The Return of Lilith Chapter 12

After a couple of weeks, I have finally gotten into the grove of things between teaching and council. They still haven't found any replacements yet which is getting on my nerves but I'll survive. Today, I have decided to sit in on an Earth magic class taught by my dear friend Mr. Karrington. This guy has still not lightened up on me.

I watch as he stands in front of the class describing the requirements for a spell to make a flower. I am still trying to figure out how wizards put their intent into their focus. I also notice a lot of wasted energy since he is not compressing the magic in his focus but rather letting it flow freely through the focus. This is causing the magic to take longer than it would for me to do the same spell.

Once he finishes, I raise my hand to ask a question and he says, "yes Lilith what do you want."

"I just have a question; I noticed a lot of wasted energy when you were working that spell. I was wondering if it were possible to compress the magical energy in your focus so that when you put your intent into the magic it would allow for the magic to work a little faster?" I asked with a curious look on my face.

"That is a good question class, why don't we have Lilith come up in front and demonstrate what happens when you compress magic in your focus." He waves for me to come up front. I hop up and walk quickly to the front of the class. He hands me a stone about the size of my palm, "Use this as your focus for your demonstration."

I shrugged my shoulders, I held the stone out in my palm and started to move the magic around the focus, causing it to swirl and compress. I start to put it into the stone but when I do the stone starts to vibrate and then explodes into a million pieces. I hadn't even compressed the magic that much. I look at my hand in frustration and then look up at him. "Class that is why we do not compress our magic into our focus. Thank you for the demonstration, Lilith," he says with a smug smile on his face.

I wipe the dust from my hand and smile at him, "thank you, sir, I understand now." I turn just as his face when from a smug smile to a confused expression. I walk up the stairs back to my seat and sit down. I sit there like nothing is wrong knowing that he had done that on purpose to have it explode in my face. But I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset.

That demonstration got me thinking about why the rock could not contain concentrated magical energy. If I can do it myself, why can't it be done on an object? This line of thinking kept me busy for the rest of Mr. Kairington's class. I didn't even watch the rest of the class when all of the students practiced creating a flower. When I hear one of the students ask if I could explain how I created a flower. Mr. Kairington's face went red, but he again called me forward to demonstrate.

I walk up to the front of the class and grab an unused pot and set it down on the ground, "Now, my magic is different than yours. So, listen to Mr. Kairington and do what he says." I gave him a nod and he looked at me in surprise. "I have yet to figure out why most of the wizarding community cannot pull magic into their bodies. So don't try this at home. First, I would draw a little magic from my well, which is where I store my magic inside me. With that little bit of magic, I would pull on the magical energies around me and compress them to a tiny point. Now, I am only making a single flower so the amount of energy I want to focus on is also very small. Now that I have focused energy it is time to infuse my intent into the energy. Once the magic has been infused with my intent, I direct the magic to where I want it to form."

As I finish explaining I push my magic into the flower pot and out grows a giant Venus fly trap its open mouth waiting for its first bite of meat. I laughed as everyone including Mr. Kairington back up my creation. Then with a wave of my hand, it transforms into a sunflower. I look over at Mr. Kairington with a big smile, "sorry, I couldn't resist getting you back for the exploding rock."

With that, he dismissed the class and left the classroom. As the room began to empty the student who requested my demonstration walked down to me. He was a little on the heavy side but nothing too bad. His face was marked with acne scars and a happy expression. His clothes were tight on his body with matching black pants and shirt. "That was awesome," he says to me. He walks up to me and looks at me like he expects something from me.

"Thanks, but can I help you?" I look at him with a questioning face.

He clears his throat looking nervous, "I. Um. Would you possibly, maybe, want to eat lunch with me?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I raise my eyebrow with a questioning look. He just nods quickly at me, "Ah, well then, no thanks. I only date women. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do some research." I say leaving him standing there looking at me like I've stabbed him in the back. I walk out of the classroom thinking about my magic focus issue and thinking of how I'm going to get around the exploding issue.

I make my way to get lunch before I head off to Kairington Library to go through more books to find more information on focus and maybe more on Shar'li. After grabbing my food and sitting at my usual table I see that Sara and Luther are sitting at the table as well. I smiled at Sara and flashed her a quick wink. She smiled back at me, I guess she has finally come to terms with what I am willing to do.

"Luther, how are you doing? I know losing your family is hard and I hope that you will be able to recover from this." I say to him with a sympathetic pat of his hand on the table.

"It's still been difficult to try not to see my family burnt up like that. I know they were not good people but they were my family." I nod to him to say that I understand what he is saying.

Sara leans over to whisper in my ear, "Can you meet me in my room tonight?" Her hand grasps my knee under the table and can practically smell her desire coming off her.

"Absolutely," I whispered back with a grin and slid my hand up her thigh but stopped before I got too high. I did not want to start something here with everyone watching us. She gasps as I rub up and down her leg.

James is just shaking his head at the two of us, "you guys could be a little more subtle, you know."

"When have I ever been subtle since you have known me?" I joked with him.

"You got me there, no one could ever say that you are subtle. You make your intentions very clear." He laughs at me. He is right though. I can't ever remember being subtle in anything I have ever done in my life. I have always been open and direct about what I want.

I notice that he and Justice are sitting quite close together, so I guess my walking on them didn't ruin their relationship. I was glad about that; he needs to have a normal life even with his abnormal family. "So, have you found anything new about Shar'li yet?" He asks me, knowing how hard I have been looking for any information.

"No, I haven't found anything new about her. All I know is that some church has taken her at some point during the crusades," I say to him. "I am going to be looking for more information after I am done with lunch."

We all chatted together while we ate just enjoying the bonding time. When we finished, I walked hand in hand with Sara to her next class, stopping at the door before she could go in. I give her a quick peck on the lips and say to her, "I'll be using these lips, to make you scream tonight." Her cheeks flush as she blushes at my comment, but I could also tell it made her excited as well.

I teleport to Kairington Manor to try and make more of a dent in all the thousands of books in that library. It is long and tedious work but I don't find anything new about Shar'li. I guess whatever church she was sent to kept a close hold of any documents on her. To the arrogance of man to believe their religious beliefs are the be-all and end-all, and anyone that doesn't believe deserves to die.

It makes no sense to me; I mean they are all wrong when it comes to the truth. Hell, they didn't even get the truth about Adam and Eve right. I'm not even mentioned except through obscure Hebrew text, and it's not close to accurate. Well except for the part about me being a mother to demons, just not all demons.

As I am going through the books, I have only found books that go back around eighteen hundred years, there is nothing before that. It seems that there are no records of any wizards from before the Celts ruled the northern area of Europe. There are also no records of any wizards coming from any other lands. I think this must have been done on purpose to maintain the power base of the Council. It's strange considering there are wizards in every area on the planet. I have about finished for the day when I find a small thin book that I overlooked.

It was written by David; he is referencing the history of magic and the church. It says that the Vatican had started recruiting more wizards to the holy cause after an important find in the holy land. It's written like it's noted in some research. I am going to have to talk to him tomorrow about these notes.

I look at my phone and see that it is getting late and I need to get some dinner before I head over to Sara's room. I put the papers in my bag and headed back to the school. I got to the line and I had to pick through what little food was left on the lines. I managed to get enough edible food to hold me over for the night.


On my way up to Sara's room, I run into Megan who jumps away from me quickly. Her face was flushed and filled with horror. "Are you ok?" I ask of her as I look at her with concern.

"You are not going to come for me or my family, are you?" She stammers out.

"No, why would I? I have already punished those who needed to be punished and I have no desire to come after you or your family. I cannot say that someone won't come after your family. It just won't be me. No need to be scared of me, I am not going to hurt you," I say trying to reassure her so that she can relax.

"But you went after the Kairington family, I just don't want to end up like them," she says still looking scared.

"Ah, well that was a different story, I didn't kill them. That was all Lucifer's doing," I say making light of the whole thing. "Now if you will excuse me, I have someone waiting on me," I say with a smile and turn to walk away.

I arrive at Sara's room and she is waiting for me eagerly. We don't even make it to the bed and just start tearing each other's clothes off. was so glad that Elizabeth told me about lingerie since it excited Sara to no end when she got my clothes off.

Our lips lock and we can't keep our hands off each other, our tongues exploring each other's mouth while our hands roamed each other's bodies. I pushed her down on the bed and spread her legs wider so that I could get access to her glorious center. Her fingers tangle in my hair as she starts to pull me on top of her.

As our tongues continue to explore each other's mouths, I do quick work of removing her panties and bra. I pull my lips from her mouth and kiss her and start to kiss down her neck. I work my way down to her perfect mounds, tracing my tongue around her rock-hard nipples. She gasps as I take one of them in my mouth and tease her nipple with my tongue.

After I gave each nipple its due attention, I started to kiss down her stomach stopping when I reached her navel. I use my tongue to slowly lick around her navel teasing her just a little bit more. She groans as I slow my descent down her body. Desire fills her eyes as she tries to get me to go to her special place. I lift my head and shake my head now as I slowly walk my fingers up her stomach to her lips. Her chest heaved with every quick breath she took in. "Please Lilith, I need you," she pants.

I look at her and she is staring into my eyes, with a grin I reply to her, "Oh darling there is no need to rush. I promise you when I am done with you. You will be completely ravished by me." I quickly pinch each nipple as I am talking to her causing her to moan louder and roll her eyes into the back of her head.

With a chuckle, I continued my journey down her body starting at her hips, slowly kissing and licking down her pelvis bone. She gasps as my breath tickles against her nether region. I take this time to tease her some more by kissing down the inside of her thighs. I can hear the frustration in her groans as I bypass her delectable core. The smell of her arousal fills the air as I bask in the scent.

Done teasing her, I grab her by her hips and take her little clit in my mouth softly biting it. Her back arches as she screams out in ecstasy, but I am just getting started. My tongue swirls around her hard little nub as I suck on it. Causing her to climax, but I am not going to let her come down so early.

Looking up into her eyes my tongue enters her core. Licking her up and down getting mixed with all of her juices. Sara is panting so hard that she is unable to speak, but as I slide a single finger inside of her, she screams out as loud as she can.

I continue to work my finger in and out of her body causing her to tremble and moan. I slide a second finger into her, as I move my mouth up to kiss her and share her juices with her. Our tongues wrestle with each other to gain access to each other's mouths. She breaks the kiss as another orgasm hits her like a ton of bricks.

I move back down to lick on her clit while I slam my fingers into her. Her screams beg me to stop as she builds back up so quickly towards her third orgasm. By now I am soaked with my desire and pleasure as I continue to pound her as she rides out this wave of pleasure.

She lays still as I slide my fingers out of her, she is completely spent. I can tell that she has never received this kind of pleasure before and that it has completely broken her for the night.

I smile as I slowly lick her juices off my fingers and move over to her mouth with a fresh kiss. This one was quick as she couldn't even begin to show any passion. I put a finger under her chin and shifted her head so she is looking at me. I give her a quick peck on the lips before I say, "Good night, sweet thing. Next time you might be able to show me what you are capable of."

I climb off the bed and gather my clothes, putting them back on before I leave the room. As I walk into the hallway, I see several girls looking at me with shocked faces. I smile and say to them, "I had lots of practice girls." Not even a hint of regret shows on my face as I walk down the hall with a huge smile on my face.

I cross the courtyard to head back to my dorm room. I get several looks of confusion having seen me come out of the wrong dorm building, but I don't pay them any mind. I just hope that I haven't broken my new toy so quickly.

I enter my dorm and Justice looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "Why do you smell like sex?"

I laugh and say, "because I just had sex. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go shower and finish myself off."

"TMI, Lilith," she chuckles.

"What's TMI?" I asked confused. I continue to gather my things for the shower.

"Too much information, Lilith. You need to get on social media so you can learn all this yourself," she says shaking her head.

I think about that for a moment as I grab my towel and head into the bathroom.

The first thing that I have to do when I get into the shower is to relieve my pent-up desire. I think of how sexy Sara was as I ravished her, as I bring myself to climax.


The next morning as I grab my breakfast, I don't see Sara in the cafeteria. I go to my usual table and see all my friends here happily chatting away about what they did last night. It was all just general talk till they saw Sara walking towards us.

I turn to see her moving slowly and unsteadily. I quickly jumped up and helped her to a seat right next to me. She looked at me with such happiness in her eyes. I returned her smile and she said to me, "thank you for last night, it was beyond amazing."

Everyone is looking at us confused as to what was going on, except for Justice. She is staring at her plate like it's about to run away from her. I smile at her and reply, "anytime." I give her a little wink and she giggles.

"Wait," James says looking at both Sara and me, "you two hooked up last night?" His face twisted in disgust as he continued to look at us.

"If you mean did, we have sex last night, then the answer is yes. What's the big deal? We all have needs that we need to satisfy," I say. Everyone's face was frozen in shock as I said this.

He tosses his fork onto his plate and wipes his mouth, "oh god, I don't even want to think about that."

"What's the big deal, I know teenagers brag about this kind of thing all the time. So, I don't understand why it's such a big deal to you?" I asked.

"Yeah well, most teenagers do not have to listen about their grandmother going at it with someone. Most teenagers don't even want to think about their parents doing it." He shakes his head and I can tell he is trying to get the scene of me and Sara hooking up out of his head. As his face soured, I could tell that it wasn't working, whatever he was trying to do.

Everyone at the table started laughing at him all at once, though Sara looked embarrassed. "Hey, don't be embarrassed at what we did. It was beautiful," I whispered to her and grabbed her hand under the table.

"I know, but everyone on my floor is already asking me about it and I just don't know what to say," she whispers back.

I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to me and looked across the table as though I had not a care in the world. She laid her head on my shoulder and just smiled.

"James, can you tell me when it would be a good time to go talk to your dad?" I asked.

He looked at me all scared, "Wha... Wha... What do you need to talk to him about?" He asks, scared that I am going to tell him or something.

"I just found some of his research in the books I was looking over yesterday and I need him to explain a few things about it," I say casually, trying not to smile as I watch him try to look as nonchalant as I am.

"Well, if it's the research he has office hours at the university from 1:00-3:00, so he should be able to talk to you then." He says and I give him a nod.

I finish my food still keeping close to Sara, "well James, we better get going to class." He groans as he looks at me but still stands up and follows me.

As I watch my students go through the dance of magic. I notice that Margret has changed a bit, her masculine features that I noticed when I first met her have taken on a softer side. She is also sporting a larger pair of breasts, which seem to have boosted her confidence. She is moving in a more flowing manner rather than her usual more rigid one.

Justin is also surprising to me as he is showing more control over his magic and his will has gotten to the point that it is the same size as the others.

I clap my hands and everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me, "you are all looking great. I see that each of you has gotten a firm grasp on controlling magical energy. James, you have also seemed to have caught up with the others in the size of your well. So, congratulations on all the hard work."

"Now we are going to learn how to use this energy wisely so you do not waste as much energy as the other wizards do," I quickly explain to them. I start to explain to them how to compress magic within their bodies and how to control its release.

After several explosions as the students try to control the output of their magic, James finally manages to accomplish this technique. We continue to practice and the explosions are getting smaller as the students cast. I finally call the class end. I release them all but ask Margret to stay back for a bit.

"Margret, I have noticed some changes in your body since you started class. I am just wondering if you are aware of this." I question her.

"I haven't noticed much except my chest has a big growth spurt," she replies to me.

"I have noticed that your other features that tipped me off that you were not born a woman have softened and have feminized, besides your obvious chest growth. I am wondering what are you thinking about as you do your dance?" I asked her.

She looks at me with a nervous expression and starts to answer, "in the beginning it was all about what my next step was going to be. Now that I have the steps down, my mind kind of wanders off from time to time. I usually start thinking about how I wish that I was a girl like I feel," she explains.

"Tell me, how strong are these feelings that you have for wanting to be a girl?" I asked, trying to see if maybe she was changing herself.

"I want that more than anything else in the world," she says back to me with a sheepish expression.

"Interesting," I pause thinking over this information. "The only conclusion I can come up with is that when you let your mind slip to thinking about your desires, you are putting intent into the magic that you are working with. This is why I believe that you have changed so much physically. Don't worry there is nothing wrong with anything you are doing. I think the reason it's happening so slowly is that you are not compressing the magic as you are putting your intent into it. I have never changed genders using my magic so I don't know how much you can accomplish, but I say since it's making you happier keep at it."

She giggles with a big smile on her face as she says "Thank you. I do feel happier about my body even though I had not noticed all the changes you seem to have noticed."

As she starts to walk out the door I yell out, "I hope it all works out for you."

I walk back to my room and get out my laptop. I have not used this much since I got it. I started googling for information about social media. I click on the first link that pops up and I find myself on Facesnap. I work my way through the creation of a new account. I take a few pictures of myself on my phone so that I can attach them to my account.

In the about me section, I have to go with the story that I was supposed to be telling everyone, as humans use this site as well. I mess around on the site trying to figure out how to use the site. I mess around with the site till I notice that it's lunchtime so I head to lunch.

After lunch, I had to go see David at his office. I make sure I have the papers so that he knows exactly what I am talking about. I found him in his office talking to another student so I patiently waited outside.

As he finishes with the other student I walk into his office and close his door. He looks up at me and looks concerned, "Lilith, what brings you to see me instead of going to Elizabeth?"

I put the papers on his desk and take a seat across from him, "I need more information on what you found out about the Vatican and Crusades."

He looked through the papers and looked at what it contained. He says, "I remember this report from about ten years ago. I think I have all my research notes back at the house. Why does this old information interest you?"

"It's quite possible that the artifact you referenced was Shar'li. A few weeks ago, I found the notes of a crusader wizard that found her in a cave and sent her to 'the church.' I don't understand all the religious ideals that seem to be common in the Crusades and I was hoping that you could help me to understand it, once I found these papers in the Kairington Library." I explained to him.

At that moment an older man bursts through the door, "I knew you were bad news, David. Now I caught you with a student. I'm going to get you fired for this."

David just sighs and shakes his head, "Barry, I would like you to meet my niece, Lilith. She goes to school with my son, and she was just asking me for some advice about her moving to a new school."

"I don't believe you, young lady what has he promised you so you would have sex with him?" He looks at me with a sneer.

I look at David look saying is serious. David just shrugged. I burst out laughing, "Eww, that's so gross you old coot. David is my uncle and besides, I would never have sex with a man."

His sneer started to falter and he gave David a stern look, "I'm watching you, David."

"Bye, Barry." He turns around with a huff just as Elizabeth shows up.

"I can't believe you let him get away with diddling students." He snorts at Elizabeth. She just gives him a confused look and walks into David's office.

As she comes in, "David, what's all that about?" she asks.

David just shrugs, "he has been like that for the last week since he got passed over for his tenure. He is convinced that I sabotaged him, and is trying to get me in trouble. It's not a big deal."

Elizabeth leans over and kisses him on the cheek, she looks over at me. "Why are you here, Lilith?" she asks. We hugged each other.

"I found some notes of David's that talked about an artifact that was taken to the Vatican during the Crusades. I wanted to ask him more about it." I told her.

"I was just going to invite Lilith to dinner so we could look through my books to see if we can find more information from my notes," he says to us both.

"That sounds great David," I say to him.

Elizabeth looks at me with a stern look on her face, "why is sexual energy coming off you in such strong waves?"

"Because I had sex last night." I look at her like what's the big deal?

"You're supposed to be watching James and keep him out of trouble," she says to me quite irritated.

"He is not in any trouble at all, and besides no one at the school would mess with him anymore. He is doing quite well in his magical studies." I say to her.

"What if he starts following your example and starts going out having sex," her face getting a little angry.

"I don't think you have to worry about him following in my footsteps, he was thoroughly disgusted when he figured out, I had sex. Seriously, though, why are you all uptight about sex all of a sudden?" I asked her.

David interrupted us and spoke more calmly to me, "It is a little different with James having sex since he isn't old enough to be able to deal with the consequences of not being safe. We just don't want any accidents to happen with any girls."

"I told him the same thing when I..." I realize I promised that I wouldn't say anything. "Never mind," I squeak out.

"Mother, when you what?" She looks at me furiously.

"I promised I wouldn't say, so I'm not going to tell you," I say looking at her. Her eyes had a fire in them that I have never seen. "Shri'la, you will calm down this instant," I said as my eyes narrowed and started to glow with power. She realized she overstepped with me. She broke my gaze and immediately shrank away from me.

David looked between us with wide eyes and went over to comfort Elizabeth. "I'm sorry mother, I just got very protective of James. I don't want anything to happen to him." She had shame in her voice as she apologized to me.

I let the power flow out of me and walk over to Elizabeth. I cup her face in my hands and look at her with sympathy, "I know exactly how you feel, but know this, I will do anything to protect James just as I protected you when you were a child."

David broke the silence that followed as he placed a kiss on Elizabeth's forehead, "Elizabeth, I trust your mother will do everything within her power to keep James safe. We also have to put some trust in James as well, because Lilith can't be with him all the time."

I smile at him; I am starting to like David. He seems to be a good man and honestly cares about both Elizabeth and James. I walk out of the room to leave them to be with each other.

I think it's time for me to explore this world a bit and see what it is like outside of the wizard community. I walk around the campus watching all the students coming and going to classes. A group of students was sitting on the grass talking to each other.

I keep walking around just looking and noticing that no one here has given me a second look, it is as if I am invisible. It is kind of nice to not always have eyes on me wherever I went. I went into the student union building to get a coffee and then just sat and watched the people moving around me. Many of the students sat working on laptops or looking through thick books.

I sit there lost in my thoughts when a bag flops down right next to me. It breaks my train of thought as I look to see who had dropped the bag. I am pleasantly surprised to see a lovely Asian woman with straight black hair and a loose-fitting top. Her yoga pants hug her legs showing just how toned they are. I smile at her.

"I'm sorry if I am bothering you, I just needed a moment to clear my head and you looked a little lost. I figured I would see if you need any help." She says to me with a beautiful smile. My heart skips a beat at how beautiful she is.

"No, I'm not lost I'm just waiting for my aunt to finish work and I just decided I would people-watch for a little while. It's quite interesting here, I am not used to this kind of environment." I say with a small laugh.

She holds out her hand for me to shake, "My name is Kim, what's yours?"

I take her hand and shook it, "Lilith."

"So, Lilith, are you planning on trying to come to school here?" Kim asks me.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I am going to do with my life. I have some family issues to resolve but after that, I don't know what I will do. I have never really worried about the future before." I reply honestly.

"What does your aunt do here?" Kim asks me curiously.

"She is a professor here in the history department along with my uncle," I say.

"Oh, Dr. Holmes is your uncle?" She looked at me surprised.

"Yes, although I am just starting to get to know him. He seems like a nice guy." I replied with a small smile. "What do you study here?" I asked her.

"I'm studying archeology, so I have spent a lot of time in the history department," she says with a laugh. "I am very interested in the Crusades and how they expanded throughout Europe and the Middle East."

I paid much more attention to Kim after she said, "that's a coincidence, I was just asking Dr. Holmes some questions about the Crusades earlier today."

I have shifted from a light-hearted conversation to a serious one. "Really, what a coincidence, what did you want to know? Maybe I can help you."

"I was asking if there are any records of artifacts that were brought back to the church and where that church would keep them," I say looking at her.

"That is not at all what I thought you were going to ask. If I were to guess I would say that the church they would send anything to is the Vatican and for records of artifacts sent to the church. That would probably be held in the Vatican archives, but no one gets access to the archives unless they have the proper permission from the church," she says with a serious face.

"That is not what I was hoping to hear, thank you for the information. I hope that you are wrong about the only records being in the Vatican archives." I say with a sigh.

"LILITH! I HAVE COME FOR YOU!" a booming voice calls from down the hall.

I look over at Kim, "run! Hide!" I yell as I stand up and face the voice. The voice is coming from a hulk of a man, his muscles have muscles. His face twisted in rage as he stepped closer to me. I can feel the taint of evil coming off of him and I know right away that this is a bad situation. I can't use magic here and this demon could hurt the people here. I enhance my body with magic to increase my strength and speed.

I have to get him worked up so he will go into a rage and follow me into an area where I can use my magic to destroy him. "I bet you say that to all the girls, but like I tell all the men. I am not into the hetero lifestyle. Your equipment is just icky." I say as I look at him with a smirk. My casual pose caused him to pause and look at me.

"You think that there would be no consequences for your deal, you took my charges from me. I don't care what he says about you. I will kill you and then take my rightful place as the leader of Hell." The demon snarled.

I couldn't help but laugh, "seriously, is that your plan? Oh, my Goddess, I can't believe how absolutely stupid you are. Do you honestly think you can do that?" I say as I roll my eyes.

"You are just a weak child that I will break with my bare hands," he says to me with a curled lip.

I know I am going to have to do something soon otherwise someone here will get hurt, he sprints towards me as he throws his hand up to swat at my head. I duck and roll to the side and as I roll, I kick the back of his knee with my enhanced strength. His legs buckled and he went down. I got up quickly and started sprinting down the hall to the exit. I move fast but I can hear him behind me and he is gaining on me. Alarms go off in the building as people scatter out of my way. I rush out through the doors and I can hear sirens in the background.

Perfect I think I can use magic to make it look like he was killed by the police. Behind me, the demon crashes through the doors and follows me out into a common area. People are screaming and running away, which is exactly what I need them to do.

I reached out with my magic and bound his legs temporarily so it doesn't become obvious. He crashes hard to the ground letting off a yell of rage at me. I turn around and smile at him, I want him to think that I am being overconfident in my magic and that he can get to me. "Nice try, but I don't go down so easily, Mr. whatever your name is," I taunt him as I turn back to walk away from him.

I hear him grunt as he starts getting up, and a scream from somewhere else tells me to watch out. I quickly jump to the left as I see him sail past me just missing me by inches. He rolls as he hits the ground and lands in a crouch. Ready to spring at me. I see out of the corner of my eye that the police are here so it's time to play as the damsel in distress.

He springs at me again but this time when I jump out of the way I let his long nails scratch my stomach. I scream out in pain, as my shirt is shredded and soaking up the blood from my wounds. He lands crouched on the ground ready to strike again. I see the police behind him with their weapons drawn. I yell out, "please help me! He is trying to kill me!"

"No one can save you now, Lilith," he snarls at me. He springs up towards me when I hear the sound of gunfire. I crouch down as if I am scared but I still flash a smile that he can see. I release more magic to crush his brain killing him as the bullets penetrated his body. His body lands on me causing my body to skid on the ground under him. I played unconscious as the police reached him. They are yelling orders at the body to get up and when he doesn't move, they lift him off me. My body is twisted in a very uncomfortable way but I still do not move.

I feel them check for my pulse, and call for a medic kit. They hurry to stop my bleeding but they still don't move me till the EMTs arrive to support my neck. I know I have to sell this like I am seriously hurt and close to dying so that no one thinks that I had let myself get hurt. I am on the stretcher being wheeled to the back of the ambulance when I hear Elizabeth screaming my name and the police trying to keep her from rushing over to me.

She finally convinces them to let her in the back of the ambulance with me. She grabs a hold of my hand and holds on to it, crying over me. I give her hand a gentle squeeze to hopefully let her know that I am not as hurt as I am pretending to be.

As they wheeled me into the ER, I let out a small groan and made it like I couldn't open my eyes. I listen as the doctor tries calling my name to get me to respond but I don't. I felt a pinch in my arm and I drifted to sleep for real.

I wake up sometime later in a hospital room with Elizabeth sitting in a chair next to my bed. "Damn those drugs are no joke, I wasn't expecting them to put me under like that," I whisper to her. She looks at me surprised as I wink at her.

"What the hell happened," she whispers back to me looking a little concerned.

"I was called out by a demon in the middle of a large crowd of people. I had to make it look like he was killed by the cops, and I had to make it look like he hurt me badly so the cops would shoot him in the first place. So, I let him get me to sell the innocent victim act," I say to her. "don't worry I will heal my body up nice and good as soon as we get out of the hospital."

"God, Mother you scared the shit out of me after one of David's students called him to say you were attacked and we quickly ran over there to see them loading you up into the ambulance all bloody," she says to me.

"Sorry, Elizabeth. I didn't know of any way that I could have gotten a message to you so you wouldn't worry." I say to her.

"I'll be right back, Lilith the police want to talk to you about the attack." She says as she walks out into the hall. I lay there waiting for her to come back with an officer.

The officer comes in and stands at the foot of the bed while Elizabeth sits down next to me. "Lilith, do you think you can tell me what happened today?"

I try to look like I am a little confused, but I explain that this man I have no idea who the man was, but that he singled me out and I ran to get away from him. I also explained that he was yelling some nonsense before he attacked me but I don't remember what it was. The officer closes his notebook and takes out his card and hands it to Elizabeth. He said to call him if I think of anything else.

After he left and we were alone again, "so, what did he want?" Elizabeth asks me.

"He was upset about the deal I made with Lucifer, I guess that demon was making deals with wizards and I took away his meal ticket. He also thought that if he could kill me, he could also defeat Lucifer and take over hell." I tell her shaking my head.

Later the nurse came in and checked me over, she said that I should be able to go home in the morning. As she left Elizabeth says she is going to pick me up in the morning and get some rest, as if that shot didn't make me sleep enough already.

I lay on the bed and watch some TV, and then I fall asleep. I get woken up when the nurse comes in to check on me and takes a few notes in my chart. I got brought some breakfast which was seriously lacking in taste. By mid-morning, the doctor finally released me and told me to take it easy for a few weeks until I heal fully.

Once I get into the car, I heal myself up as good as new.

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