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The day has finally come, and it is off to school I go. I don't know how I feel about this. My mind is jumping between worry and anticipation. I am worried because I don't know what to expect when I get there. I am also anticipating that there I will cause trouble for James. I have been told that James has been bullied by many of the other students at school because his magic doesn't manifest in the same way that theirs does. So not only do I have to worry about him being bullied but I have to teach him how to use his magic without making it look different from what the school is teaching.
From what James has told me it's the kids from the five families that bully most of the kids at school, and because of their connections to the council the school seems to let them slide. They are pretty much treated like royalty by everyone at the school. I have a feeling that I am going to have a run-in with them sooner rather than later. My relationship with James is going to put a target on my back, and I need to be prepared for it. I just don't want to overreact and cause more problems for my family. I have to make sure that I don't hurt these kids.
David and Elizabeth took us to a portal hub that every major city in the world has. As we stand outside the portal room amidst the rest of the travelers that are going to various destinations. David hugs James and says, "I hope this year will go better for you James. I know last year was difficult for you since you didn't have anyone to properly show you how to use your magic. Just remember to look out for Lilith as she adjusts to life in school. She is very powerful as you have seen and she will be forced to limit her power while she is there so warning her if you see her going too far with her magic." He looks at me and says, "Thank you Lilith for helping James. I'm hoping that he will be happier this year because of what you are teaching him."
I nod to him and say, "I always look out for the family, I am glad to see that Elizabeth found a good mate for her. Please take care of my daughter I couldn't bear to see her hurt when my family has lost so much already."
"Elizabeth, you have made a good life for yourself here I am so glad to see how happy you are. Just remember to find Shar'la, please." I say to her as I hug her.
'Dagda Acadamy' gets announced over the PA system as a few students that are from the area move to the door to the portal room. As we all enter the portal room, I see a giant metal ring supported by a stand with glyphs on it. A ramp leads up to a whirlpool of light that draws to a point in the middle. I must admit that I am a little scared by this as I have never done anything like this before. James, seeing the concern on my face, grabs my hand and pulls me up the ramp, smiling at me as he says, "It's ok. I've done this before." I nod to him as I follow him up the ramp into the portal."
With a flash of light, we exit into another portal room looking exactly like the one we just came from. We exit out of the portal room into a grand foyer. Students from all over were filing into the assembly hall. I don't see anything special about any of the students in this room.
The foyer walls are wood paneled with a large gold circle with a tree etched into it in the center. The lighting was coming from scones on the wall that glowed with beautiful white light. The ceiling was covered with paintings of people I had never seen before fighting against a legion of knights. At one end of the foyer was a grand staircase that led up to several doors. At the other end was a set of wooden doors that I assume led outside. The building was giving off a magical signature that I had never felt before. It seems to permeate all the walls of the building. I followed James and the rest of the students into the assembly hall.
Taking a seat in the back of the assembly hall so that I wouldn't draw any attention. It was a large room which looked about full of students, the stage at the front of the room has a large lectern in the middle of it. Behind the lectern were twenty chairs lined up filled with those who I suspect are the faculty members of the academy. "What is going to happen here?" I whisper to James as we take our seats.
"They will separate the new students for testing and then they will hand out room assignments to the rest of us. You will get your room assignment after the testing." He whispered back.
"What type of testing are they doing?" I asked him.
"They are testing to see what type of magical elements you are aligned with." He replied.
Just then an older woman in her mid-fifties, wearing a black skirt suit, walked up to the lectern and looked out over the students. "Quiet please," she starts. "For the new students, I am Mrs. Morningale. I am your headmistress here at the Academy. First, I would like to say welcome to you all and I hope you all enjoy your year here at Dadga Academy. Behind me are your instructors for the year. You will meet them when you get to class. Now I will ask that all students who this is your first year here at the academy please stand up and follow Mr. Kairington to the testing room so that we can get you evaluated and placed into your classes, thank you."
I stood up and looked around as about fifty students stood up. We made our way to the door to the foyer. Mr. Kairington; a tall slender man, with an angular face, and short blond hair, was waiting for us as we filed into the foyer. Without a word, he led us up the stairs to the testing room. Most of the other students looked pretty worried while some were excited to show off. When we reached the testing room, we were filed onto bleachers that faced the front of the room. A clear partition separated us from the testing area.
Mr. Kairington started to explain how the testing worked, "one by one you will all be called into the testing area. There you will be tested on your ability to manipulate the five elements; fire, water, air, earth, and space. We do not expect any of you to be able to pass all the tests, this is here to find which ones you are aligned to. You will enter the testing area through those glass doors and wait in the center of the room with your focus items in hand, we will give you your tasks once you state your name and indicate you are ready. Any questions?"
"Good now we will begin with Henry Simms and work our way down the rows till we get the last student. Everyone will return here once you are finished. Remember to focus on your task and not me in the room." He finished and escorted Henry to the testing area. Henry pulled out an amulet as his focus and indicated that he was ready. I watched as he worked to light the candles that circled the room, but he didn't light a single one. He worked through the tests and we found that he was aligned with the earth. Some of the other students congratulated him as he walked back into the observation area. The next student was called in and they went through the same tasks. This continued till it finally came to me to be tested. By now I already knew what I was going to do for each of the tasks.
Walking into the testing area I announced myself as Lilith Primus and waited for Mr. Kairington to indicate that I should begin. Mr. Kairington looks at me and asks, "Where is your focus item, Ms. Primus?"
I replied, "Don't need one for these simple tasks."
"Very well, light the candle around the room," he says. With a slight smile, I move my magic to my hand and snap my fingers. Every candle in the room lights up at once. "Very good, it seems you have some talent in the fire element. I now want you to fill that bucket with water without touching it."
I clap my hands together and water forms above the bucket and drops into it, filling it. I look over at Mr. Kairington and he looks at me with shock in his eyes. "Now use the wind to blow out all the candles in the room Ms. Primus."
Holding the tips of my fingers together at my lips I breathe out over them, and a strong wind blows around the room extinguishing all the candles. Mr. Kairington looks at me with a frown and asks, "who is helping you with this test? This test is to be done by you alone so that we may evaluate where to properly place you in the Academy. You will not make a mockery of this test by cheating."
This made me angry and I snapped, "you dare to think I am going to cheat on such simple tasks as these." My eyes glow as my power builds up in me and I can't help but feel like I have to put this man in his place. I float over to him so that we are face to face, my eyes glowing so bright that he has to look away to protect his eyes. "This whole test is child's play compared to what I can truly accomplish with my magic, never call me a cheat again," I say coldly, and turn away from him and float back to my spot in the center of the room. "Now what's the next task?" I ask in my sweetest voice and brightest smile.
"Right, I think we are done testing you, for now, please go to the observation room." He nervously says to me. I give a little polite smile and a curtsy then head out of the room.
As I enter the observation room everyone's eyes are on me, with scared looks on their faces. I smile and say, "next." as I walked back to where I was sitting. The rest of the students finish up their tests, but can't seem to focus on anything but me.
"You students can go down to the assembly hall where you will be guided to your next location. Ms. Primus, you will follow me." Mr. Kairington says as he waits for all the students to leave before he walks over to me and gestures for me to walk with him. He doesn't say a word as we walk through the building and up three more floors. We reach a wooden door with Minerva Morningale, the headmistress, embossed onto a plaque next to the door. Mr. Kairington gently knocks on the door.
I hear a woman's voice from inside telling us to come in. We entered the room which had a large wooden desk in the middle surrounded by bookshelves along the back three walls. Books and scrolls were filling themselves as well as a few knickknacks. Two wooden chairs sat in front of the headmistress's desk and I was ushered to sit. Ms. Morningsale looked up from her computer and asked, "what seems to be the problem?"
Mr. Kairington clears his throat and begins, "Ms. Primus here, has shown a great knowledge of magic, far beyond what any wizard should know for her age. This goes beyond the knowledge of a given element, she demonstrated the ability to operate all elements. This should be impossible for any wizard, especially one of her age." As he continues to explain what I did I think back and wonder how I could have simplified my magic any further. He mentions he thinks I may have a talisman or other magical item on my person which allowed me to manipulate all elements.
Ms. Morningale looks at me and asks, "what do you have to say for yourself? Do you have a talisman or other magical item on you that allows you to cast in such a way as you demonstrated during the test?" I take a deep breath and roll my eyes at the situation.
"Are you seriously saying you still think I cheated on the test?" I reply looking at Mr. Kairington who is sitting right next to me. I turn back to Ms. Morningsale, "I have no magical items on me, and even if I did, I would have needed to use it on such simple tasks as lighting candles, filling a bucket with water, or even creating a simple breeze to extinguish a few candles. Seriously it's not like I was leveling a mountain or anything a little difficult like that. I just don't get what your problem is, you asked me to do simple tasks and I did them and now I am in trouble."
"Did you see any of the other students who were testing today manage to complete more than one task?" Ms. Morningsale asks, looking at me with a quizzical expression on her face.
"Honestly I wasn't even paying attention to any of the other students, after the first few, it's not like their tests were going to influence me anyway. I'm sure you had to have some students who managed to complete more than one task, again they are really easy tasks. I felt kind of silly having to do them. If you wanted to test me on my magic you should have given me something difficult to do like melt rocks or create a jungle in the desert." I tell them not understanding how difficult it would be for a fully trained wizard to be able to do such things. I have slaughtered demon armies before and taken on angels with no problem. I just could not grasp how these wizards were so limited in their magic. My face echoed my confusion about why they found this so difficult.
"Do you know what you're saying goes against the abilities of every wizard that has ever existed? Including Merlin who is the most powerful wizard ever?" Ms. Morningsale asks me to try to infer just how ridiculous my claim was.
"Where did you learn how to use magic in this way? I've never heard of any wizard alive that can come close to the level of power that you started to demonstrate when you levitated across the room. Your eyes were glowing for Christ's sake! It was like you were filling your body with magic, but we know that is impossible." Mr. Kairington says as he looks at me with confusion on his face.
Shit did I accidentally give myself away. I do have a temper problem, especially when dealing with men. I lost control of myself when I confronted him in the testing room. What can I do I am not supposed to have brought this kind of attention to myself, I'm only here to help James. I did not want to fail in my task of helping James. I have already disappointed Elizabeth enough since she brought me back. Kyle's fear of failure, especially when it comes to school, started to peak through my persona. I felt the pain of every bully who attacked me and the embarrassment that they inflicted on me throughout my time in school. I was starting to feel worthless and a failure to my daughter. I started to spiral as I thought of having been taken away from my family due to my arrogance when dealing with Michael. Panic filled me as these thoughts of my failure started to drown me, cumulating in my ultimate failure as my Goddess banished me from Eden.
As I finally started to calm down, I was sitting in the corner of the office with both Mr. Kairingtin and Ms. Morningale is trying to help me relax. "What happened," I ask with confusion on my face and in my voice.
"You had a panic attack Lilith, has this ever happened to you before?" Ms. Morningale asked me.
"No, never. I felt like I was hit with every bad thing that has ever happened to me at once. I just couldn't stop the fear from crashing into me," I admit. " But I am ok now," I try to assure them.
"Alright Lilith, I want you to go get some lunch and if these feelings come back again then I want you to see the nurse," Ms. Morningale told me with a hand on my back trying to reassure me.
I walked down the stairs where I was directed to where the cafeteria is located. I walk across the grounds lost in thought ignorant of the looks and whispers of the students that I walked past. I come to Mag Mell dining hall and walk in. I got in line behind some other students. I started to notice all the whispers and looks as I moved through the lunch line. I finally got my lunch and looked for a place to sit. I find James sitting at a table with two other students. I walked over to them ignoring all the looks I was getting. I sit down across from James and smile, "So how was your morning?"
James just stares at me with his mouth open. "I thought you were supposed to keep a low profile, Lilith, everyone is now talking about what you did in your testing." I shrug my shoulders and smile, "How was I supposed to know that I shouldn't be able to pass so many tests."
"And floating across the room threatening Mr. Kairington?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"He called me a cheater; I couldn't let that slide. I still don't understand why what I did was a big deal, besides threatening a teacher. I should have controlled myself better." I reply. I turn to the two other students sitting at the table and say, "Hi, I'm Lilith." They both look at me like I am the weirdest person they had ever met. "Do I have anything on my face?" I ask jokingly.
The first student introduced herself as Tara. She had a cute face and long blonde hair. Her glasses framed her eyes nicely and she had a blue button-up shirt on. I gave her a little wink causing her to blush. The second student was introduced as Brian. He was a tall skinny boy with short black hair and a total goth looking going on. Black everything covered this boy. I shake both of their hands and say, "I'm James' long-lost cousin. A pleasure to meet you both."
They both just look at me for a bit then shrug their shoulders and go back to their lunch. Tara asks, "So is what people are saying about you true? Did you cheat on your last?" I shake my head.
"No, I didn't. There was no reason to cheat on that exam as it was so simple, I am still not sure why everyone thinks I cheated." I say as I eat my chicken legs.
"You will have to see what she showed me the other day after my mom brought her home to live with us. It was so awesome." James says boastfully.
Over my shoulder, I hear, "I'm sure any type of magic is awesome to you losers." Laughing from several boys accompanied that remark. I turned around to see who the source of the laughter was coming from. There was a group of five, three boys and two girls. All look very proud of themselves. I was feeling my face getting hot and my anger rising towards the surface directed at them. The girls were pretty but so full of themselves and had a look of entitlement about them. "And what do we have here, the girl who had to cheat to get let in this school? Why haven't they sent you back home where you belong yet?" The taller of the boys say to me with a smirk. His friends laughed with him.
I stand up and face them with a wicked grin on my face, "I see you didn't finish your lunch. Here let me help you with that." I flicked my hand and all their trays flipped up covering them in their food. "You know you shouldn't waste food like that. Now run along kiddies and go back to the playground." James and his friends snort, trying to hide their laughs, as I said.
The five of them glared at me for a moment, " you are going to pay for that, new girl one. You have no idea who you are messing with." The same boy said to me. I step closer to him.
"Hi, I'm Lilith and I'm the new girl here," I start to say with a big smile on my face. "I also don't give a shit about who you are. You are nothing but a bunch of trash to me," my words are hot and angry as I deliver the last line. "Bye, now," I turn back around and sit back down. I hear them huff as they walk away talking about how they are going to ruin me.
I look back at James and his friends with a smile on my face. They looked at me so surprised and then they laughed, "O.M.G., I can't believe someone finally did something about those jerks. But watch your back those five run the school, and you just made them all look bad in front of the rest of the students. No one has ever messed with the Legacies before." Tara laughed as she shook her head.
"The Legacies?" The look of confusion was back on my face as it was so often this day.
"The Legacies are the kids who are related to the five ruling families of the council. The ones I was telling you about before we came here. I hope you have a plan to protect us since you just put a big bulls-eye on all of our backs," James explains to me.
"I seem to be screwing this whole school thing up for you, don't I," I sigh, and look all defeated.
"Lilith, I get it, this is all new for you and you are not used to living in this world. We will just have to work a little more so that we can watch each other's backs. I don't think too many of the other kids will mess with you after everything that you have done since getting here. Honestly, I think it's really funny how you have thrown everything upside down so quickly." James says reassuringly.
"How did you not know about the wizarding world but you can cast magic so easily?" Brian finally speaks up. I can tell that he is trying to understand how I was their age but much more knowledgeable than them.
"My mother taught me, but we were so isolated in our house that we never had any run-ins with other wizards. I didn't even know about my aunt or cousin till my parents died," I lie quickly to Brian so that we don't stay on this subject any longer.
I finished my lunch and stood up to leave when I noticed that Mrs. Mornigale is waiting for me at the tray return. "Hey, James catch you later looks like I have another appointment to go to," I say to him as I leave to walk over to the tray return.
As I approach Mrs. Morningale I smile and say, "what do we have to discuss now." She returns my smile and waits for me to return my tray.
"Yes Lilith, we do have to discuss a few things but we will do that in my office. I heard that you had an interesting lunch today," she says making small talk as we walk to her office.
"Ah, yes, I did have an interesting lunch. I was introduced to the 'legacies,' I don't think they liked me much. I'm not sure why." I fain innocence.
She chuckles a little and says, "Yes, it is safe to say that you have not made a good impression on them. Be careful Lilith, they have a reputation and it's not a good one. Unfortunately, I cannot get anything on them to punish them. So just be careful with them. Though I have a feeling that you can take care of yourself. Am I right Lilith?"
"Oh yeah, I'm good at watching my back, most of the time. I guess you could say I'm a natural survivalist." I joke back at her. "I assume this little meeting has nothing to do with the incident at lunch?"
"You are right Lilith, I was not provided with any proof that you had anything to do with the incident at lunch," she says with a wink. "I want to talk to you about some things that have been bothering me and I hope you can clarify a few things for me."
"Sure, I will do what I can to explain anything you want to know about me." I continue to walk with an air of confidence and a carefree attitude.
As we reach her office, she gestures for me to sit down, I notice a few scrolls on her desk. She shuts her door as I sit down still smiling. "You have an interesting family name, Lilith. Primus was it not. Latin for first? I almost missed that when we were talking earlier. Lilith the First, let me tell you a little about what interests me. I am a very curious person and history fascinates me. Magical History especially, I know that Merlin was not the first person to use magic I have seen records of it. The council will not entertain any variation to its history. The originals of their families were children of Merlin. It's why they try to control any idea that could be used to harm them. Anyway, I want you to look at this scroll and tell me what you think about it."
Nervously, I unroll the scroll and recognize it immediately. It’s my writing a letter to my love. As I read it, the memories of when I gave this to Shar'la. Tears start to fall from my eyes. After I finished reading the letter, I laid it back down on her desk not able to look her in the eyes. She hands me the rest of the scrolls and I know they are going to be mine. I look at her and she looks back at me. "I take it you recognize these scrolls as well as know what they say?" I just nod and she continues, "thought so. Now I didn't bring you here to force you to do anything. I am sure you have your reasons for coming here. I am guessing it's because of James Holmes. I saw that his parents are your emergency contacts. I just want to make sure my students will be safe here and that you are not protecting him from some outside threat."
"How much do you know about me?" I asked her.
"Not too much except that you are older than sixteen and your lover from the scrolls seems to be a demon. Is she going to be a threat to this school?" She asks again.
"No, Shar'la will not be a threat to this school and I know of no outside threat to this school. I am only here to help James with his magic since it's different than what you wizards teach. He is like me in that way, and honestly, I don't know how that happened. My magic comes from the Tree of Knowledge that is currently hidden in Eden. I was taught by archangels how to use it. So, no one else should have magic like me." I explained to her.
"How are you involved in this? How did Holmes' know about you and your magic? What does James know about you?" She continues to ask me.
"I am involved because they are family and I will do anything to keep them safe and to help them. James knows who I am and where I come from, he doesn't know my whole life just where it comes to his mother. I do seem to be doing a poor job of covertly helping him since it seems you know about me and my magic. I just don't understand this world anymore and I keep taking things too far," I admit.
"I see, and yes you are showing yourself to be more powerful for your apparent age. I know that there is nothing about the magic that we could teach you, except for maybe just the limits the other students have to help you fit in. I will be assigning you to the same classes as James except I have to put you in Beginning Magical theory because it is required for all new students and it would raise a lot of questions from the other students if you didn't have to take it. I am also assigning you to the same dorm building as James. I have not told anyone else about your secret and I would appreciate a little discretion when it comes to your magic," we continue to talk.
"I would like to ask you some more about yourself if you are willing to share?" I gave her a nod so that she could continue. "I have found a few records about you going back six thousand years ago but then three thousand years ago you no longer show up in any records that I could find. What happened?"
Three thousand years ago I was living happily with my mate and six children.
Leaving our sleeping area with a bucket to get water from the spring that fed our cave with water. Stepping gently through my garden, as close to Eden as I could make. I always feel so happy when I'm here. To me, our little home here is like paradise, the artificial light reaches me and gives me a warm caress to my face. I smile as I walk through my garden and make my way to the spring.
Fill the bucket with water and return to the cooking area. I stop and smile as I see Shar'la waiting for me cutting up her latest kill. Her smile is so beautiful, her black horns encircle the top of her head. Her body was only covered in a loin cloth giving me a great view of her beautiful breast. Her black hair flowed down her back. Her muscles ripple as she works to clean the meat. Absolute beauty and she is my mate.
"Lilith, you are taking a long time getting that water, did you get lost in your garden again?" She calls to me jokingly.
"Keep that up and you won't get your prize for your kill today," I tease back knowing that I could never say no to her. I set the water bucket down next to our cookfire and gave her a loving kiss on her lips. "Where did the girls get off today?" I ask as I watch her work.
'They headed off to the village to get a bite to eat," she responded. I knew that meant they were looking to get their fill off some of the men in the village and that we would be here alone.
We were enjoying our dinner, Shar'la's tail was tickling my back as she always does to me. It makes me want her even more because what she can do to me with that tail is pure ecstasy. I love my sexy succubus.
There was a loud noise outside of the cave that caused the ground to shake. We both jumped up and ran out of the cave. I looked once we were out of the cave and saw Michael hovering above the mountain. "Lilith you have sinned against heaven I am here to punish you," He calls down to me. I am completely shocked as I have no idea what I did wrong.
"Get to the girls and get them safe, I'll take care of Michael," I yelled to Shar'la. Just as lightning came down from the sky and hit me. I had managed to protect myself from that bolt but it still knocked me to the ground. "Michael you should not have come here like this," I yell out and throw a blast of fire at him. Knocking him out of the sky scorching his armor. "You know that your power is limited here on the material plane and you cannot defeat me here."
No longer carrying why Michael came here for me. I will make sure he never tries to come after me again. He takes back to the air as I follow after him throwing magic after him, we cross the sea to a small inhabited island. We throw spells back and forth between us, neither getting an advantage over the other. I come to the ground as I start to swirl my magic around in my body building up more power. I am going to hit him with everything I have and send him back to the celestial plane. As I am about ready to hit him, I get a huge rush of magic mixing with my magic. I can't hit him with this. It will kill him. I release all that power into the sea. The explosion that comes off that release knocks me back knocking me unconscious.
And then I woke up in the modern world.
I finish my story to Mrs. Morningale and looked up at the surprised look on her face. "You are powerful enough to fight an archangel? My God, to think that there is that big of a difference between us. No wonder you thought our test was so easy. And you pull magical energies into your body with no ill effects? Wizards would never be able to do that." She looks at me and just can't find any more words to say.
"Yeah, I can take on an archangel and I would have beat him if Lucifer hadn't ambushed me. As for the magical energy, I do bring it into my body, it's how I exert my will onto it. My body is completely saturated in magical energy." I explained to her.
"I have kept you here long enough Lilith, it's time dinner is being served. I hope that we can talk more about the things you have seen and done. You have three thousand years of history that you could share." she says excitedly as she stands and walks over to her door.
I stand up and head to the door, looking over my shoulder and say, "seven thousand years Mrs. Morningale." Winking as I left.
She calls after me and says, "please call me Minerva, we don't have to be so formal with each other."
I smile as I walk down the stairs and out of the building. As I cross the courtyard, I can hear whispers and laughter coming from other students as they look at me. I wonder what is going on now. Oh well, I'll just do what I came here to do and help James and try to fit in here. I got closer to Mag Mell when something on the side of the building caught my attention. I find James bound to a tree naked.
I rush over to him and banish the magical bounds that were holding him to the tree with a wave of my hand. He looks up at me scared, "it's a trap."
I get my shield just in time as some goo is dropped on us from the tree. I was protected by my magic so I didn't get affected by the goo, but James is covered. With my magic, I quickly cleaned him off and transported him to the dorms. With him safe. I turn around slowly to see the Legacies come around the corner expecting James and I to both be there and covered in goo.
My anger is rolling off me like waves from the ocean. I levitate myself over the goo never taking my eyes off the five I know hurt my family. I remember that I can't hurt them so I freeze them in place. "You have hurt a member of my family and you have pissed me off, now you must pay" I snarl at them. I see other students gathering around to watch what's happening.
"You can't do anything to us, if you do, we will have the council after you," the leader of the group says to me. "You better let us go or else we will have you punished."
"Humm, what to do, what to do? What's your name boy, and the rest of you" I command the leader of the group.
"I am Luther and you are so much trouble," the leader responds with confidence.
"And the rest of you?" I ask.
"My name is Mark," the short blonde hair boy says without any confidence
"Simon," the last boy says with a shrug like he could care less about what I might do to him. He has very light skin, brown hair that is cut close to the head on the sides, and grey eyes. He is pretty cute.
"You are kind of cute there Simon, if I played for that team, you might even make for a good score." I joke and run my fingers over his jawline. "You Ms. Sexy Red-Head, what's your name?" I take my time as I look up and down. "MMM girl you get my motor running I might just have to take you for a ride."
"Sara," she says showing fear as I continue to look at her as if she is the most delectable treat.
"And finally, we get to you Ms." I look her over and she is pretty average in the face but has excellent cleavage. "I might let you go down on me if you ask nicely," I say as I blow her a kiss.
"Meg-, Megan" she struggles to get out and I chuckle as I see just how scared she is.
"Now you five have gone and done something against my family. James is under my protection. You stand no chance against me so you had best just keep clear. Do you understand me?" I say to them as I also look at the crowd of students that has formed around us.
"Fuck you, you cunt!" Luther spits at me. I shook my head and walked over to him.
I smiled at him and reached down and grabbed him by his package, "not with this small thing you won't!" I wave my hand causing his clothes to disintegrate and he makes a shocking noise. My eyes go wide as I see him, "OMG are you hard right now, you love a little pain, or is it you just want to serve a mistress? Well, you might want to find one that doesn't mind a small one." His face goes red as everyone around us starts to laugh. "Now normally I would like to make this last longer but I am getting hungry. So on to punishment time, don't worry Luther you won't be the only one naked." I wave my hand in their direction and the clothes come off of all of them. I look at the goo that's all over the ground and smile. I lift my hand and the goo lifts off the ground and flies over to them covering them from head to toe.
I let them be able to move before turning around and heading into the cafeteria. My night was uneventful as I ate my food with a smile on my face.
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This girl won't be taking prisoners
Lilith plays for keeps. I hope these Legacies learn to fear her. If they want to remain alive, they had better learn quickly. Lilith has a temper and you won't want to cross her. I don't think you will like to see her when she is angry.
They're young
And like all teens they think they are invincible. Combine that with massive egos and spoiled rich brat syndrome, and they don't know when to quit. I sense a large disturbance in the force. The party is just getting started! And mom is going to be really pissed off, Lillith has totally blown the lowkey approach.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb