to my room. My thoughts were constantly returning to my training session with Mindy. I couldn’t help but think of the pretty girl that looked back at me the first time I saw her in the mirror. I had fallen in love with her the moment that I saw her! I wanted her to be perfect. I realized then that I had been given a gift. I had made up my mind and was determined to become her. I wanted to become Homecoming Princess for our school! I wanted to be… a Princess!
I went to bed and dreamed all night. Each dream was different, except for the fact that in every one of them, I was always a girl. I was a girl with Mindy and her friends. I was a Princess and lost my slipper like Cinderella. On and on it went - but I was never Lynn the boy!

To Be Continued...
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Thanks For Princess
Iam glad that Arecee decided to revise the story. It is too bad that it is inelgible for the upcoming contest, because it would be a winner.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have to agree with
I have to agree with Stanman, I sort of remember the first posting of this I read but I can tell this has a more refined way of putting the story across. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this revision.
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Well Done!!!
Well Done!!!
Excited to see this
I loved the original 'Homecoming Princess' the first time I read it on Storysite, but this is already showing a marked improvement. All the lessons you've learned from 'Show Me the Money' and 'Runway' are serving you well here, and the story seems very fresh.
I can't wait to see how the rest of the chapters develop. Even knowing the story well, I'm looking forwards to seeing what surprises you have in store for us.
Melanie E.
Perked my curiosity
I remember reading this a while back. I think the re-write is great as it allows the story to flow and my imagination to run amok.
Way to go ARECEE!
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
I'm watching this in wonderment
I'm going to compare this to the original which is on my back up drive. I always loved this story.
Bright Blessings
Thanks to my editors
Before anything else is said, I have to thank my editors, Sephrena and Holly. Thanks Sephrena for kicking me in the butt and prodding me to rewrite the original story, and Holly for finding horrendous mistakes in the original write. I'm indebted to you. Hopefully the second part won't take as long to rewrite as the first. Now I want to thank my readers who are taking the time to read this story for a second time, although it has changed a lot since the first posting. I hope you like the improvements, Arecee
Loved this story
Loved this story Arecee,
I guess having a name like Lynn and long hair could lead to a few problems in your life, Couple that with a wicked sense of humour, And you have the making of a good story {which this is} How does Lynn gets through this? well lets just say i'm glad that i did'nt read the original so its all new to me!! Anyway thanks for your rewrite can we read more soon...Please.
Now this is a real...
bad boy to good girl story with minimal forced feminization. But I can't help thinking that Lynn's mother must have seen the arched eyebrows the first time, and will be wondering about Lynn's movements, because like Mindy said, Lynn has to become Lynn the girl. In order to do that Lynn has to practice as much at home, as she does with Mindy and at school. And what about phys ed? Every boy and girl in high school is required to take gym. How are they going to do that without revealing Lynn's true identity? This is a good beginning, and I hope that between Mindy, Lynn, and Miss Benson, they can pull this off.
Love & hugs,
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Phys Ed
Some schools, especially in Northern California, will allow a student involved in a sport to take study hall after the season is over. Lynn is on the water polo team and hopefully no one will put two and two together. Arecee
Alternate activities
Some activities give the student a wavier on phys ed class. Way back when I attended high school, members of the marching band, Jr. ROTC, cheerleaders, and the drill team, just to name a few off the top of my head, were not required to take a standard phys ed class. It was considered that these activities provided enough of a workout to take the place of the normal phys ed classes. And all sports did so also, whether the team event was in season or not. But our PE requirements were less strenuous than other schools, we were only required to take one semester each school year.
They know they can survive
Credits Required
My middle son attended School of the Arts in San Francisco and had a PE requirement, but they had no PE program at the school. He fulfilled that requirement by playing soccer on an elite team. He was on three different teams during his four years of school. He was and is a singer and if he had been a dancer that would have qualified. Arecee
Nothing like a "cram course"
Nothing like a "cram course" to make you wonder what you are doing. Lynn apparently has a natural feminine facial features and most likely a body size that helps with the becoming a girl issue. What will Lynn's Mother think once her "daughter" comes out in the public, as I believe will be the case due to what Miss Benson told the two in her office. Should be very interesting to see how "Daughter" and Mother get along. Lynn, what a nice name.
:) Janice Lynn
Just came across this
I just came across this story today and I'm glad I did. I just love these kinds of stories and I have all the other chapters to look forward to.