Jacinta, part 15

“Ahh!” I screech as my ‘seat’ slides across the ground, threatening to tip me on my backside with every movement it makes. “Jeez- how did I let you talk me into this again?”

“You said you wanted a Valentine’s date that was truly unique,” the young Welshman replies with an almost sadistic chuckle as he fiddles with his controls. “I guarantee you, this is something no one will have ever done before!”

“There’s a reason for that!” I complain, grimacing as I feel the cold February air blow up my extra-short skirt. “And I’m not really dressed for it either!”

“Would you rather go on the back?” Lee asks.

“I’d rather go on the sofa!” I reply, earning a laugh from my boyfriend and, mercifully, bringing my ‘ride’ to a stop. As I climb out of my seat with all the elegance of a drunken orangutan, I can’t help but chuckle at the fact that my boyfriend is right- I am probably the only girl in the world right now enjoying this particular manner of date. Though that is for a good reason.

“Go and get comfortable, I’ll put Sheila away,” Lee says as he wheels away our ‘chariot’- a miniature electric go-kart he and his father built out of spare parts and a couple of stiff plastic chairs like you’d find at school. As uncomfortable (and terrifying) as the ride was, I have to admit, I am very impressed at Lee’s skill in building the thing (even if his driving leaves a lot to be desired). There aren’t many girls who have a boyfriend so skilled and creative, and fewer still who would have a boyfriend willing (often VERY willing) to date a transgendered girl.

After our brief ‘encounter’ following the New Year party in London, I wasn’t 100% sure I’d hear from Lee again, but instead, he’s become quite the devoted boyfriend, even with the 150 miles between our homes. Admittedly, I visit Cardiff more often than he visits London, but it’s not like there isn’t plenty to do in the Welsh capital (when we’re not in each other's pants, anyway), and there are two very good reasons why I’d want to spend more time in Cardiff. The first is that I have more disposable income than Lee, so can more easily afford the train fare, and the second is that I frequently need a break from the ongoing love story at home.

Obviously, I love both Telemachus and Ophelia like family, especially since Christmas. The more Telemachus opens up to me, the more I’m reminded of the first few months of college in Brighton when I got to know my BFF. It’s painfully obvious from what he says that he’s never had a ‘real’ family before, much like his wife hasn’t, and he’s clearly enjoying having a sister in me. While he only has eyes for Ophelia, he’s made every effort to include me in their lives and even tried to integrate into our wider social circle. He was front and centre at my birthday party two weeks ago, even though I know he finds those situations uncomfortable, and the gift he and Ophelia got me was incredibly thoughtful- a very authentic-feeling replica of a late Victorian-era dress (and, sadly, corset). The dress was later used with Katie's present- a photoshoot on Brighton pier, one of the most iconic landmarks of my hometown that was opened in 1899 when the dress was at its most fashionable. I really couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law- and yet, I still feel like an absolute third wheel when it’s just the three of us. However, when Lee drops round and it’s four of us, as two couples, it’s much less awkward, though I must admit, I never imagined my ‘Prince Charming’ to have a shed full of spare electrical and mechanical parts…

“More comfortable?” Lee asks as I elegantly (despite my sore muscles) lower myself onto his sofa.

“Much,” I giggle. “Remind me again why I had to go on the front of that thing?”

“Ergonomics,” Lee replies, making roll my eyes and chuckle. “I did warn you to wear something appropriate for being outside.”

“There’s a difference between ‘outside’ and that!” I remind my boyfriend as he flops down next to me and wraps his arm around my slender waist. “And besides, I have good legs, they deserve to be displayed, right?”

“Oh, definitely,” Lee replies, making me smirk as he strokes my nylon-covered but otherwise exposed thigh. My smirk naturally turns into a grin as he tentatively explores higher, poking a nervous fingertip under the hem of my skirt.

“God, you can’t wait to skip to the end of the night, can you?” I giggle.

“Another reason I thought you’d be more comfortable with me behind you,” Lee says, sneaking a cheeky kiss from me that makes me smile.

“Smooth,” I reply as I return Lee’s kiss, which quickly escalates as the two of us head upstairs to his bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later, the two of us are laid on Lee’s bed, both panting heavily and naked save for a fine sheen of sweat- and in my case, my thong, hiding the one part of my body that isn't 100% female. In the run-up to the New Year, I’d almost forgotten what it was like to have sex on a regular basis, even despite Ophelia and Telemachus’s regular (and often extremely noisy) lovemaking sessions, so it’s definitely nice to finally be getting ‘it’ again, even if Lee’s ‘technique’ is a little… Odd.

Even though I haven’t asked- and Lee almost certainly wouldn’t answer if I did (and I wouldn’t expect him to), I’m 99% sure that he was a virgin before the two of us ‘met’ for the first time. Not that that’s anything to be ashamed of, of course, as Lee’s only eighteen, but I still think he feels the need to ‘try’ harder than usual due to the age gap between us- and there’s still a part of me that wonders if he still considers himself a virgin, as though I don’t ‘count’ somehow. Logically, I know that Lee is as far from transphobic as it’s possible to get- he wouldn’t even look at me if that was the case, and the fact that his best friend is also transgendered definitely counts as evidence there, but the fact is that what I have underneath my thong is different from what most other girls have underneath theirs. And there are times I still wonder whether or not I truly ‘count’ as a girl…

“Ohhhhhhh yes,” Lee says between deep breaths. “It’s good to be bad.”

“You think what we just did was ‘bad’?” I tease as I rest my head on my boyfriend’s slender chest.

“Some people probably would,” Lee said with a snort of laughter. “I’m not one of them. Unless of course you see ‘bad’ as ‘good’.”

“Sometimes,” I giggle. “Do- do you ever worry, you know, about what other people say about us?”

“…This is your idea of pillow talk?” Lee asks.

“It’s 8pm, I’m not just going to roll over and fall asleep!” I retort. “Besides, you brought it up.”

“Yeah I did!” Lee chuckles, making me roll my eyes and giggle.

“Seriously,” I say. “You know this is important for me. I keep remembering Jamie-Lee Burke’s tales of her first boyfriend, how he was okay with her in private but when it became publicly known that she was trans, he dropped her like a stone, and-“

“I don’t care who knows,” Lee says, and I can tell from his demeanour that he’s serious. “I’m going out with a 5’ 10” model with an amazing body. If anything, I should be the insecure one.”

“…Why, exactly?” I ask.

“Lanky Welsh nerd who still lives with parents and whose idea of a fun evening is tearing around his garden on an electric go-kart?” Lee asks. “Going out with a pseudo-Angel?”

“Very ‘pseudo’!” I snort. “I’ve never even done ANY professional modelling, not really.”

“If I pay for £10 for a topless photo, would that count as professional modelling?” Lee asks, giggling as I give him a gentle punch in his side.

“It’d make me A kind of model,” I reply, before chuckling as Lee reaches over and lazily explores the 'contours' on my chest. “Not that that’s always a bad thing… You’re ‘energetic’ tonight, hehe!”

“I haven’t seen you since your birthday,” Lee replies. “Got a lot of ‘energy’ to burn off!” I giggle and bite my lip as I reach down and do some 'exploring' of my own...

After our second lovemaking session, the two of us pull our clothes back on and head downstairs, both of us too tired to ‘go for the hat-trick’. However, after an evening of Netflix (Lee has recently got me into a TV show called ‘Jessica Jones’), we head back upstairs to ‘burn off more energy’ before settling down for the night.

As always when I’m sleeping at a boyfriend’s house, I’m initially confused when I wake up in an unfamiliar room, but the presence of the tall, dark-haired boy in bed next to me quickly sets my mind at ease- especially as I snuggle up next to him, which once again provokes the 'desired reaction'.

“Morning, babe,” Lee says, giving me a quick kiss before relaxing back into the warm sheets.

“Morning,” I tiredly reply.

“What- what time do you need to leave today?” Lee asks, his tone making it clear that he’d prefer me to give as late an answer as possible.

“Just after one,” I sigh. “Kinda like to catch up with Ian before I head off.”

“I could put the spare kart together and make a literal ‘catch up’ if you want?” Lee offers, chuckling as I reply with an elbow in his ribs.

“BOY,” I reply.

“So’s Ian,” Lee reminds me, which makes me pause for a second. “We could always race the go-karts while you and Chloe talk, if you want?”

“BOYS,” I say with a derisive snort of laughter. “And their TOYS.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way?” Lee asks, chuckling as I roll my eyes. “You knew I wasn’t a one-woman man when you got together with me. Just a one flesh and blood woman man.”

“Good to know,” I say, allowing myself a quiet giggle as I snuggle in closer. “Chwilen knows I’m not jealous of her, heh.”

“Still wish you could come with us to Glasgow to record the show,” Lee sighs.

“Maybe next time,” I reply- though if I’m honest, the thought of spending several days in Scotland watching Lee tinker with and rebuild his machine is about as unappealing as it gets. However, in January, Lee sat through hours of me, Katie and Ophelia modelling and photographing dozens of dresses for our course, and while he did have the added bonus of seeing me in all the dresses, it must’ve been a dull afternoon from his perspective. I’m not sure what this says about our relationship, but it doesn’t exactly feel positive.

“If you insist,” Lee shrugs. “It’s still only 8:30, so we could, you know, ‘stay in bed’ a bit longer?”

“…Sounds good to me,” I reply, rolling over and wrapping my arms around Lee’s neck as we get ready to share something we both enjoy…

Just over an hour later, following a hot, refreshing shower, I pull on the chic skirt and top I wore yesterday and follow Lee- who, by contrast, is wearing a very plain sweatshirt and pair of jeans- down to his car (which was thankfully made my Volkswagen and not Lee himself). Naturally, before we set off, Lee ‘accidentally’ mistakes my thigh for the handbrake, but we’re soon on our way, and a short while later, we’re walking through a local coffee shop hand-in-hand, approaching a table where a petite ginger-haired girl and a familiar blonde boy are waiting for us- and whose fashion choices are just as contrasting as mine and Lee’s.

“Hi guys!” Ian says, standing up to give me a gentle hug, before sitting down and smoothing his baggy sweatshirt, which of course proudly bears the logo of Arsenal FC.

“Hi Jacinta!” Chloe giggles as she gives me a longer hug, taking care not to crease her short, patterned skater dress or damage her carefully-shaped pink nails.

“Hey you two!” I say with an excited squeak as I sit down (and not just because my backside is still tingling after last night). “SO good to see you again!”

“Thanks!” Chloe replies. “Gutted I couldn’t make it to your party 2 weeks ago, my parents are still being a pain about letting me go to London by myself.”

“Or with me,” Ian says. “Or especially with me, heh.”

“There’ll be one next year,” I shrug. “Did you two at least have a good Valentine’s?”

“Ugh, the BEST,” Chloe sighs happily as she leans into her boyfriend. “Ian actually cooked me dinner last night. Didn’t even know he could cook, heh!”

“Grandma’s been giving me lessons,” Ian shrugs. “Figured it’d come in handy at uni.”

“Reckon ours was more fun, though,” Lee chuckles.

“What did you guys do?” Chloe asks.

“Get scared shitless skidding around the garden on an electric go-kart,” I reply with a subtle growl at my giggling boyfriend.

“Oh- what?” Ian moans. “You let her have a go on Sheila before me?”

“BOYS!” Chloe and I simultaneously chastise, giggling as the two of them sigh and roll their eyes.

“I’ll let you have a go tonight,” Lee says. “Was thinking I could build up the spare kart and have a race.”

“So, Chloe,” I say in an exaggerated fashion. “Where’d you get that dress?”

“GIRLS,” Lee and Ian say simultaneously with resigned sighs, bringing smug grins to mine and the ginger girl’s faces.

“You heading back to London now?” Ian asks.

“Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “Got to get back to uni, it’s my final year and I have, like, a TON of coursework to do.”

“We’re snowed under too,” Ian says. “Gonna be lucky if I can get to London for Nikki’s birthday next month.”

“Ah, thanks for reminding me I have other ‘responsibilities’, heh!” I chuckle.

“And so ‘snowed under’ you found the time to build not one but two electric go-karts?” Chloe asks.

“They’re coursework as well,” Lee replies in a mock-offended tone. “That’s why they were remote controlled instead of, you know, not.”

“I know they are,” I say, giving my boyfriend’s arm a gentle squeeze. As flippant as he might be some- well, most of the time- he does take his work VERY seriously. It’s actually quite an endearing feature- he works hard at college, and is just as devoted to our relationship as well.

“It is half-term this week too,” Ian says. “But that’ll all be spent finishing off work.”

“ALL of it?” Chloe pouts, before smiling as her boyfriend gives her a gentle cuddle.

“…Maybe not ALL,” Ian says as I try not to sigh- even though Ian and Chloe will be busy over half-term, they’ll at least be in the same city as each other. More than can be said for me and my ‘Prince Charming’. "Got to work at the game shop too, which is where I need to head off to in a few minutes."

"Aww," I sigh. "You HAVE to come to London, if not for Nikki's birthday then just for a visit, I know everyone there really misses you."

"Yeah," Ian chuckles as he idly fiddles with the tattoo that I know he now proudly sports on his arm. "I- I'll try, but London still kinda sometimes brings up bad memories."

"Ah- yeah, sorry..." I grimace.

"S'okay," Ian says. "You can never etc. etc., right?"

"I always think so," I reply with a smile.

"And I'm pretty sure I won't be allowed to not go when Chloe's finally allowed to come with," Ian chuckles as a smug grin spreads across his girlfriend's face.

"Ian knows who wears the dresses in this relationship," Chloe says proudly.

"And who's boss at work," Ian sighs as he finishes off his drink. "Which is where I need to head now. It was good seeing you again, Jacinta, I promise I will make an effort to get down to London at some point."

"I'll hold you to that," I say, giving the young man and his girlfriend a gentle hug each as they leave, before relaxing back into my seat next to Lee and realising that this might be the last 'us time' we have for several weeks.

“…Is it just me, or have his shoulders actually widened?” I ask. “Not that I ever knew ‘Kayleigh-Ann’, that is.”

“I dunno, I never knew 'her' either,” Lee shrugs. “Impossible to think of him as a girl, really.”

“I hope that means it’s impossible to think of me as anything other than girl?” I ask, grinning as my boyfriend responds by giving my thigh a firm squeeze. “Right answer.”

“I’m good at quizzes,” Lee says with a smug grin, before letting out a sigh. “…I am really going to miss you, though. And not just because I won’t have a thigh to squeeze, heh. Can’t wait until I go to uni in London.”

“Me too,” I say. “Pretty sure I’ll be staying in London and not moving back to Brighton, even if I don’t end up working for Josh Benedict.”

“Can’t tempt you to look for any photography jobs in Wales, then?” Lee asks, making me sigh.

“My life’s in London,” I say. “But this- this is working, isn’t it? The whole ‘long-distance’ thing?”

“Oh- yep, sure,” Lee replies. “And the rule still stands, if either of us find someone- well, in the same country, you can walk away, no strings.”

“What makes you so sure I’ll be the one doing the ‘walking’?” I ask, before smirking as Lee once again squeezes my thigh.

“It’s pretty obvious,” Lee says with a nod as he stares sadly into my eyes. I can tell by his stare too that it’s not just the physical aspect of the relationship that he’ll miss. He won’t be the one doing the ‘walking’ as I doubt he’ll be doing any looking- and that almost makes me feel guilty.

Naturally, the two of us exchange several playful (and a few stronger than ‘playful’) kisses on the platform at the railway station, before I climb aboard and flop heavily into my seat for the long journey home.

A very large part of me is already missing Lee before the train even leaves the station- he’s not my boyfriend by accident, after all- but there’s a small part of me that’s also happy to be heading home. Lee’s a lot of fun to be around, but he really isn’t how I pictured my ‘Prince Charming’. When I’m swept off my feet, I prefer that it isn’t done by something with bucket seats and a radio control. Sometimes- and not just because he’s noticeably younger than me- it does feel a little like Lee and I are simply playing at being boyfriend and girlfriend, especially when I look at Ophelia and Telemachus’s obvious bond, or Sarah and Nikki’s, or even Lauren and her boyfriend. And despite the fact that I’ll almost confronted by strong, happy relationships, I’m already feeling homesick for London.

And yet, I can’t see myself being the one to walk away from the relationship, and I’m already looking forward to when I can next return to Wales. Lee’s not a ‘typical’ boyfriend, not like Simon was, and the last thing ‘Prince Charming’ should be is generic. Telemachus certainly isn’t, that’s for certain. He should be tall, and at 6’ 0” Lee’s got that covered, he should be handsome, which he definitely is, and most importantly, he should have a great sense of humour. Lee’s sense of humour is like the ultimate ‘Marmite test’- and, much like Marmite itself, I can’t help but love it.

The million dollar question is, of course, whether nor not I could love Lee full stop…

“I’m home,” I say with a tired sigh as I open the front door to discover my BFF and her husband sat in their usual positions on our love seat (yes, we have a love seat now).

“Good afternoon, Jacinta,” Telemachus replies. “Did you enjoy your time in Wales?”

“Yep!” I reply honestly. “Kinda glad to be home, though.” This part is slightly less honest though, especially when I sit down on the sofa and see that the couple have linked their fingers on both of their hands.

“How is Lee?” Ophelia asks. “Well, I hope?”

“He’s okay,” I shrug. “He’s built an electric go-kart now, spent a lot of yesterday evening driving me around in it. Whether I liked it or not.”

“That does not sound very relaxing,” Telemachus says, reminding me of how, like Lee, he isn’t a ‘generic’ boy either.

“I think he gets as much fun from building it as he does driving it,” I chuckle. “Sure you can appreciate that, Ophelia!”

“Are you suggesting that your boyfriend’s manufacturing of electronic and mechanical toys is somehow comparable to my fashion design career?” Ophelia asks with mock-offence, before letting out a gentle giggle. “Because you would probably be correct.”

“Though clothing of any category would have to be more practical than an electric go-kart?” Telemachus asks, the sneer in his voice making me frown.

“Well it’ll, umm, help his course…” I feebly reply. “I- I’m going to go and get changed, I’ve been in these clothes for 2 days, which as you know, is pretty much forever, heh!”

“We shall start dinner whilst you are changing,” Telemachus says. “There should be some hot water left if you wish to shower, too.”

“Hope that isn’t a hint?” I ask, smiling as the young white-haired man lets out an uncharacteristic chuckle, before snuggling even closer to his wife. As hard as I try, it’s difficult to forget that while Ophelia’s ‘Prince Charming’ is cuddled up next to her on the sofa, mine- or at least, my potential Prince Charming- is a three-hour train ride away…

I pass up Telemachus's offer, having showered at Lee's house before I left, but I do change out of my chic clothes and into a comfortable (albeit battered) pair of hipster jeans and a tight turtleneck jumper. I also leave my face make-up free as I’m not going anywhere tonight, I’m just going to be hanging out with Ophelia and Telemachus, and while they always dress up, I know that I don’t have to around them. Plus, my casual look provides a nice contract to Ophelia’s elaborate floor-length gown (and, obviously, her 20 inch corset).

When I return to the living room, I find my BFF sat alone on the love seat fiddling with her tablet computer, while the sounds and delicious-smelling aromas coming from the kitchen tell me that tonight’s dinner will be ‘a la Telemachus’, as has so often been the case since he moved in.

“You know,” I say as I sit down next to my BFF, “I wouldn’t have minded if we’d ordered pizza tonight. Or any night, really.”

“Too much junk food is bad for the body,” Ophelia replies. “Besides, Telemachus enjoys cooking for us.” ‘Us’? I think to myself.

“What are you working on?” I ask in a very unsubtle attempt to change the topic. “Coursework?”

“Amongst other projects,” Ophelia replies. “I shall require a new bikini for summer, and Sarah has asked for assistance designing the lingerie for her American friends’ wedding.”

“I’ll get Sarah to tell them to lay off the burgers,” I reply. “If you’re making a new bikini is there any chance you can do me one? Any leftover fabric you have should be enough to cover the important bits, hehe!”

“Umm, speaking of ‘important bits’,” Ophelia says hesitantly, “are you not planning to have ‘the’ operation this summer? From what I remember of Nicola’s recovery, she was not eager to wear a bikini for several months after her operation.” I sigh and nod at my BFF’s reminder- as enticing as a cute new bikini would be, it’s utterly insignificant compared to becoming a ‘complete’ woman. It’s worth sacrificing one summer in exchange for all the future summers I’ll be able to have as a ‘complete’ woman- though if I sacrifice this summer, it’s not just wearing a bikini that I’ll have to give up.

“Gonna make it especially hard to get on a train to Cardiff, too,” I muse as I sit down next to my BFF, her face now sporting a concerned frown. “What?”

“It will be particularly difficult to ride an electric go-kart too,” Ophelia says.

“That’s not exactly straightforward pre-op,” I retort. “But yeah, more- well, more ‘me’ means less Lee. At least for a brief while.”

“Have you discussed this with him?” Ophelia asks.

“Maybe briefly,” I shrug. “Lee’s not really a ‘serious conversation’ kind of guy.”

“That is the impression I get from him,” Ophelia says, before sighing. “Jacinta, you know I consider you to be my sister, far more so than any of my ‘actual’ sisters.”

“Same here,” I say. “Even though I’m an only child, heh.”

“As such, I feel a sense of protection toward you,” Ophelia continues, before sighing and- much to my shock- reverting to her natural accent. “J, I- I’m worried you might be a little TOO eager about this whole Lee thing.”

“…Coming from the woman who married her boyfriend less than a month after meeting him?” I retort, before letting out a low moan. “Sorry, O, I- I didn’t mean it like that…”

“Apology accepted,” Ophelia sighs. “But me and Telemachus are very similar people, you and Lee aren’t.”

“Opposites attract,” I shrug.

“Even though he’s only ‘Prince Charming’ in the sarcastic sense of the word ‘charming’?” Ophelia asks, making me roll my eyes.

“He’s sweet and funny,” I shrug. “And it’s a bit early to write the whole thing off, especially after Valentine’s Day.”

“But do you love him?” Ophelia asks, making my bite my lip- that is, after all, the most important question.

“…Like I said, it’s a bit early,” I reply. “Not everyone falls in love at first sight, Ophelia. Some of us have to work for it.” And god knows how hard I’ve worked these last few years…

“Very well,” Ophelia says, returning to her normal voice. “I can see that you do not wish to discuss this any further, therefore we shan’t.”

“Thanks,” I say, before sighing and reaching for my laptop to finish off coursework of my own. In the past, Ophelia and I could carry on conversations like this for hours. During our first year, when we shared a bedroom, we would regularly lay awake all night discussing, among other things, uni, our friends and, when appropriate, my boyfriends. Two and a bit years later, a conversation like that is almost unthinkable. And while it would be easy for me to blame Telemachus for this change, I have to wonder whether or not I have to share some of the blame- and whether or not Lee does…

I spend the rest of the evening doing coursework and watching TV with my flat mates, fulfilling my recurring role of ‘official third wheel’. Ophelia and Telemachus are only too happy to include me in their discussion, of course, and the latter has opened up to me a lot more since Christmas (I even learned that his birth name was Craig Bull, which is about as an inappropriate a name for him as ‘Jason Hanley’ is for me).This doesn’t change the fact, though, that as much as I love them and as much as they openly appreciate me, I am the third wheel, and every day, I grow a little more uncomfortable in my own home.

When I wake up on Monday morning, the happy couple are already awake and preparing breakfast together, happily chuckling away as I head to the shower. Once my body is clean from head to toe and clad in my trademark tight sweater and short skirt, I sit down at the kitchen table and wolf down the (admittedly very tasty) bowl of strawberry-flavoured porridge Telemachus made for me, all the while trying to ignore the unashamed display of love coming from the other side of the table. I’m so lost in thought, in fact, that I don’t even notice when the other side of the table goes silent and my two friends stare at me expectantly.

“…Yes?” I ask.

“Were you lost in your own thoughts?” Telemachus asks, a sly smirk on his face.

“…What?” I ask, confused by my friends’ behaviour.

“We asked if you are looking forward to today,” Ophelia explains. “Returning to your studies?”

“Umm, yeah, I kinda am, heh,” I say. “Though most of the day will be in the photography lab, finishing off work.”

“The same shall be true for me,” Ophelia says. “I still have a lot of work to finish for my fashion show dissertation.”

“Let me know if you want me and Katie to drop down at any point for fittings,” I say. “Take it you still want us as your models for the final show?”

“There is no one I would rather see wearing my creations,” Ophelia replies with a grin. “That includes my husband, as I feel he would not quite suit my dresses as well as you and Katie, hehe!” Ophelia’s uncharacteristic giggle makes me smirk, even if it does result in her linking fingers with her husband.

“I still believe that you should consider applying for the Masters course,” Telemachus says. “Your grades are more than sufficient, are they not?”

“They are,” Ophelia replies. “However, you know I wish to find work in the industry upon graduating.”

“Are you still looking at founding your own label with Sarah and Lauren?” I ask. “Think you were thinking of calling it ‘Solar Flair’, weren’t you? Like, as in S-O-L, your initials?”

“That is still the ultimate ambition,” Ophelia says. “Though with Sarah studying for a Master’s degree next year, that shall have to wait, and gaining experience in the industry is essential if I am to found my own label.”

“Though you would have someone to study with if you did choose to study for the Master’s degree,” Telemachus says, and it’s obvious to anyone why he’s eager for his wife to continue studying.

“Not looking forward to going into uni alone, Telemachus?” I tease.

“Not in the slightest,” the white-haired boy replies, making his wife giggle again.

“I shall always be waiting for you at home,” Ophelia purrs- actually purrs- as she leans into her husband’s embrace. “When I am not working late, of course!”

“D’aww,” I force myself to say as we finish our breakfasts and head to the nearest tube stop.

A short while later, the three of us are walking through the front door of our college, where we’re greeted by Sarah, Lauren and Katie, the latter of whom follows me to the photography lab with a wide grin on her face.

“So…” The freckled girl teases. “How was Wales?”

“Hilly and full of sheep,” I reply, making my friend snort with laughter.

“How were the inhabitants of Wales?” Katie asks. “Specifically, the ‘Prince Charming of Wales but with smaller ears’?”

“Thanks for THAT mental image,” I snort. “He’s fine. Busy with all his projects, heh.”

“Still thinking of London for uni in September?” Katie asks.

“Think so,” I shrug.

“Think so, hope so or both?” Katie asks, before letting out a half-sigh, half-chuckle. “Long distance relationships, eh?”

“Yeah,” I chuckle. I wish geography was the only problem…

“I had one once,” Katie says.

“How did it work out?” I ask.

“…I’ve been single for months, so not all that great!” Katie replies will a roll of her eyes. “It went well while it lasted, though.”

“How long a distance are we talking?” I ask.

“I live in Hammersmith, he lived in Peckham,” Katie replies, making me frown.

“You call THAT long distance?” I ask. “What does your map of the world look like, ‘London’ and ‘Not London’?”

“Problem with that?” Katie shrugs. “Relationship might have lasted longer if he’d built me an electric go-kart, though!”

“What, seriously?” I ask.

“You don’t think something like that’s cool?” Katie asks.

“Less ‘cool’, more ‘freezing’ when you’re sat on the front of it and you’ve cold a cold wind shooting up your skirt,” I snort.

“…Okay, I can live without THAT,” Katie says. “But in summer, like, you’ve got almost a beach buggy, right? THAT will be fun if, you know, he puts some sand tyres on it or something.”

“I suppose,” I shrug- that’s definitely something I hadn’t considered.

“Kinda wish I had a cute boyfriend who could build stuff like that,” Katie muses as we take our seats at our usual computers and load up the photos on our memory cards. “Kinda wish I had A cute boyfriend, heh.”

“Even one that doesn’t live inside the M25?” I ask.

“I’ve got a passport,” Katie says with a giggle as we get to work.

Despite her flippancy about the whole thing, Katie’s words do resonate with me. She and Ophelia- my two closest friends- are at completely opposite ends of the ‘relationship spectrum’. Ophelia is very happily married with a man who might very well be her soulmate, whilst Katie is possibly even unluckier in love than I am. Or rather, unluckier than I was. It’s funny how another girl fancying your boyfriend- or even hinting that she might fancy him- can make him seem all the more attractive, especially as we were both single and looking at the party where we hooked up. It’s also encouraging that on a ‘level playing field’, I was the one Lee hit on, despite my ‘handicap’. There aren’t many men who’d willingly make that choice, that’s for sure.

After a hard morning of work, Katie and I head to the college cafeteria, where we’re greeted by a very unexpected surprise.

“…Are we the first here?” Katie asks as we scan the crowded room.

“I definitely can’t see Ophelia OR Telemachus,” I reply.

“When was the last time we didn’t get here dead last out of everyone?” Katie asks as we grab our lunch, select a table and get sat down. “Been ages since we got our food this quick too.”

“I’m not complaining,” I shrug. “Gives us plenty of time to check out some of the hot guys in the room, hehe!”

“And what would your Welsh prince say about that?” Katie says with mock offence.

“We have an agreement,” I shrug. “Kinda ‘cause it’s, you know, long-distance.”

“Ugh,” Katie spits, making me frown.

“Problem?” I ask.

“Way to have your cake and eat it?” Katie says.

“He gets to look at girls in Cardiff too if he wants,” I retort. “We’re, you know, casual. And I’ve had so little ‘cake’ the last few years…”

“Well, that’s going to be the euphemism we use from now on, then,” Katie says as Lauren, Sarah and Ophelia arrive.

“Hey girlies!” Sarah says with a grin. “So… What’s the gossip today?”

“Jacinta loves ‘cake’,” Katie says, making me roll my eyes.

“Hell, who doesn’t?” Lauren shrugs. “Be careful of what it’ll do to your hips, though!”

“And there’ll be plenty of cake available this Saturday!” Sarah says with a smug grin. “Everyone got their train tickets ready?”

“Everyone had their shots for going so far north?” Katie asks with a giggle. “Though I’m not sure how much ‘cake’ will be available at a wedding between two women.”

“Would I be right in assuming that by ‘cake’ you do not mean baked goods?” Ophelia asks as my cheeks start to redden.

“Can you think of anything else that’s filling, good in small doses but really bad for you in excess and that yes, goes straight to your hips?” Lauren asks with a giggle.

“That’s enough ‘cake’ talk for today,” Sarah says. “Especially as Miss Hanley and I have an LGBT society meeting later tonight.”

“Are you suggesting that the ‘G’s wouldn’t like some ‘cake’?” Lauren teases.

“Or even this ‘T’?” I ask.

“You got enough ‘cake’ at the weekend!” Katie says, making me blush and bringing a noticeable frown to my BFF’s face. “Besides, I’m the one on a ‘diet’ at the moment…”

“Can we please dispense with the euphemisms?” Ophelia asks. “When it is plainly obvious that we are all talking about sex.” As if on cue, Telemachus arrives and exchanges a soft kiss with his wife before sitting down next to her.

“…Well we’re definitely not talking about it NOW,” Sarah says with a roll of her eyes.

“Just because your spouse is busy today,” Lauren teases. “Is Nikki doing anything for the wedding?”

“Only buying us new dresses,” Sarah replies.

“Um, excuse me?” I ask. “’Buying’ new dresses?”

“The three of us have been busy enough designing wedding dresses for Alexa, Jenny, Jess and Paige,” Sarah says. “Not to mention, oh, our dissertations?"

"We didn't even get the chance to do Nat or Zoe's," Lauren reminds me, making me sigh.

“Okay, okay,” I say. “Guess I can’t blame you being a bit stressed about uni, god knows I am, heh.”

“Fortunately, there’s always ‘cake’,” Lauren teases with a sly grin.

“…I have not observed Jacinta to eat that much cake when she is at home,” Telemachus interjects, earning giggles from all five of us- his wife included!

After lunch, Katie and I head back to the photography lab to continue work on our projects, though the freckled girl can’t help but get a few more digs in as we get stuck into our work.

“Is Lee coming to Manchester, then?” Katie asks. “Everyone gets a ‘plus one’, right?”

“He can’t make it,” I sigh. “Not a fan of weddings. Plus I promised I’d take Becky from the LGBT society, she always loves lesbian weddings.”

“I remember how excited she was at Snikki’s,” Katie says. “Ah well. Saves what little ‘cake’ there is there for me, heh!”

“Yep!” I giggle, even as I’m forced to admit to myself that I might look for some ‘sake’ on Saturday too…

Eventually, the college day comes to an end, and while Katie sticks around to work a little while longer on her project, I have no choice but to leave and head to one of the college’s smaller rooms, where Sarah and several of my other friends are waiting for me.

“Hello Miss Hanley!” Carl- the LGBT society’s chairperson- says in his almost stereotypically camp voice. “I see you walked here today, rather than riding in on your own chariot?”

“Oh- Sarah!” I hiss at my friend, who’s obviously grinning behind the iPad she’s holding in front of her face.

“What?” Carl protests. “I wouldn’t mind being ridden around the garden like that.”

“Are you giving out details of our sex life AGAIN?” David- Carl’s equally-camp boyfriend and the vice-chair of the society- teases as he approaches and exchanges a gentle kiss with his lover.

“Just that I wish I had a boyfriend who could build me an electric go-kart,” Carl sighs.

“Oh, stop being such a diva!” David chastises. “Not you, Jacinta. You’re entitled to be as much of a diva as you want, girl!”

“Thanks!” I say with a girlish giggle. “I’ll hold you to that…”

“Not literally, you won’t!” Carl giggles, giving his boyfriend a quick cuddle before going to greet the next arrival while I approach my still-giggling friend.

“Tell everyone, then?” I scoff.

“What?” Sarah shrugs. “Not like you don’t tease me every time me and Nikki do couples shit.”

“Yeah, but you two are, like, married,” I feebly retort.

“No ‘like’ about it,” Sarah says, grinning as she flashes her wedding ring at me. “Just like you and Lee aren’t ‘like’ a real relationship.”

“Well- I guess,” I shrug, sighing as I go to find my seat in the crowd (as the secretary, Sarah obviously sits at the front desk, while I sit in the crowd with the other ‘common folk’).

During the meeting, we cover the usual topics, but it’s when the meeting ends that the real fun begins, as all of us head to the Student Union bar to rewind with some much-needed drinks! When we arrive in the bar, a smile instantly spreads across Sarah’s face when she’s greeted by an unexpected sight.

“Hey you!” Sarah squeaks excitedly as she rushes over to her wife and greets her with a long kiss and a tight hug. “God, I missed you at lunch…”

“Me too,” Nikki sighs as she and Sarah share their special ‘secret handshake’ before sitting down at one of the bar’s smaller, more intimate tables.

“I swear they are the cutest couple EVER,” Jack- one of the ‘G’ members of the LGBT society- says as he leads me and a few others toward the bar. “One day I’ll find a man who makes me as happy as they make each other…”

“Good luck with THAT!” Violet- one of the ‘L’ members in her first year at the uni- says, giggling as Jack rolls his eyes.

“Good evening, boys and girls!” Becky suddenly says from behind us, surprising our little group and greeting us all with gentle hugs.

“Hey you!” I giggle. “Don’t know why I’m so surprised to find the president of the SU in the SU bar, heh!”

“Hail to the chief,” Becky replies with a smug grin. “You got our train tickets for Saturday all sorted?”

“Yep!” I reply. “Well, Nikki’s sorted them, but same thing, right?”

“Works for me,” Becky replies. “Thanks for taking me, I know you’d much rather be cuddled up next to your BOY in the hotel room.”

“It’s okay,” I shrug. “Thanks for not making me seem like a Jenny-no-mates, heh. Especially with Ophelia and her husband going together.”

“Another cute couple, despite being heterosexual, heh!” Becky chuckles. “So are you and the BOY, actually.”

“You’ve not me Lee though, have you?” I ask.

“I know all I need to,” Becky shrugs. “Obsessed with video games, toys and has a dick. Umm, er, no offence on that last one, J.”

“None taken,” I shrug. “I’m very happy that Lee has a dick, heh!”

“Better you than me,” Becky snorts. “I dunno. I’m not really the best person to be talking about BOYS, heh. Can’t wrap my head around how a hetero relationship can be as close, as intimate as a same-sex one. Especially one like Sarah and Nikki’s.”

“Kinda setting a high standard?” I muse. “Most Siamese twins aren’t as close as them.”

“When I meet the girl of my dreams, that’ll be me,” Becky says confidently. “No sense in settling for anything less, right?”

“Right,” I say, though I can’t shake her words from my head for the rest of the night.

As I’ve told both Sarah and Nikki on many occasions, the vast majority of the population aren’t lucky enough to have the first person they go out with be their soul mate. Or the second person they go out with, or the third, fourth, fifth… Or however many I’m up to by now. Becky does kind of have a point about hetero versus same-sex relationships- there isn’t a single thing that Sarah and Nikki don’t share, and nothing they can’t share, either. I’m not exactly going to be able to talk about fashion or make-up with Lee, and I’m not suddenly going to develop an interest in board games and electronic gizmos no matter how much he wishes I would.

However, that could easily apply to any relationship I have with any man. It was the case with Simon and his love of films, it’s the case with Lauren’s boyfriend and his hobbies, it’s even the case with Telemachus and his fascination with the Victorian era. I don’t want a boyfriend who’s basically a male clone of me, I want one who can me laugh and feel loved- and Lee definitely does both. I just wish I knew the answer to Ophelia’s ultimate question- whether or not I loved him…

After catching up with each other over a couple of drinks, Becky and I follow our designated driver and her wife out to their car, where we slide onto the back seat with happy, albeit tired smiles on our faces.

“Thanks for the lift,” I say to Sarah as she starts her car and drives us away.

“You’re welcome,” our drive replies. “Might make the other Mrs. Phillips-Thomas behave herself on the way home!”

“Don’t count on it,” Nikki purrs from the passenger seat as she playful reaches toward her wife’s thigh.

“SO cute,” Becky sighs. “What did you two do to celebrate the weekend, then?”

“By ‘weekend’ you mean ‘the 14th’, right?” Nikki asks. “I spent a good chunk of it freezing my arse off scrubbing graffiti off walls.”

“Ugh,” Becky spits. “Are you STILL doing that?”

“One more session tomorrow, then I'm FINALLY done,” Nikki replies. “Every second of it’s sucked, but I guess it’s supposed to.”

“Especially doing it over Valentine’s week when this is your first V-Day as a married couple,” Becky snorts. “Wish I’d given that blonde bitch a kick or two for you now.”

“V-Day’s never been much fun for us anyway,” Sarah explains. “I’m often sick, or something happens that tries to ruin it for us…”

“If you’re with the right person, you don’t need a special day to celebrate your love for them,” Nikki says as she gazes dreamily at her wife. “You can do that 365 days a year.”

“And believe me, we do!” Sarah giggles.

“I’ll say it again- SO cute,” Beck sighs.

“You’ll find your ‘Cinderella’ sooner or later,” Nikki assures the petite girl. “’Prince Charming’ is kinda being saved for someone else, hehe!”

“Thanks, Nikki,” I say with an overdramatic sigh that makes my friends chuckle. “Kinda hard to be ‘365’ in a long-distance relationship, though.”

“That’s what Facebook’s for,” Sarah replies.

“Not the same thing,” I retort.

“True,” Sarah sighs. “But if it’s meant to be…” Big ‘if’, I think to myself as the car pulls up outside my flat.

After thanking Sarah for the lift, I head inside to discover, as always, Ophelia cuddled up next to her ‘365’ on the love seat, dividing their attention between their coursework, the TV and, most of all, each other.

“Good evening, Jacinta,” Telemachus says. “I have left some dinner in the microwave for you if you didn’t eat at the bar.”

“Thanks,” I say before heading through to the kitchen. When I arrive in there, however, it’s not the microwave that I focus my attention on, but my phone. I have the usual raft of notifications on it- emails, notifications on posts on Instagram, and a slew of Facebook notifications- but none from Lee.

Naturally, I can’t help but be a little disappointed by this, even as I chastise myself for not following my own advice. How many times do I need to tell Sarah or Ophelia how rare love at first sight is before I start believing it myself? Hell, Lee’s a lot chattier than Simon was at this stage in our relationship. Even if I do seem to be unable to completely let go of Simon. And unable to not be envious of how close Sarah and Nikki are, or Ophelia and Telemachus are. Becky’s envy of those relationships (well, maybe not the latter) is proof that it’s perfectly normal to want more. Even if all I want to know is ‘is Lee the one?’…

I spend the rest of the evening finishing off coursework for tomorrow, but I constantly check my phone for any messages throughout the evening. However, none head my way before I go to bed, leaving me wondering whether or not Ophelia might have a point with what she said last night.

Tuesday goes almost identically to Monday- working with Katie at college, chatting with the girls about ‘cake’ and weddings at lunchtime and hanging out with my friends from the LGBT society in the SU bar after the end of the day’s studies. Unlike yesterday, however, my lift home is supplied by Lauren, and my ‘travelling companions’ are Katie and Ophelia.

“Telemachus not a ‘pub person’, then?” Katie asks as we drive away.

“He wanted to work on his project so he’s staying late at the library,” Ophelia explains. “So our car shall be girl only tonight, I’m afraid.”

“I would make a joke about all four of us being straight, but I think I’ll pass,” Katie says.

“Probably for the best,” Lauren replies. “Even if you did climb into my bed AGAIN last night.”

“Dunno if you’ve noticed, but it’s February and it’s fucking cold!” Katie retorts. “Some of us don’t have any man flesh on call 24/7 to cuddle up to…”

“Get an electric blanket,” Lauren says.

“We are not making ‘electric blanket’ a euphemism for ‘boyfriend’,” I say, earning giggles from the two girls in front of me. “’Cake’ is bad enough.”

“Feeling a little stressed after being on a ‘diet’ for 48 hours?” Katie asks.

"Piss off,” I snort.

“Right then, I’ll just jump out of a moving car,” Katie scoffs.

“…What?” I protest.

“Katie may be a little more ‘stressed’ than you,” Lauren explains as her BFF scoffs again.

“Ah,” I mumble. “Sorry…”

“No, it’s okay,” Katie sighs. “Probably doing myself a favour staying single until I graduate anyway.”

“Or lesbian, if last night is any judge,” Lauren teases, giggling as Katie blows her a very unladylike raspberry!

“Plenty of time for boys after I get my degree,” Katie says. “Especially if I get a job photographing all of Heavenly Talent’s hardbodies. I’ll just have to have an ‘electric blanket’ next winter, heh!”

“I thought we agreed no euphemisms?” I moan. “It’s not like my bed’s any warmer either…”

“Better occasional ‘cake’ than a crash diet,” Katie retorts.

“Don’t be too sure,” I sigh. “Nothing worse than having your ‘cake’ and not being able to eat it ‘cause it’s in another country entirely. Lee didn’t even so much as Facebook me last night…”

“Ah- now THAT isn’t on,” Lauren says. “You send your girlfriend a goodnight message, even if you are, you know, ‘casual’.”

“Okay, I take back my whinge,” Katie says. “But I’m not keeping you warm tonight.”

“…Really?” I ask. “All this doom and gloom because he didn’t send me a Facebook message?”

“You’re the one who, you know, drew attention to it,” Lauren says. “Michael messages me every night.”

“You’ve been together since you were four,” I retort.

“Fifteen, but still,” Lauren says. “I know you’re casual, which does mean ‘not serious’, but I wonder just how ‘not serious’ Lee reckons you are.” I open my mouth to reply, but I have to concede that the black-haired girl has a point- not many ‘Cinderella’ stories start with her and ‘Prince Charming’ being casual…

Another evening passes without any contact from my ‘boyfriend’, and as I lay down alone in my bed, I’m forced to come to the conclusion that while Lee may be a lot of fun, I can’t see him ever being ‘Prince Charming’. Katie might prefer the occasional ‘cake’ to none at all, but I need to know that what I’m ‘eating’ is good for me (and yes, you can take ‘eating’ literally if you want). And I’m not sure that Lee is. A woman can’t live on ‘cake’ alone, after all. And god knows there aren't many men out there was easy-going as Lee about a girl like me 'eating' with them.

My alarm clock wakes my early the following morning and after following my usual morning routine of showering, shaving off what little body hair I have and applying my make-up, I head back to my bedroom to pick out the morning’s ‘outfit’. As today’s Wednesday, we’re not required in university, but we do have a ‘class’ today- the sort of class where you’re required to wear a pair of pink tights and a very clingy black leotard!

After saying goodbye to Telemachus (he still has ‘proper’ classes to go to today), Ophelia and I climb into our waiting taxi, and within minutes we’re walking through the front door of the Krystie Fullerton School of Dance. Many of our friends are already here, including Katie and Lauren, who skip over to us the second we step through the door.

"Hey girlies," Lauren says in a more hesitant voice than normal. "We- we're sorry if we crossed a line yesterday, you know, talking about Lee..."

"Nah- nah, it's okay," I sigh. "You kinda had a point with what you said, I'm the one who overreacted. I've kinda had a lot of thinking to do since I got back from Wales, heh."

"Well... As long as you think the right things," Lauren says.

"And for what it's worth, 'cake' is always a good thing to think about," Katie teases.

"And to 'eat', too," Ophelia says with a smug grin.

"...Even you?" I ask my BFF, who replies with an extremely smug grin.

"Are we not here to dance?" Ophelia asks in a faux-sweet voice. "Are Sarah and Nikki not joining us today?"

"Nikki's working," Lauren replies. "Sarah is, well, incapable of going anywhere without her, so, well, yeah."

"I know the feeling well," Ophelia muses. "Telemachus would be here were it not for his studies."

"Dunno whether or not a leotard would suit him," Katie says, grinning as my BFF shoots her an evil look.

"He would be here to observe the lesson, as you are perfectly aware," Ophelia snorts as the four of us head toward the main dance studio.

"So, Jacinta," Lauren says in a hurried-sounding voice, "have you decided anything about what you're doing with Lee yet?"

"Ugh, not really," I sigh. "Guess I need to talk to him at some point."

"Okay," Lauren shrugs.

"Ooh, speaking of," Katie teases as we enter the studio to discover several familiar faces sat at the side of the room- including a very familiar face that I instantly hurry toward.

"L- Lee?" I ask the smug-looking Welshman who has his feet propped up on the chair in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Other than getting dirt on my missus's furniture?" Mikey- Krystie's fiancé, who's sat in the seat behind Lee- asks, smirking as my boyfriend sits properly in his chair.

"...Well I was thinking," Lee says, "I could spend all of my half term in Cardiff, or I could spend some of it looking at my girlfriend wearing skin-tight lycra. Seemed like a simple decision. Plus, I wanted to see some of Ian's old hangouts."

"Oh, piss off," the blond transman growls from the seat next to him. "Bad enough we got up early for this without you bringing back bad memories."

"I was about to say, what time did your train leave to get here so early?" I ask.

"Six twenty fucking six," Ian replies.

"Wow," I breathe. 6:26? I think to myself. I'd struggle to get out of bed at that time for a million pounds. Was Lee's 'radio silence' because he wanted to surprise me today? Have I misjudged him? 6:26am is definitely the sort of commitment a 'Prince Charming' would put in...

"Jacinta! Kinda waiting over here?" Krystie yells, making me blush as my friends all giggle.

"Sorry," I mumble, more to Lee than to our teacher. "Talk after class?"

"Sure," Lee says, exchanging a hesitant kiss with me before allowing me to join my friends at the barre, all of whom have smug looks on their faces.

"Okay, how long did you know about this?" I hiss to Katie and Lauren.

"Honestly?" Lauren replies. "Found out this morning when I got here and lo and behold, there's Ian and Lee. Didn't want to spoil the surprise for you, hehe!"

"Well- okay, thanks," I say. "I mean it. Now I know why you two were apologising, heh."

"That, and what we said was kinda shitty," Katie says. "Word of advice: don't dance too hard today. Want to save some energy for 'cake', don't you?" I grin as I glance back at my boyfriend, before beginning our warm-up on our teacher's orders.

Even though the morning is not so much a 'lesson' as it is an excuse to have fun and catch up with friends, I still eagerly glance at the clock throughout, willing the hands to tick over so that it can be over and I can talk to my boyfriend. Twelve hours ago I was debating breaking up with him- now I'm not so sure. Especially as he's come so far after such an early start...

"Hey you," I coo to Lee after the lesson finally ends.

"Hey me," Lee replies, grinning as he gives me a gentle kiss. "You were good out there. I think. I'm not an expert on ballet and the only Cardiff-based person I know who is would punch me if I asked him."

"Hehe," I giggle. "Still can't believe you're, you know, here..."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Lee shrugs.

"Umm, it's a two hour train ride?" I reply. "Can't have been cheap, either..."

"I sold Sheila," Lee shrugs, making me double take.

"...No you didn't," I say confidently.

"...Okay, no I didn't," Lee sighs. "But I did really want to come and see you. Even though it's only been three days, heh. Ian sees his girlfriend most days."

"Ian lives in the same city as his girlfriend," I remind Lee. "The same country, even."

"Exactly," my boyfriend shrugs. "Reckon, you know, I need to make more of an effort. Because, you know, I do, like, take this seriously, you and me."

"So do I," I whisper, even as I doubt the young man's sincerity. There's one thing he still hasn't accounted for... "I- I'd meant to contact you on Facebook the last couple of days..."

"Yeah, sorry about that..." Lee grimaces. "I've been kinda busy, coursework... Won't happen again. Promise."

"Well... Okay then," I say with a grin, even though Lee is far from convincing. "I can certainly understand about coursework, heh. So... Umm, want to go somewhere, get a drink?"

"...Dressed like that?" Lee asks.

"Well then I'll just have to go home and change, won't I?" I reply, before grinning even wider. "Coming?"

Needless to say, Lee did come. In more than one sense of the word. And when he left London later in the evening, I felt as miserable as I did when I left Cardiff on Sunday evening, and just as uncertain about what I wanted from the relationship.

Relationships are built on more than just 'cake'. You have to have certain things in common, and your differences do need to complement each other. My love of things like clothes and dancing don't exactly go hand-in-hand with Lee's love of engineering and videogames. But he does make me smile. There's no one in the world whose sense of humour is quite like his- certainly none of my ex-boyfriends' are.

Lee's Facebook faux pas can easily be put down to him being inexperienced as far as relationships go. It's no major deal breaker, but it does make me question his 'Prince Charming' credentials. Then again, getting up before dawn on a cold February morning is a definite tick in that box.

Ultimately, I do have to ask myself the big question- is Lee Prince Charming? More than that, do I love him? The answer to both questions right now is 'I don't know'. But there's only one way to find out- and I'm eager to get started!

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