I find it fascinating how much people get messed up, and then report it as the truth.
I got an email about "watching out for public records being released, and what they may say about you." So, just for kicks, I looked myself up online to see what it says.
The result? Whitepages isn't making a good impression with me They have 2 wrong aliases and 3 incorrect places I used to live. "Uh.... No, I don't think I really want to pay for your services. You don't seem to know much about your 'subjects'."
The sad thing is, for the free info that they put out to draw people in, they're so blatantly wrong, one has to wonder what other incorrect info people pay are paying money to get.
Same here
I've observed the same thing. My name at birth shows incorrect relationships and while some of the address info is good there's more that is so wrong it isn't funny. The last time I didn't live in Oregon, I was 4 years old. But they have me living in one East coast state and two midwestern states. What's more they have me living in some towns in Oregon that I've never even visited.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Some of the info I got had my kids addresses and my middle initial as their first initial.
I just got another email supposedly from American Airlines. A surprise for their customers. Let's see. Southwest, southwest. Canada 3000, both ways, and 4 southwests. Nope. No American in there.
Yeah just the other day I got
Yeah just the other day I got an email addressed to my comcast address (which is the usual [firstname].[lastname]@comcast.net). It was about some transaction or the other.
Only it was for [firstname] F. [lastname]. My middle initial is not F. And from my brief glance at the rest of the message it was for someone several thousand miles away.
Heck back when they still distributed free phone books, I found several folks with the same name her in the Portland Metro area.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Giving my phone a trip???
I continue to get calls where my phone has been selected to receive a free trip on carnival cruises. (?)
Why is my phone getting a trip and I'm not? Who has it been seeing when I'm asleep? What has it been doing? What kinda relationships is it in? Why can't it be honest with me, rather than keeping these things secret???
Now, I look at my phone with suspicion and distrust. It knows so much about me, and I'm always wondering who its talking to behind my back!
Less scope for confusion
if you're the only one in the world with your name. Please note that I said less, not no.
While my first and middle
While my first and middle name aren't terribly popular I'm not the only person in the world who has them. In fact, I know of one extremely famous and rather wealthy person who had my first two names (although reversed). If only I had received some of his royalty checks!