NCIS - A time of Innocence, Part 2/2

“Tobias, I need a favour,” Gibbs asked on hearing the phone pick up.
“Hello to you too, Jethro.”
“I need to you pick up a case from your agency's end, My team has been running it for the past few weeks.”
“Ah,” chuckled Fornell “Who’s toes have you been pissing on this time?”
“Yours,” And you are less likely to throw a punch over it, Tobias.”
Agent Fornell sighed. “Fine, what is it?”

NCIS — Naval Criminal Investigative Service
A Time of Innocence
Part 2
A fan fiction
By Alyssa Plant
edited by Valerie Preston


Previously on NCIS.....
'“We’re getting a new probie?” asked Tony slowly. “Why?”'
'Officer David was leaning back against the closed door of the mens room, arms crossed with that same look of amused curiosity.
“What re you doing in here?” he squeaked indignantly.

“Maybe I could ask the same question?” she purred.'
'Flicking through the listings, Juliet found a meeting in Downtown Norfolk at a bar called Sally’s, it was five blocks over from the scene, and she was sure there would be a great deal of gossip… and it was meeting tonight.
It took a moment of soul searching to convince herself to do it, but she knew that her life had changed irreversibly. She couldn’t hide anymore, and she had to do this, for herself, and for the young lieutenant. Of course, her source of any information and method of obtaining it would remain her secret–Gibbs would understand that? Right?'
The Conclusion....
The next morning, Juliet dug deeper into her pillow as the alarm clock began screeching… It seemed aweful early… ugh, she didn’t want to leave the bed. Something felt odd–there was a warm presence in the bed beside her. What had she done?

“Murfph,” she mumbled.

“It’s 0400–it’s when I get up,” mumbled Ziva sleepily from beside her.

The sound of her friend’s voice brought the entire night swimming back to Juliet, the fear subsided somewhat, only to be replaced with a pressing need for the bathroom. Slipping her feet off the bed, she sat up and stretched in a catlike manner, yawning deeply. Then she made her way to the bathroom and relieved herself. As she was washing up, Ziva followed her in and dropped her shorts with complete indifference. Juliet began to blush furiously again.

“Pop in the shower, and I’ll find something breakfasty…. I usually eat on the way to work.” Ziva announced, flushing the loo. “Then we can get you sorted out, and into the office, yes?”

“I’m not sure.” Juliet began taking the offered towel. “What reason do we have for my being there? I mean… like this?” she shrugged, gesturing at her bra and panties.

“Well I would hope you are not going to the office in that–” Ziva chuckled, “Tony may not be able to function.”

“Ugh, you know what I mean…” Juliet scowled. “How do we explain it?”

“I was thinking…last night…” Ziva called as she slipped back into her bedroom. “This is your first time doing this. Well no, second… Either way, you are not expected to be natural I think? Perhaps practice is a good reason? Yes?” she replied sticking her head around the door. “Trust me.” She grinned before vanishing again. Juliet stepped into the shower, she wondered if trusting someone who killed for a living was a good idea…..

Juliet made her way back into the bedroom wrapped in the towel Ziva had given her. A set of clothes lay on the bed with a Post-it note on the top.

‘Juliet, wear this.’

Shrugging, she removed the note and held up the first item, it was a angora sweater in a deep merlot, that had a wide shallow boat neck that reached nearly from shoulder to shoulder. Juliet rubbed the fabric between her fingers, it felt gorgeous… Placing the sweater down, she picked up the skirt bellow. It was knee length and charcoal grey with a short slit on the right hand side that stopped a few inches above the hem. A skirt… great… She could see Ziva’s logic, a skirt would help with the supposed ‘getting in character’ charade, but she didn’t like the idea of it… not around work…

With resignation, she let the towel drop, and slipped on her underwear, followed by the clothes, and the unopened packet of opaque pantyhose beside them. Ziva clearly wasn’t a skirts girl… Happy that everything fitted, she retrieved her purse, and applied a light foundation and a spot of liner and mascara in the bathroom mirror, before making her way into the kitchen to find Ziva.

“It all fitted ok?” Ziva asked without looking up from the stove.

“Yeah.” Replied Juliet absentmindedly, slipping onto one of the breakfast bar stools. “You really wanted me in at the deep end didn’t you?”

“Well I thought it would reinforce things…” She shrugged, finally turning around. “Ah, you did your makeup… good.” She grinned, munching on a slice of toast. “We can pretend I did it…” She smiled, sliding a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of Juliet, before leaving the kitchen to get dressed herself.

Juliet ate quietly, she wasn’t hungry–she was too nervous–but she knew it would be a long day; it always was in NCIS. She couldn’t remember a day since the academy when she had been able to eat at regular times, a habitual breakfast-skipper during college, she had fast learned to change her routine. At first, Ziva had seemed quite closed; a very independent person who rarely let her guard down, but Juliet had seen another side: she actually cared about people, she was funny, a good listener, and sensitive, despite her protestations otherwise. A very different woman to the one he had heard referred to as ‘Gibbs’ attack dog’.

“You ok?” Ziva asked, appearing at Juliet’s shoulder.

Juliet nodded, pushing her plate away from herself. “It was delicious, thank you. We ready to go?”

Ziva nodded and handed her a bag with her dress and boots in. “Wear these.” She said, handing Juliet a pair of flat court shoes. “If Gibbs sees you in those furry things he will know something is missing, no, amiss, yes… id never be seen dead in them…” she laughed.

“I like my Ugg boots,” she replied defensively, pouting like someone had taken away her favourite doll.

Following Ziva out of the house, she left the bag in her own car, before joining Ziva in hers for the drive to work. According to her, it would allow the pretence more depth, and she didn’t know how the marines on gate guard would deal with her presentation and ID.

Pulling into the gates of the navy yard, Juliet felt a pang of fear: Marines didn’t tend to be the most open minded and sensitive types. At least not the ones she had met; what if they made a scene? Arrested her?

Pulling up to the guard station, Ziva rolled down her window and flashed her ID badge, and through they rolled. A cursory flash of her ID badge at the security guard on the main door of the NCIS building and she was in the lift up to the squad room with Ziva.

“Any other day, I’d be concerned about the lax security.” Juliet Sighed with relief as the doors closed.

“Its not lax.” Replied Ziva Calmly. “They recognise you… and you’re with me.” She shrugged.

“Recognise me? What the hell?” replied Juliet with a hint of fear. “What if they tell someone?”

“Relax little one.” Ziva chuckled. “They see that long blonde haired agent that is working with Special Agent Gibbs’ team. People really don’t look so closely in an organisation this size….
Anthony Dinozzo strolled into the squad room at six am, still half asleep. Although walking past Agent Felton using the photocopier had soon dealt with that. Damn, federal agents just kept getting hotter he mused to himself as he slung his briefcase on the shelf behind his desk and dumped himself into his chair. Ziva was chatting to an attractive blonde he hadn’t seen around before, the two of them were sat at her desk, talking quietly together. Tony knew he really ought to mind his own business, but the childish desire to know what Ziva was upto was too much, and a chance to talk to the little nymph wouldn’t go a miss…. It was early, but he liked to get a good workout before breakfast…

Slipping out of his chair, he smoothed his jacket before approaching the pair.

“So.” He announced, making his presence known. “How is my favourite Israeli National this fine November morning?” He beamed broadly as he craned his neck in an attempt to catch sight of the computer screen.

“Nothing Tony.” Ziva replied calmly, “Just the case.” She replied with a sly grin, catching her companion’s eyes.

“Who’s this?” Tony beamed, turning to the other woman. “Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo… I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”

The blonde blushed shyly and before she could open her mouth Ziva interjected;
“Tony, This is Detective Benson from Norfolk PD, she’s helping me with some investigations.”

The attractive little thing was a cop? Now he was interested…

Juliet looked at Tony for a moment, he genuinely didn’t see it was her… or him… whatever…

“Juliet Benson.” She smiled, offering her hand. “I’m working with Officer David on your current case. We have reason to suspect that it is not isolated. And after speaking with NPD, we want NCIS to take the case… We’re snowed under.” She shrugged apologetically.

Of course, they had spoken to the head of homicide over at NPD, but the little ruse was becoming more amusing by the moment, and Juliet found herself liking the way Tony looked at her.

Tony smiled. “How so?”

“Well we found a number of other murders of transgendered individuals in the area, different MOs, locations, but it’s all too coincidental. Your Officer David and another… Agent Samson? Spotted this link and phoned us this morning.” Juliet continued with all seriousness, while Ziva found herself struggling to not laugh.

“Well if you like, we could discuss the case over dinner tonight?” Tony beamed, oozing sugar. “Say about 9? At your place?”

“I ah, Sorry.” Juliet mumbled. Tony was trying to pick her up? Was this how much of a manwhore he really was? “I’m busy.” She shrugged. “Another time.”

Unwilling to let it go, Tony was about to open his mouth when the elevator chimed, announcing its arrival. Gibbs strode into the squadroom, his drug of choice in hand, just like any other morning…

With a scowl, Tony vanished back to his desk.

“David, Samson.” He called, “What was the urgent voicemail on my machine about?”

“You have a machine Boss?” Tony asked incredulously.

Ziva bounced to her feet and approached Gibbs’ desk. “Sir, we had a breakthrough in the case… We did some legwork and we think this case is bigger than originally thought… We called NPD, and they signed over a number of other cases to us, that we think, is the same guy…. Twelve to be exact…”

“You had better have a good explanation for keeping us on this till Christmas David…” And what’s my probie doing in your clothes?”

“Undercover Boss, we sent him in and got what To… ah, we couldn’t before…”

Tony didn’t quite hear right… Gibbs was talking as if the squirt was in the office… now. Ziva’s clothes….? No….. He couldn’t…. Tony swung around and looked at Detective Benson. No….

“Probie?” he asked with uncertainty.

Juliet blushed fiercely and looked at the floor, unable to say anything. Oh no… He was never going to live this down. A third strike… and with their own probie… FUCK!

“I sure as hell hope someone is going to explain this to me….” He moaned, rubbing his temples, his head down on his desk.

“Agent Samson Agreed to do that? Why is he still wearing them?” Gibbs asked, looking over Juliet.

“Well we figured that they would open up to one of their own…” Juliet began. And Ziva convinced me it would work… so… we’re about the same size…” She trailed off.

Gibbs cast his gaze over the Israeli Agent. “And he’s in your clothes still because….”

“Ah, well we need to use this direction further… and we agreed that he needed more practice… so… yes.” Ziva answered.

“Fine,” Gibbs muttered through a mouthful of coffee.

Juliet looked at Ziva with an expression of utter relief. They were partly out of the woods…. Casting a furtive eye at Tony’s desk, she returned to her own and began running through some of the case files.

Tony couldn’t stop staring at the Probie…. He knew he was a guy, but damn, it was had to see that. He had really never looked at the agent before he realised, that odd feeling he had felt on first meeting them was explained… She, he, it… looked like a pretty girl…. No wonder he felt weird vibes. The guy was probably getting off on wearing ziva’s clothes he thought to himself as he opened his email.

By lunchtime, Ziva and Juliet had compiled what they had found, and presented it to the rest of the team. They had identified 9 of the unsolved cases as possibles. The other 3, two of which were accidents didn’t fit the pattern, one was a multiple beating, and two… well, they were definitely accidents on further investigation. Mapping the 10 cases they had, gave them a startling pattern that any investigator would have missed had they not known the cases linked. All were centred around Sally’s bar in downtown Norfolk, all had been in the bar on the night of their death, and all were pretty and young… the most worrying feature that had been utterly missed, was all had been members of the same support group… The one Juliet had just joined.

As they finished, Juliet felt the eyes of the entire team on her. Not only had she made the break on her first case, but she was pretty sure she was the one that would solve it…

“Here’s what we will do.” Gibbs announced slowly. “Samson will return to the bar, each night after work, Ziva will shadow you when you leave, Tony will be nearby in a car, for fast response. We’re going to dangle you… and hope he bites. The guy isn’t stupid.” He growled. “So you….” He nodded at Ziva, “On your best misbehaviour.”
The Israeli Nodded curtly.

As much as this seems a strange idea, If you’re willing Toby, we need Ziva to… enhance… your appearance…” The bait needs to be enticing.” Gibbs said slowly, watching the probationary agent’s expression closely.

“So you want me to spend between now and whenever, as a woman… and get things done to me? So I’m more attractive?” Juliet asked quietly…. Hoping she added as much uncertainty as possible.

“If you’re willing.” Gibbs nodded. And if this pays off, I’ll personally recommend to the Director you’re taken off probationary Agent status pending completion of this case…”

“Ah,” Juliet mumbled uncertainly. “Ok, I’ll do it.”

Gibbs nodded his thanks. “You…. Take him… her… Go deal with this…” Gibbs gestured embarrassedly at Ziva and got up to leave. “I’m going to go OK some budget malleability with the Director. Don’t go TOO wild on the card.” He said, tossing the Agency credit card to Ziva with just the slightest faint crease of a smile.

As Gibbs left the room, Tony slipped over to Juliet’s desk.

“Look man, I’m sorry about before ok? Can we pretend that didn’t happen?” he asked quietly, colour coming to his cheeks.

Juliet regarded the man, “Ok,” she replied. Its not like I want to do this really… but… I won’t be a probie… It sounds worth it…”

Tony nodded. “Yeah, it’s the fast track out of the dumps for sure, but man, you’ve got more balls than I have to do this….”

Ziva patted Tony on the shoulder making him jump.

“I’m surprised you did not volunteer for this assignment Tony.” She smirked. “I thought you loved getting inside women’s pants?”

Dinozzo rose to his full height and stared down at Ziva. “Only if you’re still in them.” Tony grinned, and turned to leave.

“Probie… I want Full details of your girly afternoon with Ziva… or I’ll make your life living hell… Probie or not…” he grinned, before returning to his work.

“Let’s go.” Ziva said, rolling her eyes. “Before he asks you to take photographs also.”

Ziva lead Juliet to the elevator and hit one of the lowest buttons.

“Where are we going?” Juliet asked, they were heading down to the Evidence garage and forensics…

“We need a little assistance.” Ziva smiled. “I’m afraid we need extra assistance… Our Forensics tech, Abbi… she is… ah, better at this than me…”

Juliet shrugged and waited for the lift to arrive.

As they entered the Forensics lab, Juliet was greeted by the sight of a dancing goth in a white lab coat.

Slightly taken aback, she hesitated by the door. The goth spun on her 4 inch thick boots and regarded her for a moment. “Who are you?” She asked curiously.

“I ah….” Juliet began, looking at Ziva for help.

“This is Agent Samson, she smiled. A new face.”

“Really?” replied the goth curiously, furrowing her brow. “Aren’t you meant to be a guy?”

Juliet blushed more than she thought physically possible.

The tall goth looked at her for a moment. “Ooh.”

“Abbi, this is Juliet Samson, She is assigned to our team for the time being.”

“Am I missing something? I may not have had enough caffeine today but there is so definitely something absent in this explanation…. Abbi asked, wagging a finger at Ziva. “Does Gibbs know about this?”

Ziva smiled before proceeding to fill the girl in on the entire sordid plan, with selective levels of truth in certain areas.

Abbi looked at the young agent that was quietly looking over her machines as Ziva talked. Was this some big joke on her? Was this Tony? There was no way this was a guy… and no way it was reluctant or the first time….

“Wow.” She breathed. “So Gibbs gave you the card and carte blanche? Can I come?”

“We had hoped so Abbi.” Ziva smiled. “You are more the expert I think. Just…. Try to remember she has to be a federal agent afterwards….” Ziva grinned.

Abbi pouted, “At least one tattoo right?” And ill go easy on the piercings….”

Juliet looked shock for a moment till she realised that the woman was joking, and the three burst out laughing. Stripping off her lab coat, Abbi joined the two as they left the headquarters building to make their way into DC to begin their unusual mission…

Several hours later, A very different young woman walked through the foyer of the NCIS building. Between the three of them, they had eaten a decent sized chunk into the NCIS annual budget in the name of justice. Juliet had acquired a wardrobe suitable for a young legal secretary, as her cover dictated, and her appearance was flawless: Her hair had been trimmed and she had been given undeniably feminine bangs that split above her left eye, the majority of which was tucked behind her diamond studded ears. Her eyebrows were delicate feminine arches, and her nails were the envy of any DC professional woman. The Tailored pantsuit and leather boots finished an image that would stop a man at 10 paces more effectively than a 9mm bullet.

“Ma’am, you’re going to have to sign in.” The desk clerk called as they made their way towards the elevator.

Juliet turned to look at Ziva questioningly, unsure whether to admit that she worked there…
“She is on Special Agent Gibb’s Team Markus, a probie. Her ID is not ready yet.” Ziva waved dismissively to the security guard, collecting a visitor’s pass from the bowl on the desk. “I will drop this off later.” She called waving the badge over her shoulder as she returned to the others.

“You know, if you are going to be a federal agent, you really must learn to be more assertive.” She mentioned, as they stepped into the lift car.

“I want to.” Juliet admitted weakly. “But I’m terrified that they will laugh at me…. Think I’m some sort of freak.” She explained, screwing up her face at the thought.

“Come on sweetie.” Abbi admonished. “Looking like that, nobody’s gonna think you’re a freak, I doubt anyone will recognise you…. I wish Ziva had let me get you that other tattoo….” She replied sadly, pouting at Ziva.

“One was quite enough Abbi.” smirked the Israeli as the lift doors slid open, sounding like a death knell to Juliet’s ears.

“Gibbs!” Abbi yelled as she caught sight of the lead investigator descending the stairs from Mtac. Before he had reached the bottom of the stairs, she had flung her arms around him, and began bouncing like a puppy in her platform boots. “Gibbs, you gotta see this, look what we did.” She beamed gesturing at Juliet. “Isn’t this awesome or what?”
Gibbs regarded Juliet for a moment. She could feel his eyes scanning her body, head to foot as she stood there.

“Good.” He nodded, before returning to fending off a jabbering Abbi as he made his way back to his desk.

Juliet just stood transfixed to the spot. ‘good’? that was it? Her whole afternoon. The worry, the doubt, and all he can say is good?

Juliet scowled, but turned quickly as she heard Ziva chuckle beside her.

“Get used to it.” She chuckled. “They rarely ever compliment you properly unless they want something.”

Juliet nodded ruefully. “I wonder if they will forget I was a guy.” She sighed.

“Were you even a guy to start with?” asked Dinozzo from behind her with a curious grin. “I’m beginning to wonder if you were a woman all along, and this is some big joke.”

Pushing Dinozzo, Ziva glared at him. “You can always trade places if you want Tony, I’m sure you’d make a more convincing transsexual.”

Before Juliet could catch his expression, the agent had vanished back to his desk and was furiously typing away.

“What If I am too convincing for this?” She asked Ziva cautiously. “What if this is all just useless?”

“Looking at the victim profiles, you fit perfectly.” Gibbs reasoned. “You make some friends in the community, become known as transsexual, and hopefully he will bite.” Gibbs replied calmly, appearing from nowhere. “Don’t worry.” He added in a softer tone than his reputation allowed. “We will keep you safe.”
“Any sign tonight?” called Tony tiredly over the radio to Ziva, who was lurking in the shadows of the parking lot opposite Sally’s bar. It was the eleventh night of their under cover operation, and there had been no bites as yet. Juliet had been accepted by the community as one of their own, and frequented Sally’s bar on a nightly basis. The date of the second support group meeting was approaching, and the team had stepped up surveillance.

“Nothing.” Ziva replied quietly. “She is drinking at the bar with two people, two men have attempted to chat her up, both unsuccessful.”

“Don’t you think he’s fallen into that role far too easily?” Tony asked, clicking off the radio button to await Ziva’s response.

She paused for a second before replying; “He is a good Agent, he is doing his job.” She answered vaguely.

“Do you think after we net this guy he will be just one of the guys? You’ve got to see this has become more than an act…. How do you even let him use the ladies room at the office?”

“Would you rather he use the men’s room looking like that?” She replied tersely. Dinozzo’s attitudes would get him in trouble one day….

Juliet sipped the coke she had ordered slowly. The past fortnight had been strange…. Nearly everyone at work had begun to accept her as just another woman, of course, the ones that knew…. The rest had simply taken her at face value. She truly wondered if she would have to return to being male after the case was over. She prayed that she didn’t. The behaviours and mannerisms that she now used had been so deeply engrained in her psyche that she felt awkward behaving any differently.

Gibbs and Ziva had given her special classes in the gym to teach her advanced hand to hand combat, highly supplementary to the agency standard training, but few probationary agents ever ended up in this position she thought. Gibbs hadn’t batted an eyelid when she had turned up to training in a sports bra, shorts and vest, like Ziva, her cleavage far from hidden. The senior agent had seemingly accepted her as much as the others. Perhaps her former maleness was simply out of sight and mind?

“Can’t I get you anything stronger?” offered Marie, the bargirl, resting her chin on her palm. “You really look like you could use it.”

Juliet shook her head softly. “No thank you, I have to drive.” She replied softly, still deep in thought. “I’m sort of looking forward to next Monday.” She thought aloud. “I could really do with that meeting again.”

Marie nodded as she wiped the bar surface. “It’s a good group, they do a lot of good.” She agreed. “Not many of you pretty things around or this place would be crawlin with men looking to score.”

“There are guys who like… girls like me?” Juliet asked curiously. “Aren’t we just like normal girls though?”

Marie shook her head, “No, you aint honey, you got that thing between your legs with drags all the closet fags out to come sniffin around wanting a bit of deniable cock.” She chuckled. “You pretty young naive things are the worst, pretending to be all innocent and pure when really you bring those guys on.” She almost growled, shocking Juliet. Marie’s expression flashed back to pleasant once more. “You are into guys aintcha hon?”

“I…. Yeah, I think so.” Juliet mused quietly. “But only a guy who saw me as a girl, not what you said…”

Marie nodded, returning to her work.

Juliet said her goodbyes, and made her way out of the bar. The woman’s reaction had been strange. The things she had said about girls like her resonated in her mind over and over. Pretty girls like her, leading guys on? Something for the morning she mused as she slipped into her car and buckled up.

Arriving back at her apartment, Juliet let herself in and slumped down on the Sofa, these long days were killing her. She was working 16 hour days thanks to this case, although the overtime was nice, she barely saw her apartment. The changes that had taken place there were astounding though. Her bedroom was covered in girls clothes, her few items of male clothing were at the back of a wardrobe somewhere, she wasn’t even sure anymore. Little touches had crept around the place from her life as a working woman, The makeup in the bathroom, the coats on the rack by the door, her handbag on the kitchen counter, the magazines all over the coffee table. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to give this up…

Slipping into her room, she unbuttoned her blouse and let it slip from her shoulders as she padded through to the bathroom to do her business. Returning, she added her skirt and hose to the pile on her bed and slipped into a pastel pink cotton cami and a pair of grey sweatpants. Being out of the restrictive clothing felt nice. Slumping down on her sofa she began to unwind in front of the TV.

The knock at her door roused her from her light slumber. Stretching, she looked at the clock, it was 10 pm… she must have dozed off almost immediately. The second knock roused her to her feet, remembering her purpose.

Peering through the spy hole, she saw Tony Dinozzo stood outside the door. “Come on probie, let me in.” he called. “I’m not in a mood to huff and puff.” he called, holding a six pack up to the spy hole, “I come bearing gifts.” He sang playfully.

Juliet shrugged and opened the door. And before she could reply, Tony had walked straight in plopping the beer into her hands.

“You need some guy time Probie.” He said as way of greeting, “I bring beer, ordered pizza, and there’s football on.” He grinned

The grin fell from his face almost immediately as his eyes drifted from Juliet’s shocked expression to the cleavage peeking from the top of her camisole, just above the beer she was holding.

“Are those real?” He asked slowly, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Why are you still dressed like a chick dude?”

“I ah, I…” Juliet mumbled incoherently. “Because I like it.” She sighed heavily. “Ok?” she asked, gaining confidence. “I like being like this, It makes me happy, and I feel more like a god damn human being than some mindless robot living someone else’s life. For the first time in my life I’m happy, and I don’t need any shit from you for it.” She snapped.

Tony stood speechless, gawping at Juliet. “But you’re a guy….” He replied slowly. “You’re…. You have tits… are they fake?” he asked.

Juliet shook her head. “All mine.” She replied, “And I’m not a guy.” She asserted. “I may have been born one, but I’m not, ok?” Tony looked confused for a moment before nodding his head.

Sighing, Juliet shoved the beers into Tony’s hands before pulling one from the pack and pulling the ring pull on the can. “I think I need one of these before I try and explain any more.” She sighed.

Tony followed her mechanically towards the sitting room and stood holding the beer while Juliet slumped down onto one of the sofas. “You don’t have to stand there you know.” She grinned weakly at her colleague. “I don’t bite just because I have breasts.”

“This is a bit…. Different.” Tony admitted sheepishly his usual cockiness notably absent as he pushed aside an issue of Cosmo to set the beer on the coffee table. “You seem so…. Normal…” he shrugged gesturing with his hands and raising his eyebrows. “I mean I’ve really only known you as a girl, but I know you’re a guy… it’s sort of confusing,” he admitted.

Juliet sipped her beer for a moment without replying. Placing it down, she looked at Agent Dinozzo for a second then spoke slowly:

“Why don’t we pretend I’m not? Never was, never will be? The idea of me being a guy makes us both uncomfortable, I feel exactly like you…. So lets both pretend I was born Juliet, and start over?”

Tony looked at her for a moment, as if digesting her words; “You don’t like this? Why do it?”

“Because I didn’t choose this…” She sighed, “I was born this way, I had no choice in this matter ever… Anyway no guy would want to be a girl…. But I never was one ok?… does that make sense?”

Dinozzo cocked his head to one side and stared at her as if thinking. “Yeah, that does actually.” He answered with a slight grin.

“So you’re just my colleague Agent Juliet Samson, and we are just hanging out in your apartment, having a guys, ah, a night in….” he chuckled. “Should I be in here without having bought you dinner first?” he replied grinning cheekily.

“I guess I can make an exception since you at least bought me a drink.” She smiled broadly, raising the can to Tony. “Anyway,” she giggled, “Its not like I don’t enjoy staying in with friends to watch a game. Since when was football appreciation only guy thing?” She laughed with mock indignation.

The two chatted and drank, and ate Pizza while the game played out, but their discussion had made the game seem mundane. Juliet felt Tony was less of an asshole, and that he genuinely could learn to think of her as a girl. And he wasn’t exactly a bad guy when he opened his mouth… not all the time… The pizza and beer dried up, and the party wound down. Around midnight, Tony left Juliet to her bed. There was an awkward moment at the door, but she took the incentive and hugged him goodbye. After a while, the statue hugged her back, and left. It had been a strange but nice evening, and it had added another ally to her fold; better than facing the legal side of things alone…. But that was a while to come she reasoned. For now, there was a job to do.

Coffee in hand, Juliet rode the elevator into the office the next morning with a new vigour. Her heart to heart with Tony had cured her of her only real worry with regards to the team; being able to just fit in. The doors rolled open and she stepped out into the squad room. Another day, another dollar…

“Sir, I want to run a profile on the bartender at Sally’s….” Juliet announced hesitantly as she passed Gibbs’ desk. The Senior agent looked up from the report he was reading, and nodded at her before continuing. She was curious that he didn’t seem to lead her like the other Probies in her class experienced, The man seemed to watch her make her own headway and let her find dead ends and progress. Weather he agreed with her idea or not, she knew he would let her explore it. Maybe he already had this wrapped up? Slipping into her desk Juliet searched Employment tax records for Sally’s bar. Finding the information she wanted, she scanned the list for a Marie.

Finding the right name, she ran the name through every database she could find, credit, tax, education, criminal, DMV to find a picture of the woman that had caught her attention the night before.

Slowly, a picture built up, and it was not what Juliet had wanted. The woman had been married 5 years previously, and divorced 8 months ago, about a month before the first deaths. They had divorced on the grounds of adultery. It didn’t get more specific.

Pushing back her chair, Juliet sighed and ran her hands through her hair. This was leading somewhere, but she had run into another brick wall…

“Ah, Si… Gibbs?” she asked, approaching her boss’s desk. “Is there any way to find a reason for a divorce that isn’t stated without questioning the subject?”

“Ask the attorney. And if they don’t play ball, ask them with a warrant.” He muttered, without looking up from a document he was reading.

Juliet looked over at Ziva and raised her eyebrows. The Israeli had been watching the exchange and just shrugged before reaching for her handbag and grabbing her coat.

“What are you thinking?” Ziva asked as they pulled out of the Navy yard’s main gate.

“I don’t know.” Juliet murmured softly as she waited for a gap in the lunchtime traffic. “But I’m doing what Gibbs said… following my gut.”

Ziva nodded to herself before looking sideways at Juliet, “What is your gut telling you?” she enquired.

“That Marie Svenson left her husband for some reason related to these victims, my gut tells me, he had an affair with a young transgender woman, Marie associates all young transwomen with her husbands lover, and that has built up into what is now, a killing compulsion.. I’m not a physiological expert, but jealousy seems to fit here… and the way she said to me last night that I brought male attention on myself, on purpose, that I was actively seducing seemed to be a slip in her mask… the subject is very tender to her. I want to see if I can get anything off the attorney that filed the case as to why, or what caused it, see if it confirms my suspicions.”

She sighed. “This seems too logical to be this easy…. But I wan t to try.” She admitted, looking over at Ziva with a worried expression. “I really want to stay with you guys, if I solve this, Gibbs might let me stay.” She whispered softly.

Pulling into the parking lot outside the office building in downtown Norfolk, The two Agents made their way into the building and approached the front desk.

“Can I help you ladies?” beamed the pretty receptionist. “We are with NCIS, federal agents.” Ziva began, flashing her badge. “We were wondering if we could speak with one of your attorneys… a Mr Frank Gulf.”

The receptionist looked shocked for a moment, then beamed broadly in an attempt to recover and pressed an intercom button on her desk.


“Mr Gulf sir, I have two federal agents here that wish to speak with you, should I send them straight up?” she bubbled.
‘Sure, send them up’ came the slightly tinny reply.

“12th floor, suite 219.” Beamed the receptionist, gesturing towards the elevator.

Ziva followed Juliet into the glistening glass and panelled cube and the two began their climb towards the 12th floor.

“I wonder if secretaries get special effervescence training?” Muttered Juliet.

Ziva chuckled.

Arriving at the 12th floor, the two agents made their way though the building to suite 219. Entering a waiting room, Ziva approached the secretary and coughed to get the woman’s attention, as she was consumed by the dictation she was typing up.

“Officer David, and Agent Samson, we are here to see Mr Gulf?” she asked politely.

“Oh he said to go straight in.” Smiled the woman, returning to her work.

Knocking on the door, Ziva and Juliet entered the office beyond, and approached the desk situated before a beautiful view out over the river.

“Hello ladies, how can I help the federal government today?” Grinned Mr Gulf, rising to shake the agents’ hands.

Looking at Ziva for permission, Juliet cut straight to the point. “We are here about a case of yours, 8 months ago, February 18th, a Woman named Marie Svenson?”

Mr Gulf looked thoughtful for a moment, before grinning broadly, “Yes, I remember the case, Divorce… But I’m sure you brought me a warrant for anything not on public file?” beamed Mr Gulf with more teeth than a dental convention.

“I know.” Juliet sighed, lowering her head and looking at the man through her lashes. “We know the specifics of the case, we just wanted to corroborate Ms Svenson’s reason for the Divorce. We know it was Adultery, but can you tell us anything about Mr Anderson’s lover? That is the reason they split isn’t it? And of course, I don’t think Mr Anderson was your client, or his lover…” She smiled sweetly, brushing her hair out of her eyes, her hand hovering over her breast momentarily, her back slightly arched forwards.

“Quite true.” Grinned the lawyer leaning back in his chair, his eyes not leaving Juliet. “The guy was a bit of a strange one, Gay I guess. He was seeing a tranny… hot little thing. It kind of surprised me.” Chuckled Mr Gulf. “It was at the hearing, I remember he got a bit hot and heavy with it after the divorce was completed…. Guess it takes allsorts huh?”

“So it seems.” Juliet replied hotly. “Thank you for your time Mr Gulf.”

Ziva stood and made her way towards the door, and the two Agents began to leave.

“Wait, Agent Samson, you know… I could remember more over dinner maybe?” He smirked playfully.

“No thank you Mr Gulf, I don’t date bigots.” She replied, whipping her hair around as she swept out of the room leaving the attorney in a daze.

"Where did that come from?” Ziva asked as they were walking back to the car.

“I don’t know.” grinned Juliet. “I guess I just wanted to see if it worked, and I figured I had a supreme slimeball to test it on…”

“You learn fast little one.” Ziva Chuckled. “It seems your gut was correct. We may have another Gibbs on our hands soon…”

“Id like to think I have more hair and a better sense of style.” Grinned Juliet as she ducked into the driver’s seat.

“So what do we tell the Boss?” Juliet asked as she navigated the DC rush-hour traffic.

“Exactly what we know.” Ziva answered. “We tell him we have a suspect, Its likely that suspect will strike soon, and she has locked onto you as a potential target. You fit her profile, you have spoken with her, That puts you quite high on their list of potential victims. Especially since you are new… your innocence already angered this woman once, we test it again tonight, hopefully with more support.” Ziva concluded. “If nothing else, We will bring her in for questioning.”

Juliet felt truly worried for the first time since the case had begun. Tonight was her proving ground. Biting her lip, she forced her self to concentrate on the snarling traffic.

Gibbs put the phone down in the cradle on his desk and reached for his coffee cup. Empty… “Damn.” He sighed.

“Dinozzo.” He barked. “Get me a refill.” He called shaking the empty cup before throwing it in the trash. “And ask Duckie to come up here please.” He sighed as he walked out of the office, leaving a bemused Dinozzo behind.

As usual, Gibbs didn’t knock when he marched through the Director’s waiting room and straight into Director Vance’s office.

“Jethro,” Smiled Vance sarcastically. “You know we invented doors so that people could knock.”

Gibbs ignored the dig and glared at the director. “The Dead lieutenant case that blew up, we have a distinct possibility of it going down tonight. I want your permission to involve the FBI and HRT.”

“To the point as usual.” Smiled Vance rocking back on his leather chair. “I’ll call the director, grease some wheels, Isn’t HRT a bit excessive for one person? Surely force is the FBI’s to apply where appropriate… surely we should….”

“No.” Gibbs cut him off with a growl. “I have my probationary agent undercover. They are the perfect victim for this character, I’m not taking chances with a member of my team. You took away Mcgee, you owe me Leon….”

Director Vance sighed. “Fine Jethro, just don’t come complaining to me when you have whichever agent they send nipping at your heels again over Jurisdictional control.”

Before the sentence had finished, Gibbs had left. As he left the office, past the secretary that had given up trying to stop him many months ago, he pulled out his cell and hit the speed dial for Special Agent Tobias Fornell.

“Tobias. I need a favour.” Gibbs asked on hearing the phone pick up.

“Hello to you too Jethro.”

“I need to you pick up a case from your agencies end, My team has been running it for the past few weeks.”

“Ah,” chuckled Fornell “Who’s toes have you been pissing on this time?”

“Yours,” And you are less likely to throw a punch over it Tobias.”

Agent Fornell sighed. “Fine, what is it?”

Juliet Unlocked the door to her apartment and let herself and Ziva in. There was no point heading back to the office just to come back. Ziva had rung Agent Gibbs and hopefully things were happening at his end.

“Do we have any earwigs?” Juliet called as she entered her bedroom and began to undress. “I’d really like some sort of communication with everyone else tonight.”

“I will ask Gibbs To bring some when they come down.” Ziva replied from the sitting room. “They are mobilising back at headquarters.”

Juliet decided vulnerable was the order of play tonight… Anything to encourage Marie Svenson to act… if they were right. Finding the perfect pale blue dress, she laid it on the bed, before selecting some opaque hose, she set about changing her underwear. It was a silly idea, but she figured that if she were to be killed tonight, it would most likely happen in dirty clothes…. Plus she couldn’t bear the thought of being found dead in mismatched undies… Sods law said clean matching underwear was most likely to keep her alive.

Pulling the hose up her legs, she shimmied into the dress. It was a silk sheath dress with thin spaghetti straps, and a low back, A party going affair… The material was printed with Chinese characters and koi. On any other night, she might have appreciated the beauty of the garment, but tonight however, all she needed to do was fit the perfect victim profile. Any buttons she could push wouldn’t hurt… Sitting down at her vanity, she applied her makeup and tousled her hair. Satisfied with her appearance, she collected a white knit jacket from her wardrobe, and transferring the contents of her bag to something more appropriate for a night out. Juliet picked up her sig sauer off the bed. Well there really wasn’t space in the dress…. No… she wouldn’t carry it, it would blow her cover and would be too difficult to hide easily. God men had it easy…

Returning the firearm to its holster, she slipped it into the desk draw and made her way back into the lounge where Ziva was sat reading a magazine on her couch.

“Think this looks ok?” she asked Ziva, doing a little spin for her Colleague’s benefit.

“It looks… perfect.” The woman nodded. “You are not carrying.” She observed.

“How did you know it wasn’t in my bag?” Juliet asked astounded.

“The weight was not dragging it down, you learn these things….” She chuckled. “Its probably best anyway, but I know some agents who would feel naked without a firearm. Take this.” She offered, slipping the tiny snubnosed revolver from her ankle holster.
“Put this in your bag, Pray you do not have to thank me for it.” She shrugged, handing the pistol to Juliet.

The two left Juliet’s apartment, and made their way down to the car.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Ziva asked.

Juliet shrugged, “I think so. Its just… well it’s the first time this all seamed real… you know?”

Ziva nodded and smiled, “I remember one of my first cases with NCIS. I was undercover with Tony, we were posing as married assassins.” She recalled. “The worst part was the waiting, Once things went… noisy, as it were, I knew what to do, it was my element. But the waiting I was not so good at… Even now, the waiting involved in undercover work is what gets to me most, you will do alright Motek, What is it you Americans do? Ah yes, I will buy you a drink when this is over, ok?” she grinned, patting Juliet on the back.
"So explain to me again why you felt it was a good idea not to inform the FBI about a serial murder case that was OUR jurisdiction?” Fornell asked, rubbing his temples. “Do you just like pissing off my director?”

Gibbs chuckled and sipped his coffee as they stood in the warehouse the FBI had commandeered two blocks from the bar. “You know as well as me that your guys would have trampled all over this one and written it off.”

“True.” Agent Fornell agreed, sipping his coffee. The two agents were stood watching the video feed from several cameras FBI agents had set up around the bar. Needless to say, the agency had been annoyed that they had been left out of the loop, but were in no place to dictate things as NCIS had the thing nearly wrapped up.

“So what’s the deal with your agent Jethro?” Fornell asked, “Is that really a guy? How did you get him to do it?”

Gibbs took a gulp of coffee and looked across the warehouse at Ziva fitting a microphone and earpiece to Agent Samson.

“The Jury is out.” Gibbs muttered.

Fornell glanced at his friend. “Pardon?”

“I assumed so when we got him, but I don’t think so anymore.” Gibbs replied.

“So he’s really a transsexual?” Fornell asked curiously. “you think doing this undercover work as one has got to him?”

“No.” Gibbs said. “I think she was a female before she joined NCIS, this just let her show it.”

“I don’t get that stuff.” Shrugged Fornell, I’m glad it’s your Agent, not mine, I don’t think I’d know where to begin.”

“I guess we will see once this ends.” replied Gibbs trashing his coffee cup and walking across the warehouse towards his team members.

“Ok, that will do it.” Ziva said, taping the mike to the bottom of Juliet’s bra. “let me zip you back up.” She asked, turning the girl around to close her dress. Without a suitably private place, Ziva had managed to keep most of Juliet’s modesty intact as they fixed the wire in place.

“I guess I’d better get over there.” Juliet mumbled quietly, collecting her jacket and bag. “God I feel nervous.”

“You know this part sweetie.” Ziva soothed. “Just follow the book, you’ll have me, Tony, and Gibbs looking out for you… and those nice men from HRT in case things go apple shaped… no?”

“It’s pear shaped.” Tony replied, walking over. “How can you be worried with me and the Israeli terrier watching out for you?”

“ruff.” Ziva barked, making Juliet smile for the first time since they arrived in Norfolk.

“Are you ready?” Gibbs asked, appearing from nowhere.

“Yes sir.” Juliet mumbled.

“I’ll let that slide tonight.” Gibbs replied. “You two get in position.” He said, looking at Ziva and Tony. Both of the agents scurried off and left Gibbs with Juliet. Walking towards the door of the warehouse, and her car, Juliet put her hand on the door handle only to have Gibbs place his hand on hers.

“Are you ok?” he asked. This was not the man she had gotten to know over the last few weeks… and not his reputation…
Juliet smiled weakly. “I guess.” She sighed. “Just nerves. I want to do this right.”

“Well either way this goes down. You’re on my team now, for good.” Gibbs replied quietly. “So forget trying to impress me, just do your job, and make it back ok?

Juliet nodded. “I will si… boss.”

Gibbs chuckled and patted her on the shoulder. “Get out of here before I reconsider things.”

Juliet slipped into the car seat. She sat for a moment, her hands griping the wheel before she had the nerve to start the car and pull out of the lot.

Circling around, she travelled Northwards before turning back and approaching the bar from her usual direction. Pulling into the lot, she turned off the engine and stepped out of the car before she could give herself reason not to. The chilly night air gripped at her and she pulled her jacket around herself more tightly.

The door to the bar seemed like it was glowing red hot when she reached out for it, mentally slapping herself, she pulled the door open and stepped into the warm environment of the bar. The music and chatter assaulted her ears as she stepped through the foyer and into the bar proper.

There was a different woman working the bar when she approached. A jolt of fear made Juliet wonder if this had been for nothing.

“What can I get you?” grinned the bargirl.

“Just a coke please.” Juliet mumbled. “God is cold out there.”

“Uhuh,” muttered the bargirl passing her the drink. “You GGs never seem to wear enough.” She chuckled.

“GG?” Juliet asked curiously.

“Genetic girls honey.” Smiled the bargirl. “We transwomen don’t have to wear next to nothing to attract men that aint interested.” She chuckled.

Juliet let it slide, she was not really sure she wanted to correct the woman. “Is the meeting still in back?” she asked. “Uhuh.” Replied the bargirl giving Juliet a curious look, then shaking her head and returning to some glasses that needed washing.

Juliet approached the meeting room and pushed the door open without the hesitancy she had the first time, she might as well get it over…
The meeting progressed with an unhealthy tedium for Juliet. Any other night, she might have been interested in the topics at hand. But for the sake of the wire, and god knows who was listening, she kept it to the point and vague. After what seemed like an eternity, the meeting came to an end and Juliet joined the other women for a drink. She waited for as long as possible, but there was no sign of Marie Svenson anywhere. Perhaps they had messed up? Or she had been spooked by Juliet? What if she had found out who she really was? Shrugging on her jacket, she made her excuses, and walked to the door. Taking a last look at the bar, she slipped out into the night. With a sigh, Juliet slipped her phone from her bag and flipped down the list for Gibbs number as she walked across the lot to her car.

Out of nowhere, a hand smacked the phone from her palm and pushed her into the car opposite. Winded, Juliet looked around to catch sight of her attacker. Marie Svenson was stood between her and the bar, wearing a bulky hooded jacket, and jeans.

“You freaks don’t know what’s good for you.” She growled. “you need locking up in mental hospitals where you can get treated for your freak disease and queerness…” she spat. “You’re all the same, you’re home wrecking pretty little freaks.” She hissed lunging at Juliet with what appeared to be a flip knife.

Juliet stumbled back, losing her balance and falling to the asphalt. Marie came forwards, but the angle was wrong and as she stooped to stab Juliet, she kicked her feet up, launching Marie over her into a patch of weeds beside the lot.

“Help!” Juliet screamed into the microphone between her breasts. “Help me for god’s sake. She’s trying to kill me.”

“Oh that wont help you freak.” Marie growled regaining her feet. Juliet slipped her hand between her breasts and pulled out the snub-nosed revolver Ziva had secreted between the cups.

Raising the revolver towards Marie she regained some composure. “Drop the weapon, Federal agent.” She shouted.

“Oh bull shit honey, you don’t know how often I heard that line…” Marie sneered reaching into her jacket and extracting a pistol. “Pity, I wanted to make this look like a mugging, but you force my hand sweetie. I bet its not even loaded.” She chuckled aiming at Juliet.

“Maybe not, but this is.” Hissed Ziva slipping out of the darkness and pressing her Sig to the back of Marie’s head. “Drop the weapon. And she is a federal agent.”

Marie dropped the weapon in surprise and glared accusingly at Juliet. “Fucking freak.” She spat before Ziva buried her head in the hood of a parked car and cuffed her…
Gibbs walked over to Juliet, who was sat in the open door of an FBI suburban.

“Good work Samson.” He said, handing her a cup of coffee. Juliet cupped the warm liquid between her hands and gave Gibbs a smile in thanks. “I thought she wasn’t going to be there boss, I let my guard down.” She admitted.

“Doesn’t matter.” Gibbs shrugged. “We got her, and you wont do it again.” He stated flatly, knowing full well that the experience would prevent her ever doing the same again.

“What now?” she asked, looking up at Gibbs. “Our job is done. The FBI want this one, and im all too happy to let them have the paperwork.” He admitted. “Why don’t you get changed out of those clothes and we can get back to the office?” Gibbs probed.

The horrified look on Juliet’s face was all he needed to see. “I didn’t think so he chuckled walking off.

“What now boss?” Tony called as he and Ziva walked over to join the two by the truck.

“Why don’t we find a bar? Go get a drink?” Gibbs asked innocently.

Tony, Juliet and Ziva groaned theatrically and the 4 burst out laughing.
Note from the Author:Thanks for waiting guys, i had some problems but here it is as (re)promised! i hope you like it... i MAY have plans to do more episodes... it depends on how much you like this conclusion... thanks

Oh PS: With plot assistance from Otterylexa, CEO and Chief Pixie of Evil muses inc. She has been invaluable ironing out plot fubar's on the BCTS chatroom! come visit us!

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