My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 23

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Jamie's grandmother pulled into the Fabric Barn parking lot. Jamie looked down at his outfit: a short-sleeved white blouse, black and white tweed shorts, black pantyhose, and black Mary Janes. The pantyhose were control top and high-waisted. The waistband stopped a couple inches above his belly button, giving most of his abdomen a gentle hug, which he thought was a wonderful feeling.

With some trepidation, he wondered what his reception would be. His mother, Julie, and grandmother all said he looked very smart and professional. He figured Lucelle and Margaret would be kind but Kelli was a different matter and he found himself hoping, more than he would have expected, for Tabitha's approval as well.

A banner hanging from the awning that stretched across the front of the store announced the annual sidewalk sale during the coming week.

When Jamie and his grandmother met on the sidewalk, his grandmother reached out and took Jamie's hand. Jamie stiffened.

"Felt a bit unsteady there for a moment," she said.

A sense of shame raced through Jamie. He had almost uttered a protest, claiming he didn't need someone to hold his hand. He returned her grip. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes. Just a touch of dizziness. Price of getting old. Let's see if Lucelle will allow me to do some shopping before the store opens."

Still holding hands, the pair stepped up to the door, which Lucelle was unlocking.

"Morning, Emma. And Jamie, aren't you looking sharp today." Lucelle eyed him up and down. "Your new look suits you. Did you pick out your clothes this morning?"

"My mother helped me."

"I believe he picked out the pantyhose." His grandmother winked at Jamie. "He's come to prefer control tops."

Lucelle grinned. "Well, good boy. That's very sensible."

"Mind if I do a bit of shopping before you officially open?"

"Not at all," said Lucelle. "Jamie, put your apron on and then help your grandmother with her shopping."

On his way to get his apron, Jamie walked past Margaret, who was prepping the registers.

"Nice outfit. Is this going to be your new look or do you have plans for after work?" said Margaret.

"Thanks. My mother said I should have some nicer work clothes."

"Good for you."

He didn't see Kelli or Tabitha in the back or out front. With his apron on and name tag on display, Jamie grabbed a handheld basket and joined his grandmother who was chatting with Lucelle.

"I was telling Emma that we could use you every day this week with all the prep work for the sale. Think you can handle the extra work?"


"And could you work all full days during the sale. We'll be crazy busy."

"Okay. Unless my grandmother needs me."

"Your mother can pick up next week on her way home from work," said his grandmother.

"That's settled then." Lucelle headed to the back of the store.

Jamie's grandmother again took his hand. There was a hint of unsteadiness in her grip. Jamie wondered if he should be concerned and maybe tell his mother. His grandmother walked a half step ahead of him, and to anyone watching, it appeared she was leading him by the hand around the store.

"Are you sure you'll be okay without me?"

She assured him she would be fine.

Kelli arrived as Jamie and his grandmother approached the register. His grandmother had picked out an assortment of thread, buttons, elastic, and zippers. He couldn't fathom why she had asked his opinion on the style and color of the buttons and the color of the thread.

Kelli looked him up and down as she passed them on her way to the back. "Good morning, Jamie." The girl did nothing to hide her smirk. "How's our favorite boyette today?"

"Cool it, Kelli." Margaret's stern tone put a stop to any more teasing.

Jamie carried the bag with his grandmother's purchases as he helped her out to her car.

"Did that girl call you a boyette?"

"Yes. That's Kelli. She's not very nice. She teases me a lot."

She smiled and shook her head. "Kids will be kids. Well, don't let it bother you too much. She's just jealous of how bold you are with your clothes."

Jamie didn't think that was the case but he nodded in agreement. "You're probably right," he added.

"I'll be back to pick you up this afternoon. I might need your help to pick out some fabric."

Jamie said goodbye, feeling confused as to why she would need his help. When he turned around, he came face to face with Tabitha.

"Morning, Jamie." Tabitha looked him up and down. "Wow, you went all out with new clothes."

"Morning. It was my mom's idea for me to dress nicer for work. Do you think I look okay?"

"Oh yeah. It all goes together really well. Did your mom help you pick your clothes this morning?"

Jamie nodded. "She says I need help coordinating." He realized how stupid he sounded. My mother doesn’t have to coordinate my clothes. "But I picked out my pantyhose."

Tabitha smiled and suppressed a giggle. Jamie realized bragging about picking out his own pantyhose sounded even worse. And was it even true? His mother had suggested black but left the choice up to him.

"You look great too," he said, hoping to salvage the conversation.

"Oh, thanks. I've had this dress for what, three years I think, but it's really comfortable." Tabitha held up her arms and twirled. The loose-fitting, lime green dress came to her knees. The sleeves were three-quarters length, and a wide black belt gave shape to her waist. Beige pantyhose encased her legs.

Jamie felt tongue-tied and confused. He was comparing clothes with a girl. Did guys ever do that? Was he starting to act like a girl?

"Was that your grandmother?" said Tabitha.

"Yeah, I helped her out with her shopping."

"That was sweet. Well, we should get inside and clock in before I'm late."

Jamie followed her through the door and noted how Tabitha's dress, despite being loose, neatly hugged her bum.

"Oh, and a word to the wise," said Tabitha. "Be careful not to snag your hose. Snags and runs show up worse in black."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

Jamie spent the next couple hours unpacking boxes of merchandise for the sale. He took Tabitha's advice to heart and tried to be as careful as possible, but the edge of a hard-plastic container nicked his thigh. His pantyhose were thick enough not to run, but a short black line marked the location of the snag.

"Hey," called Kelli. "How's our favorite boyette?"

"Fine. Do you need something?" He decided the best path was to ignore the ‘boyette’ jibes.

"There's a crap load of fabric to be put back. Come on. Chop-chop. You can't hide back here in your girly clothes all day."

Jamie closed the top of the box he had just opened. "I'm not hiding. I'm working."

"Uh-huh. I can't wait to see what the customers make of you today."

Jamie slid past Kelli without responding and moved quickly to get away from her caustic tongue. He found the fabric bins beside the cutting table overflowing. After filing a cart with bolts of flannel, he set to work. Despite Kelli's warning that he would attract attention, Jamie didn't notice anyone staring at him. The store was crowded and he was mostly hidden behind a cart filled with bolts of fabric.

On his way back to the cutting table, Jamie passed Tabitha who was returning order to the thread display.

"You were right." Jamie pointed to the black line on his thigh where his hose snagged.

"Told you. With suntan or nude you wouldn't even notice that. Black is the worst for it. That's why I only wear black when the outfit or occasion demands it."

"I was trying extra hard to be careful."

"One little misstep is all it takes. At least you didn't ladder them. But those look thicker than the super thin nylons. More durable."

"These are light support and thirty to forty denier."

Tabitha grinned broadly. "Wow, you do know your pantyhose. Control top, regular panty, or sheer to waist?"

"Uhm. Control top." He wondered if she was making fun of him.

"Good choice. They stay up better." Tabitha laughed and punched Jamie in the shoulder. "I'm just teasing you. It's not often I get to talk about pantyhose with a cute guy. And one so knowledgeable."

"I thought maybe you were making fun of me."

"No way. I'm not like Kelli," she whispered. "I think it's great the way you dress. It takes guts to be yourself when being authentic goes against the grain."


"You're welcome. One more question before Lucelle finds us gabbing. Do you carry a spare pair? I always keep an extra pair of hose in my purse."

"No. I don't have anything to carry them in."

"How do guys get along without purses? Mine is stuffed. Well, you should invest in some sort of bag to bring along a spare pair. You'll be glad you did one of these days."

Jamie told her he would consider it and then headed back to the cutting table to load up his cart. Talking to Tabitha gave him a warm, contented feeling. Her kind spirit balanced out Kelli's mean spirit. As he was putting back the last bolt in his cart, a woman spoke behind him.

"Miss? Miss? Do you work here?"

Jamie turned to see who the woman was addressing and found her staring directly at him.

"Oh." The woman's eyes and mouth matched the word she had just said. Her gaze traveled up and down Jamie's form. Jamie guessed she was about his mother's age and pretty. "I'm sorry. I thought."

"Can I help you?"

"Um, yes. I'm looking for zippers."

"I know where those are. Let me show you." Jamie led the woman to a display of zippers in various lengths, styles, and colors.

"Thank you. I think I've looked everywhere but here."

"No problem. Let me know if you need help with anything else."

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

Here comes the question about pantyhose, thought Jamie. "No."

"Are you transgender? I was so certain you were a girl when I saw you from behind."

"No." He wondered how much of his story he should tell. It wasn't any of her business. "I like to wear pantyhose, and my mother thought I should wear some nicer clothes for work, and my girlfriend agreed." He figured that last phrase would end the discussion, but he was wrong.

"Really? How interesting. Well give my compliments to your mother and girlfriend. They've done a wonderful job dressing you. You look very smart."


"I wonder." The woman's eyes narrowed as she stared intently at his face. "Have you ever considered some light makeup? A hint of eye shadow, liner, and mascara would highlight those beautiful eyes. And a little lip gloss would embolden your lips just a touch. You would be amazed how much difference it would make."

Jamie noticed that the woman herself was wearing makeup that had been so expertly applied that he hadn't noticed it before.

"I don't really want to look like a girl." He realized that sounded a bit ridiculous considering how he was dressed.

"Oh, you wouldn't. The makeup would just bring out your best features. As I tell everyone, makeup isn't just for girls. My name is Abby, by the way." She held out her hand and looked at his name tag. "And you are Jamie."

Jamie shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I should get back to work unless you need to find something else."

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry to keep you. I sell Avon, you see, so I'm always thinking makeup."

Jamie left her perusing the zippers. He refilled his cart with bolts and headed back to the fabric aisles. A few minutes later, he heard Abby's voice behind him.

"There you are, Jamie. You're almost as hard to find as the zippers."

"Just have to know where to look."

"Here's my business card in case you change your mind about makeup. You should talk to your mother and girlfriend about it." She handed Jamie a card with Avon printed boldly across the top along with Abby's contact information. "If you call, I can come to your home and give you a free mini-makeover and lessons on how to apply your makeup. And you can always contact me with questions. I just love to talk makeup."

"Okay." Jamie glanced at the card and then slipped it in the pocket of his apron.

"Now, let me see." She held three bottles of lip gloss and seemed to be comparing them to his lips. "Yes, this one will match perfectly." She selected one and dropped the other two in her purse. "Now this is a free sample for you to keep. Let me show you what it will do for you."

Jamie had seen his sister applying gloss and knew exactly what Abby was going to do. "Oh, no. You don't need to."

"Yes, I do or I wouldn't be an award-winning Avon lady. Just try a few brushes. Believe me, and I know my makeup. It's so subtle that no one will know you're wearing it, but everyone will know how much better you look."

Abby came at him with the applicator like a special-ops soldier on a mission. Jamie decided the fastest way to get rid of her was to give in. She made a few brushes across his lips. It felt like lip balm, maybe a bit oilier.

"There. That's perfect. Oh, my goodness. Wait until your girlfriend gets a look at you." She screwed the bottle closed and handed it to Jamie. "That's yours to keep. Free of charge. A gift from Abby the Avon lady. Now let me show you how good it looks." She dug in her purse.

Jamie dropped the lip gloss into his apron pocket along with Abby's business card. Abby pulled a compact from her purse and held the mirror in front of Jamie.

"What do you think?"

Jamie noticed that his lips looked softer and fuller and stood out a bit more, but it wasn't like their color had changed. They just looked better.

"They look different but better, I guess."

"You guess? Your lips look fabulous. Now keep it on for the rest of the day. Next time you see me, you can tell me what your mother and girlfriend had to say. Alright? Deal?"


"Wonderful. Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Jamie. Call me for an appointment. Bye."

He watched her leave with a bounce in her step.

"Who was that?"

Jamie turned to Tabitha. "Oh, just a happy customer. I helped her find the zippers." He felt Tabitha staring at his lips. "Did you hear what she was saying?"

"Some of it. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was only a few feet away. She's right, you know. That lip gloss really suits you."

"You can tell I'm wearing it?"

"Not really, but it makes your lips look great."

"Do you want her card?"

"Oh, no. My mother already knows someone who sells Avon." Tabitha grinned. "You look very kissable."

"Oh." He guessed that was a good thing. He knew he shouldn't feel all warm inside from Tabitha saying he was kissable, but he did.

Kelli came around the corner behind Tabitha. "Hey, Jamie. Quit gabbing. The bins are filling up, you know."

Tabitha rolled her eyes. Jamie resumed shelving fabric, but not before noticing Kelli give his lips an extra, long stare.

Jamie's grandmother arrived a few minutes after the end of his shift. Jamie was waiting near the door. He had placed the lip gloss and business card from Abby the Avon Lady in the small pocket of his shorts. His fingers rubbed over the bulge of the lip gloss. How, he wondered, did women not lose everything with such shallow pockets? Then he remembered Tabitha's talk about carrying a purse. He met his grandmother at the door, hoping she did not intend more shopping, but he was disappointed.

"I need your opinion on some colors," his grandmother said.

"Really? What are you making?"

"Oh, I don't know." She smiled. "Maybe some curtains or a table cloth. Since you're around so often, I thought you might want some input."

At the word ‘curtains’, Jamie lost all interest and figured he was in for an hour of going through the motions of offering his indifferent opinion. "Sure, I'll help."

"Hello, Emma. Come to take away a hard-working employee?" Lucelle patted Jamie on the shoulder. She studied his face for a moment longer than normal.

"He's going to help pick out a bit of fabric first, then he's coming home to help me clean out a hall closet."

"Sounds like he'll be working." Lucelle again studied Jamie's face.

He felt certain she had noticed the lip gloss. That Avon woman was insane if she thought no one would notice.

"Say, Jamie, are you wearing lip gloss?" said Lucelle.

"He is," said his grandmother. "Now that you mention it."

"An Avon lady was in earlier and gave me a sample."

Lucelle laughed. "You mean Abby? She's always selling or looking for a new customer."

"Yeah, Abby the Avon lady. She gave me her card." Jamie removed the card and lip gloss from his pocket.

"That gloss suits you. He should wear it every day. What do you think, Emma?"

"I believe you're right. It does look good on him. I always thought he had a pretty mouth."

Jamie wondered if he wanted his mouth to look pretty. Is that how Megan would describe him?

"You should call, Abby," said Lucelle. "She'll give you a good deal on your cosmetics."

"Oh, well. Maybe my mother or Julie--"

"But you're going to need a purse to carry your makeup around. Those pockets are just for show." Lucelle grinned.

"We'll see what we can find," said his grandmother.

"Well, I won't stop you from shopping. And don't forget your employee discount, Jamie."

As Jamie had feared, they spent almost an hour sorting through fabric and waiting for it to be cut. His grandmother asked him which colors he liked and which colors Julie liked. Kelli checked them out and didn't miss the opportunity to tell him how great his lip gloss looked. They left with four cuts of fabric: purples for Jamie and yellows for Julie. He wondered why his grandmother talked about curtains being for him or Julie. It didn't seem like enough fabric for curtains either. He shrugged and forgot about it, glad the shopping ordeal was done.

He spent the rest of the afternoon helping his grandmother empty and sort the contents of a hall closet. She quizzed him on his time at work and how he was getting on with his coworkers. He also told her about his planned date with Megan. His grandmother told him that Megan was a keeper, that even if she didn't become a serious girlfriend, she would be a wonderful long-term friend. He wanted to argue that Megan was already his girlfriend, but decided to leave it. He figured his grandmother had misunderstood something.

Jamie kicked off his fuzzy slippers and stretched out on the living room couch when they were done. He had been working all day, moving and sorting. He admired his legs clad in black nylon. The pantyhose did go really well with the shorts. What would happen at the end of the summer, he wondered. He couldn't imagine not wearing pantyhose.

"There you are. Tired from a long day?"

Jamie sat up on the couch. "It's been a long day of shifting and sorting."

"You were a great help this afternoon. Look what I found!" His grandmother held out a small black purse by its thin strap. A silver clasp held it closed. Jamie thought it looked similar to purses he had seen many young girls carrying.

"A purse?"

"Yes. This belonged to your mother when she was a teenager. I'm surprised it still looks almost as good as new. I thing she carried it to church and formal events. I thought you might like to have it since it appears you're in need of one. I'm sure your mother will be thrilled if you use it as your first purse."

Jamie didn't want a purse. Wearing pantyhose was wonderful but carrying a purse might be a step too far. What would Megan say? But, he didn't want to hurt his grandmother's feelings. "Thanks. I'll ask mom if it's okay if I use it." He took the purse and placed it on his lap.

"That will be a lot easier to carry about that your backpack."

But it certainly won't hold as much, he thought.

"And I put your lip gloss in it and a makeup mirror. It's a bit beat up with some scratches but it still does the job."

"Thanks." It was definitely more than he wanted.

"You should freshen up your lip gloss before your mother arrives. Go on, try it out."

Jamie didn't want to argue. His grandmother was only trying to be nice. The mirror fit easily in his palm. He had seen his mother and Julie applying lipstick and gloss often enough to have some notion of what he was doing. He touched up his lips with a small amount, and noticed his lips looked redder, fuller, and wetter when he was done.

"How's that?"

"Wonderful. We're so happy to see you trying new ... experiences ... with enthusiasm."

Jamie met his mother at the door. His lips were wet with gloss and he was carrying his backpack and new purse. His grandmother told his mother all about Abby the Avon lady and giving Jamie her old purse.

"Abby was right, Jamie. That gloss does show off your lips to great effect. And why didn't you tell me you wanted a purse? We could have bought one at the mall. I'm sure Megan would have helped you pick one out. But it's wonderful if you want to have mine."

Jamie smiled and nodded. He was glad to be making his mother so happy, but he also felt confused. How did they go from Lucelle suggesting he carry a purse to him wanting a purse?


When Jamie opened the passenger door of his mother's car, he found a paper bag in the seat.

"That's for you," his mother said. "For your date with Megan."

Jamie removed a package of light blue pantyhose, 40 denier, with a control top. "I wonder what Megan will make of me wearing blue pantyhose?"

"She'll think you look lovely. They should go well with the dark blue shorts Megan picked out for you."

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. What did everyone make of your new clothes?"

"Lucelle said I looked sharp and Tabitha and Margaret said I looked good. Kelli called me a boyette again."

"I wouldn't worry about Kelli. She'll get tired of teasing you."

"I know, but is she accurate? I mean.... I don't know. I'm not wearing a stitch of boy's clothing."

"Do you like what you're wearing? Put what others are saying out of your mind. Do you like the clothes?"

Jamie considered how he felt about the new clothes after wearing them for a whole day. He loved the pantyhose and the other pieces came together to make an outfit, a look. Coordination wasn't something he had thought much about before.

"Yes," he said tentatively. "They give me a look, I think. Not something I ever thought much about before."

His mother squeezed his knee. "I'm proud of you, Jamie. You're becoming your own person. And there's nothing wrong with being a boyette."

His mother laughed and Jamie joined in.

When Jamie arrived home, he put his shoes in the hall closet and ran upstairs to his room. He dropped his backpack in a chair and tossed his new pantyhose and his new purse--his purse and his pantyhose, his life was certainly changing--on the bed. After stripping out of his clothes, he stood in his room in just his pantyhose. He rubbed his thighs together and considered how nice it much be for girls to rub their nylon-clad legs together while wearing a dress. He could rub his knees and ankles together but it wasn't quite the same in shorts. He didn't ever want to stop wearing pantyhose. His mother was right. Nylons were transforming him into a stronger person.

He considered trying on the blue pantyhose but decided to keep those new for his date with Megan. There was no reason to be nervous, but he couldn't stop the tremble he felt whenever he thought about calling her. She wasn't going to say no, but shyness kept pulling him back to the safe cave of hiding. For no reason other than putting it off, he decided to call Megan after dinner. He wouldn't feel rushed then and they would have more time to talk. That argument won the day with himself.

Jamie carefully removed his black pantyhose and slipped on some Sheer Energy in suntan, followed by shorts and a t-shirt. He also scrubbed off the lip gloss. He didn't suspect Mike would be ready for a Jamie with painted lips.

His mother told him to be back before dinner. Jamie figured he had at least an hour to hang out with Mike. He wore his sandals on the bike ride to Mike's house.

"Hello, Jamie," said Mike's mother. "I think Mike's upstairs. You can go on up."

Jamie greeted Mike's mother as he kicked off his sandals. She was always friendly to him. He noticed her eyes drop down his legs to his feet.

"Still wearing pantyhose, I see."

"All summer."

"I guess you're getting used to them."

"I think I'm starting to like them. Can't imagine not wearing them anymore."

"Oh, really? Well, I'm proud of Mike for standing by you."

"He's been a good friend." Jamie wondered if he had said too much. That "oh" seemed to have conveyed more than surprise. He headed upstairs to Mike's room.

Jamie tapped on Mike's door.

"Just a minute." Mike opened the door, obviously expecting his mother. "What do--. Oh, hiya Jamie. Come on in." Mike closed the door behind him and put a finger to his lips.

"What?" mouthed Jamie.

Mike led him to a window and handed Jamie a pair of binoculars. Jamie soon saw what all Mike's secrecy was about. Mike's older sister Monica and two of her equally gorgeous friends were lying on lounge chairs, sunbathing in bikinis. Each girl wore sunglasses and their skin glistened with suntan lotion. A boombox was tuned to a local station playing a Top-40 mix. Jamie moved the binoculars from one girl to another and then focused on Monica. Fortunately, their chairs were facing away from the house.

"My turn," whispered Mike.

Reluctantly, Jamie turned the binoculars over to Mike. "How long have they been out there?"

"A half hour? You missed the best part. When they were slathering lotion on each other."


"My favorite is Kristi, the one on the far right," said Mike.

"I guess I'm partial to Monica. We need a timer."

For the next half hour the two boys traded the binoculars back and forth and stared in lust at the young women until the girls decided to call it quits.

"So, I've got a date with Megan this week."

"No way. When?"

"Wednesday. I think. I'm going to call her tonight and firm up the schedule."

"Wow, man. Maybe I should start wearing pantyhose. What are going to do?"

"Take her to a movie at the mall and then hang out. It's what my mom and sister suggested. Doesn't sound too lame does it?"

"No, no. Give you a chance to talk. And you can sit in the dark with your arm around her. Maybe even sneak in a kiss."

"One step at a time."

"I heard from my sister that there's going to be a major beach party at the lake on Saturday. You should try to get Megan in a bikini for your next date. Think about rubbing lotion on her!"

Jamie felt his face flush at the thought. "Oh, man. Maybe my mom could take us all for a picnic at the beach. That's a great idea, Mike."

The friends shared a fist bump.


"So, did you have a big day today?" Julie posed the question as the three sat around the table for dinner.

"Just another day at work and helping grandma."

"Oh come on. That's not what mom said. What happened?"

Jamie's mother laughed. With question after question Julie dragged the details out of Jamie regarding the reception of his new clothes, the meeting with Abby the Avon lady, and his new purse from grandma.

"Mom said you were wearing lip gloss."

"Abby pushed me to try some. You can have the free sample if you want it."

"No way! I don't want your used makeup. That's gross. I want to see how it looks on you after dinner."

"Mom," Jamie whined.

"You wore it at work and all afternoon with your grandmother. You could at least let your sister see it."

After dinner, Jamie brought down his purse containing the lip gloss. Julie insisted on teaching him how to apply it. Jamie didn't mention he had already had some practice applying it himself that afternoon.

"Whoever this Abby is knew what she was talking about. This looks great on you. It highlights your lips so well but subtly. Don't you agree, Mom?"

"Yes, it looks great on him."

"Now, let's take it off and then you can practice applying it yourself," said Julie.

"Why do I need to practice?"

"You can't let this go to waste. It's good stuff and it looks so good on you."

"I didn't ask for it. Do I really need to wear it?" Jamie looked to his mother for support.

"Would you let me waste good makeup?" countered Julie.

"Well," said his mother, drawing out the word. "Didn't Lucelle say something about expecting to see you wearing lip gloss? That's what your grandmother said."

"I guess she did, but--"

"That settles it. It's part of your uniform now. I suspect all the other girls you work with wear at least a touch of makeup."

Jamie's shoulders sagged in defeat. Why, he questioned, was every female he knew pushing him further and further into femininity? "Okay."

Julie clapped her hands. Jamie practiced applying the lip gloss until Julie was satisfied he knew what he was doing, which didn't take long. With any luck, Jamie hoped the stuff would soon run out. But that hope was quickly dashed.

His mother was thumbing the business card from Abby. "I think I'll give her a call. She can give all of us a makeover some evening. Won't that be fun?"

"Yeah, Mom. Great idea," said Julie. "I'll invite Samantha and you can invite Megan."

"I guess so," said Jamie. He didn't think Megan wanted to join her boyfriend for a makeup session.

"Don't you need to call Megan?" said his mother.

"Oh, yeah."

"We've been having so much fun," said Julie.

"Can I use the phone in your room, Mom?"

"Yes." His mother laughed. "Close the door."

Jamie closed the door to his mother's bedroom. He realized he hadn't been in here alone since the day he "borrowed" his mother's pantyhose and got caught several weeks ago. So much had happened since then. He wondered if his mother had given any thought to the significance of being alone in her room or if it no longer mattered. He was wearing his own pantyhose.

He sat on the floor and leaned against his mother's bed. The phone rested on her bedside table. His hands had gone sweaty and his mouth felt gummy. Rubbing his palms along his nylon-clad thighs helped to calm him, at least a little. Pantyhose felt comforting. He couldn't figure out why he felt so nervous. Megan had already agreed to go out with him, just him. He was calling to arrange a time, not ask her out. Logic had an uphill battle in the face of fear. A part of him insisted his relationship with Megan was too good to be true.

Grabbing the phone, he keyed in the number and waited. His breaths came short, shallow, and quick. A woman's voice broke the monotonous ringing. Jamie fumbled through an introduction and asking for Megan. The hard plastic phone slipped in his sweat-slicked hand. He licked his lips and realized as he tasted the lip gloss that he was going to talk to his girlfriend while wearing makeup.

"Hello? Jamie?"

"Hi, Megan. It's me, Jamie."

Megan laughed. "So how was work in your new clothes? Which outfit did you wear?"

As Jamie recounted his day, his voice slowed as he calmed down. He told Megan everything that happened. She really was easy to talk to. He didn't understand why he had been so nervous about calling her.

"I knew you would look great in some more stylish clothes," said Megan. "Are you going to call the Avon lady?"

"Not if it were up to me, but my mom and Julie are talking about it."

"At the very least you'll need some more lip gloss."

"Ha ha. Everyone is telling me I have to use it."

"Probably good advice. I can't wait to see how it looks on you. We are going out, aren't we?"

"Yeah. What do you think about a movie at the mall on Wednesday, and then hanging out afterward? My mom can give us a ride." Jamie wanted to kick himself for that last sentence. Touting his mom as their chauffeur sounded so lame.

"That sounds fun, but maybe we should plan on Saturday?"

Panic surged through Jamie like a bolt of lightning. Megan was turning him down, delaying their date.

"I thought you wanted to go out with me."

"I do. It's just Saturday is the more traditional date night."

"But Wednesday will be less crowded, and I was hoping to see you sooner." Jamie struggled for balance on the edge of a precipice. He wanted to convince Megan to go on Wednesday, but he didn't want to argue with her. He feared making her angry and driving her to call the whole thing off. The calm and confidence he had built up over the conversation evaporated in a flash.

"Oh, well, yes, I guess so. We can go on Wednesday if your heart is set on it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Saturday was just a suggestion."

Jamie sighed with relief. Sweat had gathered on his forehead. He wiped his palms on his shorts and then brushed his fingers over the nylon covering his thigh. The tight, slick fabric had a way of grounding him. What would he do with his pantyhose?

"What time are you going to pick me up?"

"Maybe six or seven? I don't know. What do you think would be best?"

"I think Saturday would be best, but let's aim for six to six-thirty."

"Great. Wednesday between six and six-thirty."

"See you then."

"Wait. How was your day? I forgot to ask."

"The cheer-leading coach called this morning and asked if I could help out with a camp for elementary school girls. So I spent the day teaching little kids how to jump and cheer."

"Was that fun?"

"Actually it was. I got to hang out with my friends. I'll be helping out through Thursday."

"I'll be working all week, prepping for the sidewalk sale."

"Are you going to wear more of your new clothes tomorrow?"

"I think my mom is going to pick something out."

"You should follow her lead."

"She bought me some blue pantyhose to wear on Wednesday night."

"Really. What are you pairing those with?"

"The blue shorts you picked out for me."

"Oh, yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing you in them."

A tap on the door startled Jamie. "You need to be up early tomorrow," said his mother.

"My mom says I need to go to bed."

"I need some sleep too if I'm going to keep up with all those little cheerleaders-to-be. Hey, which color cami are you wearing tonight?"

"Uhm, red?" said Jamie.

"Great choice. I love crimson. We'll match again. And don't forget your pantyhose."

"I never forget those."

Jamie had a smile on his face when he hung up the phone. Megan had seemed annoyed about Wednesday versus Saturday, but she was back to her happy, flirty self by the end of their call. He wondered if he was silly for insisting on Wednesday. Why did she want to go on Saturday? Did she really have a reason? For a moment, he considered calling her back to change their date to Saturday, then he dismissed the idea. He didn't want Megan to think he was indecisive. Imagining Megan in her crimson cami banished all his negative thoughts. He was looking forward to wearing the crimson cami and tap pants over his pantyhose.


Megan was sitting on the end of her bed rubbing lotion into her hands. A cool breeze was blowing across her thighs through her open window. Bugs outside were making a croaking, sing-song racket, but she was too tired to let the racket bother her. Two days of cheerleader camp with a bunch of little girls had been more exhausting than she could have imagined.

At eight p.m. she was already in her blue cami and tap pants. She wore them over pantyhose in honor of Jamie. She wondered if this coordinating pjs would become a habit, something special that they would do together.

She thought about inviting Jamie over for a sleepover and immediately dismissed the thought as ridiculous. How could she have imagined something so dumb? Jamie was a boy. He couldn't sleep over, although they were wearing identical clothes. Maybe she didn't always think of Jamie as a boy. Not a girl, but somewhere in between, a sissy. She decided the sun and fatigue had addled her brain.

A call from her mother shattered her thoughts. "Megan! Telephone."

"I'll take it in the library." Megan had a strong suspicion who it would be. Josh. She knew she should have pushed harder to go out with Jamie on Saturday and not Wednesday, but the poor boy had sounded so crestfallen when she suggested the change.


"Hey, Megan. How's your week?" Josh's smooth, confident voice sang over the phone lines.

Megan felt a spark of energy surge from her toes to the top of her head. Some of her fatigue evaporated. All of that just from hearing Josh's voice. She rubbed her nylon-clad feet together. She felt a need to flirt and entice him.

"Hi, Josh. It's been busy with the cheerleader camp."

"I hear you. Those little kids wear you out. I helped out with a football camp last summer."

"Speaking of camp, my friend Nikki is also helping out, and she told me today that you're taking me to the beach party on Saturday."

"Really." Josh chuckled. "I guess she's psychic."

"Yeah. She must be since I haven't agreed to go with you yet."

"Yet. That's the operative word. The one I'm hanging my heart on."

Megan rolled her eyes at his excessive charm but also appreciated it. "Uh-huh. I was amazed that she and apparently everyone else knew about it, except me."

"What can I say, girl. My confidence cup is running over."

Megan sighed. She ought to tell him no and hang up on him just to teach the cheeky bastard a lesson, but his confidence and charm--all directed at her--were so sexy. Her nylons hissed as she rubbed her legs together from her thighs to her feet. Her face felt flushed.

"So what did you tell Nikki?" he asked.

"I laughed it off and changed the subject."

"Alright. So what time should I pick you up on Saturday?"

Megan's gaze flitted across her blue cami, which reminded her of Jamie. She shouldn't even be considering this, but it was a party with a lot of other people.

"Are you giving a ride to anyone else?"

He named two other couples.

"Can we all fit in your car?"

"I'm borrowing the Cherokee. Have to store the food and chairs somewhere, you know."


"Look, Megan. I'm sorry I told some people I'm taking you. That was out of line, but I'm so psyched about this party. It's going to be epic. And we've already been on a date, okay a double date, so I didn't think there would be a problem. You haven't said no, so I guess those other plans you mentioned didn't pan out?"

"Not for Saturday."

"Alright then. Are we on?"

"Ummmm." Megan rubbed her feet together. Could she really turn down Josh, one of the hottest guys in school? Her friends would think she was insane. She would be insane. And she couldn't miss this party. Everyone was going to be there. Everyone except Jamie, cried a small voice at the back of her mind. Guilt warred with desire. If there were other couples, then she wasn't really going with Josh on a date, but with a group of friends. Josh just happened to be driving.

"Please, girl. Don't make me beg," said Josh.

"Okay. Yes. Pick me up at noon?"

"That's the ticket. We're going till late you know. We'll have a bonfire after dark. Maybe even roast some marshmallows while we dance around the fire." Josh laughed.

"I'll bring stuff for smores."

Josh laughed again. "I'm more concerned about your bikini and suntan lotion."

"Those too."

"Until Saturday."

Megan said her goodbyes and hung up. As soon as she ended the call, her fatigue came rushing back, as did her guilt. Was she cheating on Jamie? Josh's charm was so hard to resist. What have I done? she thought.

Footsteps outside the door broke into her thoughts.

"Melissa? Were you listening?"

Megan rushed to the door in time to hear a door closing softly down the hall. She was too tired to confront her sister. At least the girl didn't talk to Jamie or his older sister. Julie had threatened to make her life hell if she hurt Jamie. She decided Jamie wouldn't know about her date with Josh and it wasn't a date, not really. She was going with a group of friends to a beach party. It really was innocent. She couldn't help it that she and Jamie had different sets of friends.

Nothing to do about it now, she told herself. She would have to make the best of the situation.


A neighborhood away, Jamie was sitting on the edge of his bed. Like Megan, he was wearing a blue cami and tap pants over suntan pantyhose. He stretched out one leg, admiring the smooth and even coloring. He wriggled his toes, enjoying the sensation of the toe seam against the tips of his toes. Extending his other leg, he rubbed his feet together. There was a lot to enjoy about wearing pantyhose.

Nothing exciting had happened at work, just a lot of boxes to unpack and fabric to put away. He had worn tan pantyhose with beige shorts and a pale yellow blouse. He had hoped the lip gloss would be forgotten in the morning rush but his mother applied it for him in the car before they left. His mother and grandmother also insisted he carry his purse with his mirror, lip gloss, tissues, and wallet inside. His grandmother had accompanied him inside the Fabric Barn. She said she needed more thread. Lucelle had said Jamie looked wonderful and that the lip gloss suited him. Tabitha was complimentary as well and reminded him to touch up his lip gloss.

He wanted to call Megan and compare notes about their days, but he couldn't think of an excuse other than wanting to talk to her. He never called people just to talk to them. His mother and Julie did. He used the phone more for scheduling or asking some specific question. He didn't want to annoy Megan, because a part of him feared she would cancel their date. Another part of him wanted to call her to remind her of their date. That, he decided, would be annoying.

A soft knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts.

"Jamie," said Julie. "Are you decent?"

"Come on in, sis."

Julie entered and softly closed the door behind her.

"Since when have you started calling me sis?" She sat beside him on his bed.

Jamie shrugged. "I don't know. You are my sister. It just came out."

"I like it. And I like your pjs too."

"Thanks. Megan is wearing a matching pair tonight."

"Really." Julie grinned. "So you two are coordinating your sleep wear? That's sweet. I'm glad you have Megan. She's good for you."

"Me too. Should I have called her tonight?"

"It's kind of late now."

"I know, but is it okay to call her just to talk? I don't want to bother her too much."

Julie laughed. "It never bothers a girl to blab to her friends on the phone. You won't annoy her."

"Okay. I hope she doesn't forget our date tomorrow."

"Oh, Jamie. She's not going to forget a date." Julie hugged him. "You're being silly. But, speaking of dates. I need to ask a favor from you."


"Remember Aaron, that guy I told you about?"

Jamie nodded.

"Well, he's taking me to a beach party with some of his friends at the reservoir on Saturday. I'm telling Mom I'm going with Samantha to a pool party. Samantha has agreed to cover for me. I just need you to cover for me too."

"You want me to lie to Mom? I don't know, Julie. I wish you hadn't told me."

"Mom would never let me go on a date with this guy. He really likes me and I want to go out with him."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

Julie rolled her eyes. "You don't need to lie so much as just keep Mom busy. Maybe you two could make a day of it on Saturday. Go out to eat. Go shopping. Just the two of you doing some fun stuff together. If you keep her distracted, she won't be wondering what I'm doing. Aaron says he'll have me back early."

"Won't Mom see when he drops you off?"

"Not unless she's at Samantha's house. I don't have everything worked out yet but can I count on you for Saturday? Please? I'll owe you a ginormous favor. Please?"

The pleading look on Julie's face outweighed his reservations. As long as he didn't need to directly lie to his mother, it might be okay. But if anything went wrong, they would all crash and burn. "Okay. I don't want to lie to Mom, but I'll keep her busy on Saturday. It'll be fun to spend a day with her."

Julie hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you. And I'm not kidding. I won't forget this. I'll owe you big time." She rose and headed for the door. "Good night little ... sister."

Jamie lunged for a pillow and sent it flying at a shrieking Julie. The pillow thumped against the closing door.


"Are you excited?" Jamie's mother asked as she touched up his lip gloss.

"Yes, and nervous," he replied. He was wearing a white, three-quarter length sleeve blouse tucked into the blue high-waisted shorts that Megan had picked. The side-zip closure still seemed odd to Jamie as he was accustomed to a front closure, but his mother insisted side-zips were common in lots of "nice clothes." The shorts only covered a quarter of his thighs. The rest of his legs shimmered in the blue pantyhose his mother had bought for him.

"The black Mary Janes aren't perfect, but they'll do," said his mother. "I would have taken you shoe-shopping but Julie blew the shoe budget."

"I think they're okay. I'm used to wearing them after wearing them to work for a couple days."

Jamie's mother returned the lip gloss to his purse and returned it to him. The shorts didn't have pockets--another thing his mother said "nice clothes" don't have--so he had no choice but to carry his purse. He hoped Megan wouldn't think it too weird. He figured she hadn't considered pockets when she picked out the shorts.

They headed out the door to the car. Jamie sat in the front seat. His mother had told him he could sit in the back with Megan after they picked her up.

Jamie rubbed his hands over his legs as he thought about what he would say to Megan and what he would ask her. Rubbing his nylon clad legs calmed him. The pantyhose caught and reflected light more than any he had worn before.

"Why are these so glossy?"

"Just how they're made. I thought you might like something special."

At Megan's house, Jamie rang the front doorbell. He thought he saw a face at an upper window, maybe Megan's sister, but when he looked again, there was only a curtain waving in the breeze.

When Megan opened the door, Jamie's mouth literally fell open. His eyes roamed down and then up her body. Like him, she wore a white blouse, but it stretched tightly across her breasts, which seemed fuller than usual. Her blouse was tucked into a beige miniskirt and her long legs were encased in tan pantyhose. Black, strappy heels completed her outfit.

"Hi, Jamie," said Megan. "Are you okay?"

"Wow. You look awesome."

"Thank you. You look cute yourself. You're wearing the shorts I picked out for you."

"Yeah. I... I like them."

Megan giggled. "Well, let's get going."

They walked toward the car together. Jamie forgot about holding her hand. He was too stunned by her beauty. He felt like he was going out with Miss America.

"I love your pantyhose," said Megan. "They're so shimmery. I might want some for myself."

"My mom bought them for me."

Jamie opened the door for Megan and then ran around the back of the car to the other side.

"You look all grown up," said Jamie's mother.

"Thanks. I knew Jamie was dressing up so I decided to go the extra mile myself."

Jamie noticed her ruby-red toenails showing through her nylons. They were a match to her fingernails and her lipstick.

As they started for the mall, Megan asked Jamie's mother about his pantyhose. Jamie stared at Megan, his tongue in a knot. Was this girl really going out with him? He wanted to capture this moment and hold it forever.

"That's a cute purse," said Megan.

"These shorts don't have any pockets."

Megan giggled. "Oops. Sorry. I guess that's my fault."

"His grandmother gave that purse to him. He's been carrying it to work every day."

"Really?" Megan raised her eyebrows at Jamie.

"It's one of my old purses from when I was a teenager that I never used."

"How sweet," said Megan. "Your first purse belonged to your mom."

Jamie nodded and squirmed in his seat. He didn't want to talk about purses, but he hadn't suggested anything else to talk about.

"That's what his grandmother and I thought."

Jamie's mother stopped at a mall entrance near the movie theater. "Call me when you're ready and I'll pick you up here."

“Okay,” Jamie said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Stewart. We will," Megan added.

Megan always sounded so poised and mature. He felt more nervous, wondering why this girl was out with him. And then he looked down at his clothes--a girl's blouse, girl's shorts, and shimmering blue pantyhose. Who was he fooling? He felt the world tipping off-kilter and his stomach gave a lurch. He panicked at the thought of vomiting.

"Hey, Jamie. Are you okay?" Megan pressed her arm across his back and squeezed his shoulder.

"I don't know." He felt sweat prickling his brow.

"Let's sit down." She led him to a bench near the doors, supporting him as they walked. When they sat, she kept her arm around his back and squeezed his knee with her other hand. "Take deep breaths."

Jamie did as she said and began to feel less queasy. The dizziness passed.


"Yes. So embarrassed."

"Oh, don't be silly. Did you get too hot? It's happened to me at cheer practice. I upchucked a school lunch once. I think it was chili that day."

Jamie chuckled, trying to hold back a laugh. Megan joined him.

"That must have been gross," he said.

"It was. And the smell. Ugh. I don't want to think about it." She squeezed his shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so. I just got really nervous or something."

"You're nervous to go out with me?"

"And, I guess, what I'm wearing."

"Oh, Jamie. Sit up and look at me. We're going to have a great time and I love how you're dressed. It's the real you shining through."

"What about the purse?"

"Very practical. I don't understand how guys get by without purses."

Jamie pursed his lips. "And the lip gloss?"

"It makes your lips look so kissable." Megan swooped in and kissed him on the lips.

Jamie looked at her in wide-eyed, stunned surprise.

"See?" Megan stood. "Now, let’s go in and have fun. You'll feel better where it's cooler."

Jamie took her hand. Their fingers intertwined. He took a couple wobbly steps and then found his stride. He pushed open the door as they entered. When the cool air hit him, he shivered as the sweat from moments ago suddenly cooled, but the memory of the latest kiss warmed him. He was determined to initiate their next kiss.

As expected, the Wednesday night crowd at the mall was thin. He remembered how he had felt less nervous the last time he had seen a movie with Megan. A gaggle of her friends had joined them, leaving Jamie feeling left out. It seemed the more time he spent with Megan, the more important she became to him and the more nervous he felt. It was counterintuitive, but he couldn't deny how he felt. He hoped he didn't come across as desperate and clingy.

A few people glanced Jamie's way as they passed, but no one laughed or pointed. He told himself that they were staring at Megan.

Still holding hands, they stared up at the movie titles and show times. As they were hashing through the choices, Jamie heard giggling behind them.

"No way," said a girl.

"It's a guy," said another girl.

Jamie peered over his shoulder to find three girls in jean shorts and t-shirts staring at him. They were sitting on a bench directly behind him. As soon as they saw his face, the girls burst into a fit of giggles and covered their mouths. Jamie turned back to the show listings, determined to ignore the obnoxious teens.

"Hey, guy," called one of the girls. "Love your shorts and pantyhose. So sexy, especially on a guy."

"Where's your skirt?"

The girls launched into another fit of giggles.

Megan turned to look.

"I'm trying to ignore them," said Jamie.

"Well I'm not. Stay here." Megan released his hand and walked toward the three girls.

"Megan. You don't--"

Ignoring Jamie, Megan strode toward the girls, her heels clicking. She stopped in front of the bench, towering over the three teens. Jamie stayed put, as Megan had told him, and watched.

"You know what I see? I see three losers who can't think of anything better to do than waste their lives at the mall."

"We're waiting for a movie."

Jamie guessed the girl that spoke was the one who taunted him about his shorts and pantyhose, probably the leader.

"Then go wait somewhere else and keep your mouths shut."

"We don't have to," said the same girl. "We can wait anywhere we want to."

"I could call security. Tell them you're bothering me. Who do you think they'll take seriously? They're always looking for an excuse to toss out teens."

"Can she do that?" said one of the other girls.

Megan and the lead girl glared at one another.

The girl blinked first. "Come on," she said to her companions as she stood. The three walked away, but before they were out of earshot, the lead girl tried to get in the last word. "Have fun with your pantiewaist date."

Megan ignored her and walked back to Jamie. "Got rid of them," she said with a smile.

"Sorry about that."

"Why are you apologizing? They were making the trouble."

"I know, but.... I guess I need to get used to it. I'm sorry you had to deal with it."

"That girl's a bully. No one needs to get used to bullying. No one makes fun of my date and gets away with it."

"Would security really kick them out?"

"Maybe, but probably not. They weren't disrupting commerce. But I'm sure security would have taken me a lot more seriously than them. They're mall rats. That girl was defiant though. I bet she hasn't experienced many people standing up to her."

Jamie and Megan joined hands again and decided on a movie. Jamie dug some money out of his purse and paid for their tickets. Megan insisted on buying their snacks: popcorn and chocolate covered peanuts. They found the correct theater and then settled into some seats. There were only a few other people in the theater.

Jamie wondered if he should put his arm around Megan's shoulders or put his hand on her knee. The thought of rubbing Megan's nylon-clad knee set his blood to boiling with excitement.

"How was work today?"

"All right. Same-old, same-old. Unpacking boxes and returning fabric. Lucelle sent Tabitha to the back today to help me search for a box of lace, so we talked as we searched. It was nice to have some company."

"Is Tabitha the one who compliments your clothes?"

"Yes. She'll be in school with us this fall. I think you would like her."

"Really. You certainly spend a lot of time talking about her."

Jamie sensed a sharpness to Megan's tone. He wondered what he had said that was wrong.

"Maybe I should meet your friend Tabitha. Does she work in the store every day?"

"I think so. She's there every day that I am."

Megan ate some popcorn. Jamie was afraid he had made her angry.

"How was cheer-leading camp?" he said.

"Fun but exhausting. I'm going directly to bed as soon as I go home tonight."

"Hope you don't fall asleep during the movie."

"You'll wake me up if I do?"


"There's something I need to tell you."

"Yeah?" Jamie felt anxious at Megan's serious tone.

"There's this beach party on Saturday at the reservoir. All my friends are going and they kind of talked me into going too, so I'm going to be busy all day Saturday at the beach."

"That sounds fun."

"I hope so. Sometimes big parties like that are boring."

Jamie nodded. He had no idea how a party at the beach could be boring with all those girls in their swimsuits. He considered telling her about Julie going to a beach party as well but decided at the last moment to say nothing. It was Julie's secret.

"I'm going to spend Saturday afternoon with my mom shopping."

"Wow. That sounds like a great time. I wish I was going shopping with you and your mom."

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind. If you changed your mind about the beach, that is."

Megan laughed. "My friends would never speak to me again if I bailed on them. You know I just can't get over how shiny your pantyhose are. Can I feel them?"

"Yeah! Sure."

Megan ran her fingers up and down his thigh. Jamie felt himself growing excited inside his control tops.

"They're so smooth too. I'm definitely going to pick up a couple pairs."

When the lights dimmed and the previews began, Jamie asked if he could put his arm across her shoulders.

"Of course."

Megan leaned her neck back against his arm. "Comfortable?" she said.

Jamie said he was. Throughout the movie, Jamie watched for an opportunity to kiss Megan, but she always appeared intent on the screen. Not that he would know a good opportunity if one presented itself. An hour into the film he could barely feel his arm. Megan giggled as she helped him put his arm at his side so it could come back to life.

When the lights came back on, Megan dug a mirror out of her purse and applied a fresh layer of lipstick. He watched her lips turn a deep red and felt excited all over again.

"You should touch up your lip gloss. Something you have to do after you eat."

"Oh, really?"

"Your brought it in your purse, didn't you?"

"I think so."

Megan opened Jamie's purse and brought out his lip gloss. "You've got a mirror in here too. Let me help. Hold still." Megan applied some fresh gloss to Jamie's lips with a few strokes. "There you go. All kissable again."

Jamie thanked her as he closed his purse.

"Since the stores are still open, let's see if we can find that brand of pantyhose you're wearing."

Megan grabbed Jamie's hand and led him out of the theater and through the mall. Jamie wondered how Megan could walk so fast in heels, but he figured she had a lot of practice. The store was still open. They proceeded directly to the pantyhose display.

Megan scanned the display and picked out a package. "Here they are. Yes, it says they have a lot of shine. I think I'll get two. Sun beige and black. Do you want some?"

"I don't know if I have enough money left." Jamie counted the bills in his purse. He wanted to have enough left over to buy Megan a snack, and the hose were rather expensive. "I could buy one pair."

"Great. If we get the same shades, we can wear matching pantyhose on our next date." Megan smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"Really? Wow." Jamie felt overwhelmed, but whether more by the idea of another date with Megan, or the matching pantyhose, he couldn't say.

Megan giggled. "Jamie, you are so cute. Here." She handed him packages of sun beige and black. "You pay for one of those now and pay me back later for the other. Now let's check out before they close."

The woman behind the counter promptly gathered up the two piles and rang them up as one.

"One package was supposed to be rung up separately. He's paying for that one." Megan nodded at Jamie.

"Oh. I'm sorry." The woman appeared confused as she looked at Jamie. "We don't have many boys buying pantyhose. None that I can recall. Are these for your mother?"

I don’t think it’s any of your business, Jamie thought, but before he could say anything, Megan spoke for him.

"Actually, they're for him. His mother bought him some blue ones to wear for our date, and they looked so wonderful that I decided I had to have some for myself. Step back, Jamie, so she can see how shiny they are."

Jamie did as Megan asked.

"Yes, they are quite lovely." The woman looked Jamie up and down.

"Just ring them up together," said Megan. "Jamie and I will sort out the money later. But put them in two separate bags."

"Okay." The woman sounded flustered at this point. After taking Megan's credit card, she gave two bags to Megan and let her divide the packages between them.

Megan handed a bag to Jamie. "My treat."

Jamie felt as flustered as the clerk. He wanted to take Megan on a date to a movie and they ended up going pantyhose shopping together. Anymore, his life seemed to revolve around pantyhose and all things feminine.

As they left the store hand-in-hand, Jamie glanced over his shoulder to see the woman staring after them with her mouth hung open. If nothing else, he figured they had expanded her world view.

"I know you wanted to get some dessert in the food court, but would you be upset if we called it a night? I am so tired. I won't be very good company soon. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. We can get dessert next time, right?"

"Of course. You are so understanding."

Jamie called his mother from a pay phone. The pair then stepped outside to wait. Standing under a light, they looked out on a mostly empty parking lot. A half-moon shone in the clear sky and a cool breeze passed over Jamie's arms and legs.

"Megan, can I kiss you?"

"Of course." Megan put her arms on Jamie's shoulders and crossed them behind his neck. A corner of her bag with her new pantyhose poked his back.

Jamie put his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to hers. Megan kissed him back. Jamie felt his excitement growing inside his control tops. He felt the width of her hips tapering to the thinness of her waist. He broke their kiss and pulled back.


Megan smiled. "Your mom's not here yet. Are we really done? Your lips look so kissable." She leaned forward to resume kissing.

Jamie felt her tongue press against his lips, knocking for admittance. Acting on instinct, he opened his mouth and rubbed her tongue with his. He pressed her body against his, squashing her breasts against his chest. Their nylon-clad knees rubbed together. For the moment, nothing existed for Jamie except Megan.

A car horn sounded.

Startled, they broke their kiss and looked to see Jamie's mother waiting in her car.

"I guess we're done kissing," said Megan.

"Until next time?"

Megan pecked him on the lips. "You need to touch up your lip gloss."

Hand-in-hand, the pair walked to the car.


"She went on a real date with sissy-hose?" Carla was sitting cross legged on Melissa's bed while Melissa paced across her bedroom. "I still can't believe it. You think they'll like, kiss and stuff?"

"I know. Kissing a boy who's wearing pantyhose?" Melissa made gagging sounds.

Carla mimicked her friend. "So gross!"

"And he was wearing blue pantyhose tonight with girl's shorts."

"Is he trying to be a girl?"

"No, he's just a sissy. And Megan is enabling him. I found out that they're coordinating their sleepwear."

"What? Really?"

"No kidding. They wear the same color camis, and my sister is now wearing pantyhose to bed every night."

Carla doubled over laughing. "Jamie wears a cami? This is out of control."

"Exactly. I think someday Megan will actually thank me for saving her."

"So what will you need me to do?"

"Same as last time. You stay over Saturday night and act as look out while I send the message. I've been working on it all day."

"When can I read it?"

"After it goes out."

"This is going to be so fun. And you're certain you've got her password this time?"

"Oh, yeah. I've checked it several times. I even found Josh's email address and added it to the list."

Carla clapped her hands. "You are so devious."

"I know. Sometimes I even surprise myself." Melissa stopped pacing and turned to Carla. "Can you believe she goes out with sissy-extraordinaire tonight and then goes out with the school god on Saturday? How can she even be the same person?"

"And such a cheater. She must be insane to risk her relationship with Josh."

"You are so right. You know Megan's even talking about inviting sissy-hose Jamie over for dinner. Mom said I'll have to sit at the table and be nice to him. Even my mom is losing her mind."

"That's terrible. Maybe you could fake being sick?"

"It'll never happen. If my plan works, I'll kill both relationships and prove to everyone what a two-timing bitch miss goody two-shoes really is."

A car pulled into the driveway.

"Quick," said Melissa. "Kill the lights."

Melissa and Carla waited at the window in the darkened room. A security light came on as Jamie and Megan approached the house. Carla clasped her hand over her mouth when she saw Jamie. The two girls stepped back from the window.

"Blue pantyhose," whispered Carla. "I can't believe it."

"This is going to be epic," said Melissa. The two shared a high-five.

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