Kelly's Journey -18- Reunion

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 18: Reunion
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly meets alumni from her old Alma Mater who know all about her journey. In meeting each, she finds renewed friendship and blessings in their return.

Amazingly, my mini-concert and confession sparked off a long sought for Revival. Many of the members had fallen away due to hurt feelings and a general malaise caused by devoting way to much time to work or family. Originally, the Church had a congregation of nearly a thousand until the split.

It started with former Pastor Linden Avery and his hatred of all those who he believed to be unworthy of attending Church. It came to a head when he condoned the attack upon Uncle Jonathan Moore. Uncle Jon was in transition to become a woman when he was attacked on Halloween Night twenty two years ago.

The outcome was that he died that night because the attack castrated him, turning him into Debbie. The resulting strife over the incident split the Church with Linden losing his Pastoral License from the Church. He later formed his own Church which recently was disbanded.

When Pastor Patrick took over, he immediately started a healing process that healed many of the hurts and gave the Church the Vision to form the Special Needs School for handicapped students. Part of that Vision was to Minister to the trans-gendered, so under his leadership the Church openly sought out and invited them to join.

At first, both the Church and community were reluctant, but when the Rainbow Fellowship merged with the Church, the influx of openly crossdressers, gay, lesbian, and transgendered ended the doubt merging eased the doubt caused by Linden's confusion.

Slowly, over the years, those who left were returning. They had all come back because they enjoyed listening to my concerts and the Pot Luck Dinner served after the Evening Service. Now, the hurt feelings were healed and those that had stayed home were returning. Best of all, those returning were bringing in others as well.

To help the congregation to meld together, Pastor Patrick asked for Volunteer Counselors to help ease the returning members into Sunday School Classes and form new classes for the now burgeoning membership. It took a while to properly train them, but after training, the new counselors were able to smooth any ruffled feathers.

Because of the increase, Pastor Patrick finally got the help he needed in Associate and Student Pastors who lightened his load and preached the Sermon at different Services, what made it special was that I knew the new staff. I had met them in my journey and when the Call went out, they answered the Call.

*          *          *

Pastor Patrick Thomas West became the Senior Pastor, preaching at the Morning Worship Service. He was finally seeing his Vision come to fruition. He replaced Linden Avery when he was replaced after hurting Aunt Debbie and started spouting bigotry and hatred much as his White Supremest father had done before his demise. Pastor Pat's Ministry started a healing and reconciliation that now was complete in many ways, now we had to tend the added members.

Joanne Constance West, Patrick's wife became the Youth/Activities Director, gladly giving up the position of Music Director. Joanne was the oldest child of her parents and helped her mom to raise her siblings. She found that even though she loved music, her Calling was to care for children. She earned her Youth Director Diploma and minored in music. Because the Church needed both, she became both Music and Youth Leader.

Peter Matthew Downing Senior became Associate Pastor in charge of the Evening Worship Service and Sunday School as well as operating the Counseling Center. He retired from being the Catholic Priest of the Rest Area Chapel. He retired to let his 'adopted' son Peter Downing Junior take over. His long tenure and viewpoint led to sermons filled with humor and insight. His long life and wisdom balances well with Pastor Pat's vim and vigor.

Mary Grace Angelo-Downing, Peter Downing's wife became the Nursery Director of the expanded nursery. Before, it was run by the children's parents. But with the increase, the Church hired a complete staff. In the Convent, she grew up caring for the younger children, earning her Doctorates in Child Development, and Child Psychology. Under her leadership, the Nursery became a haven of peace for harried parents. Mary's love for children helped her to become the children's favorite Nanny.

Teressa Marie Downing, daughter of Peter and Mary, became a Student Pastor and Music Minister. She went to Seminary to become a Pastor and Music Minister. She learned to play the guitar, organ, and piano while growing up as well as the violin. She, as the Pastor of the Children's Church with help from Julie and her spouse Mark, taught the children Bible Stories and how to be a good Christian.

Harold Oscar Branch Senior became the Truant Officer after retiring and passing the torch onto his son Harold Oscar Branch Junior. Going back to being a Truant Officer restored his waning youth as he got back to the job he loved. As a Truant Officer, he proved to be a grandfatherly figure who the students loved.

David Lee Hornsby became the Boy's Head Coach, but still coaches at the Community Center. His administration and leadership of the Community Center and creating a Special Needs facility for mentally and/or physically challenged, and wheelchair bound people encouraged the participation of Special Needs people. He led several teams to earn a Championship Award or Trophy in different sports and now would work his special magic on the student body. He answered the Call for his position to give back to the Church he loves.

Benjamin Joseph Adam Cartwright became the Fleet Maintenance Engineer. In the public school, he taught them how to build a car from scratch, and for a student to earn a passing grade, they had to be able to rebuild a car from scratch. In his new job, he keeps the cars of the congregation running for the price of the parts needed.

Doctor Isaiah Ezekiel Benjamin became the School Physician. With a student body of five hundred and several sports teams, he was a much needed addition. His extensive knowledge of classic and exotic medicine gave him a much needed edge. His use of herbal remedies and of holistic and traditional treatments helped students and their parents with previously untreatable conditions to get well.

Rudy Jacob Franklin became the Principal after retiring. He found that he loved his old job and became the Church School Principal, letting his daughter Francine Daphne replace him at my Alma Mater. He started out as the Truant Officer and because of his rapport with the students, was appointed as the Principal where his popularity and rapport helped to keep many of the common problems at bay.

Andrea Lynn Woods became the Art Teacher. Her skill with painting and puzzles led to her scholarship in Art. She went on to earn her Teaching Certificate because she loves teaching and art. She willingly retired when Julie and Johnny were born so she could raise them. But by the time she was ready to teach again, my daddy died and she dedicated herself to raising me and her twins. Now she was returning to her career.

Charles Tyler Woods became the Mechanical Arts Teacher. Even though he still loved to cook and create new dishes, he earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering. Under his tutelage, the students would learn: carpentry, electrical wiring, mechanical drawing, and plumbing. He believed in being self-sufficient and teaching it to others.

*          *          *

"Well Kelly, I must say that your concert and fellowship sure has caused an up-swelling in the church. We now have new staff thanks to you," Pastor Patrick smiled. ['She is so selfless that she never sees just how good she is.']

I bushed, "Thank you Sir, I am both honored and surprised that there wasn't a riot caused by bigots," I sighed ['Am I wrong to be worried?']

Father Downing hugged me, "Now why would they riot Sweet Child? You simply told the Truth during that Service. Who can fault you for that?" ['Does she still worry about Linden?']

I cleared my throat, "Because I am a girl born a boy, and there are those that frown upon me like Linden and his ilk for that. Why can they not be happy and accept me for who I am?" ['Glad that Linden is put away.']

Sister Mary sat by me, "Child, during that service, you became a bold witness to others when you told them about yourself. Before you, they had no witness to the fact that God Loves and accepts the Trans-gendered. Before we met you, Mat and I knew nothing about the trans-gendered." ['Child, you are indeed Chosen by God for a Special Purpose.']

I sighed, "So, I Blessed them by telling them my story. Until now, I've been afraid to tell others that I am as you said: Trans-gendered. To me, I am simply Kelly, no more, no less ,with pranking a must," I giggled.

A new voice spoke up as she came into the room, "Well, you can't get any simpler a statement on yourself than that except for God's 'I Am.' Good for you Kelly." ['Daddy is right, she'd make a wonderful Minister.']

She was a willowy black-haired beauty with gray eyes, "Who are you?" ['She's wearing a Minister's Robe, is she new to the staff?']

She held out her hand, "I am Father Downing's daughter Teressa Marie. I am a student pastor here with Pastor Patrick I lead the Children's Church." ['Too bad the Catholic Church doesn't have women Priest.']

I shook her proffered hand, "I always thought that it took a few years to get a posting." ['She looks like a female version of her daddy, good thing that she looks cute, cause he'd NEVER make a convincing woman.']

She blushed, "Well, thanks to daddy and a photographic memory, I entered seminary while still in high school. Being a Catholic Priests daughter had me learning Latin and Hebrew as well as a thorough knowledge of the Bible, just as my brother who's replacing our dad at the Chapel. We both are following in our parents footsteps," ['How many daughters actually work with their parents in a job that they love?']

"What about your mother? Is she here too?" [Sister Mary is a sweet lady. She deserves to be happy.']

Joanne, Pastor Patrick's wife passed me a plaque, "She is our new Choir Director, Father Downing is our Associate Pastor, Teressa is our Student Pastor, while I'm the Youth Director," she smiled. ['With them here, the load is vastly reduced. Now I can properly lead the kids.']

"And all of this because of ME? I am truly humbled that I have been such a Blessing. When I first became Kelly girl wearing that Tinkerbell costume, I never thought that this would happen," I declared

Then I silently began to cry as I pictured the outgrowth of the singing. For years, Linden had been a dark shadow upon the Tri-County area, spouting his message of hatred and intolerance on the radio, television and in print.
He was at first backed and supported by local businesses until he came up against Mister Woods and his fellow businessmen who boycotted the radio and television stations that carried his message who then dropped him, leading him to form his own church that was recently shut down.

He was the instigator of the attacks upon Julie and me and Aunt Debbie. But now, after all of this time, his message was ended and my home was safe from such evil. Oh I know that there are others simply biding their time in order to start spouting the doctrine of hatred and intolerance, but with such leaders as was here in the Church, they would be waiting a very long time.

Sister Mary hugged me and dried my tears, "Why the tears Kelly? Are you sad or happy?" ['We owe her so much, until she came into our lives, Mat and I denied our children. She showed us the joy of parenthood.']

"Because God made me an Instrument of His Will. How could I NOT cry tears of Joy?"

I was embraced by everybody, then Sister Mary wiped my eyes, "Kelly, when you were a child, you reawakened both of our hearts. Because of you, we had the courage to be active parents to our children. And now my daughter is here, my son has taken over his father's chapel and your Church is now Blessed with Ministers that love and accept you. If you ask me, you've always been an Instrument of His Will." ['Just as my children, they both have gifts and talents that Bless others.']

"Even when I despaired?"

"Yes, even then. When you returned to us this set up the Revival that you started. Just don't get a swelled head," chuckled Father Downing.

"Don't worry. If I do get a swelled head, considering how tiny I am, I'd probably float away on a good gust of wind," I giggled.

"If that happens, we'll sell arrows to let the archers 'pop' your balloon," giggled Joanne.

Under such leadership, Sunday School teachers became well-versed in dealing with and accepting others for themselves. There were a lot of teachers that quit the Church because of it as well as others. But for everyone that left, ten replaced them.

This led to an expanding of the Auditorium as the walls were moved so that the Auditorium could fill out into a complete circle. The Church was built as a large number 'eight' with the auditorium the larger circle with Sunday School Classes on the sides while the smaller circle housed the offices and the Tri-County Bible College.

Now, the college would become the new Sunday School Building on Sundays, and the abandoned warehouses became the Gymnasium with underground pool. The other warehouses were turned into a football field, baseball field and parking deck.

*          *          *

With the new leadership, the congregation grew in strength and wisdom. The crime rate became practically non-existent as youth gangs became positive influences that supported and helped those in need and helped to clean up the 'hood. The youth gangs transcended school districts, making them truly community wide in their influence.

It's not that there wasn't any more turf wars, they centered upon more peaceful displays of bravado thanks to the influence of returning sports stars to the neighborhood. Augustus Armstrong: Heisman Award winner from Alabama, Chris W. Bond: Olympic Gold Medalist in Gymnastics, Sasha Nexus: Olympic Gold Medalist in Figure Skating, and Angel O'Hare: Olympic Gold Medalist in Cycling returned after winning there awards to help the home Church they loved.

I was in the Community Center Pool when I found out about their return. I was just about to jump into the pool when a tanned, muscular arm latched onto my shoulder, "Do they actually allow you to swim now Kelly? I thought that you were banned after you added Jell-o to the water, came a deep chuckle. ['Still the red-headed vixen I see.']

I turned around, not believing it, "CHRIS! IS THAT YOU!" I exclaimed as I tackled him in a hug. ['My favorite gymnast is back. He taught me a lot about gymnastics and dancing.']

He set himself for a tackle after I yelled, "OOF! Careful girl! You just about put me on my butt," he laughed. ['She still knows how to tackle. Good thing I was ready.']

I jumped back down after kissing his nose, "It's so good to see you again! I've missed your classes on gymnastics and dance just like the cheer and dance teams do." ['If I had been a girl, I'd have been a cheerleader or dancer.']

He led me over to a bench and sat down, letting me sit in his lap like he was Santa, "Well, you were the only boy in the group, looks like you've joined the girl's team. I've always thought that you should have been a girl, and now you are." ['And a very cute one to boot.']

I blushed, "Thanks Chris, I always knew that you and your wife supported me, how’s your wife Rachel Anne?" ['I still see her in the old cheerleader uniform. She got them skirted leotards that are now used.']

"We have a five year old son, David Andrew and a four year old daughter Madeline Elizabeth," he smiled. ['We always have liked that story.']

"Who do they look like, you are Rachel?" I asked mischievously. ['Wonder if he'd make a cute girl? His wife looks just like her dad, and she's a knockout.']

"Believe it or not, David looks like Rachel with my eyes and hair and Maddy like me with Rachel's eyes and hair." ['I still can't believe how Blessed I am to have my children.']

So, we have an Italian boy with raven hair, and hazel eyes, and a blond gray eyed Viking," I giggled. ['Both kids are cute no doubt.']

I saw Rachel come up. She looked real good in her swimsuit, "Well Kelly, how's the resident Polly Anna doing?" she giggled as we hugged. ['I see what Chris saw in her now, Kelly is truly a girl. Too bad she never joined the cheer team.']

"Aw! Come on Anne! I ain't no Polly Anna! Not with what I've been through! But how I wish that I was her in a way," I sighed. [I can never be innocent ever again Lord! Too many hurts.']

They both hugged me, "Kelly, you've been through more hell in your life than most people could stand. Yet you’re still here, you overcame the trials and are strong!" said Chris with conviction. ['I would have caved in.']

"Kelly, when I found that I was pregnant with David, I almost aborted. But your gentle comfort helped me to become the mother that I feared to become. I thought that I wasn't ready. You calmed my fears," comforted Rachel. ['To think, a girl born a boy showed me how to be a mother, Lord, Your Humor knows no bounds.']

I kissed both, "Chris, that Hell I wouldn't wish upon anybody, and if not for the Grace of God, I'd have died long ago. He gave me the strength that I needed. Rachel, I am glad that I helped you to be a mother. But I too am a parent. Julie's twins are mine, She had my sperm saved and had them after she graduated," I sighed. ['I can never repay her for her generosity to me.']

They looked at each other and chorused, "DAMN!"

I sighed, "Pretty much how I felt when they told me. I was her very first love I guess." ['But Mark is her love now.']

Chris smirked, "How do you like being a Father? Expect a Father's Day card from them?" ['What a card THAT would be.']

I punched him in the arm, "No Chris, maybe a Mother's Day card, we have yet to decide whether or not we tell them. I will be their Auntie Kelly and their Godmother." ['I'll let momma spoil them silly, I can't deny her that joy.']

"Why not tell them? Practically everybody here knows."['Knowing the Moore gene pool, they'll be redheads.']

"Rachel, we will not volunteer the information, but if they ask, we will tell them the truth. We have seen how certain people react to me, how would they react to me having children by Julie? Linden would have a field day if he was free!" ['THAT Hell, I want to spare my children.']

They huddled together for a few minutes, and then Rachel spoke, "We will support you in your decision. You three have chosen the best way to raise the twins as far as we can tell. We know that you three will raise them to be loving children. Just be sure that you tell them about girls like you." ['Your story is a Legacy of triumph.']

"What? You mean green eyed red-heads? Yeah, we are very mean when angry," I giggled. ['Daddy never did get momma mad, nor grandpa granny. They knew better just as my friends do with me.']

"You know what she means you imp," chuckled Chris. [Good joke Kelly.']

I graciously smiled, "Yeah, I do. And we will teach them about all of the trans-gendered. As a counselor, I learned that I am a T-Girl. Until then, I never knew that there are others like me." ['Me a Cinderella became one of many.']

Sasha sighed, "Until I got into the Olympics, neither did we. Finding out about others like you sure opened our eyes. And Linden's attitude is unfortunately all too commonplace in the world." ['But seeing Chris in one of my skate dresses for Halloween was wild.']

I looked at him and thoughtfully, "So Chris, you're saying that I had it easy? I went through a personnel hell." ['In many ways, I still am, but I am enduring.']

Rachel took my hand in hers, "Kelly, you have a family and friends who love and support you, Very few TG do. Some of them have suicided, some mutilated themselves, some have been hurt or killed. Some hide away, afraid to be themselves. The trans-gendered are the pariahs of the world." [' May our support help at last one Lord.']

I looked at them with great conviction, "Then it’s MY duty to help change the world! I too am going to be a counselor to the TG community and their family and friends. Before my becoming a girl because of that doctor, I'd have become a Sports Star like My Johnny and marry Julie. But now, I can not ignore my Calling. My family I know will support me, will you?" ['So far, all have supported me.']

Chris smiled, "Kelly, you have my support. That's part of the reason that I came back. I intend to teach the kids in the Community Center and high school tolerance about the TG Who's gonna argue with a Gold Medalist?" ['Still like seeing those girls in their leotards and training with them, but now I have the fun of teaching them as my parents taught me.']

Rachel laid her hand on mine, "And as a mother and nursery worker in the Community Center and Church, I can talk to the parents about their children or nieces and nephews if they are TG as well as family and friends." ['Kelly hates it when others sing her praises, but she has become the Spirit and Soul of this Community. Without her influence, this place would be like most places, without hope.']

Then we got into having fun in the pool and were joined by Sasha and her triplet sisters Tasha and Natalie and their spouses. Natalie married Mark Henry Nexus, Sasha's Coach and Tasha married Simon Montgomery Dorcas, Sasha's manager. We had fun splashing around, sunbathing and grilling that afternoon and in general, reestablishing our friendships. After that impromptu party, we went back to our respective homes and slept soundly.

*          *          *

The next day, I met up with Sasha again at the skate rink where we and her sister and their spouses discussed the changes in the community and why they were back. She wore a black skate-dress with Danskin tights while my skate-dress was white. After we had skated for awhile, we sat and chatted.

"Kelly, are you truly happy with Johnny after what happened?" ['When she despaired, I almost quit skating to return and help.']

I sighed and smiled bravely, "Pretty much, we are friends again, but the shadow of the betrayal lingers on. [sigh] He can't seem to forgive himself or possibly afraid to hurt me again Ariel. And truthfully, so am I." ['Lord, when will we be at Peace?']

Nat came up with her spouse, "I know how that is, Mark and I went through a lot of pain until we found we loved each other, then our perceived problems went away." ['Thank you Lord for Mark Henry.']

Mark hugged his spouse, "Now, not a day goes by that I do not tell her how much I love her. Before, she never knew, now she does. She is my everything." ['Lord, I pray that Kelly finds her True Love. ']

I pointed at them and giggled, "Yeah, your fights were the gossip of the school because you two all too often took up the opposites sides in any discussion. I thought that you too would go into politics since y'all were in the Debate Club." ['And both still continuing their debates today, but more genteel.']

Mark looked at Nat with a grin, "Oh, your not wrong Kelly, I am running for Mayor, Nat will be my Committee Director. And yes, we are continuing our debates. But have come to the conclusion that in many ways we were arguing for the same thing from different angles." ['No wonder God had us fight, made us better equipped for politics.']

"I see, keeping it all in the family. We need your leadership," I giggled. ['They are so well known, they're bound to win.']

"Who better to be my running mate," Mark guffawed.
"True Mark true," I sighed as I thought about their leadership.

They both believed in fair play and honesty in all things. With them, there would be an end to the corrupt leadership. It all began during Grandpa's generation. During the war, women worked in the factories while the men went to the front. But certain elements had kept back some of the women's wages to fund their agenda and continued to do so.

There were attempts at cleaning up the corruption with limited success, but too many of the entrenched corrupt had tenure, so they couldn't be deposed since their positions were appointed. Once Mark was in office as Mayor or County Commissioner, he would appoint new people and impeach the corrupt.

*          *          *

I left the rink and went up to the cafe with Sasha, "Sasha, to get back to our discussion, I will soon have the final surgery. I can not wait for Johnny. I must not let him keep me from being me. I want him there for my surgery, but if he's not, I'll go ahead anyway." ['I have to Lord, for me.']

We sat down and began eating our lunch, "I am glad to see that you're going ahead with your life. You need to be complete. I hope that you don’t become like me, alone," she sighed. [' And wanting.']

I hugged her, "You haven't found another lady friend to replace her yet?" ['Poor girl, guess there truly is only one soul mate for some.']

She returned the hug and sighed, "Oh, I have. She's just a bit shy and all because where she comes from, we lesbians are ridiculed for not liking men, they think that getting raped will teach us how to be women. If not for Pastor Patrick, I would've never been strong enough to be myself." [' Thank you Lord for Pastor Pat.']

"Me too, please understand that I find it kinda funny that you like girls, but your sisters likes boys." [Would I be comfy with her if she wanted me?']

"Oh, please don't get me wrong Kelly, I do like boys. But after being deflowered and having it bandied about the school by my date Jeff, I found comfort in Diana. I just wish that she hadn't contracted breast cancer after graduation. I was there when she died and saw her go to Heaven," she sighed. ['Diana, one day, I will join you when my days are ended.']

I saw the tender Love in her eyes for a friend, not a Lover, "If you ask me, you still like boys. Diana was there for you and helped to restore your confidence. Heck, she was the one that made Jeffrey wet himself in front of everybody and admit that he did it to score points. After that, everybody razzed him and supported you." ['Couldn't have done better myself.']

She laughed until she cried, "Thanks Kelly, I'd forgotten about that. I guess that my love for Diane overrode that memory. Do you think that I'm a lesbian? Or am I bi-sexual? All that I know is that I felt safe with Diana and Jeff." [Kelly seems to be able to cut through the angst and find the answer.']

[' I'll let her decide. I'll just have to ask the right questions.'] "Did you and Diane ever have sex?"

She looked me in the eye, "No, we did cuddle a bit, but not kiss. It was more like she was my sister really."

I patted her hand, "She was respecting you and not pressing you into anything, she knew that you needed time and space if she had asked. But would you have accepted sex with her or initiated it?" ['Come my friend, you are almost there. But you need to admit it to yourself.']

She squirmed guiltily, "I don't really know. I am not experienced in sex. I had sex only that one time with Jeff. I wouldn't know how to pleasure a woman, and am afraid to mess up." ['Am I getting excited just talking about sex?']

I saw that she was fighting against the truth, "What if she had asked you? Would you have sex?"

She sighed in defeat, "OK, I'll answer. I'd be uncomfortable, but would do it with her if she were alive." ['I feel better admitting that. But am I bi or a lesbian?']

"Well, what about other women, are there any that you fancy or fancy you?" ['This will be the answer.']

She blushed as she admitted to her love, "There is one, she's the new teacher here." ['OK Kelly, you win as I knew you would.']

"Sephrena Lynn Miller? If so, she likes you. She has dated other girls, but she kissed you at the Homecoming Dance. You made a cute couple." ['They both have been lonely, both need that Special Someone.']

"I know, we actually dated before I dated Jeff. Glad she came back to here teach, she's always wanted to teach to honor her parents." [Good thing she's a Computer Geek like them.']

"Well, she's seeing Jeff, maybe y'all should get together and see if y'all would make a threesome." ['Will she accept the idea?']

She jumped up as if shot, "Kelly, are you daft? Why would I try that? Surely even Pastor Patrick would frown upon such an activity." ['Is she crazy! Has being a girl finally gone to Kelly's head as Linden says it would?']

I gentled her back down, "Please go to them my sister, they both love you. Go and give that love a chance."

"But isn't such love a sin?" she asked, her eyes full of fear.

"If you ask me, NOT asking is the sin. Maybe you girls can have a lesbian relationship with Jeff there as the father for both of your children or even he can be a husband to both of you. The Bible shows several men had a lot of wives and mistresses. The choice is up to you and them, Please don't waste it."

"But that was then, not now. I'd feel silly being a second or first wife. I do want to be loved, only I can't decide on who between them, and I am not a Mormon," she sighed as she shook her head.

"That's why y'all need to decide together. Want me to help?"

She smiled at me, "No, I can do it by myself. Thanks Kell for talking to me. I needed your wisdom."

"Me? I am not wise, I simply helped you to see what you need to do. You were ready to listen to somebody, it just happened to be me."

She got up and left and I went to the dance studio where I knew that Angel O'Hare would be practicing a routine. She had teamed up with her sister Maggie [The Kitten] Caitlin. Maggie was her manager/assistant, basically, she did what was necessary to help Angel perform. They looked nearly identical, only Maggie's wavy brunette hair was different from Angel's platinum blond curls and crystal blue eyes.

I entered the studio and saw Angel wearing a tan body stocking and Maggie in a black one with her customary cat's ears barrette. I watched as Angel danced to the Rose in a way that told me that it was about me. I began to tear up as memories came flooding back of my journey up till now, ending with Aunt Debbie's speech about the two of us.

Angel came to the end of her dance and smiled at me, "Yes, that dance was for you my friend." ['She has been through Hell thanks to Johnny, yet it has made her stronger. May she blossom and not wither before her spring.']

I blushed, "Thanks Angel, I never saw my life turned into a dance before. You captured it just right." ['Seems that song is considered my theme song by everybody.']

She led me over to Maggie who had a table set up with refreshments for us while she went off to give us privacy, "Well, I've been working with Sasha in putting it to music. We've both done it to the same song for you." ['She'll go real shy when the Dance Team does it at the Cheer Competition.']

I sat and sipped some water, "But why me?! I'm not all that special." ['Yet, everybody treats me like royalty.']

She hugged me and sat down, "Oh but you are my sister! As you know, I am inter-sexed. Only after puberty hit did I really become a girl. Until then, I thought that I was like you, a girl born in a boy's body." ['Being so naturally feminine made it easier.']

"Me, I always thought that you were always a girl, we were both in the same Health class and you wore the girl's uniform and were on the Dance Team. Those outfits would have shown a bulge in your groin being so tight. Me, my bits were hidden with pantyhose and bloomers."

She smiled at my compliment, "Kelly, the only part of me that was a boy was my penis. No gonads. So I was raised as a girl. The surgery gave me the much needed girl parts. If not for the surgery, I couldn't menstruate." ['One day, I will find my Soul Mate as she has in Johnny. I Pray that they Bond before it's too late.']

"Can you have children? I know that I want to be a birth mother." ['Even though I have fathered children with Juliet, I still need to be a real mother.']

"Yes, when I find the right man. And I think that I have," she blushed.

"Oh? Who is it? You have dated a few guys that like you, but all are married now," I smirked The Lone Lady no longer alone.']

"Constable Sebastian's son, Cornelius Rudolph. We've been out and there was a spark when we kissed at the end of the date," she sighed dreamily. ['So handsome, like his dad.']

"Angel! he is so HUGE! Can you handle him?" ['SHIT! I meant tall, not his jewels!']

"He is as big as Johnny, so ask yourself the same question," she smirked as she pantomimed a guy's manhood.

"I meant both are tall and muscular, NOT well hung you Minx!" I giggled. ['Set myself up for that.']

"I know, but I simply had to go there since you'd have done the same to me, she tittered. ['Kelly the Prankster still lives I see in her laughing eyes.']

"You're right about their endowments though, before I became a girl, I showered with the team after practice. Believe me, BOTH are very well endowed," I deadpanned.

"My God Kelly! If I didn't know that you're a girl, I'd say you're gay!"

"Gay as in happy, yes. Gay as in liking boys, no," I blushed. [Touché Angel! You got me twice in a row.']

Maggie returned wearing her customary cat's ears, "Angel, time for your soak and massage."

"Massage? I didn't know that you were a masseuse, although you do have chiropractic training from your dad."

"Whirlpool massage Kelly, I am a registered masseuse and chiropractor. Do you want to join Angel in the pool?"

Angel sniffed her under arms, "Come Kell, we both need it, we both reek," she giggled.

I scrunched my nose from the odor, "Got me any clothes? I didn't bring any clean clothes." ['Should have, but momma was doing the laundry and I only brought a few changes that she was washing.']

Maggie held up three duffel bags, "Yep! Good thing we three are the same size, want matching hose or let your skin breathe?" she purred.

"Maggie, I don't wear hose while showering or bathing you rogue! No catnip for you," I giggled

"Well, you have worn hose with your bathing suits both at the beach and at the pool. Have to admit that you did look sexy in hose," she smirked.

"Footless hose with swim dresses, always a swim dress or tankini, or bathing suit with matching skirt."

"Yeah, you made more than a few guys wet themselves when they saw you. You may still have your boy bits, but you are most definitely a girl."

I hugged her, "Thanks Maggie, I only lack what my surgery will provide to become a woman. But I still wish that I could be like you and be a birth mother, I sighed.

Angel looked me in the eye, "Kell, I believe that you will be one because of your Faith in God."

"Angel, where I am concerned, my Faith falters," I sighed.

"Then trust our Faith Sister! Both of us expect for you to get pregnant knowing just how passionate you and Johnny are!"

*          *          *

Knowing that the older alumni knew and accepted me as I am helped me to see that my choices were right. I knew that becoming a woman was right, but now I knew that being a counselor was what I needed to be. When they returned to help out the Church after the Revival caused by my Confession, I knew that I was well on my way to completing my Journey.

To Be Continued...

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