The Return of Lilith Chapter 8

After a dinner where no one bothered me and kept their distance from me. I was able to walk leisurely back to my dorm room. It was time to meet my roommate. I was not excited about this, I thought that a roommate would interfere with my training of James. Walking up to Morgana Hall looking at the water motif that was covering the walls of the main foyer.

A staff member was sitting at the desk that was near the grand staircase. He was a squirrely-looking guy with a goatee that was starting to gray. His hair receding from the top of his head and what little he had on the sides was a dark brown peppered with gray. He looked at me through his wire-rimmed glasses and said, "You must be Lilith Primus, I am Arther Pike your Hall advisor. You have been the talk of the campus all day. I am not impressed, you will follow the rules, or I will punish you. I like to keep the dorms clean and organized, and quiet. Do you understand?" He finished asking me.

"I understand Arther, I will make sure that I will not cause you any trouble. Which room is mine? I asked him.

"You are in room 315, I will be watching you," Arther said as he handed me my room key and gave me an evil eye.

Rolling my eyes at him, I climbed the stairs to the third floor and went to my room. No one was in the hall and it was brightly lit. I heard muffled voices coming from various rooms as I passed them. When I find my room, I unlock the door and enter. The room was not overly big white walls and two closets, two single beds, a pair of dressers, and a small desk. My roommate was laying on her bed with earbuds in. She was a little plump with long straight blonde hair held back with a green headband. My suitcases sat next to the other bed. I proceeded to unpack my things for the second time in a week.

My roommate must have finally noticed that I am in the room, as I am hanging a few of my tops in the closet. "Hi, I'm Justice, I am from California and I'm aligned with water." I turned around to see the smile that was on her face slowly changing into fear.

With my biggest smile, I didn't want to scare the girl that I am going to have to live with while I'm in school. "Hi, I'm Lilith and from the change in your facial expression, I see you already know that. Don't worry about me, I have nothing against you. I am generally pretty nice." I continued to hang my clothes and put my suitcase in the back of the closet. "So, Justice where are the facilities in here? I'd like to get cleaned up after the day I've had." I joke giving a small laugh.

"It's just down the hall on the other side of the staircase, the left-hand side," she says, relaxing a little.

"Thank you, I'll see you later then," I say as I grab my toiletries and towel. Heading down the hall, to take a shower. I have a big smile on my face as I go, but still, I had another student on the floor open her door and stepped out. When they saw me, they quickly closed the door. Do I have horns or something? I think to myself, shrugging my shoulders as I walked to the restroom. I found that the showers lined the back wall and contained a small changing area. with each stall, two shower curtains offered some privacy. Three of the stalls were occupied but there were others available. I grab the closest open one and proceed to clean myself.

The hot water felt so good as it washed away the stink of the day. It's not as pleasurable as the hot springs Shar'la and I use to share to clean each other. I sigh as I think about her. I will be so happy when I can be reunited with her again. I finish my shower and wrap my towel around me because apparently, humans are modest now for some reason. I walk over to the sink to brush my teeth and dry my hair. As I am there just minding my own business, I hear a quick scream from behind me.

I slowly turned around to see another of the girls that were in the showers cowering in the back of the stall. Rolling my eyes and turning back to work on my hair, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to get cleaned up like everyone else." This is going to get annoying quickly if that's what everyone does when they see me. As I continue to work on my hair making sure to comb it through, to keep it in good condition. I heard the patter of feet as the girl ran out of the restroom.

I finish up my hair, go and get dressed, then head back to my room. A few girls peek out of their doors as I walk by, and I pretend not to notice. Jessica was lying back on her bed trying to read when I walked in. "So, is everyone scared of me?" I asked her as I hung up my wet towel and put away my dirty clothes.

"I don't know about everyone, but there I would say most of the students are. You showed everyone up on the placement test and then you completely humiliated the legacies with that little performance before dinnertime. No one knows what to make of you and how powerful you have shown so far. Your magic is so different than what I have ever seen." She sits up and crosses her legs." You are an unknown entity with a mean temper."

I frown at her, "I wasn't planning to use my magic on anyone, but they attacked my family and I have to retaliate. My family is the only thing I care about in this world." I take a deep breath and try to think of a way to not be the bad guy here that everyone is scared of.

"It isn't who you attacked, because almost everyone here is tired of the way the legacies are treating people. They never get in trouble for anything and everyone is scared of them. Then you come along and just change everything," A knock at the door interrupts her.

I open the door to find James on the other side. Grabbing me into a hug, "oh my god you are the best Lilith. I saw what you did to them on video and I can't believe that you managed to utterly humiliate them." He smiles at me but sees that I am not as happy as he is. "What's wrong, did something happen to you for sticking up for me."

I shake my head now and take a step back to let him in. "Justice this is James, my cousin," I say stick to the story that we agreed on. "He is the reason that I went after the legacies, today," I explain to her. I walk over to the bed and sit down on it. "No James, I didn't get in trouble for that bit of payback today. I just found out that everyone is scared of me. I don't want to be feared, I just want my family to be safe," I sigh.

"Well, I think you are awesome Lilith and I'm sure that others will see that too. You just got put in the middle of the main bullies of the school and the guy they love to target. It's going to take some time for people to realize that I am not a dud," He smiles and sits next to me. "I think that things will be easier now that you have shown everyone that you are not someone to mess with."

"I don't think it will be so easy, James," Justice says. "I think that the legacies will try to come after you again. They can't stand by and do nothing after what you did. The rest of us might get hit in the crossfire, I don't know what the others in the school are thinking but I have a feeling that this will only get worse. So, I think most people are going to keep their distance for now."

"What about you, Justice? Do you think that you need to keep your distance from me?" I ask.

"Me? No, I don't think you are someone to be afraid of now that we have talked a bit. I understand that you were just sticking up for your cousin and that you have a wicked sense of revenge. I want to see what else you end up doing. She says with a smile.

"What's your class schedule like?" James asks me.

"I am in all your same classes except that I have to take magic theory," I say rolling my eyes. "I had a nice little conversation with Mrs. Morningale, after lunch today and she informed me of my class schedule. So, we should be able to work on the classes together," I say to James.

"I'll see you at breakfast then Lilith, I'm headed up to my room for the night and to call my parents. Is there anything you want me to tell my mom while I am talking to them?" James asked me as he stood up and headed for the door.

"No, just don't tell them about what happened today you know your mom would get upset with me," I say to James as I followed him to the door. I closed the door after he left and locked it. I start to get ready for bed, I get lost in my thoughts as I take off my clothes and lay on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Justice gasps looking at me with wide eyes.

"What, I'm laying down to go to sleep," I reply looking confused.

"But you are naked," she says with a startled voice.

"Yes, I always sleep this way, what's the problem?" I say looking at her.

"Umm, I guess nothing, I just wasn't expecting you to be all laid out naked on top of your blankets." She says with a blush.

I sigh and get up from the bed and grab a shirt, "I'll never understand why everyone is so worried about nudity."

"You must have grown up in a strange family, Lilith. Not that I am judging, but that was something I won't be able to unsee," she replies to me.

I roll over onto my side and look at her with a smile, "Why, are you interested?" I give her a sly grin.

"Not even a little bit, I am quite happily straight." She says with a smirk.

"I've had a lot of women say that to me, till they get their first taste," I laugh and lay back down. After a minute I reach over and turn off my light, and drift off to sleep.


I look around back in my beloved garden in Eden. The smell of the flowers brings great pleasure to my nose. I wander around touching and smelling all the flowers I thought I lost. I hear a rustle of leaves on the other side of the bush I am standing next to.

I peer around the bush saying, "Hello, is anyone there?"

"Lilith, finally I can talk to you," Kyle says as he jumps out from behind the bush still in the fatigues he was wearing in the cave. "I am so happy to finally be able to talk to you, to anyone. I've been trapped in a dark place only catching glimpses of the outside world."

"How are you here Kyle, you were never in Eden with me so why am I dreaming you up in this place now?" I question myself more than to him specifically as I don't think he will be able to answer me."

"I don't know how I am here Lilith; I just know that I have been trying desperately to communicate with you, and then I found myself here in this garden with you. Do you know what happened to me in the cave?" he asks me.

"My daughter broke the spell that was binding my soul to the crystal amulet, once I was freed my body returned to me. Now why you got pulled along with me I have no idea." I reply as I realize I am speaking with Kyle, well his soul anyway. "I also do not know of any way to separate us. Though your memories have been helping me relate to the modern world somewhat. So, for that, I am grateful. Your soul appears to have gotten stronger from the first time I detected your presence."

"So, what does that mean Lilith?" he asks with concern in his eyes.

"I would assume that as your soul gets stronger it will be easier for you and I to communicate and more importantly share our memories. But since this is all new to me as well it's just a guess." I reply laying my hand on his shoulder. Once we make contact, I feel a pull toward him and we start to merge. A white light replaces the garden that I have to shield my eyes from.

I open my eyes to the light above me and Justice looking down at me. In my momentary confusion from being awoken from such a deep dream, I hear Kyle say, 'what the fuck was that in my head.

As I collect myself and focus on Justice looking at me, "Umm, Justice, what's going on?"

"You were talking in your sleep loud and when I tried to get you to stop I couldn't so I tried waking you up." She said to me.

"I'm so sorry that I woke you, Justice, I've never been one to talk in my sleep but I guess I had to work a few things out in my head," I tried to smile to make her feel at ease. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's around one o'clock, I hope this doesn't become a habit, because I like my sleep." She says irritated as she turns off the light and goes back to her bed.

I lay there a few minutes before I tried acknowledging that I heard Kyle's voice in my head. 'Kyle, are you still conscious in my head?'

'Yes, I am, how did this happen?' he responds to me.

'I have no clue, but I'm also too tired to worry about it right now. I am going back to sleep.' I think of him as I try to get comfortable and shut off my brain so I can sleep. I finally found sleep several minutes later.


I woke up again as Justice's alarm went off so she could wake up and get ready for the day. As she heads off to the restroom, I lay there on my bed for a bit to try and shake the groggy feeling that I have. 'Hey Kyle, are you still there?' I think I will try to decide which would be better, not that I had any say in the matter. 'Yes, I'm still here. You know, you have some crazy-ass memories in your head,' he responds to me.

I chuckled a little at that last comment. Then I roll out of bed so that I can get ready for the day. This is going to be an interesting day, I think. I grab some loose-fitting pants and a shirt so that I will be as comfortable. 'You're not going to wear a bra?' Kyle asks like it would have been common sense to put one on. 'Nah, I survived seven thousand years without one of those crazy contraptions. I think I can handle going without today.' I replied to him.

I walk down the hall to go freshen up in the restroom to find it packed with dozens of girls in various stages of undress. They all freeze as I walk in and start to take care of business. "I'm not going to do anything; I am just getting ready for the day like the rest of you. Shit, it's not like I have anything against all of you," I roll my eyes at the girls and go about taking care of my morning business. The girls seemed to relax a little but still, they are not as talkative as they were before I walked in. I tried to not let it bother me, but it still hurt a little that they were so scared of me. I like to think I am a nice person till someone goes after my family. That is one thing I learned from Lucifer, how to hold a grudge.

Grabbing my bag, I headed down to Mag Mell to meet James and get some breakfast. I'm still getting stares and talked about as I walk across the courtyard, but not as much as before. People have started to take an interest in my comings and goings, probably wondering what I will do next.

For breakfast, I wait in line for the buffet with everyone else. When I get up to the bar, I grab quite a bit of meat; sausage, bacon, and breakfast steak, then put a few apples on my plate. I grabbed some water and found James at the same table I saw him at yesterday. He is already laughing with Tara and Brian. James greets me with a bright smile and I can't help but smile back. "So how was everyone's evening?" I query.

"We were just watching what you did to the legacies yesterday over and over. I must say that was epic." Brian replied with a huge smile on his face holding up his hand. I gave him a high five and we all laughed. "Someone enjoys her meat," he commented as he looked at my plate.

"Oh right," I giggle as I take a bite of my steak. "This is how I have always eaten back at home. My family enjoyed their meat." I continue to eat all the meat on my plate and devour the apples.

"How do you manage to eat all that and stay so skinny?" Tara said astounded.

"I just do," I say shrugging my shoulders.

As everyone finishes our food we head out into the courtyard and say our goodbyes as Tara and Brian head off to Lyonesse Hall to take their magic classes while James and I head to Annwn Hall for our common classes. They turned out to be pretty boring as Kyle knew most of this information. So, I spent half the time listening and talking to Kyle trying to get to know his personality a little better. I must say I was not expecting a soldier to be so timid in social situations. I didn't spend much time in the villages we lived near but I always had good interactions with the people there.

After two boring classes we split up once we were in Lyonesse Hall for my magic theory class 'I think with extreme sarcasm' when I say that. James has Magic fundamentals at this time hopefully he won't blow himself up while he is in class.

I walk into the designated room for my class and sit towards the back. I take in the large circular room with a writing board on the stage that sits at the bottom of the slopped rows of desks. The other students continue to file in and sit everywhere else than next to me. Kyle joked, 'do we stink or something?' I had a good little chuckle at that one.

The teacher, a young short man with blonde hair, starts the class by saying, "Welcome everyone, to Magical theory. I am Mr. Baker and I will be your instructor. I will be teaching you all the basic concepts of magic that you will need to expand your knowledge in magic." He says as he walks around on the stage. "Now the first thing we must know is how to move the magical energies through our focus so that we may impart our will on them. I will demonstrate this for you now." He holds up a circular crystal in one hand and starts to wave with his other hand. We can all see how the magical energies start to swirl and coalesce around the crystal then pass through doing nothing since he didn't impart a purpose on it.

I must admit it's not that much different from what I do except that I bring it through my body instead of focus. My focus returns as I hear Mr. Baker calls my name, "Lilith, the girl everyone is talking about, why don't you come up to the front and demonstrate controlling the magical energies? 'Shit' I think 'I just wanted to fly under the radar in these classes.' I stand and walk down to the stage. "You want me to demonstrate moving magical energies?" I ask.

"Yes, if you please, but where is your focus?" he asks.

I sigh as I mumble to myself that I don't need one. I think back to the first things that Michael taught me about magical energies. The dance of magic. Closing my eyes, I step through the beginning of the dance where I start to get the magic to move, as I twirl around the magic starts to swirl around me. I bend at my waist and pull the energy up through my stomach and flow out my arms as I raise them above my head. I continue my dance pulling the energy in through my core and directing it out my limbs. I lose myself in the hum of the magic as it moves around me, caressing my body like a lover.

I finish my dance feeling so calm and happy; it's been a long time since I've done the Dance of Magic. I open my eyes to find everyone staring at me with open mouths, even Mr. Baker. "Was that what you were looking for Mr. Baker?" I asked him.

Shaking his head as if he is breaking a spell, he says "Absolutely not, we do not move magical energies through our bodies as it weakens our bodies and can cause serious harm. How you were able to withstand all that energy moving through your body is beyond me. Never do that again in my class! Go sit down!"

"Whatever," I say as I shrug my shoulders and walk back up to my seat. I heard a few girls commenting about how beautiful my dance was as I walked back to my seat.

Mr. Baker raises his voice and says "is there anyone here who can show the class the proper way to move magical energies through their FOCUS?" He put a lot of emphasis on that last word. I stopped paying attention after he said that. It's not like he can teach me anything about magic. Why I am not sure he could perform any decent magic himself.

I nod off at some point during the demonstration and get woken up by Mr. Baker yelling at me, "How do you expect to learn proper magic if you cannot stay awake for the basics?" His face was red with anger.

Still groggy from being awakened so rudely, I couldn't help but respond kindly. With venom in my voice, "Listen here, Mr. Baker, I have forgotten more about magic than you would ever be able to learn in your lifetime. You know nothing about how to interact with magic." My face is reddening and my energies start working towards the surface causing everyone to gasp as I hold out my hand holding a large ball of electricity in my hand. 'Lilith, calm down I hear Kyle say to me. I close my hand dispelling the electricity. The fear on Mr. Baker's face was obvious. I couldn't tell but I think he pissed himself. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. As I am leaving, I yell out, "Stupid arrogant men think they know everything. They never change." Slamming the door behind me.

"I fucking hate men, all they know how to do is screw everything up for women," I mutter to myself as I run out into the courtyard. 'You seriously have some anger issues towards men don't you Kyle remarks to me. I ignore him but my anger issues have caused me problems in the past. 'Yeah, when you have been screwed over by every man that was important in my life you kind of get where I am coming from.' I say to Kyle. I sit on a stone bench that is next to the walkway and close my eyes. I feel my pulse start to slow down till I hear someone clear their throat. I open my eyes to see six of the staff staring down at me along with Minerva and Mr. Kairington.

Minerva starts to talk first, "Lilith what happened back there in the class?"

With a scowl on my face, "First your idiot of an instructor Mr. Baker called me up to show everyone how to move magic, which I did perfectly, only to have him berate me in front of everyone because I don't use a focus item. I guess I nodded off while others were demonstrating since I don't care how to move magic like you wizard. He then awoke me by yelling at me questioning my abilities in magic. I had to set him in his place only verbally though I was tempted to hit him with a low-charge electric ball. I left after that." I say as a matter of factly.
Mr. Kairington starts to say something when he is cut off by Minerva. "Lilith it seems like you have anger issues, which I can understand due to your circumstances. Let's go back to my office and have a talk about it."

I hear Mr. Kairington whispered to Minerva, "this is not a good idea. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by the council. She has power beyond other wizards and did you hear what Mr. Baker said, she moved energy through her body. We all know how dangerous that can be."

I decided that I wasn't going to like this guy. I am not happy to be escorted by so many teachers to Minerva's office. Students were getting out of class and they could all see my walk of shame. I see the legacies at the corner of the building laughing at me. I can take that it's not that big of a deal, but I am worried about what this will mean for James. Minerva looks at one of the teachers who I have never met and as if she had read my mind she says to her, "please bring James Holmes to my office as well."

We all get to the office and Minerva asks me to sit the only other staff to stay is Mr. Kairington. "Lilith you are severely limiting what I can do to help you here. Last night's incident with those five students I could almost excuse since I also heard what they did to James."

"You can't be serious Minerva she stripped my nephew naked in front of a crowd and then covered him in whatever that substance was, then left him there to be humiliated," Mr. Kairington shouts angrily. "She needs to be handed over to the council immediately."

My blood starts to boil as I hear him yelling like that, but Minerva isn't fazed she just sits there calmly and says to him, "Now, Now Mr. Kairington we both know that your nephew instigated those actions when he and his friends attacked James Holmes. However, I cannot look the other way with your actions today with Mr. Baker. I'm happy that you showed a little restraint in not throwing that electric ball at him, but your anger has become a problem we have to deal with."

"Minerva, the council needs to bind her powers so she cannot hurt anyone again," Mr. Kairington pushes the point further.

Moving before anyone could blink, my magic in my hand as I pin him to the wall, "I'd like to see you try, you stupid, arrogant man!" He struggles against my magic but can't break free.

James walks in just as I have finished pinning Mr. Kairington to the wall. "Lilith, what's going on?" He asks as he approaches me. I move back to the chair and sit with a huff. I keep Mr. Kairington pinned to the wall.

"He threatened me, so I am showing him the error of his ways. You know in all my years I have never met a more arrogant group of men in my life. The only two I can stand to be around are you and maybe Brian. The rest can go entertain Lucifer for all I care." I look at James and say, "I'm sorry I couldn't adapt to life in this world. I will always be available for you to help you with your magic you have made such a good start." James nods at me.

Minerva clears her throat, "Lilith, you are making things worse by keeping Mr. Kairington pinned to the wall. You do realize that his uncle is the first chair of the magic council. I won't be able to prevent them from being called in now that you have attacked him with magic. I also know there is nothing that they can do to hurt you. It will just make your life harder in the long run. Please let him go."

I acquiesced and released Mr. Kairington, but give him a look like he best not push me again. He scowls at me and stomps his way out of the room. "He is heading to call the council now," Minerva tells me. "We might as well get ready for their arrival, and James I know that you have been getting a lot of attention from the legacies. Please make sure you stay with Lilith as often as you can. Lilith, don't leave campus until the council comes. You two can head to lunch now and James sees if you can keep Lilith from doing anything else to bring attention to herself." I look at Minerva and nod.

We head to lunch and James starts asking, "what happened that made you so mad?"

I look at him and shrug, "stupid male arrogance, it started with Mr. Baker and his attitude to my magic and then Mr. Kairington trying to shift all blame off the legacies and onto me for last night. I see now why those legacies can get away with anything. That's going to change though, I don't know how I am going to do it yet but that magic council is going to learn its place."

"I'd love to see that, especially when I just learned what they do with demons when they find them. I never knew how much risk my mom was in just being with my dad. I never realized how corrupt this council could be that they could let the legacies do anything and they blame it on someone else," James tells me.

"I am an unknown so it's easier for them to shift blame to me. I felt I was going to be targeted after I took the test. They wanted me to be the bad guy because I am different and I don't bow to their authority. You have been lucky as you could not stand up to them so they didn't take your difference as a threat. I need you to get a message to your mom to tell them to keep an eye out for the council. I will do what I can to neuter their power so that they can't go after you, and your parents." I explained to him.

We keep alert as we make it to Mag Mell and fall into a place in the line to get our lunch. There seem to be lots of surprised faces as they see me stand in line. I whisper to James, "start moving your magic through your body. That will increase your strength and reaction time. Do that till I tell you it's ok to stop." I scanned the room looking for any possible threats. I notice the legacies and they look confused by my appearance here. They are far enough away that they don't pose a threat to us. We get our food and head to our normal table.

Tara and Brian are sitting in their normal seats and I also see Justice sitting there as well. "You may not want to be seen with us right now, I stirred up a shit storm today," I warned them.

They all looked at each other and then back to me, "Nah, we will take our chances with you. You seem to be able to take care of yourself and I would like to help you, Roomie," Justice says to me with a smile that fills my heart with joy.

"But we want to know what is going on, please trust us," Brian says to me.

"Ok, cliff-notes version, I am Lilith but I am not James' cousin. I am his grandmother. I am the first human created by the Goddess in Eden. When all humans were banished from Eden, Michael and Lucifer taught me magic. That is why my magic is more powerful than any other wizard's. I was also alive for seven thousand years before I was betrayed by Michael and Lucifer. They trapped my soul in an amulet for the last three thousand years. My daughter managed to free my soul not too long ago. I am here to help James learn how to use his magic since his works like mine." I explained quickly.

Brian looks at James, "Your grandmother, seriously?" He looks at me and I nod. "So that means your mom is immortal as well, right?"

James nods at him, "I don't know if I will be immortal as well. I am sixteen by the way so I don't have any cool stories to tell. I only met Lilith a little over a week ago, but she is nice. Well, most of the time," he says as he gives me an evil eye.

"What I have problems with idiotic men, so sue me." Giving him my best I'm innocent look.

"So, you are male-hating lesbo then," Brian says a little scared.

"Lesbian, yes. Man-hating, I could go either way. I am more likely to hate a man than trust them." I explain.

"So why trust me?" Brian asks, still scared.

"James, he trusts you and I trust him. So, you are good to me unless you do something to betray me then I never forget." I say giving him an evil grin.

"You truly are a scary woman, Lilith, but your cool to me," Brian says to me.

"Dude, if Lilith was gone for the last three thousand years, then how old is your mom," Brian says to James and I just shake my head. James just shrugs his shoulders.

"They haven't told me yet and the only ones who know are the two of them," James replies just as Tara smacks Brian's shoulder.

"You should know better than to talk about a woman's age," Tara tells him with a cold look in her eyes. Justice and I give Tara a wide smile, as Brian rubs his shoulder.

During our conversation, I forgot to watch the legacies, and as I look up, they are right in front of us. I smile and ask, "Ready for some more streaking?"

Luther flushes red, "You won't be so smug when the Council binds your powers and kicks you to the curb. You don't mess with us we will always get you in the end"

I burst out laughing and shook my head, "OMG you think that I am afraid of your council? As if they could understand my magic enough to bind me. I am not afraid of them or you, you are an insignificant nothing that I won't even bother to remember." Their faces drop in confusion at my remarks especially since I said it loud enough for everyone in the dining hall to hear. I give them an evil grin and say loudly, "I am Lilith the First, and I will not cow down to anyone. Especially you," I explain to Luther poking him in the chest with my finger and pushing him back a few steps. "You play as if you have some power but you are nothing more than a leech, you feed off the accomplishments of your relatives. You couldn't hold a candle to a real wizard let alone me. So run along with your tiny tail between your legs." I give them the evilest grin I can muster.

They quickly move away from me, and I laugh as I scan the room. Well so much for the subtle approach I was originally planning on. I take a bow to the other students and say, "I hope you liked the show. I'm here all afternoon. "I turn and skip back to my seat with a huge smile on my face.

I think I finally understand what I am going to do to turn this all around. Just in time as I see Mr. Kairington walking into the dining hall followed by his staff that escorted me earlier. His face had a smile on it as if he had just won a prize. I jump up and take my tray to deposit my trash. "Looks like the parade of monkeys will continue sooner than I thought," I say so the whole dining hall could hear me. I gave my brightest smile to everyone and said, "Come along Mr. Kairington you don't want to miss out on my lesson to the council."

His smile faltered with my attitude, seething he remarks to me, "I am going to enjoy watching them wipe that smile off your face!" I snort as I turn to face him walking backward.

"Why so hostile Mr. Kairington, you might want to pay close attention you might learn something," I say giggling as I see James's hurrying to catch up with us. "How's your back Mr. Kairington? The wall didn't hurt you too much did it?" I asked him jokingly.

"Mock me all you want Ms. Primus, soon your magic will be bound and you will be shipped off to God knows where!" he says threateningly.

"Goddess," I retort.

"Excuse me," he says looking at me with full attention.

"You said God knows where, but the Goddess is not male. You might want to keep that in mind in the future." I say as I turn and walk away.

I get escorted to the testing room that has been changed from its normal open space to a platform at the back of the room with five chairs that look highly polished wood with red upholstery padding the seat and back. The center of the room is a single wooden slat chair with arms rests, obviously not meant for comfort. "I take this uncomfortable one is mine, for now," I say jokingly and sit down.

Mr. Kairington puts a spell on me that is supposed to make it so I can't move. I know I can dispel it with ease but I want to see how this plays out. Staff and a few students start to fill the bleachers at the front of the room, I'm assuming they are here to tell the council what I have been doing. The legacies are sitting up front so I give them a wink and smile.

I see five figures walking covered in black cloaks, who I assume are the council members. "Don't mind me, I would get up for you but Tweedle dee back there bound me to the chair." I laugh and get dirty scowls from the five men. Of course, they are all men I think to myself. They sit down on the chairs in front of me.

Then a new figure enters and recognizes that he is a demon. No one else seems to know he is there. Ok then, I'll just not acknowledge him to see what he does. He stands behind the center chair and speaks softly to the man there.

The man in the center chair stands and addresses me, "In your very short time here you have already proven your disregard for the proper magic techniques that we use to keep everyone safe, and your improper use of magic against your fellow students and the teachers. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Not really, but I would like to know who I am addressing if that's not too much to ask?" I ask, keeping a big smile on my face.

"The council will now hear from the students you attacked," completely disregarding my question.

So rude I think to myself, and I look off to the side to see the legacies walking up to address the council, "Hey kiddies, don't forget to mention that just about everyone on campus saw the video of you all losing your clothes." I am just going to have so much fun with this.

They relay the events of the last two days conveniently leaving out that they instigated the incident, to begin with, but that doesn't matter. I know that nothing I say would change the minds of the council especially when it involves their kin. I kind of tuned out the rest of the testimony as I know what happened.

As everyone was finished, I see the demon talk to the center councilman, I am still trying to figure out why he is there.

"Lilith Primus, we have heard the testimony of the students and teachers, this is the last chance for you to speak," The councilman says.

"That's not my name, I am not Lilith Primus. What I would like to know is your name?" I look at the demon.

"You don't need to know our names as we are just the council and we will judge you..." The councilman starts to say till I cut him off.

I am getting irritated with this guy, "Will you shut up? I was not talking to you; I am talking to the gentleman that has been whispering in your ear during this whole hearing." I pop out of the chair and seal the room, not allowing the demon to escape.

The demon comes out of concealment causing them to shrink and scramble away. "So, tell me young one, what is your name then? I'll give you mine if you tell me yours." He speaks in a seductive tone.

"I am surprised that you don't recognize me, that must mean you are a fledgling demon. Did you just come into your powers? For how can any of Hell's spawn not recognize Lilith the First? You might as well just tell me your name so that I can send you back to your home with a message." I reply moving past the councilmen and closer to the demon.

"I am Ferner, a crossroad demon, at your service. What is it you desire?" He says, still trying to play me.

I hear the councilman's voice coming from behind me saying, "We had a deal, you need to keep your side of the bargain."

The demon and I both look over at the councilman and chuckle to ourselves. "It's like he has never dealt with one of the fallen before." I joked with the demon.

"The fallen, that is an old name, I am guessing you have some experience with us then, judging by the fact that you could see me while I was obscured," he says to me. "What do you want from me 'Lilith the First'?" Ferner asks still unaware of who I am.

"Ferner, I have something simple for you to do for me, I need you to pass a message to Lucifer for me. Tell him that Lilith the First knows what he did, and I am not happy with him." I state to the demon then with a twist of my hand he bursts into flames and disappears into nothing.

I turn to the Council and the others in the room, "Minerva do you wish to let the council know what you found out about me? Then I will fill in the rest."

Minerva explained to the council that she found evidence that I was alive six thousand years ago and had records that indicated I lived until about 3 thousand years ago.

"Thank you, Minerva, if everyone would follow me, please so I can explain the rest." I walk out and down into the courtyard. I amplify my voice, "Come all to the courtyard." I waited on the students to file out of the buildings. "I grab the council and the legacies with my magic and lift them into the air on either side of me.

"I am Lilith, the first human-made in Eden, Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge. I have lived for ten thousand years; my magic was gifted to me by the Goddess and I was trained by the archangels. Your magic is nothing compared to what I wield. As of this moment, I am dissolving the council and I will be the voice of the wizarding community. Does anyone have any questions?" I release the council members and look at them, "For your corruption and misuse of your positions I bind your magic. As for the legacies, you have terrorized the students of this campus for long enough but I will put it to your fellow students what your punishment will be. Minerva, I will leave you in charge of the school and you have my full support for any changes you wish to make here. Now if you will excuse me, I have some people I want to talk to." I announce to the residents of the campus.

As I walk through the students, I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I turn to see Elizabeth. “Mother, what have you done?”

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