A New Style of Education - Part 46

A New Style of Education

by Karen Page

Part 46

After the issues surrounding the Russian trip, will there be any more concerts abroad?

Part 46

Thankfully, the trip back to Hayfield was uneventful. Whoever was behind the leak had probably resigned themselves to the fact that the information had been sent elsewhere electronically and there was no point in further exposure. The bad news was there was definitely a leak. If they didn't know of the Beta team before, they probably did now. If they'd known about the Betas, why hadn't the word spread?

Because we were flying west, we arrived only an hour after setting off, which I thought was quite spooky, but I hadn't done any long distance flying before. The school took care of the luggage, so once we'd passed through passport control, we boarded the waiting coaches.

I'd never been so glad to see the gates of Hayfield as when they swung open majestically upon our arrival. This had been one very unusual, and very stress filled field trip. The time before the concert had been educational, with a smattering of fun. I'd never known anything like the euphoria of the actual concert. Finally, there had been the terror of the rescue, but it was also tinged with the satisfaction that I'd helped.

Checking in the travel PDA's was as fun as it normally was. A few cracked jokes as they waited, but we were all used to the chore and everyone in our year room was patient. The television and radio were back showing the full range of channels and were blaring out some great tunes. It felt good to be back to normal.

"Why don't we all meet back here in a little bit," Helen suggested, as I finished the last PDA. "I know I need a shower."

When we got to our rooms, Helen followed me into my room. This wasn't unusual, my door was the first, and she normally used the interconnecting door to get to her room. Instead of going next door, Helen took my hand and led me to the settee and we tried to make up for the kisses we'd both missed out on.

"I slept with Stacy," I blurted out as we broke for air.

"You WHAT?" shouted Helen, breaking away from me. I thought she would have been pissed, but she seemed more shocked and confused.

I realised she thought we'd got up to more than sleeping. "No, you've misunderstood. She just slept next to me, due to my nightmare. We didn't do anything naughty. Heck, Jill and Anna were in the same room."

"Oh," said Helen, a small impish grin appearing on her face. "So, nothing happened then?"

"Not really."

"Explain!" Helen demanded, the grin disappearing.

"We woke up to find my left hand was-" I broke off and blushed. Helen just burst out laughing.

"Your hand seems to do that a lot to me, too," she continued to laugh.

"So you're not upset?"

"I'm sure it was an accident. I think it's rather funny."

"I hope Andy does, too. So did you also have nightmares?"

"With the amount of therapy we got last night, there wasn't a chance. Also-" Helen blushed. "We slept in the same bed, too."

"Sleep slept, or … " I wiggled my eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"We were too tired to even think about anything other than sleep, and we didn't wake up to find his hand over my breast."

"I really missed you," I said, pulling Helen back onto my lap.

After a few more minutes of kissing, Helen said, "We better get our showers."

I nodded and as she disappeared I felt a bit apprehensive, but knowing that Helen was only next door kept me from freaking out. I'd thought about inviting her into the shower with me, but knew that unless a suicide alert had been called, this would be breaking one of the main school rules.

Not wanting to be alone led to a quick shower. I debated if Helen would like me as Jayne for the rest of the day, but since she'd not mentioned it, I decided to be dress as David.

I was just finishing getting dressed when Helen opened the interconnecting door. As the door opened I swung round to see her. An almighty scream pieced my ears and I wondered exactly how soundproof the rooms were. As I approached her, she fainted.

This wasn't like the Helen I knew. Without hesitation I pulled out my PDA and pressed the "Emergency" button on the screen. That connected me to Rachel instantly.

"Yes?" came the calm voice of Rachel.

"We'd just been getting changed, and when Helen came in the room she screamed and then fainted and hit her head as she fell. She's still not awake."

"I'm on my way. Please stay with her."

What did she think I was going to do? Leave her lying here while I go down to the common room?

I sat besides Helen, gently stroking her face, murmuring "It'll be okay" over and over. I don't know if I was trying to convince Helen or myself.

Helen started to come round just as Rachel appeared. Dr Sue was hot on Rachel's heels.

"Okay, would you sit behind Helen and support her as she comes round?" suggested Dr Sue.

I did as asked and lifted her up, my arms hugging her.

"Are you okay, Helen?" asked Dr Sue, getting onto her knees to be close to Helen. "You fainted and banged your head."

"I'm okay," Helen replied, sounding puzzled. I think she started to remember what had happened, as her heart rate started going up.

"Take deep breaths," recommended Dr Sue, as she methodically checked Helen. "Breath in slowly through your nose. Hold it for a second, good. Now slowly exhale through your mouth. That's good. Now again, in ... hold ... now exhale. One more time, in ... hold ... now exhale. Excellent."

Helen started to calm down. Her face had been watching Dr Sue and she'd been doing exactly as instructed. "Okay, if you start getting worried, then try that to see if that helps."

"So what's wrong, Helen?" Rachel gently asked.

Helen started deep breathing again. "David," she eventually croaked. "Guard ... dead."

"Let's go next door and have a little chat, shall we?" asked Rachel, helping Helen up. "Keep your eyes closed and take deep breaths. I'll guide you."

I sat where I'd been, worried about Helen and what had happened to set her off. "Are you okay?" Dr Sue asked.

"Not really. I just don't know what's wrong with Helen. I didn't do anything, did I?"

"I presume it was something to do with what happened in Russia."

"How do you mean?" I asked, not knowing how much the good doctor knew.

"The whole school is buzzing in a way I've not seen before. I've seen a few students since they got back, but every time I ask how the trip was, I just get how good the concert was."

I inwardly smiled. As Mr Hobson said the other week, the students here were very intelligent and understood what they knew was another school secret. I wonder how much the others know or thought they know. I guess we'll find out later.

"It wasn't just a great concert, it was wonderful. Both pieces really energised both the choir and the orchestra. Helen was so agitated, why didn't you give her an injection to calm her down?"

"I could have, but sometimes there are other techniques that can help a person better. Without knowing the cause of Helen's issue, it isn't a good idea to chemically sedate her. That might cause more issues than it solves."

Dr Sue stood up as Rachel returned through the interconnecting door and shut it behind her.

"David, I know this is going to be hard on you, but would you mind being Jayne for a bit longer? Seeing you as David brought back the memories of what happened.

Am I destined to live my life as Jayne? I just nodded, half understanding what Rachel was saying. I would have dressed like a cow if it would help Helen through this.

"You know I can't make a proper judgement on how to help if I don't know what's going on," complained Dr Sue.

Rachel sighed and then reluctantly said, "You're right. Christopher shot someone who was about to shoot David. Helen should have finished on the toilet, so I better get back to her. David, when you are changed, come on through."

"How are you coping?" asked Dr Sue, after Rachel had disappeared.

"I feel crap, especially when I'm alone," I said honestly. "But I am talking about it and trying to get sorted. Anyway, would you mind talking about this some other time? I need to get changed so I can be with Helen."

"Don't worry; I won't discuss this with anybody until Dr Ruiz says I can. In the meantime, are there any other students that were involved in the shooting, so I know how to treat them better?"

"Andy and Stacy," I reluctantly confessed. "Marcus was also about to be shot at, and Andy also shot someone."

"Thank you. Look, if you need to talk with someone who doesn't work fulltime for the school, yet knows how to keep things confidential, my door is always open.

With Dr Sue gone, I quickly got changed. It didn't take me long to appear as Jayne. Heck, I'd been dressing as Jayne so much the last few weeks that I think it takes me longer to get presentable as David than Jayne. I sent a message to the school salon and cancelled my hair appointment for later that afternoon.

Tentatively, I opened the door to Helen's room. She was sitting on the settee, Rachel next to her. I mustn't have been quiet enough, as Helen looked up. Her face lit-up for a moment then she burst into tears. I rushed across the room, and thankfully Rachel moved out of the way so I could get as close to Helen as possible.

"Why are you crying?" I said, stroking the smooth skin on her face.

"Because I was silly and now you are back as Jayne."

"It's only clothes," I reassured her. "You need to get over things. All I know is I'm so grateful that you saved my life."

Rachel waited until Helen had sorted herself out before saying, "Tomorrow Jayne, you have an appointment with Edith straight after breakfast. Helen, you will have one just after lunch. In the meantime, if you have any more panics or frights, then I'm at the end of the PDA."

"You aren't going to chat with us for hours now?" I asked, amazed that we were finished so quickly.

Rachel smiled at that, but then in a serious voice said, "No, not now. Yes, you both need to come to terms with what happened. The best way forward is knowing that you are both safe and loved. You'll get that by spending time together and with your year. I only wish we'd been able to get you together last night, then things might not have been so bad."

"What happens with us and the Beta team?" Helen asked Rachel.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we going to be kicked off, because we couldn't handle things?"

"Look, you have had a shock. You were very brave in doing what you did when you weren't ready. Whether you continue or not is mostly up to you, but I'm sure others will have a say too. In some ways I'm quite upset that you were put in that situation, but it happened and now we will deal with it. Why don't you go and see your friends? I'll be around if you need me."

"Thanks, Rachel," I gave her a big hug. "You've been great."

"Thanks, Jayne," she smiled, hoping that Jayne was turning a corner.

As we entered our common room, the conversations stopped and there was silence.

"Are you okay?" asked Jill. I was glad someone spoke so we didn't have to start.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're still Jayne," said Anna.

"And Dr Sue and Rachel were seen running to your room," add Jill.

"I'll explain later, but Helen fainted and banged her head very badly." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete story. I didn't want to explain more until we've had the chat Mr Moore mentioned.

After everyone who arrived asked the same questions, I decided to send everyone in the year a text message. I hated sounding like a parrot. At least the message was read, as nobody else who arrived later asked and we all had a relaxed afternoon playing games, with the music booming away in the background.

At the evening meal there was a general buzz in the air. We were home after a successful concert and we were now able to relax. Lessons wouldn't start again for another few days. Yet there was something more, there was the anticipation of the discussions that would take place after the meal. Hayfield's was going to take place in the cinema, and The Manor's would take place in the hall.

Even though everyone knew these meetings would be happening, nobody discussed them, just as nobody had discussed the activities that happened during the field trip. It was if everyone knew something, but didn't feel it was right to talk about it. The biggest topic during lunch was when the American students would be going home and how we could stay in touch. This led to rather bizarre conversations ranging from exchanging email addresses, inter-site voice routing and even wondering if we could put up a camera in the common rooms so we could make video calls.

"Good luck," Ruth whispered, as we left the dining room, our stomachs again full.

"And you," I replied.

Jessica sidled up to me as we walked down the stairs towards the cinema. "Jayne, Sam and I have been discussing things and have had an idea. Can we have a private chat with you and Helen?"

"Sure. Let's see how tonight goes and then we will discuss things either later tonight, or if it isn't an emergency, can it wait until tomorrow?"

"Yes, though I don't think tonight will be as big an issue as you are worried about."

I hoped Jessica was right. The confectionary room was closed, so we went straight into the cinema and took our usual seats. It didn't take long for everyone in Hayfield to arrive and the doors to be closed. The only people there who weren't students were Rachel and Mr Hobson.

Mr Hobson positioned himself at the front. "Well, this is a chat that I'd hoped never to give. However, in light of the events in Moscow, and some that occurred beforehand, it is something I feel needs to happen."

Following a pause as he glanced around, Mr Hobson continued, "As you are aware, Mr Moore is hosting a meeting with his school, and will be covering similar topics. Hopefully we will be giving the same information. Some of the information I'm outlining tonight you might have guessed, some you might have misunderstood, and some you probably aren't aware of. It is very important that you fully understand what I say, so if you have any questions then please ask. If you're too nervous to ask, then get your year leader to do so on your behalf.

"As you are all aware, the school was formed to give an environment free from discrimination and pressure. Children who were failing in the standard school environment, but showed a better potential were offered places at the school. Some fit into the LGBT arena, others do not, but have other issues that kept them from succeeding or reaching their maximum potential. It was found that a lot of the students were musically minded, and we encouraged that as a group activity. As the orchestra's standard increased, we started performing concerts abroad.

"As this was happening, certain incidents were occurring where we were visiting. These by themselves were quite innocuous, but taken with other things, were quite concerning. I'm not going to get into the conversations that followed, but from that point, several people tagged along as helpers. While we were having the concerts, they would retrieve certain bits of information. This information was then passed on to relevant governments, or used to persuade the offending parties that information was known, to get them to sort things out themselves. Sometimes it wasn't governments that were the concern, but companies or other organisations. By doing this, it has prevented wars, deaths and other conflicts."

Tim from year three raised his hand, "Does this put the school at risk?"

There were some mutterings, but Mr Hobson quickly said, "This is a good question and very relevant. If you don't mind, I will answer it fully in a minute, as I need to cover some more ground first."

"About eight years ago, one of the students at the school noticed the activities and approached me to ask if they could do anything to help. I was reluctant, because I didn't want to spoil the innocence of the students. She approached one of the other people who tagged along and suggested the same idea. To say the least, I wasn't happy."

"Anyway, the upshot was that I, along with Kate, Rachel's predecessor, eventually agreed, as long as she didn't get involved with these activities while in school. I had no issues in helping her concentrate on getting more knowledge which would help in her chosen career. Rather quickly, this became more formal, and what we now refer to as the Beta team was created. These are normal students, but they get some special training to help them if they wish to pursue such a career. At any time there are six Betas in this school, and they will only train in case of need. The only reason they would use their new skills while at school would be if something happened to the Alpha team, as the people who tagged along became called, while we were on a trip. This seemed a safe system, the school was helping the students in a safe environment, and the extra activities that occurred while abroad didn't cause any impact, but hopefully made things safer for everyone when you left school."

Mr Hobson took a sip of water and looked around to gauge our reaction. So far we'd all be pretty quiet.

"For many years, things worked well. The first sign that something was wrong was when the wife and eldest daughter of a member of the Alpha team were killed. At the time, it seemed just like an accident. The next two incidents happened this school year, and both involve someone from MI6. At the concert just before the trip to France, a member of the Beta team saw someone planting a covert listening device, or bug, at the school."

"Last month, the same person was seen entering the building where information was stored regarding Russia. A leak at the school was suspected and with two other events occurring, it certainly looked like it. However, none of these leaks hurt the school or students, so the trip to Russia took place as planned. I want to be completely clear that if there had seemed likely to be any risk to you, then the trip would have been cancelled.

"In Russia, it appears that the Alpha teams were expected at the two targets they were after. Due to extra security that had been installed, the Alpha teams were trapped. As a result, the Beta teams were activated and went out to cause some diversions, which we hoped would allow the Alpha teams to get out. This is a rather simplified version of events or we would be here all evening. So for Tim's question; yes, the Beta teams were in danger while they were out. The rest of the school might have been in trouble if one of the Beta's had been caught. Tim, does that answer your question?"

There was some mumbling where year-three were sitting, before Tim replied, "Yes, thank you."

"Excellent. The current situation is that we still have no idea who the leak is. We have ruled out the students, and all the information we have indicates it is a member of staff at this school. We aren't sure if they knew about the Beta team or know its makeup, though they certainly seemed to know about the Alpha team. So, I'm going to ask something very unusual. If you have any questions regarding this, please only discuss it with your year leader, with Dr Ruiz, or myself."

There were a few gasps, but most seemed to understand why, and I'm sure the rest would quickly cotton on.

"Now, I have a question for you. We have one final field trip this school year, to play in Tehran. Do you still want to go ahead with the trip? If so, do you mind the Alpha team still doing what they've done? These are two very big questions, and I would be grateful if you could vote on this tomorrow morning. I'll open up a secure vote on the system, which will be open between eight and half-eight. The details of how you vote will not be stored. Susan, you have a question?"

"I know you don't want to, but can you tell us why Iran, and what information you are trying to get? It would help us weigh the dangers you've described against the aims. "

"You're right on both counts," agreed Mr Hobson. "I don't want to discuss it, but it would give you a more complete picture." He paused, trying to decide how much to tell us. "We are trying to avert a war. A bit of background, Iran signed something called the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which tries to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Some countries are saying that Iran can't be trusted, and is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran maintains that it isn't, and is just trying to develop the technology to build a nuclear power station. A power station is allowed under the treaty. We have been following a paper trail, which has led us to the Iran trip. Is that enough?"

"No, not really. What would happen if we didn't go?"

"Hopefully, nothing. One of the most likely outcomes would be one of the other schools would go instead, but that would probably delay things for a few extra months. As, we already have the invitation and are going with our orchestra, we are the best placed to be unobtrusive."



"Since there are other schools involved, I take it the Alpha teams aren't part of the government?"

"Correct, they aren't part of the government. This is a group that works across nations, though where appropriate, it does assist them. Daniel?"

"I think most of us know who the Beta team is, but could you confirm so that there is no ambiguity?"

I wondered what Mr Hobson would do with that one. He certainly didn't answer straight away. I glanced across and saw that Stacy was giving small nods.

"I can't make that choice," eventually said Mr Hobson. "That is up to each individual member."

"Do you want to?" I murmured to Helen.

"No, but I think we should."

Stacy and Andy rose first, with Helen and I quickly following. I began to wonder if Ingrid and Fran would join us, when Ingrid stood and Fran, seemingly reluctantly, slowly joined her partner on her feet.

Stacy spoke, her voice slightly shaky, "I think I'm speaking for the entire Beta team, I would like to thank you for the support you gave us last night. I know a number of you were asked to provide assistance without being told why, and unquestionably did your stuff. Without you, I don't think we could have managed. Thank you."

The six of us sat down. I was relieved to be out of the spotlight, but I knew it would lead to more questions later.

"Okay, I don't see any more raised hands. If you do have any questions, or think of some later, then please either speak to me, Dr Ruiz or your year leader. Hopefully you will all give the questions all the thought they deserve and vote with your conscience. Only you can decide. Over the years, I've seen you all develop far more than anybody outside this school ever thought possible. This is what school should be about, and every night I go to bed with my heart glowing with pride. The last two days have been the total opposite. Students have been in danger and could have been killed. This goes against everything the school stands for. However, when I see how you all have been over this time, all I can say is how proud I am to know you all."

As we walked back to the common-room, my mind was swirling with thoughts. It seemed a lot of pressure to ask us if we still wanted to go to Iran and if so, have the Alpha team with us. On the other hand, it only seemed fair, as we potentially were being put into danger. Also, would I still be a Beta member when we went to Iran?

It looked like we'd got back just after The Manor had. There was none of the joking or laughing that had occurred during our previous get togethers.

"Well?" Melissa said. "How did your chat go?"

"We have to vote in the morning, to see if we still go to Iran."

"I know. It seems we are the first choice for the backup school. There is less risk, because we don't have the leak, but we haven't been practicing the language like you have. We're also scheduled to hold a concert somewhere else, although we haven't been told where."

We all chatted about things, and found that similar questions had been asked, including who was on the Beta team. After what had happened in Russia, it wasn't a surprise to anybody in the year that Ruth, Michelle, Helen and I were Beta members, though some of the members in both schools were a surprise to some.

"So what exactly happened in Russia?" asked Wesley.

Helen started shaking and I dragged her close. "Would it help if you went for a walk with Ruth or Michelle?" I whispered, after she dragged herself onto my knees.

"At least they wouldn't keep wondering," she responded, as I stroked her cheek.

"Okay," I said to everyone in the room. "I'll explain, but Helen is finding certain parts very hard to talk about." I turned to Ruth and Michelle, "Would one of you go for a wander with Helen?"

"I'll do it," said Michelle jumping up. "Ruth is much better at explaining what happened from our point of view."

"Actually, why don't you go see Edith now, instead of tomorrow? She might be able to help you some." At Helen's blank look, I said, "It is her specialty."

"Okay," Helen responded doubtfully.

Once Helen and Michelle had closed the door, I said, "Ruth and I went to different buildings. Ruth, why don't you go first and then I'll explain what happened to us."

"Actually, it seems we had the tougher assignment. We had a fairly simple diversion planed that would have simply set off a bunch of alarms. However, a search team had just turned up, so the Manor's Alpha team couldn't get out. Hayfield caused a wider diversion, which caused the search team to leave, and the Alpha team was able to get out. As we went back to the hotel, we nearly got caught in a military roadblock. Skip and Ed diverted them, and we got back to the hotel safely, but they got trapped in a square. Andy and Christopher were able to get them out."

I then explained about what happened, including the shooting of the guards and the explosions. "Remember earlier, when Rachel and Dr Sue went to our room? When Helen saw me back as David, it seems to have reminded her of the shooting. Until she gets over things, I'll be staying as Jayne."

"Are you okay?" asked Emma.

"Not really, just not reacting the same way Helen is. I don't do very well if I'm alone. Twice when I was alone in the hotel in Moscow I got very scared. I've not really been alone since, apart from when I had a shower, but I knew that Helen was next door. I might be okay here at school, because I know it's safe. I'm talking about it with Rachel, and also Edith Covington from the Manor; she specialises in trauma cases."

"Do you still want to be in the Beta team?" asked Wesley, shocked at what I'd told them.

"Yes. Just knowing that I might be able to make a difference in the world and helping others is enough. I just wish you lot didn't know about it."


"Because it's so embarrassing and because I'm suffering a bit because of it. I don't want to give you the wrong impression. Nobody forced me to be in the Beta team. Nobody forced me to go out yesterday. In fact, Mr Hobson was horrified that Helen and I were going out, because he thought we were too young and we'd not had the same level of training as the others."

"So it wasn't like a James Bond film then?" said Lewis. At the puzzled looks, he continued, "You know, fancy flash cars, sexy women, baddies with bad puns etc."

That produced a few laughs. "No, it was cold snow, biting wind, and sleeping without Helen."

"You did get to sleep with Stacy though," said Jill. There was a gasp in the room, and Anna promptly elbowed Jill in the ribs.

"When I had a nightmare, she joined me in the same bed. Nothing happened." I felt a pang of disappointment, and quickly buried it. It mustn't have carried into my voice, as nobody said anything.

Michelle came back without Helen. She looked at me, "Helen is talking to Edith now. I offered to stay as company, but Edith said it would be best if it were just the two of them. She said she'd call you when they're finished."

"Have you finished interrogating us?" Ruth asked, as Michelle sat next to her.

Nobody said they hadn't, so I presumed they had. "I hope you can understand why I didn't say anything," I said, mainly to the Hayfield people.

"Yes. We knew you were up to something, but hadn't realised you were as involved as you are."

"Can we join?" Anna suddenly blurted out.

"In a way, you already have," Michelle said. "You each have different skills, and from what I saw you're all willing to help when those skills are needed. Only a few were needed this time, but we'll be at these schools for the next five years, and who knows what could happen over that time."

"If we don't go to Iran, what will happen about the leak?"

"It depends. At the moment, we have no clue to who it is. Without more leaks, it will be hard to track them down. Over the last few months there have been clues, but it hasn't shortened the list by much."

"Oh, it sounds a bit like the first Harry Potter book," said Martha, getting excited. "Remember where they were trying to find out who was after the stone? We are trying to find the leak."

"Yes, but we won't be here," sighed Erika. "We'll be back at the Manor."

"Oh, yeah," sighed Aaron. "They told us when we're going home. We leave on Friday."

At that announcement the room turned silent. We'd been together a month, but it seemed much longer. We all knew they would eventually go home, but Friday seemed too soon.

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