Divorce 3 Sometimes The End is really the beginning

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Wait, did my wife just divorce me?

Divorce 3 sometimes The End is just the beginning
by Leslie Moore

Dear Readers,
Invisible has been my guilty pleasure. And I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did.
But, while I'm editing and waiting for the final cover, I had to write this little story that came to me in the shower. It's really a first draft and I don't know if it has legs. But, I know the readers here have lots of patience and tolerate my rotten tomatoes.
By the way, this whole story has been rewritten this week since it was originally published a few weeks ago. To really appreciate it, you might want to skim it all
Tom watched William stand up and greet Camille. He’d already said hello and tried to add some sincerity into his voice. In his mind, this was going to be an awkward meeting. He’d been having an affair with Lily for months now. She’d explained that she and her wife had an open marriage and the two of them weren’t doing anything wrong.

Tom reflected on the woman he’d just shook hands with. She was a knockout. A real stunner with everything going for her. He’d been told she was a trust fund baby with millions in the bank and was in the process of transitioning. In his own mind, he didn’t see any male characteristics showing around the edgesl. There was no giveaway. She was a ten.

Tom really liked dating married women, especially the ones who cleared it first with their husbands. Husbands! Tom scoffed at any man who’d let his wife screw around on them. In his mind, these whores were only good for one thing. And of course, with no strings attached, Tom was more than happy to please.

He’d started in minor league ball when he was nineteen years old. Even back then, he was tall and strong looking. He knew he was a chick magnet after playing all the team sports in high school. But, baseball opened up a door that had never closed. He literally could be our there swinging a bat or throwing a pitch and the women would line up to watch. All he had to do was make eye contact for thirty seconds to know he’d caught a prize.

Then, he’d call out the trainer. He’d walk over and describe the woman. After the game, she’d be waiting for him in the training room or the office or any place that wasn’t taken. It was like that in every town. And when he moved up to the majors, well, he wasn’t safe anywhere. He’d be recognized walking down the street and women would proposition him. Sometimes, two girlfriends would want to have him at the same time.

The major leagues were prime beef, too. These heifers would do anything to please him. One seasoned player warned him. “Don’t be in any hurry to get married, Slick. Your bride will never do what these broads would do to make you happy. With them, its a click of the fingers. A wife always wants something in return.”

So, Tom took his advice. Tom got a lot of advice and tried to hear what everyone had to say. He’d gotten good financial advice from Patch Mathews, one of the elderly players on the team, about investing his money. He did what he was told and enjoyed watching his bank accounts double, then triple. Eventually, his advisor retired but introduced him to his oldest son, William.

“Tom. This is William. My boy’s been to the Wharton School of Business and Harvard Law. And I think you need a partner to help you diversify and go big. My boy could be the guy to take you there.”

William gave him great advice and had him incorporate. He wanted to simply call it, Tom Reynolds. But, William wanted him to call is the Green Field Fund. Naturally, Tom won out.

After a while, William told him if he wanted to go really big, he needed to go public on the New York Stock Exchange. Tom liked the idea of his name in lights and it proved to be a winner. A lot of fans bought a share or two of Tom Reynolds just so they could look at the fancy paper.

But, some of these guys encouraged their darlings to go out and sleep with this baseball hall of fame winner. One guy even asked his wife to get him an autographed baseball. Tom wanted to personalize it thanking him for letting him have a wonderful weekend away with his wife, but William advised against it. He said that that man would have the evidence to sue him. And William reminded him that America had a strong moral compass.

William reminded him of the stars that had been shot dead by jealous husbands. “Don’t push your luck, Tom. You’re only screwing the wife, not both of them.”

But when Lily told him she was married to another woman, visions of having the two of them, well, that would have been a classic. He joked about it with William.

“So, I met this babe named Lily, who is incredibly hot to trot. She just can’t get enough of Big Tom, showering him love. I’m telling you, she couldn’t get enough of me. And she says she’d in an open marriage with another woman. She tells me the other woman is transgender.”

William looked at him. “Do you know what that means, Tom?”

“Sure. When we did public relation tours in Japan, we’d always do a little side trip to Thailand. I gotta tell you. Everything goes there, dude. I mean some of the players were really bent and loved breeding little girls who were only fifteen. But, I thought that was a sick thing until Wayne took me to a bar where all the entertainers were ladyboys. Amazing looking girlyboys who were eager to please. You could call the shots. Pre, post, two, three, whatever you wanted. Some of them would take a Viagra and their little stuff would stand up straight. Crazy!”

William didn’t say anything.

“So you see, Mr. Harvard Law, I’ve been around the block. But, back to this babe. She’s calling me up and arranging all these meet-ups. It was like she was in perpetual heat. I guess that lesbo action she was getting at home wasn’t enough cause she was begging for Big Tom. I mean, gorgeous body, beautiful face and old enough to appreciate my Major League touch.”

William laughed. “Please, Tom. I hope you don’t talk like that to your friends. Somebody could record your carrying on and you’d end up on the front page. Remember, you’re still selling that squeaky clean image, the All-American guy.”

“Yeah, I need to be in the movies. I could be an action hero.”

“Dream on, partner. But, you need to try to keep Big Tom in your pants. Or someday, you’re going to get your pants sued off.

Tom thought this whole thing was going to be a quickie, but Lily kept coming back, and back. She was really a woman he liked showing off. She was a quality piece and well, the last couple had been kinda cheap and trashy.

Sometimes he worried about the ones who kept coming back, but there was something special about this one. The biggest problem was that Lily was starting to grow on him. He liked her in and out of the sack. He enjoyed her pluck and her take no prisoners moxie. But, after a long weekend in Las Vegas where Lily had brought call girls up to entertain him, well, Tom thought he’d died and gone to heaven.

He was star-struck watching her maneuver these two babes around while they tickled his fancy. Then Lily took the lead engaging in stuff with these dolls you could only imagine in your fantasies.

He was sold.

He turned to Lily as he watched Camille walk away. He was having trouble not staring as he got a perfect view of the woman walking away. “Hey, babe. What just happened? Where are they going? I thought that we were getting something to eat.”

Lily grinned. “I guess your partner just swept her off her feet. I don’t think they’re coming back.”

Tom laughed. “That’s funny. I’ve never known William to be quick to the plate. But, I guess she must have swept him off his feet. The photos of the two of you together don’t do her justice. She’d a ten.”

Lily squeezed his muscle and bit his lower lip as she kissed him. “If she’s a ten, then what am I?”

Tom laughed but knew he’d better answer this one carefully. “You’re off the scale, baby. No one comes close to being as gorgeous as you are. But, seriously, I have a hard time believing that your ex is not real. I mean, when we traveled to Asia for exhibition games, we met plenty of ladyboys, but seriously.”

Lily grinned. “Oh, Tom. I never knew that you enjoyed pushing it deep into those cute trans girls.”

Tom laughed. “Well, if that’s what’s offered, who’s going to turn it down?”

Lily looked at him strangely. “Really, I took you for the All-American guy. Never saw you as the gay type.”

Tom took a big drink of his Scotch. “Guys? Nah. But, when a trans woman goes to all that trouble to make herself a woman, it’s the least I can do to show my appreciation. You know, the two of you are still close, right?”

Lily frowned. “Where’s this conversation going, Tom?”

“Well, I was thinking we could invite Camille to join us. After what you’ve told me, I’m sure she’d do whatever you asked. And seriously, once she gets a peek at Big Tom, well, he speaks for himself.”

Lily stewed a bit before she answered. “Hey. I’ve agreed to an open relationship and if that’s what you want, well, we can do it. But, don’t make me jealous or I might have to behead Big Tom.”

Tom pulled her in closed and squeezed her. “Oh, baby. I’ve only got eyes for you. Dipping Big Tom into an inkwell ain’t love; that’s lust. I love you but I’m not quite dead yet.”

Lily whispered in his ear. “I think it would be polite to let me know who you’re playing footsie with. I get wanting to screw the celebrity, but it better be wham, bam. Nothing that would make me feel taken advantage of.”

“I’m hearing you loud and clear. But, we need to talk about how much Big Tom loves tight spots. Seeing your ex just reminded me. Maybe you can show Big Tom how much you love him by showing him your other spot.”

Lily laughed. “Oh, baby. If I’m giving everything up to you, well, that’s a two way street. You need to learn to worship my beauty, too. You learn to eat at the table of love. You know, a little nibble goes a long way.”

Tom shook his head. “Seriously, that’s not what I am doing. I’m not in on that. But, why don’t we invite Camille over to worship me while Big Tom parts her Red Sea. You can watch and then the two of you could put on a little show like you did back in Vegas. I like watching a little girl-on girl.”

Lily frowned. “Okay, Mr. Smoothie. I think you’ve had too much to drink and not enough to eat. Let’s get you some black coffee and some starchy foods.”

Tom kissed his date. “Well, weren’t you going to tell me something tonight? Or were you saving it for the four of us?”

Lily blushed. “Camille signed the divorce papers today. I am a free woman and ready to become your love slave.”

Tom swallowed. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Good. So you’re a single babe, huh?”

“Yeah, Tom. I thought you’d want to make me an honest woman since I’m eight weeks along with your baby. Don’t you think Tom Reynolds the third should come into this world with a mom and dad who love him?”

It was all he could not to pass out. All the blood drained from his head with all this crazy news. This broad was carrying his baby and now she was expecting him to marry her. He was trying to think, but he was afraid he’d had too much drink on an empty stomach. He lurched up out of his seat and ran towards the men’s room.

He heard her calling to him but he was afraid to speak for fear it would all start coming up. He trotted to the men’s room, slammed the door open and pushed his way to an open stall. Forgetting all publish restroom protocol, he fell to his knees while his stomach emptied itself clean. He hung there waiting for another purge when he realized that this broad was standing next to him.

“Tom. Are you all right? Is there something I can get you? You want a cold towel for your head or something to clean yourself up with?”

He shook his pounding head. Divorced, pregnant, and wanting him to make her an honest woman cause she was carrying his baby. Thinking about that and suddenly his stomach emptied again until he felt rung out. Jesus, he thought. She was standing right there by his side.

He shook his head. “Pregnant? You sure?”

He chanced a look over his shoulder to see her grimace as she nodded. She was getting pissed.

He knew the next question would really pop her cork. “Are you sure it’s mine? I mean you’re the one who screws around without protection.”

Lily looked like she was ready to explode. He watched the tears fill her eyes. “I thought that’s what you wanted. I thought you were going to marry me and I’d give you a family. I was trying to please you.”

He was still too shaky to stand. He sat on the bathroom floor and looked up at her. He reached out and feebly grabbed her ankle. “That’s my dream, Lily. But, well, I never saw it coming around so fast. I mean, I love what we do together. You’re great. But, marriage and a family. I mean, I’m just forty. I could probably have kids for another ten years. I mean what’s the rush?”

She kicked him again. This time she hit his inner thigh. He realized what she was aiming for. “Hey, stop that! I get that your biological clock is running and a broad like you is running out of time. But, hey, for me. I have lots of younger women to choose from.

The next kick hit him right in the jaw and sent him backwards hitting the porcelain toilet bowl. He saw black.

Lily stared down at the unconscious man lying there. Then she noticed bright red blood coming from the back of his head. She kicked him in the side to see if he felt it. He didn’t move. She kicked him again and again and again until she couldn’t kick anymore.

She felt the tears running down her face. She shook her head and muttered, “Fuck me.”

As she walked straight out of the bathroom to the side exit, she prayed that no one saw her. She’d made the reservation in his name because it was the only way they could get a table with a week’s notice. She wondered when they’d find the dead man.

It was time to go home. She wiped the tears from her eyes and felt a pang of nausea pass through her system. It’s that baby, his fuckin’ baby. She thought about him and his baby. She remembered seeing Camille leaving with that side of beefcake.

As she drove back to her house, she stopped off at a bar. She needed a distraction to take her mind off this whole fucking mess. As she walked through the doors, she realized this was a biker bar. She saw the bare, muscle laden arms covered in tattoos. The dirty jean jackets smeared with sweat, blood and motor oil. Perfect, she thought. A couple of these boys should take care of all her problems.

She walked over to the bar making sure she didn’t lose her balance in her four-inch stilettos. Putting one foot on the rail, she looked around. She paused, then spoke with an air of confidence, “Okay, boys. Who wants to buy this lady a drink?”

Two hours later, she led the two bikers back to her place. As she turned onto the lane, she saw the lights, the trucks, and the flames. Smoke was billowing out from everywhere as the flames seemed to lick the old Victorian mansion.

As she got closer, a state policeman stopped her. “Excuse me, ma’am. You can get any closer. This is a total mess. The house is gone. We just got here about twenty minutes ago. We got an anonymous call. Are you the owner?”

Lily watched in her rear view mirror as the motorcycles turned sharply on the grass and beat a hasty retreat. Damn, she thought. This is turning out to be a real cluster-fuck. She’d never gotten the deed changed over or processed in court. She saw the divorce papers in the back seat. “Uh, no. It’s not mine. I just saw the flames and got curious.”

The policeman used his big flashlight to get her turned around and back down the lane. Lily tried to think about finding a place for the night. She realized that everything she owned was back at that house.

Shaking her head, she decided to drive back into town. She still had to go to work in the morning.

As we stood together out on the patio, those were the last words I expected to hear from this man, William. Sure, I’d gotten a number of common lines from guys trying to pick me up. Out for drinks with friends, even wearing an engagement ring and wedding band, guys would hit on me.

I didn’t blame them. I’d spent a ton of cash making myself as beautiful as possible. I had the money, thank you, gran, and could afford to spend it. Sure, vanity and all that, but, I wanted my outer shell go along with my brain. I dreamed of making myself flawless. I did it for all for myself unlike Lily who needed her looks to wrap every soul around her pinkie while dangling her beauty.

We’d walked out on the happy couple. They’d probably spend the night drinking and maybe end up back at his place since it was closer.

But, I still had this weird entanglement with a beautiful man who just told me that his brother was trans. I assumed that this brother used to be his sister. I paused for a moment and thought to about this brother’s life and wondered how he was doing. I could ask.

I looked at this guy. “William, tell me about your older brother.”

He nodded. “I’ll keep it sweet and simple. Jan was always our mother’s helper. I don’t think that anyone knew how she felt inside. She never acted out her feelings, but in high school started becoming the guy she wanted to be. By the time she got to college, she’d told everyone about her plans.

“She transitioned during those four years and became my older brother. Our relationship never changed. I loved Jan and he loved me. Eventually, he finished up and found a loving woman to marry. They are happy raising two kids and we’re still very close.”

Camille shook her head. “So how about you?”

William smiled. “I was closed to being engaged to Jessica. We lived together and we loved each other dearly. We met in college and shared a place for two more years. But, well, it wasn’t perfect. She met another guy and just loved him more. We both cried, but it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“So, I’ve been dating but I’m not really looking for another Jessica.”

I squeezed his hand. “I want to talk to you until the sun comes up. I have this great place out on the coast if you want to take a drive. But, I have a favor to ask before we head out.”

I saw him smile and look at me. This might have been Lily’s plan, but sometimes things don’t always go the way you plan them. I didn’t know this beautiful man, but he seemed like a nice guy.

When I was eighteen and met Lily, I sensed something special and acted on it. And now, we were standing here on the patio under the stars and I felt good about myself. I realized I didn’t need a plan but just to go with the flow.

“Tell me, William. How are you at building fires? Tonight, I want to burn my house down.”

He shrugged. “That’s the wildest pickup line I’ve ever heard. I know you’re crazy rich but I didn’t see you as insane. I guess if it’s your house, you can burn it down if you want to. But along the way, I need to ask you what your plans on for thirty percent of our company.”


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Lily getting what she deserved! William at least so far seems to have a decent head on his shoulders. But he has done his research so I'd be wary Camille!


Just asking if you went back and read the previous parts of this story?

Cause I completely rewrote it all, doubled in size, and it’s chock full

Nevertheless, glad you read, wrote, and enjoyed

PS Yeah, We had to listen to Sophia

I'll check

I'll go check! If there's more I need to see it


I had not seen the edits to the previous chapters, went and re-read. Sophia had it right all along!


Thanks for looking again. I worked harder



Lilly burned 2 bridges in 1 night.

Samantha Heart's picture

And Camille helped burn the second lol. Her house she can do what she wants. Lilly only THOUGHT she was going to marry Tom. Tom had other plans & now technically it could be second degree murder at the VERY least involuntary manslaughter. As for the house.... I guess next chapter will tell & is William offering Camille 30% of the company or does she already OWN 30% of the company.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

I like that two bridges

Dear Samantha,

Thanks for reading and writing

That’s where are story ends, but hope you enjoyed it.

Our story ends?

Julia Miller's picture

You have me confused Leslie. Is this the last part of the story, or is it just beginning? If it has ended please mark it complete so there is no confusion. If it is still ongoing, I will await chapter 4.


Its truly over. I have to learn how to mark a story complete. THX


I have to learn how to do that. THX

The end?

Samantha Heart's picture

So much MORE TO TELL! Sad you left it here :"(

Love Samantha Renée Heart.


Well, who knows. My next book that you read here, Invisible, will be published in September. If it gets five-star reviews, I might think about telling more of Camille’s story.

Interesting developments

Julia Miller's picture

We find that Tom is just a player, and he is in no hurry to get married. When Lily told him she was pregnant, he was physically sick, telling her exactly how he feels about it. Now it looks like Lily has possibly killed him or at the very least he is going to be in the hospital with a concussion.

In the revised chapter 2, Camille's friend Sophia told him that she should burn down the Victorian house rather than give it to Lily. The question now is, who torched the home? Camille did remark that the house didn't explode behind her as she left, but did she set a fire before she left? Or did Sophia? Maybe we will never find out who did it, but Camille will get the insurance money and Lily will get nothing and has lost everything. This story is becoming more interesting as I feel that Camille has a very passive-aggressive personality, and it wouldn't surprise me that she is underhanded when it comes to Lily.

Lily has now realized that Tom, regardless of his current state will never marry her, he is just a player. And she will be a single mom. Will she come crawling back to Camille? I hope so, and I hope that Camille tells her to find another "real man" since she needs "steak" in her life and Camille isn't enough for her, so please leave my home.

A burning question

I thought I cleared the issue up of the house in the last dialogue between William and Camille.

But, I always like leaving the reader pleased but wondering. That’s my cruel side writing

I don't know how I missed that last line.

Julia Miller's picture

But after looking at the story again, it's plain as day. Thanks for the great story, and I look forward to your future ones too. You also did well updating the first two chapters as well, and fleshing them out to make a more complete story.

Thank You for Rereading

I did go back to add many details and ‘stuff’ to improve it.

I feel better now

Bravo, Leslie

Robertlouis's picture

If this is where it ends, is pretty damn perfect. Tom turns out to be the dick thinking piece of shit we all suspected, and Lily, shallow, self obsessed Lily, was too blind to see it all along.

Meanwhile Camille may just have hit it lucky with William. It would be surprising if it was forever, but we are in the realm of fairytales, so you never know.

Your editing and augmentation of parts one and two were masterful, especially Sophia’s back story and her no holds barred advice. Her analysis of Lily was perfect too.

Yes, you could continue the story, but you don’t need too. It’s perfect as it is. Quite superb, Ms Moore. Applause and hugs.

Rob xxx


Oh, wow

I should be curtsying after your very kind review. Thank you for rereading and taking the time to write. I only wish all my readers would go back and note the changes.

I left the ending open to let you imagine where everyone goes after this. That’s my evil showing through!

But, Invisible is almost ready and I’ll need to turn my attention back to that.

Thank you again for the accolades,


oops, that's not good

a dead baseball player is gonna raise some questions



Robertlouis's picture

A female soccer player maybe….

We’ve just had the Women’s Euros here in the UK. And England won.



Dear Robert,

Here across the pond, all those retired athletes still hold peoples attention. And baseball players who are players keep the gossip magazines selling. A-Rod still keeps people yapping.


Dear Dorothy,

Thanks again for sharing. Hopefully, the police will rule Tom’s death accidental and call it an Elvis. I’m hoping it remains a bit of a mystery and turns into an urban legend.

Lily would probably forget him before she gets back to work in the morning. After all, she’s got a whole world of problems ahead of her to solve

All In The Last Sentence

joannebarbarella's picture

William asked what her plans were for 30% of "our company" Obviously he has done his homework on Camille and probably owns a slice of the company himself, enough that the two of them can control it.

Tom and Lily are toast.

I must admit to being a bit disappointed at the rather abrupt ending. However, it's your story Leslie, so if you take your bat and ball and go home it's your call.


Dear Joanna,

Thanks again for reading and writing. Sadly, I’m just not that productive. It’s a very abrupt ending but, a climax is a climax.

Maybe after Invisible is published I will be able to use my brain power elsewhere.

The list gets longer. Invisible published, Taylor Too for BigCloset, and I really want my girls back. So it’s a Wildcats’ Summer (working title)

Maybe we can visit Camille again to see how she’s doing


Love it


Wendy Jean's picture

Basically got what she deserved, the male version of someone who was just like her.


I'm reworking Divorced! for the other site to use to advertise Being Invisible . Uh-huh. My editor, Tom, suggested altering the name because too many Invisible are out there.

So, it's fun. I get to move things around a little bit, too.

A few last changes for the cover and it will be ready to go!