I haven't been publishing stories on the site lately because all I have been writing is Porn and would be suitable only for a site like Literotica. Some may think that I only think of Vanila stories but sadly it is just not happening that way recently. Not sure when this will stop. Not sure what to do about it.
Do whatever
Floats your boat. As long as all the proper keywords and warnings are in place, then people can read whatever they want. If it's not my cuppa Joe than I can skip over it. Nobody is holding a gun to my head forcing me to read every word posted. It's only when the author tries to deceive the reader by withholding essential data about a story that I get PO'd. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. "Blurred for content" gets an immediate pass from me and a block for the author.
They know they can survive
Gwen, You old pron monger!
Gwen, You old pron monger! LOL
Many of my stories have sex in them. I started reading trans and CD stories as soon as I got online. Unfortunately, most readers connect the idea of dressing as a female with sex. I found by talking to trans women, sex is definitely not their top priority, although I never thought it was.
This site is unique in this way. Stories have trans characters but do not have to be about sex. I write both sorts of stories. I do notice when my stories start to include sex on here the kudos drops. On Literotica, it goes the other way. The latest chapter of The Substitute Housewife, Pt. 04
Has one sex scene in it.
Bigcloset 87 Kudos
Literotica 4.82 out of 5
Part one no sex, just set up.
Bigcloset 162 kudos
Literotica 4.5 out of 5 (anything below 4.5 does not get a HOT status)
Bigcloset readers seem to like the potential that the plot offers, Literotica readers seem to like descriptions of sex. Being as many of us love attention and feedback for what we have written, I don't see anything wrong with writing both types of stories.
If your muse says write porn, then write porn. You may get a better reception for your work on other sites though.
Gwen, now you can look down your nose...
Now you can look down your nose at people who look down their nose at porn.
- iolanthe
Reconciling Pornography and Religion
My sexual desire started with my onset, and my deeply held Religious beliefs started around age 27. It seems like most religious folk view natural desire as an attack from satan. Yet, with just a bit of medical knowledge one quickly find out that it is mostly the action of hormones on our Brains. Because of my own background, I am deeply and PRIVATELY into BDSM, though this is the first time I have publicly talked of it. I am post op MTF, though it is debateable that I am Transexual. Frankly, I got it all cut out because I could not face the idea of ever being a threat to anyone. The lack of most Testosterone and the use of Estradial has greatly calmed me, and almost stopped the feeling of Suicide because of guilt from my thought life. I am sorry if this is too much for some.
writing porn
It must be very difficult because almost no one does it well. Most sex scenes are just a place to scroll through quickly. I read a lot and the only memorable porn stories I can think of off hand are Walter Mosley's Killing Johny Fry and Phillip Jose Farmers New Riders of the Purple Wage. I'm not sure Farmer's story would still qualify as porn today but it raised some hackles when it was published.
Sci Fi Porn
Sounds like you have read lots of Sci Fi and so have I. I remember one book that I read in which all the crew of a spaceship wore skirts. In port, planet side, the men still wore skirts and the women wore very elaborate gowns. :)
Me too...
I also wrestle with toning my stories down yet the story, the characters and my libido lead me where the story wants/needs to go. I have released two versions of the same story clearly labeling which is XX. The XX ones get more views it seems.
I'll sometimes hold off posting a story for awhile and then review it and edit it again; sometimes to tone it down, sometimes to make it shorter; such is the angst a writer deals with.
Do what's right for you and your character.
Stay pretty and keep writing,
Donna T