The Suitcase - 7

The Suitcase – 7



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The next morning in class, Bonnie was interested in seeing how the women had fared in fixing their bra problems. The young women had worn their new bras to class and Bonnie asked them to remove their tops so they could see how successful her advice had been. Diane was wearing a dress. She unzipped the back so she could lower the top of the dress revealing her bra. Lisa joined in with the others taking off her top. She wasn’t wearing a brand-new bra, but she didn’t want to be left out. Besides, she was wearing a lacy white bra that the women hadn’t seen before and would be happy to get feedback from the girls.

“How marvelous,” Bonnie said. “I love your new bras! Let’s see, Stephanie. What size bra did you buy?”

“I got a 34DDD like we decided. It fits well. Much better than my old bras.”

Bonnie tested under the straps with her fingers, checked for spillage, and the placement of the center gore. “This is one perfectly fitting bra, Stephanie!”

“I can’t thank you enough, Bonnie. I hope to switch all my bras to this size – once I can afford it!”

“That’s classified under a good problem!” Diane said.

“True,” Bonnie said. “And what about you Diane? Your new bra looks fabulous on you.”

“As you suggested I bought a side-support bra. No more spillage. I love the way it centers my boobs forward. It’s a really nice feeling.”

“And Debbie and Laurie, you both are wearing padded bras?”

“Yes,” Debbie said. “I got a B cup padded bra. Isn’t it a flattering look?”

“Definitely,” Bonnie said.

“My new bra is a 34C with padding,” Laurie said. “Now my breasts feel secure in the cups and I’m also loving my added projection!”

“This really turned out great,” Bonnie said. “I see Lisa is wearing a white lacy bra today. It fits her very well.”

“Thank you,” Lisa said.

“I think we can agree that it’s great to have a well-fitting bra,” Bonnie said.

“Amen!” the five girls said.

Debbie reached to put her blouse back on and Bonnie said, “Before we get dressed again, this is the perfect time to consider our foundations. I know that some of you are interested in learning how to select the right foundation garment for your body type. There are so many choices it can drive a woman nuts.”

“So true,” Laurie said.

“Before we begin discussing foundations I’m excited to tell you that Monsieur Andre from Comte-Bellot’s Lingerie will visit us. He’ll bring with him a trunk filled with bodysuits, girdles of all types and some other goodies. It’ll be your chance to explore foundation options that you might not have considered before.”

“That’s so neat,” Debbie said.

“We’ve done it a couple of times before and it’s always a big hit,” Bonnie said.

“I hope I can figure out what I should wear with my little black dress,” Debbie said. “When I go to cocktail parties, I’m never quite sure what I should wear underneath it. The dress is formfitting. I usually wear just panties, but it feels like there’s some jiggle in my butt cheeks when I walk.”

“That must be cute,” Stephanie said.

“It might be cute, but it makes me self-conscious,” Debbie said. “Guys get focused on my butt! I’ve worn a panty girdle with the dress, but then I feel like everyone can see my girdle, which is kind of embarrassing.”

Bonnie laughed. “So these are exactly the kinds of problems that we can solve today. Let’s look at what foundations we’ve worn to class and by then Monsieur Andre will be here.

“Good idea,” Debbie said.

Bonnie looked around the room and said, “You go first, Lisa. Tell us what foundation garments you wear and why. Also, tell us what kinds of foundations you’d like to explore.”

Surprised, Lisa hesitated and before she could speak, Bonnie said, “Take off your skirt so we can see what you’re wearing today.”

“Oh, sure,” Lisa said. She unclasped and unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it. She felt a bit self-conscious wearing only underwear. “I’m wearing pantyhose today, like I did yesterday.”

“Good,” Bonnie said. “I see they’re reinforced heel and toe. Your pretty white panties match your bra.”

“I like matching my bra and panty,” Lisa said.

“You’re lucky you don’t need control top pantyhose,” Stephanie said.

“I don’t?” Lisa said.

“You’re not wearing them,” Stephanie said, “are you?”

“Right,” Lisa said. She was dimly aware of what control top pantyhose was. She wondered if she had any at home among the pantyhose she had received from Jill.

“You look confused,” Bonnie intervened. “For control top pantyhose the panty part is like a girdle. It’s firm and helps shape. Control top pantyhose is a convenient way to get one’s butt under control and have pretty legs without going through putting on a garter belt or girdle and stockings. It’s a way for a busy woman to save some time.”

“I see. That’s clever,” Lisa said.

“Except that when you get a run, you have to put on a new pair of pantyhose. It’s not cheap if you have bad luck with runs,” Diane said.

“True. Stockings are cheaper than pantyhose and a garter belt or girdle will last a long time,” Bonnie said.

“Garter stockings are not as available as they once were,” Diane said.

“Expensive stockings, that cost even more than pantyhose, are available.” Bonnie said. “Cheaper stockings are harder to find.”

“The stockings I’ve bought recently have lace tops. I don’t even want lace tops but that’s all I can find,” Laurie said.

“That’s fashion for you,” Bonnie said. “Styles change. Underwear changes. Maybe one day bras won’t exist anymore.”

Lisa was almost apoplectic at the thought. She wondered if she should hoard bras to make sure she always had them.

“Boobs will still be there,” Stephanie said, “and if there are boobs there’s got to be something to hold them!”

“Amen,” Bonnie said.

“I read that the average boob is getting bigger each year,” Debbie said. “So if anything bras are getting ever more important.”

“Well we don’t have to worry about our bras being taken away right now,” Bonnie said. “Lisa, what other foundations have you worn?”

“A garter belt and stockings. I like that a lot. The garter belt is especially pretty. I haven’t worn a girdle yet, but I’m interested in wearing one. I think that might be fun.”

“Fun?” Bonnie said.

“Girdles are pretty. They come in pastel colors with lacy panels and lace and flouncy ribbons. It seems like they must be fun to wear.”

“They may be pretty, but after a long day wearing a girdle, it’s so nice to take it off!” Stephanie said.

“Women have love-hate relationships with girdles,” Bonnie said. “On the one hand, they give a sleek and attractive shape to our hips and buttocks. On the other, they can be restrictive and put pressure on our midsection that can be uncomfortable. Just as Stephanie suggested.”

“So what’s a woman to do?” Lisa asked.

“Girdles come in light shaping, medium shaping, firm shaping and extra firm,” Bonnie said. “A light shaper does a bit of the work of smoothing and making a nice line. They’re pretty comfortable to wear. At the other extreme, an extra firm shaper rearranges our body to create the shape we want. Firm shaping requires women to care most about the end result so that the discomfort of wearing a powerful shaper is not noticed or of concern.”

“So I’ve got to decide what my priorities are?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, exactly,” Bonnie said.

“The other consideration is stockings versus pantyhose,” Stephanie said. “If you wear a girdle it’s like your garter belt. You’ll have to wear stockings.”

“Yes, I should have emphasized that,” Bonnie said.

“The thing is I like stockings as much as pantyhose,” Lisa said. “I also think I’m the kind of girl that wouldn’t have a problem with firm shapers though I probably don’t need one.”

“They tend to have boning and women generally have to wiggle a bunch to get into them,” Stephanie said. “But with your slim figure you could probably get into them pretty easily.”

Lisa laughed. “They sound neat. I like clothes that hold me in.”

“Monsieur Andre can suggest many nice undergarments for you to try on,” Bonnie said. “You might like open bottom body suits. Imagine an open bottom girdle together with a longline shaping bra.”

“They have garters?” Lisa asked.

“Yes. You can wear them with stockings if you prefer,” Bonnie said. “Speaking of girdles, let’s move on over to Stephanie and see what she’s wearing today.”

Stephanie took off her skirt. “I’m wearing an open bottom girdle.” The girdle was white and its decoration was limited to a lacy diamond shape in the front.

“Is this firm control?” Bonnie said.

“Yes. Feel the strong fabric. It packs in my butt.”

Lisa touched the girdle along Stephanie’s thigh. “You’re right. It’s firm. Looking at it I didn’t realize how much control the girdle is exerting.”

“It’s an attractive look on you,” Laurie said.

“Yes, it nicely frames your butt. Gives it a really nice curve,” Diane said.

Lisa was spellbound when Stephanie bent over to show how the girdle controls her shape. Girdles opened up a new world of femininity to her. She liked the idea of being constrained by the girdle. Held. Controlled. Confined. She’d get a long line bra to wear with it. A bra that held her chest securely. Then with some pretty stockings she’d feel bound from head to toe. Whatever dress or skirt and blouse she wore over it, she’d feel secure.

“I also wear control top panty hose,” Stephanie said. “Mostly French lace sheer control top.”

“I like that too,” Bonnie said.

“Guys like the sexy panty top. The lace goes right over the butt converging toward the pussy.” Stephanie said.

“How men react to lingerie can be an important consideration for women,” Bonnie said. “A woman can use lingerie to her advantage if she’s so inclined.”

“That’s so true,” Debbie said. “I had a boyfriend who couldn’t talk when I was wearing a lacy bra, panty, garter belt and stockings in front of him. He lost like a hundred IQ points and struggled to say anything while he stared at me with desire!”

“I think I dated the same guy,” Laurie said, and the girls laughed.

“I know exactly what you’re saying,” Bonnie said, “but that’s a conversation for another day. Let’s continue with our discussion of foundations. Diane, it’s your turn. Any comments to make?”

Diane lifted her dress over her head revealing a light purple panty girdle and stockings. “I tend to go for panty girdles either light or medium shaping. Like the one I’m wearing. Today I didn’t put on stockings. If I were going out on a date I would have worn stockings. There are two garters on each leg. You can see them through the lace covering of the leg openings.”

Lisa could see the imprint of the garters located on Diane’s thighs.

“That’s a pretty look for you,” Stephanie said. “I tend to go with open bottom girdles. It’s a little easier to pee in them, isn’t it?”

“This girdle has an opening that I can pee through,” Diane said.

“How does that work?” Laurie asked.

“I’ll show you,” Diane said. She spread her legs wide and pulled aside the fabric covering an opening in the girdle where her vagina was located. “Now I reach in to pull my panties to the side. Then my vagina is open to the air and I can pee.”

“Aren’t you afraid of peeing onto the girdle?” Laurie asked.

“If you’re careful you can aim to avoid it. Admittedly it takes some practice when you first try it. But then you get the hang of it. The important point is to know what angle your pee takes when you’re peeing. For me it’s almost always slightly to an angle to the left and I compensate for that with how I open up the hole on my girdle.”

“You can always just pull down your panty girdle and panty if you have to pee,” Bonnie said.

Diane laughed. “Of course that’s an option too. But it you need a lot of wiggling to get into your panty girdle, you’ll need a lot of wiggling taking it off and putting it back on after you pee.”

“Good point,” Bonnie said.

“Even with an open bottom girdle, I still have to move my panty to the side when I pee,” Stephanie said.. “I also have to avoid hitting the lower edge of the girdle. That takes some practice.”

Aiming her pee was not a problem for Lisa. It might become an issue in the future. She was glad that she was privy to this discussion. It was useful information.

“So what about you Laurie?” Bonnie said.

Laurie stepped out of her skirt to reveal that she was wearing a garter belt and stockings. “I sometimes wear pantyhose but usually if I’m wearing hosiery I prefer a garter belt. With pantyhose I often have to adjust it during the day. The waist might roll down a bit, or I need to pull up the legs.”

“That’s true,” Bonnie said.

“Besides that, like you said before, if I buy an expensive pair of pantyhose I’m paranoid about getting a run. Particularly if it’s a new pair of pantyhose.”

“That certainly is a hazard that we all face,” Debbie said.

“I do have some light shaping panty girdles,” Laurie continued. “They don’t have garters. I might wear them with jeans or shorts.”

“Monsieur Andre will no doubt have some light shaping bodysuits that you might like,” Bonnie said.

“Good. I’m open to trying them on. Like Debbie, I never know what’s best to wear under some of my formal dresses.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Bonnie said, “That must be Monsieur Andre. Let me give you a head’s up. Monsieur Andre has made a career helping ladies find the right foundation. He’s comfortable being around women in their underwear, so there’s no need to be shy around him.”

“I’m glad you mentioned that,” Debbie said. “I’ll pretend he’s like my doctor.”

“I’ll do the same thing,” Laurie said. “I’m not too used to guys seeing me in my underwear.”

“Trust me,” Bonnie said. “I would never invite a man in here who had other motives than trying to help women find the perfect foundation garments.”

“I trust you,” Laurie said.

“Me too,” Debbie said.

“Are the rest of you comfortable?” Bonnie asked.

Stephanie and Diane nodded their heads and Lisa said, “It’s okay.”

“Good,” Bonnie said.

She opened the door and Monsieur Andre entered. He was a handsome man in his forties. Though the room was filled with women in their underwear, Monsieur Andre reacted no differently than if they had been fully dressed.

“Hello, my dear ladies,” Andre said with a slight French accent. “I’m pleased that Bonnie invited me here, because I get to share with you some of the loveliest feminine underwear that can be found. Nothing will please me more than if you fall in love with one of my delightful confections!”

“We’re so delighted that you’ve come here to share your collection with us!” Bonnie said.

“Thank you Bonnie. First I’d like to measure each of the young ladies. Then I’ll bring each of you a selection of foundations tailored to your particular size and charms. Does anyone have any questions?”

“We should keep our panties on?” Diane asked.

“Yes, thank you for reminding everyone,” Andre said. “This is the same as if you’re trying on new clothes in the department store. Please put the garments on over your panties. Bonnie briefed me on yesterday’s discussion of bras, so I’ll assume that you each are wearing the perfect bra. Looking around the room that certainly seems to be the case!”

“We’ve had a lot of success with bras,” Bonnie said. “The young ladies are wearing well fitting, supportive bras.”

Monsieur hung a tape measure around his neck and asked, “Who would like to be first?”

Stephanie came up to him and Andre put the tape around the furthest projection of her bra and read the number. Then he did the same for her waist and then her hips. He wrote the numbers down in a notebook next to Stephanie’s name. Next he did the same for Debbie, then Diane, then Laurie, and finally Lisa.

Andre was a few inches taller than Lisa. He encircled Lisa’s waist with the tape measure and moved it up to go around her breasts over her bra. “Thirty-eight, very nice,” he said. He lowered the tape to Lisa’s waist and then to her hips. Andre put his arm on Lisa’s shoulder and gently nudged her to a corner of the room away from the others. “Dear, have you ever thought of wearing padded panties and girdles?”

Surprised, Lisa said, “No. Why do you ask?”

“I have with me some lovely, padded panties and girdles of different types. With some padding your derriere will sweetly complement your bosoms. Your figure will be ideal to fit into a number of cute foundation garments that I would love for you to wear. You’ll be delighted with the way you look.”

“Gee, that’s a very nice suggestion. Anything that improves my figure is pure gold for me!”

“Splendid, Lisa. You won’t regret this at all.”

Andre took leave of the ladies to fetch underwear for them to try on. While he was away, Bonnie asked Lisa what he had talked about with her.

“He’s recommending that I wear padded panties and girdles. That’ll help my figure.”

“Yes, of course. What did you say?”

“Oh, I think it’s a great idea. Between you and me, I’m wearing breast forms so I won’t be flat chested. I might as well wear a padded panty so that I can have the satisfaction of having a pretty butt.”

“Good. This is very good, Lisa. You have the right attitude. I love Andre. He’s so thoughtful and has an uncanny ability to cater to the inner desires of women.”

Lisa positively glowed inside with the thought of how Bonnie included her as having the desires of a woman. It was so true!

Andre returned with five shopping bags. Each one had a name written on the outside in large letters. He distributed them to the five women. “In your bag you’ll find foundation garments in sizes that should fit you well. If you’d like some alternatives both in style and size, don’t be shy. I’m here to serve your needs!”

“After each of you has put on one of Andre’s selection,” Bonnie said, “we’ll take a look at them and comment.”

Lisa looked in her bag and pulled out a padded panty. Her penis was presently tucked away in a gaff. Andre had said to keep her panties on so she put the padded panty on over her panty. She twisted around to look at her derriere and was impressed by the rounded, feminine shape she now had. This was definitely progress. She was sure that Blake would be pleased.

Among the clothing that Andre had selected for her was a soft pink, light-shaping body briefer. The fabric contained a pattern of widely distributed small flowers with pretty lace edging along the leg openings and on the straps. The beauty of the body shaper masked it’s function for light shaping. Lisa took off her bra, stepped into the briefer and pulled it up to her waist. She put her hands through the straps and onto her shoulders and slipped her breasts into the built in bra. Lisa was delighted in the way the shaper hugged her body. Two removable garters dangled against her thighs on either side. She could wear this either with or without stockings.

Monsieur Andre called out, “I see that you’re all dressed! Let’s take a look at you.” He gathered the ladies in a row. “First we have Stephanie. She’s wearing our firm shaping body briefer with an open bottom. It’s a purely functional style in white. What do you think?”

“I’ve never worn one of these before,” Stephanie said, “but I can immediately see what a smart look it gives me. I have to admit that I’m amazed that a firm shaper can be so comfortable. It makes me all smooth curves from my breasts through my waist to my thighs. I can think of several of my dresses that will look really good with this. I’m definitely going to buy a couple of these. What other colors do you have?”

“I must caution you that I did not pay Stephanie to say that!” Andre joked and everyone laughed. “My dear Stephanie you are stunning in that shaper! We have it in white, beige, black, and royal blue.”

“Stephanie’s shaper illustrates how foundations can be unadorned to suit Stephanie taste yet still capture feminine beauty,” Bonnie said.

“Exactly,” Andre said. “At the other extreme is Debbie’s absolutely over-the-top feminine medium shaper in the panty girdle style. As you see there are cute bows and lacy fabric throughout. It is a bright candy pink. It’s a shaper that makes any woman feel like she’s a princess who’s stepped out of a Disney movie. Tell us your thoughts Debbie.”

“It’s such a pretty shaper,” Debbie said. “It appeals to the side of me that really enjoys being a girlie girl. I always wanted to be a Barbie when I grew up and this outfit is really effective in making me feel like her. Besides that it’s super comfortable. I love how it places my butt cheeks in a nice, fixed position. It slims my waist a bit, and its holding my boobs in a great alignment.” After a pause she said, “And this will be perfect to wear under my little black dress!”

“Two for two, Andre,” Bonnie said, and they gave each other a high five.

“Now Diane. She’s wearing one of our prettiest panty girdles,” Andre said. “Do you like it?”

“Oh my God yes,” Diane said. “How did you know I like light blue?”

“I can sense these things,” Andre said. “Light blue with just one little bow on the front and a small diamond-shaped lace panel is perfect for you.”

“You’re a mind reader!” Diane said. “This is definitely going to be my favorite shaper. I love what it does to my hips.”

“Like I told you girls, Andre has an instinct for what kind of foundations women want,” Bonnie said.

“Thank you Bonnie,” Andre said. “The truth is when I’m confronted with such gorgeous ladies like yourselves, I enter what I call the lingerie zone where I sense what is exactly right for each woman. It’s like basketball players who get the feeling in some games that the hoop is a mile wide and they can’t miss their shots.”

“Fascinating,” Bonnie said.

“This leads me to Laurie who’s wearing a pretty, yellow floral, shaping slip,” Andre said.

“I was curious about shaping slips and now I wish I’d investigated them years ago,” Laurie said. “This is one fabulous slip. Besides being so pretty, it’s wonderful the way the inner panty gives support to my derriere. The slip adjusts perfectly to the shape of my hips and thighs and I think the look is very sexy.”

It was true, Lisa thought. It was definitely true. Laurie’s butt was smooth and sexy in the close-fitting slip. She prayed that Andre also thought that she’d be a good candidate for the shaping slip. She snuck a quick peak in her bag and saw that yes indeed there was the identical slip as Laurie had. It was going to be so much fun to try that on!

“Now we come to Lisa in her stunning bodysuit,” Andre said. “What do you think Lisa?”

“I’m speechless,” Lisa said. “The pretty flowers and lace and the sexy cut of the bodice and the panty just thrill me. I feel like I’ve got really nice curves.”

“This is one of our recent innovations,” Andre said. “There’s a hidden waist slimming panel that seriously slenderizes the waist. Look at how nicely Lisa’s full bust narrows to a lovely waist and then her shapely hips. This is a winner.”

Everything Andre said was true. Lisa looked in the mirror and saw her lovely shape. She could hardly wait to come home and have Blake see her in the bodysuit. He was going to love it!

For the rest of the morning they tried on the additional outfits that Andre had selected for them. It made for an extended and rambunctious conversation that drew then closer together. Andre and Bonnie followed up with a general discussion of the fit and effectiveness of shaping lingerie. By the time class was over at noon Lisa and the other women had explored the full range of possibilities for their underwear.


Blake continued his search for a men’s bowling team that he could join. He would need a vacancy on just the right team. One that was competitive yet made up of guys who were the antithesis of Barry and his ilk. He asked Jesse, “So what’s the scuttlebutt about vacancies on the men’s teams?”

“The word spread like wildfire that you’re available. There a half dozen teams that want you. Whatever you do, they pray that you won’t join Barry’s team. That’ll take the fun out of the bowling league.”

“To be honest, I’d rather not bowl than be on Barry’s team. Anyway Barry would never let me bowl with him and his friends.”

“You spoke to Ralph yesterday. He says that they’ve got an opening. Some of the teams tell me they’ll get rid of a weak bowler to make room for you.”

“Ralph’s team – even if I were on it – wouldn’t be a winner. I’d like to join a team that’s more competitive. Give Barry a run for his money. That would generate a lot of excitement in the bowling league. It’d be good for the alley. Good for everyone.”

“In that case you know as well as I do that the team for you is the Bowling Bawls. Frank, Paul, Angelo, and Jimmy. Jimmy’s the weak link. If they can convince him to make way for you, then they’ll be a hell of a competitor to Barry.”

“Could you float the idea with Frank, Paul or Angelo if you see them?”

“Sure will – but at some point somebody will have to break it to Jimmy that he’s either become an alternate or he should look for another team.”


After leaving the morning class, Lisa excused herself from the others, “I have to get to work now. My boss has let me off for the mornings but he’s expecting me back in the shop for the afternoon.” Lisa would see the others the next morning. The class would be devoted to hosiery and the etiquette of fine dining and entertaining. Bonnie assured them that they could be ladies-in-waiting to the Queen after tomorrow’s class. That was pretty funny. Lisa was intrigued by the opportunity to learn about hosiery. Bonnie was going to discuss techniques for getting the most out of one’s stockings and pantyhose. How to avoid and fix runs, how to put on and take off hosiery and so on.

Lisa had trepidation about returning to the Venetian blinds shop as a woman. She couldn’t imagine that her fellow employees would be hostile toward her. Mr. Lutz, the owner, on the other hand, was a wild card. He was nice to his employees but not someone to share a joke with. Greg had a good relationship with him. Mr. Lutz paid for his attendance at the annual Venetian blinds conference. Lisa wasn’t sure of his politics. Perhaps a bit to the right but not extremely so.

When Lisa arrived at the shop Kevin was behind the counter. “Holy smokes. Greg? Is that you?”

“Hi Kevin. Yes it’s me.”

“Why are you dressed like a woman?”

“I’ve become one. I decided to become one. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

“I had no idea. Not the faintest idea.”

“Right. No one would have suspected. I kept it to myself.”

“I think it’s cool. I mean I’ve got no problem with it. You really do look good as a girl. I have to say that you’re sexy.”

“Thank you. I’m calling myself Lisa now.”

“Lisa? Sure, fine. I’ll try and remember.”

“I suspect it’ll take time for everyone to adjust.”

“Mr. Lutz doesn’t know?”

“Not yet. Where is he?”

“He left for lunch. He’ll be back soon.”

Nancy came out to the front from the back room. “Nancy, say hi to Lisa,” Kevin said.

Nancy stared at Lisa. “Hi Lisa. You look familiar.” Lisa smiled at her and Nancy said, “Where have I seen you before?”

While she puzzled over Lisa’s face, Kevin said, “Nancy, it’s Greg! Or was Greg. She’s now Lisa!”

“Holy shit! Greg? I mean Lisa. You’ve become a woman?”


“Wow,” Nancy said. Her eyes looked Lisa over. “What a nice figure. I love your hair styling. Wow. This is so neat. Welcome to girldom!”

“Thank you Nancy. I’ve wanted to be here for the longest time,” Lisa said.

“I’m happy to have you as my girlfriend!” Nancy said.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me,” Lisa said.

“You’re still working here, right?” Nancy asked.

“I hope so. I guess I need to get Mr. Lutz to agree.”

“He’s at lunch. Boy is he going to be surprised!”

“Are you still a boy down there?” Kevin asked.

“Keven!” Nancy exclaimed. “How rude to ask such a question.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it’s wrong.”

“Obviously,” Nancy said.

“I don’t mind answering,” Lisa said. “I haven’t had any operations. Whether or not I do depends on a lot of factors.”

“I’m curious, like what?” Kevin asked.

“First and foremost I have a boyfriend. Actually we’re going to be engaged to be married.”

“You’ve got to be kidding! You’re filled with bombshells today!” Nancy said.

“No, it’s the truth. And I’ll definitely invite you and Kevin.”

“That’s so kind of you Lisa,” Nancy said.

“Who’s the guy?” Kevin asked.

“Blake is his name.”

“I don’t remember you even dating lately.” Kevin said.

“I met him in Toronto. At the Venetian blinds conference. It’s a long story.”

Just then Mr. Lutz entered the store. Nancy went to the backroom workshop while Kevin busied himself with paperwork. Lisa said, “Hi, Mr. Lutz.” He stared at her for a few seconds until Lisa saw his face darken.

“Come to my office, Greg,” Mr. Lutz said.

“It’s Lisa …” Lisa said.

Mr. Lutz headed to his office and Lisa followed him. Mr. Lutz closed the door behind him. “Have you come from a Halloween party or is there some other purpose to your costume?”

“It’s not a costume Mr. Lutz. I’ve decided to become a woman. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

“Have you now?”

“Inside I know I’ve always felt feminine even if I never had a chance to be feminine.”

“So now you have the chance?”

“Yes. Some unusual circumstances happened that gave me the opportunity. The stars aligned …”

Mr. Lutz stared at Lisa. She thought he’d ask her what the circumstances were but he didn’t. “Greg, I’ve known you for many years now.”

“Excuse me Mr. Lutz. But my name is Lisa now.”

“As I was saying Greg …”

“As I said my name is Lisa.”

“You’re a fine worker. A credit to the Venetian blinds business. I send you to the annual conference because of your passion for the blinds industry.”

“I still have that passion, Mr. Lutz.”

“I’m going to be honest with you Greg.” Mr. Lutz paused collecting his thoughts.

“It’s Lisa, Mr. Lutz. You’re hurting my feelings by calling me Greg.” The interview was not going well and Lisa could see that it wouldn’t end well.

“What do your parents think of this?”

“I haven’t yet told them. Shortly I will.”

“You still have a dick?”

“That’s terribly rude of you to ask,” Lisa said.

“Is it now?” He paused a few seconds. “I’ve liked you Greg.”


“Always have. As Greg you can have your job here. Otherwise you can pack up your things and leave.”

“Mr. Lutz, I’m not going back to being Greg. That ship has sailed. I’m Lisa now.”

“In that case you’re no longer working here. Get your stuff and be gone. I’ll give you half an hour to clear out.”

“I respected you Mr. Lutz,” Lisa said. Her voice was husky as she fought against crying. “I would have thought that you’d want to hear me out. Make an attempt to understand me.”

“What’s to understand Greg?”

“It’s hurtful to insist on calling me Greg. I’m Lisa.”

“I have no interest in finding out why you’re the way you are. Goodbye.”

Lisa took a fancy handkerchief out of her purse and dabbed at the tears in her eyes as she sobbed.

“Pathetic,” Mr. Lutz said. “Are you trying to prove to me that you’re a girl?”

Lisa daintily blew her nose. When she had regained control of her emotions she said, “I had never thought of you as a bigot, Mr. Lutz. But sadly you are.”

“I’m restraining myself from telling you exactly what I think of people like you. So don’t provoke me.”

“I thought that people in the Venetian blinds industry were especially empathetic.”

“Why are you still here?”

Lisa left the office reeling. It was a life lesson to see first-hand a man filled with mindless hatred and prejudice. To not grant a fellow human being the slightest room to be themselves. Where did Mr. Lutz get off trampling on her freedom?

Kevin and Nancy ran up to Lisa. “He fired you?” Kevin asked.

“He sure did. He has no interest in finding out what makes me tick. That’s a courtesy I would extend to anyone. I’m glad that I won’t be working with a fool like him. Shame on him!”

“He’s certainly shot himself in the foot,” Nancy said. “You’re by far the most knowledgeable employee that he has. You make this place work.”

“Thank you, Nancy. I’ll miss you guys. You’ll be getting wedding invitations eventually!”

“Can we call you with questions? I mean if a difficult case is brought in?” Kevin asked.

“Shame on you Kevin. Why should he help Mr. Lutz?” Nancy said.

“What are we going to do without Lisa?” Kevin said. “Every week we get a tough Venetian blinds problem to solve, and only Lisa will know how to solve it.”

“I’m sorry, Kevin. I’m so hurt and angry now I can’t possibly think of helping out Mr. Lutz in any way.”

“It’s okay. It’s going to get really interesting around here pretty soon!”

Lisa gathered her stuff into a box and gave a final hug to Nancy and Kevin and left for home.


Lisa made herself a latte and relaxed in the backyard. The one thing that Mr. Lutz said that resonated with her was the need to bring her parents in on her transformation to Lisa. If she had to bet how her parents would react, she would wager that they’d act like Mr. Lutz. With time she could see her mother accepting her at least part way. She wouldn’t want to lose her child. Her dad, on the other hand, had the potential to be cruel to her. Lisa imagined a standard movie script where her dad declares that he no longer has a son. Lisa laughed. That was true though even if not in the way her father would mean it.

She would also have to find a job. There was another Venetian blinds shop on the far side of the city. It was doubtful they were hiring. Lisa knew the staff there and respected them. They wouldn’t have enough business to justify a new hire. She’d have to talk to Blake about finding a job. Maybe Bonnie could make some suggestions.


Over dinner Lisa related the story of her firing. “Jesus that guy’s a prick,” Blake said. “I’m sorry he hurt you like that. Just say the word and I’ll teach him a lesson!”

“That’s sweet of you, but it’s probably best to let sleeping dogs lie. The more I think about getting a new job, the more excited I am at the possibilities. It’ll do me some good to learn new things.”

“What kind of work do you have in mind?”

“I was hoping that you might have some ideas.”

“I could get you a job at the bowling alley.”

Lisa laughed. “That’s nepotism! I like to think of the alley as the domain of my big strong husband. It’s no place for a girl like me to work!”

“Sounds like you ought to work in a place that caters to ladies.”

“That’s a great idea!”

“You could work selling women’s clothes, for example.”

Lisa imagined what that would be like. It certainly seemed like something she’d love to do. “I could sell dresses, or …”

“Shoes, handbags, jewelry, perfume,” Blake said. “Even lingerie. You could sell bras, panties, and girdles.”

“With Bonnie’s course I’ve learned so much. This morning was devoted to foundations. I learned about selecting panty girdles, open bottom girdles, bodysuits, control top pantyhose, all these things. I came home with some very pretty outfits. Especially a sexy bodysuit I’ll wear for you.”

“I can’t wait to see you in it. You learned so much about bras during your first class.”

“True. Tomorrow after class I’ll check out job listings and see if something matches my interest. There might be a lingerie store looking for a saleswoman. Selling bras to women who want to be more comfortable could be quite rewarding.”

“You see, when one door shuts, another opens,” Blake said. “You’re going to embark on a new adventure. There’s life after Venetian blinds!”

Lisa laughed. “Today I learned about the shutting part. We’ll have to wait and see to find out about the opening part!”

When dinner was over Blake said, “Come over here.” Lisa sat down sideways on his lap and put her arms around Blake’s neck. Blake put his arms around her waist. “I missed you today. I wish I could have protected you from Mr. Lutz. He’s a fool for giving up an employee like you.”

“I know so much about the technical aspects of Venetian blinds,” Lisa said. “I’m often the only one in the shop who knows how to repair them.”

“Sad to say the time has come for you to shut the blinds on Mr. Lutz and his shop,” Blake said.

“Funny you!”

“Take a bubble bath and forget about all that bad energy. I want a private fashion show of your new foundation garments. I want to see just how cute you are!”

Blake moved his lips over Lisa’s and gave her a long French kiss. Lisa felt her muscles relax as passion grew between them. Blake’s firm and unrelenting grip caused Lisa’s desire to escalate with no upper bound in sight. She loved Blake so deeply she could scream.

Blake pulled away from the kiss. “Okay, we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves! I’m going to go downstairs and work out for a while. You make yourself pretty in the bath and wait for me in bed. I’ll take a shower and join you there. How’s that?”

“Exactly the kind of evening I was hoping for, except …” Lisa said.

“Except what?”

“Except that I’d love to watch you exercise. It would be so much fun.”

Blake laughed. “I think it can be arranged. Wait until I’m more advanced. When I’m further along I’ll let you come down and see me in action.”

“I can’t wait!”

“Go on and take your bubble bath!”


Lisa bathed. Sitting in the tub surrounded by bubbles she mourned the end of her career in Venetian blinds. It had been her passion ever since she was young. All her acquired expertise would no longer have an outlet. Kevin or Nancy might call her up when they had a tough problem to solve. She wasn’t sure if she would or wouldn’t give them advice. That was a bridge she’d cross when the time came. Her mind drifted ahead to what was coming that evening. She got out of the bath, rinsed off and put on her favorite bra, panty, and negligee.

Lisa climbed into bed and closed her eyes and thought about what kind of job she might be able to get. Dresses vs. lingerie? Should she learn a skill so she could work in a hair salon? Being with Bonnie would be wonderful. She could train to be a midwife. Helping women with their babies. Teaching the mechanics of breast feeding or using breast pumps. She could go into childcare. Work in a day care center. She would enjoy offering a comforting female presence to children.

While she was daydreaming about being a nurse wearing a white uniform, she heard the phone ring and Blake answered it in the distance. A short while he came up to the bedroom to take a shower. “I’ve been invited to join a team in the bowling league. That was Frank, one of the guys. It’s the best team for me. We’ll play against Barry’s team and be competitive.”

“That’s great!”

“So every Wednesday night I’ll be tied up at the bowling alley.”

“Can I watch?”

“Sure. I wasn’t sure you’d be interested.”

“I like the idea of you bowling with other men. I can see how handsome you are compared to them.”

“I’ll introduce you to the team. Some of their wives and girlfriends might be there. You might enjoy their company.”

Blake stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. While he was doing so, Lisa daydreamed about what she would wear to the bowling alley. Shorts and a top probably. Or maybe a skirt. Not a dress. Probably not stockings either.

Blake stepped out of the shower and climbed into bed next to her. Suddenly Blake yelled, “Ow!!”

“Oh my God, what’s the matter?” Lisa cried out.

“There’s something stuck under my back. It hurt when I lay on it!”

“What could it be?” Lisa asked.

Blake reached under himself and pulled out a small box. “I lay down on this. Boy it hurt! What’s it doing in the bed? Where did this come from?”

“I swear I don’t know,” Lisa said.

Lisa saw that Blake was holding back laughter. “I think the box is yours!” he said.

“Mine? You put the box in the bed. This is all your doings!”

“I wonder what’s in the box?”

Lisa opened it up and screamed when she saw the ring inside. “Oh … my … God … It’s so beautiful!!”

Blake held Lisa and looked into her eyes. “Will you marry me?”

Lisa burst into tears and sobbed, “Of course. I’ll marry you. I’ll love you. I’ll do everything for you!”

Blake took the ring out of the box. It had a large glistening diamond on a platinum band. “This was my grandmother’s engagement ring.”

“It’s so pretty,” Lisa said. She was overwhelmed with happiness and the fact that Blake was a man of his word. He talked about how they would be married and he came through and formally proposed.

Blake slipped the ring on Lisa’s ring finger, and she admired it. “You’ve such beautiful hands,” Blake said.

“I’ve never been so happy in my life! I’ll treasure this ring for as long as I live. I’ll be the finest wife I know how to be.” Lisa held up her hand to admire the ring. “It fits perfectly!”

Blake laughed. “One night when you were sleeping I measured your finger and had the ring adjusted to fit you.”

“Oy my God you’re so clever!” Lisa said.

Blake gently used his fingers to wipe away some of Lisa’s tears. He then moved in and kissed her. They lay down with Lisa resting her cheek on Blake’s breast while he held her. “This is what happiness looks like,” Blake said after some time.

“I want to get you an engagement ring,” Lisa said.

“That’s usually just for the bride to be,” Blake said.

“I know, but the custom is flexible. I’d love to buy you a masculine ring with at least a couple of small diamonds.”

“I won’t stop you and you know I’d love to wear it,” Blake said. “Though, can you afford it?”

“I have some savings,” Lisa said. Tomorrow she’ll ask the other girls where she could buy a man’s engagement ring. “Let me measure your finger.”

Lisa got a string and tied it around Blake’s ring finger. “I can show this to the jeweler.”

“It’s wonderful being officially engaged,” Blake said. “I want you to think of what kind of wedding you’d like. Large or small. Local or destination. Buffet or sit down.”

“That part is easy. It should be here in Chicago. We should invite all of our family and close friends. We need a pretty venue and nice food in a sit down dinner. Lots of flowers.”

“Who’ll marry us?”

“We’ll find an officiant from the Ethical Society.”

“You’ve already thought about this!”

“I’ve often had fantasies in which I’m a bride.”

“So you’ve thought about your dress?”

“Oh, yes indeed! In my mind’s eye I see myself in a gorgeous white poufy gown. Picking it out will take some work. It’ll have to be perfect.”

“Take some of your girlfriends with you.”

“I will.” Lisa thought that Debbie and Laurie might be willing to go with her to a bridal salon.

“I can wear my new suit,” Blake said.

“Oh, for sure. You’re so handsome in it!”

“You’ll be so pretty! Who’ll be your maid of honor and bridesmaids?” Blake.

“I hope my sister will be my maid of honor,” Lisa said. “I hope some of my girlfriends will be bridesmaids.”

“My brother should be best man,” Blake said.

They lay together imagining what their wedding day would be like. Lisa would have to get new bridal underwear. She’d want to dress as purely white and virginally as she could.

“One thing we need to do in the next few weeks is host a party here in the house. Bring our friends together at one time. I’ll introduce you to mine and you introduce me to yours. Getting to know some of my women friends will give you new opportunities to branch out as Lisa. I look forward to hanging out with your men friends. That should help me along my path as Blake.”

“That’s a brilliant idea!”

“We’ll have some planning to do with food and drinks. It’ll be a lot of fun to host a party with you.”

“One thing that I need to do sooner rather than later is visit my parents,” Lisa said. “Mr. Lutz asked me if they knew about Lisa and it made me think that it was a legitimate question. How can I expect everyone to accept who I am, if I don’t even face the music with my parents.”

“You’re right. I’m just as guilty as you. So let’s try and go to my parents this weekend and yours the following weekend. Then that’ll be out of the way for good or bad, and then we have a wonderful party with our friends.”

“That’ll help me forget the evil things my parents will say!” Lisa said.

“You don’t know for sure how they’ll react. They might surprise you.”

“You’re such an optimist.”

“It’s a double whammy for our parents. First, that we’ve changed sex, and second that we’re engaged to someone who changed sex. They’ll think we’re naïve. That our feelings and desires aren’t real. They’ll think that they know better than us what’s best for us.”

“But they’ll also see how happy we are,” Lisa said.

“Yes. That’s our ace in the hole,” Blake said. “I’ll contact my mom and tell her that I’d like to come by this weekend.”

“I’m scared to death about meeting them, but I know that you’ll protect me.”

“I will. My parents will eventually love you. Probably not at the beginning, but when they realize how happy you make me, they’ll accept you and then eventually appreciate you.”

“I sure hope that’s what happens.”

After a few moments they resumed kissing. Then Blake held Lisa down and had his way with her. The pretty girl under him dressed in her pretty nightie was a great turn on. He had no trouble landing a powerful orgasm just seconds before Lisa. It was a perfect night of lovemaking.


The next morning as Bonnie’s class was about to begin, Laurie said, “Oh my God, Lisa. Is that an engagement ring?”

Lisa blushed and said, “Yes.” She held up her hand so everyone could see it.

“It’s so pretty,” Bonnie and the others exclaimed.

“So tell us what happened!” Laurie said.

“Well last night, my boyfriend, Blake, got into bed and complained about lying on something that hurt him. I was alarmed as to what it could be and then I saw that he was joking. Underneath him was a small box that he had put there. I knew it had to hold a ring. He proposed to me and I must admit I couldn’t stop from crying.”

“That’s so beautiful!” Laurie said.

“Congratulations,” Stephanie and Diane said.

“Thank you,” Lisa said. “I must admit I’ve never been so happy as I am now.”

When they had settled down Bonnie led an interesting discussion and presentation on hosiery. Lisa learned much about the different options that were available. The kind of fabrics, their composition and quality, the different styles, where they may be purchased, and the selection of a shade to go with dresses and skirts of different colors.. Bonnie discussed what kind of stockings might be best for each of them. Bonnie stressed and the other women agreed that Lisa had beautiful legs. She needed to show them off in stockings and pantyhose.

After a small break, Bonnie talked about the powers that women wield. Besides their innate sexuality, they can control situations via their mannerisms and comportment. “A fully decked out woman is formidable. A woman who’s dressed well and uses her body language to take control has the same power as a queen!”

“Or a battleship!” Stephanie said.

“Exactly. That’s a good image. A woman who is self-confident and proud of her womanhood can leave men shaking in their boots!” Bonnie said. “Why? Because powerful women arouses a primal sexual hunger in men. She’s got what they want – but she’s the one who decides if they get it or not!”

Bonnie demonstrated how we should behave if we were meeting the Queen. We practiced standing tall and elegantly. We practiced curtseying with absolute control. She taught us how to sit and dine correctly. She stressed not taking BS from men. “Many women are too kind and considerate in accepting the faults of men. Make them earn your respect.” By the end of the class, Lisa was reeling from the knowledge she had gained. But Blake had none of the superficialities of the men that Bonnie described. He was honest and sensitive to her needs. He respected her. It was men like Mr. Lutz that Lisa should stand up to.

After class Lisa joined the others for lunch. “I thought you have to work,” Debbie said.

“I was fired!” Lisa said.

“Why?” Debbie said.

“My boss doesn’t accept girls like me. We don’t exist! He doesn’t want girls like me working for him.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to start a new career. Perhaps some of you have ideas for what I could do. Working in a lingerie shop or lingerie department of a big store appeals to me. I’ve learned so much about lingerie from Bonnie that I think I could be pretty good helping women with their selections. Saleswoman in a dress shop also appeals to me.”

“Those are definitely areas where you could excel,” Laurie said.

“I also know a lot about dresses. I’ve been a docent for several years at the ladies dresses section of the Chicago History Museum. I tell the visitors about the various dresses and gowns.”

“My goodness Lisa, you are filled with surprises,” Stephanie said.

“I love that collection,” Diane said. “Can you lead us in a tour?”

“Yes, that would be fantastic,” Stephanie said.

“I’ll be happy to do that,” Lisa said. “We could do it after class tomorrow?”

“Can everyone make it?” Diane said.

The ladies nodded yes and the plan was firmed up. They would travel together to the Chicago History Museum and Lisa would give them a private tour of the ladies dresses.

“Getting back to your job search,” Debbie said, “an acquaintance of mine works at Josephine’s Bridal Salon. I know she’s quitting next week to start graduate school. They’ll be looking for a replacement.”

“A bridal salon!” Lisa said. “That must be very interesting work.”

“Yeah. She helps Josephine in lots of ways. She fetches dresses, takes care of the inventory. Helps the customers with whatever they need. We could go there after lunch today and I’ll introduce you to my friend and Josephine. Who knows, you might end up with a job offer!”

“That’s so wonderful. Thank you!” Lisa said.


Debbie introduced Lisa to Josephine and Kate whose job Lisa hoped to get. Josephine greeted Lisa cheerfully while Kate made a face. “Thank you for having interest in the job,” Josephine said. “What do you know about bridal gowns?” Josephine asked her.

Kate interrupted saying, “You’ve got to be kidding.”

They all looked at Kate. “What, Kate?” Josephine asked.

“I mean, c’mon Josephine. How can she replace me?”

“What do you mean Kate? Come on out and just say it,” Josephine said. Her tone had changed.

“Lisa might look like a girl, but is she a girl?”

“What a terrible thing to say!” Debbie said.

“Kate. I’m ashamed of you,” Josephine said.

“So you have no problem with Lisa in the dressing room with half naked brides?”

“Why would I have a problem?”

“It’s pretty obvious.”

“Lisa is more of a girl than you are,” Debbie said.

“I’m sorry Lisa that you had to hear this,” Josephine said. “Some girls are so worried about their own femininity that they are afraid of the femininity of others. Especially trans girls.”

“It’s okay, Josephine and Debbie. Kate has the right to her feelings. All I know is that my life finally became happy in the way I longed for once I became Lisa. I’m engaged to a wonderful man. I have good friends – like Debbie for example. Why other people are so concerned about my own individual life is kind of bizarre to me. I’m certainly not interested in judging theirs.”

“That so well said, Lisa,” Josephine said. She turned to Kate and said, “I expected better of you, Kate.”

“Your customers are going to freak out, but that’s not my business,” Kate said.

“You’ve got work to do. I’ll finish up here with Lisa.”

Kate shook her head and left. “Don’t mind her,” Josephine said. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. So as I was saying, Lisa, what do you know about bridal gowns?”

“They’re special. There’s nothing else like the feeling a girl gets when she puts on a wedding gown. Suddenly she’s beautiful, happy, on top of the world,” Lisa said.

Josephine laughed. “I love your enthusiasm but what do you know of them as a subject? Do you know the different styles? Manufacturers? Fabrics? Do you follow the changes in the industry from year to year? Do you understand the mechanics of wedding lingerie? Do you understand the psychology of the women who come here looking for a gown?”

Lisa glumly listened to Josephine’s litany of skills necessary for the job and said, “I’m sure I’m a fast learner. My enthusiasm to learn everything there is to know about wedding gowns should make up for my lack of experience.”

“Lisa, you’re forgetting your experience at the Chicago History Museum,” Debbie said. “Lisa is a docent who shows the many gowns in their collection to visitors. She’s going to take a group of us tomorrow.”

“Really?” Josephine said. “You should speak up about skills like that, Lisa. I love that you have such a strong commitment to ladies gowns. Would you mind if I joined the group tomorrow? We could call that your job interview. Verify for myself that you have the qualities I’m looking for in a helper.”

“I wouldn’t mind at all,” Lisa said. “I bet that there’s much in common between the dresses that I discuss on my tour and wedding dresses in the shop.”

“Then it’s settled. Impress me tomorrow and the job is yours,” Josephine said. “Of course, you’ll be on probation for a month so we can convince ourselves that you’re a good fit for the varied responsibilities that go with the job.”

“That’s fair, Josephine,” Lisa said.

“I can’t help but notice the beautiful engagement ring you’re wearing,” Josephine said.

“Thank you,” Lisa said and laughed. “I was just thinking that I’m going to need a wedding dress myself – so you’ve got one guaranteed future sale.”


At dinner that night Lisa described her excitement about getting a job at Josephine’s. Blake’s reaction to Kate was to make sure that Lisa was okay. “I guess there’s no way to avoid people like her. They live tiny lives unable to see beyond their prejudices. It’s too bad. The universe has so much more to offer than just what’s in their heads.”

“This is why I love you so much,” Lisa said. “You have a way of seeing the greater context that lies beyond our experiences.”

Lisa told Blake about the planned trip to the museum. “How nice,” Blake said. “What a fun excursion for you and the ladies. Someday you’ll have to take me too.”

“I’m sure we’ll go one day. I hope I don’t mess up my tour. I really want to work in Josephine’s shop. It seems like an ideal place for me.”

“You know you’re not going to mess up! Anyway, tell me what you’re learning in your class,” Blake said.

“Today was all about hosiery. Very interesting. I’ve got many new ideas about pantyhose and stockings. I’m going to go shopping for some super sheer panty hose. I bet you’re going to love seeing me in them!”

“You do have the shapeliest legs!” Blake said.

“I don’t know what I’d do without your flattery! After hosiery we talked about comportment. How to be ladies. How to eat like ladies, sit like ladies, walk like ladies. All kinds of tips about our posture, good manners, and also not taking shit from men!!”

“Good for you!”

“My favorite was learning how to curtsy,” Lisa said. “I’m now allowed to meet the Queen!”

“Show me,” Blake said.

Lisa got up and showed him her curtsies.

“What grace! You really are sexy! Perhaps you should curtsy to me every day.”

“Now you’re being one of those men I’m not supposed to take shit from!”

Blake and Lisa laughed. If this was what married life was going to be like, then Lisa couldn’t wait to be married.

“Tomorrow’s class is about accessorizing: shoes, handbags, belts etc. Bonnie will also begin talking about fashion and choosing clothing that is tailored to our shape.”

“That Bonnie is so clever,” Blake said.

“Is tonight your bowling league?” Lisa asked.

“Yes. It’s going to be great to bowl again,” Blake said.

“Right. I hope it goes well.”

“Barry will be back next week I’m told. Tonight gives me a chance to meld in with the other guys on my team. Hopefully, we’ll be competitive with Barry’s team next week.”

“I forgot all about Barry. I’m going to worry about you next week.”

“I can handle him. With my workouts and strengthening, I think I’ll soon be at the point where I don’t have to be concerned about him at all.”

“You’re so macho!” Lisa said. “It gives me goose bumps!”

“Come here my little beauty!” Blake said.

Lisa sat in his lap and kissed him passionately. “When do you think our passion is going to run dry?”

“In about a week,” Blake said.

Lisa laughed. “It won’t be my passion. I’m going to love you forever.”

“That reminds me, I called my parents today. They’re expecting us this weekend. My brother will be there as well. That should help a bit to diffuse the situation.”

Lisa felt a scary chill run through her. That is going to be a tough time. “I’m going to be clinging to you tightly. I hope you won’t mind.”

“I think it might go okay; I mean there is at least a chance it will. Let’s not worry about it until we ring the doorbell!”


Blake came home from bowling at ten. Lisa was sleeping slumped over a book she was reading but woke up as soon as Blake entered the bedroom. “How was it?” she asked.

“Sorry I woke you.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind.

“Bowling was great. I feel so much stronger than I did before. I’ve got to work on my accuracy which was off because of my larger muscles.”

“You’re using a man’s ball now?”

“Yes. That too. A heavier ball. I’ve got to adjust to that.”

“How were your scores?”

“For the three games we played, I had the highest among the four of us. But that was less than my normal average. I really like the guys. Frank is obsessed with women. Angelo is hysterically funny, and Paul is the perfect fall guy for their jokes.”

“I’m so glad that you’re making guy friends.”

Blake undressed and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Is something the matter?” Lisa asked nervously.

“It’s just … tonight made me realize that …”

“What?” Lisa was now alarmed.

“Let me just say it. I keep thinking about these boobs of mine. They’re a distraction from my manly self.”

“Do you want to remove them?” Lisa asked.

“Realistically they’ll have to go one day, but when that should happen depends on whether or not we decide to have babies.”

“Children! We never discussed that before. You mean you’d be willing to have babies with me?”

“Of course I would. Would you like to have babies?”

“More than anything! I would love to be a mom!” Lisa thought for a minute and said, “But that means that you’d have to keep your boobs for a few more years.”

“Right. This is why I feel like I had to bring up the subject. You see, if you didn’t want children then there would be less reason to keep my boobs. But now that I know you’d like a family I’m quite happy to keep them for as long as they’ll be needed.”

“A family! Oh my God Blake. That makes me so happy!”

“It’ll be strange. I’ll be Blake and pregnant! Boy will that confuse everyone at the bowling alley!”

“And your boobs will get bigger before they get smaller!”

“It’ll be a remarkably interesting experience for both of us. You’ll have to become an expert at milking me to get milk for the babies.”

“I think I can handle that!”

“When do you think we should start having babies?” Blake asked.

“Whenever you want, but after we’re married?”

“Good point! So let’s not wait a year to get married. Let’s start thinking of doing it in a month or two!”

“I’m going to have to start right away on getting my dress!”


After the next morning’s class, Josephine joined Lisa and the other women. They had lunch and took a bus to the History Museum. Lisa had given tours of the museum gowns enough times that she felt at ease. She enjoyed the opportunity to discuss dresses with friends. She hoped to wow Josephine with her knowledge.

“I can’t thank you enough for doing this,” Laurie said. “I’ve always been curious about the dresses in costume dramas from the different eras.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Lisa said. “That’s why I studied dresses and got the courage to get certified as a docent.”

“There are so many dresses here, where do we begin?” Stephanie said.

“Right. I can’t talk about every dress. I’ll cover some of the significant ones starting in the late 1800’s and working our way to the 1950’s,” Lisa said. “Follow me!” She led them to a mannequin wearing a silk evening dress, circa 1867. “This dress in a European style is supported by a hoopskirt and crinoline, with the fullness draped and drawn to the back. Notice the evening bodice with a low neckline and very short sleeves. During the day, the bodice would have a high neckline and long sleeves. Also note the many decorations with lace and ruffles.”

“What a lovely dress,” Josephine said. “Too bad that none of the modern styles are even close to that.”

“I know. Dresses like this really bring out the woman in a person!” Debbie said.

“Very nice,” Diane said, “though a bit too flouncy for me!”

The ladies admired the dress and Laurie said, “It would be so weird to find oneself wearing a dress like this.”

“I have to confess that this is one of the dresses I would love to wear,” Lisa said. “It’s always been a favorite of mine.”

“I wonder if theatre companies have dresses like this that you could borrow,” Diane said.

“Great idea,” Lisa said.

The ladies followed Lisa to a display containing two dresses. “These are from 1875. On the left is a wedding gown made from silk faille and velvet. The one on the right is a trousseau dress of silk moiré. Similar to dresses from the Victorian era they’re tight-fitting and decorated with pleats, rouching and frills.” The women admired the dresses and Lisa answered their questions giving them the background on who had designed and sold the dresses.

“Now we’ll jump to the twentieth century. There are a few really lovely dresses here.” Lisa stopped in front of a 1903 cotton and silk French afternoon dress in an Edwardian style including a pigeon breast look giving way to a corseted waist and an s-shaped silhouette. “The bodice is boned,” Lisa said.

After fielding several questions Lisa described the rapid change in dress styles that ensued as the twentieth century passed through World War I. Waistlines that had been high in 1900, by 1915 were at the natural waist and by 1920 at the hips. She showed the women a 1945 Nettie Rosenstein evening dress, and a silk and lace 1953 Norman Norell dress. “You might have noticed that I tend to gravitate toward the prettiest dresses. Imagine yourself wearing these and how pretty it would make you feel. All dressed up and going out on the town in one of these luscious dresses. Or, perhaps, being married in one of the wedding gowns we see here.”

They continued on looking at a dozen more dresses until Lisa reached the end of her tour. The young women congratulated Lisa. “I’m amazed at your knowledge of dresses,” Laurie said.

“Same for me,” Debbie said. “I love how you bring them to life. I was imagining that I was wearing them, being a woman in each of those eras. It’s such an enriching experience. Thank you!”

“You’re all too kind!” Lisa said.

When Josephine was alone with Lisa she gushed with excitement. “I want you in my shop! Listening to you has raised my consciousness of dresses. There’s so much about them and the styles that can relate to modern day dresses. My customers are going to love to hear about the origin of the styles and how they’ve evolved through history. My mind is racing with the possibilities. We could buy some antique wedding dresses and make a small exhibit. It could be an inspiration to our brides. I hope you’ll accept the job!”

“Sure, Josephine. I’m a bit shell-shocked by your ideas. They sound so great. I would love nothing more than to help the store show off wedding gowns from different eras. Having an opportunity to help brides select their gowns has got to be the nicest job I can imagine!”

“Great! Then it’s decided. You’ll start next Monday and take over from Karen!”

End of Suitcase-7

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