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"You're going to do what," everyone asked.
Yes, my mind was made up I am going to get out into the world and live, I need to stop hiding who I am from the world. I feel a strength in my body that I never really felt before. 'Thank you, mother, for giving me strength,' I offer up a silent prayer.
"You heard me I am going to let the world see me for who I am. I am not going to hide anymore. I cannot pretend that I am not part of this world. The sons and daughters of Adam and Eve need to face the sins of their forefathers. I need to repent for abandoning the world and letting it go down this destructive path. So, I will show the world that I am here and I will not give up again," I state with more conviction in my voice.
"This grudge Michael has against me will end and I can live my life free of his anger." I say as I turn to Sara, "I need your help picking out an outfit fit for an epic statement. I also need you to help me set up my phone to live-stream this." I say a little embarrassed. A giggle erupts from Sara's lips, making me turn red in the face.
"Of course, I will help you, Lilith, let's work on your phone first then go shopping," Sara says grabbing my arm and leading me to a place where we can sit together.
I let the rest of my family do what they need to so that they can be safe and be able to continue to live unhindered.
I found that my smartphone was easy to send live-stream from. I guess I just needed to ask so that I could access all the information that I wanted from my phone. The leaps and bounds that human technology has made while I was gone were amazing and most of it in the last hundred years.
While Sara and I were shopping, she was using me as a living model for her ideas of what I should wear for my statement to the world. She finally decided since the temperature was a little cold now seeing as it was early winter, that I should have to wear a trench coat. She said it would look like a cape in the wind like I am a superhero. I also had to have skin-tight black leather pants that were definitely on the sexy side. To increase the sexiness, factor a red over bust corset was what I was to wear under my coat.
I also got calf-high boots that would make me look like a sexy warrior as Sara called me. I was finally ready to see Rome.
We took the mass transporter to Rome so that we would have stable landing sight, and it also limited the use of my magic signature from being detected too soon. Elizabeth and I found a taxi to take us to the Vatican.
Elizabeth and I stand outside the barrier that is erected around the grounds. We look like any other tourists so we are not attracting the attention of those surrounding us. Elizabeth guides us so we are outside St. Peter's Square, in a direct line with the main doors to the Basilica. The grounds are full of tourists and the Swiss Guard is everywhere.
I look at the barrier and I can see Michaels's signature all over the magic. The magic is unfortunately designed to protect against wizards and not me. I look around for Michael, but I cannot see him anywhere. I guess he wouldn't sit here waiting for an attack. I nod to Elizabeth to drop her glamour and I rip apart the barrier with my power. The magical energy released from the barrier knocks people around it to the ground as if a massive wind came through.
The tourists start to scream and panic as they see Elizabeth standing next to me in her succubus form. We take this opportunity to move quickly across the square to the Basilica. Bells start to ring all over the inside of the Vatican grounds. The Swiss Guards are coming out to respond to the threat, but they stop in fear when they see Elizabeth. This makes our trek to the Basilica a lot easier.
I slam the doors open of the Basilica and put up a quick shield around the building to keep any more humans from exiting or entering. I made it easy for Michael to enter because I needed him here as a large distraction for Elizabeth's search. We both could feel Shar'li's energy coming from inside the chapel. We made our way down the center aisle between the pews filled with parishioners.
I yell out in a voice that carries through the entire Basilica, "you have something of ours here and we want it back."
A brave priest steps in front of us and said, "begone minions of Satan. This is the house of the Lord and you are not welcome here."
Elizabeth and I looked at each other and just laughed, "I am Lilith, the first human created by the Goddess in Eden. Your church is spreading lies about my mother. We are here for something the church stole from us and then we will be gone."
Elizabeth flies around the congregation scaring everyone. I speak into my camera and tell the people watching. "You have all worked to destroy the Goddess's plan for humanity. I will no longer hide in the shadows as you all destroy the world. This world was a gift from the Goddess and you refuse to take care of it."
Right on cue Michael breaks through my shield and appears in his angelic form in front of me. "Lilith you have sinned against the almighty and I will punish you for your crimes," Michael said putting on a good show.
I laughed at him, "seriously you are going with this sin against the almighty bit? I talked to mother just the other day and she told me that this whole thing that you have against me is a personal grudge you have against me."
"You lie, as you lied to me about your feelings for me," Michael said with venom in his voice.
"That is what this is all about? You are mad because I got tired of your misogynistic antics? Wow, so viewers let's update you so way back in the day after humans were banished from Eden, I had a relationship with this joke of a man. I broke things off with him because he was trying to control my whole life." I said with a chuckle.
You were mine, Lilith, no one else may claim you," Michael said in a harsh voice.
We feel the presence of a new archangel. We turn to see Lucifer sitting up on the altar. "Lucifer what are you doing here?" I say confused. Gasps go around the room as the new angel is identified. Many parishioners are making the sign of the cross to protect themselves from Lucifer's evil.
"Beautiful Lilith, I am not here to interfere with your fight with my brother, I just knew that this would be so entertaining that I couldn't resist getting a front-row seat. He jumps up from the altar exposing his darkened wings as if he needed to expel any disbelief in who he was. He walks over to the Pope who is being encircled by the other priests.
He pushed past the priests and steps up to the Pope. "Your Holiness, you are going to want to watch this, it will be very amusing. Popcorn anyone?" He asked the priest standing around him. He stands right next to the Pope and has made a big bag of popcorn appear. He pops a few pieces into his mouth, "Carry on Lilith, I am going to enjoy watching you kick my brother's ass." He said with a wicked grin on his face.
I turned back to Michael and smiled, "Where were we?" That is when I get hit by multiple magical beams of light. Sending me end over end crushing the pews that got in my way.
I push the debris off of me and shake off the dirt. I turn to see what idiots decided to blindside me. I see ten wizards in robes looking at me. I just chuckle at them; I see you do not understand how powerful I am. Let me educate you. They all raise crosses which I assume are their focus items. I decided to take a page from Margret's book and changed my shield to reflect the attacks on them. I look into my camera and smile, "thanks Margret for the idea." I give a wink to the camera and walk back toward Michael.
"You didn't think your pesky little knights stood a chance against me, did you?" I said as they hit me with their light beams again. My shield reflected all the beams at them, sending them flying into the air and landing in a heap on the floor. I look at Michael and shrug. "I think they might have an idea of how powerful I am now." Said as I heard Lucifer snort in amusement at my remark."
I hear Lucifer comment behind me, "I see you have learned sarcasm since your release Lilith."
"So, what are you going to do now, Michael?" I asked as I noticed Elizabeth go down below the altar level.
"Lilith, I gave you a chance to return to your rightful place and you threw that chance in my face. If you do not return, I will have to destroy everything you hold dear." He growled.
"Damn Michael, you sound like you should be in Hell rather than Lucifer over there," I said jokingly.
He growls at me and puffs up his chest. He pulls out his flaming sword ready to attack me.
I look into the camera and ask, "are all men trying to compensate for something?" I pushed my magic into the ground forming a giant fist that came up and smashed him right into the gut sending him flying through the wall and out into the square.
I reach into the rubble and form an onyx sword and pull it out of the rubble. Next, I turn toward the entrance and walk towards the door I busted through earlier. When I got out of the square, I didn't see Michael but I felt his power close by. I kept my guard up and walked over to the obelisk. I could feel something hot coming closer to me. As I roll out of the way I hear the obelisk explode as Michael's sword cuts into it.
I slowly moved around him keeping our swords between us. I pull magic into my body and start condensing it for my banishment spell.
I feel my mum down under the altar. I fly down into the alcove and rip open the door. I follow the feeling down the stairs on three levels. Holy magic permeates the air as I find St. Peter's tomb. That is not where my mum's energy is.
I have to slow down and feel the energy trying to work past the holy magic. Concentrating on the energies I pick up a faint stream of demon energy coming from under the floor.
My magic flows through my body and I enhance the strength of my arms and claws. Striking the hard marble floor over and over I see small cracks starting to form in the floor tiles. Screaming as I tear into the floor pulling up the broken pieces of the floor. I get down into the dirt and stone below the foundation. The energy becomes stronger as I remove more material from the floor.
The metal coffin is finally exposed, but when I try to lift it open, I find that I cannot. I examine the metal for anything that could prevent it from opening. The more I expose I finally find the lock, unfortunately, it is spelled by angelic magic so I cannot break the lock.
I find the bottom edge of the coffin and start to lift it out of the hole. I am going to have to take this coffin to Lilith for her to open.
Michael and I have been tossing minor spells at each other looking for an opening to strike. Our swords block and strike against each other. He moves I move. My magic is almost ready to be unleashed. "Mother will be so disappointed in your actions Michael. I will send you to her before the day is done." I taunted him.
One of his strikes gets past my defenses and his blade slices through my shield and cuts my cheek as I tried to spin out of the way. I let out a small scream as I felt the pain. That damn sword of his makes the slightest scratch feel like it's the worst pain. I let a little of my magic slip down my arm and coat my sword in a bit of the banishing spell I am working on.
I telegraph my next swing so he meets my sword with his own, but I am in close so that I can strike his groin with my knee that I enhanced with magic magnifying the force of the blow by two hundred percent. Then as I twisted away from him, I put a nice little cut on his biceps. I don't know which pain is worse for him but I know he is in a lot of pain right now.
He takes flight before I am ready to cast my banishment and that makes me expend more magic to chase after him with my wind magic. We clashed our swords in the air when I put some distance between him and me.
I am ready, "Michael, the reason I left your sorry ass was you are a fucking asshole playing like you are righteous. At least Lucifer proudly admits he is an asshole. I am so done with you. I am done with your stupid vendetta, your misogynistic views, and your contempt for women." I yelled at him. With that out, I cast the spell that I was trying to cast the last time he attacked me. Luckily this time Lucifer was not messing with my magic.
I hit him with my spell and scream out putting everything into my spell. As my spell hits him in the chest a blinding light erupts causing a massive explosion of light and heat. I am sent flying through the air, but I was able to keep my shield up this time. So, when I crashed through some buildings all that happened was that I got dusty. I also took out two housing complexes, so I am sure that this city is going to be upset with me.
It took me a while to dig myself out of the rubble since I expended most of my magic and I don't know what I will run into once I get out. Making my way back to the Vatican, I had everyone looking at me scared. 'It's alright everyone, can be scared for now.' Kyle says to me. That's right, for now.
I make it to the courtyard when there is a boom as the dome breaks open with a big hole. Elizabeth flies out of the hole with a metal box in her hands and she is covered in small scrapes and bruises. Her dress is also torn in a few places. "Fuck, they buried her deep! You will have to open the lock it is enchanted by an angel and it's beyond my skill." Elizabeth said as she looked at me with a tired smile. "We good up here?" she asked between her heavy breathing.
"We are very good, up here," I reply as I pull her into a hug. "Let me see if I have enough in me to release her," I said as I pulled away from her. I look down at the box examining the spell on it. It was designed with me in mind. This will be difficult to break open.
We hear clapping behind us. We turned around to see Lucifer walking towards us with a big smile on his face. "Truly amazing work, Lilith. I was a little worried there for a bit when he put that mark on your face. You might want to get that looked at by the way." Lucifer says as he looks at us.
He looks down at the box, and then backs up at me. "That is some of Michael's finer work. Good luck with that. I'll see you around Lilith, and Elizabeth a pleasure as always." He says to us bowing as he turns around unfurls his wings and flies off.
Next comes the yelling of the priest of the Vatican, in the lead is a priest with a big hat on his head, though not as big as the Pope's. "You must not open that box! It contains a great evil that could destroy the world!"
"I know exactly what is in this box. It's my wife, that your church imprisoned for over 500 years. I will have her back, and you can kiss my ass if you think that I will let her stay in there for a second longer." With my anger off the charts now I let out a great scream as I threw all my magic at the box. The lock crumbles and a great force throws the lid of the box off.
I look down into the box to see my wife, she looks like she is almost wasted away. Her skin has become ashen and is so tight that all her bones show through. Her clothes, the same ones she was in when I was attacked three thousand years ago, barely covered her body. Elizabeth and I reach in and gently try to get her out of the box when that stupid priest started hitting me and trying to push me away. Elizabeth moves quickly around the box and pushes the priest away from us. Her face twisted in anger. "You will not interfere as my mother's reunite with each other," she yelled.
He screams out and throws water at us. "Begone you, Hell Spawn!"
"We are not part of the fallen demons, therefore your belief in the holy mother will not work against us. Especially as I am her granddaughter. That's right you unenlightened man, the granddaughter of the Goddess is a succubus." Elizabeth yelled as she looked around at all the cameras that are recording our every move.
"You blasphemous harlot, the all mighty is the Holy Father and you and your lot are unclean filth. We will not let you defile this church and besmirch God's name," the priest practically screams as the other priest start to encircle us.
I am getting tired of all this, "You will back the fuck off or I will hand you over to Lucifer himself while you are still alive." I snap at the priest. I have just gotten Shar'li up and out of the box, she rests on my shoulders. "Shri'la, let's leave now, we have what we want. I turn to the cameras for a final shot, "I will be contacting the press tomorrow so they can schedule an interview, now I must take my wife home and get some energy into her."
With a parting smile at the priest, "You can keep the box. Send the repair bill to Heaven." I quickly teleported us back to the library. Shar'li and I immediately collapsed to the floor. I have never pushed myself this hard before. My energy is bone dry. I wrap my arms around Shar'li and place my lips onto her dried lips. Then the blackness of sleep takes over and I fall into a deep sleep.
I was awoken by the movement next to me. I notice that I am in bed now so I guess that they moved us when we passed out. When my eyes finally open, I see my beloved looking so much better than before. She now has a little bluish color to her skin, her black hair seems more full, and she has also gained some weight.
I look around the room trying to get my bearings. I am in my room at Elizabeth's house, I smile and wrap my arms around Shar'li and give her a very passionate kiss on her plumper lips. She responded with passion. I broke the kiss and looked at her face. Her eyes open and she sees me looking at her. I the demonic language, "Please let this be real and not a dream." I smile at her.
"This is so real, my beloved. Shri'la found a way to bring me back, and then together we rescued you." I say back to her in demonic language.
"I was so heartbroken when you were taken from me, please do not go off to fight an angel again alone," she said back to me, a look of great relief filling her eyes. She pulls me back into a hug and places a kiss all over my face.
"My heart also broke when I found out what happened to our family, and I never want to lose you ever again," I said back to her. A knock at the door made me stop and look up. I see some red tufts of hair peeking in through the door. "Sara get your sexy butt in here. I have someone I need you to meet."
Sara burst through the door running over to the bed and jumping on me giving me the tightest hug I have ever received. "Oh. My. God. Lilith, you scared me to death when I saw you get injured by Michael." She said to me she sounded tired and worn out.
I switch back to my demonic tongue and say to Shar'li, "I'd like to introduce you to my lover Sara. She is great and very special to me. I can't wait to share her with you." I then turned to Sara and said, "Sara, I'd like you to meet Shar'li my wife, and the one I did all that craziness for."
They looked at each other and it was Shar'li who acted first, placing a hand on her face and bringing her in for a kiss. As they break apart, Shar'li looks back at me and says, "She is beautiful, I see why you like her. There is something not quite human about her though." she said to me.
"You are right she is like a few humans who have learned to use magic though it is not like mine," I said back to Shar'li. Sara looks back and forth between us, looking confused.
"I'm sorry Sara, Shar'li thinks you are very beautiful and she was wondering why you were different than other humans. We will have to teach her English so that we can all communicate together. My stomach starts to growl, "First I need food."
I climb out of bed and help Shar'li to stand, I find clothes that are left on a chair that look like they were left for Shar'li, so I helped her put them on. She looked confused as to why we were getting dressed. "Why to cover?" she asked me.
"In this time, it is important to cover ourselves, and Shri'la's husband would not be happy if we walked around the house without any clothing." I finish dressing her in a green halter top dress with an open back for her wings. I got dressed in my clothes, simple pants and a shirt.
"You wear pants like a man?" Shar'li said to me.
"Yes, this time women wear pants designed for them," I say back to her. With one hand I hold out my hand to clasp hers and with the other, I hold out to Sara who quickly grabs up my hand. We walked down the stairs to the living room. Where I see Elizabeth, her husband, and her son waiting for us.
Elizabeth is looking very tired and sick, then I realize she probably gave Shar'li some of her power so that she could get better. She was still in her succubus form. Tears start to fall down her cheeks, as she rushes over and hugs Shar'li. "My daughter, thank you for saving both of us. I am happy you did not give up and let us stay gone." Shar'li said to her.
"I'd never give up on both of you," Elizabeth said back to her. "Oh, I need to introduce you to my husband and son. This is David, my husband, and James is my son." Elizabeth said.
I was proud of Shar'li trying to learn how to say their names, "Dah-veed and Jam-mas?" she said.
"Close enough, for now, we will teach you the English language. So, you can communicate better." I said as I squeezed her hand.
She walks closer to David and pulls him into a hug, "Dah-veed like Sar-rah, yes?"
"Yes, they are both wizards so their magic is similar to each other," I said to her.
She moves over to James and hugs him, "Jam-mas like Lilith?" she asked.
"Yes, he is we don't know how, though he is not immortal like us," I explained to her.
"You mate with a mortal, my daughter?" she asked as she looked at Elizabeth.
Elizabeth put up her glamour before she answered, "Yes I did, I had to blend in with the humans to find information. Then twenty years ago, I met David, and I fell in love. My name at this time is Elizabeth to all humans. I teach at the same school as David."
"eye-lith-bah-th." She repeated it again and then looks back at me smiling so very happy that we are all back together. "Where, others?" She asked.
"We don't know, mum. Tra'tha," our youngest daughter, "was with a fallen Incubus. I escaped from him and his corruption but I do not know about the others. I lost track of them as they moved shortly after I escaped." Elizabeth explains.
After the introductions, I sat on the couch flanked by Shar'li and Sara. Elizabeth brought out food for us too much before dinner later. Elizabeth and I both worked to make sure everyone could understand what was being said. This is going to be very difficult for us till Shar'li can learn to speak English.
After dinner, I was eager to go back to bed. Not only was I tired but having both Sara and Shar'li together in bed with me has been playing through my mind constantly. So, I yawn and say I am going to bed. Elizabeth just shakes her head and says try not to be too loud. I smile at her and wink. I grab my lover's hands and say good night to everyone else.
We get into the bedroom and I lock the door, I don't want us bothered tonight. I walk over to the front of the bed, but Sara has another idea. "Lilith you sit, and no touching." I look at her shocked, but she shakes her head at me. She goes to Shar'li and wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her gently. I can't believe Sara is teasing me like this as they both remove each other's clothing. I groan because I want to be in the middle of all this.
I had to endure the sight and sound of Sara and Shar'li touching each other and loving each other. I was dripping wet and my entire body was aching for them to touch me. Sara kept giving me a teasing look as she put herself on display for me while she pleasured Shar'li. It was torture that I was not allowed to be a part of it. I could see the buildup of Shar'li's climax and Sara was not far behind. That is when Sara lays back on the bed next to Shar'li and wiggles her finger telling me to come to them.
I couldn't control my lust any longer with this display. I ripped off my clothes and jumped on top of Sara. "You have no idea what you are in for after doing that to me." I grinned as my teeth nipped on her nipple. Sara lets out a yelp and moans with pleasure. I feel Shar'li's soft lips on my shoulder and then her hand gripping my breast. I can no longer think about what I was going to do with Sara as I am so exhilarated at the touch of Shar'li. Her tail slipped between my legs rubbing on my nub causing waves of pleasure to shoot through me.
Sara nips at my neck and I just melt. The feeling of both women who I care so much about giving me an overload of pleasure is something that I cannot begin to explain. A deep moan comes from my mouth as Sara uses her tongue on my nipple while Shar'li uses her mouth to bite on my neck. I am so lost in the pleasure it surprised me when Shar'li's tail penetrates me and I become putty in their hands. I can't even return the love that they are giving me.
My orgasm is like an explosion that shoots through my body. I can't hold the scream that is coming from my mouth. I know that I am being too loud but I cannot control it. Shar'li whispers in my ear, "you chose a good lover for us, my love." I am so happy with this acceptance of Sara by Shar'li. It causes my eyes to tear up and I can't hold it back. All of my pain and sadness about the situation that tore us apart for so long comes to the surface and I cry. The tears won't stop and both of them wrap me up in a hug and kiss my face. I try to return the kisses but I cannot control the sobs that rack my body.
I hold them both so tight to my chest and we lay there for a long time as I cry out all the pain that I have been holding inside of me. I look at them both and tell them that I love them. We eventually fall asleep in each other's arms. Shar'li was filled with the sexual energy she took from each of us.
I get woken up by Sara letting out a yelp as she rolls off the bed. She frowns at both of us as we look at her with puzzled looks on our faces. "We need a bigger bed," Sara tells us as she climbs back into the bed with us. I caress her ass to make her feel better.
Shar'li looks at me confused, "we need a bigger bed," I repeat to her so she can understand what Sara said. She nods her head and smiles at Sara and me.
"You both are looking better today. Your cut on your face is healing but not as fast as you normally do." She looks a little concerned as she caresses my cheek.
"Yes, I was cut by a magical sword forged by my mother for Michael to wield. It will take quite a while for it to heal completely. I might even have a scar from it." I admit.
"Are we ready to see what today brings us?" I asked as I give a quick kiss to each of them. "Who wants to shower with me," I giggle as I run into the bathroom after translating for Shar'li. It appears that Sara is being nice today after her show of dominance yesterday. Shar'li steps into the shower with me. She watches me closely as I turn on the water to get the temperature comfortable.
She looks at me, "magic?"
"No, my beloved, this is from human science," I respond while I pull her under the water with me. She laughs and squeals as I kiss her neck and stroke her horns. She rolls her head back as I continue to stroke them. Her fangs looked so sharp I get very excited at the memory of those teeth biting into my flesh during our more aggressive lovemaking. "I never want to lose you again," I say as I look deep into her purple eyes. We kiss again lingering on each other's lips. I pull back feeling the happiest I have been in a long time.
After I wash us both, we climb out of the shower and dry each other off. Sara came in shortly after that, "we have a bit of a problem outside." She has a worried look on her face. 'They are already here,' I think to myself.
Sara goes ahead and get cleaned up and takes care of Shar'li while I go see what is going on. I look out the window to see the yard surrounded by black SUVs and police vehicles. Behind them are news vans from every station in town. So much from being able to hide and relax here, I think.
I go downstairs after getting dressed. David and Elizabeth are looking out the front window sipping coffee. "Have they tried to get close to the house yet?" I asked.
Elizabeth turns her head in my direction, "you are looking better mother. No, they can't get to the house, we put up a shield over our property keeping everyone out." They are a bit worried, looking since this puts a big target on my family.
"The council has an emergency meeting but I can't get to a portal to get to the school," David says. "Can you help me out, Lilith?"
I open a portal to the school, "do you want to take James with you to keep him safe?" I asked. At that moment James comes running down the stairs and they both jump in. That is one less thing to worry about. I think to myself. "How do you want to handle this, Elizabeth?" I finally asked.
"Let's try the direct approach, we walk outside and talk to them." She speaks.
"You want to go as you, or as Shri'la?" I have to ask if she is thinking about exposing herself as a demon or if she thinks she can keep that a secret.
"It is useless to hide any longer, they already know we are connected and that you are here. Maybe if we are open with them then they will not attack us. A united front is always the best. We knew this would happen," she remarks toward me.
"Yes, a united front, we are family and we are proud of our family." My smile was as big as it could be. I open the door to the house and walk down the steps, a big smile on my face and my hands out to my side. The officers all pull their weapons and raise them.
I look over at Shri'la looking so pretty, "they do know that there is a barrier up, don't they?" She looks at me and just shrugs her shoulders. I shrug mine in turn. We continued to walk down the drive to the edge of the property.
When we get to the edge of the property we stop just before the barrier. Everyone looks tense and unsure of what I am going to do. So, I initiate things and wave my hand hello. A couple of the officers lose their composure and pull their triggers causing them all to open fire.
I stop and look over at Shri'la who is just rolling her eyes, "boy, they sure are trigger-happy aren't they?"
"Just a little bit." She retorts as all the bullets stop at the barrier and fall to the ground. So, I wait patiently looking bored as they get control of their officers. With all the gunshots, Shar'li and Sara come running out of the house to see if we are ok. I put my hand up to the barrier and tapped it.
"We are here to talk, so can you connect us to someone who can make decisions?" I asked with a smile on my face.
Sara stops behind me and ducks behind me while Shar'li stops next to me putting her arm on my shoulder and giving everyone outside a dirty look. "It's ok Shar'li, this was to be expected we are ok so you can calm down." I pat her hand as I reassure her.
A man dressed in a suit pants shirt and flack vest labeled him as FBI. He walks around the cars that have formed a barrier in front of our driver. He makes a show of putting his weapon down and showing that he is not armed. I curved my finger signaling him to come closer.
"I am FBI Special Agent Deacon. Do you know what the FBI is?" He asked us.
I can't help but giggle at this question, Sara and Shri'la are also laughing. "Special Agent Deacon of the FBI, yes we know what the FBI is. The question to you is, are you someone who can make decisions, or do you have to ask permission to do anything?" I said with a smile.
"I have some leeway when it comes to decisions but ultimately, I have to report it up higher." He spoke.
"Fair enough," I said.
"Before we can continue, we need to know what happened to the family that lives here." He asked.
I look over at Elizabeth and she nods, she puts up her glamour and takes her ID out of her purse, "I am Elizabeth Holmes, this is my residence. My husband and son are not at home to protect them from any violence that you may cause. Case in point, I think we have about fifty bullets here on the ground and all my mother did was wave 'hi'." She said pointing to the bullets that were all over the ground.
"How do I know you are Elizabeth Holmes and not an imposter?" He asked.
"You don't, I obviously can change my appearance so you have no proof that I am who I say I am," Elizabeth said switching back to her natural form.
"So, what are you two?" He asked, looking at Elizabeth and Shar'li.
"We are succubus, Special Agent. You know what they are right?" Elizabeth asked causing Sara to giggle behind me.
"You are talking about demons that seduce men to kill them?" He asked.
"Oh my god no, we are demons, though not aligned with Lucifer I might add, and we do seduce men, we also seduce women. We feed off of sex and do not need to kill anyone." Elizabeth said.
I smile at her simplified explanation of succubus. He looks at me, "are you also a succubus?"
"Me, no, I am human and so is the young lady hiding behind me." Sara peaks out at him and waves. "But I am in a relationship with this succubus," I say and look at Shar'li.
Sara pops out, "and me."
"Yes, you too." I smile at Sara who still looks a bit nervous.
"Are there any more demons in the house?" he asked very nervously.
"There better not be or otherwise, Lucifer and I are going to have words," I said sternly.
I have a feeling that this is going to take quite a while to go through all this. I turned to Sara and asked if she could take Shar'li back inside and bring out some food and a coffee for me. "I'd offer you some coffee as well but we are not there yet Special Agent."
Sara grabs Shar'li's hand and leads her back toward the house, she turns to me and I smile at them. "Ok Special Agent, let's get past this who are you BS and get to the good stuff. Why have you parked twenty cop cars outside my daughter's house?" I said letting go of my playful attitude.
"Do you confirm that you are Lilith, the Lilith that attacked the Vatican yesterday?" he asked.
"Yes, I am that Lilith, and I did not attack the Vatican, I went there to retrieve something that belonged to me. I was attacked by the Archangel Michael and I defended myself against him." I reply.
"Very well Lilith, since you verified you were the ones involved in the attack at the Vatican yesterday, I am here to take you into custody and have you and your daughter here taken back to the Vatican to be questioned." He said as if he thought that we were just going to give in and go with him.
"I got a question for you Special Agent, did you think that we were going to be like, 'oh yes sir we will go with you'?" I asked sarcastically
"No Lilith, I did not think that you would just give up without resisting. You seem to have a problem with authority, from what I could see on all the videos that showed you. It was quite obvious that you were going to cause problems hence..." He said waving his hand at the number of officers outside.
I tap on the barrier, "I see you underestimated what we can do here."
"Yes, you got me there Lilith, I was not expecting a magic force field to be here but we can stay out here as long as it takes till you come out." He was smug in his statement.
"Grab a Snickers, Special Agent," I comment as I wave to him.
"What?" his voice rises in a sort of confused way.
"You're going to be here a while. Do you think that going through the front door is the only way we have to leave whenever we want? Let's see how that works out for you." Elizabeth and I both laugh and turn to walk up to the house.
The power went out in the house. I guess the FBI figures we need outside electricity and that this will get us to come out. A moment later the emergency generator kicks on. I got to hand it to Elizabeth and David, they are prepared.
I turn on the news to see what they are talking about. It is of course us and a live video of the house. Most of the news stations are just speculating on what they think all of the events yesterday meant for the world.
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I love their audacity
Like they are going to arrest Lilith. Good luck with that guys.
Note to Su Shi, I noticed that chapters 14 and 15, have to have the word Chapter capitalized in their titles so they will be in proper order in the outline. Not a big deal, but easily corrected.
Missing Coke
Lucifer forgot to cunjure up coke to go with the popcorn. It's traditional. ;-)
After a big part of mankind watched the video does that mean that the church will crumble like a house of cards?
I wonder if David could be converted to the nude lifestyle? >:->
And Lilith having problems with authority? It looks like some people have problems with Lilith's authority. :-)
Now the FBI waiting for Lilith to come out of the house? I can see many skeletons sitting in front of the magical shield in the future. >:->
Thx for another nice chapter^^