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“Well, I used to be fueled by my temper and emotions. I would get so upset with things that I didn’t feel in control at all. All I could feel was rage and I wanted to take that rage out on others. My thoughts and emotions were way out of whack. On the other hand, now I feel very balanced emotionally. Sure I cry a lot more now but at the same time, I don’t feel that anger I used to. It’s like all my aggression has been tamed. It feels really good Ashley! I can think clearly.”
“So you like being a girl then?”
“I don’t know. I do know that I like the way my head is way more balanced now.”
“Well those clothes could be taken as male or female. I mean I know they are female clothes but they could very easily pass as something a boy would wear.” His mom tried to rationalize.
“Who are you trying to kid mom? Have you seen the way I look? I’ve got breasts…big ones and my butt won’t let me wear anything remotely male. I can wear boy’s pants but if they are big enough for my hips and butt to fit into they are way too loose around my waist. I end up having to cinch them up with a belt which just looks ridiculous. I end up looking like a girl regardless.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie. We will figure this out. If there are ways to feminize boys then there must be ways to masculinize them as well. I know how shocking this is to you and how much you must despise having to wear women’s clothes. ”
“Well yeah mom…I mean I’m still a boy mentally so of course I don’t enjoy having to wear these clothes.” Jessie replied.
Amanda was so happy to have her son back. He was there mentally for the most part. She could see a lot of his former personality coming through, although it was tilted towards the feminine side. The way he spoke now had a high pitch and he used his hands as he conveyed his thoughts. Did he realize how his actions had changed? He didn’t seem to catch on to how demurely he sat on the sofa.
She knew his male ego must have been extremely bruised by his situation and she didn’t want to point out anything else that would set him off further. Oh how he must hate having to wear those clothes! She thought of how having to put on a bra to keep his breasts in check must have turned his stomach. He was such a brave boy to hold his composure so well.
Jessie reached for a glass of water on the table. He was thirsty and felt a bit dehydrated. Even through all this he was grateful that his mind was once again his own.
As Jessie leaned forward to grab the glass of water Amanda noticed a pantyhose waistband peeking over his jeans top. He was wearing pantyhose? Why would he be wearing pantyhose? She did not feel right about asking though.
“Do you mind if Ashley comes over?”
“Not at all. She has been over every day and was very worried. Why don’t you give her a call? She’ll be very excited that you are up and about.”
Ashley was indeed very happy to see Jessie back. She rushed over and the two headed up to his room.
Jessie explained what had transpired.
“So she is freaked huh?”
“Yep, she feels really guilty about what she did. She bought me boy’s clothes and everything. Too bad they didn’t fit.”
“So what are you going to do Jessie?”
“I think I’m stuck. You know what the scary thing is? I know I should be incredibly upset that I’m not a boy anymore but I’m not. It’s like my mind has been permanently re-wired to think feminine. I know how I used to think and I would have locked myself in my room forever if I knew that you had seen me dressed like this but it really doesn’t bother me.”
“Do you think this is just temporary though? What if the tapes just haven’t worn off yet?”
“It’s permanent. I can feel it. It’s hard to explain but I don’t think like a boy anymore which I’m beginning to believe is a good thing.”
“How so?”
“Well, I used to be fueled by my temper and emotions. I would get so upset with things that I didn’t feel in control at all. All I could feel was rage and I wanted to take that rage out on others. My thoughts and emotions were way out of whack. On the other hand, now I feel very balanced emotionally. Sure I cry a lot more now but at the same time, I don’t feel that anger I used to. It’s like all my aggression has been tamed. It feels really good Ashley! I can think clearly.”
“So you like being a girl then?”
“I don’t know. I do know that I like the way my head is way more balanced now.”
Ashley was unsure what to think. Jessie seemed to be mentally there now. His personality showed through and he wasn’t the clueless drab he was prior. The effects of the conditioning were very apparent however. His mannerisms remained very feminine. He was like a mix of the old Jessie and the new Jessica.
“Well at least you aren’t wearing a dress!” Ashley said with a smile, “Did those urges go away?”
“Not quite but they have lessened a lot. I’m still wearing pantyhose under these jeans.” Jessie replied with a giggle as he lifted his shirt and pulled the waistband of the control top of his pantyhose.
The two shared a laugh.
Here he was voluntarily showing his pretty friend that he was wearing pantyhose. He knew that his male self would be absolutely cringing at what a gay move that was. “Hey look at me! I’m more of a girly girl than you and I am actually a boy!” he thought. Nope…didn’t bother him much!
Things had definitely changed.
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This combined person should be interesting to follow. At least the abuse is over but quite a learning curve ahead.
Memories Returning
One of the memories that should be returning is infatuation with Ashley's brother. I'm waiting for the fireworks when that surfaces.
Wrong 'memories' I think..
Any returning memories are those of Jessie, not Jessica. Jessie was not gay.
If there's an attraction (even though the kids haven't come out and said it), it's between Jessie and Ashley.
Physically, Jessie acknowledges that he's more 'girl', but mentally, Jessie is returning and as even he admits ... and likes ... is the fact that his old violent temperment has been replaced with Jessica's more even demeanour.
One problem does remain and the kids are aware of it, but letting Jessie's mom know is another matter. Driven by guilt, Amanda feels she has to give back what she and Susan took from her son.
Jessie has virtually admitted to her that Jessica's here to stay, but not in so many words. 'He' feels comfortable with who (s)he is. It's just a question of how to break the news to mom and get her to accept that she now has a daughter.
Unfortunately, that means Grandma won - in a fashion. She may end up with her 'Grandaughter', but Jess will be her own person, not some programmed puppet.
Vote to keep him as a girl
His life will be better as a girl. He still has to support his breasts!
Jess and Ashley
seem to be, to me at least, a better fit thah Jess and Jason.
Okay, the why . . . when Jason found Jess, he thought "she" was a girl. When he found out "she" wasn't, he went bananas. IMHO, he could be very abusive to Jess. Now Jess is finding a lot of help from Ashley in many ways. There seems to be a chemistry building between them. She's more accepting of Jess in his androgenous state, and, again to me, appears more than willing to be seen in his/her company.
To Jess, there's a long hard road ahead of him, his "girlieness" will raise a lot of questions at school, among his former friends, to say nothing about those ge may have bullied in the past -- there's a lot of trouble ahead, and, based on their interactions, I think Ashley wil be the one he will turn to for help. I believe she is his best hope for a decent future.
Annie in PA
Annie in PA
Taste in men
Ashley's taste in men tends a little more to the masculine side. There is definitely a deep bond growing between the two, but perhaps their relationship is more sisterly than erotic. Also, the conditioning in regards to clothing and mannerisms seems to have stuck, despite the absence of the tape, it is possible that Jessie may also retain Jessica's attraction to boys. If so, I agree Jason is probably not the right guy for her (unless he has a big change of heart when Ashley explains the whole story to him, and he realizes what an ass he's been, and really makes it up to Jess, and they fall madly in love with each other, marry, adopt children and live happily ever after) but there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Anyway, it's fiction and our storyteller has quite the imagination so anything is possible (and nothing is true).
What Will Be Inreresting
Will be seeing how Jason reacts to the news about Jessie. Can he be friends with Jess now?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
... Jason is even informed, and I don't see that happening at least until Jess(ica) gets sorted out with life.
Can they be friends? I doubt it. Jason already has drawn his conclusions from a 'first impression' and he has no reason or motivation to change his views.
Going by the story tag lines, it will be Jessica as opposed to Jessie that emerges, so to inform Jason or allow others to prematurely learn of Jess' predicament would not be in anyone's best interest.
However, I do think you'll see Ashley playing a much bigger role in helping Amanda and Jess(ica) as well as on a personal level with Jess.
Jason is the past
Wasn't Jason Jessie's old buddy who probably got him into the mess that Granny tried to clean up, I think the less we see of him the better.
There is more opportunity in Ashley and what's his name Scott the guy Jessica liked at the Mall?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
RE: Jason
Use the tapes, in a more limited manner - not to kill, on Jason. As I've commented a number of times, I'm surprised doing so never occured to Ashley since he was as big a pain as Jesse in general and probably more so to her as he is her brother.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Thats a thought!
Good one Jezzi, feminise Jason!!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
oh am glad that jess did not
oh am glad that jess did not get he surgery,YET< but am so looking forward to her continuing jorney, such a lucky gal
Wasn't this story posted on
Wasn't this story posted on FM? Hence, isn't it finished? What is taking so long to post chapters 51+??!!
Yes & No
Yes, it was posted on FM and no, it isn't finished. It will get done when the author has time.
They know they can survive